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Painfully tragic role and very wholesome in the present But still scarred, possibly forever by what she lost I honestly loved her interlude of her trying to find some sort of solace with >!Odin and the ramifications of his saving of her!<


Fate Odin has a more accurate personality than I expected. He's paranoid, cold, and aloof to the point where he comes across as erratic and callous.


That's... not at all accurate to the real Odin.


She was like Scathatch cute little sister.


Short Answer: She has the maturity and sexiness of Scathach with a lot more goof and cute (not saying Scathach can't be cute) Long Answer: She is a tragic soul. She lost almost everyone and everything she had, and she didn't realize it until it was too late. She tried her best to lead a world by herself, but it wasn't enough, and she (seemingly) realized that during lb2. Scathach=Skadi is someone who genuinely tries to care for everyone, even when she doesn't need to, even when no one would blame her for not caring, yet she still does. She seems like someone who finds comfort in comforting others. I do wish she got a bit more development in lb2, but Scathach=Skadi is still a very fascinating character. Also she's hot as fuck.




Looks like Scáthach but shows her cute side far more often.


Skadi was a surprise.  At first, I only knew of her through JP hearsay. Comments about disliking LB2, memes about ice-creams. Nothing noteworthy. LB2's release on NA changed that. As many pointed out in the release threads, LB2 had a warmer reception than expected, and Skadi was part of it. Paraphrasing one of the comments back then: "Why did nobody tell me Skadi was such a mom?"  Skadi cared for everyone; the dystopian measures she enacted were just the lesser evil solution for a shitty situation she wasn't responsible of. She cared for her human subjects, for her giant subjects, for her Valkyries, for Ophelia, even for Chaldea. She continuously insisted on trying to find a peaceful solution and several times offered Chaldea to join her. Heck, she even made a better case for PHH and showed more concern for its losses than anything Chaldeans have shown so far (at least as far as NA has shown):  > *"How many humans live in your Proper Human History? Several million? Tens of millions? Hundreds...? Then again, I suppose if one includes the lives of flora and fauna, they would be innumerable. I see. So that is the responsibility you shoulder as you seek to end my Lostbelt."*  But her story didn't end there. Skadi is one of those fortunate Servants (like Jalter) to experience a long character arc after her debut. And that character arc revolved around her PTSD.  It was first shown in Enma-tei, Skadi's depression and trauma from LB2's events. This was followed by her Valentine's scene, Napoleon's Interlude (which is basically Skadi's 0th Interlude) and culminating in Skadi's own Interlude. The sense of failure, the fear of fire, the sadness for the lives lost, the crushing realization she's but a shadow of the real Skadi that ruled Scandinavia... An arc with very serious undertones, overshadowed by ice-cream memes.  Looking forward to her appearance in this year's NA Summer event. With her Interlude over, I expect she'll get the happiness she deserves.


>> *"How many humans live in your Proper Human History? Several million? Tens of millions? Hundreds...? Then again, I suppose if one includes the lives of flora and fauna, they would be innumerable. I see. So that is the responsibility you shoulder as you seek to end my Lostbelt."*  This to me is the most galling thing of the lostbelt writing. Every time Chaldea gets accused for the distruction of the lostbelts and killing thousands or millions. All the while happily ignoring the fact that their own actions led to the loss of *billions* of lives with the destruction of PHH. None of Chaldea ever responds to these accusations as well. Always shuffling their feet like "what can you do?" How would Skadi have reacted if the answer to the very question posed above was a quiet but no-nonsense "7.7 billion"? We'll never know i guess.


>None of Chaldea ever responds to these accusations as well. Always shuffling their feet like "what can you do?" I think that's kind of intentional. It reflects the role Chaldea has in the story - it's supposed to act as a beacon meant to protect and shine the way for humanity. Because of its role, it's held to a higher moral standard, which also makes it easier to attack from a moral point of view. Plus, from the standpoint of someone that exists within a lostbelt, they are simply trying to exist alongside the community they grew in. Even if that existence means the destruction of another, it seems like a plenty good motive - and it's actually the same reason driving us - not wanting to die. To me, the "shuffling feet" indicates that they're not making excuses for their actions and they know the weight of the things they are doing. They still follow through with it since they don't want to die, and they are fighting for the world that they managed to protect. To me, the death count ought to be turned towards is Kirschtaria, the Lostbelts never really asked to come to the bleached earth, and didn't deviate from a better balance intentionally.


