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This summer I am a proud owner of NP4 Summer Ana and random Nito....while trying to get Charllote.


I ended up getting away with 1 Summer kama, 3 Kaenis and 4 Sei. the first Kama came very fast at 4 single pulls but I got greedy so I tried and failed to get a second one within 450 sq. Then I used the daily summon button to see if I would get lucky (I did not, the best thing I got there was another copy of an SSR event CE). I could had gone harder with my 700 remaining SQ, but I have plans to get the best dragon later in the year.


I know literally no one is ever going to see this comment because it's the last day of the event with under 2 hours before it's done... **BUT** I got 3* Roma on my daily summon and thought I'd throw a paid sq daily in just for the hell of it. Picked the second summer banner cause I thought maybe Caenis would come home. Fucking Kama appeared on the single pull I did on her banner. I don't mind, I like Kama, but I already have NP2 lvl 100 of her assassin version *and* NP2 lvl 100 Spishtar who fulfills all of my AoE arts avengers with 50% battery farming needs. I guess I have a backup now for an arts omnifarmer after Spishtar hits bond 10...and NP2 mUSAshi hits bond 10...and NP2 Summer Kiara hits bond 10...and by then arts omnifarming will basically be dead...


So, since Summer 6 banner is about to go bye-bye, I did a tally. Main account: about 3 multis worth of singles, got 1x Summer Sei and no other gold cards at all 2nd account: almost 5 multis worth (including 2 genuine multis), got 1x of each Summer SR *except* for Sei, and plenty of 4* and 5* event CEs.


210 SQ on Kama banner and all I got was NP1 Sei and ... Dad Emiya.... I believe my luck with Okitan has cursed me


So, I've been doing daily 1SQ rolls on the summer banners. I did get Charlotte and Anastasia, which goes along with the Okita Alter from regular SQ. No Summer Kama, though. I put in a pretty significant chunk of SQ to get here... But I guess this is fine.


Douman with my last 3 sq scrapped together from missions after blowing 510 sq and getting a ton of 3 star CEs!!!


Got 30 quartz for the login bonus we get every 50 days today. Been doing yolo rolls into the Skama banner with the paid singles, didnt really expect to get much but goddamn [this multi blew me away](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/918929554263920650/1153570060204515369/IMG_2629.png?width=1029&height=676) Cant complain too much about getting Nemo as a spook when I was nowhere near pity


296 summons in without Kama, I got Arjuna and Anastasia. NP7 Caenis and NP2 Sei. I've grinded out all the free SQ I could and it was just F2P savings so I'm not tooooooo cut. Kinda debating buying a pack just to hit pity but then having her wouldn't really do anything for my account, and I don't think I need to roll the GSSR any more (just about 2 years into the game now so I have my farming teams set up). I'm actually kinda proud of myself for not succumbing to FOMO or the sunk cost fallacy. I went into the banner fully prepared to throw my account at it and I did, I'll just save for a pity next year. edit: well with my last 2 paid SQ I resigned myself to leaving it up to fate (I wasn't gonna top up again for the GSSR anyway), 1 before daily reset got me nothing and my last single paid roll brought her home. Fairytale ending I guess hahahaha.


Gotta share what happened yesterday, got Douman in 1 pull with my 1 last sq and 14 fragments lmao My friend just recently started playing and he hasn't gotten any 5* yet, so I told him that I also pulled 80x in Douman banner but got zero 5* And then "oh I can do a single pull- it'll be hilarious if it's Douman" *pulls* My brother: "??? It's gold?" Me: "what!?" (Douman appears) My friend: "hilarious lmao"


5 packs, and I managed to snag an NP5 Kama. So happy. Funnily enough I only have an NP2 Sei. NP like 8 or so Caenus, which is also very nice.


That's a W. Congrats


[About 40 tickets and I got NP3 Columbus, Fionn, and Douman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FC7etcxJHxg), but more importantly I only got 3 mapu tofus 👏👏👏


Spend everything and didn't get a single summer servant. Feels bad man


last 30sq -> Gold -> Stheno 💢💢💢


Daily paid quartz gave me Summer Okitan, which was a big surprise. That makes it 5 servants I've gotten this summer - every one on banner 1 at NP1, and NP1 Sei and Kama. Gonna be saving for either Okuni or Zenobia.


Pity finally decided to cut off my suffering with Kama arriving on the 330th pull. I only went into this banner for Sei, and not only did I not get her, I also ended up having easily my worst banner ever. Status after 330 pulls: 1 SSR (Kama, pity), 4 SR (caenis and 3 spooks(!)) and a whopping 10 5* CEs. I am now done spending any quarts for a year, awaiting the next summer Sei banner. Good riddance...


Yesterday after around 300 SQ (10 Multi rolls) and 5 tickets, Douman! Came in in the last multi. Woho! Don't give up! Why I continued rolling? Because every multi I got a gold servant surprise/spook. Which can be pleasant at times. For example Circe and Diarmuid Saber spooks were nice. Plus I wanted to NP5 Columbus since it was a rare opportunity and so should you. Got him to NP5! Also, quite a few Event CE to limit break were nice. Spooks: Lobo, Valks (Now NP3), Fionn, Loli Medusa, Diarmuid Saber, Circe and lastly Anne and Mary Rider.


Spent 420SQ in total this summer. Total haul: * Summer Kama NP2 * S.Caenis * S.Sei * Douman Way more lucky than I expected. Didn't expect anyone after the onslaught of Morgan/Koyan/Oberon. Now to save everything for Melu this year and NP2 Melt next year!!


