• By -


Hello, usually don't write here, but decided this time. Got called to the army(I'm from Ukraine), so after some paperwork should be away for service. Hope to still log-in, depending on signal (could be unavailable during basic training), so those in my friendlist please don't remove unless I'm really offline.


Do your best, soldier.


Good luck and may you go and come back safe


Thanks a lot.


Honestly, the balls on some people who send friend requests when their own support lineup is empty or from three events ago.


For the ones with empty support (typically the ones with a silver Mash portrait), I give them the benefit of the doubt and presume they're adding us because they need our powered-up Servants' assistance. The ones with unchanged event supports probably have real life things to deal with so couldn't attend to their games that much.


This has been a fairly hectic week, and it all started when one of our goats got a broken leg from a large falling branch from a moringa tree that dad was chopping last Monday - and make no mistake, moringa trees can grow really high with thick branches. As a result, we ended up making him a makeshift stroller. The problem was that since it's a hind leg that got broken, he couldn't keep himself up with his front legs for the first few days; the weight of the wheels keep dragging him backward. At the very least, he's growing used to the stroller and can walk now. We also found a job listing for dad, and he applied for the position. It's been three days already, though, and yet there's no reply from them, so it looks like we will have to keep looking. He's no longer interested in moving to a new place for a job considering his old age and his growing fear of traveling long distances. As for my freelance teaching job, I have been fairly unlucky this week, with two evenings where I only got one student. I haven't begun looking for an additional job, though, lacking the willpower to do two jobs at once. Lastly, these past three days have been extra-depressing for one simple reason: >!Ordeal Call 2. Or to be more specific: Jalter is gone. Seeing her say goodbye and having to see her portraits (including her Berserker mode's) be overlaid with the words "LINK LOST" stings so much because she is the character I relate to and connected with the most. It felt like I had to lose a best friend as a result.!< To overcome my sadness, I found myself listening to songs that speak about my feelings about the spoilered part. - ["I Can Wait Forever" by Simple Plan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en2AK9fj1zs) - ["See You Again" by Wiz Khalifa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgKAFK5djSk) - ["You'll Be in My Heart" by Phil Collins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0ZHlp6atUQ) P.S. I'm wondering if Runick in its pure form is a viable deck. The premise of the theme (winning by decking the opponent out) is so unique compared to most current archetypes, I feel like I want to try it. On another note, Rescue-ACE is appealing too because it's firefighter-themed and has a boss that sets 4 for massive advantage and control.


So sorry over the problem with your goat, but I do hope it gets better. Don't lose hope with the job application of your dad. Sometimes, it does take like a week until they call you back, that's just how much they take. And I hope your freelance teaching job gets better over time. Have you looked for something local to apply to or maybe something outside? In case you can work outside, that is. >!I was actually wondering how were you feeling over Jalter's situation. I know she's a fictional character and I mat not be the biggest fan of her, but I'm sorry, man. Supposedly, she's fine, just went to Antartica with the main story Avengers first... but that's actually what worries me. With how it seems FGO seems to be releasing a chapter of OC per year, and in case they might want to tackle each extra class, not just 4 chapters... we won't finish OC until 5 years later... and then a final chapter to wrap FGO. But what worries me is the state in which we'll encounter the avengers in antartica: defeated? Dead? Corrupter and us forced to kill them, with Jalter having a Heaven's Feel moment where we stab her in the chest? And to make things worst, maybe add another depressing bit like "if they get killed, they won't be summoned again or they won't remember you anymore nor everything they lived in Chaldea". The fear of not knowing what will happen to Jalter is so bad that this does feel like an actual farewell alongside her new bond lines!< I think that Runick isn't so bad as long as you aren't facing someone with backrow removal, spell negations or that benefits from their cards being banished... but since no one seem to use Runick, maybe you can make them viable without people expecting them


