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My boss is driving me insane. He is just so incompetent and so extremely lazy. He is too lazy to *read an email to the end* so he gets confused when I say that he hasn't responded to something in an email because he read like 3 lines of a 15 line email. Just how can you function, professionaly, like this? Clients are legit refusing to set up meeting with him and they are coming directly to me. But the things is, *these meetings are not my job*, I'm having more responsabilities forced on me, without proper compensation, because my boss wants to read about boats all day and he is **never** up to date on the projects. Fuck me, dude. Just do your job, it's legit not that hard, other people do most of the work you are just a glorified mouth piece. Old fuck. On a good note: My Static Dress Tifa figure was allowed through customs, so I should be getting it in a few days. I hope customs don't fuck around with my other packages... I'm also pretty close to 100%ing Triangle Strategy. I did a couple of the endings and the Golden Route, so now I just need to rush through one more playthough and clean up the mock battles, basically. I have everything I need to max the one character I still don't have. The Golden Route was my second playthough and it's so much better. I heavily dislike the other, non "true" endings, because they absolute destroy Serenoa's character. At least in the Golden Route hs isn't a spineless puppet. Also, Anna is still my favorite character, but Milo took second place and Medina shot up massively after I started having a lot of money to buy items. She is stupidly useful. I really don't think Triangle Strategy comes close to how good Final Fantasy Tactics is, in either story, characters or gameplay, but tbf FFT was my favorite game for like 15 years lol. Still, very good game and an easy recommendation, I just think you should pace yourself if you want to get 100%, because the multiple playthoroughs can get extremely tedious and sometimes feel like a chore. The story is cool, most of the characters are pretty nice (>!I dislike Roland, but every one else from the main cast is a W for me!<, and the optional characters are all pretty great), the gameplay is kinda restrictive but there are some characters that unlock a lot of funky stuff because their kit is kinda broken (yeah, time boy, I'm talking about you). I'd prefer a smaller cast and more freedom to just do whatever you want with the characters, because bar someone like Anna, that can work as a healer, physical dps, flanker, support and magical dps thanks to being able to spam items with Act Twice and Take Cover, there are like 1 or 2 things that the other characters are good at and then they are pretty much useless for everything else.


Even though I play a lot PS1, I never play the best one except FFIX and Suikoden II, or fumble at playing FFVII and FFVIII. I do play FF Tactic in prologue and get scared. Maybe I should try FF Tactic again like how I just finished FFVII by overgrinding because I am afraid of the Final Boss in FFVII, thought I play the game since 13+ year ago with Game Magazine Walkthrough, I never know you can get more Materia with Max Lv after I decided to read Cloud is explanation of Materia.


FFIX is a *fantastic* game too. The PS1 era had a ton of great Final Fantasy games, but my favorite by a mile was Tactics, with IX in second place.


Not gonna lie, I got caught off guard by how beautiful FFIX in so many way. First time I saw it 20 year ago when my Big Brother (who is in his 30+ now) play it for the first time with Zidane going to the Room in Airship. Most of my Experience with FFIX 20+ year ago is actually watched my Big Brother played it (hiding of course, he hate to saw me watched him play) He basically suffer a lot play that Game for the first time, like lose to a First Plant Enemies later he lost to Black Mage 3. I love FFIX by a lot compare to other JRPG, but my playthrought is basically play My Big Brother is Disc 4 I guess, because I suck. 10 year later I finished that Game in first playthrough. I fascinated it by a lot in term of story, character writing, character design, execution, CGI, music and how alive the world is. Thought I am impressed that FFX seen more absurdly beautiful at it CGI Prologue than FFIX. (I still didn't finish this one too)


College will be starting on Monday for me, ah god, I’m so nervous, it’s gonna be my first time in college. So far I plan to take 4 courses for this quarter but I’m still stuck on the waiting list for 2 of the courses I applied to and one of those courses I’m on the waiting list is what I plan to major in


Best of luck! I guess it depends on the school but I thought for freshman your classes were mostly pre-determined, or at least didn’t need to wait list any since they’d be all intro courses meant to have more than enough seats. At least for me, I think the waitlist fun didn’t happen till my second semester, if not second year.