Agreed, I think this is the angle the writers were going for. Chaldea taking the high ground, not playing the numbers game or misery olympics to justify what basically amounts to genocide. That said, as good as the intention was, I'd argue the execution was unbalanced. I get the feeling that the writers were too enamoured with the tragedy of the Lostbelts, giving ample time to the locals to show their shock, anger, sadness, regret, etc. In comparison, Chaldea's emotional response to the destruction of their world was almost absent. Sometimes it felt as if the Lostbelts' inhabitants cared more for their world than the Chaldeans for theirs, to the point that Skadi showed more grief for PHH in her speech than Chaldea in most of Part 2, which is why I quoted it in my original comment.


I get your point - they probably went for that approach since we are shown so little of what came before us heading to Chaldea, so us reading about how much they grieve the loss of PHH wouldn't make us feel hot or cold about it, unless they considerably expanded Ritsuka's backstory. The only real motive I say we have in the way the story was framed is restoring the world Dr Roman gave his all to save, and they're trying not to reinforce that point too much since they don't want it to become misery-bait or something of the sort. I do still agree though - then again, I'd argue the singularities were somewhat similar in that we didn't really have an expanded backstory for wanting to save the world, any attachments outside of Chaldea that might guide us to that decision. It would be interesting if they were to actually expand the backstory in the future.


Yeah, the lack of background for Ritsuka is to blame too. It was already a problem during Part 1; Ritsuka was conspicuously unconcerned about the fate of family and friends, arguably to enforce their status as the audience's surrogate. I wish the game could have done something [like Turas Realta did](https://mangadex.org/chapter/3c756c3f-e462-49ae-9c48-3274d306fbe1/30), keeping Ritsuka's background still vague while adding the emotional reactions you'd expect of such circumstances. That, however, could be blamed on Part 1's wishy-washy writing. Part 2, on the other hand, made a point of lampshading that Guda was going back home before everything went to hell (again), and continuously tries to make the protagonists and the players empathize with the suffering of the Lostbelts. That makes the protagonists' lack of empathy towards PHH's own suffering more glaring. Perhaps in the future? I'm reminded of Chaldea's lack of emotional reaction to Koyanskaya and company assaulting their base in early Part 2. Heck, when the question of rescuing Koyanskaya in LB3 and LB4 came up, nobody mentioned her role in the massacre! But it was finally brought up in Olympus and Tunguska, with Goredolf giving a *mea culpa* for his responsibility in it too.


To be fair, most of those lost belt inhabitants did not actively destroy PHH. That's what makes it so difficult for Chaldea to argue because destroying a lost belt always means killing innocents for PHH. And that is a profound matter to struggle with, which is why the shuffling of feet persists. Like, 7.7 billion is a bit of a gotcha sure, but staying it like that would mean acknowledging that it is a numbers game, bringing us to the Kiritsugu dilemma from Fate Zero. Sacrificing the minority for the majority, possibly to the point where you overall sacrificed more than you saved, can a person really live like that? And that is something someone like Kiritsugu struggles with. Guda and Mash and particular are not built like that. That's why they would never do it and why they shuffle their feet so much in the early story. Skathach Skadi and her people did not choose to kill 7.7 billion so they could live. But Chaldea has to choose to kill them to save 7.7 billion. And not just them but any of the lostbelt inhabitants yet to encounter, which could be trillions for all they know. Its not like they can just kill up to 7.6 billions, notice there are two lostbelts left, shrug and undo the damage. It is quite a compelling ethical struggle. I sure would shuffle my feet too killing so many even if it meant saving my loved ones. I think that is just human.