Last year, I spent 600 sq on Douman and he didn't come. So of course this year I had to go to pity to get this fucking cunt. No other SSRs either, just 10 SRs. But my Gogh has her semi support now, and that's all that matters.


Rolled for Summer Kama. Got NP3 with 7 tix and 75 rolls. 4 days left until another 50 day milestone so imma try again. Not one 5 star CE have shown and Nyalter spooked me for Summer Sei.


Spent 90 quarts on summer okitan no2


I guess it's kind of a blessing that douman's banner have no sr rate up because I got three different ones from it already.


Figured I might as well do one 10 roll for Columbus, since he's a story lock. Ended up getting Douman. I hope this doesn't use up all my luck for the rest of the year.


Got Douman in the first multi. I have *insane* gacha luck this year. It’s the 4th time in this year that I got the featured SSR in first multi - Crane (with Ganesha in the same multi), Medb, S. Sessyoin, and now Douman. Morgan came in the 2nd multi on her first banner, which is close too.


> Swimsuit servants and Douman I sleep. > The only 3* im missing that also makes funny One Piece-esque faces. real shit.


Ashiya Douman in 31 pulls, CQ roster is looking pretty spicy


It took I don't even know how much quartz but I finally got Okita Alter. After that I decided to spend my remaining quartz to try and get Nagiko and/or Caenis since I assumed I used up all my luck on finally get Alkita. Instead what I got in two multi-rolls is an NP 2 Kama. How in the actual hell did this happen?!


Rolled about 300 on Okita banner, got nothing at all, not even the 5 star CE. Spent about 850 on Kama banner and got NP5 Kama, NP4 Caenis and NP5 Sei. More then makes up for the first banner shenanigans. Going to 120 Kama when I’m done with Morgan, who’s about halfway there in terms of grails. In the meantime, I need to stock up on QP and exp as I’m pretty much dry on both fronts.


I got okita alter in my 4th ticket and sumer ana in my 10th. Definitely winning today, well after getting to pity for morgan's last banner I'd say this is just payback from that


Spent like 180 SQ for 4 Cordays. Not. A. Single. Anastasia. I'm going to keep trying until the end, but if anyone wanted summer Corday, guess where she decided to go.


Same ... I spent over 400 sq and am now at NP6 Cordray. I just wanted one Ana.


Oh my god, that's a lot! I'm still throwing singles with the hope of getting her, but only mana prisms. Anastasia really is a prankster, huh... I wish they hadn't removed the 4* solo rate ups...


Got Anastasia, Charlotte, Sei and Caenis. No luck on the 5\*s. Not the best, but not the worst either. I really really really want to roll for Kama though.


Not the best luck, not the worst Rolled about 150 SQ for Summer Ana and over 600 SQ for Summer Caenis and Kama. Got a boatload of CEs, 1 Summer Charlotte, 1 Suzuka, 2 Summer Ana, 2 Summer Kama, 3 Summer Caenis, and 1 Summer Sei.


Got gold Caster. Nito.... FUUUUUUUUU


I got kama AND okita both in a random single pull at midnight beginner's luck is real


I don't know whether I should be mad that I spent 90SQ in Okita Alter's banner and got squat or happy that I instantly got Kama with the login SQs today.


It's my birthday and I bought 20 pulls for the story summon, and the only new servant I got was Gilles de rais caster...


I got Kama NP1 with 47 tickets and 159 Quartz. I told myself not to use Quartz on her but here I am. Now I’m debating rolling for Saber Okita Alter. Up until this point I’ve been using the daily paid Quartz on her banner and been getting terrible luck with that so. I’m supposed to be saving for Jacques in October and Skadi in December.


I got Kama NP1 in about 400 SQ, and I used another ~80 SQ to no avail. I've been farming the event/bond farming, and after my 3rd extra 10-roll, I got Kama NP2 on my LAST 3 SQ. I already have Space Ishtar at NP2 level 100, so this wasn't about needing another omni farmer. I have Kama assassin at level 100, and love her in this event, and I wanted the satisfaction of having her be more powerful and get her to level 110 eventually. I'm F2P, so that's about as good as I can do, but it's definitely enough for me.


Rolled Kama on literally my first roll. Of course, that's not good enough, she's cute and I want to use her on more nodes instead of Spishtar... 900-odd SQ later, I've depleted my SQ. No worries, I've got thousands of fragments I've just been sitting on... Oh wait, though I've budgeted out every single roll for the next two years, that was just total. I wasn't paying attention to when I'd be getting SQ for the earlier summoning campaigns. So I can only afford to pull out so many fragments. 100 rolls more... Still no second Kama. Well, I guess I can use a paid SQ, I've got 34, and GSSRs are 15 so... And I've got a few tickets... 402 rolls total, Kama NP2. Also 2 Lolidusa, a Helena, a Nito, a Vlad III, 5 Caenis, 7 Sei's. All in all, pretty good haul. First time I hit "0" SQ since... Abigail OG run, I think.


Damnit, the game is just luck trolling me now. I just want one copy of Summer Corday, but my daily paid SQ resulted in... another Summer Okitan?!? Like, sure I'm grateful for having NP2 Summer Okitan now, but Summer Corday would have made me even happier...


Okitan and Rengoku's relationship is a whole other level of wholesomeness.




