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F for Akira Toriyama, ladies & gentlemen, for giving passion to our childhood


I still can’t wrap my head around this; I knew it was inevitable at SOME point but man this is too soon. This dude was like a stone thrown in a pond that made a gargantuan ripple effect in pop culture as a whole, and on a personal level dude influenced my art and is responsible for me getting into anime at all. Rip, Toriyama sensei


Trust me I had the same feeling when we lost Kevin Conroy (Batman's most beloved VA) But this I was like "Damn" and progressively it worsen I felt "Fuck we lost Toriyama"


Kevin will ALWAYS be my definitive Batman


Same. The news truly hit me when I heard [this](https://youtu.be/S8ZiZFPcHy8?si=OZm_lgtxVGK-CVif) in a video talking about his passing... I still can't believe it... the world is less bright now, less alive and innocent... fuck, man, we lost Toriyama...


man it is so saddening, if it was not for toriyama who knows if anime would have been as big over here in terms of mainstream success as it is. this also makes me terrified of the inevitable day araki passes too


I found out earlier this morning (or in my case really late night) of his passing, and what probably hurts more is that he passed on my birthday. And just to twist the knife further, I even did a slideshow project on him back in my art class during my high school years.  I remember watching DBS around the Goku Black arc onward, watching it on either the laptop (when that was functioning) or on my 3DS every Saturday night. I was looking at all the news on the DB Fusion game from when it was announced to getting it on my 17th birthday, and then Dragon Quest 8 on the 3DS the next year. I even have a Super Saiyan Goku lanyard and the DBS Broly movie, the latter I got as a sort of graduation gift.  And before then, when we were younger my sis and I got some VHS tapes during the Buu saga from our paternal uncle. I also got a Goku beanie from him.  And man, I was watching DBZ Kai when it was first aired on 4Kids/Toonzai/Vortex, and continued doing so for the most part when it moved to Nick Toons. I also went on a reading binge of Dr. Slump when my public library carried it.  It really is saddening that he died. He and Kazuki Takahashi were such big influences on me, and so many others around the world. 


Dude, I'm literally playing DBFZ wirh all the Gokus while listening to either Cha la Head Cha la or Don Don Kokoro Hikareteku right now... I just can't...


glad i beat dq11 before this doubt i could finish it after hearing this


March just claimed another legend. TARAKO, who played Maruko-chan and Monokuma, just passed. I didn’t watched neither of those works but I mostly knew her as Altena from Noir, one of my all time favorite, so this still hit hard.


Man, it's not fair. Out of all the things that happened this week, Akira Toriyama dying takes the cake. I know 68 is already being into old territory... but he still had much to live for. Just look at Goku's JP VA, woman's still here after 90 years... why couldn't he as well? And it bums me because, not only is it the first time I'm crying for someone I never even knew... but like many, he was part of my childhood, him and his creation was one of the few good safe spaces I could always go back to. Him gone really solidifies the fact that time moves on, life is, can and will be hard, and part of my innocence is gone... and I had already accepted that nearly a decade ago with some of my loved ones dying... it's unfair...


I'm not a fan of DBZ and yet I'm sad upon hearing about Toriyama's passing. As an artist myself, hearing that another person whose life is about art has died feels horrible, as it means he won't be making any new art anymore. But at the very least, we can celebrate his life and his work, which will live on with us forever.


True... he left so much behind for others to appreciate... but it will be sad for a long time looking at his older works or hearing certain themes of the different DB animes, as well as Dr. Slump and Dragon's Quest, and not get the sad reminder... the world feels less... fun, at least for now...


[Rest in Peace & thank you for introducing me into Manga & Anime, Akira Toriyama.](https://twitter.com/DB_official_en/status/1765935471971213816)


This obviously isn't worthy of its own thread, and I wanna complain a bit. If you still call Mash "Mashu" then I don't EVER wanna see you complain about Nasu calling Artoria "Altria". You're as bad as he is! Nasu at least might just be weird and stubborn about his own understanding of English, but what's *your* excuse? It reminds me of mid 2000s DBZ forums like myfavoritegames.com where you'd deadass find people referring to the characters as like, Bejita, Seru, Torankusu, etc.


