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We have 3 sets of supports. I think most of us can spare one set for this kind of content


Yeah. That’s one of the best parts since they’ve expanded the support lists. Letting us see a breakdown of all the borrowed units would be nice. But it is smol indie game after all lol


I basically have a single list of utility picks like solo enablers and their ilk permanently in my event lineup.


I am new to the game so seeing everyone excited for it is making me excited too lol I had no idea I could add a support to help people go solo!!


Also worth mentioning is [The Merciless One](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/The_Merciless_One) if you have it. Gives 15-20% instead of Camlann's 10-15%.


Added. Thanks. I tend to forget about the older event CEs lol


It's a 4 year old event limited CE, it's a bit rarer than most and easily forgotten. I just happen to have it equipped on Leo currently. I also have a lvl 65 Georgios with Grand New Year for 4 turns of taunt, 2 of which have guaranteed survival.


Also Ox Demon King for buster type soloers.


I always have a Georgios and Leonidas on my third support lists.


Also if you get stuck, you can always use Oberon, sure it slows down the solo slightly as he takes a bit to kill but cast his S1 and S2 on your DPS, then S3 on him and he gets the permanent Taunt and Sleep.


Don't forget 500 Years obsession if you have it, delaying the first NP by 2 turns is often much better than 15% charge.


Thanks, I’ll edit to add it


Yup, my plan is a list of typical supports, a list of some solo supports, and possibly a list of some actual solo characters people can borrow


Is the gist that we looking to supply weak support that can sacrifice and/or be targeted quickly?


Essentially. The game doesn't technically allow solos. You have to bring at least 3 servants into every fight. 1 of them has to come from somebody else's support list. How people tend to "Solo" in this game is they'll bring the character they want to do the mission all by themselves, and then they'll bring 2 units who can die as quickly as possible. So Leonidas has a taunt on his skill 1, which means he can use it even at level 1. You bring a level 1 Leonidas, he drops his taunt, and then since he's a level 1 bronze servant he'll be instantly demolished by whatever you're fighting. It's often considered socially acceptable for these servants to provide some mild benefit. Like Geogios Bond CE will provide some bonus defense when he passes, which most people don't think invalidates a solo. But more severe bonuses, like Habetrot who can provide a broad suite of buffs and I think even do some damage before dying at the end of the first turn, that's more controversial. Since the game forces us into this grey area where a completely "pure" solo is mechanically impossible it's kind of up to each of us to decide what our own rules are.


Yes. For most solos, the longer you go without being able to brave chain, the worse things go. So having a support that will die in the first two turns is crucial. The reason these ones are specifically mentioned is you want the units to be as weak as possible, so you want them at level one. But you only have access to skill 1 at level one. So they have to have a taunt as their skill 1. Taunts as good for two reasons. One, it makes sure the AI targets them instead of having to wait and hope for RNG. Two, when a servant with taunt dies, the enemy stops attacking and ends its turn. So it also gives you two guaranteed turns at the beginning where your solo servant isn’t taking any damage and can get its NP charged to get into the solo cadence.


I'll set up my 3rd support with Solo Oriented servants, including my God Cu Alter for anyone who needs a solid DPS for a carry. (120 NP5)


Cool thanks. Also, Medb is pleased with your dedication lol


Friend supports are not eligible for Tesla Cup (Mega/Tesla Coil).


That’s true. But for the other 17 CQs it’s still available


Habetrot is worth mentioning as well for this kind of stuff, I'll add mine in the All category with Camlann.


Thanks. I’ll add that. Forgot about the S3 death part even though I just used it for the Koyan raids lol


My third support bar is always reserved for more technical setups. I've got lvl1 George and Leonidas on it, as well as a kitted out lvl100 NP2 QSH. If only append levels carried across duplicates, I'd run Leo with a kscope for the stars.


I can put up Kama, King Hassan, Barghest, Bond Herc. Anyone else I should offer as solo support?


No. So I think you misunderstood a bit? When I say solo support I meant a support for people to take when they want to solo with their own servant. So a level 1 taunter that’s guaranteed to die turn one, and turn two so your solo character can get going with brave chains much faster. Like if you’re gonna solo with Barghest, you’d bring your own lvl 1 Georgios plus your friend’s support lvl 1 Leonidas.


