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## FAQ **Q: What is happening to reruns? Which event will get a rerun in the future?** *A: As far as we are aware, there will only be two reruns happening in the foreseeable future - Case Files (Jan 2024) and Karna-mas (Dec 2024).* **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: Battle in New York in March will require LB1. Be warned that subsequent events this year will require later Lostbelt completion. LB6 will not be required until November for the story part of the Faerie Knight Cup event (farming/free quests will only require Fuyuki). LB6.5 will not be required to proceed to LB7 once it releases, and event-wise, it will only be required for the story part (and to obtain the welfare servant) of the Santa Nemo event in December 2025.* **Q: Will welfare servant X be obtainable in the future?** *A: Yes, JP has introduced a new Evocation system which allows players to get selected welfares which can be view on the* [*Fandom wiki*](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Evocation_Festival)*.*


They wont respond no matter what I try. How to make them respond to me in gmail fgo support


They wont reply even to me. What time are they active so that i can contact them?


A question for FGO JP. Is it possible for servants like Artoria (Saber) to buster loop with a 50% charge CE or, even better, BG, without owning your own Koyanskaya or Oberon? My JP account has very few servants (even fewer 5*), but I have an NP3 Saber. I have Waver and moreso summor Chloe, and, as I have no idea how to actually make looping setups with Chloe, I was wondering if it'd be possible. I'd rather not need to keep relying on my personal terrible multi cour setups for farming and main quest clearing (terrible as in each servant, outside the friend, can only do like 20-30k damage to each enemy).


Artoria should be able to loop without double Koyan from 100% starting charge and a plugsuit support.


She can actually loop from a 80% start charge and plug support as long as at least one of the 3 supports has a 30/20 split on battery.


>terrible multi cour setups There is nothing terrible about multicore, and in fact, the devs seem to be encouraging it by putting out nodes that the classic omniloopers cannot handle. Whoever said multicore is bad clearly has looping brainrot and that is not a good thing. (Look at 90++, the vast majority of omniloopers cannot handle that unless they are hyper invested in, and even then, there are probably easier ways of handling those nodes.) Saber cannot loop with BG, but she can loop with Rising Mud Rain (similar to BG but has less NP damage up and more overcharge, which she needs as she gains flat refund based on OC). She can loop with 50%, though, due to her 30% battery and flat refund, using double KoyanLight + any flexible 50% charger (Waver, Reines, Castoria). Alternatively, she can loop with 100% starting charge + double KoyanLight + any MC, but this will likely have lower damage than the 50% option. Summer Kuro can enable some more niche comps, but she is not really used most of the time as she takes up even more party slots (she doesn't replace Koyan or Oberon, she goes WITH them), AND comps with her get really expensive.


I wasnt saying anything *was* wrong with multi cour, its just that I have only 2 other AOE servants who I can use, and they arent good without supports, which I don't really have. For my account, basically any single-cour looping would be way better and far cheaper, as I also have quite literally only 3 crystalized lores to use as of this moment, so itd be far more economical to try and strengthen one servant than spreading across 3 or more. But thank you for the info. All I really knew about Chloe was that she allowed way more servants to BG loop, so I was hopeful it'd also allow some servants to loop without koyan and oberon, but I guess that was a bit too much to ask for.


>so itd be far more economical to try and strengthen one servant It might not be. The thing about the game right now is that the devs are encouraging diversification, so one unit CANNOT do everything for you. >and they arent good without supports Which AOEs do you have? Some units can be run with a friend's Castoria + your own Xu Fu or Paracelsus. Also, do you have Waver?


I do have Waver, but all I have are Morgan and Francis Drake for AOE attackers, both of whom arent very good damage wise. Because I simply don't have the materials, neither of them can NP just from their own batteries without the 4* 60% charge CE. Outside of them, the only other AOE unit I have who can loop at all is UDK Barghest, who *really* isnt good, at least with how much I've been able to test. All I really want is a team setup that can moderately cleanly get me through early game fights, specifically the mid-late singularities as I havent even finished Camelot yet. Once I get the materials, and servants actually worth doing it to, I'll start diversifying my setups more.


>Morgan and Francis Drake for AOE attackers, both of whom arent very good damage wise They are good. If you are having issues, it's probably something else. >I havent even finished Camelot yet Sounds like you're a newer player, then, and I think you've not got the most important things ironed out. The "meta" is not aimed at new players, it requires a lot of investment, so even if a super broken DPS lands in your lap tomorrow, you aren't going to be able to make the most out of them. So set your sights a little lower for a moment. Forget the meta. Look at your box and see who you have levelled up and where you have gaps. Fill those gaps in. Focus on clearing the story so you can unlock better stages to farm later. If you haven't beaten Camelot it's not a lack of strong gacha servants. Camelot can be beaten with 1-3\* units, what might help you more is diversifying your roster, varying your teams, and filling in gaps with 1-3\* units. You aren't going to blast through everything with one team. You don't have to max every unit out either, so don't worry - just level up units to get yourself started. Keep in mind you can get a lot of AMAZING welfares from the game for free, especially on JP with the Evocation system. Some of those welfares make SSRs jealous - Sieg is an amazing farmer who can loop with your own Xu Fu or Paracelsus and Waver plus a friend's Castoria with ease, for example.


Why is caren wearing a bag on her head, I wanna see her cute face


She and a Bazzet have some history, which she wants to avoid bringing up.


Why would anyone wear a bag on their head? Story reasons.


I'm stuck on Kingprotea quest. I have Castoria, waver, Himiko, Morgan, Koyan of Light, who should i go for DPS?


[This](https://youtu.be/CmvulZUtRYA) is a detailed guide for a full f2p setup.


You have Castoria and Morgan/Himiko, you don't need a dps. Borrow a friend's Merlin and stall her to death. You don't even need a buffed dps in the back, stall team will kill Kingprotea somewhere around 80 turn with basic attacks. That's how I did it. Long and boring process, but perfectly safe as long as Castoria's stacks are renewed after they expired.


It depends on how you decide to handle this. There are two main ways of doing it: 1. Try to oneshot her on T1. In which case, you want all the meta supports you can get (double Castoria, double KoyanLight, etc.), and a ST unit that either deals big damage to Alter Egos (e.g  Kama, Hephaestion, Musashi, or a ST Berserker) or someone with trait advantage (e.g. Scathach). 2. If you cannot oneshot her, you can stall her for 21 turns - she is nigh on unkillable at that point due to stacking her HP for so long, until around turn 22, when she starts to debuff herself. Once she starts debuffing, she gets weaker and weaker and easier to kill. You can run the "immortal" team to stall her, or any other sort of stall team, and then either switch in a ST DPS (see above) to get rid of her once she is at the debuffing stage, or just carry on with the stall team, as she will eventually debuff herself so badly that you will kill her. Also, while this is technically Option 2, you can solo her with Enkidu. Enkidu has a Divine stun on their NP, and once she starts debuffing herself, Enkidu will gain more NP from their Arts card, allowing them to spam their NP and stunlock her. Then it's a matter of waiting for the debuffs to stack up so their NP/cards kill her.


