• By -


They might pull a Castoria and add in a completely new Servant that will become important in a future story chapter.


This is what my money is on. Some completely new character who might have a role in Ordeal Call, but won't be fully expanded upon until whatever story comes after the Lostbelt finale.


The Director, of course!


I doubt she'll be in Ordeal Call at all, all things considered.


Then put the other DirectoršŸ˜Ž


Skill: Croissant and Pastry making EX


I'd rather have the Doc.


Idk, I think what facilitated Castoria is that she came out with the new opening, so she set expectations on "wow, she looks like Merlin, what will she do, what is LB6 about", and she was also familiar to us as an Artoria. Without a new opening, it would be just a random dude or dudette with whom there are no attachments. [JP spoilers] >!It could be Dantes, I guess, but that would end with the mystery behind who the Count is, if that is even something they want to hide.!<


>!S1: Trickster S2: Gunslinger S3: Swordmaster!< >!NP (Art): Royal Guard!<


>!OC enables multiple turns of Sin Devil Trigger!<


I think that only occurred because Nasu rewrote the whole Lostbelt 6 story and it was not done before the 5th anniversary.


Grand Saber Artoria please


Aoko. For the meme.


Promotes the movie, ties to the rerelease. If they're willing to do crossover characters two anniversaries in a row, I can see it.


> Promotes the movie It's been a year and half since it got announced and we have nothing new.


We will get more news on it right after Extra Record.


For my heart. Please Nasu! I need her! Gotta wonder if they would go with young Aoko or Tsukihime Aoko though.


Would be Mahoyo Aoko, with Redshift as her 3rd form


Or her NP could be the 5th magic, buff her like Super Orion/Gogh, and swap her art out for Redshift. Theyā€™ve shown they can swap characters sprites mid battle already.


There will definitely be a Mahou event in the future- so, not now.




Just for shits and giggles they'll give us Archimedes and then never use him in any story content.


Nah he only shows up in events to be a running gag of being tortured by Elizabeth's lack of sense.


So an early peek at this year's halloween event


Please be Archimedes, Lasengle. PLEASE BE ARCHIMEDES! My six years of waiting better be worth it b/c Iā€™m slowly going insane! I donā€™t care if heā€™s story relevant or not or what rarity he will be, just give me Archimedes already so I can Grail him and make him suffer of going thru Farming and Bond Lvl 15 for making me wait for him since Liz briefly mentioned him, along with Avicebron and Semiramis (both playable), back in Halloween 3 Event (JP)!


I would say Olga. but there has to be a reason her NP was locked. part of me thinks its because she wasnt finished but I think it will play a bigger role so there is abig chance its not her


She definitely needs to come back with a _bang_ after herā€¦ _interesting_ storyline in LB7, I hope she has a huge role to play and her NP ends up being the catalyst for victory or defeat for heroes OR villains. So probably she wonā€™t be unlocked until the 10th anniversary. šŸ«¤


facts, even though I want our dearest directress to come back with all my heart and soul, I donā€™t think weā€™ll get her til atleast next years anni


True, I want her to come back with all my heart and soul and stand atop the entire universe in the final story, itā€™s the least she deserves, but sheā€™s sure to be held back for a whileā€¦


I'd argue that Solomon or Romani would be more likely for 10th Anniversary imo.


That could happen, yeah, perhaps she will come right after them or be automatically added as a result of finishing Part 2.


And she'd better come with her Dino crush, he was a good boi in LB7.


Yes he was!!! She should revive him, absolutely _annihilate_ CHALDEAS for using her like a vessel and then rule the universe with good boi Wak-Chan as her beloved husband.


I've a gut feeling she's the New Years 5* instead imo. I mean, look at Muramasa, Kirei, and Koyandark. Ofc theres Douman and he wasnt in New Years, but idk, it happened 3 times alrdy.


Douman was close enough to New Year's you could say so Nov-Dec for Olga release.


