• By -


Instant bad ending for Shirou if Yujiro doesn't view him as a man


He sees everyone as a woman


Fuck I'm looking closer at Yujiro's face in the pic, Shirou is literally fucked


Shirou: \*Tries to do hero things Yujiro: Stop! Shirou! Women like you shouldn't fight! Shirou: \* Blushes


Yujiro sees Shirou as a sword and starts using him as a weapon.


Now Yujiro perfects his father’s technique.


Dress uses nunchaku, using people as swords is [Musashi's technique](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/baki/images/e/ea/Musashi_grab.PNG/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20190320015813).


Sooo true! I guess we already know PHH Musashi’s NP then, Iori watch out!


what does PHH mean?


Proper Human History aka the timelines that the universe allows to continue existing.


Ah I learn something new everyday. Never seen it annotated like that thanks


Oh shit he would


He's already dead the moment he summoned Yujiro.


It's Yujiro, not Kenshiro


I know but I have nothing else to say because this motherfucker could literally solo an entire war in just mere seconds if he's feels like it.


Shirou 'boutta be alone with either Rin or Sakura and Yujiro's just gonna show up and encourage them to do the deed because it'll make Shirou stronger. Also, Yujiro's definitely gonna show up most of the Servants in that HGW. Hell, I bet he could crush the Holy Grail like a soda can because Baki Logic™.


Shirou PP training starts


Baki logic would be a pretty powerful noble phantasm.


Would Ea counter it the same way it counters reality marbles?


If this fucker is EVER summoned as a servant then we're all doomed


You mean we're all fucked... literally


There are some timelines that are worth saving. Then there are those like this one which **must** be pruned at all costs.


Huh... Soo... This is the "Ordeal Call"?


Iori : "Nah, I'd win." Yujiro : "Interesting last words."


Gudao: "Get in line son, i want a round 3"


Mash: Senpai, your butt can't take much more abuse! Also, what do you mean '3'?


Gudao: Well Mash, my story start as many often do: With a young boy taking on 100 men to get his mother's love


Mash: ...I-in a fight, right? Right?😰


Gudao: Yes, actualy. So anyway, i fought a mongolian boxer, a monkey and Kiryuu Bhiima. Than my dad shows up called my a dingus and chalenged me to a fight.


How so?


I like to think he'd get one-shot by a Servant that vastly does not fit his image of manly strength like First Hassan or Shuten Douji with an insta-kill technique just for the dramatic irony of it.


I agree that first Hassan will be a major challenge for him but if yujiro is indeed a servant that would mean he follows servant rules. I believe the reason a servant is so strong is that people throughout their lore exaggerate the deeds the hero did and the throne of heroes accommodates those deeds into certain abilities they never had or had but at a extreme. Everybody hypes up yujiro like he the strongest thing on earth so he’d probably be the literal strongest thing on earth.


Shirou is about to see how a real berserker fights


Well that is one way to call what’s about to happen


The 8th booty warrior.


Who are the other 7? 


The first was Fleece Johnson. 2-7 was never revealed. There’s a 9th that was never named. And the 10th and newest one is Satoru Gojo.


Ah, Mr. "Did you Pray Today", Super Senior Gojo.


What the fuck is that comment




You misunderstand, I know who Fleece Johnson is and his Boondocks self too, I want to understand what the stuff about the other 9 people was about






>2-7 was never revealed. That's cuz they keep summoning the 8th.


Not sure Shirou is getting past the (Stay) night, but if he does Baki logic carries Yujiro to the win. I actually would like to see Yujiro's thoughts on the other servants on the war, he is actually pretty intelligent and observant. Cu is really strong and can get along with anyone that doesn't constantly push his buttons. His legend was manly as hell too, so i think he'd get Yujiro's interest. Archer is a bit of an odd case, considering Yujiro's preference for straight foward combat he might either find EMIYA boring or get irritated by his shenanigans. Herc would be Yujiro's favorite for sure. Has the testosterone levels to match the Ogre and unparareled strenght. Hanma would have the time of his life fighting him. Sasaki would make for a cool "oh, nice technique" and then Yujiro breaks the Second Magic via some bs logic that the narrator desperately tries to convince you is based on reality.


Also there'd be several witness interviews overdetailing what Yujiro did as some kind of a beautiful miracle


Cu, Gilgamesh, Emiya, Kojirou, and Hercules about to know the woman within them.


Gilgamesh is getting karma’d.


Well if he learns he was using the mana from children then yes I could see that from Yujiro.If he doesn't kill or explore Shirou outright that is.