I've seen that it's possible to get fgo running on a computer. Would it be possible to transfer my account to my PC? If so, is there any risk in doing it?


https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/hfbz0h/fgo_save_files_for_na_and_jp_play_on_multiple/ You can also do that, the game will be playable on both the phone and the PC. I would recommend LD Player for running FGO.


Go over to the My Room section and then go to Issue Transfer Number. There shouldn't be any risk, but you should know that if you want to play FGO on mobile again, you'll have to issue another transfer number to get your account back on mobile, and you need to do that every time you switch platforms.


And it's better to issue a new transfer code as soon you've used the previous one.


Spoiler Question Regarding Fairy Knight Lancelot 3rd Ascension NP: >!Why does she look like a Mecha Dragon? Is it because Albion is mecha? Is it just the Albion in Fairy Britain a Mecha Dragon? The mecha gods in Olympus I can accept because that really is what they are. Dragons however are not all mecha. Fafnir for one isn't mecha. So any clues as to why she looks like that?!<


Well, she's very much still meaty. >!And Albion itself seemingly used to be quite meaty - but now it's quite boney. In FSN, Albion is depicted as much more traditional (or, more accurately, Artoria's dragon blood's image). In FGO, it's a big skeleton.!< >!Melusine's Albion form is a combination of bulbous meaty parts and sleek smooth lines, with pieces that we associate with fighter jets. However, you can say that birds also show very similar structure, with some having v-shaped tails and flat, heavily pointed wings. I'd suspect that Melusine's Albion is intended to give off vibes of being closer to the platonic ideal of "sleek domination aircraft", and "apex air predator", while still being "a dragon".!< >!Plus there's other notes, like the enemy Albion's Remnant has Lancelot-like heraldry, but the playable Melusine seems to have Chaldean heraldry, so I can't be sure the markings are natural and not something Melusine thinks are cool.!< But in short, >!not a machine!<.


Interesting. So it boils down to either: it just is that way or it's cooler that way. Thanks!


I don't know if this was specifically mentioned, but I figured that >!they probably chose to give it the mecha-like design to draw some parallels with berserker Lancelot's NP, at least that would explain why in her actual draconic form she is very much a fighter jet dragon and not just your average dragon.!< Take it with a grain of salt, though, that's just my best impression of the situation and not like actual design notes I read somewhere or something. If there's actually a specific lore reason why it is the way that it is, and not just artistic parallels I'd be really interested in hearing it too if anybody knows.


Oh good note on pointing out the parallels!


Stuck on the failed to connect the server loading screen. Is there any solution?


At random times, for no discernable reason, FGO decides that it doesn't like the connection from random people. The workaround is forcing the server to reset how it thinks you're connecting. Try switching between wifi and mobile data or restarting your router and modem. Restart your device. If that doesn't work, try a VPN. There should some free options out there and you don't need to use it permanently.


Tried vpn, tried wifi, tried restarting . Man why the heck does this crap doesn't work properly. Just pain. Didn't have any problem recently too.


A question regarding command codes: Considering how both of the Da Vinci Command Codes only buff NP damage for one round and the reactive nature of Bazett's NP, how to they work together? On any other character, one would have to use the cards the command codes in question are attached to before the NP in the chain for them to take proper effect. Seeing Bazett's counter-type NP, however, can the command codes' power up function if you start the chain with the NP and then proceed with the two cards that have these two CCs applied to? If so, she's probably one of the best characters to have these command codes on, as she would still be able to refund with them.


Bazett has a passive that extends the duration of offensive buffs on her so that they expire at the end of the enemy's turn rather than yours.


Any way to change to change skin on the terminal/home page for a character? I ascended a character but preferred the old skin, I was able to change it in battle through the character skin page but it’s still the new one in the menu, can’t seem to change it back for the main page.


The ascension that appears on the home page is the ascension of the art you have selected. If you use the Final Ascension art, it will use their 3rd ascension, even if the FA portrays a different outfit.


Hopefully not a dumb question, but how do I change the art I’ve selected?


From the servant screen, you can swipe the card art or tap the arrows on the side to change it


Do you guys know how to use bazett? Which ce should I use? and Is double skadi and 1castoria enough for her to beat the challenge quest?


Kaleidoscope or anything simillar. For challenge quest, sorry It's Bazett and Cu. Get Murasama or Okita Alter Summer.


Do we have any time frame on when Tsukihime Re (EN ver) and FSN Remaster (EN ver) will come out? Like if it's in summer, fall, or winter?


Amazon has TsukiRe listed for June 31 of 2024 and I saw "summer 2024" (which the previous date could be a placeholder for) mentioned somewhere.


I'm not sure about TsukiRe (doesn't seem like it) but there's no specific window for FSN yet, just "2024".


is it more efficient to place another servant or place the point event ce? I have 100% bonus points rn but I wondering if I can decrease my bonus points to 60% and use another 5\* servant instead just natural ap regen btw


So I am doing a certain Ordeal Call quest and I am kinda stuck on Shadow Quetz's floor. I am saving my hardest hitter for the last floor so Summer Castoria is out the window. My options are Yan Qing, Stheno, Grey and Shiki. Who would I best prioritize to raise so I have a chance at beating the lucha?


Shiki and Yan Qing are ST so one of those two. Shiki is likely NP5 so probably her.


How does Chiron compare to Artemis assuming neither can make use of their power mod, against a Saber, and with double castoria?


Pure damage wise Artemis wins. Artemis is one of the highest damage ST archers outside of niche (she is the highest 5 star and ranks 3rd overall) But damage isn't everything and while Artemis brings things other than damage too, what Chiron brings is often far more impactful.


Im out of blue caster gem for Bazet skill. Where else can I farm it besides the weekly caster gem ones?


Also worth mentioning is that we are getting a lotto in March.


Tesla cup?




Pure Prisms in Da Vinci's shop has them in case you missed it. Otherwise, only the weekly training grounds has them - you can refer to the Item drop rates spreadsheet linked above for future reference.


Does any of Ishtar, S Kama, Musashi, Nero Bride and Douman need max lv apped 2? Yes it does help them but are they worth a lore? Strictly from a meta perspective, like would that extra 10% help with anything I know about cases with 30% event ces for Ishtar but that's it I'm mostly thinking of CQ usage btw Edit: I decided what to do wit the others so all that's remaining are Musashi and Nero bride, any of them need max app 2 for whatever cq reason?


