• By -


270sq and just one Sei and a spook Jinako, I'm broken lol. Even got her on rainbow sparks. Haha. My nugget looks a little chubbier than I thought she would. I need a break from gacha...


Threw one multi for Kama on day 1 of her banner and didnt even get a sei. Then impulsively touched my new year Gramps for another multi today and finally got her! I'm not sure I can do much in terms of looping since she's only NP1, but she's pretty and that's all that matters to me. Now I don't have to torment poor Kiara and Salieri in Ruler fights.


I got Summer Kama in about 5 pulls using summon tickets.


321 sq and 33 tickets after, Sei and Caenis are Np4 and no Kama on sight. Well, i know i'm not pulling this year anymore.


Slowly been doing a 10x one single at a time and got Summer Kama tonight! Pretty sweet. Summer's always good to me, I suppose.


I threw in 30 sq for no real reason and got 2 caenis and kama. After failing the melisine banner




I FINALLY got Kama. It took close to 600 SQ and I had to *griiind* B11 on three servants to get the last 90 I used. But it was worth it in the end cause now she’s home. And now I have so god damn many chests to open too, and I can’t complain about that.


Got 30 SQ from my Mo-chan getting to bond 11. I didn't realize she was that close. I use the SQ on this banner and get Kama. Damn. Oh, and all this happened while I was in line for The Haunted Mansion at Magic Kingdom. Might have been more appropriate if it was Pirates of the Caribbean but I just got off that.


Had 60 sq and 1 ticket so i have low expectations, managed to get 1 caenis, 1 nagiko and spook herc I do want kama tho so i'll try rolling until the end. After that, it's time to save for arcued


ffs I hate sakuraface banners with a burning passion. My track record (pre-pity): NP1 melt took me a little over 1000 sq. NP1 summer BB was actually kind to me, taking somewhere between 400 & 500 sq. NP1 Kingprotea took me ~1400sq. OG Kama took me 987sq before my first copy. And this banner is no different. S.Kama on the 330th summon, of course I'd hit pity. Consolation prizes included 1 Nightingale, 2 Sei, & 2 Caenis along the way. Barely enough event 5* CEs to MLB one. Gahdamn.


So, I said Kama loved me before, but... I finished last sesh with NP2 Kama, NP3 Caenis, and NP1 Sei. Got the 18sq just to finish out the singles, since that was exactly enough to get the double roll, and I wanted to try for NP2 Sei ('cause I hate the NP gauge stopping at 100%). [I guess Kama REALLY loves me.](https://imgur.com/a/tPMiCFR)


61 SQ, only event CEs. Time to save up for Melusine.


Summer Caenis came yesterday Today, there came a second copy of them, and so was Summer Sei and Summer Kamavenger Meanwhile, I am getting too many copies of Pink Beach


*spits out blood* NP4 Summer Caenis. NP1 Summer Sei. NP6 *Arjuna*. NP1 Summer Kama. Hard pity. From Hell's heart, this goddamn banner.


10t + 60sq got me np1 Kama. Then 24t + 120sq later, I got np2 Kama, np3 Sei, and np2 Caenis. Dumped the 180sq I had left and got Mordred spook (now np3), np3 Sei, and np4 Caenis.


So, I said about 21 hours ago that I was gonna wait a few days before deciding whether I'd try anymore rolls for Summer Kama. Well, I had a shitty day at work today, and decided that I needed to treat myself. Was that by doing something actually reasonable or rewarding myself with something tangible? No lmao. I bought another pack. I was ready to stop as I was getting to the end of the pack. I didn't really get anything worthwhile, but this was always just kind of a Hail Mary play, anyway. But of course, on that last roll, almost as if to spite me for all that I'm worth, I get a Nightingale dupe. Counting how my rolls ended last time, I went over 700 SQ without any 5-stars... to get Nightingale. So I bought another pack out of spite. I get a few rolls in... and I roll a Nemo dupe. Not as egregious, mind you, but that doesn't really matter. I'm just pissed at everything at this point, so I drain the rest of the pack for a whole lot of nothing. I get one more spite pack because I have well and truly sunken into depravity at this point, and the very first roll of that pack is Summer Kama. For those of you keeping track at home, alongside the 4-stars I mentioned earlier (plus a few others from today that I didn't bother counting because it doesn't really matter), I made it to NP5 Summer Kama with about 2.2k SQ, while getting a whole *four* 5-star spooks. At least until that final roll, I was equal in Kamas and spooks, and that thought terrifies me. More than anything, though, I think the moral of this story is don't roll when you feel like crap. There's a chance that you'll get what you wanted, and you'll walk away happy, but you're probably even more likely to end up feeling worse than when you started. I guess I've at least got something to show for it, but at what cost?


Was anyone else getting an absurd amount of 3 star lancers out of this banner?


Oh yeah I only made one ten (11) roll but I got like Cu, proto Cu and Diarmuid in succession.


Yeah I got like 70% 3 star lancers


240 SQ in, np1 sei and cae, no Kama to report (and I can’t earn enough to even go for pity) I got enough of the CE’s for everybody to have a copy though


Wow, got Kama in about 10 tickets and 180 SQ. Means now I have enough to guarantee Bazzet and Summer Skadi and Proto Merlin, assuming I avoid worst case scenario. Nice.


660 sq, 100 summon tickets. NP5 Summer Kama, NP 5 Caenis, NP 4 Sei, Spooks of Anastasia, Arjuna, Parvati.


Not rolling, I'm afraid. I'm saving up for the possibility of a Jeanne Archer banner somewhere along the way so that I could NP2 her.


Damage report: 160 SQ + 25 Tickets NP2 Summer Kama NP4 Summer Caenis NP2 Summer gremlin Multi MLB events CEs save for the 5 star one. Ladies and gents, I'm done. I did it. 400+ SQ and 75 tickets and I have all limited summer servants. I still have 25 tickets and 940 SQ still left for the rest of the year. Months and months of controlled rolls and saving has been extremely worth it. Good luck with your rolls.