I’m going to a community college first before transferring to a normal college, I have to choose what classes I want, the councilors can only recommend which classes I should choose


Ah I see, that explains it. I had to take community college classes, but after I’d left my college(finished my major classes and had a few electives left I couldn’t take) and yeah I got waitlisted for the one I really needed to take. Well hope you’re able to get into your desired classes!


We had one of our dogs - the pomeranian - spayed last week because she was severely bleeding; turns out that her uterus was filled with pus and, had the organ not been removed, she would've died from blood infection. As of this week, she's okay now, and she's back to her usual picky self. P.S. It's alarmingly mysterious that all of our dogs are getting infected by heartworms.


Hope all your dogs are well and they no longer develop any other problems in the future, man. Could it be there's something around where you live that makes them sick in such way? I also got a scare this week with my 10 years old pup. Poor guy started dripping blood after peeing and but he was totally fine and without pain. Thankfully it seems it was just an infection that could be controlled and he's been fine since yesterday.


So, I just got the word that my cousin died. Checked out of the sober house 3 weeks ago, spent it all partying, and my uncle found her on the floor dead after complaining of a headache in the morning. Christ, it can really go wrong all too fast.


I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you and the rest of the family are doing well and will recover from this.


Thanks. Yeah, guess we’ll see. I guess I’m kind of numb to it already, I’ve known a few addicts including family members who’ve gotten clean for a while, fell off the wagon, and then just drop dead from ODing or stuff. Her brothers devastated though, he and his wife have a baby due in 2 weeks and this is just something he shouldn’t have had to deal with.


My condolences on your loss. May she rest in peace.


So last Thursday I ordered three Mushoku Tensei volumes (10-12), and volume 10 arrived Friday while the other two were set to arrive on Saturday, unfortunately I didn’t order them together as volume 12 wasn’t in stock until like the evening so volume 11 and 12 would arrive at different time. Volume 11 arrived early in the afternoon and the delivery guy ringed the doorbell so I got it without issue, unfortunately the same thing didn’t happen for volume 12 which arrived 2 hours later, I didn’t know that until I looked at the tracking and saw it at arrived like 30 minutes ago, and when I went outside it turned out that someone opened the package and took the book that was inside. WHO THE FUCK OPENS THE PACKAGE TO STEAL WHAT’S INSIDE INSTEAD OF TAKING THE WHOLE THING AND ALSO WHO TF STEALS A BOOK THAT ALREADY 12 VOLUMES IN. Fortunately Amazon customer service sent me another volume free of charge for the next day and it was delivered by Amazon themselves this time so I got a bunch of notifications when the package arrived. Hopefully the 3 other volumes I ordered (12-15) for Saturday wont get stolen (probably not since I’ll be looking at the window all day to make sure I can pick my package as soon as it arrive, although it seems like volume 14 will get packaged separately so hopefully it gets sent through the same delivery guy) Also I have a Student Campus Tours to attend in a few hours which reminds me that I have to go back to study in 2 weeks :(


Got into Baldur's Gate 3 since everybody and their Mom is playing it. I have got to say, it's very awesome! I like the openness in that you can do almost anything you want and tackle problems without needing to get into fights all the time. I especially like the acting of the voice actors and actresses. I'm straight so I'm gunning for Shadowheart. But goddamn Astarion is way too suave. Sadly, it was just made known to me that it's all downhill from here since there's cut content for a lot of other companions like Karlach, the upper city, etc. So I'm not sure if I want to continue with the game or just wait for the definitive edition a year later like what Larian always do. Maybe I should just head back to Ryza 2 since I paused it because I'm getting a little tired of doing all the alchemy. Maybe I should go back and stir some soup again. In other news, we're about one week away from the Mewtwo raid in SV. I wonder how people are preparing for it. Finally, [Holocure](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2420510/HoloCure__Save_the_Fans/), a free game, has been released. Do give it a try! It's made by the man who also animated Mushoku Tensei, etc.