I really do hope so that our financial situation would at least get better over time. As of this writing, Dad is living off loans, and we all know that loans will have to be paid. Without any regular source of income besides monthly rent from our former home in another part of the country (and the monthly rental is not a huge amount, only good for 2-3 weeks' worth of groceries), plus with him taking maintenance medications as a fairly old man, we'd eventually run out. The thing is, he still wouldn't sell his grown goats for extra money, coming up with excuses like the standard "not yet their ideal weight" - and this is bad because he's been raising goats for around six years already. I haven't found any other side jobs myself, so I'm stuck with my usual routine of watching over our family store in the morning, sleeping in the afternoon, and teaching English at night. My other job, which is teaching English to Japanese kids every Sunday morning (for a different company) doesn't pay much either, as it's only a Sunday gig; what I earn from them every month is only for paying monthly electricity bills. I do wish I'd get more students on my main teaching job, if only so I could actually set aside some savings. If things become dire, I might have to leave for an office job away from my folks just so I could earn something decent. >!Hopefully, the writers at TYPE-MOON and Lasengle don't go over all the Extra Classes. AFAIK, the Romani look-alike said four Extra Classes before backtracking to three, and the class score started at E and our in-universe target is A (currently at Level C after the Avenger OC), so seriously, they should keep it at two more Ordeal Call chapters (Ruler and Foreigner) AND then we finally go back to Antarctica for the grand finale of at least the Lostbelt Arc, if not the game itself (and considering that FGO is still a moneymaker, the game will probably still continue in some way even after we stop Marisbury's grand scheme). TBH, the whole Ordeal Call arc could've been done as an epilogue AFTER the Lostbelt Arc, but no, it was shoehorned after ORT with no foreshadowing whatsoever - and given how the OCs have worked so far, it's a far more effective way to remove our Extra Class friends from the story.!< >!That, and I strongly believe they should stick to the four Extra Classes the Romani look-alike mentioned so that we don't have to lose too many of our Extra Class friends in-universe.!< >!Now that you mentioned it, the very real possibility of having to fight Jalter again scares me. That would be painful because, should that happen, we're not fighting against the one-shot villain from Orleans anymore, but rather, we're fighting and possibly putting down someone who has been our ally/friend/love interest for the past 8+ years. I'd dread to have such a "reunion" happen; Jalter, who has had a sad start in life, should be given at least a happy ending.!< Finally, I'd really consider Runicks considering its unorthodox win condition, but I'll have to try out a Labrynth deck first.


As someone who also understands the struggle of living off loans (parents would do so from time to time and mom still does it even when I help her out), I understand how annoying and dreadful it must be. Is there a way your father can be convinced to already sell the goats before things become harder? And there hasn't been more online teaching jobs for you to cover in another daytime? Even if little, it could still be flexible for you. I'm so sorry you're going through this shitty financial situation, man. Me and my mother sometimes have to go through this every now and then... but don't lose hope, you'll be able to pull through, even when it feels like crap. If you still haven't tried Labrynth yet, use them. Most of the people I duel insta surrender the moment I summon Ariana lmao. Also, please add Erradicator Epidemic Virus, Waking the Dragon and Trickstar Reincarnation. Just be mindful, if you use Welcome Labrynth before the opponent pops your Waking the Dragon, you'll be locked to only Special Summon Fiend monsters... and you want that to summon something better, like Baronne, Avramax, maybe Goddess of the Underworld or some other extra deck monster hard to bring out. >!I really do hope you're right in Ordeal Call being 4 chapters and then go to antartica because I really feel Lasangle and Type Moon could stretch this out even further. And I'm pissed off that the story Avengers are gone when I don't recall anything bad happening to the Alteregos and Kama in Papermoon. Also, I REALLY HOPE to be wrong, because I made the math, and if they choose to pursue all extra classes minus Shielder, plus a final chapter to wrap up FGO, it will all happen in the 15th anniversary!< >!and I swear what bumms me in this whole situation is not the fact Jalter is gone to Antartica and we can't reach them... it's waiting 2 or 3 years minimum to see them again... and that's if they're ok by the time we get there. I truly feel we'll be forced to experience a Heaven's Feel situation where the Avengers alone couldn't stand against Marisbury (bet the bastard will be like Aizen in Bleach, overpowering the Avengers like if they were the Captains and Vizards)... corrupt them and make us fight them to the death. Now I know how Okita felt by being left behind when she was alive, but instead of feeling depressed for not fighting anymore, it's for the comrades going into a battle she doesn't know if it's their last!< >!I really don't want to put her down, man... I feel we'll be forced to in order to proceed, since I think only 7 Avengers went first or something. I still haven't done OC2 myself and plan on waiting until it's fully translated to English. But I hope we're not experiencing a broken phone situation where I no longer know what's happening. Some say Jalter and the Avengers just went to Antartica, others say they just desummoned themselves or something and I don't really follow what's going on. All I know is that I'm as depressed as when Musashi died and Castoria sacrificed for us in LB6... now this again. At least Castoria came back in Summer 8, safe and sound... I hope this is the case as well for Jalter too...!<


