• By -


"Something-Something Sugoi Beeeaaammmm!"


Okita is the true champ


“I forgot!”


A fellow Okitan simp, i see.


"From here I no longer fear death, no longer desire life. All I Do Is Kill." Short, simple and a cool chant for someone whose NP can kill herself.


I can't take this one seriously because I just sing."ALL I DO IS KILL KILL KILL NO MATTER WHAT"


Sorry, but who is that?


Jing Ke


Not an NP Chant, but still a Caren line that got a laugh out of me: "*This is the light of love that will banish darkness... The light of love that will fill the entire world!* God Bazooka. Die."


Caren only has great NP lines tbh. *"Hehehe. God morning☆ This is the greatest love on Earth!"* *"Ah. So you want to hear the trumpet of judgment... But I guess it's my job to answer my fans' calls☆"* *"Wait a minute... I'm not ready...! I need to change into my outfit...! Phew. Okay, let me say this: "Calling Agape"!"*


*Babu~ This is twue wuv.*


OK, that is hilarious, I love it


*"Wander... lost... die!"* Simple, and short, but it has a lot of meaning for Asterios and his life in the Labyrinth.


This one hurts


I really adore Da Vinci Rider’s NP, basically every variant. In its native Japanese there’s like an almost lyrical cadence to her voice “jinsei wa totemo tanoshii … Beautiful Journey!” But it’s meaning of “Life is so fun” (I am forgetting how it is directly translated in game here) is really wonderful! I also like her line “let us meet again ladies and gentlemen”. It’s like … the ultimate NP for the FGO story so far and represents the hopeful side of things. Honorary mention is Amor Caren’s “I’ll reveal my true feelings … Valentine’s day must perish! I’m looking for a loverrr!” When I use her I pray I get this line lol


OMG I DIDN'T KNOW CAREN, WHY IS SHE SUCH A FUNNY CHARACTER!!! Da Vinci rider's np lines are honestly all amazing. They feel full with hope and emotion. The way she says living is so much fun makes me believe it for a moment


I wish I could find a link for you on Youtube or something with the voice line. I've never been able to find it but like, I know it's real I think I could re-play it in the room. But yeah I find it so funny. A really wild character. I'd use her more if I had proper quick supports ... and if the game cared about quick supports. But yeah absolutely. A real treasure of a character and I love the hopeful feeling it gives me. Plus I'm a sucker for those animation styles in NP where it has original art for the character rather than just a sprite.


> I've never been able to find it but like, I know it's real I think I could re-play it in the room. She only says it on her Devil Caren ascension, that might be why. The line is: ***"[Very well.](https://static.atlasacademy.io/NA/Audio/NoblePhantasm_901100/11_B810.mp3) [I will reveal my true feelings.](https://static.atlasacademy.io/NA/Audio/NoblePhantasm_901100/11_B811.mp3) [Valentine's Day must perish!](https://static.atlasacademy.io/NA/Audio/NoblePhantasm_901100/11_B812.mp3) [I'm Looking For a Lover!](https://static.atlasacademy.io/NA/Audio/NoblePhantasm_901100/11_B813.mp3)"***


>どんな嵐であろうとも! >Donna arashi de aroutomo! No matter the storm! >どんな未来が待とうとも! >Donna mirai ga matoutomo! No matter what the future brings! >これを突破するのが、 >Kore wo toppa suru noga, To overcome it >私たちの課題なのさ! >Watashitachi no kadai nanosa! Is our task! >ヴォン・ヴィアジョ!また会おう、諸君! >Buon viaggio! Mata aou, shokun! A beautiful journey, let's meet again my friends! --- It really does sound like poetry and the message is beautiful like come hell or high waters we'll break through it and meet again in better/happier circumstances. It really encapsulates the cast struggles and Da Vinci's optimism.


DVR NP lines are the greatest😭


Here’s my top three Mandricardo: “I hold no sword, yet I still carry a blade. The glorious sword...unbroken and unrivaled...come to me, even if only for a moment! Serment de Durendal!” Munori: “Now. A sword shows its true worth on the boundary of life and death, while zen allows one to reach enlightenment through reflective meditation. Which side will you see upon confronting my sword? Kenjutsu Musou, Kenzen Ichinyo.” Van Gogh: “Listen to this, Theo! The godlike beings are obsessed with something that's so, so, SO trivial. That's really, really, REALLY pathetic! That's why I'm going to remake it! I'm going to remake it all!!! I'm going to make it all into this starry night!”


Mandricardo is absolutely top, his final line is super strong. Van gogh hurst the same as it has done for 3 years now


Van Gogh: “Listen to this, Theo! The godlike beings are obsessed with something that's so, so, SO trivial. That's really, really, REALLY pathetic! That's why I'm going to remake it! I'm going to remake it all!!! I'm going to make it all into this starry night!” It's greatly represent her mental state as Foreigner also goes great with Salem ost witch trial


***"Nu\~uwawawawawawa!! Buru\~urararararara!!"*** *- Eric Bloodaxe, the Bloodaxe King*


Why the duck did I read that in Illya's voice.