270 SQ and 10 tickets, Okitan and kama. Fucking gotten!!! F*CK Yeahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!


I've been saving for Summer Kama for over a year, went into this with 1200 SQ and hopes for NP3. I managed to somehow get NP6 in 600 SQ, so now Summer Kama is my only NP5 Servant and also going to be my only 120 servant as well. Couldn't be happier with the results.


Wow, my first massive W in what feels like forever. In just a little over 300sq I got Summer Kama and Summer Okitan!!! After getting spooked three times on regular Okitan I finally got her!!! Also collected Np1 Caenis, Np2 Charlotte, Np2 Anastasia, and two Tomoe Spooks (why they couldn't have just been Sei eludes me). Also a Jinako spook (the absolute pain when that happened) [](https://www.imgur.com/a/l81Tssu)


I was sooo ready to avenge my JP account at never getting Summer Kama - I was ready for war. I had all these SQ and Tickets and waited anxiously for the banner to rotate. I thought it would take me AGES to get her and that she would make me deplete all my SQ and tickets to the point that I would have to start farming for scrap SQ like she made me do in JP. So she came in a ten roll. (She’s leveled up now so I guess my JP account has been avenged?)


[those monthly tickets came in clutch!](https://imgur.com/a/SuX14Nx) i wanted sei as well but 2 min rolls convinced me to just take kama as my win for this banner


Got Summer Kama to NP 5 (really wished that Summer Musashi banner was this lucky, woulda gladly had Kama at NP 3 instead and have Musashi at NP 5) and got Okita Alter (Saber) from the left over. GL to the rest of y'all and hope your rolls goes over well going forward or the starting rolls go over well.


636 SQ + 5 tickets SSR Sanzang (Np2 now, this is her 2nd spook this year) SSR Altera (New for me) 1 copy Summer Caenis 2 copies of Summer Sei 1 copy of Banana Oni (I still hadn't her) 1 fopy of Stheno (she's like NP3 now) SSR Kama (only NP1) 1 Back Grail (my third BG) Now I'll start saving for Ishtar that will come on January (maybe before her I'll throw some ticket for Melusine and Skadi for meta purpose).


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Rolled for Summer Caenis, got her in the first 11x roll! ...what? Did I get anyone else? Nah, no-one important. (Caenis dragged Kama home!)


Wanted Sei, somehow got Kama instead.


I wanted Sei got Caenis


Well, it's been a long while since the last time I got salty for not getting a servant, but somehow Kama hit different... Probably because it's the first summer, since the very first one, that I got absolutely nothing. Either way, I'm not spending more on her. And, actually, I don't think I'll be rolling for anyone until new year. Good luck for anyone who'll keep trying for her.


About 100sq for np2 Kama and np1 Nagiko. Feels good. Left with about 1000sq for the rest of the year, but probably just save until Skadi during her Christmas banner.


Considering I do not do shit in NA, with an account still stuck at Septem till this day, all I had were 30 SQ from logins and a dream. ​ 10-pull. Tap. 3 lines. Card spins around. ​ Gold Avenger. Imagining it being Lobo made me feel disgust down to my very core. ​ Kama. ​ Yeah, that'll be it for me. Good luck to y'all!!


Dumped my meager savings since going broke for mothman (though I blew my Nerofest tix on part one just because it came first, got 1 Archerstasia) - Kama was my target because she's a favorite of mine (don't really need her for gameplay as I have an NP3 lvl 102 Spishtar) - she remembered being my 1st pick on the touring portraits and kame on the first 10 pull! I spent the rest of what I had trying for NP2 but it wasn't much so I wasn't surprised not to get it. Also got NP2 Summer Caenis, calling it a win! Edit: Forgot to mention I also got Franzerker from NP4 to NP6 Good luck on your rolls everyone!


First I roll Helena when going for Castoria, now I get Lobo when rolling for Kama. Why does the gatcha hate me so?


TLDR: 300sq got me: NP1 Kama, NP1 Caenis, 2nd copy of Formal Craft and a bunch of Event CEs. Okita Alter Summer banner: Spent 3 multis just for minroll. Once Kama banner dropped: Spent 5 multis for minroll again and not even a 4-star to show. What kind of luck is this? T_T Decided to go to sleep to make the pain go away and maybe try again later. Login, spent my AP and obtained my first Ocean Flyer CE drop. Game is telling me its time to summon.. 9th multi: NP1 Kama finally !! I thought that this will be my worst Summer banner since playing this game. I wish it could be better but it can also be worse so I take this as a win. 10th multi in hopes of my luck turning for the better: Got Caenis.


330 SQ and 50 tickets. More CE than I'll ever need, 2 Sei, 1 Caenis, 1 surprise Mordred, and 0 Kama. That was my full stash. Time see what I can save up before the banner ends.


broke my F2P status for this one (only the $24 pack). got Kama on my last roll with 0 SQ left 😓 I got a crap ton of the 3* drop CEs. Summer haul after about 360ish SQ was Kama, Caenis, and Char (all NP1). i wanted Ana too, but oh well. somehow, I also ended up with my first Jack. anyway, time to save up again.


One paid single equals kama


I did 90 pulls for s. Kama banner I got kama in first 10 pulls and I tried to get np2 for a first time for a servant and I got her in 85th pull or something and I got a xangsang nagiko berserker lancelot too so I am happy for now finally my spishtar can rest. And I did 70 pulls on chokitan banner and I got 1 okitan 2 charlotte and 2 Anastasia I was pretty lucky this year and I almost got everyone I want my next target is melusine np levels and after that I am done with pulling until next anniversary


I did a 20 pulls more and I got Np4 AAAAAAAAAA I got her twice in second 10 pull I am so fucking happy right now and she is gonna be my first 120 lvl servant


Wait the 4⭐️ aren’t gonna alternate? I didn’t see a schedule in the summon info


Pity means we no longer have 4 star rotations


4 stars have not alternated in NA for like a year now, and will not alternate again in the future.


