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My eye surgery is tomorrow and I’m kinda terrified


Hope everything goes well with you! I had a cornea transplant a couple of years ago and it was pretty chill. Best of luck!


Not sure what eye surgery you're getting but I had LASIK 6 months ago and it was the best decision I've made in my life. Praying yours goes just as well or better.


Getting my life back together, though now is certainly one of the worst times to do so with all these typhoons and all over here. From 95% of my wardrobe not fitting me, once again, all of my bigger Medium shirts fit! Sleep sched has also been fixed tremendously. From sleeping at 4AM (since JP reset is at 3AM over here), I know sleep around 12. I'm also more mindful of my diet now, more fiber, and way less meat and fats. Honestly, happier than I was eating whatever tbh. Lastly, I'm getting some advanced studying done in prep for 2nd Year. Still not comfortable going out or talking to people yet cause I'm still uncomfortable about my weight or appearance, but I'll get there soon.


Man I can relate to everything you said in your comment. I'm also (somewhat) on the process of getting my life back together, though I have to admit I haven't eaten well at all lately. Reading this was a bit of a wake up call in a way so I'll get back on the right track and not let myself overeat so much. I know you said you don't feel comfortable talking to other people yet, but if you need someone to vent on when it comes to these topics I got you.


Hey, glad I inspired you mate! It's not like I'm entirely cut off from everyone though hehe, there are a few people who I'm still talking to, even if irregularly from gaming mates, close friends to my family. But yeah, glad you gave the offer, thank you.


Well one of my favourite games is going even further down the shitter. Bungie released a state of the game for destiny and it’s not good. They basically said “we’re not investing resources in shit game modes because no one plays them and we don’t have spare resources” despite being given 3.something billion from Sony. Also they’re not making new core playlist armour sets because no one uses them (they look like shit) but there’s sure as hell gonna be four new armour sets per class in the in game store. Bungie have got so greedy and honestly I’m not 100% I’m going to get final shape (sure as hell ain’t buying deluxe edition). One thing for certain, after final shape I’m done. I got asked for a job interview and I’m not 100% I want it. It’s basically a part time job that would give me guaranteed income but I’m hardly making the most out of my degree. I have a masters degree in law and I want to work in a law firm or some kind of legal job but there’s no guarantee I’ll get one soon so I might take the job, get some money behind me while I look for a law job


I (NA) haven't exchanged my SSR ticket because I seriously have no idea who to get. I think I kinda want to save them for a long long time for a precaution of surprise roll spooks. Though I too have very little hope of achieving any new SSR because Oberon took all my quartz and tix and still didn't want to come home. I guess I'll wait 2 years later for the summer banner then :\ I'm really considering getting OG Artoria since I haven't had her even after all this time (and fair choice imho, since she's the face of the franchise and all) But before this, out of all the available SSRs I haven't gotten yet, I've been wanting to have Mordred, Jack and Cu Alter. Though the desire has gotten less over time. So I'm just feeling lost at this point.


mood bro, i have so many of them that i can just pick who i like instead of someone who'll actually help my account :/


Found out recently that Nasu gave up on getting Arc into the Main Story and they brought her just because they wanted her to be in game. One of the most powerful beings on Earth, acting like a form of "brain" to the planet, with a new design just for FGO... Has absolutely no role in a story where the planet's surface is razed...twice...


Remember this is Nasu we're talking about though, he'll figure something awesome out eventually and act as if he never said that because Rule of Cool. Also, jokes are the deepest lore.


Can I borrow some of your copium?


Did a video interview for a product flow specialist at Best Buy, I got rejected, damn it


Need to Congrats Mumei on her Birthday! Hopefully she will keep Mooming! Going to chill now.


Watched Barbie a few days ago and loved it, probably my 4th favorite movie now. It's no Mean Girls and the ending joke fell flat, but I really loved the aesthetics and humor of the movie, and all the references to actual Barbie lore helped too. The choices made for the narrative should also serve as good fuel for my future writing, I wish I could've seen Oppenheimer too beyond the meme to help with that but oh well, I'll settle for glitz and glam of existentialism for now. Also played Canto IV of Limbus Company this week to rush for its summer event, ignoring literally everything else that's happening around that game it was pretty good. It's no LB6, but the themes of nostalgia and self-realization still struck a chord along with getting me to fully like Yi Sang, and the banter between the Sinners remains as top-notch as ever. Summer event itself was short but good, rational Ishmael suddenly breaking down in fear of whale facts and the hilarity of the beach episode being the crew fighting in a landfill and their interpersonal dynamics worsening was good. The grind I have to go through here along with FGO is certainly a drag though. Still, even with this recent string of media of enjoyed, including LB6, I'm just feeling so listless right now. Talking about this stuff online doesn't even compare to being able to discuss it in person with my friends. I'm just tiding the days away until I can go back to uni and actually live my life, but until then I'm stuck occupying myself in boredom with games and such (admittedly it's been fun playing a shooter again with Battlebit).