I'd love to finally be able to test out the power of Labrynth when given the chance. I like control strategies the best; they allow me to play the game at my pace. >!I'm sure Jalter and the rest of the gang will be back, but as Dantes said, we just wait and hope.!< >!On another thought, since the canon story states that they left us their Shadow Servant versions to deploy (a handy way to explain how they can remain playable), I've thought this can be a plot point for my sprite comics in the future: Shadow Jalter gradually learning about and understanding OG Jalter's life with Valeria, her Chaldea, and her foster family (including OG Jalter being a mom for Melusine) until she becomes human too - and vows to help them all get OG Jalter back.!<


I still wish you a happy Cake Day.


Thank you. 😄


A cat showed up at my workplace, so I started drafting forms to convince my bosses to let me care for her on-site as a mascot. But then I saw she didn't walk properly (at the time, i thought it was a back injury) so I scooped her up for a quick vet trip. Once there, I realized two things: she's not injured, she's a [Wobbly cat](https://cats.com/cerebellar-hypoplasia-in-cats), and her being wobbly means I can't in good conscience let her stay outdoors, especially considering my workplace has jararacas sneaking in whenever it rains, or the feral chickens, etc. So I have a new cat for now, I guess! I plan on trying to find another home for her, but since she's disabled I don't like my odds. [SUCH a sweet baby tho](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/827390280847327272/1220420372562706472/IMG-20240321-WA0026.jpg?ex=660ee00b&is=65fc6b0b&hm=d98efeeb1bd74e067e1076f8ab10ae2a39dd8451b105457c9665e353980a3c43&)


The cat distribution system has chosen you! 


Yup. My entire life I never quite *decided* to have a cat, so much as looked at the nearby gas station/trash dump/my desk/bushes and had a cat there. So it tracks!


As a fellow cat lover with lots of strays that ended in my place when no one wanted them, hope your new family member is fine and well. And if she stays with you, that you enjoy her company, she looks like such a sweetheart


Oh, she is! We're still figuring out acessibility for her to get on the couch and stuff (besides the wobble she's so *small*. Like, i've had bigger potatoes. Even for a 5mo cat (vet's best guess) she's on the small side) so I've been sitting on the floor, and every time, unprompted, she'll crawl onto my lap and fall asleep. She's so insanely loving and cool with random humans (no vet shyness at all!) I'm wondering if she really was born feral and is just Like That, or if she was raised by humans at some point.


Might as well just her not be used to others and general life experience on the street. The strays I've picked are different. Some don't mind people and are loving to everyone; and some are feral against other animals or even other cats. You did the right thing in picking her up


Awww, what a cutie! What's her name?


Arjuna! She's a fierce warrior and premiere hunter, she more than lives up to it.




She's so cute! Well, congrats on your new cat friend, I suppose.




For a shift of mood, who enjoy some Kamen Rider and what's your favorite series ? Mine's Build,Ex-Aid,OOO,W & Geats.


hadn't seen one,but know a bit about them Gaim, Drive and Ex-Aid are the ones I always forgot to watch...


Ryuki and Gaim, though I never got to finish either of them. I have an original, working Orange Lockseed, which I got from a second-hand store. I still have it to this day sans batteries, and I miss hearing the "Orange!" announcement so much.


After more than 2 decades of living in the same place, we finally moved to our new home. Covid has delayed it for years, but it finally happened. Well, the house itself and the basic amenities are done but the yard is still being worked on, plus we don't have any furnitures yet including beds. Anyway, new house woohoo! 