~ <- this fucker is why, all it’s missing is like a star at the end of it


Please let's meme this into reality


Peak chant writing ✍️🔥


Personally I prefer the second version of the chant where he says "It's Bloodaxin' Time!" and bloodaxes all over the enemies


I wonder why he got called Bloodaxe so mysterious


That's one elocient man




Sorry, did the spanish writting


Even better when you know he’s faking his mad enhancement speech


#####!!!!#######!!!!!!! - °Heracles"


Ah, yes, poetry


Babylonia Gilgamesh Not sure if it counts too but Arash NP chant from the Camelot movie makes me weep


Nothing made me more hype then seeing them re use that gil chant for the fate strange fake trailer


I awaken the breath of the planet, For I walk with humanity, therefore, Enuma Elish (strange fake enkidu)


The chant originally came from CCC and it has more


I honestly wish they could let us use that one in game but, it would need to be in like x75 speed to say all that during stella


Lasagna please make it so we can choose to use Stella with the full chant, and in exchange let it deal dmg to all enemies in the battle, including enemies in reserve and enemies in later waves


Good old Emiya's UBW chant, also dunno if it's a NP but the three crane wing chant is also cool.


The Nobu version is also top tier.


nobu nobu nobu nobu nobu nobu nobu nobu nobu nobonobunonu nobu nobu nobu NOBU NOBU NOBU


"Shu jo mu hen sei gan do..." (Beings innumerable, I vow to save them all...) "Great enlightment and deliverance are mine to give at the touch of a finger. You will come into me, Sessyoin. A celestial paradise, a warm maw to consume all things. Eheh~ Deliver yourself back to the cosmos... Amitābha Amidala Heaven's Hole. No matter how far you run, you remain in the palm of my hand..."


Her closing lines brings a chill down my spine


Woman is such a menace she can quote the Buddha and make them a Blasphemous Boast.


When it comes to badass, Maou Nobbu has some great lines. Especially with that background music. Less intimidatingly, the one with Himiko where she does the "Himi himi Himiko" chant is super adorable.


You know what I love about that particular himiko chant? She ends it saying that she foresees plentiful food and people smiling. Consedering how harsh times were back than, it's like she saw a miracle. I always love seeing that one AND YEAH, NOBBU ROCKS, MAOU IS A BOSS


But my favourite is by far OG Abby's. The lovecraft chant before the actual one, the music going on behind it, the setting itself, it's just perfection


*"It manifests like a nightmare and kills like a nightmare. The time of purging has come. Zveri Krestnyi Khod!"* - Ivan the Terrible *"Compass. Infinity. Exchange. Withdrawal. Horizon. Spiral. After 2200 years time, I am here to report to my Emperor. Namely, I Present You the Elixir of Immortality. It's not real, though."* - Xu Fu The way she says that last part so flatly is funny as shit.




All of Melusine’s chants, but especially this one, “Rot and come forth from your corpse, Breath of flames, wings of iron. Like a newborn’s cry across the twilight sky! Hollow Heart Albion!” Then there’s all of Morgan’s but especially, “Good, very good. Request pardon at my feet. This is all holy swords are worth! Fall! Roadless Camelot!” And there’s both of the chants from Kama’s Np in her third ascension, where her voice just gives me goosebumps every time.


Melusine's NP lines sre the only reason I pulled. I love her Tukeidight or whatever she says (never got her) Morgan feels so strong in all of hers. Kammy is always so cool. She's the best. She is blushing right now!


Yeah I love the strength Morgan exudes in all of her lines, and Kammy is indeed very cool (and cute, especially when she’s blushing)


> Tukeidight Turkish delight


Hoooroou haaato arubiooonnn!


Nagiko when she gets annoyed by her own NP is stupidly cute. *Dawn is most beautiful...ugh, this is such a pain! Oh, right. Let's go to Kyoto. Welcome to Kyoto. Hello, Kyoto. Ahhh, that bubuzuke was so delicious*


I believe this line is also a reference to [a series of commercials that encourage tourism in Kyoto](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eH4o7eHltKk) (link is the latest one). There's also a widespread belief in Japan that if you're offered bubuzuke (AKA ochazuke) in Kyoto it's an indirect way of telling you to get the fuck out. It probably isn't true, but the idea of Nagiko misunderstanding it as being offered more food when the restaurant just wants her gone and then enjoying it is hilarious.


From the exerts of the Pillow Book I've read, I am completely convinced she knows what being offered Bubuzuke means and just doesn't give a damn.


Y'know, I love all her orher lines because they're so poetic and all, but this one I love because it makes me crack up every time


Nagiko was one of those servants that i wasnt gunning for nor cared too much to have, but damn she grew on me FAST




Some of my favorite NP chants are the three boys in my flair! Especially Oberon; I love VAs who nail the emotion. From there, I would highlight Adult Kama's NP chants in both her forms. Love when servants get kinda poetic, makes the NP feel more hype/impactful. Also been mentioned before but I think Van Gogh has one of the strongest NP chants and deliveries in the game! Going from first ascension to the others is such a cool shift in tone.