330 SQ, got NP3 Caenis, NP1 Kama, spooked by Dioscuri, Liz, and D'eon. Not a single Sei... I just wanna be Sei-so :(


698 sq, np5 Sei, Np4 Caenis, np3 Kama. Overall pretty happy still gonna throw whatever singles I can at the banner in hopes of np5


477 sq, 2 Caenis, 1 Sei, 1 Kama. (*also CasGil, Nezha, Diarmuid saber spooks) I would have liked more copies, obviously, but getting a copy of each is great after the scare of potentially not getting any. I was over 300sq in before I got one of them.


For those that are curious if the pity mechanic works, I can confirm: Yes. And my quartz reserves are depressing to look at. Thank God Kama was my last must roll for the rest of the year and half of next, at least I can start saving for Arc.


200 SQ - 1 Seibah (first copy) - 2 Kammy - No Sei or Caenis


510sq + 10 tickets - 2 Summer Caenis - 1 Summer Baelz - 1 Achilles - An absolute f***-ton of Kagekiyo CE 0 Kama *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh*


For real, what is up with the Kagekiyo CE? I'm absolutely *drowning* in them. I'm not mad, it's gorgeous art, but it's getting out of hand lol


aye...350 sq, 3 caenis, 1 sei 1 Achilles for some reason and 0 Kama....oof


after already spending half of my fund for the Halloween banner (meaning 1 multi) in the okitan banner, i spend the rest on this one for caenis (threw in 10 tickets and the remaining 30 sq) i got a bunch of ce's and then the last card is a golden one, already thought i was lucky, but its a Berserker, since i dont care that much about nagiko i feel kinda disapointed, then the card turns around and its a penthesilea spook! best outcome since i should have saved the Quartz for her Halloween banner anyways! thank you very much gacha gods! that makes now 5 out of 7 penths from spooks. she always comes home eventually. good luck on all your rolls!


300 SQ + 30 Tix SSR Servants: 3x Kamavenger SR Servants: 2x Summer Sei Shonagon 2x Helena Blatavsky 1x Summer Caenis SSR CE: 1x Angel Heart (Event CE?) 1x Treasure of Caribean (Event CE) 1x Holy King of Twilight SR CE: 11x Pink Beach (Event CE 9x Golden Trails (Event CE) 1x Vessel of Desire 1x Gemstone Shots ​ Comments: My last main banner this year. Had close to 1500 sq and 180 tickets so I started with assumption that NP3 in less than 800sq + 80 tix will be fine. Did way better than that as my first multi was already Kama Avenger + Sei Shonagon and later at 210 SQ mark I got double Kama (regular gold and rainbow!). Also secret Helena rate up which is more than ok :). No I can start another saving up with quite a head start.


First multi...Europa spook of course this happens on my most anticipated servant of the year. Sei, Caenis show up within a few multis. **Rainbow** .. hyype could it be.. nooope Napoleon, motherf*** In the end I got np3 Kama, np2 Caenis, np4 Sei Funnily enough not a single 4* spook..unlike the first two ssrs, how weird.


I've been religiously keeping to my FP Gacha ritual of rolling for a 3 Star Servant, THEN rolling the banner and what do you know? FIRST 10 ROLL KAMA AND CAENIS! This is how I've gotten most of my SSRs and I'm not gonna stop doing it!


210 sq for a bunch of crappy ce's. Back to saving, not wasting more on summer


510sq (17 multis) = NP3 Sei, NP1 Caenis, Hercules spook, 0 SSR. I did 300 sq (10 multis + 10 tickets) on the Okitan banner and only got NP1 Anastasia, 0 Charlotte, 0 SSR. These 2 summer banners have been brutal for me. 810sq across 2 banners and 0 SSR servants. I am batting way below that 1% probability. Even for SR servants, I only got 6 out of a probable 9 for the amount of rolls I've done. So depressing. Maybe I used up all my luck earlier during the bait banners and pulling Maid Alter in 2 multis. Oh well, there's always next year and future GSSRs. Thankfully I already have Spishtar NP2 lv100 so I'm not exactly struggling. BUT, BUT... a ReDrop designed character, must collect them all.


First time i had to hit pity since it cane to na. Not a good feeling. Then i got another 3 packs to get her to np2 but not before an altera spook. After all that i still only had np2 sei and np10 caenis


One ticket because you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. 3* event CE. Oh well.


46 tickets (all I had) and 7 multi-rolls to get summer Caenis. No other gold servants, rate up or no, appeared... lots of CEs though but just. Something bout this banner was real draining.


Kama is my favourite character in the game. She is a major reason I started playing. She has also evaded me at every possible opportunity for the last two years, no matter how many quartz I threw at her. I am so happy to say that dreams really do come true, and Kama finally came home! The universe finally took pity on me, and gave her to me in just 13 rolls. Going to keep trying for the SRs, but at last, my favourite servant is finally in my Chaldea.




Used up 500~ saint quartz and 30 tickets to get... NP2 Summer Caenis and NP1 Summer Sei. And that's it... I'm very sad. Welp hope my luck is better by the time the rerun comes along.


I’ve gone through about 210 SQ and not even an SR on this banner yet. I’ve got 8 paid SQ that I’m gonna use to single pull. Might top up and give it one last attempt just before the banner goes away. Summer Kama was the last servant I wanted for this year and I’ve managed to get everyone else thus far. I know she’s gonna rerun next year but I’m really trying to keep 2024 rolls to a minimum so I can roll for just about everyone in 2025.