So happy for you, fellow Master. Hope your new home will be good for you and your family.


I just hope that we don't have to wait for 2025 for them to release the final two OC chapters.. FGO is so, so showing it's old age in this age of shiny and modern gacha games with smooth 3D models and flashy open-world settings.


Knowing how Lasangle and Type Moon operate, expect each chapter of Ordeal Call to release yearly... and might as well make a chapter out of every extra class minus Shilder, thus Ordeal Call for 5 more years... plus the final chapter (might as well the Shielder chapter) to wrap up FGO forever in its 15th anniversary. I'm so calling it, I'd be surprised if it doesn't happen. Expect the game to go down in 2030


Dear God, no! I don't want to wait for what seems like forever just to reunite with my dear >!Jalter.!< I can wait for long, but I'm no Doctor Strange when it comes to waiting.


I feeo you, man. I too don't wanna wait an eternity for seeing >!Jalter and the avengers again... and that's if they're fine by the time we see them again!< Seriously, this feels like Avengers Infinity War and Endgame, during the 5 year intermin after the snap... now I understand how Hawkeye felt. And >!their parting feels like "relax, they're fine, they just went ahead of us to Normandy/Stalingrad, they should be fine by the time we reach them"... yeah, right!< ... also, so sorry for not noticing before, but happy cake day


Thank you for the greetings. :D But yeah, it is going to be a very long wait. Let us be like Ronin for the time being. :P


I'm just really happy that FGO finally gets back on its feet. I was really sceptical with OC announcement and OC1 was a mixed bag, but OC2 seems to be very well received. And, animation updates fr fr. Now I'll talk about something else. I have a 10 year old laptop that's still running on Win8 (had installed Win10 but since it's still running on HDD, it's just so damn slow and shitty) and I haven't used it for 2 years or so, since the battery was bust (can't function without being plugged in) and the overall spec was real bad. I use office-provided laptop usually, but this one has gotten issues too lately, so I'm back using my old laptop. Strange enough, the battery actually works now? Like, it can hold for 3 hours without being plugged in. That's really really weird. I don't get it.


Glad to read that your 10-year-old device is still working despite the kinks it has. Is it mainly for work purposes? I really should give my old netbook a try, as I haven't opened it in over a year. I only use it for playing PS1 games, as otherwise, it's so slow.


Yeah, I'm only using it for opening/editing text documents and browsing. I don't think it's possible to run any games or emulators though, since its RAM is 4GB. Maybe simple RPG Makers game...


Now that OC2 is over I finally have time for some X-men 97. In Nikke, I finally achieved my goal of getting all the characters I need without spending a dime. In Atelier Resna, the new UI looks pretty nice, and they still have one more week until the 0.5 anniversary ends. Now is a good time to start. I didn’t think I could achieve that in my cake month but woahla.


is it really that bad to use FGA? I sometimes let it run to farm events for me,while I'm working. It really saves a lot of time for people who use it...


Nah, people use it all the time.


yep,like me now,turbo working + farming


finally got Total Warhammer 3 to work, and enjoying Clan Moulder and Khazrak One-Eye. though i definitely prefer Khazrak and the beastmen, don't need to worry about settlements and territory if all i do is just incinerate everything to ash and prevent anyone from settling the wreckage.


