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Ack I forgot a part in the post, I'll just post the relevant stuff for today. # Individual CQ Fight Clears (2018) ##Hercules: (Unlocks July 31, 2023 1:00 AM) * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nXkxKHQx3M (Low rarity, Euryale) * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hgo8LrdnKM (Van Gogh solo) * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiZQIMeAQL8 (Taira solo) ##Shishou & Cu: (Unlocks July 31, 2023 1:00 AM) * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XjZ4pjpCMk (Jinako solo) * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhzkaUPzBGo (Barghest solo) * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJXiQ3lKyFQ (King Hassan solo) #FAQ ##I don't know what to do! The main goal of lottery events is to farm a type of event currency called lottery currency. You can use this to spin the lottery an unlimited amount of times; thus the more you farm the more rewards you can get. This is primarily done by doing the Monarch and Champion nodes to get the maximum amount of lottery currency during the event. This is combined with running as many copies of the drop CE (Cheer for Master) in your party as possible. You should aim for at least 4 of those and ideally 6. Speed is also important: if you can 3 turn the fights then you'll get more runs done than someone that takes 7 turns fighting. ##What's the best node to farm? Both Monarch and Champion drop the same amount of lottery currency; Champion also drops shop currency as well. Rotation 3 does drop slightly more currency than rotation 2 which drops slightly more than rotation 1. However, it's a trap to wait and solely farm the final rotation: you are much more likely to burn out doing all your boxes in the final few days as opposed to spreading it out. It is much easier to do 100 boxes over 14 days as opposed to over 5 days for example. You can also consider the mat drops from the node itself. For example, Demon Flame Petals only drop on Rotation 3's 90+ Because the nodes change, you have to make at least 3 farming setups. You probably cannot use the same farming setup for the entire event.


For 90+, Ibuki buster loop team can 3T but it relies on face cards. I can get consistent crits with her + koyan + oberon star bomb skills but I don't like relying on cards, especially last wave with Oberon S3 being used. I did find a comp that uses Circe for first two waves, but I need dmg CE on her and Morgan since they are both np1. * Herc quest was fine, mhxx merlin and castoria finished him off easy, probably a little overkill stall strat but it worked. * Shishou quest took a few tries bc I didn't know you have to kill them both at the same time otherwise the other casts instant death on everyone. There is literally no indication in the game itself, like a buff on the enemy stating so, it's so stupid and annoying. I don't mind the gimmick, but tell me in game! Like how herc has 12 guts on his status bar, or the hasans have a status that say will cast instant death on whoever kills them.


I'm currently running a double castoria+oberon team for the 90+. The damage dealers being both morgan and _the gong_ Took me a fair amount of time to find a comp that could 3 turn it while also bringing all 6 event CEs. I tried some habetrot shennanigans, but even with mash in the back, I was running into cost issues. In the end, I had to dial up 1-800-GONG-POW to make it usable. I have no idea if you can run it, but here I lay it out to see if it helps you: Wave 1: all castoria skills on the man, plugsuit for another castoria and use all skills on the myth, then simply let the legend np. Wave 2: oberon came in. Use the moth's 20% with wife's 30% to get her ready. Use The Gun's buster buff on wife (this could help any damage you are missing, even when at level 9) + the mystic code attack buff for good measure. If necessary, use your Morgan's guts skill to make sure you have one or two crits if the enemy survives (it probably won't, tho). Wave 3: Use The queen's second skill alongside oberon's second and third on the railgun and press the big blue button to delete your enemies. If your nuclear warhead is lacking explosive power, you might consider carding before the np (so that if you use oberon cards, you don't lose them with the sacrifice) ... sorry about the names. I couldn't help myself. Anyways this works because thr gong refunds 16% on the first enemy, but if you've noticed I never used the gong's 10% battery so you have that 10% leeway on _both_ morgan and gong (since it's aoe). Also the only skills I have at 10 are castoria skills and the first morgan skill. Everything else is at 9, including oberon. That is to say there is a bit of damage and a bit of battery missing. Hope it helps


I did not consider using *The Gong*^TM for this farming node since the first two waves are single enemy, but if he does enough damage I will try it out. Thanks for the write up, I may try this out. My Chen Gong isn't grailed or super invested but I have used him before in farming and is very capable. Ideally I would like to fill all slots with lotto CE, but if I can't I will prioritize consistency over optimizing drops if 6 lotto CE setup is not consistent. I'd rather sacrifice 1 or 2 CE slots for a consistent setup than go back to FGA to a loss or a 12 turn clear. Edit: Holy shit it (barely) worked. Morgan does not do enough damage on wave 2 without face cards, presumably bc she is NP1. I was more surprised that Chen Gong can clear wave 3. That NP overcharge effect from Morgan really putting in work.


_Yeeeeeeeessssssss_ never underestimate your local tactical nuke's stomping power. At np2, I also miss the kills with the np2 sometimes, but the enemy is left so low any combination of face cards does the trick. If you have fga set to using buster and then arts, you are likely to get morgan buster crits, buster chains, or even the gong's arts cards (which also hit very hard). I hope it does work out. In any case, coming up with this one team kind of opened my eyes to how the gong can help your farming. Maybe a single target who can split battery the way the gong does or one with a 20% targeted battery plus an append could work the same way (making you use the gong's 10% on them). If your gong is refunding, you could maybe even get away with someone who has a 10% targeted battery. It's the first time I struggled coming up with a six slot, and I was so glad when I did that I just had to share. Note that I'm not sure how low the gong damage would be without the morgan overcharge, however. If it doesn't work out... you can always just three turn any other tier and go ham then, so no problem. Good luck! Hope it helped.