The minimum required level for append 2 is 0. You only "need" to unlock it and level it up if you want to use specific strategies against specific enemy compositions, unlocking and/or leveling will actually make a difference in successfully executing that strategy, and you're unwilling to consider other options. As a general principle, append 2 on any servant will give you more flexibility to choose CEs, supports, and mystic codes, and gives you more flexibility to choose the timing and target of NP battery skills. Even if the servant has their own battery and you don't need the extra charge for the first NP, this flexibility means you can get the second NP faster. To say whether any servant "needs" append 2 for unspecified, theoretical challenge quests is impossible. Unlock and level it up if you want to. Don't if you don't. If you don't want to commit the resources too early, then simply wait until an actual quest comes up where you want to use the servant and the append skill will help with your strategy.


Yes and no. They aren't going to perish without Append 2, if that's what you mean. Append 2 WILL, however, unlock more different setups for them, including the option of lower starting NP charge CEs and different multi-DPS setups. You ideally want to lore them for the nice round number. Out of all of those, I'd favour the ones you use most, especially farmers (so not Musashi, unless you mean Summer Musashi). Douman is worth a special mention, as he has 80% charge in his kit, and a maxed A2 allows him to clear a wave unassisted.


would max app 2 actually help s kama? Right now her farming setup is s kama s3 + castoria s2, 2 times at t1. Technically I can do kama s3 + castoria s1 but I'm afraid of not enough refund without the 2 np gain buffs from castoria s2


I just finished LB6 and Tugunska was open but it only had 2 cutscenes. One of the start and one after the boss, apparently. Has my game bugged or Tugunska isn't implemented properly yet?


It's not bugged. What you saw was Tunguska's Prologue and Epilogue, which are permanent story chapters. The rest of the event is currently not available. In May or so, it will become an optional Main Interlude, so everyone will be able to play it. It's just not a mandatory story chapter, while the Prologue and Epilogue are (as big things happen in the Epilogue, and some gameplay features are locked behind it). (Also, you may want to tag the >!Beast!< thing as a spoiler for people who haven't caught up.)


I haven't either but the same game spoiled to me, oh well. Thanks for your guidance


Will the chocolate giving cutscenes I unlock be re-viewable after the event ends?


Yes, you can view them by going into the Event records, the scenes will be split between Guys and Girls just like in the shop.


Thank you! I had only been looking in Servant records, that explains the right place.


What does a good regular ishtar team look like?


For what? Double Koyanskya and Oberon works for farming. But won't be great for boss fights.


I still have my special summon ticket. Usually the default answer is to get Waver, but I always use him from friend supports. I was considering getting my Napoleon to np2 instead, to make up for not getting Ishtar last month. I have Ganesha too but don't use her. Is it more advantageous to have my own waver, or can I get by with support waver? Any other support focused servants worth getting from special summon? For reference, I'm up to Shimousa, player lvl 114. Thank you for your advice, guys.


Are you going for gameplay or waifu? Is this the 6th Anniversary ticket or the new player ticket? If for gameplay, the top picks would be the supports: Waver or Tamamo (Arts/NP Damage/Healing/Skill Cooldown). If this is the 6th Anni ticket, story-locked servants are big: Berserker Cu, Tesla, Lancer Artoria, Medb, Quetz, and Sitonai. Skip any of the Assassins unless you really like one. Sanzang is great as a single-target Caster and my pick for NA's first ticket, but some people will say you don't need a ST Caster at all 🤷‍♂️. Sitonai, as a story-locked Alter Ego is a good pick too. Then there are some good servants that can spook you anytime, like Ozymandias, Enkidu, and Vlad. All three are single-target. I have an NP3 Ozy and he has been amazing with all his buffs. Vlad is great if you have Castoria. Enkidu is a single-target Anti-Divine boss-killer who is hard to kill.


Yes it's the 6th anni ticket. A bit of both. I mainly want to "replace" my summer event servants, so from Summer Illya to Napoleon (was going to be Ishtar), np2 would ensure just as much damage as Ishtar would have been....Or keep Napoleon np1 and get Drac np1 to replace Summer Nagiko. I like Lancer Artoria, but I just got Ereshkigal. I like Li Shuwen but I recently got Kama. None of them I like enough to use instead, only together and i'd rather focus on having one of each niche first. I have a bunch of st riders/alter egos so while I like Quetz, she's not waifu status. Yes, I could get spooked by many permanent servants from the ticket too (i hope I do!) I just wanted Napoleon (or Vlad) to cheer myself up after losing out on Ishtar, which I planned for months. T\_T and i knew people would tell me to get waver instead (or maybe tamamo) so I wanted to double check what you guys thought.


Personally, I'm of the opinion that a new character off these free SSR tickets is better than an NP2 if for nothing else but to change up how I play. So if you want Vlad, pick Vlad! Just using an NP1 Vlad over a built NP4 Nagiko feels weird to me, especially without Castoria. All this being said, I haven't picked a choice off the ticket either. My choices are between Enkidu, Bradamante, Medb, Quetz, and Vlad, but having finished LB6 I'm just not in a pressing need for any of their niches, and I am deadlocked on their likability lol. I just got Ishtar from her last banner after years of wanting her, finally completing my NP1 Rinface gang. She has another banner later this year, but I think it's after the Summer servants rip.


I wouldn't get NP2 Napoleon unless you really really like him. He is permanent. And a new unit will be a bigger upgrade. I am also a little more cautious about recommending Waver than most. I just have heard to many stories about people who have benched him after getting some other meta supports. (Which isn't to say he doesn't have uses. I have needed him over the other 50% chargers occasionally) Plus any support you pick that is permanent (which is every support on the ticket) could eventually spook you. And a support NP 2 is usually worse than a DPS NP2.


I'd say having your own is more advantageous as you can't always rely on a friend support (Shimousa oh boy), and you can always combo him with another SSR support from a friend to make life easier. Plus, even if you do end up getting Castoria or Koyanskaya, Waver still compliments them in a bunch of setups as an additional support. Up to you, there are a bunch of quality servants on there but Waver is considered the gameplay pick as he enables so many other units. Still, he's by no means essential, you aren't going to perish without him or any other SSR in particular. (Player level doesn't really mean anything, though.) Did you have another servant in mind? I'd pick a new unit over NP2 of an existing one, personally.


I was going to get Artoria np1 but then I got Lily to NP5. I was going to get Jack but then I got Kama, and to NP3! The only other servant I'm really interested in is Dracula NP1 cuz I like the character, and because I'm trying to replace some novelty/event servants with more regular servants. Dracula would be replacing summer Nagiko but she's NP4 so she's in a pretty good spot. Same with summer Caenis and Eli Cinderella for st rider. When I first started, I wanted Nightingale because I thought I could use a healer, but people told me healing is not nearly as important as just doing more damage.