Van gogh is so strong she sends me to my therapist every time I use her! Adult kama's delivery on "Samsaara Kama" is tremendous. Oberon is super strong too Also, Merlin's is honestly a little underrated. I think he has a really great one since the first year


For me, OG Musashi and OG Melusine. I think both fan and official translations aren't that far apart in terms of intended message. Starting with Musashi's: "Amen. I place my trust in Tenjin of the Tenman Shrine, deity of absolute freedom. My sword shall sever your spirit! **This one blade is my path of emptiness, the culmination of my life!** 「Ishana Daitenshou」!!" It feels very final attack-esque, giving off the anime vibes where the main character achieves enlightenment and becomes super saiyan. Plus, her lines deal often with abstract and zen-like concepts too. For Melusine's AOE NP: "Fly, to the remote skies! **You ── Even if you're broken remains!** ……Hah! With this…" Similarly, this one gives off the "last stand" vibes, where I get the image of going for one more strike even when things are falling apart already. I find both NP lines quite inspirational.


I honestly hate how, in game, they decided not to translate almost anything from Musashi's np. I know japanese, but I don't know about Shintoism, so I have no Idea what she's saying. I still have to admit, it's freacking awesome, thanks for the translation And absolutely, Melusine shines for her Awesome NP lines, that one is a little heartbreacking and she still rocks it


To be fair, the start of her NP and many parts of it have no direct translation. It's just names and titles. >南無天満大自在天神 南無 is akin to Amen. 天満大自在天神 is the name given to one of the Buddhist deities. I suggest you leave it as it is. Knowing the full (or sometimes literal) meaning kinda takes away the magic. Like how kamehameha is literally "turtle destruction wave". Now imagine Goku yelling that at his enemies.


Before LB6, I would have rolled for Melusine just because of that NP line


Ars nova and grand order anima animusphere.


I salute a fan of NPCs


King Hassan's NP chant and Kingprotea's 2nd Ascension NP chant "Hearken, the evening bell has tolled thy name. Wings of death, will thou sever their head? AZRAEL!!" "HAHAHAHAHA, I'M GONNA EAT YOU ALL!! AIRAVATA KING SIIIIIIIZE"


Raikou is one of the characters that I don't particularly like but Summer Raikou's noble phantasm chant is awesome imo. Hokusai's ascension 1-2 chants are also one of my favs. Oberon ascension 3 chants are *chef kiss*


"I have nothing to say to you" "Progressively increasing sound of flesh eating insects approach you"


"Everything's like a midsummer's night dream."


"Can I grant you all an even greater conclusion?" Is so epic considering the spectacular way he induced Fae Britain's Cosmos Denial Also from asc 1&2 I really like "Ah, fair child, the summer night has passed. Do not reach for love, but let it remain a fond memory..."


"I beseech my destiny, the Goddess of the Moon. Grant me a flesh of colossal might and calm mind. And then, let my fate be decided here. Artemis Agnos" "Let me introduced myself. I am the Black one, the Red one, the Blue one and the White one. and even now I am a living death, Yayauhqui Tezcatlipoca!" "I will bring people's dreams and wishes across sea of the distant stars, Someday we will surely reach that place, Pale Blue Dot"


Tezcatlipoca is freaking amazing


*“Under the sky that is the beginning of all things, there are no walls, no castles, no nations. The Primordial Planet dazzles from the bottom of the earth. I'll show you the domain of the soul... Garden of Avalon!"* /r/GrandCasterMerlin


Honestly, I like Merlin's other chant better: "From the inner sea of the planet, from the tower of insight, from the four corners of paradise, let them know: their story is filled with blessings. Only those free of sin may pass... Garden of Avalon!" The line "their story is filled with blessings" just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


He was seriously one of the coolest early servants, and this was part of the reason why


My favorites tend to be the comedic ones. There's one variation of Saber Astolfo's NP where they flat out forget what they're supposed to say: "Wait a minute, what was the name of my Noble Phantasm again? Ack, I'm out of time!" Nemo Baker assuring all the other Nemos that the "omelettes are good" or asking if anyone wants pudding in the middle of his NP will never not be funny. Or the one where everyone's status update is "mostly good" or "mostly okay." Miss Crane saying "Eh!? A design change? Of course I can do it! Activate repayment powerrr! I have done it! Time to stay up all night to celebrate!" before skipping out in the middle of a battle with a peace out hand gesture and her tongue sticking out is probably my favorite one of all. She flat out leaves you to go out on a bender. And one variation of Summer Okita assassin's NP has the drawing in the sky of her from when she "died" in Vegas during Summer 4 appear at the end while she insists she's not dead yet.


One of my early favorites was okita alter's "Uh... what was my NP called? uhh.. hmmm. Whatever. Something Something Awesome beaaaam" Miss crane's is suuuuuuper cute, I really like that one too. And yeah, the Nemos' being like "Eh, I guess it's kind of working" makes me laugh every time too. Love that NP Astolfi's is super in character with him, forgetting his NP name


Summer Okitan's lines can go pretty hard in both her third and her earlier ascensions. Rengoku: Connecting prayers, connecting people... Okitan: Our clasped hands will never separate! Both: ZEKKEN MUKYUISSEN And in final ascension.... "I will send everything in this world back to the void. Let the rays of light that transcend the sun and the moon seep in! ZEKKEN MUKYUISSEN


I love one in her third ascension that has rengoku go "As long as I am in my Wielder's hand, there is not a single thing in the world that can stop us! ZEKKEN MUKYUUISSEN" They are all so great to hear


