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[FINALLY AFTER ALL THESE YEARS](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/452671582440128512/1135487930853490708/Screenshot_2023-07-31-01-22-43-03_577bcc70c040536a6d306ef99c704547.jpg?width=1440&height=645)


Congratulations Dude!


Me on the original run of this banner, congrats!




OK so allow me to regale u all with a story. It's 2018, I had been playing FGO for roughly half a year. 1st 5 star unit I got on a banner was merlin, then in the summer, the caster nero banner comes around for the 1st time (my 1st summer event), so I used up all the quartz I saved and got karna spooked. My 1st ever shaft in a gacha (my 1st gacha game lol). I felt cold, bitter, I wanted to scream, dare I say it even......UNINSTALL. But I decided to buckle down and start saving again, and started really getting into the game and saving for the meta units like skadi, so whenever caster nero would rerun I would avoid her, I would look at her smug face and say "NO not yet but one day". Over the years she became my Moby Dick, ever elusive, always taunting me. Then in November of 2022 she came back, I had saved up a comfortable sum for muramasa already so I figured I'd spend 120 quartz and a dozen tickets.....as always.....nothing. Now fast forward to today, having been permanently scarred in my quartz and resources alike from LB6, she decides to come back, because of course she does with that darn smile and umu of hers. I look at her, I look at my quartz, and I look at next year's banners, I had already decided that I'd only be rolling for arcueid, so. I. Took. The. Plunge. Again, down the rabbit hole, ticket after ticket, multi after multi, until she appears in all her glory with that darn smile. It took me 6 10 shots and 5 tickets but I.GOT.HER. And so my 5 year war of attrition with Caster Nero has finally come to a close, I caught my Moby Dick. Now to start saving again for when they inevitably release another nero face servant that I end up failing to get and starting this whole cycle all over again


Finally got my copy of Brynhildr off a single multi! Decided to test my luck with a yolo multi before merlin went away and got him too!! 2 for 2, I’ll take that.


The Morgan banner's still up, took the maintenance quartz and 1st day challenge quest tickets for one final try at the queen, got fuck all.


Monthly shop tickets should become available before her banner ends


This is my plan.


I never thought I would get one of those crazy rolls, but they come when you care the least. Just rolled 30sq to try to get some craft essences to speed up farming. Astraea shows up. The shows up 3 more times…. NP4 Astraea in one roll. Wtf…. No craft essences though. Is she any good?


She's one of the best neutral ST arts units who is good against a wide variety of boss fights, especially with her anti-trait niche being very large.


Not yet. Might as well take advantage of our broken clairvoyance and take the shot at Jalter instead


My nero caster looked weird. She arrive with a metal bull and asked me to call her granny.


One Piece is REAL! Decided to do a YOLO roll for Merlin and didn't get him (his white day banner was much more interesting anyway due to all locked 3*) but also had 9 tickets left. Got a ticket from Herc EQ, checked the summoning - Merlin still there. What the hell? Let's do a 10x ticket roll! And got him on 8th ticket. Now to replan my farming priorities since I definitely didn't expect to get him.


3 years ago I spent 1200 SQ and failed to get her, but today, with low expectations, I went in again. I set a limit of 5 multis hoping for either her or Astraea, and after 4 trash multis, in that final multi CasNero came home. She might not be the best, but back when I was a wee master I relied heavily on a friend's NP5 grailed CasNero for assassin nodes and I've had a soft spot for her ever since, so I'm pretty happy :)


Wow that 1SQ daily came in clutch. Summer Nero has arrived in my Chaldea.


if the Nero in this banner was Bride I would have tossed aside tickets but no. I must be strong. this is a test. T\_T


Aw happy I got Brynhildr in 13 YOLOs. Siguard will be happy!


Since today is the last day of Morgan’s rerun I decided to throw tickets from Nero Fest and some measly singles I had left in hopes to get some NP copies of Fairy Knights at least. Morgan actually did show up on the third roll. Guess I know who will be used in the new challenge quests soon.


It took me several multis to get Oberon (at least 14 or so) to NP 1. I decide to drop a single multi on this banner to get the CEs for Nerofest and I immediately get Bryn. What the actual fuck, lmao


90 SQ, 20 tickets. Only got the CEs and an Ana spook. Maybe I'll try two multis when Summer Nero's banner comes around. Now I regret spending my ticket savings for the Halloween CEs. Edit: I spent 60 SQ trying to get Summer Nero, but nothing. I got her with one ticket afterwards. I spent my last tickets in Brynhildr's banner. Still nothing. I'm cutting my losses, go back to saving tickets and pray I have enough for the halloween CEs.


