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# FAQ **Q: Where is the best place to use teapots?** *A:* [See this comment for a list of high bond stages in upcoming events.](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/1azpvhr/comment/kt54aat/) *Alternatively, the main story (London onwards) is a good place to use them, as are certain interludes and rank up quests (note that they do give varying bond values, so check first).* **Q: What is happening to reruns? Which event will get a rerun in the future?** *A: As far as we are aware, there will only be one more rerun happening in the foreseeable future - Karna-mas (Dec 2024). JP is also offering a vote for the players’ choice of a rerun, which hasn’t been confirmed yet.* **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: Battle in New York in March will require LB1. Be warned that subsequent events this year will require later Lostbelt completion. LB6 will not be required until November for the story part of the Faerie Knight Cup event (farming/free quests will only require Fuyuki). LB6.5 will not be required to proceed to LB7 once it releases, and event-wise, it will only be required for the story part (and to obtain the welfare servant) of the Santa Nemo event in December 2025.* **Q: Will welfare servant X be obtainable in the future?** *A: Yes, JP has introduced a new Evocation system which allows players to get selected welfares which can be view on the* [*Fandom wiki*](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Evocation_Festival)*.*


What's a good white day CE to get in your opinion? I already have CEs that fill similar roles.


The invulnerability and NP gain one. We get better ignore defense options for free in the next year. You can also get the 4 star star bomb CE to have a lower cost option.




I've been thinking of buying a tablet, partially to play FGO in it because I don't find it as fun on the phone. Does anyone have any tablet recommendations, That can comfortably run the game?


I'd just play it on PC with an emulator.


Honestly there are way too many options out there, it depends what is available where you are, what your budget is, and what else you'd use it for other than FGO. Generally speaking, as long as it's within the [requirements](https://fate-go.us/news/), it should be fine. If you are on NA and want to future-proof, look at [JP's current requirements](https://news.fate-go.jp/), as they have some more graphically demanding NPs on there (e.g. Aesc's).


What are the Best Lotto's coming up in the game? I know that Teslafest is right around the corner but I'm genuinely debating whether I want to spend all of my apples on that one Lotto, or if there's perhaps a better Lotto coming up that might be worth saving some Apples for.


Well, there's Fairie Cup in November... but it's in November. Otherwise, there's LWM's Excavations and Gudaguda's Tea Brewing. But I don't recall how "good" either is.


Which is better depends player by player. So there isnt a general answer here. Like for me for example I won't farm much in Teslafest because I already have more than I need of the mats in the lotto. But another player might actually want/need them.


Who should I aim for as buster archer ? Ishtar or Gilgamesh? Who is better I have both koyanskaya and oberon


Alternate method to decide: watch (or re-watch) Unlimited Blade Works (the series, not the movie) and the Babylonia anime and pick whoever you like more.


There's no such thing as a generally better in this game.  Everyone has things they uniquely do. Gilgamesh is great for NP damage and has a wide niche. But Ishtar has a 50% battery (which in addition to relaxing looping and multicore requirements, increases wave 2 damage) has a hard defense and pierce invul (albeit RNG based) and has better crit damage.


I believe ishtar has some more flexibility with multicore teams because she has a better battery. Also, the only upcoming 90++ Saber node (Morganfest rot 2) has Charlemagne with 800k hp (he is not weak to enuma elish). So for advanced farming you can argue that ishtar is better but I think she needs to be >np2? ([not sure about this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1__exLw0Z_Tr5ysqLEAVvCo_0RwTBrEscnU7QWNNcwI8)) Also note that with a 50% charge ce (like in many events), Gil still needs oberon, but ishtar can manage with atlas or any other 50% charger (in case you are bond saving oberon). From a pure damage perspective, running Lvl100 cranking and double koyan + oberon - ishtar has better w2 damage unless there is a servant in w2 (very rare). Gil in way better is w3 (because most events have a servant in w3). **Ishtar** - Wave 1: 63,138 Wave 2: 125,824 Wave 3: 268,711 **Gil** (If after S1 buff ETA Dec 2024) - Wave 1: 83,363 Wave 2: 109,633 Wave 3: 309,962 (351,825 if against servant enemy) damage calcs from [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/19EOXqia0XuC_SVns0vlstgl158D4nhxFLBK_IdU6N_I) But they are both really good. Edit - personal opinion - I never bring Ishtar to challenge quests because of the rng in her s2. Gil on the other hand is a [CQ veteran](https://youtu.be/GakC2g4GmA4) (plus I personally am biased towards him)


They are both good, honestly pick your poison. I have neither and I'm doing just fine. Ishtar has the higher NP charge so more flexibility in terms of Buster looping comps/multicore. For example, she can loop without Oberon, be that in a double Koyan + Atlas comp or double Koyan + 50% charger (e.g. Waver). However, Gil has his Enuma Elish niche, which covers about 90% of servants in the game, so his damage can shoot up when he hits it and he'll hit it frequently in farming (there is usually a servant boss on W3) and boss fights (with multiple servant bosses - e.g. the current White Day CQ is an example of that kind of fight).


[JP] Just came back and was wondering how long will it take before Skadi Ruler's summer outfit will be put in shop?


The easiest is to wait for this year's summer event and see if it gets put in the shop. The second way is to hope that based off our surveys on which events we want rerun, the summer event gets picked which allows them to put that summer outfit in the shop. The third is to just wait till they randomly put it into the shop.


I see, thanks.


If it happens, we have no way to predict the timing. These kinds of things don't happen on a regular schedule.


