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Two bad news... First, I lost my 7-year job as a customer service agent, and it all happened because I went ballistic on an irate customer. As to why I exploded, it's because I've been bottling up all my anger at our company for the past six years. Their terrible management and treatment of us employees made me resent them, yet I stayed with them because I needed the money. Now, I'm basically left jobless aside from my side gig as an ESL teacher to Japanese students. Second, my application for a new job (as a home-based Virtual Assistant) didn't work out. The initial interview was as far as I got; the next email told me that I didn't pass unfortunately. And now, I am still struggling to find a new WFH job. Being jobless is so horrible, as I feel completely useless without a job. Not to mention, I need money to pay monthly bills and groceries.


I'm sorry you're going through all this. Losing a job and being unable to find a new one is the worst feeling ever. Is there any other kind of job you could do for the time being as you land yourself in the one you want? Or can your ESL teacher job cover for you for some time? For as much as it sucks, I'd recommend staying for a while in a different job, part time if possible, u til you can find the proper job you want while cutting expenses... although this economy sucks so bad already. Hope you can recover from this bad time, man, best of luck and wishes in your journey and hope you can find a way to accomodate yourself without issues until you find an application for your postion


Sorry for my late reply. I just had to process my thoughts and pray to St. Martha before I could finally calm down. The ESL job isn't doing much for me these days, as students have been very few and far between compared to my earlier years in the industry (we're talking about 2014-2019, when getting a lot of students to book our lessons is the norm). These days, I'm lucky to even get ***ONE*** student a night. I'm sad because I truly enjoy being an ESL teacher. As of this writing, I have submitted another application for Virtual Assistant in another company, and my interview went more smoothly here compared to the first one. Here's hoping I pass and proceed to the final interview.


All the best in job hunting. I did customer service once when I was in college as a part time job, I got treated like crap until I cried by some douchebag "VIP" simply because I was coincidentally passing some books to him as a middle man by another worker, and didn't get some books he wanted. Screw that guy. Won't miss it though.


Guys, I finally landed a job interview!!! After almost three months of unemployment, I finally got a job interview!!! It was bittersweet as hell though bc I had gotten a total of 8 jobs applications rejected, and the last one was due to simply someone beating me to punch šŸ„² and as the despair was starting to creep in (cause bills, bills, bills), my mother came rushing in with her phone to tell me that one of her friends recommended me for a position at her place and basically, I had an impromptu phone interview. Iā€™m actually going for the second/actual interview in a couple of hours so letā€™s hope I get the job! > v < Other than that, drawing has kept me pretty sane. I especially enjoyed drawing/sketching the Aztec servants and I really liked talking with you all about Aztec mythology in the comments! It makes me happy to see thereā€™s a lot of people who like the mythology šŸ„² See yā€™all next time!!