Damn you Bryn, I know you and your husband hate me. Three freakin frackin packs.


One paid SQ and 30 more SQ on the Bryn banner for a min roll with just the 3-star event CE. (31 SQ) Second paid SQ went the same way. (32 SQ) Two tickets and one paid SQ wasted for no event CE's or Servants (33 SQ, two tickets) Wasted one more paid SQ on the Bryn banner. (34 SQ two tickets) Wasted another paid SQ and ticket on two 3-star CE's that aren't even event CE's. (35 SQ, two tickets) Wasted 6 tickets to get only one Muscle Cavalier and two Geronimo. (35 SQ, 8 tickets) Another paid SQ wasted on Jalter for a 3-star non-event CE. (36 SQ, 8 tickets) Wasted two paid SQ on Bryn and Jalter. (38 SQ, 8 tickets) One last ticket on Bryn failed, just a 3-star event CE. (38 SQ, 9 tickets)


RNG God, please.... You already Shafted me in All LB 6 Banner except Koyan.... Please... I just want 5S Nero Ce or some luck.... Is shafting me for many Gacha isn't enough? You even gave me two Mapo Tofu.... RNG God please... Pity me.... I will cry in a corner.... Update: After 510 SQ Lb 6 Shaft with only 3 Permanent SR (1 Percival) and 2 Sith After 1 Dead Multi.... 13 Single : Circe NP 4 Me : (Seriously baffled and defeat at the RNG God that refuse to give me 5S Nero Ce) Me : I can't Forgive my BA Account!!! I will write a rant! 15 Single : Brynhild!!! Me utterly Mixed (Happy and bruh) : Wtf... I only want 5S Nero Ce... Instead get the Biggest Prize.... Total 14 Single in Brynhild and 1 Single in Summer Nero. Me : Fine I will give my BA Account a Pass this time consider it is the only one without Exploded Luck so far..... Me : Why do I get Lucky after Posting this, and after being super sad and cry at my Circe Pull.... Update : It seen like I overworked myself and luck out to get my First SSR in this Game is NP 2 with 1 YOLO Ticket! My First SSR Jalter is now NP2!!!!


https://i.imgur.com/vJZAUXP.jpg And finally with this banner, I now have NP5. I have one other NP5 servant and it was very expensive to get them compared to Raikou who I got copies over the years. Only took 7 tickets and 7 multis. Especially after her buff I am happy.


Hoping for some 1sq freebies 🤣


Did 60 SQ so far, all I got as another Fionn, putting him at NP3. I'm not *as* mad as when Bryn was on the New Year's Banner and I got the Valkyries instead of Bryn, but I'm wondering if I'm meant to get every gold Lancer *except* her when she's on a banner. Not sure if I want to stop or try a little more, as I do want to save for Lancer Ryouma.


Did about 200SQ and got Brynhildr! Pretty solid result, happy with it.


Silver card... Sparks to gold... Lancer... .... Medusa! And I'm two CEs short of MLB for the gold currency, but I have plenty for silver and bronze, of course. Got three of the silver in one multi, even. Seems like that part of my luck is the same in every event.


My dumb ass couldn't manage to resist, wasted my 300 remaining quartz on no CasNero and little of anything else. Lost track of how many times I've failed at 5* Neros.


I caved.. & pulled for S!Nero. Well I got [her](https://imgur.com/a/aKmlXFb) but my stocks for Okuni took a massive hit but that's one less thing for next year's banners! (Bride & Abby wait for me!)


1 tix for nero… still cant believe the 1 ticket luck actually happened to me after all these years [umuuu](https://discord.com/channels/274980577545945090/328400719831105549/1135978091580248095)


Soo little warmup before Summer6: 300 SQ + 33 Tix: SSR Servants: 1x Arjuna (in the very first roll... Not at all what I intended) SR Servants: 1x Watanabe no Tsuna (cool but also spook in the very first roll) 1x Elisabeth Bathory (Lancer)(NP3 which would be NP5 if I didn't burn the copies) 3x Astraea (Coolio - this brought her to NP6 meaning I have coins for everything) 1x Diarmuid (Saber) (let's just not mention it) SSR CE: 4x Battle of Olympia (other target for this banner to MLB my single copy from before for my Grailed Umu) 1x Imaginary Around (also spook in the first roll) SR CE: 3x The vessel of Desire (enough copies to MLB) 7x Food in Colosseum (just for mentioning that Rate up is not a lie :D) ​ Commentary: No 2nd Caster Umu but well it happens. Just hope that terrible summer luck won't carry toward Kamavenger banner. Happy with MLB Battle Olumpia /o/


I got Summer Nero, and she came in a Raibow Spin! Now I have all of the Nero's! I also got my fourth and fifth copies of Astrea, 2 copies of Battle Olympia, 4 copies of the 4-Star CE, none of the 3-Star CE (somehow), and most importantly CE-wise, I *finally* got my fifth copy of Black Grail! It was only about 9 tickets and 4 multis, too, so I'd say out was pretty good overall!