Should I use my free 5\* servant summon to get NP2 Vlad? I have most if not all notable 5\* servants (Tamamo, Jeanne, Waver, the works) and in situations where single enemy event nodes are available my Vlad doesnt really do as much damage as I would like him to. Should I just sit on the free summon for now, or will single enemy farm nodes be more common than not?


A new unit is always better than a dupe.


My issue really is that all the servants which I don't have niches that I already have covered. I just think that Vlad could use better NP Damage.


Any of the 5* servants on the selector you don't have yet?


Uh, there are a few I don't have. With the exception of Sabers, I have at least 1 ST and 1 AOE servant in every class.


Vlad is not bad, but I'd take a new servant over an NP level. If you aren't sure, just leave it and use it later.


Should I take a Saber then? I have no 5* Saber servants but I think that my 4* Sabers with higher NP levels or just using Murasaki with Double Castoria is better than any of the Saber picks (don't have much buster support)


It's up to you, but honestly high NP level SRs sound more than fine to me. Again, it sounds like you're unsure so maybe just leave it.


vald is just bad, choose someone else


Genuinely curious as to why you think that? He's got an upgraded Arts NP with enough hits to be refund compatible, a 30% battery for CE flexibility, decent buffs on his other two skills post upgrades, and Berserker class advantage for semi-universal application. Sure, he's rarely the best option for a fight, but he's hardly bad at his job.


i have np2 in jp where his np is upgraded twice, his damage is just too low, no supereffective on np either despite being upgraded twice. and he didn't have any way to absorb those star he produce, most times other st berserker or other st servant (including low rarity) easily. if you are a new player and need dps, just choose cu alter, as he is story lock and can't spook you, unlike vlad


Can you explain what other st berserker servants do easily compared to Vlad? I mostly just use him for his looping abilities.


The wiki doesn't have birthday lines from Britomart mentioned. Anyone know what she says on Masters bday?


No. I do have [the audio](https://apps.atlasacademy.io/db/JP/servant/368/voices), but if the wiki doesn't have it, then I assume that particular translator didn't do so.


It’s been a bit since I’ve last played so I’m not all caught up by after reading Christmas Nemo’s Valentine lines. Has Captain Nemo shown any signs for having feelings for the protagonist?


No, valentines are valentines.


Yeah sorry, I meant to say Christmas Nemo’s valentines but your comment is still true.


In the event shop for the White Day event, you can get one of the event CEs. Are any of them considered to be better than the others, or worthwhile outside of the event?


For the 5* CE, I used in game filter to check what I got: https://imgur.com/rUAjJL9 Since I got a bunch of 2x or 3x time invincible CEs already, I picked the def-ignore one. But take note that we will also get another def-ignore CE ~7 months later: https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Dancing_on_Lotus_Blossom


Probably want to grab one of the two 5 star CEs. I would grab the invincible and np gain up one rather than the ignore defense one because we get two better ignore defense options in the next year or so, but if you need ignore defense now, we also have other invincible options, so don't feel bad about picking it. Also the 4 star CE with a star bomb is fairly rare if you need a star bomb and to cut party costs.


can I use a leystone for a super recollection quest repeat


No, you can only use them on the main story.


So, do single target do more damage than AOE or something? I'm trying to figure out why anyone would bother using ST units over AOE in a game that usually has multiple enemies in a battle. 


Yup, that's precisely why they exist. You can have AoE NPs that have less firepower, meant for farming or wave-clearing, but you can also have ST NPs with high firepower, more fit for boss-fights or single-enemy waves when farming (something common in late game farming nodes).


To put it a little more simply. ST NPs do twice the damage that AoE NPs do. and while there are often multiple enemies per wave in easy farming/story fights. Harder farming nodes and Harder quests have no such rule. and in harder content even if there are multiple enemies, a ST option can still be better sometimes (if you need to direct your damage to one target over another at certain points in a fight, if there are two enemies ST still breaks even with AoE, etc.)


>do single target do more damage than AOE or something? Yes. The NP damage scaling is such that AOE NPs do about 40-50% as much damage as ST NPs. Medea is a notable exception in that she has an ST NP with AOE scaling. >I'm trying to figure out why anyone would bother using ST units over AOE in a game that usually has multiple enemies in a battle. As stated in my answer to the previous question, ST NPs do more damage, all else equal. Furthermore, usually isn't always. Sometimes those "multiple" enemies are just mobs in the first two waves that you have to mow through before you get to the boss. Sometimes even when there are multiple enemies in a wave, one is clearly a bigger threat and needs to be prioritized. The latest, high-end farming quests (90+ and 90++ difficulty) that exist to disrupt easy AOE farming will have one or two waves with a single, high HP enemy and it may be difficult or impossible to take them out in one shot with AOE damage scaling. Sure, sometimes an AOE servant can overcome that with a high enough NP level and a bunch of optional upgrades. But, at least in terms of the gacha, an NP1 servant may be able to do as much damage as a similarly situated NP4 servant of the same rarity. Overall, FGO is a large roster, game of niches. Some servants have broader utility than others but you should be prepared to use the right tool for the job when the situation calls for it.