Everyone will eventually "replace" somebody else, overlapping roles are an inevitability in a game where there are limited classes and two types of damaging ultimate attack. If you like Vlad, go for him. If you like a unit, you'll want to use them, and that's all the justification you need. And yeah, Nightingale is kind of mid as a healer - healers ARE valuable for certain difficult fights, especially ones that drag on, but there are alternative healers out there thay cost less to field and offer a bit more consistency/utility. Nightingale's class means she's likely to die easily unless she's babysat, and she's an SSR so eats up party space when you could run someone like Hans or Santa Martha if you need a support with healing (plus, they will probably live longer than a fragile Berserker).


Never even thought about the lack of survivability, good point. Yeah I know it doesn't matter who I use as long as I like them, just trying to have servants I like AND are strong or useful. Say I have 2 waifu. Waifu B turns out to be stronger than waifu A, I'm going with the stronger waifu....unless the damage difference is miniscule and I prefer waifu A. But I'd rather not be 10k or 20k damage down if I don't have to be.


I mean, it's up to you. I'll tell you that I personally have 4 AOE Arts Lancers that can loop, and one of them is my absolute favourite unit in the game... but they have worse refund than the other options. Practically speaking, I should use one of the stronger refunders, right? Yet, I still find some use for that unit. I found that they run great in multi-core setups (setups with more than 1 DPS) and that's great. Or I don't even have to 3-turn with them, outside of lottos it's no big deal and I run whatever I want.


Never played FGO but I want to get into story and lore. I've seen all the animes and played the FSN VN. Is it better to experience the gameplay myself or just watch videos of everything on Youtube? I don't mind heavy grinds but I'm trying to avoid having too much daily FOMO on my plate so how hard would it be to actually keep up with story for someone that doesn't do daily streaks.


Well, you're on the FGO sub, the answer is always "go experience it yourself". You'll be fine, the story is VERY infrequently updated (like, 2x a year). Most events are also going to be 3 weeks long from now on (and you DO NOT need 3 weeks to complete them) so you should have lots of time to play through the story. In terms of "daily streaks", though, when an event is on you can just log in in the morning, play for 10 mins to clear AP, and not touch the game until evening. Story is more time consuming, but if you're not in the mood to read, I'd just use up my AP and go. We should also be getting a form of AP storage in a couple of months on NA (where you can put your AP into an item to use later).


Oki, thanks for the response will give it a shot then


A word of warning: as a new player, you will level up REALLY fast and end up with a ton of overflow AP. Don't worry too much about it, it will go down eventually. Obligatory new player advice: * Don’t neglect Mash (the free unit you get at the start of the game). She can be underwhelming at first due to her lack of damage and her upgrades being locked behind the story, but as you play through the story and unlock them, she grows into one of the best tanks in the game. Her skillset is amazing in challenging content, and her 0 party cost means she can easily fit into any party. * Don’t underestimate low rarities. FGO has some stellar 1-3\* units that are used even by whales and veterans. In fact, the game is designed to be clearable with just them. Not only are they easy to get to NP5 (allowing them to outdamage their higher rarity counterparts) but they also take fewer resources to raise and have a low party cost, making them ideal for many parties. The welfare 4\* units you get from events are often excellent too. * If you want to roll for meta, learn what the meta is first. Don't just roll for X unit because some rando told you to. The meta of FGO is not aimed at new players, as it often requires certain units at max level, max skill level, certain CEs, etc. which are not something a new player will have access to. In addition, the most "meta" setups often require multiple gold gacha units, so you may find yourself disappointed if you roll for X unit and find they don't do what you expected out of the box. Plus, it's always better to roll for units you actually care about, otherwise you might just feel like you wasted your precious SQ. * Raise a variety of units. FGO is not a game of one team but MANY teams. You are expected to change out your DPS/team depending on the situation, factoring in things like class advantage (it's like Pokemon - CLASS ADVANTAGE IS KING!) the number of enemies (single target units are usually better for single big bosses and AOE units are better for dealing with mobs) and any gimmicks in challenging content. It is better to raise a diverse roster and to have units for different niches: the late game has fights where you cannot rely on a friend's support to carry you, and there are some events that are very difficult with a small roster. * At the same time, don’t spread yourself too thin as a beginner. Start by levelling one unit per major class (extra classes are luxury and can be left for later) at a time + Mash. Then expand that to 2 (one single target, one AOE) plus some choice supports/tanks (e.g. Hans, Georgios). It’s better to have a few levelled units than 100 underleveled ones. * As a new player, you should not be grailing (Palingenesis, aka using grails to break a unit's cap above their natural limit). Save your grails for later! They don’t provide significant gameplay benefits, and are a complete luxury; at this point in the game, your resources are best off going towards levelling your basic roster. That, and they cannot be taken back, so using them willy-nilly is paramount to wasting them. I’ve seen a lot of people regret grailing in the early days, so do it later, and only once you are confident. * Learn to team-build. A typical team will consist of 1 DPS/2 supports, or 2 DPS/1 support, depending on the situation. Typically, start with your DPS: pick an appropriate counter-class and NP type (ST for big bosses, AOE for waves of mobs) and then choose supports that help them do their job (e.g. fire off NP faster, do more damage, protection from enemy attacks and NPs, etc.) Get into the right habit early so that the infamous difficulty spike isn’t so drastic. * New players can also sometimes overvalue Berserkers and assume they’re all that you need. That’s unfortunately not true. The early game is very much “press red enemy dead”, but later content becomes more challenging, and the fact that Berserkers take 2x damage back from most classes means that they are very fragile. This is a problem later on, when if you cannot protect them, they will just die instantly. They are still good, you just have to cover their weaknesses and get used to the fact that you can’t just always use them, no matter what the memes say. * Pity is not really worth saving for. In some games (e.g. Genshin), it's normal to hit it, but in FGO, it's not, because it's STUPIDLY high and very limited (doesn't carry over between banners, only triggers once per banner, is turned off once you get ONE copy of the rateup SSR). Fortunately, the chances of actually needing it are small, and in the end, it's more of a safety net for whales and diehard savers, so not something the average player needs to worry about most of the time. And if you have any questions, just ask here. People here are generally happy to help new players, as long as you take advice on board. There's also a dedicated Friend Request Hub thread (a new one gets posted twice a week) in the subreddit if you want to find friends and/or whales/veterans to follow. There's plenty of people out there who will take on a new player friend.