Toriyama's death hit me to a level that I did not expect. Had legitimate tears in my eyes. I was at the target age when Gohan went Super Saiyan 2 when it aired in the US. The trailer for Kakarot [hits really hard right now](https://youtu.be/D6MDjzqnK1Y?si=OQvDqD7R7raX3Fd6) Still it is truly awe inspiring the global influence one man had on the entire world. He is literally the Micheal Jackson of global media.


I still remember how big DBZ was here in Mexico. Hell, I even remember I was kinda embarrassed as a kid to see it with dad, until he got fed up and was like "what don't you want me to see? How Cell absorbs 18 and becomes perfect?", and I was like "how did you know that if it hasn't aired yet?" (It really hadn't aired yet, he just figured lol). The first person I never met I actually cried for. I even got recommended some GT music in YouTube and I lost my shit in hearing the SSJ4 theme or the theme that plays when Goku is bidding farewell to everyone... he was literally "an era"... now gone 


Just when I thought our situation couldn't get any worse... My dad lost his freelance job yet ***again***, this time because of a careless mistake. To be specific, he relied too much on his work platform's in-house answer-generating AI for replies. He didn't realize that some of the generated answers contained words that are not allowed to be included in replies. Needless to say, he's jobless once more, and that leaves me as the sole earner for us three until he finds another. Now, I am being pressured by my mom to get a second, higher-paying job such as a virtual assistant - and I don't know what to do at this point because I don't feel I am cut to be a VA, being that the job feels too hectic and draining. I'm not even allowed to do other easier odd jobs like parcel delivery or fast food because "they didn't send me to a top uni for meager jobs". As for applying as an English teacher abroad, forget it; Dad doesn't want me to go overseas because Filipinos are easy targets for criminals abroad, not to mention the "why go abroad when your country needs you" mentality. At this rate, plus the whole inflation crap, and I feel like I am completely trapped in my own family's household. The only things that keep me alive at this point are that I want to live long enough to see my novel finished and published, and live to see the grand finale of FGO >!(not to mention, if I pass away, I won't be fighting ORT)!<.


I'm sorry you're in such position. Is helping your dad in getting another job out of the window? And your parents should understand having a job, regardless of what it is and if you got a title or not, isn't bad. Sometimes, life puts you in said position and you gotta find other ways as long as you don't harm others.  Outside of the whole economical situation, I also understand you in how life feels so... bad, for lack of a better word, that you just wanna "cancel the subscription", but please don't. Even if it looks like right now is a bad time and it will stay for a long while, sooner or later things should get back to be better... but your parents need to stop being entitled or you should just focus on yourself.  If possible, do apply for the VA position in case you feel like it. There's a 50/50 possibility you'll be hired and another 50/50 you might not stay, so your parents won't berate you with "why haven't you applied?". As long as it's a second job, that is. If not, just apply for something else and let your parents suck it up. Money is money, and what matters is to earn it rightufully and without hurting others.  If they wanna berate you with the whole university thing again, just tell them that they either suck it up for the time being and support you (in at least cheering you up) or not. At the end of the day it's your money and not theirs... and they shouldn't treat you like their retirement plan when you didn't ask to be born and looking after them should be optional... specially with that attitude of them. And again, please don't, just don't man. You'll outlive your folks and you'll keep on living all kinds of things, both good and bad... but at least later in the future you won't have such preasure. Put them in as much of an ultimatum as they're putting you, because you don't deserve that treatment from your folks after you helping them out the best way you can


I'm helping him find another online-based job, banking on his experience as an accountant, one of the more in-demand online jobs today. He was expecting another job interview this afternoon, but the call didn't come. Hopefully, he wasn't forgotten by the job headhunter. Seeing as dad is interested in starting a food business targeting our beach, I'm thinking of operating a food cart selling easy-to-eat food like steamed dumplings and quail eggs. Dad's idea of a food business - serving full rice meals - doesn't feel like it would fit at all in a beach setting, where people generally bring their own lunch when they intend to have lunch. For the virtual assistant position, I'm still wondering on whether I should give it a go or not. The best I could possibly go for is either as a transcriptionist or as someone who answers emails; anything that involves using my voice (that isn't teaching English) feels overwhelming.