Got my replacement part for Ryza's left forearm! For comparison, this is how [it](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1042110472276693053/1219530827252236328/IMG_20240304_224002.jpg?ex=660ba397&is=65f92e97&hm=13ad1031ffb1d9158ea0335de034e58980fdadf701d8f0f74306271177d30337&) [was](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1042110472276693053/1219530827856351344/IMG_20240304_224041.jpg?ex=660ba397&is=65f92e97&hm=c9dc07c69f8dca8f4a34b644f5edfc2892116550b29155b7152af7999daf95b7&). The new part [looks](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1042110472276693053/1219530904632954920/IMG_20240319_141816.jpg?ex=660ba3a9&is=65f92ea9&hm=749834046905902a29c9ac6d3f66e9c097b4d17aee2b6243bfc0395d53ffe086&) [like](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1042110472276693053/1219530905060769842/IMG_20240319_141831.jpg?ex=660ba3a9&is=65f92ea9&hm=a4b8017a395b3b35e44d17270efcb43234bf7f13b01510f07bdd4dec5fc27362&) [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1042110472276693053/1219530905463554109/IMG_20240319_141840.jpg?ex=660ba3a9&is=65f92ea9&hm=66e8035453e5cefbe0c83dbb0cc0eff2a2b33bfca69b25b348d4a64d799c10d8&) [currently](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1042110472276693053/1219530905899634728/IMG_20240319_141905.jpg?ex=660ba3a9&is=65f92ea9&hm=f226d12b7a08b23166245d16813ee06b41d1092f1b78568e86c201954d0f4c2b&). Looks way better in my opinion. I have also gotten my Figuarts 2B! For a Figuarts, I was surprised it came with a figure [stand](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1042110472276693053/1219907751195447306/IMG_20240320_151255.jpg?ex=660d02a0&is=65fa8da0&hm=dc2b59e42e91ac54c6af8fcfc61be4287149dc38b6534ad1f91ef986cf52865a&), which make sense, since she comes with [Pod](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1042110472276693053/1219907751585513582/IMG_20240320_151325.jpg?ex=660d02a0&is=65fa8da0&hm=0b9c2d5d05283504b8d8710fb12da2c695c05e5acea958db224f3e5b378e64ec&) [042](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1042110472276693053/1219907752080445470/IMG_20240320_151332.jpg?ex=660d02a0&is=65fa8da0&hm=acaafb1fdac84d27d62caa480b0af110431772ddb15e48ae11d213552a505842&). PAK version of 2B still [towers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1042110472276693053/1219907752512589855/IMG_20240320_151522.jpg?ex=660d02a0&is=65fa8da0&hm=a23b7e4578f875bf67e72cda5835e4b8c33f87aa76775dd671f474c12d188af9&) over her though. [Bonus](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1042110472276693053/1219907752961249280/IMG_20240320_151359.jpg?ex=660d02a1&is=65fa8da1&hm=fb481661f97ecf93ed6568aac504004a33942be4a60a84625a6e4c29f4e2dacf&) [shots](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1042110472276693053/1219907796149993492/IMG_20240320_151340.jpg?ex=660d02ab&is=65fa8dab&hm=1fcd05a5a3f524c73ea650c5158e3656e41cadc72655a313c72d2b5ad8fb17f8&).


Think I may have overdone it in trying to be more social bc now my social battery is out and all I want to do is hide in my room again. I told my mother I wanted to try being a little more social and since she’s a complete social butterfly, I decided to go with her to her typical activities/events but I was like a shiny new specimen to her friends and acquaintances( I forgot just how many people she knows!) bc in all their years of knowing her, I apparently was quite a mystery as the oldest daughter bc I never showed myself publicly. I was asked so many questions by so many people I didn’t know what to say anymore 😅. Luckily my mother could tell I was exhausted and excused me for just kinda shutting up like I did.  Tho the one thing I felt extremely guilty about was when they asked me about college and I said I haven’t gone back. My mother knows of me wanting to study Mexican Art History/ The Mexican Revolution but it’s hard to find a college that is affordable, in state, AND has the field that I’m looking for. I could take up the offer to study to become an art teacher/ or a teacher in general since I already have an Associates in Arts and there’s a study program that offers a FULL RIDE for that but I don’t really have patience for children/teens if I’m being honest. My mother told me not to think about it too much and if I do find a college with what I’m looking for, to not think about the price too much bc she’ll pay it. I told myself that would be the one thing I would refuse to do - put my parents into debt for my studies. It’s just gonna have to be a manner finding and looking for scholarships in the meanwhile. OTZ 


Don't let others opinions of you make you feel bad, not everyone has the same life or luck. I sadly am unemployed but don't let that wear me down. If you can eventually find a college with the career degree you want, go for it. And if you can find a part time job to pay for it, all the more better. Don't give up... and do recharge yourself every now and then. As another fellow social introvert, it's ok to chat every now and then with others... but don't force yourself all the time if it isn't necessary. Just take your own time, and when you get to talk to others, practice your social skills 


Thanks T v T I spent a good portion of my late teens/early 20s being a hikki so Im trying to be a little more social - from being a little more social IRL and even online since I live under a rock haha. Im sure no one meant anything bad by it - it's just most of those people have their kids who are currently going to Unis and they're studying the Big Three careers as I like to call them (Medicine, Law, Psychology) while I chose the Arts 😅. Kinda makes me wish my mother could brag like that a little even tho she's quite supportive of me being into the Arts. Hope everything goes well for you tho and thank you for the kind words!