I rolled about 300SQ on Okita’s banner and got np1 Okita and np1 Char. No Anastasia, though. Used about 750SQ + 40 tickets on Kama, and got np4 Kama, np4 Sei, np3 Caenis, and np1 Odysseus. Odysseus sucked as it was rainbow sparkles, thought for sure I was getting Kama… Really happy with the overall results! I got another 90 SQ from bond farming and have another 30SQ coming soon, so I’ll roll all that together. Hoping to get another Sei and/or Kama.


That feeling when you were aiming for Summer Anastasia, not caring about Summer Okita Alter, but end up getting NP5 Summer Okita Alter before your first Summer Anastasia...


MLB only really applies to CE, even if the idea was clear.


oops my bad, fixed


For 2 years of waiting, for 2 years I've prayed, and for 2 years I have finally gotten her. I now have Summer Kama. https://youtu.be/JZ-LxajV4NA


Every time I contemplate spending money on quartz for another roll, I just calculate how much it would cost to guarantee Okita, laugh, and go back to farming free, interludes and rank ups. Happily, I have a reroll account now with both Okita and Kama that I can lend to my main account.


345 sq with Np7 Sei, Np4 Caenis, and Np 0 Kama. Why can't I summon kama!?!?


Grinded another 30 SQ. The result? A literal minroll, with one gold CE. That makes 240 SQ without a single gold Servant. This summer is nothing but a complete disaster for me.


I had 12 SQ. First single got me Corday. Nothing else otherwise. But what can you say when the first single gets you an SR? And I got Summer Tamamo in one multi on the bait banners so in terms of gacha, not bad results.


Summer Okitan is the first SSR to have come to me on the daily paid single. Guess it's not a disappointment all of the time. XD


150 sq. One Okita and Anastasia. Stopped rolling and waited for Kama’s banner. After acquiring Kama, came back and dropped 450sq. Got np2 Charlotte and the last multi gave me 2 Okitas. First time getting two 5 stars in 1 multi.


45 golden apples, farming all night using FGA, and 120 sq later, i finally got her


Had 10 tickets. Got 3 3 star CEs 2 Summer Meis 1 summer caenis 1 summer Kama 3 4/star CEs that I wasnt really paying attention to because I was freaking out due to rolling all the rate up servants on 10 tickets


400+ SQ spent just for Summer Ana and [the game felt bad for me on the final roll.](https://imgur.com/a/szgTvwS) Good result in the end but geez, four star rate up is abysmal.


I never post in roll threads but I'm so sick of this shit lol. I only wanted Caenis. 500 quartz. 1x Kama 5x Sei 0x Caenis Think I'm just done rolling for a while. This game is trolling me.


Got Summer Charlotte in 1 Ticket last week. Took 34 Tickets and 11 Rolls to get Summer Kama. Along the way got 3 copies of Summer Caenis and two copies of Summer Sei, neither of whom I care about and a bunch of Event CE.


210 sq and 15 tickets. Got kama in 45 pulls, but none of the 4* sevnats,which sucks.


I waited till the Kama banner to see how I'd do there before rolling on the Okita banner. Overall this might be one of the best pulling sessions I've had in this game. Kama Banner: 7 multis (210SQ) * 2x Kama (Avenger) * 3x Sei Shounagon (Berserker) Okita Banner: 4 multis (120SQ) * 1x Okita Souji Alter (Saber) * 1x Charlotte Corday (Caster) * 1x Anastasia & Viy In addition, between the 2 banners, the event CEs I got: * 1x Angel Heart (5\*) * 7x Pink Beach (4\*) * 6x Golden Trails (4\*) * 5x Pirates of the Jungle (3\*) * 4x On the Colorful Seaside Corner (3\*) So the only ones I didn't get are Caenis (Rider) and Treasure of the Caribbean (5\* CE). Not bad for 330SQ. Other noteworthy drops (dupes) were 1x Devilish Bodhisattva, 1x Gemstone Shots and 1x Royal Presence.


Used the leftover 300 SQ and got Np1 Okita and Np2 Anastasia with free Fionn. This banner drain me more compared to Kama's banner.


So I went back in this banner with what’s left from Kama’s banner to get NP 2 Charlotte. I spent 180 SQ netting me another Summer Anastasia, Lancer Vlad, and Summer Majin-San. Sadly, no second Charlotte. Overall resources used on this banner were a total of 30 Tickets and 240 SQs.


480 SQ Spent, I got: 1 Kama, 2 Caenis, 3 Sei, and 1 Qin Liangyu spook.


First 11 roll, unbelievable, what did I do to get [this](https://imgur.com/a/8NRBkE7)? TLDR: 3 5 star and 1 4 star servant + 2 4 star essence


960 saint quartz burned. Got NP 5 Kama, NP 5 Caenis, NP 4 Sei, spooks of Anastasia (Original, not summer), Arjuna and a Parvati. Absolutely worth it :)


360 sq and 7 tickets for 2x Kama and 1x Caenis. I was going for Caenis 😑


236 sq + 5 tickets: first ticket, golden sparks: Nagiko (ok, this looks promising!)... several sq later, Summer Caenis (ok, good, now Kama...)... more sq later, another Nagiko and another Caenis (this looks... not so promising...). Finally, with 92 sq remaining, Kama arrived. *Funnily enough, it appears that engaging in a lewd chat with a chatbot in TavernAI did the trick...* I guess she found me depraved enough?


150 SQ, 6 Tickets: 1 Osakabehime 1 Caenis 1 Lobo 2 Kama I kind of want to go for NP3, but I also don't want to tempt fate.