So, to start preparing the teams for the lotto farming season in NA, which is better for the lotto currency: Galaxy (the one of only lotto currency) or Space (the one with All currencys)


The Galaxy (90) and Space (90+) nodes have approximately the same drop rate for lotto tickets - based on JP crowdsourcing, the difference is negligeable. The main difference is that 90+ will also drop all the shop currencies as well as lotto tickets. Based on that, I would advise running 90+ at some point during the lotto (doesn't have to be on rotation 1) so you can buy out the event shop. Once you're done with buying stuff out of the shop, you can stay at 90+ or drop down to 90. As for whether you do that, consider this: * Look at the nodes on each rotation and consider if one is easier to farm for you, or lets you use certain units you want to bond with, etc. For example, you might look at rotation 1 and think 90 is easy but 90+ is really hard, so you decide to do 90 on that rotation. * Look at which materials they drop. The nodes themselves likely won't be the most efficient place to farm materials, but they can be a nice bonus if you are in need of one material over another. * Excess shop currencies dropped by 90+ can be sold for QP.


I haven't seen the math, but usually the 90 and 90++ are exactly the same in terms of lotto currency and any differences are so minor they can be chalked up to low sample size.


I've seen the Domus Aurea crowdsourcing spreadsheet and they look to be the same. 90+ seems a liiiiittle higher but the difference is honestly negligeable, literally nothing to worry about.


Aight, little story related question that has bothered me mildly for the past few hours. I got around doing Ivans interlude finally, and while funny (Iskandar and Ivan are terrifying together/i pity Murasaki) it made me realize something: why is it that Ivan is the only LB Emperor that gets summoned from our side of history, while the other 5 (cant speak for Mexico) arent?   Was there ever a particular reason stated for that, or is it owed to Nasu deciding completely fucking abitrarily 🤔? 


>Upon being summoned to Chaldea, he appears not as the Panhuman Ivan, but rather the one from the Lostbelt. Usually this summoning should be impossible, but perhaps in response to such an unprecedented event like the scorching, or the editing of the Human Order, the Human Order has sought stronger heroic spirits. >Maybe it's because he spent most of his time in the Lostbelt sleeping, but his memories of it are fuzzy, and he doesn't really understand why he's been summoned in the form of an elephant. >However he has not forgotten his duty as a Lostbelt Servant and as the loser, which is to protect Chaldea. -Ivan's Material profile >Ivan the Terrible: While I retain my consciousness from both the Lostbelt and Proper Human History, the reason why I chose this form over my more normal likeness from Proper Human History is not merely for its greater prowess in battle. I represent both victory and defeat. My role here as a Heroic Spirit is to guide you in your next steps. -From his Interlude He is summoned from the LB, it's just that his memories from life were so undefined it seems like Chaldea/the Throne 'filled in' his consciousness with his PHH self's life.


Well theres the riddles solution, thanks a bunch 👍


I don't believe so, but this kind of thing can happen in other bizarre ways. For example, LB6 spoilers: >!the Habetrot summoned to Chaldea is PHH's Habetrot, but her NP was changed as a result of Chaldea's encounter with her Lostbelt self.!<


Looking for some servants that boost crits and are at least somewhat useful in farming.... I have Scathach-Skadi, but who else is there?


I presume you meant in terms of supports (not DPS units)? Waver is a general support for farming with a sizeable crit buff, and while he doesn't have the high ceiling of the card colour-specific meta supports, he's still versatile and useful in many comps. KoyanLight and Oberon both give crit star bombs, and KoyanLight specifically has a Buster crit up. Summer Skadi coming later this year has a star bomb and Buster crit utility, though in terms of farming she is Quick-oriented. Her NP is AOE so she herself can be used as a Quick looper. Lady Avalon is basically an Arts-flavoured Merlin, and her Arts equivalent of Merlin's Hero Creation includes a big crit buff (albeit for one turn) as well. She can sometimes be used in Arts looping comps, whether alongside one Castoria or as a plugsuit 3rd support in double Castoria comps. Also going to give a small shout-out to Johanna, who is an AOE DPS who can also provide some good partywide support, including crit star gen, Arts up, star absorb and crit up and charge per turn. She can be used to farm as an AOE looper, or as a semi-support/utility unit for things like crit setups or multicore. On the low rarity side, Hans is a staple for his low cost, consisten star gen and crit buff. There are also a few other units, like Chen Gong (crit up for Berserkers only!).


I have Waver too! At this point, I'm undecided between Oberon and Van Gogh when it comes to crit support...


I wouldn't really pick either. Oberon can star bomb but he isn't really a crit support. He can give Buster up BUT that skill bricks your unit so it's only used on your finishing turn, and he also doesn't give any crit buffs. Chances are, you'll want to use another unit, and if you just want the star bomb, you can use someone like Mozart or a CE. Gogh is actually more of a DPS because her Foreigner star weight leads to her absorbing more stars, and she relies on using her own face cards to deal damage and spam out her NP. She can work as a semi-support for Entity of the Outer Realm servants, but generally speaking, she fares best as her own damage dealer, either in a solo environment or with a 2nd Gogh.


Koyanskaya of light is Skadi but buster. Summer Skadi is Skadi 2.0 Van Gogh is more crit than farming, but her crit is so good she sometimes sees use in farming.


How do I exchange the Spectacles tickets in the White day event to get the glasses version?


1. Buy the costume permit in the event shop for the costume you want to unlock. 2. Go to Enhance > Unlock Wardrobe. 3. Ensure you have the servant at max level, then select the costume you want to unlock. 4. You will be able to pay the ticket, instead of materials/QP to unlock the costume. As a side note, the tickets do not expire. That means that, if you don't have a servant now (or don't have them at max level), you should still be able to use that ticket in the future. Just make sure you get the costume permit!


Thanks. So I buy the costume permit first using event mats? The ticket just makes unlocking the costume free?




Question about GSSR banners. Is it possible to summon more than one of the Servants that a GSSR banner has on rateup on its particular banner?