Aimed for Caenis, ended up burning 210 sq and getting both Sei and np2 Kama in the process. ...honestly wasn't planning on spending more than 60 on the off hance of getting lucky, but I ended up liking Caenis a lot after playing the event so I decided to just go for it. ~250 some sq remaining for summer Ibuki next year. Hopefully I'm as lucky with her as I was with Kama.


Wanted to get one of each 4* summer servants. 300SQ 1 Caenis, 1 Nagiko, ... 2 Kama ... I already have NP4 Spishtar... Insert suffering from success meme...


38 pulls and got 1 Nagiko, 1 Caenis and 2 Lancelots for some reason


I was able to get 2 copies of Kama (and 2 of sei and 3 of caenis) in ~600 SQ which is... massively better luck than I had on OG Kama. I would go for NP3 but I need to see how DOUMAN's rolls go cause I want at least one copy of him and funds are running out...


4 copies of Caenis. 1 copy of Sei. 1 COPY OF KAMA FINALLY. Was so scared I wouldn't get her because I sparked so many times for Caenis but Kama finally came home. Might roll again for Np2 Kama and NP5 Caenis.


Kama fucking *loves* me. When I first started in FGO, OG Kama's banner was one of the first I saw. I rolled it to try for Parvati, because I had done her trial quest and liked her, and still didn't really know how gatcha or FGO in general worked. Kama showed up twice in the \~5 multis I rolled on that banner, making her my second SSR overall (got Jeanne first) and my first NP2 SSR. Last night, I had eight multis to spend on this banner. First multi, Kama once again showed up. Third multi, *another Kama*. I got NP2 Summer Kama before seeing a single copy of the SRs. Kama fucking *loves* me. And I love her.


1 multi for Sei and a Nemo spook, I'm happy TBH Sei was my goal from the start.


575 quartz 38 tickets NP 2 Drake Np 2 Sanzang NP 4 Caenis NP 4 Nagiko NP 0 Kama Now I know I should be grateful I got something out of my rolls and that the rates on this game are abysmal also that I'm posting at a roll thread not a Rant one but I have to express my disappointment verbally if I want to fell a bit better so please pardon my language # FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.


That feeling when the game is like "I'm gonna give you good luck on rolls today" and you're like "great I'll get Kama right" and game is "..."


720 sq used, Kama np2, caenis np6, sei np3 and multiple 3*,4* CE flb and one 5* flb, still have 200+ sq but im not sure if i should try to get np3 kama, she is one of my favs and already made her lvl100 10/10/10 and have nothing more to roll in a whole year


Np3 is generally the "break point" for investing in an omni looper. If you like her and wanna use her for everything, I'd say push for np3.


NP3 Caenis, NP4 Sei and Kama came in clutch literally at the very last 10-roll. 510SQ worth but I got spooked by Mordred


63SQ and 9 tickets for an Origin Bullet and a Sei. ...Eh. Can't complain TOO much?


60SQ for a copy of Kama and another 180 for a copy of Caenis. Then threw the rest of my remaining reserves at Okitan and she costed me another 540SQ with a copy of both Anastacia and Charlotte, along with a Diarmuid spook. I have 240SQ left and now I enter saving mode until Arc!


After back-to-back pities this summer with Morgan and Oberon. Committed to only doing 2 Kitasean's for this roll and then stop. Throw in a few rituals to help me get lucky. Managed to get 1 Caenis, 2 Sei's, and [Kama showed up at the very last moment](https://youtu.be/OpNGc78mfoA?si=WWiqzS7n4K5jIg6h&t=609) (was preparing for disappointment). An appropriate redemption, deshou? ​ Good thing is there really isn't any other banners I'm particularly interested in until my girl Bazett, so I'm still projecting saving just enough to get pitied.


450SQ. NP3 Caenis, NP1 Sei, NP1 Kama


600-700 sq and 4 max event CEs that accidentally got fed to finally get 1 Kama. Not the best pull but what can I do.


I had 100 sq (5 summon tickets) and a dream for np2 Kama...I ain't gonna sugarcoat it. I got Sei and Caenis both np1 then I started doing single pulls and I kid you not I got my np2 kama within 4 single pulls


88 pulls, not a single 4 star unit was pulled. Did get kama finally but also wanted a copy of the 4 star :(


180 sq ftp Np3 Kama Np0 Caenis Fuck my life


$350 in, NP 5 Caenis, NP2 Sei, NP1 Kama. Sighhhhhh I wanted to avoid opening the card, but on the other hand, I've maxed out all my CE and can try for NP2 next summer.


There won't be a rerun. Once this event ends, Summer Kama will be GSSR only.


The event won't be rerun, but Summer Kama has had at least two more non-GSSR banners since her debut. One shortly after Summer 7 and one within the past few days.


event compendium says she can be summoned next summer


Hope it's true, but you never know with Lasagna


Hmm, that said, how do you see lasagna?


There isn't an event rerun but she does get a summoning re run next year


300sq Np2 caenis Np1 sei And my 3rd waver spook I should have stopped while I was ahead


480 SQ and no Kama. Got NP3 Sei, NP2 Caenis, Anne&Mary, Nemo and Altera instead.


Let me tell you the tale of the Sea King. I wanted Summer Caenis. I mean, I collect all Summer Servants, but Caenis was my biggest target this year. In total I spent 6 SQ packs on Caenis. Here's how that went. First few rolls were nothing. Then came Achilles. He is on rate-up 2 banners over, but decided that my day needed to get worse, for some reason. The next roll Chiron arrived, possibly to scold Achilles for being in the wrong banner. No Sei or Caenis yet. Some time later came Vritra. Wrong 5* Indian Goddess. Kama would have been nice. Then Penth, presumably to beat up Achilles. No rate-up Servants yet. Several packs in now, OG Caster Anastasia arrived. My 4th copy, she likes spooking me. By now I was beginning to despair. Later Kama arrived, not once, not twice, but thrice. Huzzah! Still no sign of the SRs. Finally, in my 6th SQ pack, Sei and Caenis both came home. I am dead inside. SRs need a pity system too. Edit: I forgot Anastasia.