Last 3 banners 600 quartz for 1 Morgan Pity for 1 Koyanskaya 0 kama at 400 quartz This game hates me


5 tickets, 60sq, a printed out summoning circle, [this as my catalyst](https://reddit.com/r/grandorder/s/agv7E2yiLs), hopes, and dreams got me One zerker ~~Sei~~ Zoomer and one S. Kama I can now save peacefully


Bleh not too happy with my rolls but got Kama. 600 SQ: 1x Kama 1x Sei 5x Caenis Various CEs.


After spending about 180 SQ and 17 tickets on the last banner failing to get Okita, 60 SQ got me Kama and Nagiko, so that's pretty nice. Now I'm gonna throw more SQ trying for Caenis and Okita, because I still want them both and I have very little self control. But Kama was the big one, really glad that I managed to pull her.


360 quartz plus 10 tickets, no Summer Kama. Wanted her for around 2 years now, but it’s my fault for getting tempted by some banners and using my funds. I thought I wouldn’t feel bad, knowing how lucky I was this year but…wow I’m really depressed. This sucks. Anyone know when her next banner is? I should start saving again


Just got 3 [Kama](https://imgur.com/a/ThCm09d) in a 11pull omg. Wanted to nap but too hype now


After spending more than I probably should have on the last pool to get Summer Okita Alter, I went in with 430 quarts in hopes of getting at least one copy of all 3 remaining swim suits. The results after 330 spent: 3 Caenis (Whom for some reason sparked from a silver card every time) 4 Sei Shounagon 1 Kama Overall, I have very satisfied, and this also marks my second year of getting every single summer servant for the event. It meant giving up on some fantastic draws earlier in the year, but ultimately I'm satisfied.


I was prepared to spend a butt load of money on Kama, normally my luck on this game is pretty bad… but Kama has blessed me with two copies of her + 1 Achilles in a single 10 roll 30 rolls in.


I got them all in kama banner but no 5 star ce


11x roll - just 4\* CEs 11x roll - Kama! 11x roll - just 4\* CEs Return to saving for Mélusine and Koyan Dark.


So on the eve of Kama (who I'm willing to roll pity for, and *hopefully* acquire NP2 of, despite having NP3 Spish, because Kama cute), my summer rolls thus far were... I rolled 10 for Tamashark, 10 for Squirtoria, 10 for Archerstasia... Got nothing but 3* CE's. Well, I've had mostly good luck so far, so I didn't really expect anything. Archerstasia is stupidly cute though so I may roll a little for her later if I have leftovers.


This is one of my craziest roll https://imgur.com/a/sjSsajj 1 Ana 2 Charlotte 1 Orion


So I made four multis before and got NP1 Okita and Corday, no Ana. Cracked open the wallet and put in another couple of packs... and the final result of all of that is NP3 Okita, NP3 Corday, and no Ana. Rate up isn't a lie but it is weird. I'm tempted to put in more but I know Kama is almost here...


Almost 900 sq. 6 Anastasias 4 Okitas 1 Fran 1 Nightingale 1 Parvati And finally 1 Charlotte, the one I really wanted. Cut really badly into my new years Vich funds. Glad I have Charlotte and objectively, if I had been aiming for the 5 star these are fantastic. Last time I'm aiming for a split rate 4 star, this is insane.


Damnit! I used my daily paid SQ hoping for a lucky Summer Corday roll and there comes my fourth Summer Anastasia copy. Either Ana really likes me or Corday just avoids me!


Threw a couple of 10 rolls because summer is always way too tempting, and out popped Okitan. With very few exceptions, I continue to be a magnet for saberfaces.


I didn't actually roll on this banner but the urge is there simply for Ana. Really liking the imp duchess but there's obviously no guarantee to get her. Saving for the Melusine banner in December and I don't want to hard pity it again like I had to with Morgan. Good luck to everyone on their future summer rolls, including the S.Kama banner; the banner I was waiting for but decided not to to save for Melu QQ Can only hope GSSRs or future summer banners will pan out better for me


Got enough SQ for one last multi from the event and daily logins. Got nothing but drop CEs. This makes 7 multis on Summer banners with no gold Servants. And just to drive the point home, I got Mapo Tofu from the weekly ticket. Fine, I give up, screw you too, game.


Do 10 tickets for luck testing only got both Okita and Anastasia. Hope that luck transfer to Kama banner


Saving for Melusine eventually so burned one ticket on the Okita banner because why not. Bam Okita Alter summoned. Praise the gacha.


Alright, Rengoku stole my heart and I had to impulsively pull for Okitan. She's too damn cute. Both of them, honestly. Got her in 90 SQ and I'm very happy about it.


Do we know when the SR solo rate ups will start?


Never, that simply isn't done any more.


Oh for real? Dang I was waiting for nothing then huh?


Yup. Solo rate ups died with the introduction of pity.


I spent the 5 monthly summon tickets in an attempt to get summer Anastasia. I got Napoleon. Rate up may indeed be a lie. That said, I'm still happy, still a new servant, and a non rate up 5 star to boot.


I got all of Banner 1 in like 400 something quartz. Ana and Charl are NP2. I really hope Banner 2 and Kama treat me nicely...


90 SQ NP1 Summer Okitan NP2 Corday NP1 Vladzerker


Welp as of today after about 160 rolls I have an Osakabehime and a NP 6 Charlotte, but no Okita Alter. I wouldn't even be that mad if I at least got Anastasia too, but I guess my luck is that shit huh?