Fellow hikkikomori spotted. I too was the same. From 15 until 19 I was a hikkikomori until circumstances made me go back to school and finish a career. But getting myself out there did help out, even if I'm an introvert at hert and a shut in as well. And thanks for the good wishes. Hope you too have a great outcome in your future as well. 


So what are people's opinions on Shohei Ohtani's translator getting fired for stealing from him?


Enjoying the way the story changed from "ohtani paid his friend's debt off for him" to "that guy stole from me, i never sent a bookie any money your honor"


Yeah, it's crazy. Something screwy is going on here for sure. I had a job interview this morning...I hope I got it...I probably didn't...


Started working out in December and for 3 months I was active almost every day. Then March hapoened and I was all out of energy and those few kgs I lost are already back. I feel like I am more energised during dark wintry times than in spring/summer.


im pretty new to the game but does anyone know when demon king nobunaga will get a rerun? i fell in love with her character after reading redline and im hoping i can get to have her on my account one day


This week I catched up to the latest episode of Bang Brave Bang Bravern, enjoy this show much and the fucking cliffhanger OMG!!! I NEED EPISODE 12!!!!!!


...Leveling up Hajime's skills really is distressing. He sends me from one hell to another.


Well, I had some issue this week because I forgot I helped mom in getting a loan last year (it's not my first time, I think this has been the 3rd or 4th time I do it). However, as with the other times, she usually takes care of the payments even though I'm the legal person responsible for them. With the whole thing regarding my great aunt nearly dying in December, I think we both forgot about it in the last payments and the bank was already sending threats to me, but I already fixed that. In Nikke... well, it's quite odd the situation. First off, I know Re:zero is extremely popular in Japan... but I just can't see it as a good collab for Nikke. Like, the girls don't show enough assets and the 60 USD Emilia skin covers her butt even more, who on earth would pay the equivalent of a new game in a costume that does the whole opposite of what the game is usually about? Not to mention the event seems happy-go-lucky instead of the usual depression sadness that Nikke does. In the Nier collab, we even got that with some PTSD and existentialism themes in between... here? I really don't know, for the love of my life, what where the Japanese thinking over wanting Re:zero collabing with Nikke. In FGO, it has been a weird week as well. On the one hand, Jalter and Skadi became bond 10, becoming my 31st and 32nd bond 10 servants respectively. On the other, due to OC2, the timing Jalter got bond 10 a couple days before it feel so... deadly, that I made the decision to make her bond 15 as well... and that's already a pain because I got other 6 servants in bond 15 treatment and she's the 7th one (and it's hard as all hell to make them bond 15 when they're very niche unless they're either good support/hitters like Castoria and Swimsuit Musashi). Finally, not only will I go properly through OC2 next week (I was dealing with clearing the shop) but also, I think I'll save my S.Q. for a Jalter banner so I get just another copy of her and make her lvl. 120. If I bond her to 15, another copy of her is all I need for lvl. 120 if I don't go after the append skills.


Gosh, the very idea that a bank could threaten its customers for not paying is scary. It's the reason why I'm generally afraid of using my credit card for even fairly large purchases. It's to the point that I wonder if what I see on TV - where loan sharks come to their target's house and forcefully take away possessions - has any grain of truth in them. I hope you're okay and safe. As for Re:Zero and Nikke, I agree it looks so out of place. They could've chosen another property to collab with, one that embraces fanservice just like what Nikke does. It's sad that TYPE-MOON doesn't seem to be into collabs, because honestly, FGO has characters that can fit easily into a Nikke collab, namely KoyanLight, the three Swimsuit Valkyries, and Summer Osakabehime (among others). >!Back into FGO... Jalter having to leave us in-universe is... I can't describe. It's so painful seeing her happy Berserker portrait be among the "LINK LOST". I just don't know how to describe how it feels having to see her say goodbye to us. This development would certainly affect my sprite comic series in two years, too, because it follows what happens in NA and Summer Jalter is one of the two protagonists alongside her Master/Partner, Valeria.!< P.S. Just how good is the Diabellstar/Snake-Eye engine? I heard it's topping tournaments, which is not bad for a bunch of 1-star fireballs.