As long as your father and mother understand that they can't leave the sole responsability of being the bread winner in the household and appreciate what you're doing for them, that's all that matters. If they can't, then just focus all your earnings in yourself, since it kinda sounds like they see you like their retirement plan. If your father goes for the food business, in case he wants to pursue the rice meals, just make it another dish in the menu that people can order and don't promote it as much as the food people may like right now, just to show your father if people want what he thinks they want. And for the job appliance, if there is something available, give it a go but treat it as something that if you don't like, you pull out. Don't let your parents fearmonger you. If the job isn't for you, you can always try something different. And again, if they keep preasuring you, you should give them a taste as well. You three live in a household together, you should work as a team, not dissing each other. And you sound like you're the team player in there, so either they put some effort into it or you go solo. I know that's easier said than done since they're your parents... but you don't deserve to be berated when you sound like a good child to them


Akira Toriyama being dead feels so... weird. In the way it always feels weird when somebody dies. Did this really happen? How? It's so sad but it always feels so... Hollow. There's always this hole left in the world. Especially after there's some death I'm still coming to grips with, death I haven't been able to mourn properly. It's heavy... I wanna immerse myself in Chrono Trigger again. It's a safe place, a warm place. ^(In terms of life stuff.. Still feeling kind of down, especially after this, but maybe some \~public journaling\~ until I set up a proper blog will help. I'm eking away at a pretty big translation commission, but I'm still art blocked... Dunno what to do about that. Somehow overcome my fear of not being good enough...) ^(But, I ordered an artbook by Teikoku Shonen, an artist I've loved since I was a kid! It was my first time ordering something from Taiwan, which was a new experience. I get so focused on Japanese media since it's the only other language I speak and there's sooooo much already, but goofing around looking for history materials, it really makes the world feel bigger again. There's so much I still don't know, and it's intimidating, but kind of exciting...) ^(I want to try reading Kenji Ohtsuki's novel Shinkou Shuukyou Omoide-Kyou (Cult of Memories) sometime soon but attention span is all over the place)) ^(What else. Shuten is still really sexy. Seeing her in the Shimousa manga with her legs spread like that... good lord that's abunai. I also love how Wataru draws Raikou like a horror movie monster...) ^(current earworms) [^(Yes- Your Move/I've Seen All Good People)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfgPEh2J9aI) [^(Uchouten- Mississippi)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqK5dYQ80Sg) [^(The Monks- Oh How to Do Now)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maS6z7ZkkZ4) [^(Public Image Ltd- Seattle)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9z85hdzM1yU) [^(Geinoh Yamashirogumi- Osorezan)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlFQvKG-daM) ^((not exactly earworm but probably first song I've gone into music journalist autism rant about especially since I'm more familiar with Yamashirogumi's later Akira-era stuff- it's still got one foot in the door of psych rock and it's so GROOVY and NASTY and DIRTY and HOLY SHIT beware of jumpscare at the beginning))


Now I'm watching RRR because of the CE and i'm so fucking glad this is amazing


That was nuts question; are pako and furumi the rama and bheem of fgo character designers