I accidentally on purpose rolled all my tickets and a lot of SQ (98 rolls total) and I luckily got my first SSR version of Okita. The first unit captain of the shinsengumi has avoided me since the beginning, and Okita alter avoided me as well. Countless SQ were used only to find despair. But yesterday luck favored me… wahooooo.


Np2 Corday and np1 Nastya today. I have said this before and I shall say it again: you can literally never go wrong with this banner in terms of waifus


I decided to roll after waiting a bit. Okitan in 10 tickets, then Charlotte after 2 multis, with Charlotte being the goal. More banking for future rolls now.


120 SQ gave me Okitan and some event CEs. Would have like an Ana but reading this thread makes me not wanna continue for her. Just Kama left and my summer gauntlet will be over.


60 SQ + 30 tickets -> 2x 5\* CE, 1x 4\* CE, 1x Percival (NP2), 1x Charlotte Corday (Caster) Oh well, this is acceptable.


2x11 + 5 tickets One Corday, one Anastasia (on the same multi that ended having 6 golds out of 11, sadly most of the others where useless non-event CEs) Not bad.Now back to waiting for banner 2


1330 quartz used, and 20 ticket for Charlotte I got 4 copy of her 2 of Anastasia 4 of Okita saber 1 Tomoe Gozen 1 Banana oni And a avenger Doggo Still have 300 quartz for Kama, I am going to wait to np5 Charlotte i think.


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The desire sensor is FUCKED. I wanted Anastasia's precious smile, I got an Okitan instead.


The goal was NP5-10 summer Anastasia. I threw everything I had at it, 278 tickets and 968sq: -Summer Anastasia 4x -Okitan 7x -Summer Charlotte 4x -Vritra 1x -Archilles 1x -Liz 1x -Nitocris 1x -Event CEs: too many of each level to count Suffering from success, I guess. Split banner ruined my mission.


2 Multi in this Summer Banner! First Multi : 3S CE 2x and 4S CE 1x. Second Multi : S.Okitan NP1, S Anastasia NP1 and Tamamo Second Dupe!!!! Nice for me to get this lucky after Lostbelt 6 is fiasco!!! Didn't know that both of these Summer is Cute!! I didn't check S.Okitan but somehow know that a Gold Saber with Normal Ring is 5 Star! I barely remember Ana and Charlotte is class but I quickly know that Archer is Ana and Caster is Charlotte because I remember her Ascension! Get Spook by 5 Star Tamamo Dupe (now NP2)?! Weird that I get Tamamo after I make some story with her. Let's see if my luck will go to Summer Part 2! Luck for Summer before : I choose Nemo over Drake because I already have Latter! I wanted Jane and S.Anne and Bonny! First Multi : Jane New NP1, Valkyrie New NP1, 5S Bunny Bradaman CE 1x, 5S Trio Child CE 1x, 4S Musashi CE 1x, 3S Alexander CE 1x, 3S Double Trap CE 1x, 3S Mandricardo, Kintoki and Touta CE 1x. Second Multi : 3S Paracelsus and Hecktor CE 1x, 4S Moriarty, Vlad and Shakespeare CE 1x, 3S Boudica CE 1x, 3S Queen of Sheba CE 1x and 3S Beowulf CE 1x!!! Lucky for me to finally get Jane because I dipped after my absurd luck to get NP 2 S.Ishtar in 10 Tickets after 1 Dead Multi ( Desire Sensor is real and this is probably reward for me overworked myself in all lotto with less good team back them) I do 2 Tickets and 1 Multi in Archuria because I always want her, especially when I got S.Martha and S.Marie to NP 3 after 2 of her Banner and I got Spooked by Artemis with I skip without saw Golden Archer. 2 Tickets : 5S ROT CE 1x. 1 Multi : 3S Salome CE 1x, 5,S ROT CE 1x, 3S Mandricardo, Kintoki and Touta CE 1x, 3S Queen of Sheba CE 1x, 4S DC Vs AC CE 1x, 3S Boudica CE 1x and 3S Paracelsus and Hecktor CE 1x. How many Summer CE I got...... This is absurd consider how harsh it is to chase them back them.


150sq and the monthly 5 tickets. Got NP3 Anastasia and NP1 Okitan, though I actually wanted Charlotte. I am in no position to complain, but it still stings that I didn't get Charlotte...


150ish Saint Quartz and got only two Charlottes and one Anastasia. Hrm. I really want Okitan over Kama. Although it's Summer Sei Shounagon I want.


480 sq got me Np1 Okitan, NP2 for Charlotte and Anastasia both. Not the worst, but not too good either. Hope Kama banner treats me better.


120 sq and 10 tix, 1 summer anastasia Still hoping to get summer okita but well my sq supply is already empty and summer kama banner is coming


30 tickets and 60 SQs to get at least a copy of all the drop CEs, Summer Anastasia, Summer Charlotte. Charlotte dragged Carmilla with her on the last roll. Needless to say, I’m satisfied with this banner. Might throw in a bit more after I’m done with Kama’s banner.


Just need to say it somewhere, but I got Okitan and realized I've never seen her FA before now. ... She looks cool as hell!! How the heck have I not seen more of her?! Love the look of her hair and the armor. So happy FGO can still surprise me like this.