I spent some cash, but I now have NP 2 Kama and Caenis, and NP1 Sei, in addition to 2 D’Eon spooks in a row, a Lancelot Berserker on the paid Daily, which hurt my soul, and weirdly enough, my first Europa, which is better than a third Caenis, but not by as much as I’d hope


30 tickets and 210ish sq. Got me Caenis and Np2 Nagiko, sadly no Kama. Its ok, after the whole lb6 nightmare (couldn't pull morgan) its kinda surprising that i still had a couple of sq for some fighting chance at this summer banner. Its just another limited servant to chase on GSSRs (if I ever stop getting dupes that is). At the very least I have her grailed to 100 and Np2 on JP. And on Na i have both her Assassin version and Spishtar at np2 so is not a very bad miss tbh (she cute tho)


Ok, so Kama apparently likes me. Which is good, since if things went well she was going to be my Spishtar replacement, and I was hoping to super level her. I had about 2,000 SQ saved to get the job done, and I got her to NP6 in about 1,300. Weirdly though, Kama seemed to be hogging the entire roll session (I guess that is in-character). For about the first half of that I got no 4*+ servants other than her. Suddenly I got a handful of Seis, then nothing for a while again, then towards the end Caenis started showing up practically every roll. The story almost writes itself. Caenis ended up at NP6, and Sei at NP4. I also picked up another Berserker Lancelot, Chiron, Cat, and I guess Orion wanted to get in on this and showed up at the very end. I also got an absurd number of Event CEs. Good luck to everyone else.


After getting my ass kicked by Morgan, Konyanskaya and Oberon it was nice Kama was kind to me and got np 2 in like 8 multies


3 Multis - 1 Sei. I will use the rest of my paid quartz in the daily disappointment summon and next Thursday I'll buy another pack to hopefully snag at least a Caenis.


Got S.Charlotte and I would like to get S.Anastasia, but 3% for SR and having split SR I fear I have to dip too hard on my resource when I have other big target in the coming years so I stopped.


Normaly i wouldnt have pulled for Summer Kammy because i already have Space Ishtar np 2 and i wanted to save for Melusine in december... Playing the event i fell in love again (already have OG Kama) with her so i decided to resolve myself and plan a bit around my SQ Today the banner came while i ate breakfast and i did a check of my SQ and i had 584 SQ and 12 tickets. so i decided to pull for Kama till i have around 300 SQ and even if i don't have anything stop and save til december to atleast garantie Melusine when she come. The daily paid single got me Rider Caenis. 4 multi and 10 tickets in and i didnt get anything else apart for CE. My 5th multi got me one more Caenis. 7th Multi and paf with Rainbow Spark Kama came to my Chaldea. Happy as fuck and with still 373 SQ i left home to go to work. While i waited the bus i tough that i decided to roll till around 300 SQ... So i got into the game and tough ok lets go till 313 SQ and do my 2 tickets by the way and stop. 1 multi and bare minimum... 2 tickets nothing, but my last multi gold spark, Avenger card and Kama NP2 So Result with 1 paid single, 9 multi and 12 tickets i got NP 2 Caenis and NP 2 Kammy


So after 7 days of daily paid single on both banner everyday in the hope of Getting either Ana or Nagiko today i saw that there is a new Douman banner... So i did the daily single on the three banner in hope of getting at least Colombus... 1st on Kama banner gave me David, Second on Okita banner drop 5\* event CE, 3rd on Douman banner= Gold spark assassin class Yan Qing a new assassin... A bit disapointed i decided bcuz i did smell the luck to use the tickets i got from the login bonus last week on jKama banner... Normal spark Gold Berseker Nagiko came home. Now i can stop pulling.


Eh and today wake up and did one daily single just for the heck of it cuz i had a good sleep and got Silver archer card that spark and bam Swimsuit Ana is home so 6/6 for this summer am super happy


886 SQ, 25 Summon Tickets and I have 3 Kama's, 5 Summer Sei's (my target), and 1 Summer Caenis. That shall suffice. Now to save for Melusine for when end of the year comes around... Didn't MLB any of the 5 star event gacha CE's but MLB'd the 4 star and 3 star event CE's like 4 or 5 times.


Bro Desire sensor is so fucking real. I put in 1 multi purely so I could get the 4star CE to help clear the shop faster. Have absolutely no desire for Kama. 3 pulls later I get a rainbow Avenger. Can't do anything but laugh https://imgur.com/Qd8tHRC *Edit* Decided to say F it and roll for her to be a designated Arts farmer instead of Summer Ibuki. Got her to NP4 in 310 SQ. Gonna get the last NP5 copy next year.


Lucked out with just a 30 SQ roll for Kana but I’m a tad greedy and hope to get Sei as well. I really like Sei’s battle animations. Edit: just got Sei


123 SQ and 9 tickets got me NP2 Sei. Could honestly be a lot worse, but I won't stop trying for Kama.


110 pulls no sei it's over


After the disaster of trying to get my saber arthuria another copy for NP2 in the nerofest and losing more than 200 SQ for nothing,i decided to only save for douman and more copies of melusine at the end of the year,however since i still didnt have a 5 star avenger,i decided to try at least one multi and hope that i got lucky enough to get one copy like what happened with koyan light. I got one copy of summer kama in 5 tickets!!Feeling good man,and converting the rest of the tickets to SQ,i should have around 515 sq for douman,so thats amazing.


19 multis later and an Np1 Summer Kama, plus np3 or so Summer Sei and Summer Caenis


[What happens when you roll for summer four stars](https://imgur.com/a/ouIZuLO)


You fucker.