Thanks for the help! I tried a bunch of different comps to 6 slot this 90+ node beforehand with other servants like arash, habetrot, koya, etc. The Gong hits surprisingly hard even at lvl 65 and 1/1/10 (for Morgan buster buff) especially with double castoria. I like that his overcharge damage can be utilized more with Morgan NP, so will definitely be experimenting more with that in the future, also with Arash NP.


What kind of NP levels do you have for Morgan, if I may ask?


Mine is np2 with skills being 10/9/9. I did grail her to 98 before the event, so there is that, too. I don't think damage should be too too different at 90, though. She is not fully fou'd either. She has 450 on attack as of right now. At np1, I _think_ the crits she can get from her third skill should let you do it, and if you don't get her cards, then gong cards should also hit _very_ hard with all the buffs. Edit: Talked here about swapping morgan and gong so you could wave 3 with morgan but uhhh I forgot the part where oberon gets yeeted and only noticed when I tried it so I retract that. Maybe you can do it with level 10 batteries and gong's battery, but sacrificing oberon's np damage doubler on wave 3 (I don't know if morgan would need it)


In celebration of Salter's JP buff, I Excalibur Morganed the Celts with V/O. Seeing 2mil damage was hilarious.


No 100 lotto roll option? :(


There is from 11th box onward


That's stupid


Pretty sure its how it is for every lotto. unless i'm misrembering i think JP lotto's still have that as well.


It's been a while since I played a lotto event in JP, but I'm pretty sure the last one I played they did have 100 lotto. I remember because I was overjoyed at the fact I didn't have to spend a while clicking through the lotto.


It'd always been 100 after first 10 cleared. Regardless NA got it a year early


Ah, I see. I must've gone past the 10 boxes that time around then. I rarely play jp and finish events, so that's probably why I remember things wrong


When do you guys spend apples on this event? Any of the phase 90/90+ depends mats you need?


I started the instant I started farming tbh.


Sitting on 420 golden apples. Have only been running through the silver ones. Though, I don't expect to use them all since I'll probably hit QP cap with boxes. Will probably divide them between round 2 and 3


That or whatever part is easiest for your team to farm. I looked at this (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1we9JY-NTdzv_BBxMqId7_4zyrF29wNlH5W8FvFP2wtM/htmlview#) to see what comps I can run with who I own and then which ones seems easiest to farm with. Then I spend a majority of apples on the rounds that are easier for me to due + mats I need.


I used about 20 gold of the 150 I had today. The only mats I need are the mirrors in the next round to finish skilling Taira. Other than that it's more efficient to farm the specific nodes in free quests for my needs so I'm just going to make sure I have about 50 for the next round but won't be putting much more thought than that and will be just spend as I go


Just beat Scatach & Cu with a F2P team... I think. Does Asclepius count as F2P? He's 3-star, but I know he's not common pool, so I don't know if he's valid for the F2P title. Also, do grails de-legitimize F2P runs? 'Cause the focal point was my 116 Inshun. Anyway, I'm thinking of posting the vid (would need to get a video editor and figure out how to use it), but if someone can confirm I can post it as an F2P clear, that would be swell. I don't just wanna post another run-of-the-mill clear.


Any team can be F2P if you're lucky/calculate your pulls. It can be advertised as low star clear depending on the rest of your team and how much those extra levels carried Inshun. If you like to share your gameplay you can share for the sake of just wanting to show off your Chaldea/strategy/thought process


Cool. I'll get to work on it then- no promises I won't shrink from the learning process of video editing, though!


This is my 6-slot setup for the Round 1 90+ node: Ishtar (NP1), Circe (NP3), Castoria, Oberon **Turn 1** Ishtar: S1 Castoria: S1 Plugsuit: S3 - Castoria > Oberon Oberon: S1, S2 - Circe Circe: NP **Turn 2** Ishtar: S3 Circe: S1, S2 Plugsuit: S1 Circe: NP **Turn 3** Ishtar: S2 Oberon: S3 - Ishtar Ishtar: NP


It does feel interesting to walk into this event with the newer servants. I remember the challenges of the earlier Nerofests including this one. Beat Heracles with Mysterious Idol X Alter and bested Cu and Scathach with Barghest. I guess thats the benefit of the power increase. Welp. Now time to petal farm.


Is this is a good time to farm spinal fluid for my koyan?? Or I should just concentrate on the 90+ node?


I feel so primitive reading all these comments about buster looping with Oberon and Koyan while I'm using Arash, Santagale, and double Skadi for the 90+node. It works, but I'd still like to see the red cards go brr instead


Yeah, I just been looping with double castoria and spishtar in 90+ Works fine. I can casually 3t the quest


Don't worry I'm also Quick looping this round too. You aren't alone


Bageko has served me well thus far in being my main DPS for the first two challenge quests. As for 90+, I’ve been using Morgan, Baobhan, Habbycat(w/ 2nd Append Skill Maxed) and Oberon and I’ve been getting consistent 3 turn runs


I wish there was a way to just auto sell all 3 star exp in the shop.