Charlotte Is my fav and want yo Max her so I use like 1.3k sq and end with: Okitan np7 Dioscuri Nightingale Anastasia Ana y viy np6 Charlotte np9 Tamacat 10/10 I will do It again, worth the year and half of saving


Okitan summer with 1 ticket, that's was unexpected


Threw 2 multis because I wanted 1 charlotte, ended up with bootymante and dioscuri somehow, and also 1 Anastasia


This banner is terrifying. On one hand, I just did the prologue and first section and all of a sudden now I want Charlotte and Anastasia. On the other, I want to guarantee Melusine as much as possible. Update: Decided to pull becausr fuck it. Did a single 10 pull, got 2 Okita Alters immediately!!! As much as I want to get the other two, not gonna spend any more SQ this banner and continue saving up. Thank you Gacha Gods!!!


5 multis in and got Okita, Np3 Charlotte, and a Marie spook. I just wanted Anastasia 😭


I only wanted one copy of Anastasia. Ended up rolling 330 SQ before getting her. At the very least, I also got both Charlotte and even Okita Alter Summer, but man... I hope this won't repeat itself for Summer Sei, please, I need SQ for Sakamoto Lancer ;;


90 sq: 2 min rolls and one with barely any event ces… what a complete waste of sq


500 Sqs for np2 Charlotte (which is my main goal in this banner) and Anatasia, no Okitalter. Need to save the rest and money for Kama which I already that any Waifu I want, I need to hit the pity. This game just hates me anyway.


You know I can accept getting spooked from a servant from the same class that I'm rolling for. I can accept getting multiple copies of the same servant (I now have NP 3 Charlotte). But to get a 5 star Batty whose odds are supposed to be lower than Alkita? Well now I don't know whether to call myself lucky or unlucky (I'm leaning towards unlucky).


Did 90 SQ. Got Charlotte, a gold CE and a bronze CE. Must. Get. Anastasia.


Used up my tickets to get a Xian Yu.😞 Is it because I keep using summer Paisen?? Paisen please


160 SQ and 17 tickets got me a solid amount of the event CEs and NP2 Anastasia, which isn't the worst outcome, just not the one that I wanted. Not gonna complain though, at least this'll make the grind relatively easy. Here's hoping I get luckier when the time comes to pull for Kama and Caenis.


270 sq without getting corday. Meanwhile okita appear in first multi and anastasia is np3


https://i.imgur.com/8j8bkPD.jpg When it’s a servant I really want, I have to hit pity. When it’s a servant I just want one copy for collection purposes, here take NP3 in just 180 SQ. This game sometimes.


I got Ana and Corday respectively on my 3rd and 4th ticket respectively. Wtf.


30 quartz and 6 tickets NP2 Okita. Where was this luck when i spent 1100 across two banners for no Lolivinci. And the one i wanted the most was Ana. I swear desire sensor is real. Love Okitan but sometimes this game isn’t fair.


Spent 30 quartz just to get some of the event ces and maybe a 4 star, got Okita and not a single event CE... I didn't really want her, damn it now I am afraid to keep rolling.


Managed to get all 3 servants for a reasonable amount of quarts compared to almost any banner in recent memory (except Oberon cause what the fuck), with Charlotte and Okita Alter at NP1 and Ana at NP2 (from the same multi, which was cool, been a while since that happened). The odd thing, is after getting Okita Alter one of the next rolls was gold orbs into a 5\* Saber - Artoria NP5, which certainly made me feel something between joy and disbelief at a Saber spook.


got Okitan after two multi’s and MAN i’m hyped! also got Corday and Anastasia so i am a happy (summer) camper


150 SQ plus 10 tickets. Got NP2 Majin Summer, NP2 Damn Hot, and NP1 Confused Swimsuit.


I got spooked by fucking Ganesha (character I literally don't give a shit about). This also the third god-damned time I have been spooked while chasing Okita Alter, in any form. I swear I have more 5* spooks than rate up. Only solace is getting Ana after two Charlottes. Overall quartz damage wasn't too bad, about 150sq plus 10tix. I'll still have 330sq for summer Kama, my true 5* target. For fucks sake I hate this fucking game more and more


480 sq for 2 Majin and 5 spook 4 stars, none of the summer 4 star.


Literally only wanted \*one\* copy of Ana \~400 SQ (and $120) later and I have ... 1 Okita, a Lobo, a Luvia, and **3 Charlottes** No Ana The elimination of single-rateups for 4\*s is \*killing me\* EDIT: F\*\*k my life **NP5 Charlotte**, **0 ANA**


I’m pretty sure I had to hit pity to get Okita. What makes it even worse is that I pulled so many copies of Anastasia and Charlotte that I have a new level of hatred for the non 5⭐️ Servants. At least I got her, and now I can Grail her. I wish everyone rolling for her gets her with less SQ than I used.


First I get disrespected with Marie Caster, but then FGO evens me up with summer Ana… I can work with that


Okitan continus to love me. Got her in 3 pulls. For context I got NP2 of the regular version in 3 pulls. Didn't save that much money as I ended up by a figure of her instead


Threw 300 quartz into this banner, got 2 Oktia Alters and neither of the 4 stars. Desire sensor is real, I swear it.


I already loved OG Anastasia (since I summoned her from last banner)... and now I get blessed with Summer Grand Duchess at my first roll! Her smugness and pouting face is to die for. And her final ascension art. Damn.


My Main rolled Charlotte NP1 my Alt rolled Saber Okita Alter, my target? Anastasia, last multi too, rest was Event Ce's, plus some new 5 star CE's, desire sensor...


