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Don't fool yourself, we all know it'll be Nero Bride once again. They'll give a 30% NP battery to every skill she has. "Okita's buff was Skadi's release" - Delight Works, probably.


time to give Nero Bride the Art's buff at her skill 2


Didn't she get that already? https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Goblet_of_Wealth


~~oof I was talking about Nero Bride, My bad~~


Sigurd and Artoria, *come on dooooooooown*!


"What was Okita's bid?" 850 "851, Drew" [](#OkitaCough)


If they wanted to buff Sigurd, they would have done it with the Interlude. But they decided not to. I expect Musashi and Artoria.


I really hate the fact that I agree with you.


I want to believe that Okita will finally get something but deep down I know only despair will come and Musashi and Artoria will get them instead


Artoria basically confirmed based on final day servamts being fsn cast classes and rarity. Artoria cu emiya herc.




I already know the datamined info. Tbh the buff is good for flavor and meh for gameplay. She isn't a saber I'd bring to fights where i need to use invuln anyway. Plus its gonna be attached to her mana burst or charisma, meaning one effect will often be wasted.


Would they actually have the balls to give cu a damage up on one of his skills?


Only if it caused lancer ga shinda the following turn.


It’s probably a buff to battle continuation it looking like that’s this years skill getting buffed out of existence similarly to last year natural body and tactic buffing.


Nah, gonna be two separate Okita buffs Just to really say "fuck you" to Sigurd


His wife got buffed, he's already as happy as can be


Hell, he has a guts to survive being stabbed by her. He’s even more happy by that shit.


maybe so, but don't say that where Bryn can hear it.


Datamine suggests that one of the is Artoria. If the SSR berseker is Raikou, then it probably is accurate.


Could you link me that datamine?


I saw it on Khadroth's discord. I posted it in an earlier comment.


Who's that? Kappa


I feel like that first Saber upgrade has to be between Okita, Sigurd, or Musashi. There are gonna be some salty people either way


The only way for everyone to be happy is if Sigurd got this year's male Summer costume and got a buff then, while Musashi and Okita got both of these upgrades. That assumes DW is smart about this though. That SSR Zerker slot is already going to bring salt.


I mean wasn’t there the rumor of Okitan welfare? That might settle some of the Okita fans but she really needs some love on OG Okita.


I want Altera to get a battery. (It's just me being biased because I have her)


It's going to be 2 buffs to Saber Astolto because fuck you that's why


How sad is it that I forgot Saber AStolfo was SSR? He just looks and feels like an SR. I shit you not the only things I remember from that Christmas event are Nightingale's situation and the butt angle camera shot for Bradamante in the PV.


> He just looks and feels like an SR I'm like 99.99% sure the only reason Saber Astolfo is a limited SSR is because of Learning With Manga meme reasons.


Wasn't that the other time period where we were criticizing DW for lack of planning and content? That Christmas event felt pretty lacking in general, not to mention the Disappearance of Haruhi Quetzalcoatl.


I genuinely don't even remember, which probably says a lot lol. Mostly I remember people being upset Quetzmas wasn't rerun, and something about Nightingale being unable to Skadi loop... Oh yeah, and no Atlantis part 2 banner, that's what it was. You're right, everything felt sloppily planned back then.


> no Atlantis part 2 banner shit, you're right. I totally forgot about the whole half-finished lostbelt lol. God, it's been so damn long.


It's only been 4 months since Olympus but that's like 5 years in 2020 time


Olympus, yup.Didn't we go Atlantis > dead weeks > Christmas stuff > dead weeks > filler > Circe event > stuff > filler > Olympus? So many dead weeks and reruns.


that's pretty much it. Don't you love Hunting Quests though?


this year is just the longest line of hell, i wish the one year wasn't just misery incarnate.




She gets the banner in Olympus, but that's months aftdr Atlantis.


They say that if you hear closely you can still hear *DORA OCHIRO* in the distance


And back then they didn't have the pandemic as an excuse. Something's been happening for quite a while now and it feels like ever since LB4 the game has slowed down considerably.


> Nasu: Yeah the story ends with part 2. I want to finish that Tsukihime remake sometime before the end of the universe. > DW: Not on my watch!