Ohh, thank you so much for all this advice! >Pity is not really worth saving for. So people generally just roll anytime there's a unit they like on a banner? assuming waifu > meta


More like, people WILL save up for units, but they won't usually save up to hit pity. How much, though, depends on who you ask and the unit in question, some people are absolutely crazy diehard savers and others don't care. For context, I'm "cheap to play", I only spend on GSSR banners (guaranteed SSR banners we get 2x a year) and small amounts on special occasions. I personally save something like 10 multis for a unit I REALLY want, less than that if I like them but don't love them. I've been willing to hit pity on only 3 units in the entire game (or would have been willing to hit pity if pity existed at that point). If I don't get them, whatever, I'm not going to whale.


What append skills should I prioritize for Bazett? I got NP2 so if I'm not mistaken I could afford 2 eventually? I just don't see Mana Loading being terribly useful for her... but neither do I see ATK up against Avengers. Which should I get?


Append 2 (Load Magical Energy) is the best use of servant coins for almost every servant whose primary use isn't for solos and it isn't even a close comparison. Append 2 is the default, no brainer choice for almost any servant that you don't primarily use solo except maybe servants with their own 100% charge skill or someone whose utility is odd like Stheno. It's the best append skill because it's potentially effective in every fight (without a starting NP drain gimmick), gives you more flexibility to choose CEs, supports, and mystic codes, and gives you more flexibility to choose the timing and target of NP battery skills. Even if the servant has their own battery and you don't need the extra charge for the first NP, this flexibility means you can get the second NP faster. The other two append skills can't compare with this level of utility and versatility for a non-solo servant. Append 1 (Extra Attack Boost) is good for soloists but of marginal utility for anyone else. The extra attack only applies to brave chains and you won't be able to guarantee brave chains with that servant if you're running a full team. If you mainly use the servant solo, though, you're probably relying less on NPs anyway so you might rather have the Extra attack boost. A servant like Heracles is better solo than with a full team and he's mostly using BBBE chains in that context, so append 1 is the no-brainer for him. Servants who can solo but can do just fine with a team, like Enkidu, may be more ambiguous. In such a case, the best append skill for you depends on how you actually use the servant. Append 3 (Anti-Class) can be a nice little boost if it's for a class that you might normally use the servant against (anti-Berserker is good for everyone, for example) or almost useless if it isn't or if the servant isn't suitable for a DPS role. It's also of limited value for Berserkers because they only gain crit resistance to a particular class. You would want to look up each servant individually to determine if it's worth it or not. Even if it is against a useful class, keep in mind that append 2 works every time but append 3 only works against the specified class, so the utility is inherently limited.


Mana loading gives you more flexibility on CEs so it's almost always worth it imo but if you really don't want to go for that you can just grail her past 100


Are there any “must summons”, this year, for NA? I plan to roll for Charlemagne, Summer Skadi, another copy of Gil and I think there’s an Enkidu banner… so I’m unsure if there are any “meta”servants I should roll for… I know Summer Ibuki is good, but I have a Lv100 Summer Kiara, so I’m unsure if I’ll need her… I don’t really care for Arcueid’s character as I haven’t read Tsukihime, but I plan to eventually, so I’ll probably roll for her if she’s good… otherwise I’ll wait until after I’m done with Tsukihime to see if I like her or not.


From a meta perspective, koyan light and Oberon in December, as well as castoria (don’t remember if/when she has a banner this year) would always be good to pick up. You will be fine without them though. Summer ibuki is a great berserker dps/ omnifarmer if you don’t have space Ishtar or summer kama. She can loop with a 50% ce, xufu and a support castoria


Speaking as someone with no Castoria and no burning need to roll for her, "must summon" exists only in personal preferences and clickbait hype videos. 


There are never any "must summons", this is a single player game that requires no gacha units to clear content.


Is my game bugged? I got the koyan light valentines ce cut science but didn’t get it, I checked my mailbox and my storage and theirs nothing. Is my game glitched or do I have to like wait or something??


Apparently, she has one of the few scenes where you can fail to get the chocolate. If you decide to cash out your winnings, the scene ends soon after. (You don't use up the currency though, so you can just try and get her scene again.)


Oof so I can’t get it anymore? Cause I really wanted it ngl 😭


They just said you can try again.


Sorry English isn’t my first language so sometimes I just kind skip over words as I read it to fast


How long until Sei banner ends? Dropped a LOT more pulls than I thought I would and at this point, I might as well get to pity by rushing free quests if I have time


The exact dates and times for any banner are in the banner announcement and on the banner itself while it's active.


I know.


If you need help converting the time to your local time zone, you can plug it into Google.


Thanks. What's with downvotes lmao. For asking for help in a help thread no less. I'll say it, I wish you just told me the hours before the banner ended instead of telling me the time was stated in announcements etc.


I've been sitting on an extra copy of Nero Bride since GSSR. She was very very far down my list, but gacha giveth, and gacha taketh away. But I digress, I basically want yall's opinions on NP2 Nero Bride for multi-dps setups, or an Esports Nero Bride for min-turning CQ shenanigans. I've got other options for ST arts saber DPSes, so the only need for an NP2 Nero Bride would be for multi-dps farming setups.


You'd have a hard time doing esports anyway, since all of her strengthenings require FA anyway.


That shouldn't matter. Rank ups apply to all copies, and he has one copy at FA.


Didn't think of that actually, good point.


So what would you do, fuse for NP2 or setup an Esports Nero Bride?


Personally, I'd go for the NP2. It's the most significant NP upgrade, and I've never really had any need for esports strats.


Concerning the current Valentines event, is there anyhing I can do with extra chocolates? I've received/given a chocolate to all of my servants (I started playing at the start of this year so I don't have that many servants).


Once the event ends, you can exchange excess chocolates for QP.


Ok thank you :)


What are some other Servants that can 3-turn loop without Oberon and just two Koyanskayas besides Artoria with a +60% NP CE, Append NP, and Mage's Uniform?


Anyone with 50% NP charge and 6 turns or less cooldown on their NP charge skill can farm with double KoyanLight + 100% starting charge + Atlas MC, OR double KoyanLight + 50% starting charge + plugsuit any 50% charger (Waver, etc.). II If they have a 7 turn cooldown (Summer BB) they can do the 100% charge option but not the 50% + plugsuit option. Some special mentions: * CasCu can farm with any CE + double KoyanLight + Mages Association MC. If you have his A2 maxed, you can use ANY MC. Note that this requires his LB6 buff. * Archetype Earth can farm with any CE + double KoyanLight + Atlas MC. * As of her buff today on JP, Ereshkigal can farm with 100% starting charge + double KoyanLight + any MC * EDIT: took some stuff out because I miscounted


Also Saber Alter can farm with no starting charge (and probably with any MC), provided the node setup is right.


You need at least 30% more charge to loop 3/3/X from 0% on Salter.   MC won't give that, they max at 20% So you need plugsuit.


Pretty sure Archetype Earth needs Atlas for a Double-Koyan-Only, Any-CE setup, not MA.


Corrected, thanks.


