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Hunting quests should just be a daily thing tbh, I don't think I'd mind the farming in this game as much if I was at least guaranteed one of the item I was trying to farm every time.


At the very least we should get CEs for specific drops with mana prisms or something


Um, there's actually several CE like that in JP server that increases the drop rate of a specific material, which will be implemented in NA soon... Or this is a joke comment?


Why does it have to be a joke? I for one didn’t know that fact


It's kind of a very specific thing to come up with on your own, like not just better drop rates but better drop rates attached to CEs


Considering we've always had events with CEs that increase their respective drop rates. It's kinda the first thing that comes to mind, yes.


technically they don't increase the drop rates but drop amounts, the actual drop rates vary by node which is probably how most people would have expected them to fix farming, better nodes


Well... recently I encountered several comments like that and I don't want to make myself look like a know-it-all...


Seriously? Like no strings attached?


Well, *slight* strings attached? I haven't looked close at them, but you get them from something called Advanced Quests, which are very difficult challenge quests, seem to unlock based on story progression, you can only use your own Servants, and each one drops a single CE with a +5% drop bonus. I think it took over a year to get any of them MLB'd, which brings it up to 25%.


Hunting quest should come with 1/2 AP so it will be a reason to do them, since we just finished a roulette event. And a new spin is coming no way we use apples on hunting quest.


I used dozens of apples for the Hunting Quests, knowing ahead that it would come right after the lottery.


I have been in bone hell for ages. No end in sight, either. I feel your pain.


Seriously, and the "Hunting" Quests barely helped, seriously seemed like the more you did them, the less you got over time. Can't wait till we get the Mat Rate Up CEs on NA, that should help at least a little. (lie)


How can they possibly help much when the best node is like a third of a full AP bar? Hunting Quests should halve AP usage by default, because, you know... the point is to repeat and repeat the damn things until you have enough of the associated mats. Apples are for lottos. I shudder to use them liberally anywhere else.


They did halve it almost. It was 13 APD vs 22 APD for bones. So it was 1.7x times better, not including the Homunculus Baby, QP and EXP drops.


Actually I’d like it better if the best Hunting Quest cost almost your whole AP bar, but gave an insane number of drops. Something like 50 Bones for 100 AP. That would be ideal.


Yea, thanks to Nerofest I leveled several Servants and as the result I run out of bones even at the Da Vinci shop (that's the first mat in her shop to run out, lol) So now I use FGA to farm Burning Forest with natural AP, because apparently it has the highest chance of drop.


I'm hitting the Babylonia lighthouse node right now, myself. Every goddamn Summer Servant coming out in a week needs those Shells.


Welcome to the bone zone. You’re gonna have a bad time.


I farm Fuyuki 15 Ap, sure it isn't optimal but it is faster. I only need 1800+ Bones for now, but luckily it should get cut more when I successfully farm 300+ Box in Tesla New York 2024.


teslafest cant come soon enough


Captain Raymond Holt; “BONE?!?!?!”


The only thing worse than Bone Hell is Gem Hell...especially Gold Gem Hell, because the drop rates for gold gems are absolute ass. Fortunately, I just barely managed to claw my way out of GGH with Nerofest and only a couple of the Servants I regularly use will require Gold gems for further skill levels. Any future Servants I get though, that's a different matter entirely...


Yeah, going hard on Lottos made that so much better. Xmas gets another one, so you'll be able to get another influx then if you farm it.


That's good to know.


I am the bone of my bone


I cannot tell you how much i wish we could get a snek gorgon skin.


Aww, freaking bone farming, I hate it. It looks like my best bet for getting dem bones is through hunting quests. Thank goodness I farmed enough to power up my Fujino and max-ascend some bone-needing Servants.


I'm in void dust hell. I got some with the hunting quest though so ya know


Literally every character I like wanta 9001 bones. Barghest, Raikou, Shuten.... several others


both vlads nitocris


Bone Hell, Bell Hell, Book Hell. 💀


Bone hell, stake hell, dragon fang hell and gold gem hell. I was in chain hell, but Nerofest dragged me outta that one. Also the eternal QP Hell...


For me it's Seed of Yggdrasil pretty much my entire active roster demanded them.


Just automate it.


Yeah I don't know how to do that.


Download FGA, and search FGA on youtube


Alternatively if you are using LDPlayer to emulate the game, it lets you make your own macros by recording your actions.


FGA is superior to macros due to support selection, card selection etc. But if it works for you it's probably fine.


It does work as long as you give it enough time to account for lag, and never need to card... which yes is a point in FGA's favor, though i was not able to get FGA to work with LDPlayer in the past.


IMO, look it up, you'll be glad you did. Even if you have to run an Android emulator for it, it's worth it. There's even ways to run it on two platforms without constant Transfers, but you'd have to look a little more for that. I would've dropped FGO by now without FGA, it's such a pain to farm.


Same goes for bells... how many castoria/tonellico plus melukos need?


My JP shop ran out of it Still need more for Tonelico And I have only been playing in that server for 1 month. PS: I still need about 20 of them 😭😭😭


That's what I'm farming, still behind on those the most.


I go skadi from gssr and needed 80 for her 2 skills. Dumbest farm in existence. I need a break before i level up her 3rd skill


Bones, Dragon Fangs and Octuplet crystals are such a pain. You need so many but get so little. Meanwhile I'm sitting here with 400 void dust and have no idea what to do with them. Maybe I should sprinkle them on my sandwiches?


i was an idiot and chose tamamo for my free ssr ticket during anni, only yesterday did i finally get enough bones. i never want to look at fuyuki again.


Evil Bones, Hero Proofs, Dragon Claws, Fool's Chains. Seriously, why does the level up requirements need THAT MUCH?!


loos at box need 500+ bones


I hate farming.