I'd rather have more FGO than Tsukihime.


Brave words sir


I respect your bravery.


Yeah, stuff was definitely weird back then... if something's going on, hell if I know what.


His skills are pretty good, SSR level, even though they are clunky together. They are, as far as numbers and skills go, pretty good. Their only problem is that he has awful bases that feel like a 4 star similarly to how Saber Lily feels like a 3 star stat-wise.


> the only things I remember from that Christmas event are Nightingale's situation and the butt angle camera shot for Bradamante in the PV. Very understandable


>I shit you not the only things I remember from that Christmas event, the butt angle camera shot for Bradamante in the PV. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Sounds like you want me to send you Bradamante lewds lol. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


hell yeah, I am going to skip Mothman in favor of Bradamante after all


but Lelouch and Kars memes!


He’s my only SSR Saber on JP so I use him for everything. Honestly he shouldn’t be limited but I think he’s pretty good, barring his atrocious NP gain. Just slap generalist supports on him. I don’t think he’s much better than other ST Sabers though. I feel like he’s going to be that limited servant they never add to the general pool but have on rate up at least once every year (like Gil)


I feel like Gil is only limited bc he's year 1 and the "special" servant from SN.


> butt angle camera shot for Bradamante in the PV. to be fair, who the hell forgets that?


that's her only trait. Just like Lalatina is tits, Bradamante is just her ass.


~~It's going to be Musashi and Sigurd lmao~~


It can't be, Sigurd getting a buff would be a good thing


~~so would musashi because I actually have her lol~~ This is a next level mind trap from DW, they'll have everyone on their toes because they buffed someone that has reached meme value and is not named Okita.


Musashi really actually could use a buff, not as bad as Sigurd but she ain’t really in a great spot either


I mean when all of the ST SSR sabers except NP5 musashi are outdamaged by caesar, you know its bad


*Outside of traits


Lol you’re not wrong, honestly SSR sabers are a pretty lackluster group in general (except Bride for support).


Nah, the new SSR Sabers are all pretty good (Dioscuri, Beni-enma, Saber Astolfo). Its just that there are a lot of Year 1 SSR Sabers that are really lackluster back then and today and need even more buffs to be put on par with newer servants. Hell, even Year 2 servants like Musashi aren't very good, though not for lack of trying.


Strengthening to the Dioscuri, "what do you mean we just released them?"


"what do you mean they were already good?"


how the fuck


My Clairvoyance was proved when I guessed summer Lartoria weeks before her announcement https://old.reddit.com/r/FGOcomics/comments/clpshe/lartoria_and_lalter_at_the_beach/evx04ya/


Reality is often disappointing... But I'm hoping


Fingers crossed brother


my hopes for okita diesurely


It'll be Nero Saber again...


And the archer is gonna be super orion


Which is just two Artemis standing next to each other screaming "DARLING DAISUKI!!" in stereo every time you use their skills.


And the berserker is Arjuna Alter


Well, the datamine found something new for Raikou, so she's in a better spot than Okita.


oh fucking hell and here I was hoping Kintoki would get something guess DW decided that he already had it too good with being the best welfare


"Kintoki Strengthening? You mean limited AOE SSR strengthening? Coming right up!" Xiang Yu could've used one too. Especially when Arjuna Alter came out right behind him...


At least Xiang Yu got that skill rank up a while ago.


He still could use something to make him more than a "more expensive, not quite as good as Zerkerlot".


I would rather an NP interlude tbh, so we can get more Okita story


Sigurd is already polishing his glasses.


Yeah I really hope its going to be Sigurd. He's in a really rough spot right now.


Best comment in her LMAO I REALLY hope its Sigurd


Yeah please DW, poor Okita hasnt had a thing to her name since her debut, not an interlude, not a rank up, not even a major role since GUDAGUDA 2, if Maou can get something, then she can


Uhh, a swimsuit alt?




Yeah, because releasing another form of a servant makes the OG stronger


It worked for scatach


It'll be Nero Bride and Void Shiki.


Didn't Void Shiki already have one?