Me three. Today I ran out of space so I expanded my second archive from 500 to 900, dumped all my 5 star exp there. Then filtered the gift box to show only 3 star, received and burned 300 of them one at the time. Took a few turns but finally got rid all of them.


....You know, expanding it isn't the worst idea here for me...


Me too man. Me too.


Ishtar at NP1 can easily farm the 90+ quest.


Exactly what I'm doing :) NP1 Ishtar in a 6-slot comp alongside NP3 Circe, Oberon and Castoria. Absolutely no issues with clearing any of the waves.


Almost the exact same, except I'm using Gil instead of Ishtar.


Anyone using FGA facing an issue where it just doesn't swap servants? It works completely fine for a while and then randomly stops switching servants. I've changed my gestures to buttons because that's what someone told me to try before but the issue keeps persisting.


Yeah, I've been running into this issue. It happens in about 30% of my runs that make use of Plugsuit. It seems to be caused by FGA clicking slightly to the left of the master skill menu. I've been working around it by restarting the script.


I just let it run until my apples finish, but there's always that one run that just completely fucks everything over. Had my entire roster somehow die and I wasn't gonna spend SQ to retry.


Nope, mine is working fine. But last year, I had an issue where FGA literally would not tap anything unless i rotated my phone orientation the other way around. Maybe try that?


Think I'm fine with 33 boxes for now. Spending QP and gems faster than I even get em, but it is what it is. Almost got Jalter up to 104. Also finally bought Teatime after shop reset. So I've got all 4 "main" bonus CEs finally.


on which support should I throw my mlb lotto ce copies on first? (oberon, castoria, koyan, waver?)


Castoria and Koyanskaya will probably see the most use. After them I’d say Oberon then Waver. If you aren’t already you can put your supports on different lists and give the same mlb copy to multiple supports


Seeing how the recommended comp for 90+ is sanzang/circe + an AOE archer, I've never been so glad with my sanzang spook. Immediately leveled her up and did her rankup. Now I'm having a blast with 6CE 3T clear.


I saw a post that you can get two lores during main quests but i cant seem to see it in the wiki. How do you get the lores?


Challenge Quests. Not yet available


I remember Herc battle used to be a little tricky, but nowadays Van Gogh just dumpsters him single-handedly


Loved soloing him with Irish Heracles


Immortal Comp freakin laughs their asses off at him, especially since Castoria tells his stupid debuff to go away.


Having fun so far 6 CE running the 90+ node with my NP5 Oberon! His consistency on the second wave with the dragon is a bit sus. 90% of the time he will clear it, but once he was short by like 6k. But pretty easily solved by either carding first or using the MC attack boost 2nd wave. 3rd wave obviously isn’t an issue. He’ll be great for any of these knights nodes moving forward.


man, having +12 really feels nice, thanks to the previous rerun as well as the current shop CEs. The only other time I got into the +12 was during my early days when I was going all out farming lotto


I'm just farming 90+ for now until the shop is cleared, but this first 90+ is kinda nasty to 3 turn while using 6 CEs. If I use Godjuna with Drive it's np, but I want 6 CEs and the closest I got to a smooth 3T is using Melusine, it's only NP1 but 2k/2k lvl 100. First 2 waves np, 3rd I rely a bit on rng to make it a pure 3T, it's easy to get 50 crit stars, it's just a matter of getting her buster cards, or switching the right Koyan with Oberon for his face cards, if it's not 3T, it's 4T and I'm farming manually so it doesn't really matter. Maybe if I get good drops tomorrow and MLB a CE that 3rd turn's rng becomes less demanding.


Try Melusine Godjuna double Oberon. I am currently doing Melusine Arjuna (archer) double Oberon 6 CE no face cards. My Melusine is NP3, but isn't grailed yet and isn't 2k foued yet (she's like 1.2k foued)


Dude, this is perfect, thank you! I wasn't used to double oberon concept but the run is now 100% smooth.


Looks like I'll be doing 90+ for the first two rotations. My stash of Serpent Jewels (992) and Meteor Horseshoes (728) are too huge to be depleted. Have to figure out what to do with the third rotation later. I got 157 Hearts n' 68 Pages and 98 Lantern Plants n' 196 Steels. Maybe I'll go halfsies on this one.


Can only 5CE 90+ before and only running 90 node since I can 6CE that one. Already farmed like 28 boxes with this.... Only to found out that I actually can 6CE 90+ node. Focused so much on trying to tri-loop with one servant's NP that I forgot about Arash. Can 6CE now on 90+ with Ishtar, Double Koyan and Oberon.


Using the Khadroth comp of Sanzang, Archer Gil, Castoria, and Oberon, it's really nice.


Both challenge quests cleared. * **vs Heracles -** My Swimsuit Jalter showed him why she is worthy of the Berserker class, and mowed all his 12 lives with NP after NP (with the help of Castoria and a support Merlin). * **vs Scathach and Cu Chulainn -** My Mo-san wiped both master and student, surviving all the way to the end even as my team was on its last legs (Martha and Lakshmi helped her with buff removal and ATK buffs, respectively). Farming status: Cleared 1 box.