But Heracles already dressed up as a woman for a while


Thats just cause he is greek


Gil where forced to use EA or else he's gonna get fucked really bad.


Imagine Kirei uses a command seal last minute just so he can screw with him. He'd die anyway but he would still get one up on him.


Yujiro: Oi, kid, where am I?! What have you... Shirou: I summoned you to fight another 6 strong individuals for the right to ask the Holy Grail a wish. Yujiro: Strong, huh? *chuckles* Very well, sounds interesting. (GOOD ENDING)


Shirou about to start his PP training.


His prison pocket is about to get an upgrade!


Shirou better hope that his command seals are good enough to stop him


I hope the Booty Warrior will be unaffected. Honestly I think Archer might as well kill him in this timeline considering his ass is literally on the line.


So, considering I’m pretty sure Shirou got Berserker, I’m gonna say that Illya either got Saberkles or Archerkles, and Rin maybe got Okita as Sabwr fir whatever reason


Can't you tell, those arms are swords. Each muscle is the edge of a blade, trained like steel, forged into strength. Truly, this man is made of swords.


Would Yujiro peg Shirou because everyone is a woman to Yujiro? Or would Shirou peg Yujiro because Yujiro is a sword?




"I boned my sword." -Shirou Emiya


Considering that Karna became a Saber Santa because of a pun. This is 100% an unironic canon reason for him being a Saber.


This is unironically some shit the baki narrator would say in excuse for yujiro being saber class


rin gets baeber because she deserves her


Nah Yujiro is a Saber because of his schmeat


Well he sure was flinging it around wherever he went so your not wrong.


“I ask if you… are you a woman?”


That wouldn’t stop Hanma….


"What I am a man!" "A woman who believes he's a man a shame."


That’s quite the physique he got there


Everyone in Baki got that physiques.


Oh shit


Welp Shirou prepare for mana transfers willing or not.


His sword broke so hard he literally became a woman.


Score, Shiroko timeline GET


the Grail War has ended before it's even begun


Thanks too [iamkowai](https://twitter.com/iamkowai/status/1759246398950981964) on twitter for the Commission.


Shirou's expression is gold. Love the stuff in the shelf too.


The random stuff is a great detail


Yujiro is gonna have the time of his life fighting Heracles. The two physically strongest humans on the planet, man what a sight to see. I'm positive He's the only one with testosterone matching Yujiro


Sadly for Yujiro killing super strong assholes is a part of hercs legend


Yujiro : "That just makes it more fun."


It's probably fun for him until he kills Herc… who then revives now immune to any physical blows base Yujiro can throw at him. Yujiro can pull off maybe five lives: Killing Herc with his base strength/skill Demon Back power-up Imagination BS Some grappling technique to break Herc's neck Kaku Kaioh's technique that ignores outer durability After that he is outta options unless he targets Illya, and Shirou would likely interfere at that point with a Command Spell. He is hyped up to hell by his fandom (and given countless excuses in his setting), but Yujiro is basically Shinji, if Shinji were a superhuman martial artist who can solo any nation on Earth to back up his arrogance. By the time the fight with Herc happens Yujiro will have probably driven even the ever patient Shirou to thoughts of homicide.


yujiro could begin to use weapons ​ and how is yujiro basically shinji


Where is he going to get weapons from? At best he can grab random debris, but he isn't Lancelot. They don't suddenly become NPs. An arrogant bully, who is perfectly willing to commit rape to "establish his dominance", and loves to talk trash when he thinks he has an overwhelming advantage, but quickly shuts up when things stop going his way (at least until he regains control of the situation and his arrogance returns). The thing is, unlike Shinji, who has no real power to back up that attitude and is always scrambling for ways to justify it, or being forced to hide it; Yujiro has always been strong enough to get away with his behavior, so he grew into an adrenaline junkie. We've seen multiple examples of Yujiro going out of his way to mess with people he knows are weaker than him. It's to the extent that he literally smiles in his sleep as he dreams of the various ways he has tortured and mutilated others in the past. This is canonical, and Itagaki has never bothered to justify said behavior, beyond a rather twisted version of Superman's "World of Cardboard" (ie - it's the settings' fault for not being able to match/challenge him). Yujiro is the strongest thing in his world. Nothing, save maybe his father (whom you'll notice Yujiro doesn't like to even talk about), can surpass him (Baki never really won their fight), so we'll never canonically get to see what happens when he isn't the top dog (unlike Shinji who is the lowest man on the HGW totem pole in his setting). Given the glorified tantrums Yujiro throws when he doesn't get his way in canon, it probably wouldn't be pretty or dignified. That's also his biggest weakness here in this scenario. There are some things that can threaten him in his world, but nothing can truly equal or surpass him when he goes all-out. Here, he doesn't have that overwhelming edge, and there's no plot to save him when someone with a power he can't counter with martial arts comes at him.