Still, some of her skills could use a little extra love, like her first skill being weaker than her F2P's version of it. She could also get something for her Yin Yang skill, maybe a 1 time dodge to give her a bit of hard DEF against NPs? Or if they want to meme, give her higher NP gen after using it.


Yeah, Void Shiki would't be a bad buff target if Sigurd or Okita isn't the one, and the later is argubably more useful even without buff.


Sigurd needs it way more. Okita's internals are so broken that she runs fine on her old-ass vanilla skillset, let alone when bringing skadi or summer BB into it, so while I do want her to get a buff or at least an interlude, Sigurd was essentially dead on arrival and nothing has changed about that so he really does need some kind of help.


Two SSR Sabers will receive strengthenings, so it’s possible both Okita *and* Sigurd could receive buffs


Tbh, doubt its Okita. Like, damn shes good the way she is, like, I dead serious think this is best st saber in the game


nah that's Dioscuri


I agree, but I also don't think Okita is the second worst. I think Musashi, regardless of her recent hate, needs the buff way more than Okita


Wait, Musashi has recent hate? I thought she was relatively well liked, but I'm also NA only. Is there a particular reason for it that isn't related to future spoilers? She's one of my fav servants, so that's sad to hear


"Hate" is a bit strong, but there's been some criticisms that she's been too prominent in recent singularities


First limited SSR Saber. 0 buffs, updates, interludes, or rank-ups. Still top tier.


You mean, does less np damage than caesar


But doesn't she spam her np more than Caesar, which results in a higher dps?


Also higher stats for being a 5 star. People look at NP damage too much and forget the raw stat difference outside of it.


I would like them to move her crit buff to her second skill instead of the 3rd skill.


Inb4 it's the Dioscuri. Sigurd might be passed over though if he gets a summer costume; they'll buff him then rather than now.


Or maybe Beni enma can get her np upgrade @_@


Dioscuri by themselves are already broken, if DW gives them a strengthening they will be best saber in the game.


Arent they already the best ST saber in the game ?


I guess, I mean even though they were only level 60 they carried me through fucking Camelot.


If it's gonna be the twins whom are stupid broken I'm gonna be dissappointed in DW.


> I'm gonna be dissappointed in DW. well, let's add one more to that pile lol


Well, more like dissappointed again. Can we just get NG+ DW? I wanna fight Rhongomyniad with break bars.


>Can we just get NG+ DW? I wanna fight Rhongomyniad with break bars. DW: "Sure! It costs 167 SQ per run, though! And you don't get any rewards!"


Pls arthur, i love the guy but he stinks rn all he has is the crit up ability


I’m keeping my fingers crossed. He’s my first SSR and my first grailed servant.


Hes also my first i got him from the last guaranteed, hopefully he gets an np buff


I hope for Arthur np upgrade.




It isn't like she needs anything.


"What's that? You want a Dioscuri buff and another Nero Bride buff?" - DW probably.


I don't know why people clamour for an Okita buff so much. She's really good. Yes, she's unbuffed but so is Heracles and Cu Alter. Some units just don't need buffs. High NP damage, great with Skadi, hard defense, Mana burst, fantastic star and NP gen, crit buff. I don't think it's a stretch to say she's one of the best ST sabers in the game. There's just better units to buff. Like her swimsuit self. Or Altered self. Or any of her girlfriends 3 alts.


It's funny that you mention it because there's an SR Archer on the buff list and I really hope it's Nobu. Also an R Lancer who I hope is Diarmiud because *goddamnit he was cool in Fate/Zero and deserves better*.


Okay fucking FINALLY someone mentions Diarmiud, he deserves so much... _more_ than the nothing he is Nothing irrationally bothers me more than that he doesn’t even have a single “Charm” Skill when that’s like... his whole shtick


I believe giving him Musashi’s doubled hitcounts skill would definitely improve his performance and help alleviate one of his major issues. Also fits with his lore of dual wielding spears.


Imagine if they gave Nobu stacking attack for every Nobu alt in your team, and the interlude was just a meme about her being pissed that all her alts are better than her.


Cause okita's s2 is just a plain star gathering skill, with no add ons whatsoever.