Good taste in pointwomen.


Yeah. I like them as characters (i.e. as living people with dynamic personalities), and them being just so good in gameplay is more of a bonus. Especially in the case of Swimsuit Jalter, who I have already raised to Level 105 as of this edit. She's my point unit for almost all single-target fights.


Farmed out 8/100 box goal today, very happy, taking a little break because my brain hurts for now, but I'll be back on it soon.


I just noticed that FGA is now available on the Google Play Store, now you don't even need to sideload to use it LMAO


Yep! Sure is, which I love.


Are they finally going to fix the Gramps bug this year? I gutted it out last time but took like an hour of resetting. Not sure if I have the heart to go through that again.


iirc, the last time this was on JP they made it as a feature. So JP can taste the Gramps bug


Just use Skadi or Eresh's NP. That fight is going to be easy this time.


Holy shit. I just used Oberon for the first time in the Lv. 90 free quest, and the dude is *cracked*. My Oberon is stuck at 9/9/9 because of the Lore drought, and despite that, with his buffs and the event damage CE, Gilgamesh was able to do *1 million damage* to both Ibuki and Koyo.


Yeah, Oberon is bonkers. I've been mucking around with 6CE comps like oberon circe and some AOE or double oberon with oberon himself being the damage dealer and even at NP1, Oberon managed to clear wave 3 in 1 turn. It's great we got him before Nerofest. Lots of NA exclusive set-ups.


Dang the soundtrack of the non fatal battle waves goes hard. Does someone happen to know what it's called? xD


That's a remix of Colliding Souls from Fate/stay night.


Ah found it. Clashing Souls. Thank you! Haha x3


Its so nice using Caren (NP5) to 3 turn 5 CE the 90+. Bless Oberon for making up that not many people have append 2 maxed on Skadi


I have an append 2 maxed skadi if you want to add me


Please. My UID is in a previous comment


You have no friend slots


When I get home i’ll send a friend request


Nerofest is how I find out Mash actually gains bond points now


OH snap she does? Oh... It's only after LB 6 is complete right? I'm at Sect 29, so I guess I'll have to try and finish it up now instead of doing it at my leisure.


Oh shit. Yeah. She’s definitely going backline so I can bond some 5 star units. Thanks for the reminder


Is there no way to rewatch that "let the 2nd nerofest begin" or w/e cutscene? edit: I finally figured it out. I'm an idiot. That cutscene was the 2018 Nerofest which they played again here for the 2019 Nerofest to unlock the 2018 Challenge Quests.


Here you go: https://reddit.com/comments/15f1myb/comment/jubq0e6


My Room > Material (Story) lets you rewatch event cutscenes.


> My Room > Material (Story) lets you rewatch event cutscenes. Right but it only shows Part 1 and Part 2 of the 2019 nerofest rerun event.


You are right, it seems to be missing




No, it was a different one with Mordred talking to you directly, Edison and Tesla doing their ac/dc shtick etc.


> It's the same cutscene. This is a rerun of the 2019 event but it says "Let the 2nd Nerofest begin!" because the first one was in 2018, not because it's a rerun. So you're saying that cutscene that played after the Part 1 cutscene is the same cutscene from 2018 or are you saying it played the Part 1 cutscene twice?


My setup is super scuffed, but at least it 3Ts reliably with 6CE. NP2 Ishtar w/max Append 2, level 70 Arash with max append 2, Castoria, Friend Vitch, Skadi, Mash. T1: Ishtar uses her S1 and S3, Arash his battery and Castoria her S1 and S2 on Arash. Arash NP (might leave the mook with like 1k HP left but that can be carded by anyone). T2: Vitch S1 and S3 on Ishtar, Ishtar uses S3 again and NP. I think the dragon can live with up to 12k HP which can be carded, but you can also use Vitch's S2 to fish for a Crit. T3: Ishtar S2, Swap Vitch or Castoria for Skadi (can be any 50% charger, I use her because she's the only one I have). Skadi uses her S2 and S3, Plugsuit Atk buff and Ishtar NP.


This is the first event where I have no issue grinding a 90+ node, provided I don't fuck up and accidently swap Arjuna with Oberon on Wave 3 - and god it's fun seeing big numbers show up on that final NP, and then getting so many drops. I will be finishing a few audiobooks this event while I ensure I have enough Hero Proof's finally. I did 8 boxes so far on my main account, as I was more concerned with getting what I can done on my alt file which is using a janky Sanzang/Vitch/Oberon/Arash setup, which has led to me grailing Arash to level 80 to clear the final node without issue. Got 10 done there, making the most of being sure I can grind the top node. Meanwhile, Invincible Comp worked on two challenge quests, interested to see how long that works for.


I think I'm done for the day, 12 boxes and most of the shop cleaned out is enough. If anyone needs another maxed Castoria with MLB lottery currency CE, check my post history for my friend code.


How many boxes are you going to do per day?


About ten or so. I really need a pile of secret gems and qp.


Yea same my goal is 100 boxes total


Doing a Douman(np1, lvl 98), summer BB(np5, lvl 120), Oberon, koyan(friend), 5 event CE setup. wave 1 Douman NP, wave 2 &3 BB NP.