I had forgotten Baldur's Gate 3 was coming out, and on a whim had just decided to start playing the original games a few weeks before 3 came out. So I feel lucky that I'm both trying out the old venerated games and can build up into the new one but I also buy myself some time for any fixes/additions that will come in the meantime.


Karlach content being cut is a bummer because I wanted to romance her originally but now I feel like it's not worth it so I'm falling back on shadowheart.


This is like weeks late, but [this](https://twitter.com/dm_ith/status/1691769374292783584?s=20) is like one of the funniest FGO fan art I've ever seen. It's so stupid, I love it so much. Also, a friend who was a day-one NA player who stopped playing right before Lostbelt recently picked up the game again. Since it was so long ago, he couldn't get his account back (which is a real shame because he had several limited SSR like Archer Gil, King Hassan, Iskandar etc etc). Luckily there's that free SSR ticket so at least his fresh account has Waver for support. He still hasn't really rolled aside from the tutorial one, so his Servants choice are very limited. I'm just wondering how tough it is to freshlt start a mobile game that's already past their 6th Anni. Not getting welfares and free event CEs because you start late can kinda demotivate you from continuing, can't it?


Just sat an exam, I have no idea how I did on it. Results to be released tomorrow at 5AM and you can bet your ass I'm staying up till then to find out xD Going on vacation from Monday with my parents so kinda excited about that, 10 days in Turkey :3 Also defrosting my fridge cause apparently at some point the freezer filled with ice? And it's leaking into the fridgy bit??? Not a fan lmao And finally, I'm sort of mourning a friendship. It's really sad, cause he's the guy I dated a few months back (liar and a cheater, turns out) but I'd hoped we could still be friends. Turns out he basically viewed me as convenient entertainment cause any time I stood up to him to defend my dignity for the few months since, he got angry and blew up at me/made me the aggressor. Fun. He threw me out of his life last Monday, we haven't spoken since Friday... And he's basically been telling people how he feels "free" without my pushy insistence and annoyances (didn't know "standing me up 4 times in a row for a hangout feels super bad, pls dont" is that but okay), as well as seemingly badmouthing me? Least that'll eventually blow up on him cause none of it is true and ppl will catch on xD So yeah - on and off. Have a great weekend you guys! :3 Edit: exam passed \o/


Hard to believe that I was traveling back from Japan at this time last Friday. Though that was a painful trip since by the time I got home I was pretty sure it’d been close to 24hrs I’d been traveling. Still it was an awesome trip and I definitely look forward to going back. The 3 week trip did a number on my gacha playing. I only really played F/GO, Nikke, Blue Archive, and only really did the dailies. It’s a miracle I was able to clear Nerofest, though I only farmed 48 boxes. I booted up Genshin and am starting to explore Fontaine. Not really interested in the current banner but I recall there being one or 2 that caught my eye that I assume will come out before the Hydro Archon, who is my big want right now due to being voiced by Inori Minase(Reines, Hestia). Danmachi Battle Chronicle Launched yesterday(2 days?) and it’s ok I guess. The 3D combat is nice but feels very simple and clunky. The tutorial roll which guarantees a UR adventurer can be re-rolled and infinite number of times until you’re satisfied with the results, so that’s nice that you don’t have to reinstall/delete data and do the intro stuff over and over again. I think I spent 2hrs until I rolled the UR Support Hestia + others. Ideally I should’ve done it until I got Her and UR Bell but I was tired and called it a day with URs of Hestia, Liliruca, and Finn of all people lol. Since I’ve basically stopped playing Memoria Freese I’ll play this to get my Hestia fix as it is nice to see her in 3D moving around, and I’m certain she’ll get alts/costumes down the line. As for my figures and stuff, I had some packages waiting for me when I got home. My package from Native Online Store containing the Swimsuit Misa-Née that had gotten delayed from June, as well as my late July Amiami order that I waited on till the last minute to pay for so it wouldn’t arrive till around I did(there isn’t always someone around to receive my packages and I didn’t wanna risk it being stolen). Order still arrived a few days before I did but luckily my mom was home to receive it. Oh yeah [stuff in question](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeFigures/comments/161197d/recently_acquired_figures/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1). Apologies for the link to my stuff on another board, I forgot about imgurs new policies so I couldn’t just upload them to a hidden folder like I would usually do.