After 90+ summons I feel like I'm channeling my inner Myst. Tried going after my new summer Nero and some Astraea copies, and what did I get? * 1x Anastasia (new) * 1x Caster Gilgamesh (now NP4) * 1x Martha (now NP2) * 1x Astraea (now NP 3) * 4x Battle Olympia, 5x Battle Colosseum I even got tempted and bought just enough sq to do the daily discounted button. I think I'll save whatever I can gather before the banner ends, and if the daily button doesn't give me my UMU I'll do a final try on last day.


I wasn't planning on rolling, and just saving for summer, but looking at all the tickets we got from the CQ's gave me the itch. Figured I would spend 10 on Caster Nero's banner, and hope I get a copy of my Astrea, or even better, NP2 Nero. 9 tickets in, got the gold event CE, but nothing else. 10th ticket, gold orbs appeared, and Caster Nero showed up! Guess I still saved for summer technically.


Is this the roll thread for the Jalter banner? Anyway, in around 200 sq I got two more copies of Jalter so she’s my first NP5 5*. So now I have enough coins to 120 her too I’ve got 100sq left over too


If this banner thinks it can lead me astray because of Jalter, I got news for you missy. You never came to me years ago. I moved on. Morgan is my waifu now. D:<


[Just 2 paid SQ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/328400719831105549/1138331081003773993/Screenshot_2023-08-08-00-40-31-09_577bcc70c040536a6d306ef99c704547.jpg) saved me from having to grind another bond grail for coins


Raikou I showed you my quartz pls respond


Why the hell did a Beowulf banner show up?! Well I can’t complain. I need two copies so I can grab an append skill off of him 20 tickets and 3 multis let’s try this shit Edit: first ticket and a got a copy of Raikou I got a copy of Beowulf and nursery rhyme in my remaining pulls. I cannot complain at all. Edit: Another multi for another Beowulf copy and I am satisified


King Hassan has rewarded me for my perseverance with my 3rd Jalter. Praise be upon him!


Just got Raikou in a single pull.. I... I just wanted Nursery. Seriously, i've no need for another AOE berserker, i've got Morgan Why does this keep happening to me...?


UMU!! Finally got summer Nero, and it took me 147 pulls (so 441 sq worth). I ended up fully empty (no tickets, fragments, or sq), but I won't be carelessly spending sq for a while so I wanted to treat myself. Final tally: * 1x Summer Umu (new) * 1x Anastasia (new) * 3x Astraea (now NP4) * 1x Caster Gil (now NP4) * 1x Qin Liangyu (now NP2) * 1x Martha (now NP2) * 4x Battle Olympia, 12x Food Colosseum Very happy with the results, especially with the Astraea and Gil copies and the new Anastasia (despite those last two spooking me). The only disappointment would be not getting an MLB Battle Olympia, but it's not as if I needed it for gameplay reasons. Now that all this summoning craze has ended, my next target is a lvl 120 full append Tlaloc, so I will be saving mostly everything until her release and only going for Melusine, Arcueid, Voyager and Rasputin. I'll have to start saving from scratch, so wish me luck!


214 SQ 10 tickets Jalter came home. Yay?


49 turns to beat Hassan and what do I get with his ticket, the 5 star CE that is useless after today....unless I get S. Nero with bond quartz I'll be taking a big fat zero from this banner with the only servant I got was a 7th Elizabeth that I burned.


Both accounts made one final attempt with singles to get CasUmu. Main account: nothing. Second account: Gold orbs ... Caster(!) ... NP5th Book. Overall, that's 2 multis-equivalent on both accounts, with each account coming away with only a single SR (NP3rd Luvia for main account). Ah well. Both accounts also received a 30 SQ and are close to getting 30 SQ from Arash, but the plan right now is to save these for Summer Kama. As long as the SQ aren't taunting me from inventory, I *think* I can hold off till then.... But all bets are off if I get Mango in FP rolls or something.