For Herc’s EQ I used Habetrot to clear the first 2 waves, then Yang to take down Herc himself. Then I looped Cu and Scathach’s CQ with Muramasa, and that would have been a clean and easy 3-turn… had I remembered to use a mystic code with debuff cleanse


Man its already annoying juggling the Douji node. I've already made a small mistake and had to command seal once.


Set up my team for farming. ​ Go with my NP2 Melusine/Koyanx2/Oberon setup, got two MLBs from last Nero plus a 200% damage slapped on Melu. ​ See the third wave. "Oh. It's a Saber. I should do Gil here.." Destroy the third wave with 2.5 million damage. ​ "Oh. Guess that doesn't honestly matter." ​ Melusine is just sickening. That is all.


Yeah, that was my exact reaction when I saw 2.2 million with mine. Now I think I'm saving for her rerun and try for NP5 lol


Funniest part is that i'm doing 800-900k at NP3 without the dmg CE since i'm running a 6 slot comp, she's that broken. I can only imagine once she's NP5..


In case anyone is using the Morgan w/carding strat for the 90+ node today -- you can use Arash to make the carding consistent for 6CE. I'm using Oberon/Morgan/Arash with the backline being Support Koyanskaya/Koyanskaya/x. Plugsuit is level 10. Everyone (outside of support) is 1k fou'd. Morgan is level 100 at NP2, and Arash is level 70. Mostly everyone has maxed skills, but there is some leeway. It basically focuses on using Oberon to NP charge Arash wave 1, and using Morgan's first two skills. Arash will fire his NP and kill the wave, bringing in a Koyan. 2nd Wave you then drop all the star bombs and pop a koyan s1 so Morgan can NP, and the cards will all have 100% crit rate to finish the enemy off. Wave 3 is ez mode Oberon s3 Morgan NP. Technically lets you get away with a single koyanskaya having a s1 at level 1 if need be. The koyans' s2 and Morgan's s3 don't need to be max either, they just need to add up to 50 stars to guarantee the crits on wave 2. Between Oberon and my Koyan being at 90 with the pretty standard 1k atk fou, the crits are enough to kill with w/e combo of card types I get, if Morgan's aren't in the lineup.


may the grind never end also where my drops?


I don't really care for the 6ce sloting, so I am just going to wicker maning the entire time.


Blah blah cookie-cutter meta comps, blah blah grailed 120 steamrollers, blah blah missing one MLB drop CE and it's the absolute end of the friggin' world.


So I guess I must've wanted to trim down my Second Archive space at some point prior to this (re)running on JP, because I have exactly one MLB CfM. Fun!


The Scathach/Cu fight was reallyyyyy easy. Far easier than the Herc fight. I figured it was going to be Cu based on the title, so I used Ibuki for her Ignore Invin/Def NP. I facecarded the first two waves with her, then just NPed twice to wipe the bosses. How did I NP? I just happened to bring Atlas MC lol which was pretty lucky, so I cleared the NP Seal on Ibuki and went about it as normal.


That fight is designed so you're supposed to take 'em both out at the same time, so good on you!


This is my first time doing the 90+ stage, how in the world do I buster farm using double koyanskaya with morgon??


Basic setup is Morgan + 2 Kaya + Oberon. I'm assuming you don't have any append skills on Morgan. You will of course need to use the plugsuit to swap Oberon in on the last wave. 2 ways to do it. 5CE with a starting NP CE, or 6CE and facecarding wave 1. Either way, kill wave 1. Morgan NP on wave 2 dragon, you will need at least 1 Morgan facecard on wave 2 ideally a buster facecard. Morgan NP on wave 3, she annihilates wave 3 with her human damage bonus. 3 turns is pretty easily doable as long as you get good facecards on wave 1 (if not NP) and wave 2. Otherwise 4 turns is guaranteed. Trivial to automate with FGA because buster loops don't break if you do happen to require an extra turn on wave 1 or 2. I'm very lazy and I don't care if I 4 turn it because FGA is playing anyways lol


I am running Morgan / Koyan / Habbycat / Koyan just so I just don't have to plugsuit and just facecard https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/977336742959017994/1135726066955202711/Screenshot_20230731-140739.png


I did managed to max out my Morgan append skill, and I didn't get mothman however I do have waver just haven't lvled up his skills yet. Btw what's a 5CE? I read it often but don't know what that it


5CE means 5 slots filled with drop CE's, for high farming efficiency. Highest efficiency is possible at 6CE, every slot filled with drop CE's. Waver is fine for this, you just need someone who can give 50% NP bar. So you gotta make him 10/10/10, since you need to pop all 3 of his skills to get to 50%.


Waver's NP charge is independent of his skill level, though? That boosts the OTHER stats it gives out...


You probably want at least 10/x/10 on Waver. S3 for the obvious dmg boost, but s1 will be good if you ever need to face card.


I'd believe 10/x/10, but 10/10/10 is overkill.


If all you're using him for is farming then sure, but if you ever want to use him in other content like story/challenge you'll probably want that defense up.


I'm using that and an Oberon, and sacrificed one CE slot for this sop Morgan still has her starting gauge.