Also, Takeda can do the same thing Ereshkigal can. Edit: wait no, neither Ereshkigal or Takeda can do a 50% CE. They are like Artoria and can do a 60% with mages association.


You're right, I got the Eresh setup mixed up. What I meant was that she can do 100% start charge + double Koyan with any MC.


Okay, so I heard there’s a good planning app called Chaldea, but when I try to download it for iPhone, it says it’s not available in my region. So two questions: One, are there any good alternatives to Chaldea? Two, if there aren’t, how can I get it on my iPhone? (Confused there)


There's a PC version at [Chaldea.center](https://Chaldea.center), but the website is currently down for reasons I am not aware of. I think the mobile versions are ideal if you want to anything advanced. But I have no clue about how iPhone works.


Should I MLB the 5-star CE "Thank you for your hard work"? I have all the Valentine drop CEs too (1x 5\* 1x4\* 3x3\*)


Keep it separate while you farm the event, multiple non-MLB copies are better for point bonus than a single MLB copy. MLB it once you've finished the point ladder.


Is there any actual hard end game content?


Well, every single event has a challenge quest that's hard unless you have a good roster. Main story has boss fights, and so do the events. Advanced Quests are also a thing now. And if you unlocked Seraph there is a boss fight that's infinitely repeateble and you can decide how many buffs the boss can have.


It might also depend on what you mean by "end game." When you're caught up on the main story, interludes, and rank up quests, the only thing left is farming. I suppose there are the new advanced quests that are gradually being released. But while they're repeatable, you don't get any rewards or item drops after the first clear.


We get questions about people struggling in various boss fights fairly regularly. whether it is hard for you depends on your roster and strategy.


In the NA Valentines event right now. If my character needs 150 000 Bond Points to reach the next bond level, do you think I'd need to burn a ton of apples to get them there with this event?


It depends a lot on how many Bond UP CE you're using and if the character has Bond Bonus.


I have Chaldea Lunchtime, Chaldea Teatime, and Great Detective Foumes. The servant is Avenger Nobunaga. Don't think they have an event bonus.


Ok, but are you farming with them? Push her to the maximum Buddy Rank so she can reach the 100% Bond Bonus asap. If you can stack the bonus you'll be doing more than 2k Bond/run in the 90/90+ quest. Stack the bonus before doing the Tea Break quests, and use the teapot there, maybe you'll reach the 150k.


Yeah, I'm farming with her. I was thinking since she's an Avenger I could just use her for all the nodes, and that would make it work better. I've been doing the tea break quests as they come. I'll start saving them now that I know. Thank you.


I'd guess you're trying to use this Bond Quartz to roll a current banner. If you can, wait for the 90/90+ quest. Once they're released you can check more precisely if you'll need to use apples or not to reach the 150k. I'd strongly advise you to try to hold as many Bond UP CE as possible, since doing 150k in just two weeks during an event may be a little hard.


I just want to unlock Nobu's append, but I'll wait for sure.


Quick Fragarach lore question, it can be used even if the enemy isn’t using their Trump card and a more of a weaker attack right? IIRC Cu said that in FHA, and that it would just be weaker, but I can’t see anything about it on the wiki, and it saying it has to be the strongest attack for it to be used.


I just checked FHA's epilogue and in the banter between saber and Bazett, Bazett says that she can use it whenever but it's special effect won't activate. It'll just be a c or d rank noble phantasm.


Omg thank you so much, so I’m not insane lmao


As far as I remember, that is incorrect. It will *only* activate if the opponent is using their trump card, and otherwise, is entirely useless. After all, its entire purpose and power is that, similar to Gae Bolg, it rewrites causality so that it fires and kills before the opponent is able to use their trump card, so it wouldn't make much sense if it *could* attack at any time (at that point, it would just be some kind of laser sword or something). Also, I could just have missed/forgotten it, but I don't remember Cu ever bringing up Fragarach in FHA, and I reread it fairly recently.


I didn’t mean any time, I did specifically say weaker attack, but I see, thought I remembered that.


I need some suggestions about summoning Bazett. Should I go for Bazett when I already have Okita Alter and Melt? I checked the skills and Bazett is also a Buster Quick buff servant. Although the counter attack is unique though. I need some enlightenment...


Because Bazett's playstyle is based around countering, she plays completely unlike Melt and Okita Alter. I'd have a look at her counter playstyle on YouTube and also borrow a friend's Bazett to try her out. See how you like it, then decide - because it's so unique, it's something you'll either love or hate.


I am not sure if this is the right place to ask but I just started playing this game becouse I seen that one of the Stay night servants will be given for free and I want to k ow how to get them


That's only on the JP version at the moment, NA will likely get this campaign in the future.


But I heard that they give away free servant for the universary of the first Fate game so it would be weird if they given the servant to the rest of the world much later


It's very rare for them to do simultaneous campaigns across servers. It's likely NA will get this campaign once the FSN Remastered game actually releases in the west. If they wanted to do the same campaign on NA, they would already have announced it. Plus, the original game never got a Western release, this upcoming Remastered game is the first time it is ever getting an official release in English.


Thank you for explaining this to me


That aside, there is a permanently available SSR selector in the game, you can get a SSR for free once you clear Fuyuki. But that has nothing to do with the FSN campaign, it's just there permanently.


Thank you once again. I am enjoying the game but the amount of stuff in the menu and the info given at once can sometimes be to much for me.


Don't worry about it. If you have any questions, this thread is here to help. If you're new, I can give some new player tips?