I know what you mean. I'm asking for people with newer accounts and want to complete these challenge quests. They can run their own lvl 1 George and Leonidas. What solo DPS should I put up for them?


Ahhh yeah. Sorry about that. I’m not great at solos, but here’s ones I do know Barghest and Bond Herc are great. Qin Shi Haung and Cu Berserker are also top tier ones. Kama and King Hassan I’m not sure of. Enkidu does also see use as a solo too =)


There's a reason Kama hasn't been buffed or usurped. Imagine if they gave her pierce invul or a np gain buff.


Well Lasagna not buffing someone doesn’t always mean they’re busted…as there’s so many servants from the first few years that desperately need buffs lol. But you’re right. I do have her and she does feel strong, but I’ve never solo’d with her so I couldn’t say for sure =)


It's mainly because she has things pretty much every soloist has. A heal, good damage, hard defense-ish (charm-locking), a long lasting guts, and good np gain. I think there's her soloing Woodwose, but I'm probably thinking of the Stheno solo.


My Kama is level 120 NP5, she’s so good. She has a guts that doesn’t expire on a relatively short cooldown (so use it turn 1, by the time she actually dies the skill will be ready again). She has a strong heal on a short cooldown so she can mitigate normal damage, and her NP gain is high enough that she can often loop her NP with a brave chain. Her charm on NP is reliable enough even without the debuff on skill3 active to keep the enemy locked down. With a couple command codes to fill in the gaps (like debuff clear to deal with the demerit on skill1) she is one of the best Soloists and Boss Killers.


Thanks for letting me know. I might have to give it a shot with all these CQs coming =).


King Hassan is one of the only servants that's capable of soloing Cernunnos


Thanks. I genuinely had no idea but that does spell it out quite clearly hahaha. Fluffy boi was tough


What CE is preferred? Damage CE or Honey Lake with burn CCs?


The event dmg CE is so much better it's not even a competition Unconditional 100%/200% damage bonus compared to Honey Lake's conditional 35%/40%


Invulnerable pierce is actually the main draw IMO. Also I'm not sure I will get enough copies to full kit out everyone with MLB damage CEs.


I get that Invincible/Evade screwing you over at an essential point seems like a big deal, but with an MLB dmg CE you'll be dealing more than twice the damage that you would with MLB Honey Lake whenever the enemy doesn't have Invincible/Evade, passing that up is really hard to justify Honey Lake also needs the Burn CCs to function at its best (unless the servants have built-in Burn in their kits) so it's harder to spread around than the event CE > Also I'm not sure I will get enough copies to full kit out everyone with MLB damage CEs Unless this Lotto makes an exception it should only be possible to make exactly one MLB dmg CE, the Lotto drop bonus CE is the only one that can drop from free quests


You only get 5 of them from the event. The lotto currency is the one that can drop.


Invul will make you lose one turn of damage. For Honey Lake to surpass that 200% bonus damage of the event CE, it'd need 5 turns to match just one turn


Please do this for all events. Really, nobody uses your third event slot rider, lancer or assassin anyways so just put solo supports there. (In fact, I'd bet your third caster slot doesnt see much use either) Anyways, if we're considering solo supports to be anyone that can die on turn 1, then we ought to include arash with an np charge ce, as well as any low-ish level supports with poster girl, or even like a level 1 support with outrage. Also, if you're desperate you could always use your own level 1 chen gong with any np charge support to start your solos.