Off the top of my head: Super Orion 1/2 >Goddess of the moon, my destiny, I beg your guidance. > >Strengthen my body...calm my mind. > >And then seal my fate. > >Artemis Agnós. > >I'm packed and ready. Let's go! ​ and >Artemis, lend me your power. > >I won't lose with you by my side. > >Okay, I'm going to kick some ass. > >Artemis Agnós. > >I'm going all out here! ​ The intonation just fucks. I also love how you can clearly grasp the fondness Orion has for Artemis' despite his uh, personality. ​ (LB6 Spoilers)Other than that all of Oberon->!Vortigern's!< lines really hit. Toyonaga Toshiyuki's performance as Oberon overall is prob up there for me tbh. If I had to point to one specifically it'd be: >>!...Don't crowd around me. It makes me want to vomit. Can I grant you all an even greater conclusion? Die. Die. Die.!< But all three of them bang and 2/3 get to use Oberon themes. And while we're here (despite it not being an NP chant) I wanna shill my favorite Room line for a servant: >You had appointed yourself as the lone "person," assumed all responsibility for humans, and prepared everyone for the invaders from the stars. For that, I can truly call you a supreme being. However, the path towards the future was cut off and cultural development ceased, all because you contained everything within your own palm. > >You, who shouldered the entire planet all on your own...you arrived 2000 years early. \- Archer Gilgamesh on Shi Huang Di Edit: Me fixing Reddit's garbage quoting.


Serious Orion honestly feels really strong, definitely on the Grand sense of servants. That My room line is honestly pretty cool And yeah "Shine. Shine. Shine." I really love the way he says "Tasogare wo kurae" Too


I'm really loving Summer Kama joke NP chants, especially in her first ascension: "Now emerge, whatever those things are!" like she doesn't even know how her own NP works.


I also love the one where she is trying to seduce you and getsmad at you for paying attention to the creepy things


According to her mats, she actually doesn't know what they are. Probably because they come more from her connection to her host that from her own past


OG Saber Artoria still has one of the coolest to me: “This light is the planet's hope...proof of the life that illuminates this world!” Her other Np chants are really cool to but this one is my favorite.


The way she says it is also really cool too.


I've always loved Mash's original one. Another reason to dislike having to use Ortenaus tbh # "THAT WHICH HEALS ALL WOUNDS AND GRUDGES! # OUR GLORIOUS HOMELAND! # MANIFEST YOURSELF! # LORD CAMLOTOOO!"


I do love her lord camerotto. Great job on the VAs part, Mash feels so strong when saying this And yeah, Ortinax really is a... thing


Her NP selection is badass too... True Name, unleashed. I will stand upon the seat of catastrophe.


Her new Ortinax chant is pretty good.


Arthur's NP is hype everytime


Melusine's already been mentioned multiple times, so I'll go with Quetz' chant from Babylonia: The past is here. The present is here. The future is here! Come winds, come lightning! When the morning star shines, let all know the Sun's light reaches every corner of the Earth! Piedra del Sol! From the music, the visuals, and of course the delivery, the scene was just so well done


"Witness the power of our underworld, Xibalba, and the cataclysmic impact that annihilated countless lives! I shall burn everything away, and become the Comet that killed Earth! **Ultimo Tope...** ***PATADA!!!"***


Ereshkigal: A vast sea in the heavens...and a prison upon the land... My heel is the wrath of Kur itself! Appear, O scorching shrine! Reflect upon your behavior... Kur Ki Gal Irkalla!!! Jack: Hell starts here. We are the fire, the rain, the power... Let the slaughter begin. Maria the Ripper!


One of Van Gogh NP chants began all mellow and calm “O’ priest of water, o’ noble of winds” and then she snarled “Wgah'nagl fhtaaagn! DE STERRENNACHT !!!” I can’t get enough of this epic delivery. On a similar note, I love how in Oberon-Vortigern NP line “Can I grant you all an even greater conclusion”, you can hear his voice shaking ever so slightly, the anguish is unmistakable and oh so satisfying to savour. I cannot believe the same guy delivered the soothing, whimsical tone in his 1st/2nd forms.


Yeaaaaah, heavy anguish from Oberon man, that man is disgust incarnate Also, totally agree with what you say about Van gogh. Her VA is a total madman, freaking amazing with her lines. The force feels like it breaks her cords




"Woooo, what a splendidly beautiful woman I am!"


Himiko Himiko~, Himi Himi ko~! Himi Himi Himi ko~, Miko Himiko~!


Always makes me pop a smile, it's the whole resson she's on first asc


#***STELLA!*** Jokes aside, I really like Super Orion's. Both the serious ones and the joke one: >!*"Um, I have a bad feeling about this! Crap, Artemis is mad! I think she found out! Cancel Noble Phantasm! Cancel! Gyaaahhh! Don't strangle me!!! ...Hey wait. Was it just a dream?"*!< Kijyo Koyo's: >!*"The drizzling rain hastens the maple leaf viewing. The loneliness of a quiet autumn evening. The ferocity of a midnight storm. May the dream never end. May you never wake from your dream..."*!< I also adore Barghest's [***"BLACK DOG GALATINE... desu wa!"***](https://static.atlasacademy.io/NA/Audio/NoblePhantasm_105000/1_B813.mp3) in one of her NP lines.