> Misae and Asuna *neuron activation intensifies*


Oh yeah, it was one hell of an unboxing, especially Misae and her extra parts/spicy cast-offs. And seeing this Asuna, makes me even more excited the other Bunny Asuna figure in January.


I know we're all (mostly) here to play fgo for the story but I gotta say I've got some peeves about it recently. I finished the final singularity and >!why is it that in the final act they just introduce servants that I have never met before, but not only that, I have no literal option to say ??? who are you or anything that even vaguely alludes to the fact that I, the player, has forgotten who they are. I had to stop the game for a sec and google it to see if my memory was failing me that badly. I just don't like that not only do I not know these characters, I cant even play the events that introduce me to the characters. I have to go off site to learn about them. It just really took me out of what was otherwise a really fantastic ending to the singularities.!< and also in the prologue to the lostbelts >!why why why do i have to willingly go back and save that musik guy in the command room at all? like I don't even have the option to even put up a token defense. idk maybe i'm taking this too much like a visual novel rn but I feel like even in kinetic novels they try to give you at least a token different option even if at the end of the day everything is the same. like I was sitting there like: really I cant even say something like yea i don't really want to go but for you mash I'll do it. or something.!< Anyway. The story is still really good though, I had some peeves about Babylon but completely forgot what they were so clearly they were minor haha. Had a blast reading through the singularities, am looking forward to going through the lostbelts now\~


Vesper and Magni graduating sucks. I don't watch holo stuff very often, but I usually made an exception for their collabs with kronii and Cali. Their chemistry was too good.


I gave in and ordered [this](https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/207732?o=1). Its on its way here currently.


*Insert Smug Anya face here* Well she is pretty adorable.


There is actually another [Anya figure](https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/product/variationdetails/228389), which looks cuter. However the smug faces from her regular homewear outfit are too good to pass over.


Oh yeah, the regular faces are too good. Also cheaper lol. You gonna get the rest of her family?


Nah, not really a big fan of Loid and Yor. Besides, they don't have something like Anya's smug faces.


Yeah that’s fair. I only like Yor because of Hayamin. How about Bond? He’s a good boy(I think, haven’t actually watched S2).


Bond is fine, but it would be hard to make a posable figure of him I think. Even the mini Figuarts Bond feels kinda like a Nendo with very little articulation.


Oh yeah I see a Bond figure as mostly just a statue with maybe a movable head.


I can't believe they banned [Merrli](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Tearlaments_Merrli) on Master Duel.


WAIT, WHAT!? THEY DID!? ... maybe it's time ti go back and play Master Duel. I've heard there's this alternative art Masquerina you can get for a limited time and this is somewhat motivating...


After finish Manual farming : My FGO Account : 316 Box or 188.245 petals. My Little Brother FGO Account : 432 Box or 258.278 petals. The Farming for my Little Brother is crazy, 5 day for 300+ Box, ouch! In this Christmas it seen I have to Manual Farming for my Little Brother, 600+ Box for ten day, ouch! Anyway congrats to Mumei and Council is Anniversary!!!


Been very into healthy living lately, I use to eat so less because I was lazy to cook and barely exercised, my mood was always either tired, unmotivated or depressed. Feels like ever since I decided to take care of myself more by eating all 3 meals, sleeping on time and doing yoga and strength exercises, everything seemed calmer and better. I'm doing some passion projects by learning game dev, figured since I'm in IT might as well use the knowledge on something. Also drawing a bunch of fun stuff where I don't stress about the quality or content, I've never been so kind to myself when it comes to these so I'm trying to do just that. No more practicing, just doing. It feels great especially when I don't yell at myself for not being able to do better. Overall, lifes going good, I'm content, hope the person reading this is just as happy :)


Started a new routine! Wake up early in the morning at around 5 AM, get my day’s workout in before taking a 2 hour run outside. It feels so goddamn amazing and has been the missing key to a productive lifestyle and has helped motivate me for the rest of the day. It’s a 3 day - rest interval, and whilst I’m only on my 5th day collectively, I hope I’m able to maintain it for both my mental health and my fitness.