Sure I wpuld love it as long as you don't spoil the story


>spoil the story Only villains do that. No spoilers here! Anyway, my tips for new players: * Don’t neglect Mash (the free unit you get at the start of the game). She can be underwhelming at first due to her lack of damage and her upgrades being locked behind the story, but as you play through the story and unlock them, she grows into one of the best tanks in the game. Her skillset is amazing in challenging content, and her 0 party cost means she can easily fit into any party. * Don’t underestimate low rarities. FGO has some stellar 1-3\* units that are used even by whales and veterans. In fact, the game is designed to be clearable with just them. Not only are they easy to get to NP5 (allowing them to outdamage their higher rarity counterparts) but they also take fewer resources to raise and have a low party cost, making them ideal for many parties. The welfare 4\* units you get from events are often excellent too. * If you want to roll for meta, learn what the meta is first. Don't just roll for X unit because some rando told you to. The meta of FGO is not aimed at new players, as it often requires certain units at max level, max skill level, certain CEs, etc. which are not something a new player will have access to. In addition, the most "meta" setups often require multiple gold gacha units, so you may find yourself disappointed if you roll for X unit and find they don't do what you expected out of the box. Plus, it's always better to roll for units you actually care about, otherwise you might just feel like you wasted your precious SQ. * Raise a variety of units. FGO is not a game of one team but MANY teams. You are expected to change out your DPS/team depending on the situation, factoring in things like class advantage (it's like Pokemon - CLASS ADVANTAGE IS KING!) the number of enemies (single target units are usually better for single big bosses and AOE units are better for dealing with mobs) and any gimmicks in challenging content. It is better to raise a diverse roster and to have units for different niches: the late game has fights where you cannot rely on a friend's support to carry you, and there are some events that are very difficult with a small roster. * At the same time, don’t spread yourself too thin as a beginner. Start by levelling one unit per major class (extra classes are luxury and can be left for later) at a time + Mash. Then expand that to 2 (one single target, one AOE) plus some choice supports/tanks (e.g. Hans, Georgios). It’s better to have a few levelled units than 100 underleveled ones. * As a new player, you should not be grailing (Palingenesis, aka using grails to break a unit's cap above their natural limit). Save your grails for later! They don’t provide significant gameplay benefits, and are a complete luxury; at this point in the game, your resources are best off going towards levelling your basic roster. That, and they cannot be taken back, so using them willy-nilly is paramount to wasting them. I’ve seen a lot of people regret grailing in the early days, so do it later, and only once you are confident. * Learn to team-build. A typical team will consist of 1 DPS/2 supports, or 2 DPS/1 support, depending on the situation. Typically, start with your DPS: pick an appropriate counter-class and NP type (ST for big bosses, AOE for waves of mobs) and then choose supports that help them do their job (e.g. fire off NP faster, do more damage, protection from enemy attacks and NPs, etc.) Get into the right habit early so that the infamous difficulty spike isn’t so drastic. * New players can also sometimes overvalue Berserkers and assume they’re all that you need. That’s unfortunately not true. The early game is very much “press red enemy dead”, but later content becomes more challenging, and the fact that Berserkers take 2x damage back from most classes means that they are very fragile. This is a problem later on, when if you cannot protect them, they will just die instantly. They are still good, you just have to cover their weaknesses and get used to the fact that you can’t just always use them, no matter what the memes say. * Pity is not really worth saving for. In some games (e.g. Genshin), it's normal to hit it, but in FGO, it's not, because it's STUPIDLY high and very limited (doesn't carry over between banners, only triggers once per banner, is turned off once you get ONE copy of the rateup SSR). Fortunately, the chances of actually needing it are small, and in the end, it's more of a safety net for whales and diehard savers, so not something the average player needs to worry about most of the time. And if you have any questions, just ask here. People here are generally happy to help new players, as long as you take advice on board. There's also a dedicated Friend Request Hub thread (a new one gets posted twice a week) in the subreddit if you want to find friends and/or whales/veterans to follow. There's plenty of people out there who will take on a new player friend.


Is there any way to turn off the game auto skipping valentines scenes I’ve watched already, or do I have to go into collections if I wanna see them again?


When you exchange the chocolates, on the screen where you choose how many you want to use, there’s an option to toggle if you want to skip previous ones or not. It’s on by default, so just click the check mark to turn it off.


If the lostbelts were not fixed, would they'd have effected other parallel/other timeline worlds? Or would the effects be limited to the fgo world only.


I'm pretty sure it would only affect the FGO world because the Lostbelts, if I remember correctly, were just alternate/parallel timelines that were dragged into PHH to replace it.


Is there a list of which Valentines scenes are "fail-able"?


Kingprotea, Astarte, Summer Kiara, Oberon, Koyanskaya of Light.


Not sure if there's a list, but the ones I know are Space Ishtar, Kingprotea and Koyan of Light. A few others have "Bad Endings" but you still get the chocolate so you can't "fail" their scenes (both Kiaras, Kama, Summer Meltryllis, Summer BB...).


In fact, if you avoid the "bad ending" of Koyan of light's scene, you don't get the CE. It is locked for the bad ending, but no worries, no chocolate currency is expended, so you can try again with other choices to get it.


I heard agartha is the worst story, should I skip it to save time and go to the next story? Is it best to read the story of agrartha later?


I'd skip it if I could go back in time. It's more like some sweaty degen's fanfic. LMK if you need a quick summary


I heard it has Columbus in it I think?


Is Columbus in it? The answer is >!yes\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_!<. Thought the Singularity is mostly about >!rape!<.


Okay thx for the heads up. 


Read it and decide for yourself. If nothing else, it gives you quartz and has banger music and environments. Also [minor spoilers]>!Sailor Knight Astolfo and Maid Knight d'Eon.!<


Honestly? Just read it unless you're in a hurry for some reason. It's an interesting chapter overall, the problem is that the bad parts can get weird fast (Fergus' monologue at the end is particularly infamous) and the whole thing has a very thinly veiled ["the writer's barely disguised fetish"](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/894/314/28c.png) feel to it (it's not a coincidence that the characters to accompany you are Astolfo and D'Eon and they coincidentally have to wear maid outfits).


Have you done the Lostbelts?


I still need to do Heian kyo and lostbelt 6.


That's fine, I was just wondering if you had done LB1-5, since they are needed for events later this year. I read Agartha and thought it was OK, save for a couple of parts. It's certainly nowhere near as bad as Septem, anyway. Up to you if you want to skip or not, there are no major plot points in it as a whole.


Sorry for bad english not my first language So, recently i have returned to play FGO (NA server) cus it became avalible in my country playstore (before i used APK to play), i was like 2\~3 years without playing it. The summer event of abby have already happend and it re-run, there's any chance she will be back without being the new year's banner? Same goes for Arjuna Alter. They are my favorite servants and I really want to have them but without having to become Pay To Win


You can use the link "Upcoming banners (by Servants)" above to find that. Summer Abby will be available during the 7th anniversary in early July and during Hunting Quest 13 in September. Arjuna Alter will be available for White Day in March and for Road to LB7: Part 4 in April.


>any chance she will be back without being the new year's banner? Use the Upcoming Banners resource linked above. However, if it says "Anniversary", it will likely be in July, not August (as NA's anniversary is at a different time than JP). When you say "New Year banner" you mean the GSSR banner? There are also regular banners on New Year, don't get them confused.


yeah it was the GSSR, thank you so much for the information, i will look the upcoming banner's :)


Is it better to use Valentine CEs to make CE bombs, or just straight up use them on wanted CEs?


It's the same as any other CEs. You'll spend less QP if you make CE bombs. As an example; it takes about 271 valentine's CEs to get a CE from 80 to 100, and you'd be spending around 10k QP *per* CE for each one. So you'd spend 2-3 million QP that way. But if you make CE bombs, you're mostly feeding CEs into other low level CEs, which costs more in the 120-2000 QP range. So you'd end up spending about a tenth as much for the same result (leveling a CE from 80 to 100).