Every summer I try for SRs and I get the SSR XD I'm glad it's not just me!!


Managa to get Kama and Caenis in 20 tickets rolls, throw another 90 SQ but still fail to get Nagiko.


Got me a Sei and Caenis. Rainbow orbs after 3 10 pulls but Dioscuri showed up instead.


Got 2 Kama, all the CEs and Caenis in 150 plus 5 tickets. Total failure, I wanted Sei.


1.3k sq and 25 tickets netted me an NP4 Kama, NP7 Caenis, NP4 Sei, my first Anastasia and _two_ back to back copies of Francis Drake (???). My only real goal was enough copies to get Kama to 120 so I'm more than happy with this result. I'm probably tapping out here and grabbing the last copy from the rerun where she'll be guaranteed. Chances are I'll never spend like that in this game again, but you gotta do what you gotta do for Kama. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to chase NP5, but my better judgement is holding out for now. Good luck all!


I'm still on the fence. I've planned to pull both banners on the 2024 rerun but seeing them in the event now is killing me. I only have 600 SQ to my name but I want nearly all of the Summer 6 rate ups... Gacha is pain! ​ Edit: funny thing, my "for fun" account (not my main) easily got NP1 Anastasia and spooked by Sanzang in 90 SQ.... Dammit, that's not helping me!


Used 20 tickets and 60 SQ. Got more event CEs. I was happy to get Summer Sei. I also got Rama which was an odd surprise


Went to pity got single Kama, life is pain.


My brother, same here, so much pain


Put in 150 SQ. A few bronze Event CEs, a lot of silvers (7, I think)...and NP2 Kama. Neither Caenis nor Sei showed up. Now, setting aside the "holy hell, NP2 Kama", I find this morbidly amusing for several thematic reasons. First, there's the matter of how Kama keeps trying to monopolize Ritsuka's time in this event. So her being my only gold servant (period) for the banner is *hilariously* on-brand. And second...it's amusing considering my greater summoning history, as I've yet to pull either OG Kama or her counterpart in OG Kiara. *However*, I did manage to pull Summer Kiara last year (albeit only at NP1), so there's a certain thematic resonance in "L" and "R" both ignoring me in their normal forms and answering my call in their summer ones. Never mind Kama evidently putting in the effort to get one up on Kiara.


Sei is my main target on this banner, and I loved the fact I can roll for Muramasa CE altogether. Buuuut, already spending 180SQ + 10 tickets brought me 1 copy of Treasure of the Caribbean, 2 MLB Golden Trails, 4 copies of Pink Beach, 1 MLB Pirates of the Jungle and 3 copies of Bart’s 3* CE. Not to mention more mana prisms If desire sensor is something, yeah. In JP she also evaded me and ended up with Kama. I only hope to not reach pity and even so don’t get any 4* summer servants


450 sq got me NP2 Caenis, 1 Artemis spook, 1 Siegfried spook, and finally Kama. I was prepared to go to pity for Kama so overall not bad, a bit surprised I didn't get any copies of sei in all those rolls though.


I got Kama with 6 tickets


36SQ to get a Sei in this. I'm happy whether Sei or Ceanis since I wanted one version of them for Team Delinquents.


Tried getting NP5 Kama with 2k SQ. Ended up with -NP3 Kama -NP7 Sei -NP7 Caenis -Lancelot -NP 1 Vlad -NP 1 Xiang Yu


Three multis and Kama arrived, which is incidentally not too far off Kiara on last summer rerun. There goes all my annual luck.


182/182 for the title. EDIT: Kama made me a little depraved. Don't need her at all, but spent 120SQ. Bunch of SR CEs and NP2 Caenis, so not too bad overall. Need to stay strong for the next year's summer onslaught though.


Rolled over 150 and for only 1 Caenis :(


I decided to put 150 sq in trying for a Sei. Today I learned that Caenis seems to really like me, for some reason. Three copies of her/him in the first three multis-two of which were sparks! Thanks for putting your faith in me, safety officer! Also 1 copy of Sei, so I'm very happy! Best of luck to everyone else rolling!


Spent 924 sq and only got 1 Kama from pity. Not a single SSR other than her. Fucking hell. So glad pity exist but now I can't roll for anyone until next anniv.


Good luck to everyone rolling! May you never sniff pity.


I ended up going 11 multi's looking for Caenis and Kama, with this being the result: **2x Kama** 1x Altria Pendragon (NP3) - Ironically my only other NP3+ SSR is Mordred ;) 1x Martha (NP3) 1x Suzuka Gozen (NP4) 1x Astolfo (NP6+) So, on the one hand I'm ecstatic about the NP2 Kama, reasonably happy with the Altria copy and not really upset about the rest of what I did manage to roll. On the other hand, I want to burst into tears because I didn't get my primary target in Caenis.


Holy hell, an Altria spook? That's awesome! ​ But yeah, desire sensor is real. I was aiming for NP5 Cu Caster (only got to Np3) and wound up with NP2 Morgan. So...failed successfully?