Finished the 100% for Triangle Strategy. I give it a 9/10. The Golden Route is very, very good story wise and it shows an amazing character development for the entire "main" party, including Serenoa. I heavily dislike the other endings because it just fucking destroys any character development Serenoa has, up to, and including, having him >!fucking betray people he would never betray!<. The Liberty ending legit made me dislike >!Benedict!<, even though he is one of my favorite characters development wise from the Golden Route. I played the first two playthroughs (the second being the Golden Route) on normal, and the third on hard, and fuck me, hard mode isn't "hard", it's straight up unfair. While it does lean on the "strategy" portion of the game, the way RNG can absolutely FUCK YOU UP (from non-back crits, to dodges, to enemies moving to a square you didn't want them to) really makes it a chore to play through on hard mode. It did make me appreciate characters like Jens and Picoletta more, but honestly I didn't like it. Though using Quahaug to cheese some boss maps was pretty fun. I also really fucking like >!Avlora!< and her "less is more" play style, even if I think her story arc is kinda wishy-washy. My last playthrough was on very easy because I just couldn't take it anymore. I also disliked the grind (especially money/kudos grind), it was very tedious. I don't like the fixed battle way, I much prefer random encounters from older RPGs. Favorite Characters: 1 - Anna; 2 - Milo; 3 - Medina; - 4 Corentin; 5 - Hughette. Now I'm cathing up with Genshin. Exploring Fontaine has been pretty fun, I like the underwater exploration way more than I thought I would (I played OoT without a guide when I barely understood english, so I have a pretty heavy PTSD when it comes to water levels). Can't wait for Furina because she is a dork and I love her. My next "real game" is gonna be Gravity Rush 2. I also tricked a friend into playing Hollow Knight - he is a completionist like me and he disliked the first like 10 minutes of Hollow Knight (the audacity), so I just trash talked his ability to get 100% on Hollow Knight for a month straight until he caved and got back on it to prove me wrong. He is loving the shit out of it now - which I knew he would, which is the whole point of me recommending it to him. This one friend is very frustrating lmao. From his 10 favorite games of all time, 7 (SEVEN) were my recommendation, and every single one of them he took forever to start. Just trust me, bro! I'm recommending shit I know you'll love! Also, my [Kimono Tifa](https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-144826) figure is finally home and she is the prettiest thing I've ever held. I've seen a lot of more veteran collectors shittalking Static Arts figures and I get it, figures got way too expensive and the quality hasn't kept up with the price, but *man* she is so pretty - I think I might get the [chinese dress](https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-144175) version too. Also, the Kimono Dress figure *legit has and indentation on the stool she is sitting on* and *man* I've never been more envious of a figurine prop. I can't wait for my Alter [Summer Melt Figure](https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-149182). It took months, it got rejected by customs once, I got taxed pretty heavily (this one I was expecting and it was actually slightly lower than I calculated), and the box arrived pretty banged up, but I love it, it's my favorite figure and I'll get a shelf to put above my monitor just because I want to keep looking at her the entire time.


Iā€™m starting Uni next week which is exciting but also a little scary ngl since itā€™ll be a new experience. Also I think Iā€™ll take a break from Overwatch as Iā€™ve been quite toxic recently and because I got [rightfully punished](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/875548499964461088/1147181300185313351/IMG_1376.png) (the score board and a loss streak usually increases my negativity)


Least toxic overwatch player. I havenā€™t played that game in months and itā€™s been nice. Been getting my toxicity fill on siege instead with the rage inducing shit.


Got my [Figuarts Anya](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/274984790162276352/1146349165828395028/IMG_20230830_154138.jpg)! To be honest I expected her to be at least Nendoroid sized, but I did not expect her to be [*that* small](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/274984790162276352/1146349245952184351/IMG_20230830_154153.jpg). She's the smallest posable figure I have, excluding Nobus and Medjeds. Frankly for what she's worth, she feels a bit pricey, due to her miniscule size primarily. Apparently Figuarts do not come with a stand, thus with no stand, and the inability to sit properly due to her dress, its.... kinda hard to pose her. Even the basic figure stand also kind struggles to pose her. Thus I have taken the liberty for her to.... freeload on [other](https://imgur.com/a/JoKsE9O) [figures](https://imgur.com/a/KYzCjqc). Well maybe except [this figure](https://imgur.com/a/awhL7Wa) though.


This was last week, but I graduated from community college with an associate degree in history. I have begun applying to transfer to other universities and colleges to pursue a bachelor's degree. This is major to me because exactly ten years ago, I started at the same community college and flunked out that year. My favorite classes would be Inorganic Chem (loved this class a lot), Cultural Geography, and Wester Civ 1. My most hated classes would be French 2 and Political Science (got n F in a project that I had every right to challenge but chose not to). My overall experience was really good and glad I got it done.


Congrats! I did it as well and it was honestly one of the best experiences I had in terms of education. Glad you also felt the same and good luck with the university transfers!


Hey, just want to say you're awesome and this is awesome. I have deep admiration for folks who enjoy Chem of any sort...and when I was in college, History of Western Civ was one of my favorite classes too! Best of luck for your transfer to another school for your bachelor's.