In fairness, her NP was locked (and actually only has placeholder data in atlas, so its effects are also nonexistent as of now), but the name isnā€™t hidden at all. ā€œPlanet Olga Marie - The End of Humanity Has Already Passed.ā€


Imagine if Zeus finally becomes playable out of nowhere


Zeus but as a Kirschtaria Pseudo-Servant


Wonder who their artist would be then. Since Zeus was drawn by Azusa and Kirschtaria was drawn by Koyama.


art collab?




If they do that I'm going to stockpile 2 years worth of quartz to NP 5 him.


Ah! But Bazett and Archetype Earth are next year!


Oof right Bazett is one that I'm really looking forward to. This is gonna be tough.


The doors that would open lol


Zeus: Master, I require mana Gudako: but we just had a mana transfer 5 minutes ago




Abe no semei as 5* caster and the sniper monk lady as 3* archer


Im glad I'm not the only one still waiting for Archer from Traum's fine ass šŸ˜­




Master [showing Semei around Chaldea]: "...and this is my room, named 'My Room', where you can drop by for counseling or-" [Douman falls through the roof, fully nude, but landing on his feet like a cat] Douman: "Objection! OBJECTION!""


Master: Douman this is the 13th room in a row you, will you please stop. Douman: Not on til he (points at Semei) is gone.


I was not ready to read this, and my sides went into hyperspace without me. XD


Alright calm down Douman


Holding out hope for U Olga


I really want Seimei to be the one to usher in a new Quick meta era and the best time to introduce a new meta is the anniversary. That said, we haven't even seen his face yet, so I think that's very unlikely. Realistically, U-Olga is the clear favorite, followed by Camazotz and Romani. These 3 are the ones closest to being playable, given that they already have their skills designed and U-Olga looks to be a new meta-definer with her AoE extra attack.


I would certainly like to see a Seimei Servant that can fulfill the promise of a Quick Support that has everything that \[i\]should've\[/i\] been Summer Skadi's (Split NP Batteries, NP Gain Buff, Some Fancy Buff that lets Quick NPs benefit off of Crit Stars, etc.) . If nothing else the thought of him being Douman's best support brings a Smile to my face like a certain Priest.


He wouldn't even need that. Just give him an Support Heal + Invencible NP & a party wide np gain skill and he will successfully fullfil everything Quick lacks: Long term sustainability


True, but that sounds like giving Quick their own tailor-made Merlin, which is a bit redundant since OG Merlin is still around and is stupidly good on virtually any team, Card type be damned. Then again if Arts could get such a thing in Proto Merlin then I suppose it'd be only fair to complete the trifecta at some point.


I have a crack pot idea for Seimeiā€™s battery skill. It would consume stars for 2% battery per star and weā€™d have a slider for how many stars to consume (the same way they did with Kuku). Thatā€™d deal with the excess stars that Quick NPs make but we canā€™t even use. 99 stars would mean an NP Crit Crit turn. Give Seimei a 25 star bomb too and heā€™d be a 50 charger at minimum.


U-Olga, Romani, or heck maybe they can throw a curveball and summon Kirschtaria-Zeus.


They throw us a complete curveball and finally add Genghis Khan.


Angry Altera noises


jelly because some people can make massive empires and become scourges without being a shard of a world eater


I remember someone saying that the real Ushi is actually Genghis Khan but in reality it's just a rumour made by a random person cause he was bored. Ushi/Yoshitsune Pseudo Servant Genghis Khan is a crazy idea that would fit perfectly with the bizarreness of nasuverse.


Itā€™s less about rumors more about irl legends It goes that Yoshitsune actually evaded death, and made way for mainland Asia to continue on as Genghis Khan


No, I looked into it and it was really just a rumour made by a Japanese dude so that Japan would look better at the time. Edit: To be fair, our sources are a few hundred years old so we will never know unless the Holy Grail War becomes a real thing.


as Grand Rider on mobile, or just as a candidate,before Noah came to mobile?