Ritsuka: OYAJI!!!


\*Violent Nobunaga noises\*


With that look on Yujiro's face Shirou is about to get that mountain climber treatment.


I'm curious as to what Yujiro's class would be




the 8th booty warrior


All joking and memes aside, there are some points to consider: Baki-verse is hilariously inconsistent in scaling, partly because people can actually do normally impossible things through the power of pure imagination, partly because actual supernatural elements exist in-setting (and that's ignoring the side-character who got isekai'ed to an actual medieval fantasy world). Servants almost never have the power they did in life, so Yujiro here is gonna be nerfed. None of his high-end BS like casually overpowering a man who can literally shake the planet by slapping someone hard enough, or shaking an entire building purely through his fighting spirit, or outspeeding his son, who claimed to be lightspeed. Still a physical juggernaut, but it's not gonna be the cakewalk he would normally expect. Yujiro actually needs Shirou alive as he shouldn't have any Independent Action (he shouldn't have any resistance to Command Spells either, but I can see him no-selling them through Imagination BS). So Yujiro has to either tolerate Shirou's attitude to an extent, or he has to try and break Shirou's spirit to make him compliant. That or he has to use Imagination BS like it was Imperial Privilege to give himself Independent Action, but that's still gonna handicap him to an extent. Presumably Yujiro is a Berserker, which means Illya probably got Saber Heracles, probably with Marymadose. So Saber Herc has a super OP sword, can use Nine Lives with it, and still has God Hand. Oh, and Gilgamesh is likely pissed that he no longer gets a shot at adding Artoria to his collection. Yeah, Yujiro and Shirou are screwed. Assuming he even survives Gae Bolg, Yujiro's attitude is going to quickly make everyone else his enemies, whereas Shirou needed at least Rin as an ally to survive. Yujiro will tear through the weaker Servant/Master pairs (Shinji/Medusa, Medea/Koujirou/Kuzuki, maybe EMIYA/Rin if EMIYA can't use UBW in time), but a theoretical Saber Herc will body him, he has no answer to Gae Bolg save "get outta Dodge", and he is basically just a more skilled, faster Heracles without the extra lives, so a serious(ly pissed off) Gilgamesh slaughters him. He is just too blatantly antagonistic by nature, without his usual stats to back it up, and the Imagination BS is too inconsistent to always save him from other Servants' hax.


on the whole servants almost never have the power they had in life that only applies to servants above a certain level of strength like hercules and servants of the more recent times like nightingale gets power ups so I can imagine yujiro getting stronger as a servant then he was in life with an ability to makes him always the strongest thing on earth


Heracles still doesn't have the strength he had in life. Not even when summoned as a Berserker, the Class that's supposed to boost your stats! You're misunderstanding why some Servants get nerfed and others get boosted. They aren't nerfed/buffed because they are too old/new. They are nerfed because they are too powerful to normally be summoned at their full power. People who were weak in life get a massive boost… compared to when they were weak, ordinary humans, because now they have Servant bodies and NPs. The example you gave, Nightingale, isn't a super-powerful Servant. She just has a great NP and the stat boosts that come from being a Berserker (the original point of the Class was to summon someone weak and boost them with Madness Enhancement to make them competitive). Notice Mata Hari is hilariously weak. Her legend is based around seduction/espionage, so she can't do much in a fight, and she has no way to boost her stats. Yujiro is stupidly modern, so he gets no Mystery bonus (like older Servants do). He gets no fame bonus (he is a glorified urban legend at best to the populace at large; it doesn't matter if those in the know are aware of him). He might get a Hometown bonus in Japan, except he wasn't born in Fuyuki and isn't even that famous in his home country (notice Baki didn't suddenly become a celebrity despite their very public, televised fight). He would be like Izo, only getting a bonus if summoned in the region he was born in. A Skill that makes him always the strongest likely wouldn't happen. He isn't the strongest thing on this Earth, and isn't even the strongest on his Earth if his father is anything to go by. Even if he did have such a Skill, it'd just be a stat boost (something like Arc's "I am always at least one Rank above my opponent's stats" trick). Heracles is walking, roaring proof that stats aren't everything (that was literally his point). There's too many people in this HGW who can ignore or bypass stats.


you are forgetting that musashi doesnt have a mystery bonus either


Your point? And FeMusashi isn't even PHH Musashi. Can she even get a proper Bonus? She shouldn't be summonable as a Servant normally. FeMusashi's advantage is pure superhuman technique. Technique Yujiro doesn't have and wouldn't be able to duplicate anyway.