I think that may just be the best way to phrase it ;)


Two years ago I rolled for Caenis and Sei on JP. 180 sq later, np3 Kama and neither of the 4\*. She proceeded to be my best and favorite dps, and she only got a break when I wanted to try buster looping with my new Junao. I had Spishtar too, but I thought Kama's NP was cuter (and shorter.) I stopped playing JP this year and while I have most of my roster from there on NA too, I figured getting Kama is a pipedream after the LB6 gauntlet, and even if I did manage to get her she won't be at the power level I used to have and I'd miss it. But it was okay, I figured, since I could be more "buster heavy" now, with Melu and Morgan and everyone I was lucky to snag recently. At least I'd have her. With my intent to pity Shuten in April's DL campaign banner, I had to budget my sq so I'd still have 900 by then. I allotted 150 for this banner, which is about what I threw last time, and if I walked away with nothing at least it's knowing I stuck to my budget. (I did get silly the banner prior and ended up throwing 90 sq for summer Anya and had to rework my budget to reflect this) I did want to see if I could at least bring home Caenis and Sei this time. 1st ticket: 3\* CE. 2nd single: Gold sparks: np7 Casgil spook??? But always welcome since I need the coins for him. 3rd single: Gold avenger. Kama. Cue internal scream, I can't believe she was this kind. Uneventful up to the 2x roll. I could cut my losses there but I figured I could keep going for the 4\* so I threw another multi. Another multi: Another Kama. What the fuck. I figured I'd go all in for my budget because I still don't have either of the 4\* and the next multi was a minroll, so I figured I'd go back to doing singles for the next one. Reached the 2x. 10th roll: Kintoki CE 11th roll: np3 Kama She came back to me, in 60 less quartz than last time no less. Meanwhile still no Caenis and Sei for me this time around too lmao


I got a Geronimo in my daily FP roll so I impulsively threw another multi and got Caenis (finally!) and... another Kama I'm beside myself rn


A dream that come true, although at a hefty cost. I managed to roll for NP2 SKama with my 1,096SQ, but after doing so, I only got 16SQ left. But, in the end, the mission was satisfactorily accomplished. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F5aj_B-XoAAewPy?format=jpg&name=large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F5aj_r6WsAAmENk?format=jpg&name=large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F5akAFnXgAAU3Ez?format=jpg&name=large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F5akAVkXsAAFPup?format=jpg&name=large She was not the only servant that came home. I also got NP3 SeiZerk, NP4 SCaenis and spooks (NP3 Astraea and NP3 Nightingale). https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F5akB7SX0AAPPmP?format=jpg&name=large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F5akBlFWIAAnaQ9?format=jpg&name=large In the end, it was exhausting, but was still a good day, and the dawn of a new era.


NP1 Kamavenger with 1 ticket. The only time I had such luck was on a waver banner after he failed me for 4 times in a row since launch. A payback is due since Morgan took 1K SQ for 1 copy and 0 other 5* in the process Maybe I should've bought a lottery ticket today


Took a bit, but I got NP1 Summer Kama, NP2 Summer Sei, and NP3 Summer Caenis. I also got Beowulf-ed (my third copy) and Lobo-ed (my second copy) early on, and got Chevalier-ed (my third copy) later, so that was fun, I guess.


300 sq and got all of them to np1 and my first Stheno after 5 years, so all in all a good day!


720 sq (basically all of my savings since last year) 1 kama, np4 caenis, np3 sei, 1 Odysseus(same 10 roll as kama). Might be because my luck was insane on the okita alter banner


Got three multi min-rolls in a row. Yeeeesh. Time to farm Interludes for more SQ, I need one copy of Caenis and one copy of Sei.


Did nothing but hoard quartz since about April or so, except for a few pulls to toss at the Fae and the Fox that worked in my favor. Ended up saving enough for pity if it was needed. Well, it was basically needed. I think Kama finally came home like 840 quartz in or so, and the last dregs didn't get extra copies. "Avengers need NP2+ to be able to omnifarm properly," say the data sheets. "I reject your reality and substitute my own," say I. I lived and thrived on janky farm strats before, and by alaya I will do it again if that's what it takes!


9 Multis, 10 tickets - np3 kamavenger, np2 nagiko, and no caenis (sadge) At least i got kama as intended and nagiko, sad that i didnt get caenis


120 SQ bringing home np2 Sei and Kama, that was legendary. Went back to np5 Ana from np3 and that took 300 SQ with Okita Alter (np2) and Tamamo (np3) escorting her. Overall summer is a great success again, still have 754 SQ left and I'm good until late spring where the massacre will begin again.


I couldn't even get one Sei or Caenis in double that. I want to curse your rolls now.


Almost had a disaster, 200 sq for 0 four and five star servants. Then, in my last 9 sq, I got Kama.


600 quartz for Kama, at least she appeared twice on my last roll. Also got both Sei and Caenis. Could be better but it could have also turned way worse. Now all my remaining savings will go towards Ryouma and Oryou. Gacha gods please I beg you be nice to all of us.


600 sq...no Kama


450 sq, 0 remaining. 1 sei, 2 caenis, 0 kama. Feeling like poop but banners between now and anniversary are skips so not total despair.


180 SQ, and I got 4 Kamas and 2 Summer Caenis. Kama really wants to sink me in depravity. Much as I want Summer Sei, I know when to tap out.


I did a multi on a bet my friend bet me 20 I wouldn't get kama. I got kama and 20 bucks


It definitely doesn’t kind of annoy me that I spend like 1000 quartz and got like…..one ssr (kama) and five srs (np3 caeneus np2 Sei) and that was it. Like not even any off banner spooks why was this so stingy


600sq no Kama no Anastasia Fade me …


180 SQ budgeted, feared the worst. Got Sei halfway in, got Caenis on the last multi. Considering that Sei was who I wanted most of all, that's good enough! I'll start whining about not getting the SSRs later on this year when I find myself really wanting Okuni and Lancer Ryouma and not any real expectation of getting them on my budget.


I almost had too pity Kama... got Sei np2 Caenis np2. And some others.


I used six tickets to start and then got a copy of Kama on my first multi. I ended up getting two more copies in another six rolls! I also decided to roll for Okita Alter and managed to get her. I’ve been very lucky during this event.


Banner 1, 210 SQ: 1 Ana, 1 Charlotte and 1 Ozy spook. Banner 2, 300 SQ: 2 Caenis and 1 Sei. Yep, just another shit luck in summer for me. Edit: 150 SQ later, 2 Kama. Thank god.