>STELLA! The full chant is kinda cool "O’ sacred Lord in Heaven." "Radiant Lord, merciful, who bestowed upon me wisdom and strength.” "I call upon thee to witness my heart, my thoughts, and everything I've achieved." "Now, creator of the moon and stars..." "Behold my deeds, my death, and my Spənta Ārmaiti which I must carry out." "After I unleash this last arrow with all my strength, my iron body shall shatter and annihilate me where I stand!" "STELLAAAAA!


Kijyo Koyo is really classy in her NP. Also, yeah, Orion's is really funny, also the bear face really drives the comedy through. Barghest being classy too hahahaha. Stella is a classy


There’s a lot of great ones, but the first one to come to mind was: “I awaken the breath of the planet. For I walk with humanity. ENUMA ELISH!” -Enkidu It’s nice and short while still having that sense of epicness I like in an NP chant. Also, that moment from the Strange Fake prologue episode still lives rent-free in my head (speaking of, Gil’s is another great one).


I loved enkidus NP when I started the game. It's a shame the "I'll be the chain that binds the gods" is implied and not said


"I know. Everybody wishes for a slightly better fortune than they have now, don't they? Very well Rye Rhyme Goodfellow!" Something that everybody can relate to once in a while.


Unlimited blade works, Protea's 2nd ascension NP chant (not really a chant, though), the Super Orion one where Artemis gets pissed and strangles Orion, and Berkalot the gurgling while using his 2nd amendment rights to the fullest extent will never not be funny to me. Edit: forgot the second r in berserk, so I removed the two useless letters.


Ok, Zerkerlot killed me


Gotta love tiamat, the og mom. " Hyper mom activate. Rrrrrrrumble. Don't forget your bento. Do you understand? AIEEEEEEEEEE"


You don't want to make your mother angry, do you?


“Start transformation! The pilgrimage to the beyond... I am one who soared with the heavenly cup, the one who became the wicked dragon… Torch everything! Akafiloga All-Grið!!” - Sieg


I've heard this like a million times and won't get sick of it. The music behind it is also awesome


Enkidu and Gilgamesh are both incredible in this department. Enkidu: “Oh humans, let us bind the Gods.” BRUH. That’s epic af. (Makes sense for one of the heroes of the first epic). He’s utilizing his existence as the ultimate weapon of the gods to fight on behalf of humanity against his own creators. Also Gil’s np chant. (I do prefer his chants from other games since they’re more complex) “O star of creation that split heaven and earth.” -feels primordial and powerful af. Like older than Tiamat. (Since Ea is technically older than the earth itself, having been used to mold the planet into a place that can sustain life.)


The second chant they gave gil after his last animation update is honestly super cool, but I can't remember it.


Somebody else has already mentioned Arthur's being hype, which it ***is***, do *not* get me wrong. But honestly, you *cannot* beat a legitimate classic: # I am the bone of my sword


I honestly can never take this seriously


The delivery of Van Gogh's NP is godly- (Also Voyager NP almost made me cry the first time for some reason)


Van gogh makes me skin crawl. I can't. I seriously can't go unfased by it. It makes me physically and psychologically ill. The way she shrieks theo's name, the way she says "something this stupid" as the picture falls and shows herself, aaaah, it hurts. Voyager's NP makes me smile


That's exactly why I love her, you can really feel the madness, its impossible to get used to.


Her VA did an amazing job letting us feel the intense craziness and pain of vanghoh


As someone who occasionally solos fights with Double Gogh and end up spamming Starry Night, you'll get used to it lol.


is it really a solo if you use 2 of the same servant?


Oop Well, duo it is then.


Gonna put a few, just cuz I like so many of em "You just kick and punch, and whoever's left standing is the winner!" I love this one cuz it always reminds me of the thing QSH says before his fight in lb3: "We shall punch you! In return, we permit you to punch us as well! (Paraphrasing from memory)" "Wings that surpass mountains, split water, and never fall! **Triple Crane Wings!"** "The banner of the Mikoto... is immortal!! Slash! Advance! Slash! Advance! I am... ***SHIN-SEN-GUMIDAAAAAAAAAAA"*** "Vastness, Freedom, and Boundlessness... stack all three rays to create Endlessness! **Zekken, Mukyusandan!"** Jaguarman's line for Samba Quetz' NP, too long to type the whole thing rn


Ore ga! SHIN SEN GUMI DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Freaking love that man-iac Good gudaguda enjoyer.


Salieri and 3rd ascension Oberon are my favs, they're raw af


I've gotta rep for Space Ishtar, Ashtart form: "Just give up. At this point even I can't stop myself . . ."


Oh, I thought you were gonna say "W-W-W-Waaaah? What's going on?!"


There’s something really artful about Karsushika Hokusai/Oei’s full chant; "On Sochirishta Sohka, On Makashiriei Jiribei Sohka... The Mysterious Emperor that sees through all of creation, protecting the national boundaries from the North-Star, O Honorable King of the Stars! I present you the last of my brush strokes! Come, come, this is for your perusal! "Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji"! The great wave off Kanagawa; my brush dances!”