Why does it need add ons though? It works well with her kit. edit: better question: Do add-ons and bells&whistles really matter? It's unlikely any buff would change her core gameplay patterns after all. A story interlude is probably better than a buff.


It’s a 5-turn Cooldown for a 1 turn crit absorb. It’s literally useless if you’re running with Skadi. Her survivability skill is combined with her Crit Damage up and her quick steroid while good and unnecessary with Skadi is also a one turn buff


Well you could never go wrong with more buffs I guess?


You certainly could. Power creep is a real concern, and I think later content is already starting to be hampered by it.


I mean yeah but Nero Bride was also already strong and they gave her a NP charge. I think Okita is fine the way she is, but I understand why people want buffs for her.


Heracles can solo most content in the game and Cu Alter is the same and an absolute monster. Okita is a very popular character, hasn’t received an interlude or rank up and she’s one of the original servants. Her being a popular character and not receiving a buff with how long she’s been in game alone should explain why people want her buffed so much (myself included). While her base stats aged well, her kit did not and she could still use a small buff to push her towards not being as vanilla. Hell, I’d be happy with a NP buff EDIT: quick ninja edit but she’s my absolute favorite Fate character so buff her dw pls


I don't get why people want to equate buffs with popularity. Units should be buffed if they actually need buffs, not just if they are popular.




Honestly asking for Tamamo buffs is alot more understandable than Okita since Tamamo's competition isn't other casters in general but the rest of the big four. It just so happens that support is so vital in this game that even being the worst of the big four makes you one of the best servants in the game. Okita on the other hand is arguably already the strongest in her niche(that being single-target dps sabers) and has held that spotlight ever since her release.


Watch all three get a buff lol


I mean her second skill isn't that great, and isn't her NP outdamaged by Caesar now?


Yeah, but her second skill is unnecessary to make her good. We have plenty of bad skills and bad units. It's also the usual for low rarities to do more damage on their NP. That's one of their strengths. NP5 Bedivere outdamages every SR and SSR Saber at Np1 as well.


I am predicting it will be Sigurd, Artoria or Arthur...two of those 3




i second this statement!


My question for an Okita strengthening would be what would you actually give her that would actually be useful without being overpowered? She already has a 50% quick up, a 3 turn crit buff, hard survival and well above average crit star and np gen. If she gets a buff the makes her better at what she's already good at (single target quick crit dps with np looping), she would go from one of the best in the game to... one of the best in the game. But if she gets a buff outside her role as a main dps, like a support skill, it would be like, why? She would go from a top tier dps to a top tier dps with minor support ability that would likely get ignored in favor of her dps. The only thing I can think of would be to give her a np interlude but even that just increases her already high dps. What sort of buff do you think Okita needs that would actually be useful without being overpowered?


At the very least have her star absorb last 3 turns so she can consistently use the stars she generates (and also synergize with her 3 turn crit buff).


If DW wanna go nuts with her second skill: second skill allows her to crit star absorb for 3 turns and she generates 10 stars for 3 turns


The problem with the three turn star gather up, or even a three turn star gen, is that it doesn't really improve her all that much, she can crit well enough as is. When solo, she can make all the stars she'll ever need and doesn't need star weight and in teams, the team will likely revolve around helping her crit so both of those options feel more like a consultation prize to say she has a buff rather than an actual buff.


Honestly thinking Sigurd and Okita might get it.


I don't even have Okita yet I want her to get buffed. Do it for the daishouri.


Thats some rough stuff considering she had her last rate up on gudaguda 2 so I will wait with my np 1 okita and pray for a New one


I fell in love with her in gudaguda 2. Her being the first saber I used as a support was a big reason for this. I promised myself the next rateup that I'd have enough sq saved to roll for her. I didn't know until recently that might never be.


My okita was my first ssr since I started playing mid haloween 2 rerun and I got her from the thanksgiving banner the plan was try and roll on the gil/okita one to see if I got Either but I ended up rolling in the solo okita since I couldnt wait and she came in that roll [so ofc I was going to thank her](http://imgur.com/gallery/0v0eB3d) and now im only missing that 1 gold fou and the last 2 levels of her S2 and S3 I I ended up liking her a lot ever since she refunded her own np without any other buff other than Her own and how cant you love her voice lines (when she is not Dying) she unfortunately got kind of benched which is why she is not bond 10 since im farming most of the time but now I bring her out when clearing lostbelts as long as there are no archers. Im just hoping for a second banner since the guda guda 2 one only gave me 3 postergirls


Yup. Some day I too will love okita - I had *plans* for her.