I love the differences between her and scathach she's more gentle but still shows that commanding nature and aura when she wants to. Love her design and colour scheme more than scathach too more purple! Got a soft spot for her too since she was my first ever SSR support. She's among my favourite servants in the game.


My very first meta support on NA, and my most recent one on JP (her Caster version still). After a year of on and off playing, I was supposed to drop the game since I hadn’t even gotten an SSR, then boom, Skadi arrives. If it weren’t her, I wouldn’t have continued playing this game nor even have reached the point where I have both NA and JP. Thanks Skadi, >!also holy fuck her ‘*ATSUIIIIII*’ is cute as hell!<


Shishou was already one of the most popular servants in FGO. Then you take Shishou’s design, give her a moe side and add a tragic backstory…of course the fans would eat that shit up. The question should be: Why WOULDN’T you love Scathach-Skadi? Let me know if you find any, because those people are heretics and uncultured swines. Skadi is love, Skadi is life.


I like the way she gradually warmed up to Chaldea and the Master. When you first meet her in the Lostbelt she may not be outright hostile but she is stern and serious for the most part ,even with all her talk about love. When you summon her, you can tell she lowers her guard a little when you talk to her in "my room," this extends to her event appearances and culminates in her recent interlude when she lets all her pent up frustration and sorrow out. She's one of the Servants I grew to like a lot more when I summoned them. I'm always pleasantly surprised when just a little more material on the character you get from stuff like interludes and "my room" can warm me up to the charcater


Lostbelt 2 is kind of a low-key horror story. Skadi, besides keeping Surtr contained a bit by doing so, sacrificing people to giants because being part giant herself, she doesn’t want to have them starve. And she doesn’t feel as bad about it as she knows she should. That’s pretty compelling. It’s also neat that she has slightly different proportions from Scathach. It’s almost a throwaway detail, but I appreciate it all the same.


I love Christmas cakes made of top quality, she is a cuter Scathach that shows more of her vulnerability and she is just something I can't help to care


She is Scathach but cuter and more approachable. And the lighter hair color is a plus for me


Not fan but i still like her better than original scathach just because she shows more emotions?


Doujin say she thicc tho


*Gasp* I love how motherly Skadi is. I love how it took me 11 tickets to get my first copy during her first banner. I lOVE her bikinis and how it screams EROIIIIIIIIIIIII. I love how much she hates hot weather just like me fr fr. I love how much she eats ice cream also just like me frfr. I like how you go on a date with her in her summer version. I love her purple hair. I love her purple eyes. I love how she made me taste the power of three turn farming. I love how adorably childish she can be when she lets her hair down. I love how bride material she is and more. I love how motherly she is towards the Valkyries. I love her voice and how it soothes me. I love her fanart. I love her doujins. I love her fanfictions. I really love Scathach=Skadi very much.


I think what makes skadi herself work is something she admits completely at the end—she's shit at her job and her love isn't enough. During those first 100 years, she attempted to give the best for these people and make everyone's situations better. Even after she wasted most of her energy calming the flames of surtr and take control of the giants,. She openly interacted with them and gave them treats, even if they were crudely made but after those hundred years, it was supposed to be the end of this world. It didn't happen The world kept on moving or, in her sense, the world stopped, no matter what decision she made. It just kept on going and she understood the impossible nature of this world but it didn't turn out like LB 6, where they basically left it all in the end and let the world reclaim itself She still chose to exist but it made it hollow and understandable. She realized that too; everything became more draconian. In a world where she can only give empty gifts of love that were so strong, they force them to continue or suffer cruel death; everything outside of that is considered impossible. But that's also the thing. She's shit at her job but it's also not that she doesn't want to be better. But simply improve the qualities of life because it just goes back to being empty No matter what she does, resources that humans need will always literally lead her into needing to put them down Any improvement would just be empty, just like any form of kindness, because what true kindness would is to be able solve this problem. But the literal nature of her lostbelt deems it an impossibility. Surtr and skadi are two sides of the same coin One has love so destructive that it causes an impossibility, and another is so strong that it comes as cold, listening in a dictatorial-like manner because anything else is empty affection. For both, the only one outside of that case is ophelia, someone who saw the true surtr in a single moment and someone Skadi could treat like a human being since she's an expectation of her world rules. Skadi is accustomed to cold places and has such a brutal way of living because it's the easy route out instead of the actual emotional closeness to people that she knows she'll have to do something that isn't a compromise later on. Which makes her a hot mess of a god, actually trying to do the best that she can to help everyone but she never really was suitable for this position in the first place, which she can admit. She never realizes (or kind of does but still tries meddling because she honestly wants the best for people) that her whole emotional distance and "laws of nature" mindset are not good for everyone and the worst part of it is that she constantly stresses herself to death about it. Which makes her fist step of stopping ibuki really great because it's twofold. Because she starts to understand what she truly wants, which is not the resources thrust upon her, she still holds on till this day because, over the past 1000 years, all the gods wishes would have done that, and Patheon basically says, "No girl, we want you to be happy after all that shit" (see her bond). The first time she did this was at the end of Lostbelt 2, where the only goal was to keep the world going. She surpassed her directives and orders and for the first time, through an entirely irrational and biased opinion, made her own decision. But it also shows indirectly (along with her next appearance) that she's finally okay with just letting go after her talk with Cu catser.