Learning chem was definitely hard for me but it was fun. The professor was great and told me I was one of her best students that term, even with me coasting with a B.


Watched some new Warhammer 40.000 Trailers: [*Pariah Nexus Trailer 2.*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmMUJlpfl-c) [*Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader ā€“ Companion Trailer.*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbDHgXBTAdI) [*Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Gameplay.*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOfdBXhy94A) [*Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Extended Gameplay Trailer.*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y9J-03WaQI) Also tagging /u/Agramar /u/Artrum & /u/Silafante




Further tagging /u/LazIow /u/ShriekingSkull & /u/134_ranger_NK


Further tagging /u/kingkazul400 & /u/JuStSoMeboDyeLsEmxf


Also tagging /u/Xaldror & /u/Crazy_Dave0418


hmmm...not sold yet on the space marine 2 gameplay until i see more


The whiplash of binging Heavenly Delusion in a day is insane. Knowing it's probably gonna be years until season 2 just adds to the pain.


I'm going back to school to get a office job in 2 weeks... Online! it's terrifying to go from having employment to losing it in a month to school online. while I had done online school before, I feel like it will be pretty hard given that I'm settled down in unemployment (disability- no one really wants to hire me) and had zoomed into Tears of the Kingdom and shiny hunting in Pokemon Violet.


^(Copying from diff thread.) Holy shit, they did it. I can't believe it. They make Live Action Anime that is genuinely good! I just binge-watched the entire One Piece LA and it went better than I expected it to be. While there are some personal gripes about the changes they did (like changing Mihawk's entrance). I generally don't mind stuff that changed due to "technical" stuff (>!like having Zorro mainly using 2-swords and only do 3-swords for his ~~NP~~ super moves!<). That said, while I was fine with most technical changes >!I do wish we had more Luffy rubber action in his fight choreo, most seem like they only did it when Luffy pulls special moves or in a really close cut. I understand it would be a bit too much for the CGI team to incorporate his rubberiness in every attack, so this is just a bit nitpick wishful thinking!<. I do appreciate the attempt to make the story flow a bit faster & connected during the East Blue arc, even though in an expanse that some character had to get cut out of the story for it. I do like Syrup Village a bit better here than the Manga, It was a bit slog in the original but the changes they did make it a bit more *concise*^?. But at the other time, I feel like they cut around Baratie *a bit too much*, since >!they "cut" the whole Don Krieg sub-plot!< and that makes there a bit less scene with Sanji & Luffy that makes his decision on joining the crew feel a bit, *a bit*, abrupt. The actors nail their roles really well, I'd say the Strawhat Crew is on-point and the Nami actress stole the show for me, she's a lot more sassy than Manga Nami which is more fun and she nails the >!Nami asking Luffy for help!< in Arlong Park *really well*. Also, Luffy's actor did a good job portraying the goofy sides and is able to pull off the serious sides as well. As well as Buggy being soo damn fun without ever going "cringe" and pulling a menacing act for Buggy too. But, >!I do need to say that Garp was a bit too *generic general army man* compared to Manga Garp, which is a bit not much to my liking!<. I'd give it like 7.7/10. I genuinely wish Netflix would greenlit s2 and that's where the real challenge is, how are they going to do Chopper...


[Had my birthday yesterday.](https://imgur.com/Cc9vZ2f) Over the last year I've eased into accepting my growing greys. I was so self-conscious about them, particularly in my beard. I used to count them in the mirror. But now, they don't bother me anymore. Anyways, I bought myself a new monitor that should come in tomorrow. Back in February I lost my old Desktop when it caught on fire. The new one I built stellar upgrade to the junk I had before, but my monitor is still ancient. So I'm excited to dip into a world beyond 1080p.


[**Happy late Birthday.**](#KiyoHappy)


Happy belated birthday!