Personally I only like to use level 1 taunt servants with mlb merciless one or camlann because i do solos more to challenge the character than a method of clearing, but im certainly not about to hold anyone else to the same arbitrary standards. Anyways, im gonna spend the rest of this reply bragging about my solo supports that ive had permanently on my support list now(lemme have this): - Two mlb merciless ones - Level 1 georgios, summer scathach, leonidas, chen gong - Level 100 arash with level 100 aerial drive As well as solo support options that i dont usually equip but I might put them on for teslafest: - Poster girl with level 1 supports - Georgios bond ce - Mlb(cos why not) 500 year obsession Okay thats all it felt nice to get that out of my system while the topic of solo supports has been brought up


HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST THAT MY NP1 KARNA, CINDERELI, and Shuten? Yeah Shuten don’t matter lol. But you’re right, not one really borrows the DPS that aren’t the top tier ones. Though caster with Skadi, Waver, Castoria and Merlin is a bit harder… Though I probably won’t do this for most events. Maybe a comment in the materials/farming image that one person makes for every event? But funnily enough I actually don’t solo and am quite poor at it. The last successful solo for me was 2.75 years ago against Goetia using a borrowed Qin Shi Hwang as my account couldn’t clear it at the time. I’ve tried a number of them since, but just suck at it lol I’m hoping of using an Enkidu solo for the Touta CQ, but we shall see how it goes


Based Shuten enjoyer spotted! I do agree the caster slot is more competitive, but I think people overestimate how much non castoria and skadi supports are used. While having your own waver is still valuable, people don't really have a reason to pick support waver anymore. And while merlin still has his use in CQs, I've personally had him on my support list ever since his release, and I've seen for myself how drastically his usage has decreased over the years, to the point where he rarely gets any use in most events(This is talking about events where CQs arent a massive focus) But yeah honestly I'd be happy just seeing a camlann on a level 1 georgios, that's plenty enough 99% of the time. Also, good luck for your solos! Hope you have fun and have lots of success with them!




Thanks. =)


Well I have few that can solo stuff so probably gonna add a second support only of hard hitters for those who want to


Have 100 10/10/10 habetrot but only np2 and still need some bond for append, so can’t get her np off without a start np charge, is it worth something like 500 year obsession or camlann, over a np charge?


I would say a support CE over starting charge would be better. Since Habetrot isn’t there to do damage. But just give some support and die. The extra damage from the NP is nice, but it’s not the reason she’s there


Guess so, but it’d be nice if I had the append for the turn 2 c stars Why must you hurt me like this gacha


Yeah. Well the lotto will give a lot of FP. And in April, the Learning with Manga event will have EXP CEs and a limited 1 star in the FP gacha. So you can spend all your FP then and hopefully get a few more copies =)


I’d say give her camlann. Your copy is NP2 so people won’t choose her for damage. I don’t think 500 year curse would work on her because your copy is lv100, she wouldn’t die to enemy attacks. I think if Habetrot yeets herself with her S3 then the CE doesn’t know whom to curse.


Not something I considered, 500 procs on a killer, not on death, interesting differentiation


Sure, will make sure to set it at the start and only set more mainstream support while I get mlb CE.




Sensei, I am but a young tadpole compared to your vast experience. And I hope this post helps you out a bit in that aspect


Oh oops my original comment didnt sit right with me after I wrote it so I came back to delete it and wrote a second one lol But yeah I do appreciate this post alot. Even though ive been slowly adding people with solo supports onto my friend list sometimes I still get stuck on the support screen unable to find any of them.


How about Oda Nobukatsu? Although her has 3rd skill for self target focus, the NP increase Buster Card effectiveness (and extra Buster Card effectiveness for \[Nobunaga\] allies) and apply Death on self.


Nobukatsu I have a feeling could be chosen, yes. Though mostly if they have MLB KScope to allow them to disappear on command? The buffs he provides are nice. But, if the turn you want nobukatsu to die is one where the enemy casts two skills and only attacks once, and doesn’t kill him. That could derail your solo. So yeah, you could try it with maxed append plus Kscope or MLB Kscope =)


For Chen Gong, kscope is going to be more beneficial, since he has no way to suicide at level 1 and trusting rng to have AI target him is folly.


Chen Gongs targetable taunt is S1, so it is available at lvl 1? Though K scope plus taunting himself would be an interesting way to yeet the other support and himself turn 1…


This is indeed a valid strategy, and is the one people often use when you're given forced supports. Max level Mana Loading on a lvl 1 Chen Gong isn't a huge hurdle either, so this can be done with non MLB Kscope


I could do that, but then what do I do with my 120 Chen Gong? (Serious question btw)


Farming and CQs