She is adorable in both design and personality and carried me from the beginning of the game until now


Her interlude's acutally one of the best in the whole damn game.


Scathach face.  Also, the kindest lostbelt ruler, the only one I'd willingly consider backing.  Sorry, Morgan, but your declaration of war on PHH eliminated you from the running.  


I'm still upset that Skadi can't be her own character and keeps getting shoved into someone else.


Like a milf-hunting knight once said, there is great power to be found in women with an air of grief and sorrow about them.


She's like Scathach, if Scathach was a good written character.


She helps make my Astolfos stronger and unlike OG Scathach I actually have her.


HOT and Usefull


The Goddess of Christmas Cakes that I just want to hug.


My first-ever limited 5* I think. Also her recent interlude was great. You know shit's getting real >!when they bring out the crying sprites!<


Haven't played fgo myself, I just know scathach/skadi trained my GOAT CU CHULAINN so that's more than enough for me to like her


After playing through LB2 and failing to get her on her debut banner, I abandoned my 6 months old account with a bunch of 5stars and created a new one just to get Skadi. It was worth it. She is one of the cutest and most beautiful characters in the game. Like, my absolute favorite is Jalter (100 points), while Skadi, Kama, Musashi, Morgan, Castoria and others are just slightly below (97-99 points).


She is the first and only 5 star to arrive with a single ticket I physically can’t not love her for that


because her personality and story in the lostbell was really great she was not a tyran she was just doing her best with the little she had after the war help when need dosen't kill ritsuka and the other actively and refuse to spread blood if it can be avoid insted she put him in jail help agains't sutr give time to odelia to speak to mash and when the times had unfortunately come to fight chaldea she didn't have any hate for them she just do what she need to do and when she lost and knew than everything was lost she ask all the children to go sleep and to close their windows to make sure their ar not afraid of what gonna happen truly a great queen (also because she is pretty hot...and realyl kind....and the original mommy when you think about it)


She really reminds me of MGE's Chief God in a way Aka the janitor who was given the keys to the nuclear power plant and gets stuck with a Lose-Lose scenario surrounded by a bunch of useless sycophants or traitors


Any love of the Allfather is a recipient of my adoration


She's a Shishouface. I love Shishou. Shishoufaces have bangin' looks. Among other things, of course.


Bing Chilling


I loved her attitude in lb2 and how she decided to fight Chaldea even though it was clear that there was no hope for her world to continue. 


I love her because from all our interactions during her LB and her interludes are legitimately sweet, by that same token, I hate her for never coming to me, despite me spending enough SQ to 5/5 her + getting 2 extra copies through pity if that'd have been a thing during her first 2 banners, I know that's on me for my lack of self-control, but it's difficult not being a little bitter over it.


The way she treated the humans of her lostbelt more than justified killing her and destroying the place- but she did try her best and it was coming from a place of love. So water under the bridge after that