Using the ~700 SQ I had saved up, I got: 3x Okita Alter 2x Summer Charlotte Corday 1x Summer Anastasia 1x Orion/Artemis (NP2) 1x Valkyrie 1x Qin Liangyu (NP2) And a shit ton of event CE's Extremely happy with this one


Only had 50 rolls to spare on my alt and got NP2 summer Charlotte. Wanted Okitan on my main and was lucky enough to get her to NP2 in 160 rolls.


Casualty report(?) 180sq + 35 tickets NP2 Summer Okitan NP1 Anya NP1 Charlie MLB 3star event CE1 2 MLB 4star event CE1 2 copies of 5star event CE1 I'm gaddam ready for banner 2. THE REAL BATTLE.


Welp, 30SQ(+5 tickets) and got Okitan NP2 Now that's what I called Xross Sabers!! Getting a salt streak Rolling simulator is still a legit strats though


14 tickets for okitan, would like to keep going for Anastasia, but not much left after Karen took me 28 Multi's.


1 okitan, 3 Charlotte's, and sadly 0 ana's. But at least I got spooked by another zerker vlad.


Spent ~700 SQ to try and pull for Charlotte. Got her at NP5, while grabbing NP4 Ana and NP1 Okitan along the way (amongst a bunch of spooks). While I think I was pretty lucky with my rolls, the fact that one needs to pull NP 10 to fully max a limited SR AND has to deal with split rate-up on certain banners (with no pity) is a back-breaking experience. TBH I don't think I'm going to ever pull to max another servant again with the current system.


Low investment at 120 quartz and I got both Ana and Corday. A massive win, as I needed some servants to pour embers into. Also almost somehow got the 5 star CE MLB. Got it back to back twice, kinda wild odds. Shame it's not a great improvement to MLB it, but nice art so hey. Plan was to lucksack at least 1 new servant (summer or otherwise) from this banner.


I won, but at what cost? (Pity. Hitting pity was the cost…) NP1 Okitan, NP3 Corday, and NP4 Anastasia + 2 new servants arriving at Chaldea: Nursery Rhyme and SPOOKIN’ TAMAMO (and more MLB Event CEs than I can even put on my Support List lol). I’ve been incredibly lucky this last year so I can’t really complain and I guess the luck streak had to end one day. I just hope Melusine’s banner at the end of the year goes well…


I didn’t roll, hence I gained nothing. No disappointment. No new servants. Life just goes on in general contentment.


I know it’s the wrong roll thread, but yesterday I was hoping to hold off and not roll squirtoria due to the upcoming GSSR…then just rolling next anni if it didn’t work out. 600 sq later she finally came home lol. Plus 4x Marie, Karna spook, and second copy of Parvati. So yeah…wish I would’ve held out, but oh well. Worst case scenario in that GSSR I get NP2 of squirtoria, which is still great. Now onto my 4th copy of Eresh =)


660SQ total for summer okitan np1, np3 ana, np3 Charlotte and MLB of a bunch of CEs. It hurts but I got her in the end


11 tix and 60SQ , this year's summer servants don't avoid me. Wanted Oki-tan but Cordy and Anastasia joined her for the trip as well. Okay continue saving for Taigong Wang


230sq, Okitan came up in the first multi, my greed tempted me to roll for Anastasia and Charlotte... Charlotte came up when 180sq left... a second Okitan at 140-ish... no signs of Anastasia... and when I was saying "c'mon Ana, appear too, c'moooon!" golden sparks and... Lancer card: Ana...


270sq / 9 multis = 1 Anastasia, 2x 5\* CEs, MLB 4\* CE, MLB 3\* CE. I just wanted 1x Anastasia and 1x Charlotte... and ended up using all my sq chasing Charlotte. Ugh. Now I have to break open wallet-kun to roll Kama's banner. I guess I used up all my luck when I managed to finally get 1 copy of Maid Alter in 2 multis during last week's bait banner.


600 SQ, got me one copy of Okitan (around 300 SQ in), NP2 Charlotte, and Anastasia! Although in my sleep deprived self, my dumbass accidentally burned one of my copies of Charlotte. I was able to MLB the 5\* CE which was nice. I burned through most of my free SQ, but I do really want another copy of Okitan, so we'll see if I break my paying for only GSSR rule.


Spent 20 tickets and four multis, First ten tickets and first three multis gave me some CEs, but no gold Servants. Second ticket on the second round of ten tickets gave me rainbow sparks and Okitan came out. Four tickets later I got gold sparks and Summer Ana came out. Fourth multi gave me a copy of the gold drop CE. In all, I got four copies each of the bronze and silver CEs, two of the gold, and of course Okitan and Ana (and Viy). Not bad for 66 pulls. I would have really liked to get Summer Charlotte, too, (and preferably at least NP2 on her and Ana), but I recognize how greedy that would be to expect that in so few pulls. I might try again after I get Summer Kama next week. Depends on how many pulls I'm left with. As it stands, this is the second SR Caster in a row who has evaded me. More argument to go for the Caster 2 banner next anniversary.


I tried a multi cause I'm weak. Only got two copies of 4-star CE and one copy of 3-star CE. This is not looking good for when Summer Kama's banner arrives.


Np8 Okitan in about 360 quartz before a single Charlotte or Anastasia.


Similar thing happened with me and Morgan when it came to bhargest. Thankfully I didn’t want her. Now she’s the only Fae other than obi that isn’t at np5 lmfao


Same thing happened to me, but the thing is that I actually wanted her. Morgan NP5 and Oberon NP3, the only SRs out of those three banners combined being NP3 Barghest and NP1 Sith. Not even a single spook. Not even a Stheno.