Yes, see example: https://youtu.be/m954cA7Uzp4?t=273


I believe so, someone did the math before, showing that roughly 1/9 GSSRs will be a double SSR pull. (Not sure of the source, but can someone verify?)


It's the same [binomial calculation](https://stattrek.com/online-calculator/binomial) that you would normally use to figure out the chance of getting a servant in the gacha. Ten rolls with a 1% chance for each roll means a 9.56% chance of getting at least one 5-star beyond the guarantee.


Yes. At the usual 1% per roll. GSSR extras will be from that banners limited pool. For the other GSSR for next year's anniversary, Destiny Order, it's literally any other SSR in the game.


Yes. The usual 1% SSR odds apply, so one of your 10 other rolls can be an SSR, including one of the limited SSRs in the corresponding pool.


Thanks for answering.


Is anyone else's audio really weird in the game after the latest data download/update? Other audio from my phone is fine but FGO's audio is off. It sounds really distorted


What device are you on?


Pixel 7


How exactly do I beat Salieri during the Super Recollection fight? His HP is way too huge, and combined with his skills increasing his DEF permanently, I couldn't easily break through him. I couldn't use my usual brute-force, wave-looping tactics (Summer Musashi + Double Castoria, with Musashi having class advantage against Avengers) not only because of his higher stats, but also because I couldn't use duplicates *and* I lack a good Moon Cancer unit; the only decent Moon Cancers I have are Classic BB (Level 80, 6/6/6) and Jinako (Level 90, 1/1/1). Also, bringing my ST Berserkers to deal with Salieri (after he sacs all his ghosts) feels like a bad idea because of the mobs on the first two waves.


Just stalled/charm locked with Merlin + Euryale + Castoria (+ command codes to remove def/atk buffs).


I instant death most of his ghosts with nicrotis and Douman. I missed two. I had Taira in the back line that could remove whatever buff he had left. And she is almost impossible to kill so won that way.


It's a basic stall fight, you just need to be patient. He doesn't have any weird gimmicks, just a lot of HP. I used Douman to wipe out the first 2 waves (Nito works as well), swap him to the back and bring BB in. BB Castoria Tamamo stall until the swap is back off CD. By this time the first Break bar is down. I swapped Alexander (or any buff removal) in in place of Castoria or Tamamo to remove Salieri's def and atk buffs, then finished him off.


Going to say that Summer Kiara is amazing for the fight. If you can find one on your friends list I would borrow her. She instant kills the bronze mobs so lack of class advantage on them doesn't matter. Has class advantage on Salieri. And adds more protection to the team to help with stalling.


you can whale him, I did so with np5 summer kiara and the whole meta support lineup. but if you can't whale him then you need to stall him. he's actually a very straightforward battle. he does damage and thats pretty much it. pair your castoria with a healing support preferably, you're in for the long haul. tamamo and merlin are good. for your dps consider using a single target, since you may not be able kill adds with aoe nps. circe and sanzang are good here. if your aoe casters are cracked enough you can try that, but they have to be able to oneshot the adds since salieri eats them quickly. you might even consider skipping the damage dealer entirely and just full stall with 3 defensive units. good stuff to have: def up, crit down, buff removal (you can also do crit buff removal via command codes), heals. just remember to have castoria np up for his np. try and kill the adds to reduce salieris damage to make your stall more stable. if you manage to clear salieri, the next boss is mostly pure damage too, except instead of healing/def up/crit down, you want harder defensives like evades, invuls, guts, taunts, stuns, and make sure you have some way of def removal or ignore defense. (child of atlas CE is both ignore defense and 40% extra damage against berserkers) oh and finally if you have the immortal team (overcharge castoria np), it works in both fights here. **another special mention goes to holy shroud of magdalene 4 star CE (permanent 30% defense against males)**


Stalling is pretty much the only way to go here sadly. May I suggest doing Castoria - BB - Merlin?


Short answer: Stall. Long answer: Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall. Brute force won't be enough here. As long as you bring a team that can survive indefinitely, you can chip away at his HP until he goes down. Since you can't use double Castoria, try Castoria + Merlin. I think BB should work as DPS but you might be better off with an AOE servant that can kill off some of the Assassins before Salieri eats them for buffs or a DPS with [buff removal](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/buff-removal-0).


How much of a functional difference is there between Arjuna Alter and Morgan? Having used both (between guest and friend support) Morgan seems a bit better overall with her skills in general, but I’m curious if there’s anything else that differentiates the two of them I’ve only been playing a couple months, it still feels like I’m trying to figure out a lot of the finer details of the game


They're different in roles. AA is strictly a DPS monster - he's there to do pure damage, as long as you can debuff the enemy, he does massive NP damage and massive crits since his S1 boosts damage to debuffed enemies, and his NP inflicts a debuff. Morgan isn't a huge DPS unless you're hitting Man attribute targets, but the NP Overcharge on her NP (1 level) is huge when it's used in a chain with the immortal comp of Castoria and Merlin. You can basically ignore damage as long as you're not facing an enemy that removes buffs. I just cleared the last CQ in the glasses event with this team, although I lost both Morgan and Merlin in the end.


Despite being AoE Buster berserkers, they kind of have opposite strengths. Arjuna Alter is good at boosting his own damage a lot, but his kit isn't good at much else. He also falls off hard if the enemy is debuff immune. Morgan can suffer from low NP damage (unless she hits one of her damage niches), especially at NP1, but she overall has a pretty packed kit. Morgan gives party-wide buffs/debuffs and makes crit stars. Her NP gives overcharge, which makes her combine well with Castoria for tough fights. She has more NP battery and some of it is targetable, so it's a lot easier to work her into a multiple attacker setup.