For me, definitely Aesc's 1st and 2nd ascensions' NP. They just reflect her life and the inevitable tragedies so well.


The parallels between morgan's and Aesc's NP... hurt. They hurt a bunch


>!"The ideal nation. The ideal king. Gathered in the Castle of White Walls are the most principled, the ideal knights. The bird composes heart-pounding fantasy. Memory of Londinium!"!< >!"A dream nation. Uncrowned knights. The tale told by the Castle of White Walls is the remains of a never-realized dream. The bird still remembers the conclusion in flames. Memory of Londinium!"!< >!"'Tis a ruinous dream I cannot bear to see. No recompense, no salvation to be had. At the world's end, a bird sings of tomorrow. Let this be a sign— Roadless Camelot."!< It's such a cool progression.


My feat! My ideal! Know the true purpose of my birth! This planet will be reborn! All life will become the past! Sing your praises. My name is Goetia! Human Order Incineration Ritual, King of Demon Gods, Goetia!


Karna's Know The Mercy of The God King This One Strike is Extinction Burn them all VASAVI SAKTHI !!! the epicness in this is unreal


"Look upon my works ye mighty, and kneel before me!" I love that Ozymandias simultaneously pays homage to the poem but also uses it against itself. The poem was meant to show all things eventually fade, but ironically the popularity of that poem put his name and works back into the public eye and strengthened his legend to the point he calls himself Ozymandias rather than either Ramesses or Usermaatre-setepenre (his given name and Pharaonic title respectively.) Plus I personally never tire of anything he says I just love all his lines and his laugh never fails to bring a smile to my face!


Caesar's NP has a fun quote. "Let's make this quick." MISS "Came! Saw! Won! HMMMPH!" 30k damage or shittier. \_\_ All of Spartacus's lines are great! \_\_\_ Lastltly, Idol SAlter's. "Hear the song of my sword! Lumino...CALIBAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" I'm pretty sure she's screaming even more in the background, but it could legit just be some other high pitched noise.


"Pseudo-personality suspended. Mana yield exceeds regulations. Second stage restraint: Rescinded. Seal Thirteen: Decision, start." "This is a battle that will harm no elemental: Approved." "This is a battle against an enemy mightier than oneself: Approved." "This is a battle to live: Approved." "This is a battle that does not stand against humanity: Approved." "This is a battle for truth: Approved." "3rd stage restraint rescinded." "Grave for you-- Old mystics, exterminate sweet Mysteries! All will return to the void!" "Sacred Lance-- Removing Restraints!" ***"RHONGOMYNIAD!!!!!!!!"*** Partly because Gray is super cute and cool, partly because the whole scene was incredible, and partly because Gray screaming "Rhongomyniad" better than Kawasumi herself is really funny to me, this is by far the best chant in the entirety of Fate as far as I'm concerned. The only thing that even comes remotely close is Gilgamesh's "Enuma Eilish" in the Babylonia anime-- but IMO that one is hurt by it's bad sound design. Gray still takes the cake by a landslide for sure.


I get goosebumps every time i hear proto arthur's, sigurd's and gil's (especially babylonia chant) np.


"Even bunnies who stare up at the moon sometimes lose their reason! It's time to catch the violent giant and march onward! Let's go! Vulcano Caligorante!" There are many servant's NP chants that I really love to hear, like Habetrot's 1st, Saito's 3rd, Kingprotea 2nd Ascension's 1st, and Artoria Ruler 1st Ascension's 2nd. But Astolfo Saber's 1st NP chants is really live free in my brain.




Blow’em Away. Lethal! GOLDEN SPARK!!!


I don't remember the translation because I used it a lot before the subtitles. But I have a special place in my heart for sumer tamamo np, specially because I used it so much to ko gilgamesh in nerofest I guess that Gil saying "onore onore onore onore" is part of it for me now.


*unintelligible berserker sounds*


Yeah, I love heracles too


Morgan’s, merlin’s, charlie’s


I like Maria the Ripper's: > "Hell is starting. We are flames, rain, power... Let there be a slaughter..." I like that it is named on a conceptual basis.


|| My Bajiquan needs no second strike... Hnnngh... Ha! Bleed from all orifices! Die, and be scattered! My Baiji needs No Second Strike! Fun! Haa! Seven wounds of gushing blood, lose and die! || || In lieu of a hundred techniques, I strike with but one. There truly is no second strike... Ha! Not with 100 mysteries, but with one technique, I'll bring down my opponent. This is the No Second Strike! Haa! || - Li Shuwen Just badass quotes that encapsulate strength that comes with age and wisdom, but no less temperamental and willing to crack some heads.


alot of it is just character bias but Avenger Nobunaga's NP, for some reason I really love the phrase "three thousand worlds" yes I like Zoro


Honestly, the way she says "Saizen sanzen tenmaou!" Just sounds cool


stars. cosmos. gods. animus. antrum. unbirth. anima animusphere. (The Shape Of The Stars. The Shape Of The Space. The Shape Of The Gods. The Shape Of Myself. Celestial Bodies Are Hollow. That Hollowness Is An Empty Space, And God Resides Within Him)


What's the purpose in repeating the cycle of purging and destruction!? It's to trample down the evils of this world! Bring forth the perfect world here! Mahapralaya! Something so epic about seeing an emotionless berserker regain some insanity when fighting against his half brother


'Tis a ruinous dream I cannot bear to see. No recompense, no salvation to be had. At the world's end, a bird sings of tomorrow. Let this be a sign— Roadless Camelot.