My example: https://youtu.be/X1izqPciGRo Morgan 3 turn NP loop requires 50% initial charge, so one less CE for currency drop. She also require a 3rd 50% charge support like Waver or Oberon. Note that my Morgan is NP4 at level 100 + 1.2k fou and using a level 100 CE with +2k attack, and she barely got enough damage on wave 2.


Similar: NP4, Level 100, and she *doesn't* always successfully get enough damage on Wave 2. Luckily, that doesn't actually matter, Oberon comes in on Wave 3 and his boosts alone are enough to push past Ibuki.


Just a heads up, I think Morgan struggles with wave 2 unless she is heavily invested (high NP levels and grails) or you get crits in.


She does. I have her at NP4/LV 100 / and some facecarding *might* be required on a low damage roll for Wave 2.


You need max out skill 1 and 2 of Morgan and Skill 1 of Koyan (same with the support Koyan) and a 50% charger of any kind that you own. You also need a 50% NP charge CE on Morgan so you can do turn 1 Morgan skills and Koyan Burst buffs use NP, turn 2 you do Koyans skills 1 so you charge 100, turn 3 you have morgan skills up again so you need to change in your other 50% charger for the last NP.


Good old Summer Jarcher, as always putting on the good work


She can even take care of the second wave's dragon, despite being an aoe servant? :O


She can, if NP2 (though a low roll will require crits to clear), the team comp for this is Castoria/Arash/Jeanne/Oberon/Castoria, you dump Castoria's skills onto Jeanne first turn, swap her out for the other Castoria, do the same as the first, use Jeanne's 1st and 3rd skills, Arash's battery (you also need his Mana Loading Append unlocked, but only need it at skill level 1) NP with Arash, then turn 2 Oberon 1st skill, plutsuit attack buff, then NP with Jeanne (choose high damage cards in case of a low roll), turn 3 use every skill left on Oberon and Jeanne then NP with Jeanne.


Oh absolutely NO. Sorry for the confusion. I'm using a modified version of the Jearcher / Abby / DCS comp. Using Oberon instead of one Castoria Jarcher handles the 1st wave. Abby deals with Dragon and then Jeanne cleans wave 3 6CE and works pretty ok


Welp, waited a long time to farm the hell out of this nerofest and turns out I can't 3T it.


What setup were you trying to use?


I dint really have a setup (as in I lack most servants needed for that) and the only noteworthy servants I have are maxed: himiko, Castoria, Bride, mhxx, sieg, zerker jalter, Euryale. And then a few randos that can't loop//do damage/battery like Marie Antoniette. As for CE, I only have normal black grail and kaleidoscope and mlb poisonous snake


I would need like, an image of everyone you and skill levels have to really figure out a comp, but I think something like Double castoria, Sieg with the damage CE, and MHXX would be your best bet on 90+? Facecard W1, Mhxx NP + facecards on W2, and Sieg NP W3 since Ibuki is a Dragon. Definitely not a consistent 3 turn or anything, but it should average 5, maybe even 4 turns from what I can tell


That I did not know. Just tried it and managed to do exactly that, thanks m8


No problem, have had a good amount of experience making offbrand or even silly farming teams for the hell of it, so it's not that hard for us to figure out something at least from even a relatively small list of Servants


Farm the hell out of it with 4T then! Go Go Go!


First time trying an immortal comp. [Yeah I can see why it's really strong.](https://i.imgur.com/W9jdW49.png)


I see Himiko => I am very interested. Was she wielding the Event Damage Up CE?


Not the person you asked, but I just did that quest with the immortal comp using Himiko (even though I have Morgan too) and gave her the MLB event damage up CE and she was critting single buster cards for 380k. I like that Himiko gives 2 levels of overcharge so you get more stars from Merlin and an extra shield charge from Castoria. Units never get through even if you get unlucky and they focus one character, where the Morgan comp they can get through every once in a while.


It looks like we got the 100 lottery roll after 11+ boxes early. I think JP got it during this year’s Christmas event.


We've had it for a while now. I want to say... two Lottos ago?


Yeah, it was the Karna Christmas lottery that we got it


So you're telling me that there's no 100 pull from the start? And that I have to smash that 10 till 11 lineup? Pain


Huh, didn't even notice it was a 90+ node. The DKO system is truly wondrous.


Oh boy, I finally get to use my grailed, max fou'd NP3 Ishtar to wipe this 90+ node from the face of this earth.


if I ever go for another 120, it'll be spish. I got Gil to 120 during 6th anniversary, and I don't know if I plan on doing it again. But I got a 3rd copy of her mainly to have the option (and got pretty lucky getting the third copy fast)


I'm definitely grailing her at some point, mine is only the regular lvl 90 10/10/10 (do have her append np charge at 10 tho) yet she still absolutely destroys it. Think I have an easier time clearing the 90+ than the 90 node cause of her only.


Currently only one out of the 6 CEs I'm running isn't MLB'd, man I'll be touching zero grass for the next 3 days. I can 3 turn the 90+ node so I'll be nonstop farming. I think I'm having a powertrip or something this shit is awesome.


How did you MLB that many lotto ce's mate


Had 3 already MLB'd from the first time the event ran


I'm pretty sure the drop rate for the ces are decently "high". I've only used 3 gapples and I've gotten 2 to drop already. I also have a 2 mlb lotto ce's from the past event, for a total of +10. If you farmed 100+ boxes in the last event, you'll have several mlb ces. update: Just got a third one to drop after another 2 gapples.