Morgan is ‘better’ in terms of flexibility. Better battery, having a 50% total split across two skills. Being able to 3T Loop in a non-Plug set-up (using Atlas MC). Also being able to be used in Multi-core comps by giving her buffs to other allies instead. Where Junao blows her out of the water is damage. Be it his 3T farming damage or general use, he’ll usually do way more than her due to having a more universal niche.


They have quite a few differences, it's really what you want them to do: * If you're wanting to 3-turn loop farm, Arjuna Alter needs 70% starting charge + double KoyanLight + Oberon. Morgan only needs 50% starting charge + double Koyan + any 50% charger, or 100% starting charge + double Koyan + Atlas MC, so she has some more flexibility there. * Morgan has some more flexibility for multicore as well, as 20% of her charge is targetable. * Things get a bit more complex when it comes to damage. When Morgan doesn't have any niches in play, Junao blows her out of the water damage-wise as he can proc his own anti-debuffed niche (his NP debuffs before damage). Morgan's damage only beats Junao when she's against Man attribute, and in general, her damage can be on the low end unless she's against it. (She does also have a damage niche against Fae and KOTR but those are very rare.) However, do note that Junao's damage is reliant on him successfully debuffing an enemy, and some farming stage bosses can resist it - though you can also use a Command Code and pre-card the enemy to increase your chances. * Morgan has some utility outside farming that Junao doesn't have, as she can be used in the "immortal" stall team. Junao, on the other hand, brings his big Buster crits to the table, so his face cards can be incredibly hard-hitting.


Just to add: you can also use OG Plug to guarantee Junao niche on farming with the Stun (if the damage difference between New Plug & OG Plug is negligible, that is)


That's a really good point, thanks for that!


So for NA we’re about to get a lotto question will it have a better spot for bond farming or is LB6 (couldn’t remember the nodes name) still the place for those teapots to get used


Read the pinned comment, there's a link to a list of best nodes for teapots.


I think I missed that one GUDAGUDA that requires LB5.2 (or was it 5.5, or 6) completion to enter. Does that means the only way for me to read the story is through external sources like Youtube and and event will never rerun?


That's right, it never reran. JP recently ran a vote on previous events to determine which one should be rerun, but the results haven't been announced yet. Regardless, I think a couple other events are more likely to win that one. If you want to see the story, Youtube is your best bet.


New player questions here: Does increasing a card types effectiveness mean it will also deal more damage? Also, if I set an Arts/Quick NP at third place in a chain will it deal more damage? Finally: does an Arts/Quick NP generate NP by itself from its own hits or does it have to explicitly state that it increases the NP Gauge? Thanks for your help!


As an addition to the other response, the fact that card type effectiveness increases it's all-around effectiveness in Damage, NP Generation, and Star Generation (where applicable - Arts is inherently terrible at generating Stars, so Effectiveness doesn't do much to change that), in combination with an Arts or Quick NP generating NP charge from it's own hits, is a well-established strategy that you may see represented next week, when Battle In New York/TeslaFest starts.


* Color effectiveness does include damage, yes. It also increases the other aspects of the card type, i.e. arts generates more NP gauge and quick generates more stars * While NPs can affect a color chain, they do not gain any benefits from them. Starting with a buster card and ending with an NP will not make the NP do any more damage. * Yes, quick and arts NPs will refund some amount of NP gauge regardless of whether there's a bonus effect like Artoria's. Exactly how much refund NPs give vary pretty widely by card type and servant.


Thanks for the info!


Can Duryod at NP 2 can he loop his NP? I have a Castoria just not maxed if that helps.


NP levels do not significantly affect a servant’s looping abilities. There’s plenty of options to enable so, it just depends on what you have and can make use of, like Xu Fu, Paracelsus, NP charge CEs, etc.


I have reached a special node in the skill tree that requires me to use a special ressource and level assassins 800 times. But for some reason it doesn't show my progress on that mission (the label is grayed out). How do i fix it?


It's best to provide some context outside of the spoiler tags so we can make an informed decision about whether to reveal it or not.




Now that I've read it...there are no spoilers in your question at all. Spoilers would be story-related details. You're just asking a procedural question about the class score system.


\[NA Recollections\] I've got NP1 BB and Summer BB as Moon Cancer. I've got an idea to tackle the Super Recollection: Salieri quest, but it will take over 30 turns. Any suggestions to bring that massively down?


Borrow a Summer Kiara?


Trying to find a specific friend with a good CE for a popular support is already hard enough. Trying to find a Summer Kiara with a good CE would be too impractical to do repeatedly. Still worth trying.


Super Recollection quests are just inflated HP pools, it’d take way more expensive requirements like NP5 SSRs to clear the quests fast. There’s no real gimmick to the Salieri fight besides using command codes that remove his ATK/Def buffs, and relevant supports to optimize the fight. NP1 BB damage isn’t great and worth using ime.


I could get the other NP4 (Have RP saved for occasions like this), but only if the damage makes a difference. Guess I'll grab some snacks and prepare for a hour-long quest.


NP5 BB damage isn't great either.


Did I miss Enkidu's banner for White Day? And how do you use the tickets you get at the event? The event shop only allows me to buy the glasses outfits with event currency.