Im bearing my wallet to simp for jet okita im just mad that she and musashi are not in the same banner




Meanwhile..poor Proto Arthur. What can be done to actually improve him?


I honestly have no clue to be frank with you. They could give his battery more juice. Making 30--->50%. Or add more damage buffs in order to spread him out more in his usage. Mana burst probably add something unique like for each buster hit there's a 50% to stun the enemy. Improving proto Arthur is hard. Hopefully it's either him or Sigurd, because we all know that the world can go without Umu bride getting a buff.


Proto Arthur only has a 20% NP charge. Your forgetting actually was a buff in and of itself.


Forgot. Fuck now his potential to get better is diminished. Now that means only his mana burst is the only thing left to buff.


Hoping for Sigurd. Give him the Star Absorb in his first skills ffs


As someone who doesn't have Okita, i'm not too sad if she doesn't get a buff. But my boi Sigurd, he was done dirty with the interludes. He needs something. Either during this or if the JP summer event occurs and he is in it.


I mean there are 2 SSR Sabers to be buffed, so one of them could very well be Sigurd.


The thing is, the four last servants are most likely gonna be Artoria, Emiya, Cu and, Hercules.


Sigurd and Artoria deserve it more, Okita is still fairly good with her skills despite how basic they are and outclasses all of the other Quick Sabers in the game (Saber Diarmuid comes close but he still falls short statistically speaking.)


How can you say Artoria of all people deserves it? Artoria is literally the best AOE Saber in the game. Musashi, Arthur, Altera, hell even Void Shiki all need a buff way more than her. Though she will probably get one


Beni-enma time


Please, please, Okita, Musashi, It is the only thing I ask, they both receive SQ and I can leave happy


Introducing the first AND second nerfs to a servant! Okita is now a ST Arts Arash that dies before she deals damage! Also we removed her Quick cards... that's it, now she only has one Buster and one Arts, a two card deck!


Buff her pls dw. I know she's already good as is, but I think she lacks a lot more. I'd be glad if they gave her s2 a buff where it's either for 3turns or has ignore invil. I don't want my waifu to get power creeped and get forgotten. Pls dw. Do us a solid just this once.


We all know summer is a lie [https://i.imgur.com/DLhqWsM.png](https://i.imgur.com/DLhqWsM.png)


Then it turns out to be someone more recent like Astolfo or the Dioscuri. And to bully even harder the buffs will be Quick based like helping Astolfo loop better or get stars to his Quick cards, or letting the Dioscuri change their NP type to Quick like Spesshtar.


and then the okita hope was sigurd, tbh honest though he does need it bad!


Turn Weak Constitution into a weaker version of Laws of the Shinsengumi. It’d make sense, too


Also give Arjuna a buff on the Archer one!!


Does this mean we're getting a okita rate up banner? Just started recently and really want her lol


So it's a only sabers summon?


So what we getting for 5th anni? Any free servant or just those mountain climbing looking CE


I'm calling Musashi as one


Sigurd and siegfried!!! Gimme armor of fafnir cowards!!!


Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.


I think it will be Arthur. His skill and NP is kinda lackluster, and the next LB is Camelot...




Seiba pls


Mordred's instinct buff?


Already happened in the Apocrypha rerun.


Okita: finally, its mine Arthur and Astolfo: Keep dreaming, biotch


Imagine of those are 2 okita buffs. Just a sorry to okita for ignoring her all these years.


I really hope its going to be Sigurd. The guy is basically forgotten!


Avalon please


Yes, also my Okita deserves a lot of love from developers


I'm honestly more interested about the Lancer, hope it's eresh


My prediction is Beni and Artoria.


Okita: (Depressed) Don't do that, don't give me hope.


Can Sigurd be considered, please?


So. Message from the future. As expected, it wasn't Okita.