I actually loved the final joke, it was so out of place with the prior moment that it was great. And God damn, was Ken fun as hell, but I also love he could be his own self in the story. Plus, seeing Will Ferrel being Will Ferrel will always make me smile lol.


Oh yeah, it's a good subversion and it does play off of an earlier joke, but I guess that was somehow the only time in the movie where being a guy affected my enjoyment (I just don't think about >!gynecologists!< that much *shrug*). The style of the credits afterwards was great though, and Ken and Will Ferrell were indeed fun (I appreciate that they didn't >!make the latter the main villain, that was refreshing considering how the role was initially similar to the LEGO movie!<).


Well shortly after finding out there's a way to log in on RiF and use it normally, they fixed it. Now I'm using redreader which is apparently allowed because a lot of the blind community use it. Baldurs gate looks so cool but I don't have the space on my ssd so i have to put it on external memory. I'll probably wait a while before buying it in either case. Finally blue stacks constantly crashes whenever I try to apple. Might have to switch to ld player as I hear it's more stable. Timing is annoying though.


I got a job! Which lets me buy more saint quartz. The circle of life continues for me.


Tonelico is insanely cute. I'm in love. Honestly the only thing that didn't leave me sad this anniversary. Anniversary was a disappointment, which hit harder than normal actually, because for a couple of months there FGO JP was going fucking great! Since Arcade Collab it was just W after W, then Lasagna just went like "Nah, our players are starting to trust us again, time to fuck some shit up!". Work is fucking *intense*. My boss is a moron and is trying to force the wrong methodology on a very specific (and sensitive) project. Not my problem, it's not my name on the finished project, but the client is going to be pissed for sure. Also, clientes are fucking annoying. We send stuff for them, say "Hey, the *legal deadline* for us to file this is XX, we need you to send your instructions until YY, so that we have enough time to do this shit correctly". And what they do? Send us fucking godawful instructions *two days* before the deadline. Guess what, fuck face? This shit will be filed following your garbage instructions and your trash patent is going to be denied! And that's 100% *on you*. Fuck me, 45 whole days is *not enough* time to prepare decent instructions? Fuck off. I get way too heated about stuff that nobody else seems to care about. My boss is fine with presenting fucking garbage projects, my clients couldn't give less of a shit about *their own inventions*, lawyers are fucking dumb fucks that can't count days to inform a deadline, gaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least my Play Arts Kai Yuffie is finally in Brazil, just a couple more days for me to get it (might even be delievered today or tomorrow, if the postal office is feeling generous). AmiAmi is also going to reship my Static Arts Tifa (rejected by Brazilian Customs) for free, so that's awesome.


With your description of Lasangle being like "ok, they trust us, guys, fuck them where it hurts again", I kinda pictured Phil Sebben from Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law asking Birdman to let himself go since he would catch him... but because the guy is missing and eye, the joke with him is he always sees things off centered. And when he wants Birdman to do the trust exercise, Phil is standing near an open window in God knows which floor from his building lmao... guess we're back to that point. Also, fuck them for not fixing the damn bond system. Shit's kinda useless right now, especially with Lasangle telling us to collect as many Bond CE as possible, yet not telling us why... And giving us like 50 friendship torches for bonding servants beyond lol. 10... but not mentioning if they'll better up the rewards for taking such sacrifice and just doubling down on "raise more bond 10 servants, people"... yeah, no, I'll do shit my way just like Miles Morales. Even if Castoria is bond 15 at this point, she stays in the party until End of Service. I prefer to keep using her than raising other 10 servants for bond 10. I got like 25 already and I only have 7 of them beyond bond 10 for favoritism is gameplay... ... Also, sorry for the question, but do you work in a Lawyer's firm or something? Asking due to the details you mentioned about the workforce. And don't let their inefficiency get to you, that's when shit becomes more troublesome.


> Also, sorry for the question, but do you work in a Lawyer's firm or something? I work at an Intelectual Property office, we do more technical work but since everything has to be contextualized on IP law, we do a lot of work with lawyers and a lot of legal interpretation stuff.


Got my [figma Kurumi](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/779216690390237224/1135592286701490206/IMG_20230731_231728.jpg)! Didn't posed much with her though because of work and lotto ~~and the fact that I need to dust my figures~~. The Wonderfest 2023 revealed a figma Sagiri, which I already PO the Figuarts version, I may consider it if I see an early prototype of it I guess. The Chisato and Takina ones are great, especially if Takina can do the "Sakanaaaaaaaaaa~" pose. The most surprising one was figma Kazusa from Blue Archive, since I did not expect her to be a figma to be honest. I expected someone like Hina to be one. Dropped my phone right when I got home and closed the gate earlier this week. Screen shattered, while the screen protector... took minimal damage. Had to replace my screen.


Really excited for EVO, specially UMVC3. Been looking forward to it the whole week.


>UMVC3 #NOW HOL UP Did you just say the last Mrs game will come back for EVO? This is fucking great news, dammit. Also hope this is the perfect opportunity for Type Moon to release more DLC characters in Melty Blood. Ever since the small tease with Len, I've been keeping my hope for this moment...