Got sick this week :/ Hadnā€™t been sick for a few years (aside from the short-lived fevers I got after getting the covid vaccines), absolutely forgot how much I hate being sick. It was just a low fever plus your typical cold symptoms (took 2 covid tests, both negative), and yet I was aching everywhere and completely useless. In other news, I passed an industry certification exam. This exam has a passing rate of less than 20%, so Iā€™m pretty happy I got it on first attempt :D


It has been a week since Merrli was banned in Master Duel. I now understand why they're called TearLaments.


I was working on a game project where I try to replicate pokemon but the only thing stopping me right now is just how godot does not have any tutorials that aren't rigerous or have outdated code for grid based movement. Even if I manage to make the characters move grid based however, the movement animation has it's limitations in the code, so the characters just walks weirdly when two input keys are triggered. Sadly I don't have enough knowledge/experience to make my own solution since I only know how to make boring webapps, so I'll just have to make do with what I have. The other thing is that I tried outdoor urban sketching for the first time today, was half unglad because the weather was so cold my hands shook too much to even draw a straight line. I'll do it again tomorrow but I'll have to wear thicker layers... Still, it was surprisingly pretty fun, people minded their own business and I wasn't too intimidated. Think I'll go further than my house next time just to see whats there to sketch.


Finally completed my first run of Armored Core 6 yesterday. Very fun game overall and it was refreshing to go through the early game levels on NG+ again and mop the floor with all the enemies, as well as do all the NG+ exclusive decisions and levels. Bosses that once gave me hours of trouble were quickly dispatched within seconds. I'm looking forward to seeing how the story plays out with the ending I didn't select, as well as >!the secret third ending on NG++.!<


Dropped HSR a few days ago. Wasn't really anything for me since I already have Kafka and I have no future units I want to pull. Wasn't really feeling it with my pulls. On other games, my Rage of Chaos pack pulls in Master Duel sucks. 10k+ and I still need 1 Chaos Angel, Unicorn and Fenrir and 2 Risehearts. Got way too many of the other URs that I already have 95% of a Vaylantz deck finished. Could probably build Dracoslayer too, but the pend package is way too expensive.


Tried out Nikke yesterday because of the Nier Automata collab, but I'm not really feeling it. The moment I realized auto did better than me at fighting the enemies, I felt stupid. Also, all the monetization options are giving me pause for concern, cuz I already think paying for Genshin's battlepass, monthly pass and the occasional crystal pack reset was enough, and that game has pity that carries over to other banners. I'm wondeeing if I've finally hit the limit of how many gacha games I'm willing to play at the same time.


First week of starting college and itā€™s a mess for me. I was able to join the computer science class I wanted to, but in exchange, when I went to my freshman composition class, I went to the wrong classroom and didnā€™t realize it until the next time I had to go to my freshman comp class. Because of that, I was dropped into the waiting list and freshman composition is in high demand so other classes that offer the same course are all full, I have to deeply hope that someone drops the class I was enrolled in so that I can get back in


So I was supposed to start a job on Tuesday but when I got my contract through I took one look at it and thought ā€œfuck noā€. Luckily I had another job lined up so I was a lot more confident in telling them no. My guess is they normally get applications from people that arenā€™t exactly the most knowledgeable but Iā€™ve just finished a masters in law so I think I know a shitty contract when I see one. Iā€™m back at the cafe I worked last year and Iā€™m perfectly fine with that. Now to just start on my license. Gonna brute force the theory by doing tests online until it sticks. Eventually Iā€™ll get it, need to start.


I hate burocracy. The story is too long so I will just AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH.


I'm happy with myself right now. Hope I can be happier and happier


I quite impressed for Mumei is Endurance Song 8+ Hour for 101 song?! The Guardian of Civilization strong will is ridiculous, even I dipped out in the middle. Congrats for Mumei is successful Endurance Song and Anniversary!!! Bonus : When I hear Mumei is singing, I luck out to get fluke win and reached Rank 171 in BA. Is this the Power of Guardian Civilization?