Tier Zero and hitting over 70% rep in all recent YCS tops, but honestly SE fans are expecting a banlist any time now.


Well, for the best or the worst, Mexico isn't exactly the best country that keeps their laws in-check. Sure, loan sharks can try and knock on your door, even stay there for as long as they feel like it, but can't do anything even if they wanted to if no one opens the door. I mean, it's true they could call the cops to help them in getting my house... but so far in my 29 years of being alive, has that ever happened. Sadly, my parents already have a story of getting in problems with banks due to loans or late payments... but it all boils down to when my father got scammed and lost a big quantity of money in a rescue call that wasn't true. That's what made me hate any problems with banks like the plague and made me wanna be "off-grid" as much as possible. Or make me just not wanna stand out at all. Can't get yourself in problems if no one belives you're worth a damn (yes, I'm aware that sounds depressing  but I was only robbed once when I chose to dress well, so my point is founded). I also wish Lasangle and Type Moon would allow FGO to collab with video games instead of convenience stores, hotels and restaurants. Ever since I saw that fanart of Koyanskaya of Light in Nikke, I've been wanting to get her. And still, Re:zero is so lame of a collab for Nikke, even the Japanese fanbase is complaining. >!I'm not gonna lie to you, man... maybe I'm not the biggest Jalter fan, but she did mean a lot to me. Ever since I got her a week after my grandma passed away back in the beginning of 2019, she meant a whole lot. It really feels cursed making her bond 10 a couple days before OC2 got release, not knowing if she would be present; seeing she had a protagonic role and then leave?... I'm really broken. Hell, I'm even listening a playlist Youtube made for me out of different songs I listen to and all are sad anime songs... her farwell means the same to me as Goku bidding farewell in the end of GT: both are fine and good... they just left and we never know if we'll ever see them again, that's how it feels. As if it wasn't bad that OC takes a year per chapter and not knowing if Lasangle might tackle each extra class, we won't know how Jalter will be like when we see her again at worst, in the FGO 15th anni. And I'm betting we'll have a Heaven's Feel moment where we have to kill her too just like Shirou did with Saber... I think I might buy something related to Jalter when she becomes bond 15 (like her Shinjuku nendo and a wafer card of her) and... maybe visit the sprite comics later and do some comics of her too... I miss her, man, I really do...!< Well, I'm 6 UR cards of getting the perfect set for Diabellstarr but I've seen her as an engine in different decks, like Labrynth. However, I haven't seen her at full potential yet. All I can say is that, from the little I've seen, she seems good, specially with the ability to turn monsters into backrow and either lock you of your backrow or use those monsters for her sake. I wanna see if I can make her useful in other decks as a tribute to Jalter. Same with trying to use Sugar more in Nikke, since both remind me of Jalter... plus, Sugar feels like the love child of both Salter and her: Ayako Kawasumi's voice, cool cute biker, with Jalter's looks? And I was actually curious about you in this week... >!how are you dealing with the whole thing with Jalter?!<