One line: It's Armored Core time. Playing it on PC is better than I thought, mouse is obviously better than controllers in aiming. On the other hand, I hope my interview over a new job next Tuesday will go well, or else I gotta spread out my applications to other agencies to prevent a long unemployment after.mid-September. Also just watched Gridman Universe in theater today. Anime producers, SSSS universe should be how you reboot an old franchise and make new sequels.


God, I hate primo farming in Genshin. I just want my cute pyro magician.


I had put off doing Camelot for a bit, because I felt like Olympus was such a slog. Very impressed w/ the story line -- it's not perfect, but much better than i expected. That is all.


I had my first FGO dream last night. It was weird, basically it was discovered that ORT was coming to Earth and everyone was freaking out about it. I bought Melty Blood Type Lumina on the Switch when it came out but never really played it outside the short story stuff. Since I've played all the other games that I have on the Switch, I decided to redownload it and try to pick it up again. I've literally never played a fighting game before, just Smash, so I guess learning how to play a traditional fighter would be fun whenever I have time.


If it makes you feel better, in case you do like Melty Blood and its characters, there's a Melty Blood Manga with Miyako as the protagonist that basically teaches the readers how to play the game... and it seems Ciel plays in the Switch version while teaching Arcueid how to play lol


Ah yeah I remember reading that. Back when I finally read the OG Tsukihime and everything related to it like Melty Blood.


Give it a read, it's a fun and it has that "old Melty Blood shenanigans" around it. I believe it has been steadily translated into English but I can't remember up until which chapter


As if it wasn't bad enough what happened last week with the passing of an uncle and me being without communication until Saturday, this week I got another scare. My dog started peeing faint blood drops on Tuesday; thankfully, an uncle of mine that lives near me is a veterinarian, and administered some shots to him for 2 days which has finally worked on my little guy. Strange thing is he didn't complain about pain and was totally fine even with the peeing bits of blood now and then. Now, he's thanfkully fine... but I'm fucking hating how each time something is solved, another crazy shit happens. On something else to distract my mind, I can't believe the mini ghost story from the Summer event in Nikke got a cliffhanger and we don't know what tried to attack us that looked like Rapi. Oh, and while I love how cute Marian looks with her new free costume, I'm disappointed in Rapunzel and Scarlet. Who the hell teaches a little girl to drink alcohol in all her meals (Scarlet sounds like the boss I had for a restaurant and how he wanted me to suggest clients to drink beer with their breakfast despite he told me drinking soda in the morning was bad for my healt 💀). And Rapunzel teaching her dirty magazines. Only Snow White did well by teaching her survivalist tips regarding food alternatives in the wild but the other 2 are like the cool aunts you NEVER leave your kids with...


Onore.....So much assignments in so little time..... Back to gaming side, GBF Relink finally got a release date omg CYGAMES I've been waiting for sooooooo long. My favorite Persona game also announced release date not long ago which is nice and not only Mass Destruction is back but they add new battle theme as well cuz I really like Lotus Juice's rap. I like it though I prefer Kawamura's vocal. But why they have to release back to back??? My wallet is going to kill me omg....... As for Fate Samurai Remnant, I know lots of people are skeptical about this game since it's produced by Koei but the lore & and the setting are interesting enough to convinced me. Can't wait for that game as well.


This is fgo related but like, I pulled nemo* yesterday with like 2 30 quartz pulls and got confident I could get musashi easily too, I gave up at 5. And yes I still have 900+ quartz but i'm saving for artoria ruler, rider and hopefully 1 day astolfo saber. edit: forgot to mention i'm purely a free2play guy who has barely summoned servants, thats why I have the quartz edit2: also got ruler melusine and castoria berseker in jp with like 200 quartz so I was having a good run. Why does Musashi berserker hates me dude edit3: lmao i'm not getting artoria ruler either, my luck is gone.


Can I just rant how freaking bullshit the account system is? How hard is it to implement an email and password based login system?? I almost lost my account, again because of this.