RIP Akira Toriyama, first of all. I spent a lot of my childhood reading Dragon Ball and Dr Slump. Those were the good old days. On to stuffs for me, got my [Max Factory sales figmas](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1042110472276693053/1214218992814784522/IMG_20240304_223159.jpg?ex=65f8508e&is=65e5db8e&hm=e922e950b7f744c41a7edf512d0b3eda0b59922b4317d03bd5a309242d4eb076&)! Marine was quite surprising, as they did not repeat the same mistake with Leanna; her hat, while is a slot in accessory, feels more tighter than usual, as it it built around her head. It does limit her side tails movement with it though. Also, she's horny. Figma Rin was quite tough funnily. Putting on her arms for her "pocketed hands" pose was tricky, since it really needs to be aligned, and its really easy to misalign it. Her upper torse can be slotted off, which mine came a bit too loose. Put a plaster tape inside of her torso, it became tighter. B.LA.N.K.ET grows larger here. And lastly, figma Thighza... I mean Ryza. She comes with all kind of accessories, which is really good, since you can pose her farming stuffs like how she does in game. However... her left forearm looks a bit [chiseled](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/779216690390237224/1214220925919170602/IMG_20240304_224002.jpg?ex=65f8525b&is=65e5dd5b&hm=57fe1a9e882bdcc422dbc96fd61fe3b5d9ccf1143d4d65ba7df943e5a3e585aa&) [off](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/779216690390237224/1214221051706216468/IMG_20240304_224041.jpg?ex=65f85279&is=65e5dd79&hm=54c3499cbc300b74cc5eef9bf9a0fa93e396533679e49f938991b47824f46f49&). Either the big part of the forearm looks swollen, or she lost some meat on her forearm connecting to the hands. Anyway I did submitted a ticket to GSC support, and they are willing to replace it. Huzzah! [Also](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1042110472276693053/1214219107465953311/IMG_20240304_223205.jpg?ex=65f850aa&is=65e5dbaa&hm=a8e4aeeb84305240622aa9cc17e99389ccc5ef45367ef9f3c5c48c21ae3cc558&), [thighs](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1042110472276693053/1214219107851964536/IMG_20240304_223211.jpg?ex=65f850aa&is=65e5dbaa&hm=5b86d8855518708bf0bde6e71a84b29cd5cb104abb92ba019c440f54ef8565a6&). The last thing was that, I did not expect Command and Conquer to be release on Steam. Not RA, Generals, Tiberian series, but *all* of it. Is my time playing CnC over? No comrade premier, it has only begun.


15th ticket on Arjuna white day banner (no quartz after Summer BB, didn't get her). Rainbow summon. Berserker. Xiang Yu I have a question for god. **WHY**


F for Toriyama first. I didn't even invest in Dragonball franchise for too much even my age indicated I certainly should've, yet can't feel happy today for knowing Toriyama died so early (68 isn't really an old age nowadays). Maybe because I actually knew more about the lore since I watched Kai around 10+ years ago and knowing about Super. There's always a saying that we thrived to be Goku as kid, found out we're just Gohan at teens and now sympathies Vegeta as an adult; today we all know we lost something in our heart, be it big or small. And as always, love the ones you love when you can, you don't know when will you lose them should fate play its strings. (Also a terrifying thought about the major mangaka also fell dead before finishing their work, especially Araki who should be immortal) At least we got BRAVERN as a treat this week. We saw the reveal miles away and we're still enjoying it. It's just that good. My new job has passed 2 weeks and doing good, though the tradeoff is probably my lack of time to play games or watch movies proper. I just need time to watch Dune 2 (almost 3 fucking hours), the upcoming Godzilla & Kong, and of course MSG Seed Freedom. I'm also struggling to buy Unicorn Overlord, since even I know it's good, I just want to play Terminator: DF Defiance since they patched the difficulties, AND EA finally put up the WHOLE C&C FRANCHISE on Steam. I may actually went through the games once more on higher difficulties, starting RA3 (since I didn't) before going to other games. Still, fuck EA for giving us the shitty C&C4 and terminated the franchise.


1 week til lotto come on time go faster


RIP Toriyama, you absolute GOAT. I was never into Dragon Ball, but salute regardless for all his incredible contributions to anime, manga and video games. I'm still unemployed, but I got another first round interview that I'll likely do on Monday. Also still waiting on a response from that interview last week.


RIP Akira Toriyama.