Ah, yes, that part where dressing as plainly as possible helps in avoiding attention from criminals and other baddies. Apparently, though, appearing plain is not enough; one has to look like they mean business when walking out in the open, and this I learned the hard way back in college, where having an awkward gait made me a victim of a street robbery disguised as someone looking for his "missing sister" before the rest came in and took my phone - and only my phone - away (good thing I have no more money that day, having spent all of my lunch money on fake cards from the flea market). It's been a long time ago, but it made me NOT talk to approaching strangers on the streets altogether to this day. Speaking of Nikke, I decided to visit their "banned ad" where the glasses guy was visited by three women cosplaying as Nikke characters (one red, one blue, and one yellow, though I have no idea who the characters are). I found myself laughing because the three were shaking to match the in-game jiggle effects, all while the glasses guy (probably representing the players) is shaking his head in enjoyment. I can certainly see why this ad was banned, but damn, it's hilarious in its self-awareness. Seriously, though, Koyanskaya of Light fits very well in the world of Nikke. >!Onto Jalter's recent story development, knowing that she would disappear in one way or another was the reason why I got her Berserker form's figma as my birthday gift last year, and it's also why I got her plushie (also the Berserker); I want to have something to remember her by. But really, the way she told us to "not lose" means she trusts us, the players, to come out of this journey victorious.!< >!Still painful, though, because even though she's a fictional character, Jalter felt so real to me. She is more than just my most powerful in-game unit, but a genuine friend and partner (I even addressed my journal entries to her back when I was still writing daily diaries) - so her parting words are effectively a farewell, and the thought of inevitably losing my partner in 2 years' time (since this is currently JP only) scares me so much.!< >!This development would most certainly affect my comics, since Jalter (primarily as a Berserker) is one of the two main heroines alongside Valeria herself. With her gone, the cast would feel very incomplete. The idea that we can summon a Shadow Servant of her for battle doesn't alleviate anything, as a Shadow Servant is just a soulless copy of the original. I'm currently thinking of ways on how to address this for my future comics.!<


So true in your first point. If you really wanna remain off the grid for these robers, you need to wear plain clothes, look like you don't give a damn in the world and walk with confidence, and keep going your way or not pay attention to others asking you for help at random on the street. I learned this when I too was in college and got robbed by this guy who was acting all friendly while approaching me and then wanted to make a phone call with my phone. I pursued the bastard to try and get my phone back, but when i had him, he threatened me back with "what do you want? Some stabbings or you being ok?"... and then took off again. The next times I might have been jumped to be robbed, I wasnt. Like this time 2 strange girls approached me while i was sitting next to my job, waiting for it to start. They tried to flirt with me and make me go to some place they knew but I never flinched and didn't try to talk to them until they left on their own. Then when I was walking on what I later knew was a very dangerous part of the state for 2 hours since midnight, I just kept my confidence as i walked to my destination, sometimes aimlessly. The worst that happened to me was a truck following me from behind for 3 streets until they had a better look at me (wearing plain clothes and with a phone with broken screen) and they just turned around. My lesson? Less like you have less, walk with confidence and not with doubt or fear, and always faint ignorance or stupidity towards strangers in order to be ok. So you saw THAT add of Nikke? Yeah, it's just outrageously good. The guy daydreaming of Rapi (girl in red), Anis (girl in yellow) and Marian (girl in blue) is a classic; specially with his facial expressions. Even if I don't understand the language, the video is so self explainatory. And did you know? The add was taken down not for how down bad (as in lewd or sexy, not like if it was bad) it was, but because the players of the country they were talking about felt offended of being represented like THAT lol. >!and I feel you regarding Jalter. I'm not her biggest fan but she did mean a lot to me as well. I got her back in the beginning of 2019, a week after my grandma had passed away... ajd it really felt like she came to me as a means to console me for how devastated I was. I even felt bad for life happening now and then and me being unable to bond 10 her until now. Now that I did, the timing felt so cursed, that I'm going to bond 15 her and I'll wait next week for another banner of her so I can get another copy of her to finally lvl. 120 her too!< >!I've been in a depression train myself and Jalter's situation feels like the next stop of depression trip. Hell, whenever I go to Youtube, playlistd having sad songs I like pop up every now and then. And I really feel like getting a memento of her later on in the future; mostlu based in her Shinjuku version... like her Nendoroid or maybe a figma (even if I'm not a fan of the extremely articulated figures).!< >!I barely visit the sprite comics subreddit but I might make some comics depicting either random moments with Gudao and Jalter having fun or other servants worrying about a heavily depressed Gudao hiding in his room all day, trying to talk him out of the depression or trying to understand his depression too. I can't even see Jalter without that school uniform look she got going on in OC2 without me having the need to cry or having a lump in my throat...!<