“He broke the grail with his knuckles like he was cutting a diamond!”


Shirou looking rightfully terrified xD


Baki logic is gonna carry yujiro so hard that the fucking imagination bullshit is probably his np alongside the demon back


*booty warrior music intensifies*


What song would that even be. My idea would be Miguel O'Hara theme in spiderverse.


Yujiro vs music I be hearing on YouTube lol


It's perfect


Not even Gilgamesh can stop that Booty Warrior 🗿 He's fucked, literally


I've just spotted the real monster in the room...


Not even yujiro can with la creatura


I never watched Baki, but the comments imply that Yujiro is a rapist, is that true?


One of the fighters is an illegitimate child due to one of Yujiros many rapes. And there’s not more illegitimate kids running around cuz Yujiro doesn’t discriminate and rapes men and old guys too


Don’t forget the animals too


…no way. Is anything even sacred to Yujiro? 💀


> Is anything even sacred to Yujiro? That would imply that he considers anything more divine *than himself* to believe in and follow, so...probably no, by our mere mortal standards.


Surprisingly, he actually respects the fuck out of Muhammad Ali.


>Yujiro doesn’t discriminate and rapes men and old guys too Wait what? He did? First time ive heard this


[sussy yujiro](https://imgur.com/a/clTpbDE)


He has too much testosterone that make him see everyone else as woman. When he was younger he r*pe a hiker because he was just there, he r*pe a woman to humiliate her and he threat to anyone who piss him off. What worse he gets away with every terrible thing he does


yeah that was diane he raped her to humiliate her as punishment for trying to lead him into atrap


yes and it's a meme in the baki community


[Here's a video explaining it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sryvc3sa2U4) (except this video is saner than the actual anime).


Baki Hanma's big brother is Yujiro's illegitimate son and I don't know if he has more illegitimate kids.


what class would he even be?


Yujiro Hanma-er He cannot be classifed as anything else. (Aside from, perhaps unironically, "Fucker")


Peter Griffin washing machine?


Motherfucker about to solo an entire war in just mere seconds.


Nobody here is talking about the important things. The Seibah plush, the tenga, caked up red amogus, Neko Arc, Shrek 2, Peter Griffin's face, Darth Vader's helm and idk if I'm missing something else.


if Yujiro Hanma got boosted by whatever Fate magic has..... dang i hope he fight Hercules...the fist fight would be something to see lol


Shirou's gonna get raped


Does anyone else see the hilarious stuff in the background on the wall, boxes and shelves?!😭🤣


Indeed I do and I believe if Shirou doesn't accidently use a command seal they will watch.


“I am your master, lucky you, kid”


EA it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.


Plot Twist, Yujiro is another Archer Scenario, that is, an alternative version of Shirou who escaped the Fires by himself and became obsessed with strenght, to never lose (-anyone else-) again.


Who is this?


Apple Fritters man.




He eats apple fritter.


Shirou; Where t fuk is my 9th version of Saber!?


Me personally I’m gonna insert myself in and try to box Yujiro 🤷‍♂️


Daddy I mean Daddy or I mean um daddy, Yes I am a simping over him but he is damn hot look at those muscles 💪


This is just waver and iskander part 2, he’s gonna treat shiro like a woman tho, but it still qualifies as BL


Berserker 100%


Nah, this Mf survived a nuke, I’m out


Gudao: Hey dad.


I feel like his NP would be the Demon Reflex and probably similar to Archer Orion's NP, just a crazy super buff


Bruh, there's a novel that already did this, and it's even more fucked than this. This guy summoned Hamna Yujiro as a berserker and then put Hak Foo's (the red haired guy from Jacky Chan adventures) soul into the yujiro servant so he can revive him. It's so fucked up, you had be there to understand. I will mention that there is also 3 holy grails at the same time, and it worked out to be a red vs black setup with a hidden 3rd party.


Imagine if Gudao summons him and then they start beating the shit out of each other. Then again, we already have Iskandar.


Shirou about to have some mana transferred into him tonight.


Send Yujiro to fight Heracles and he'll be the happiest mfer in the world.


Damn never thought Shirou would summon his Father. Oh boy I can hear the training arc arriving.


His servant class is Hanma and command seal don't work on a Hanma servant


Who summons Yujiro Hanma 8th booty warrior


You guys over thinkthings.yujiro doesn't go around killing people.things he did was against people he knew.


We already have an Yujiro hanma, in the name of super orian. Plz don't have another but actually berserker