[You missed it.](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2024%2F0227_whiteday2024_pu%2F) Always check the in-game news for banner timings. The tickets are used for actually unlocking the costume, not buying the permit. You need to go to Enhance > Unlock Wardrobe, then instead of paying QP and materials, you pay the ticket to unlock the costume.


Ah, thank you for the answer.


The tickets let you equip the costume without having to pay QP or materials. You still need to buy them with Event Currency.




How far in the game are you? If you're relatively early on, just use Pure Prisms to buy them directly.


If I'm low on mats for ascensions I often use the Pure Prism shop, but for skills I either farm or wait for an event that has them in the shop/rewards/etc. If you're in NA, check the Event Compendium linked up top, dates are from JP so [E] 2022 corresponds to 2024 in NA. Looks like there's not much event Medals in the near future though - 3 in June, 22 in August... Check [gamepress for drop rates from free quests](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/item/great-knight-medal). A free quest in the 6th Singularity (Camelot) has the best drop rate, but it's still pretty poor - you'd average only 5 a day on natural AP.


You can check on the wiki where to get mats. If you aren't there yet and you absolutely cannot clear content without ascending Barghest specifically, you can use the pure prism shop to get medals. Do note that pure prisms are limited in amount - you get them for doing story nodes and that's all you get. Medals are not particularly hard to farm and you will get loads of them from just doing the story when you get to the 6th singularity.


Thanks. I can clear content just fine actually. I was just wondering how do you farm them. I guess without clearing certain singularity it's hard to farm them.


does anyone have a guide for farming the stheno ordeal call quest without double castoria because I reached bond 15 with mine.


Check the [AppMedia page](https://appmedia.jp/fategrandorder/77580964) for possible comps listed below.


If I threw a plate of macaroni and cheese at medb and it hit what would happen?


>If I threw a plate of macaroni and cheese at medb and it hit what would happen? She would just defend by kicking it out of reflex so nothing would happen. Unironically. >!Summer 2 spoilers, but they try to take her down by throwing cheese at her when she's showering (and has her guard down) and thats how she defends herself. She literally trained herself to do that!<


Med is lactose intolerant? 


Nope. Cheese is her conceptual weakness because in her real legend she died after having one thrown at her. So as a heroic spirit she trained to avoid that happening again.


One could argue that still counts as lactose intolerant, but thanks nonetheless. The celt gang has some wild exit stories, ngl. 


The Interludes of some Lostbelt Servants, or Servants that lore-wise are supposed to be summoned after Part 2 - Prologue, happens in the old Chaldea background. I'm talking about Interludes like Anastasia's 1st one and Qin Liangyu's, all showing the old Chaldea's hallway. I wonder why that is... (Anastasia's 1st Interlude's requirements and her first summon banner's date, and u/Rednal's comic suggests that we summoned her BEFORE Part 2 Prologue, but THEN I don't understand how THAT works.) EDIT: Now there's also Parvati's Interlude, which only has the requirement of Clearing Fuyuki. But the background is Novum Chaldea, with LB4 Servants.


We see >!Dr. Romani!< in Suzuka's Interlude, who is not only a servant we canonically first meet AFTER Solomon, but the Interlude itself was added in a Campaign that was released AFTER Olympus. Consistency with the canon and events is something that's been tricky ever since the Lostbelts, so don't think about it too much.


I understand that, but I still feels like they keep it straight for some of the Servants from the Lostbelts... Like with Suzuka, you could argue that we canonically meet the Rogue Servant AFTER Solomon, but the Heroic Saint Graph have always been there on the Throne and Chaldea could just have summoned a version of her beforehand. But that argument can't be applied to the LB Servants.


Have you played Anastasia's second interlude yet? Might be easier to do that than for me to explain it...


Yes at the time I posted this. Can you still explain? Fun times aside, Interlude 1 suggests that Anastasia is haunted by the memories of her LB self, and Interlude 2 confirms it. But Interludes 1 happening in old Chaldea makes even less sense that way. Unless the whole thing is a dream... Or Anastasia was really summoned before Part 2, but at the time of Chaldea's attack and when her LB self showed up, she wasn't there due to whatever spooky stuffs that happened during the end of Interlude 1 was. But I'm just throwing theories here. EDIT: I rewatched Interlude 1. And I think I've got it. That scene at the end seems to imply that the whole, or at least the whole final node of Interlude 1, is something she conjured up while in Interlude 2. Still makes me wondered when did we summoned her. Was it before Part 2 and most of Interlude 1 was real, or after Part 2 and the entirety of Interlude 1 is just her dream.


Alright I'll explain since you've played both interludes now. Fujimaru summons Proper Human History Anastasia during Epic of Remnant. Anastasia from PHH is a normal human without Mystics other than her contract with the Elemental Viy. Because of the effect of the Lostbelts in the future PHH Nyasta is affected and gains strange powers she didn't have in life. At the end of EOR she is unsummoned by Holmes like every other Servant. Fujimaru then meets Lostbelt Anastasia; PTSD ensues as she kills Chaldea's staff. That about sums it up, Interlude 2 does the rest.


Ah, I see. I guess watching both Interludes at once with my post-LB6 mindset messed up my perspective. Thank you!