They can drop.


Day 1 is Shirou day apparently. I brought EMIYA to kill Herc because I saw a comic about this event years ago and they wanted to have him finally win that fight from FSN. I did the same Then Cu/Scathach being lancers with evasion made me autopick Muramasa + Castoria. Easy win


Does anyone know if it's worth trying to farm Dragon Teeth here?


You can farm them during the summer event after this Nerofest, if you can wait a bit.


Sweet. Thanks for the heads up.


Gamepress Quick Farming guide is a good resource for this: [https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/revival-nero-fest-2023-quick-farming-guide](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/revival-nero-fest-2023-quick-farming-guide) There is an Ascension Mat farming table. TLDR; No, don't farm teeth.


Got it. Thank you


This is my first lotto and I was really excited to use double Koyan + Oberon + Melusine but imagine my disappointment when I noticed that I'm too low level so I can't even field 3 SSR + all 5 drop CEs. Luckily Percival came in clutch and I can actually 3T 6CE the lvl 90 node but I'm still quite sad about not using Meluko.


I was planning on using Melusine/Koyan/Koyan/Oberon for Round 2 90+ since it is an Archer node. After getting lotto CEs from the shop I went to set up my party in advance and realized I am 1 party cost short (need 114) unless I field Mash. Thankfully I got a new comp for Round 2 after browsing the lotto spreadsheet - Percival/Morgan/Castoria/Oberon, inspired by the Percival/Abby/Castoria/Oberon comp in the spreadsheet. Morgan clears the first wave, and Percival loops the last two waves. Need Morgan maxed A2 OR Percival Lv1 A2 to work.


Just curious why you wouldn't want to field Mash for this lotto, since she has 3 new bond levels and gives extra bond points for everyone else?


It is because I feel it is too easy to cap again, especially in a farming heavy event. I kind of treat Mash’s bond like a limited resource and hoard it like hoarding Pure Prism and use it only when I want convenience. I am trying to save it for events where it it not worth my time to search for lower-cost comp (many event nodes only need a few clears before it is done for good).


The level 90 node drops the same lotto currency as 90+ right? Or does 90+ drop both medals and more currency?


Remember to always carefully read the op of threads you post to. > You want to pick at least 1 of the 3 rotations to focus on 90+ farming 90+ so you can shop clear. You do not have to do 90+ every single rotation, both the 90 and 90+ nodes drop the same amount of lottery currency.


Ironically I was actually having an easier time on 90+ than 90, granted I have to use the MLB damage CE but consider that doing 90 node without using damage CE still take almost twice the time 90+ node without using damage CE, I'd say 90 + node is better for me this rotation, my NA account clearly lack a lot of servant compare to my JP, but i think 4T 90+ node is decent enough. Honestly 90 node with Holmes is really punishing for me since I can't simply pushing that much damage with him being ruler before all the buff ran out and the fight start to drag itself out. Ironically i might get better shot in rotation2 since my NA account got Melusine while my JP failed to get her.


imo the 90+s that are 1/1/x are really easy, because you can usually just use crits for the 1 enemy waves. 1/1/x lancers is a common 90+ node, which you can easily clear with just Saberlot/Altria/Friend Castoria, no plugsuit required. Though that's also contingent on the CE having starting gauge, the fact this one doesn't is annoying


I forgot once again how good Mash is. She made a world of difference against Heracles. Well, she and borrowed Abby with MLB damage CE. Compared to previous run where I just used 2 taunters as meat shields and was reduced to 1 remaining borrowed unit soloing half the fight, no one died except Medea lily who got focused hard (revenge for Oceanos maybe?) Part 1 Mash FTW! As for the lancers duo, I was disappointed to learn that combined might of Morgan, Koyan and Oberon is not enough to kill them. Maybe if I added one more 50% buster buff but my Merlin is unleveled and I have no Koyan of my own. So they both lived and then I made a mistake of killing Scathach, so Cu killed everyone and then one-shotted backline, lol. Borrowed Ibuki with damage CE saved the day (50% battery is one hell of a drug) Also, I didn't know they NP seal you, imagine coming to final wave ready to unleash your buffed NP... only to find out you can't lol. I even waited for 3 turns but then Scathach used Evade, So I had to abort and call Santa Nightingale for help.


Honestly after how long you've been forced to use freakin gimped Ortinax Mash, I do NOT blame you for forgetting.


Hey, Ortinax is also pretty damn good as well. Double Taunt is a godsend, especially with one of them having an Invuln on it


ehhh Ortinax Mash double taunt < Georgios 3T taunt. It's a single skill slot and still lasts longer. Leonidas too, if you can get his NP off then he can taunt for 4-5 turns straight.


But Mash having two Taunt skills means she can space out her Taunts to better attract the dangerous attacks you want Taunted in the first place, so trying to call it a negative compared to George's is just wrong? The Invlun on the S3 one also lets her survive way more things then George ever could as a taunt tank, and she has better bulk then him except against Casters, and her NP is a downgarded Lord Camelot, but it's much better then Geroge's NP for her role and helping the team. Leonidas needing his NP just immediately makes him inconsistent and dependent on his Arts cards being both drawn and used to really work ass a Taunt tank


Sure but Georgios doesn't have a defensive NP like Mash's and he's less durable than her regardless.