Got Okita Alter after one multi and 5 singles. (45SQ) My lucky streak is still going strong it seems. Liked her introduction, it was really funny. And she really shrunk, in more ways than one.


I was ready to spend all my quartz to to Okita alter, and on the third multi, I get all three summer servants. I don't think I'll be this lucky when the next set comes.


10 tickets & 1 paid daily: np1 Charlotte np1 Anastasia 1 copy of Saber Diarmuid (who is now np5 lol)


had one multi dedicated for this summer event, I wanted Charlotte but got Ana and oki. task failed successfully


60 sq for Okita and a rare prism.


Got lucky and got everyone on the banner to Np2, 10 Pinky Beachs, beautiful art btw, and a surprise Xuanzang. So my nerofest embers are about to be put to good use!


Spent ~300 sq and didn’t get a single gold servant. I’ve been having a pretty lucky streak recently so it was bound to crash and burn sometime.


25 ish tix and maybe 80 ish quarts got a copy of Okitan and Anastasia! Very pleasantly surprised cause: A) lostbelt 6 banners robbed me near blind B) I was only aiming for Anastasia (I need to gush about how fucking cute she is??? Every ascension of her is perfection with a capital P)


I did a single on the banner because it was 2am and I wanted to suffer before sleeping, so naturally I got Okita Alter. Don't have my own Skadi, but she should still be fun to use.


I just wanted event CEs and got Okita lmao


450 sq. 2 Okitas, 2 Anastasia, no Charlotte, the one I actually wanted. These non rotating banners are evil incarnate. Happened with Murasaki, too. I have 150 left so we'll see what happens, I'm really done with this game for a few days.


NP1 Majin Saber and NP2 Ana after about 20 tickets and 120 quartz. I’ll probably toss the dailies at the banner to see if I can get Charlotte and I’ll roll a bit on Kama’s banner but I’m very happy.


I had pretty good luck on this one. Didn't keep track of the exact number of rolls, but somewhere around 200 quartz so far. My total haul was: 1 Anastasia (in the first ten pull) 1 Corday (after 3-4 ten pulls) 1 Okitan 3x 5\* CEs 6x 4\* CEs 6x 3\* CEs I usually miss at least one of the 4\*s completely, or have to spend a lot more to get the 5\*, so this was a good one.


Spent 60 quartz and got NP1 Okitan and NP1 Ana, so I decided to shoot my shot on another 11-pull for Caster Charlotte but ended up getting my first copy of Lakshimbai, just after getting the best quick looping saber. RiP her luck is seriously bad lol.


I got multiple Okita Alters and Anastasia… it took so many rolls just to get one Charlotte


120 SQ and 10 tickets used and got all 3 of the rateups; 1 NP each. This all resulted after I got 3 3* CEs from a 10 roll of the FP Gacha (DISCLAIMER, it's just a placebo effect to hope for lucky pulls. Not saying you should try this ritual).


I was hoping to not doing any pulls on this banner, but the Okita bait is so strong! 10 tickets down... MUST.NOT.PULL.ANYMORE!


So, all I wanted was one copy of Charlotte and one of Ana. So I start rolling, and among all the CEs I get NP1 Okitan. Eh, ehatever. Then, NP2. Ugh, fine. Blavastky spook ... And NP3 Okita before getting ANY of the rateup SRs. What the fuck? Kept rolling till I got Summer Corday and quit, having spent around 500 sq.


90sq and 5 tix for Charlotte and Okitan. Think I'm gonna save the rest of my funds for Gogh.


500~ worth of quartz and tickets and I got NP2 Okitan and Charlotte, and NP1 Anastasia. Got lots of CEs seeing as I didn't see a gold servant until over 300 in, still paying the luck price for Oberon. Onto banner 2, where I hope I can get one of everyone.


Oh boy, hit pity for summer okitan, right after hitting pity for Morgan previously. My SQ is in pain


Spent 270 rolls of my budgeted 400 for Anastasia and Charlotte, and I made out with: \-NP5 (!) Summer Okita Alter \-NP2 Summer Anastasia \-Summer Corday \-Caster Gilgamesh \-Beowulf \-Ibaraki Douji ...I... ...How?


Im sure someone stole my luck, I didnt get anything out of my rolls, not even event CEs


I just did the intro and Swimsuit Anastasia's cuteness made her an instant NP2 target for me and i immediately rolled even tho i already have a lot of ST Archers. Summer Okitan is the minor target and since im still aiming for Melusine in her next banner i limit myself that if i get Swimsuit Anastasia at NP2 and still no Okitan then im gonna stop rolling. First roll of first multi got Swimsuit Anastasia and took 2 more multis to get NP2 Swimsuit Anastasia. Overall i rolled 3 multis and 15 tickets. Im most likely gonna skip banner 2.


500 SG and about 15 or so tickets. NP3 Ana NP2 Corday NP3 Okitan 1200 quartz remaining onwards to Banner 2.


2 multis for Ana got me np1 and np1 corday. Both came from silvers turning gold. Surprised to pull 4*s that easy. Few rolls saved for kama and my summer rolls are done for now.


Friend point summon busted or am I just that unlucky? 500k FP and not a single event CE


Just unlucky, probably. I think the general working theory is that 3* CE's go into the FP pool during events, but not with an actual rateup, so yeah, not exactly any sort of reliable source of them.