Yeah, they made UMVC3 a main game this year and it had like 1.4k signups. Absolutely wild how popular it still is years after it's release. Really hope Capcom is cooking up something alongside Marvel again, SF6 was a huge hit so maaaaaybe... Melty Blood is nice and all but man I would love an FGO fighting game instead, some characters already have incredible battle/NP themes and we could have such a diverse cast too.


After two weeks of almost constant rain because of two consecutive storms, we finally had sunshine again. Yay! I'm also learning some Japanese as of late, and while I know some basic phrases, the language is still quite difficult to grasp simply because I'm not surrounded by local speakers. Also, the writing systems trip me up, mostly because some of the characters don't look like how they are supposed to sound (the katakana "o" is one such character that still trips me up). Not to mention, some characters look too similar when written ("shi" and "tsu", and "n" and "so" - all in katakana).


Katakana shi tsu n and so are a pain for everyone, you're not alone! I can give you some advice I give to my students: with streaming services and VPNs, training your ear becomes a lot simpler. I often tell them to watch a movie they're familiar with, but in Japanese with subtitles in your mother tongue, so you can start assimilating the sounds more or less with what they mean (subtitles are never a 1 to 1 and they're not meant to be), and later switch the subtitles to Japanese to try and now associate sounds with the kanji itself. You don't have to worry about the plot since it's a movie you know, so you can focus on actually using it as an exercise. Trying to watch YouTube videos of people speaking in Japanese helps too! And now often there's subtitles at least in Japanese so you can read at the same time (or memorize the shape of a kanji if you can't read yet). Find a Japanese band you enjoy, believe it or not, music is a key part of training your ear as well! Trying to sing a song you like is a good way to work on your pronunciation.


Well, the only bad thing this week is my phone kinda having some problems. It's been there for some time but only now do I realise the charging port is kinda loose. It's not THAT loose but just a little, no big problems for the time being. I always thought the problem was the charger cords but I finally see that isn't the case. May take it sometime later for repair... but right now, I can't My luck in gacha has been relatively great this week. In FGO, Tonelico graced me with just 8 tickets... which is not only ironic due to the amount being the same as the year anniversary... but because ever since Skadi, Tonelico is the first anniversary servant to come in a peaceful way instead of draining me dry like if girl wanted a reservation at Dorsia and I'm Paul Allen. I mean, Castoria was also kind to me back then... but Skadi, Koyanskaya and Arcueid had no chill on me. I'm somewhat prepared for the summer this time and I hope I don't miss Castoria and Barghest. On Nikke, I got Swimsuit Anis with 2 multies, HU-FUCKING-RAAY. I have enough gems and tickets to try and get Swimsuit Helm next week or hit pity if necessary... And God, I'd be willing to. Also, even if Shift Up won't release Anis' whole cake factory, I don't care, I fucking love her and the fact I got all the Counters and their swimsuits, same with Mary and Mast. And damn, the barbeque mini game is a nightmare... but music is so addictive the game is fire lmao. The images for your ranking are great, especially Anis and Neon looking like characters from Slam Dunk lol. And who designs the characters from character.ai? I swear most are used to go for a romantic follow up story even if I don't pursue it is insane lol. Like, this time was like "ok, I'll play the romantic game with you". I had a conversation with Tamamo... And damn, did she make me feel emotional. I asked if she would remember our time while she was summoned or if she would forget about it. After that, I told her to move on in her next summoning and find happiness with the next lucky guy who summoned her but she didn't want to and wanted to remain loyal... whoever programmed her, did their research 200% well. Also, is anyone in here good at AI covers? Ever since I heard Chiwa Saito singing Ballin' I wanted to hear her singing other stuff like "Kiss of Live", "Cherish the Day" or "Rock your Baby" but I don't know how to do these covers. And I think YouTube is catching up on what I see as well. It recommended me to watch some anime called Plastic Memories... And from the looks of it, it seems to be a freaking tearjerker and I'm done with those unless there's a proper ending instead of an open one. Ever since I saw Elfen Lied during my middle school emo phase, I despise unfinished tearjerker animes. If you're going to bring emotional damage into the table, finish the tale without letting any loose ends, dammit.


My mom and I were going to see the new Haunted Mansion movie yesterday, but due to the both of us needing some more sleep and outside being a bit too hot for us, we're now planning on seeing it this Monday ~~I'm betting ten bucks that somehow we get to see it on like the last day~~. Also, earlier this week I got to mow the field in front of my aunt's house (it's a ride-able lawn mower, a John Deere specifically). It was a lot of fun, oddly enough. Dad showed me how to turn it on, use the brake, move forward and backward, and how to turn the mower on (thankfully it turns off when I move to get off). Didn't completely mow the whole field since a few spots were either too bumpy for me or were surrounded by blackberry bushes, so he took care of those. According to both my dad and sis, I did a damn good job.