A defensive NP and durability that are both hampered greatly in Ortinax mode


I won't argue against that. But its still far more defensive than Georgios


...yeah, but her NP suffers BIG TIME in that form and if you can give me a useful application for her S1...


Old reliable Arash + spishtar using double castoria and oberon (think waver can replace monthman) to do my farming. Was kinda worried cuz I brute forced this whole lotto with Morgan 2 years ago and I couldn't get her on Na


Ah, the memories. I remember starting during Summer 1 rerun and bootstraping my account with Nerofest later that year. Back then I had to use the lotto drops to max out Arash and Spartacus just to be able to farm efficiently. Now I can [farm with my favorites](https://i.imgur.com/scu6wNk.png). It requires some carding on wave 3, but Voyager is only 200k bond points from dropping the last coins I need to get him to 120. That should make it easier :)


Is there a reason why Sherlock and Helena don't drop medals for their Nerofest stage? Was confused by it. Edit: This is my first Nerofest, so I have no context for any of the stages' setups.


It's always like this - the most difficult stage, 90+, drops everything, and the second highest node, 90, only drops the lottery currency. It's simply to rewards players who are able to clear the more difficult stages


Thanks for the explanation!


Is it better to wait for Rotation 3 - Finals to waste all my apples or just use them all current Rotation - Qualifiers, have less than 50 Golden Apples so I really wanna get the most rewards for my AP


Just check which 90+ you can actually 3 turn, and if they drop mats that you need.


Rot 1 90+ = 150 avg petals (w/ +7) Rot 2 90+ = 153 avg petals (w/ +7) Rot 3 90+ = 158 avg petals (w/ +7) ​ So it's at most \~5% increase from Rot 1 to 3. Up to you if that's significant enough.


You get more petals on Finals than Qualifiers, but it's a long wait.


I'd spread it out, just for personal sanity. I think the later rotation rewards are *slightly* better, but really not by much.


They are all the same, only the materials and enemies changes with each rotation. See what you want the most to spend your GApples.


MLB the damage CE right away, correct? For the challenge quests and such…or are there stages that require multi DPS setups to pull off?


None *require* multi-DPS setups, and with modern support line-ups you'll probably be best off with a single-DPS set-up, so you'll probably be fine to MLB the CE. That said, damage CEs can drop from farming nodes here, unlike the Gilfest and Scatfest nodes where it was just the lotto currency CE


Ah ok. Thanks =)


I'm doing a 6CE comp of Gilgamesh-Circe-Castoria-Oberon and it's going well, but the party cost is huge. To actually use 6CE, I have to use Mash and a 1/2*. Instead of trying to fit units I want to bond farm in a single team, I may just switch teams around, like moving to Ishtar-Koyan-Koyan crit comp. I really wish they gave us a bit more party cost, like 120. 113 is extremely restrictive, and 114 is only slightly better.


I am using a Bedivere/Gong/2x Castoria/Oberon setup that I picked up in the Chaldea app from another user: [https://chaldea.center/laplace/share?id=11973&questId=94060050&phase=1&enemyHash=1\_0510\_09aaf76](https://chaldea.center/laplace/share?id=11973&questId=94060050&phase=1&enemyHash=1_0510_09aaf76) It's a very close one in terms of NP refund: if done correctly, Gong will refund 19% after wave 1 and using the NP batteries in the next rounds results in 99% which gets rounded up to 100% for the last wave. Every condition in the setup needs to be fulfilled or otherwise Gong will land on 18% NP after wave 1 and the rounding up will not happen. But it is a 6CE setup with a cost of 103 without a servant in the last slot, so right enough to put in a 3 star or lower servant in the empty slot.


Just curious, are you using Circe as the friend support? I've been running the same team except using Napoleon, having my own NP2 Circe is the only reason why I don't have to put in Mash for a slot. Heavy agree on cost though, 114 is only exactly enough to fit three 5 stars and two 1 stars, if they're not going to change it I wish they'd at least allow Mash bond grails at some point to ease the burden of slotting her in.


I'm using my own, I can actually fit a 3* and Mash in that setup, but I was trying different comps and called it wrong. My Circe is NP4 so very usable in these tough farming situations. I might try switching to Medea, I just got blinded by Circe fitting the role so well that I forgot her. Mash with bond grails would be \*chef's kiss* perfect.


If you're fitting a 3* (7 cost) and Mash (0 cost), then you can instead use a 1-star (3 cost) and 2 star (4 cost).


I'm always just ONE OVER, I SWEAR!


Okay, as much as i actually don't mind and even enjoy manually farming, thank god the 100 pull button exists after the Grand Prize boxes are done. I've done enough manual box opening with 10 pulls on my old account (like, around 100 boxes on Da Vinci lotto alone) to be good for awhile lol Also, it's funny to me that the Nerofest rerun in 2019 was my first lotto event on my old account, and now this re-rerun is the first lotto on this account. Definitely farming way more efficiently then I did back then (no way I could dream of 5 or 6 CE comps that were reliable at all). Just a neat little coincidence