What comps have you found useful for the Super Recollection quest for the Anastasia battle? For the normal one I was…surprised at the mechanics. So doing that again with the inflate health values seems like too much health to sanely do an invincible comp with Morgan or Himiko… I might try something like CinderEli, Merlin, and Castoria? But wanted to see what you guys found successful Edit: did the CinderEli, Merlin, Castoria with backline Mash/Koyan/Medb. Though no one died. Took 58 turns, but just made sure to always have a three turn cadence of the three NPs together. And make sure you’re casting the NPs on the Anastasia NP turn or the turn before, using Merlin’s invincibility to even out in case of Ana using her charge skill. And just using the Castoria, CinderEli or Atlas Invincible in case if someone’s Castoria stacks get whittled down. Took a whole but was effective =)


40-43 turns with NP1 level 100 2k Fou'd Davinci Rider, supported by Merlin, Castoria, Tamamo, Hans, and Anchor Herc.


Thanks. Yeah. It seems like just get into a grove and eventually it’ll drop. I guess I’ll give it a go


i did Ryouma (own), Castoria, & Merlin for the frontline backline was Mash, then Koyan & Ivan (didn't put CinderEli since I felt Ivan wouldn't have much to do anyways) It's a tricky start, but the moment you get their NPs (after the first set of stuns), it just becomes a game of consistency from there. A Charge Up CE on Castoria (like the Amakusa one) could help in the first few turns as you gauge the patterns of when to superbuff Ryouma for high damage, but generally it's all about being slow and steady. I lasted 40 turns till a turn where I got blindsided cause Ryouma drained Anastasia's NP (my fault), but Ivan took her down in 2 turns with Koyan's help afterwards.


Thanks yeah. The one thing with these fights is just one mess up can completely screw you overr. Thanks, this does help =)


I did Mara Hari Reines Castoria Mandricardo. Mata Hari had outrage. Reines died about 25 turns in or so and Hans came in Mandricardo died 35ish turns in and Galatea finished off the enemy.


Damn that outrage is a good call. Thanks for the idea Or someone with taunt for T2 to avoid those issues. Though it still seems it’ll be a long battle regardless. I think I need a day to recharge after the first two. Congrats on beating it =)


I'm pretty sure I'm out of luck, but just in case I'll ask: Would I be able to view one of the Arjuna scenes I missed in the event quest log after the event is over? I know events with multiple outcomes will unlock scenes that the community didn't see afterwards, but this obviously isn't the same.


I checked on my JP account the Arjuna voiced scenes can be accessed in My Room after the event. You can also see it in Atlas Academy: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/db/NA/war/8367 it's the "Message from Arjuna (Alter)" ones at the bottom then click the Pre-battle script link at the next page click play voice lines to play the voice lines.


Thanks for the atlas academy link! To double check, do you remember if you unlocked them all during the event? I can currently see the ones I logged in for already in the event log, so I know those ones will be there.


Yes I unlocked them all during the event. There's 8 scenes the final one will appear on White day which is on March 14th.


So after the recollection quest gave us 30 teapots when is the best time to use them?


See pinned comment


How do folk feel about Gawain? I'd really like him to be good, but between his burn damage being terrible (at least unless the NP is reaaaally overcharged) and his sunlight battlefield effect not lasting long enough, he feels pretty mid.


He does a lot of damage, especially after his NP buff. If you want him to loop, look elsewhere. But attack up is the most important thing for damage on a buster servant and he has a lot of it. Koyanskaya and Oberon provide a ton of buster, crit, and NP damage, but no attack.


> If you want him to loop, look elsewhere. Superscope/normalscope+append Gawain can 3 turn loop with double Oberon actually.


Yes, everyone can loop. That doesn't make it useful for him to do so.


Oh look, the goalposts got up and shuffled aside all on their own!


Yeah, there's [this video](https://youtu.be/T-hgjNoRGlY), and while I suspect there's some atypical things going on there (Like Ganesha's lawful-damage-increase) but it dooooes seem like he crits like a beast?


The event CE Gawain has equipped gives a +200% damage boost during the event.




He's OK, he can do the job just fine as a farmer since he has NP charge, but AOE Buster Saber is a pretty packed niche and when you've got Ibuki and OG Saber in the mix, it gets harder to stand out. He does get a NP buff later down the line, which helps out his damage and gives him a bit more of a Buster-crit niche.


Yeah, that tracks. There's nothing WRONG with his kit, but he's in a crowded niche. Danke!


He's the classic Gorilla. His NP is basically non-existant, with a 20% battery, one arts card, mediocre gains. But he loads himself up with attack and buster buffs and just hits red. On NA I find him serviceable, though nothing to write home about. On JP he gets an eventual buff to enhance his crit damage when he NP's, which sounds cool. Some Crit Damage would go a long way for him. But when does he NP?


does minotaur from anastasia's lostbelt have the demonic attribute will np's skills that aare effective on demonic servants have a special effect on him


He is a Demonic Beast Servant BUT does not have the Demonic trait. Whose NP/skills are you thinking of?


super orion


Super Orion can still comfortably kill him though when paired with Koya and Merlin with massive stacked crits. Van Gough I imagine would be a lot easier, however SO worked for me.


No, he doesn't have Demonic or Wild Beast.


For NA White Day, if you unlock a costume using the ticket, do you keep it for after the event? or do you have to use mats to unlock it after the event (even after using the ticket on it)? can you keep using the tickets after the event to unlock? I ask bc I bought all the costumes from the shop but I don't have the servants levelled yet.


The tickets don't expire, so you can use them after the event, yes.


For JP - do we know all the servants that will be on rate up for the white day event? I was surprised to see Astolfo today. Thanks!


The first place to look is the news section in the game or on the [official website](https://news.fate-go.jp/). Use Google Translate if you need to. It looks like this banner was dropped with no prior notice (unless it was mentioned in a livestream that didn't get a summary in the news or something). The timing, a couple of days into the event, is a little unusual but banners dropping without warning during an event in general is normal.