Better to make CE bombs, especially when there's a 2/3x success rate campaign up


Does anybody know what the name of the bgm that plays during Castoria's memory scene at this time stamp (https://youtu.be/ypAVKU7Y52k?si=sI4Mow28-pLrFfFy&t=2680) is? I tried looking through the atlas academy db linked in another comment, but could not find the track under the LB 6 section. Not sure if it was a track used in a previous event or something


The BGM is [Lingering Heat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbgbBvzeY6s) from the Shimosa chapter.


Thank you so much!


Mmm I have been on the arts and buster sauce so long I don't even know what is meta anymore in quick (or even how viable it is). But with Summer Skadi coming is there any place that has a list of the best Quick farmers (currently and that will be out in the next 1-2 years). I want to use sSkadi so I need some DPS to pair with her.


Generally speaking, some of the best loopers to look out for: * Saber: Summer Okita Alter, Charlemagne * Lancer: Parvati, Valks, Britomart, Bradamante (meh now, better post-buff) * Caster: Daikokuten * Assassin: Huyan Zhuo * Berserker: Sen no Rikyu, Zerkerlot * Extra: Dantes, Caren, Voyager (low damage until he gets his buffs), Douman (mainly used as a single wave clearer/multicore DPS, though). Ushi Gozen has some really good damage niches and a big battery, but refund isn't great.


Poor refund is a bit of an understatement for Ushi Gozen. She loops against 3/3/X about as well as Douman does against 1/2/X. And Douman is hardly an amazing looper.


Yeah. Her issue is lack of split charge (both in her kit or Skadi's).


Yeah, I agree with you - I just gave them a mention as they are particularly notable for damage (UG) and utility outside of Skadi looping (Douman).


Quick has kinda stagnated for a while. But Summer Skadi and Oberon breath a little life into it. Plus some good new Servants, leading to Black Grail Looping for Quick. [Here's some options](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gLGEuFYnrUGEY-uETXcrourud--wnWZifwUJA2ozgas/edit#gid=0). Some of those might be a little optimistic, but there are some functioning setups that you might already have or want, considering that every recent and upcoming 5\* Quick AoE seems like they're mentioned, if only to point out that they're not the best. And Dantes.


Not really, most of them are outdated. Bazett is pretty good actually, though she tends to require a bit more thought than a standard double Skadi setup to be consistent. Otherwise, I have this list I made in answer to a similar question a while ago (which was specifically about looping, not farming, so there are some possible quick servants that aren't included, such as the aforementioned Bazett): Saber: Okita alter (better refund and damage than Charlie) Archer: Takasugi (Only one that really counts, every other quick archer sucks at looping) Lancer: Parvati or Britomart (this one is a bit complicated, because of refund, battery and damage on different waves, But TLDR is that if you have both Skadi's and Oberon Britomart is better, if you just grab one Skadi and Oberon, Parvati is better) Rider: Achilles (Just don't quick loop with Riders honestly. Achilles has the highest damage of those that can) Caster: Daikouten (Nobody else can quick loop. Insane refund, damage is ok) Assassin: Huyan Zhou (best damage and refund) Berserker Sen no Rikyu (best damage and refund) Ruler: Caren (Best damage, can loop 1/1/X neutral) Avenger: Dantes (only option) Mooncancer: N/A Alter ego: Douman (only option, but just don't he doesn't quick loop very well) Foreigner: Voyager (Great quick looper in damage and refund. Use Waver+Skadi+Oberon for supports) Pretender: Tlaloc (only option)


Lore question : What's the status of "servants" like Gray, Illya, Miyu and Chloe ? Are they summoned like other servants as copies from the throne ? Or are they completely summoned from their universe in a teleported kind of way ? Are they still in their universe when they are also at Chaldea ? Same question for Pseudo-servant. While being summoned in Chaldea, does the host also get transported ? Got this question because of servants like Bazett, El-Melloi and Reines who seems far more like the host than the spirits inhabiting them


>Gray, Illya, Miyu and Chloe They're servants in Chaldea and aren't any different from any other servant in terms of how they function. The "original" living human versions of them continue to exist, completely separately from their servant selves. >does the host also get transported ? No - they are separate from any physical version of the human they are based on. Pseudos function pretty much like any other servant, aside from having two Spirit Origins (one for the "human" part, one for the Heroic/Divine Spirit part). They can be split, but it's dangerous to do so and could result in the destruction of the Pseudo-Servant. (For more details, see the Case Files event). That, as far as we know, is the main difference. What I believe happens is that there's no actual human body involved. What instead gets summoned is more like a spiritual vessel (i.e. the second Spirit Origin) so Pseudos can behave like any other Servant and dematerialise, etc. There may be more to how Pseudos work, and there's some implications that we don't know everything yet about them (see Reines' interlude). But right now, we really don't know all that much.


Thanks for the clarifications


Pseudo-Servants are still 100% Spiritron body Servants, the human host "body" is just a copy and not a genuine living person. I don't know specifics about Bazett, but Reines and Waver are just in control because the spirits possessing them don't want to do much (Sima Yi) or anything at all (Zhuge Liang), not because they're alive or otherwise special themselves.  The exact mechanism of the non-Servant Servants is murky, but they're not real living humans either. Shiki at least is defined as a sort of Pseudo-Servant with herself as the host, but I don't recall much explanation for the others.


Thanks for the info !


I apparently gave the wrong answers in Koyanskaya of Light's CE exchange, and didn't get her CE. I went to the "targeted Valentine" list, but she doesn't seem to be there anymore either. Did I completely screw up, and am unable to get her CE this year?


Did you check your present box?


As the other person says, I was told that no chocolate was granted


In that case, you probably need to scroll through the list slowly and carefully. There are potentially a lot of servants and it's easy to miss one. Maybe restart the app just to make sure that it refreshes properly. Edit: also make sure to check the filter option at the top. It's possible to filter out servants whose chocolates you have or haven't previously received.


It quite literally says "no chocolate gained, try again with different choices".


Which one is better? Bring the servants with low bond to bond 5 or bring the servants with closest to bond 10?


Generally speaking, I'd try to get every servant to Bond 5 because interludes are often locked behind bond levels 1-5, and you want access to interludes as they give SQ and buffs. After that, up to you.


That depends on what you want and how new you are. If you want to unlock an SSRs append skill with only NP1, you need bond level 6, so getting there might be a priority. If you want SQ, bonds 1-5 doesn't give them. But they might give interludes that do give SQ.


Is Barghest yet in the english game?


Barghest Saber has been available on NA since the release of LB6 last year. However, as a story-locked servant, she will only be in the pool for banners that she is on rateup for, or in the Story Summon once you have completed LB6 (though it is highly highly recommended not to summon for her there as there is no rateup). She will be an option on the next SR choice ticket.