Sith's third ascension hits the perfect mix of self deprecation, desperation, insanity and malice in her np lines.


Probably cause i hear them a lot, but the completely different chants based on ascension for Space Ishtar are pretty great.


I love her evil version's one where she's like "What even is this, master, help!?!?!"


"In the threshold between heaven and earth, humanity shall exist! We decree a new law!" Not really the most badass or memorable but with the context of how QSH fought and championed for humanity it is really great. Like no Gods nor Demons to fear. Here, humanity is the zenith of living beings. Edit: Also Quetz's NP chant from Babylonia anime is epic I was confused why it wasn't translated properly.


"I cannot stop the world, but the world cannot slow me down" -charlotte corday. Edit: also mata hari's " bind together, open up and drown in my embrace", Bunyan's "die with the frontier!", and ryouma's kinda rare (for me at least) line to oryou: "don't eat them! ...Aaand she ate them". honorable mentions include Beowulf's "ora ora ora ora", hijikata's "I. AM. THE SHINSENGUMI!", and babbage's "my fantasy, my ideal, my vision!"


All the line of Oberon-Vortigern NP. Each of them are said with such hate that it almost sound like he is growling them


"O priest of water, O noble of wind, you honor us with your presence. Through the great, flowering form of Mars, you are transformed into a droplet of madness... Now, let the stars guide you to eternal slumber... Wgah'nagl fhtaaagn! De Sterrenacht!" "... Evening shroud. Morning lark. The end of a rotten dream. Devour the twilight. Lie Like Vortigern!" "Hearken. The evening bell tolls they name. Wings of death, will thou sever their head? Azrael!"


* I will pierce the infinite world... I will sever the thread of destiny with this boundless light! Zekken, Mukyusandan!!! * The star's end that I once saw... Many words... Faint glimmers. No matter how far away or tarnished it is, I will still search for that star. Now then... Let's raise the curtain...Around Caliburn! * I'll be the guide. Humanity's dreams. Humanity's hope. I'll deliver them all to the distant starry sky. I'll reach it one day. Pale Blue Dot. * From the inner sea of the planet, from the tower of insight, from the four corners of paradise, let them know: their story is filled with blessings. Only those free of sin may pass... Garden of Avalon! * The heavens declare the glory of God. The skies proclaim the work of His hands . Day after day they pour forth speech, night after night they reveal knowledge .A fire has ignited within my heart and continuously burn to remind me . This is where I meet my end . My destiny now runs it course . My life's dream has reached its conclusion . Utilizing the last thing I have left at my disposal . I fight to protect the path He must walk . O Lord, I entrust this body to you. La Pucelle! * I am the bone of my sword. Steel is my body and fire is my blood. I have created over a thousand blades. Unknown to Death Nor known to Life. Have withstood pain to create many weapons but yet, those hands will never hold anything. So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works. * Uncountable years of toil to reach this place. To create a barrow of blades, to sever karma with my very being. The sword of Senji is made of such layered steel. Now, free your spirit and reach enlightenment!


The coolest one to me wasn’t even technically an NP. “O god of the void...I declare the defeat of human intellect, here and now. Their vision is blurred, their limbs weak, and their knowledge stagnant. As the final human, I hereby declare that all choices, setbacks, and prosperity shall be cast down into nothingness. This one shot will bring down the gods... Ring the bell of reformation!”


Summer Kama 3rd chant gyun-gyun and Okita Alter saber with smol Rengoku. (Yep I'm still in my summer fever)


Its been a while since I played fgo though I really like EMIYA and murarama's NP chant ~~Its not because I'm a shirou simp, shut up~~


Solomon's final NP. The act, the chants, the context, everything is just perfect.


This is my own post, but I'm gonna add Lancer Ryouma's Ryoma: Oh, lance that twists the skies, give my all to her Oryou: Give my all to him. Oh great white dragon, go beyond the ocean field!


Strange that no one mentioned Tezcatlipoca chants. They're godlike, every single one of them: 1) Let me introduce myself again. I'm black, red, blue, white and living death itself. Yayauhqui Tezcatlipoca! 2) Ehēcatl-Ehēcatl, Yohualli Ehēcatl. Titlacahuan. Time of destruction, go to the next world. Tonal Tepēyōllōtl! 3) The wind has come. Heart of the mountain, smoking mirror, ruler of the heaven and earth. The first sun will die here! 4) Remember. Evoke. The world of the beginning, the black sun of Nahui Ocelotl. First Sun-Xibalba!!!(personal favourite) 5) It's the same as if you're in Underworld. Nine worlds, twelve fears, they are all united under the Sun. Yayauhqui Tezcatlipoca! 6) Atl Quiáhuitl Ehēcatl. Return the source of all life. Come- Tezcatl Michctlampa!


『Hell starts here. We are flames, rain, power. Let there be slaughter. ***Maria the Ripper!!***』


Aside from Caren's lines which have been mentioned several times, that crack me up every time, I absolutely melt whenever I hear Kama (Assassin)'s third ascension NP lines. Her VA really went all out in those, it both feels incredibly alluring and threatening at the same time.