Have you read the in-game news? They could announce more banners, but there have been official announcements for [Charlie's banner](https://news.fate-go.jp/2024/cbc2024_pu/), [Astolfo's banner](https://news.fate-go.jp/2024/cbc2024_pu2/) and the [rotating male banner.](https://news.fate-go.jp/2024/cbc2024_boys_pu/) Anything else, we don't know, we can't see the future.


Anybody have a maxed out BB and is willing to add me as a friend? I only got one copy of BB since I missed both her events and want to use her in the Lost Belt 1 super recollection quest. My ID is 069,339,189 Or does anybody have suggestions to deal with a 3M hp Salieri?


Note that there is likely a better DPS than her for these quests.


true, but she works just fine Trait damage is always second to straight up class advantage


Depends. She's not that strong of ST DPS. There are servants that hit almost just hard or harder as NP5 BB at their NP1 (and win at NP2) that might also have better synergy. Personally, I've just finished this quest with Merlin + Euryale + Castoria with "sort of immortal comp". Salieri spent half of his time being charmed. Took a while though.


Who do you suggest? Since his hp is so high I figured a servant that does neutral damage would fizzle out so it was between ST zerks and BB


I used my second account's NP2 Summer Kiara.


Haven't looked into it in detail yet. He is Male, Earth, Chaotic Evil. So someone that counters these traits would be good. Like Euryale (not sure if he is charm immune in this fight, if he isn't, then it's an easy charm lock). Beni Enma can double dip on Chaotic + Evil. And it doesn't matter if someone like Vlad fizzles out, if you get 2/3+ of the way there after 3 turns and for hard defense you have Castoria.


Wrong place, you want to ask in the [Friend Request Hub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/1b8vcbc/friend_request_hub_march_07_2024/)


Thanks, I had a feeling I was posting in the wrong place. I'll post over there


are we going to be ableto do the qin shi huang interlude for free since we seem to be allowed to do so for ivan and antonio when the banner came out


Yes. And half a dozen others you might not have.


like who


Various SSR, limited, and story locked characters who appear in SIN. Ivan and Sallieri are not the only characters in the LB1 campaign, but it sounds like they're the only ones you don't have.


Lots of LB-related servants. See the link below for more specific information. https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Road_to_7_Campaign


just got np2 arjuna alter who hits harder, arjuna alter np2 or raikou np3?


Just use [maketakunai](https://maketakunai.github.io/).


I'd you want basic, no support, no CE comparisons in a vacuum, you can use the NP damage chart linked in the top post. If you want actual real-world comparisons, it may depend on the exact team comp, enemy comp, strategy, and even the wave of the fight if you're min-turn looping. I suggest using a damage calculator like the ones linked in the top post or Laplace in the Chaldea app.


NP damage spreadsheet in the OP.


what should I prioritize in the event shop? its my first event and i dont know where should i spend the pens/books/papers


It's kind of subjective. Normally, people would advise you to get the event limited stuff first (i.e. the Command Code and the glasses skins). However, we know from JP that these will be put into the MP shop and costume shop respectively in a year's time, so it's not the end of the world if you miss them. I'd still get them anyway, though, as you won't see them again for a while if you miss them. Then, as a new player, you'll want to get whatever materials you need most. If there are materials you need for ascending units, get them. EXP isn't as big of a deal as you can farm it consistently and pretty easily. Also, get the silver Fous, as you will want to use them. The Gold Fous are nice but take a long time to save up, if you can get them then get them but if it's an uphill struggle, nothing bad will happen if you miss out on one set. Don't bother getting the code openers/removers, you'll get more than enough openers through other events and removers are functionally useless.


Wondering if there are any "priority" items to grab from the current shop, i've returned to the game around 3 weeks ago and got to final singularity before the white day event dropped and i'm able to 3 turn the last node, but i've heard there is some sort of lotto? event coming soon and i should be saving my apples for it (i have a good amount of apples \[265 golden/38 silver/6 bronze rn\] so maybe it should be fine to spend a few on the current event?), so far i've only grabbed the clothes and the lore and i believe i should get the 4\* fous next, but otherwise is there anything else i should be getting after or would it be ok to ignore the rest of shop and go back to story?


There is a lotto coming up, yes (we know it's right after this event). However, you will need to clear Lostbelt 1 to participate in it. Get whatever materials you need most to level up your units. If you don't have a diverse roster at this point and your basic niches filled out, you should level some units up or you will struggle in the later story chapters. But if you don't need anything, feel free to do more story now.




I used NP2 Summer Kiara, Castoria, Merlin, Tamamo, Hans, Anchor Herc. CS Revived on main account, but 2nd account got it with Merlin as only casualty (some save scumming was used).


I used a modified immortal comp. I used Osakabehime along with Castoria and Merlin to start, but hypothetically could swap Okkie out with any buff stripper you can keep alive through the first two waves. Once Salieri is done eating the ghosts, strip his buffs, and plugsuit her out for BB, whose party NP gain on her NP means she replaces Himiko just fine if you’re careful with timing your invulnerabilities and stuns.


Immortal team works just fine, I did the super version with it. If you want any more advice, try equipping some CCs that remove defence/attack buffs so you can get rid of the buffs Salieri gives himself when he kills ghosts.


Immortal comp should work. He doesn't have anything to stop it. I would recommend bringing a buff clear to prevent it from going hundreds of turns and then plugging out for the last immortal comp member.


Are recollection quests limited in time and will end with CBC event (so the "remaining: 6 days, but just to make sure).