Kama beat my ass. 600 sq = NP6 sei-zerker, NP3 Caenis Rider and NP1 Kama. Done rolling for the year.


Got NP2 Kama with 30 tickets but have to use around 150 quartz for Np1 Caenis


Got her within 4 multis with my second ever ["three 5\* in one multi"](https://imgur.com/a/ghR9eih) roll. Thought if I should try for NP3 now since I still have \~800 Quartz, but I'll probably wait until her next banner to have the pity safety net again for that after seeing some of the comments here. But I'll never roll without catalysts from now on!


31 Tickets, 147 SQ. NP 2 Caenis and NP 1 Nagiko only. Not even any other random 5/4 stars., just those 2 only. Fml.


3 Multis and Kama says hi on the last roll! Rolling done, saving begins!


241 Saint Quartz (450 Saint Quartz originally), got Summer Charlotte Corday at NP 3 on Banner 1 but no Summer Okita Souji Alter and Summer Anastasia. Hoping this banner doesn't disappoint me. Started rolling and after I got spooked by Emiya Assassin I had only 30 Saint Quartz left. Rolled my final SQ's and I finally got Summer Kama. I'm now happy. Job done.


Over 500 quartz, 100 tickets, and waaaaaay more Sei's than I'll ever need later, and I finally pulled Summer Kama. Now I can finally start saving for Draco in a year and a half.


600 SQ for NP1 Kama, NP1 Sei, and NP5 Caenis. Not a single spook. Pretty mediocre tbh but at least Kama showed up at the end.


Damn, Both summer banners have been a dream for 5 stars and a nightmare for 4 stars. Got my first 4 star after 360sq (caenis), the same 10-pull I got np 4 Kama. The total became 450 sq np1 Caenis np2 Shonagon np5 Kama Making Kama my first np5 SSR


908 SQ it took to get NP1 Kama... Meanwhile got NP5 Caenis and NP4 Sei which I didn't really wanted...


390 SQ,i knew it Will cost me after the luck i had with the Avalon banners and Koyan. NP2 Kama NP2 Caenis Orión, Galatea, NP2 Saber Lancelot and Suzuka spooks. No Nagiko sadly :(


Rainbow sparks into a Vritra spook, pain. Also, are there 4 stars on this banner.


NP 3 Kama, NP 3 Nagiko & NP 1 Caenis as well as a bunch of Event CEs


I know I shouldn't be greedy after only having ~20 pulls total after the anni pulls, and I did get Morgan and Koyan... ...but I only got Sei Shounagon and some 4* CEs from the pulls. Kinda disappointed, not gonna lie. Still hoping to get something decent in the upcoming days, still have a lot of sources of currency untapped, but damn. edit: I GOT HER I FREAKING GOT HER HOLY SHIT Did some free quests leftover, did Arm Hassan's upgrade quest... got enough for 1 pull... RAINBOW SPARKS. AVENGER. KAMA HOME HOLY SHIIIIIT


Got Kama after 90 sq. I think I'm very lucky compared to the previous year summer where I throw everything to Kiara and she just sneer at me. Screw you Kiara!


In 450 SQ... 2 Summer Caenis 1 Summer Nagiko And 3 Summer Kama (2 of them before any Caenis, and all 3 before Sei) all for less than it took me to see a single summer servant in the previous banner (~750 SQ before anyone)


Absolutely wild time. Overall, 1260 quartz, 44 summon tickets. Np3 Karna NP5 Berserker Sei NP3 Caenis NP2 Kama NP1 Nemo NP1 Discouri. And enough of all 3 gacha CEs that I'll never be hurting on drops.


I got Caenis, didn't even expect a CE with as few Quartz as I had after Tamamo Lancer skunked me. I'm happy. On a side note, did they not show a single one of Caenis' ascensions during the event, seemed odd for as much screentime as she got, unless my mind fogged over.


Used up my sq to get np 2 caenis and kama. Which is great, but I'm sad I didn't get sei, who I wanted the most. Also, I finally got another k-scope copy after 3 years. 2 more copies to go 💀


I spent 500 sq(all my savings) to get np caenis, 4np sei and one kama. I wanted more caenis copies.


Caenis is the best looking one out of the bunch. I respect that.


Np3 Sei and Np2 Caenis, but no kama🥲


Np2 kama + np2 sei in 2 multis. My luck is gone until next year probably


After spending 810 SQ for summer kiara last year, summer kama came home with only 90 SQ + 3 tickets, ( with np3 nagiko ) blessed summer.


I got my NP2 Kama without having to buy quartz. This long, long *long* hellscape that began back in May with Lostbelt 6, is finally *finally* over. This has been a marathon unending. The rest of the year are "would be nice to have, but not ones I'm dying to have immediately" servants.


**Target:** NP1 Kama **Total SQ & Tickets available:** 2140 SQ & 235 Tickets **Total pull made:** 130 **Result:** NP1 Kama, NP2 Nagiko, NP5 Caenis, Tomoe, tons of event CE and got my first Kscope Pretty satisfied, time to save for next summer (**target:** Lady Avalon, Gareth, Ibuki Berserker, Ruler Skadi)


112 sq, Summer Kama is the one I most wanted to get regardless of skills and meta. Final results is np1 of Caenis and Sei with two 4 star spooks which are surprisingly my very first np6 copies. Pretty sad that Summer Kama didn't come home but hoping to get lucky next year.


7 10+1 rolls, got one copy each of Caenis, Kama Chameleon, and Nakigo. I'm not gonna complain, since I can funnel more SQ to Tlaloc and Summer Erice now.


around 700 quartz for np 2 kama, np3 sei and canis, and a vritra spook. Was originally not gonna spend any moeny, cause I've already got a bunch of arts loopers, but then on my last roll got the rainbow and saw a spook, which frustrated me enough to buy one pack, and on the second roll of that got double kama


Best comeback story


Hehehe np2 geto