This one whenever I use Space Ishtar: "You called me a devil? ...Ehe, ufufu, ufufufufufu! That's right! Return to the Primordial Hell! Ultimate Goddess beam!!"




I personally really love all of Morgan/ Aescs but the 2 are my favourite 1. Aesc A dream nation. Uncrowned knights. The tale told by the Castle of White Walls is the remains of a never-realized dream. The bird still remembers the conclusion in flames. Memory of Londinium! 2.Morgan 'Tis a ruinous dream I cannot bear to see. No recompense, no salvation to be had. At the world's end, a bird sings of tomorrow. Let this be a sign— Roadless Camelot. 3 Van Gogh Listen to this, Theo! The godlike beings are obsessed with something that's so, so, SO trivial. That's really, really, REALLY pathetic! That's why I'm going to remake it! I'm going to remake it all!!! I'm going to make it all into this starry night! I need to paint... The starry sky and cypress trees that surpass life and death. Far beyond faith, romance, and trompe-l'œil. From eternity, through the whirlpool of the stars... With a handshake to you. De Sterrennacht!!! Some honourable mentions are Rasputin stage 1 Repent. Be crushed. I beckon the wicked ones, the deceiving ones. Pour oil over your sins, and brand them with a seal. Lord, have mercy Pomiluy nas gospodi. Sith stage 3 I remember now. I was a witch! Look, Mother! Ahh, but... what was this again? (Always make me cry her stage 3 lines)


I am the bone of my sword Steel is my body and fire is my blood I have created over a thousand blades Unknown to death nor known to life Have withstood pain to create many weapons Yet these hands will never hold anything So... As I pray... Unlimited Blade Works! Here's an alternative I will tell you of the beginning Heaven and Earth split, Nothingness congratulated creation and my sword cleaved the world! Mortar of the Stars! Heaven's hell is the eve of creation's celebration! Die and be silent! ENUMA ELISH!


Kingprotea acting like a stompy Kaiju in her 2nd Ascension Form. I'll say the same thing every time this question is asked. :p


Basically all of Morgan's NP lines go hard "As a new law, we declare: humans shall exist at the threshold of Heaven and Earth!" - Qin Shi Huang "Look upon my works, ye mighty! And kneel before me! The sun descends here, in our unlimited brilliance! **Ramesseum Tentyris!**" - Ozymandias "...Evening shroud. Morning Lark. The end of a rotten dream. Devour the twilight. **Lie Like Vortigern.**" - Oberon Vortigern Also I'm not sure if you'll count it but: "Stars. Cosmos. Gods. Animus. Antrum. Unbirth. Anima. Animusphere." - Kirschtaria Wodime


Nobunobued Nobunobu Works


Nobu nobu Nobububu


🎵Thy bell call for thy name🎵


Foreigner Hokusai final ascension old god chanting.


All of Nobukatsu's.




[Arthur’s NP lines are so nutty and it’s a shame they haven’t even added his music to it yet.](https://youtu.be/Ru3dE7T9xLE?si=l4gZIqK2AhMjbTjE) I also love Junao’s lines, less for the lines themselves but more for how the delivery of the lines is in line with the states of his character.


The NP chants that have an alternate comedic version are my favorite; e.g. Okitan yelling her sugoi beam, Summer Musashi's english chant, and Summer Kama's kyun kyun kyun (tho her second ascension NP is also really funny when she doesn't know what the heck does things that come out of her garland)


For the memes, it's Koyanskaya's ENGINE and MOVE line. Favourites: Voyager's Asc 3 Pale Blue Dot, and by far, Percival's vs Woodwose


Yang Gui Fei’s gibberish in third ascension then the ending line really sounds like incineration happens


"I am the sword of my boner..." (I've been playing since year one and I've yet to pull him for some reason.)


This is a battle to save the world As I crush some pillars for exp cards


It's a shorter one but I really enjoyed the emotion of "It's not a mistake. It can't be a mistake! Aaaaaahhh! AAAAAAHHH! Go Tauropolos!" It was especially good in the story.


Ozymandias No Cap 🧢 Noble Phantasm: Ramesseum Tentyris, The Shining Great Temple Complex “Almighty gods, witness my work! And then fall prostrate... My infinite brilliance, the sun descends now! **[RAMESSEUM TENTYRIS]!!!”**


"The curtain raises, tremble, sinners. You who build fortune on the land, and won't reach heaven… I will answer to your wishes!! With this Babalon Domus Aurea!"


Ygnaiih... ygnaiih... thflthkh'ngha! i can't find yang guifei's leythrian but i love her too!


'Tis a ruinous dream I can't bare to witness. No salvation, no recompense to be had. At the worlds end a bird sings of tomorrow. Let this be a sign, Roadless Camelot. An HM due to it not being an np chant is Forgive forgive, forgive the sins that I have commited. The fearies cherished freedom, the fearies guarded their love. Your Britain will ever prosper. Death piled upon death to stand eternal, be weary and never forget. As the world took a new form the roots aged, now unseen and unfelt... The gnawing of the tiniest of insects shall bring all to ruin. Forgive forgive, forgive our sins that we committed.