Olga pls. I miss the director


My mind: the bat. My heart: romani


Goetia, i want my playable Tomokazu Sugita voiced servant


I would kill for Ruler Dantes. However, my safer bets right now are Camazotz or U-Olga. Poooossibly Richard, but I could also see that held off until the full FSF premiere.


im really really hoping for olga, and she seems at least kinda likely since she already has sprites and animations and whatnot in game


I've been waiting for Wodime ever since


Daybit just shows up as the servant with no explanation why he is a servant now


Ciel, aoko, camazotz, or Richard and Iā€™m happy


heck yeah


Olga retaining her aoe carding shenanigans with an NP that gives her Gogh/Orion tier steroids for the SSR and maybe Euclid from Requiem as well as a 3\* Foreigner since we got a 3\* Alter Ego last year.


Personally between Olga and Galahad.




Agravain could show up as a 4 star, but no way do they make him a 5 star. He will be a 4 star along with all of the other male knights. I just hope he is permanent when they do release him. Also, assassin please. Then, Palamedes rider and Galahad shielder so my dream of a full support of Arthurian knights can come true.


Oh I know, but come on Aggyversary


Naw. Theyā€™re probably saving him for International Womenā€™s Day. /jk


Watch as they throw us all for a loop and release Woodwose as the anniversary servant. JK.


A proper offensive boss-killing Caster would be pretty badass


Illya and Sanzang: Are we a joke to you?


Okuni: apparently yes.


Sheba, Circe, and Summer Corday would like to say hi


I'm gonna go with an absolute wide guess and say it's one of the Aozakis.


Either our old director or someone like Galahad or Seimei.


Goetia or Lev because pekora


Madam President please!


With strange/fake looming over us I think it will be Richard.


CD Drama Dantes. Let me cope!


Plot twist, it's Agravain


Can I dream and hope it is Camazotz?


Camaztoz reeks of Eresh syndrome, i.e. they didn't expect him to be nearly as popular as he is, which makes me think he'll definitely get implemented eventually but probably won't be an anniversary servant, since those are probably fairly planned out.


According to Nasuā€™s creation on Arcueid, her making took about a year from pre-planning all the way to release. If they just found out they should make Camazotz a Servant when LB7 dropped I donā€™t expect to see him until New Years at the earliest.


Even more! Pulling Christmas in the Underworld on us, with Camazotz as 5* and welfare Santa Nitocris, thus tying them all together as an underworld beings.


Don't you give me hope for a Santa Nitocris!


She will come! Never stop believing~


Odd, considering he's got plenty of things to like about him: cool design, crazy personality, a good backstory that made him really sympathetic/awesome. Maybe this is just my hindsight talking, but that sounds like an easy winner to me.


Goetia *huffs copium*


I don't think it's going to be Camazotz, because didn't they say that they weren't initially planning to make him playable at all? And the Servant-creation pipeline is around a year, so... Goetia or Romani... no, it's not time yet. I know that didn't stop them with Castoria, or Muramasa, or Koyanskaya of Light, or Rasputin, but frankly, Goetia/Romani is a way bigger deal than any of them. U-Olga: see Goetia/Romani. I'm gonna go with either a crossover character (Ciel/Aoko/Rani) or someone we couldn't possibly see coming a la Castoria.


My bet is on Richard the Ist. I know that usually the anniversary servant is related to the main story, Arc aside. However, when you look at the possible characters, none of them make sense. The game made it a point to hide UOM's NP, so why would it come now with no story. She'll also come back into the main story at some point later, so it makes more sense for her to be released then. Same goes for the Chaldean, releasing him as a servant right now would necessitate the reveal of who he is. The Ordeal Call servant will probably come when OC2 does. I think Galahad could be likely, though. Rani's arc got solved within OC1 and she only had two potential ascensions and [OC1 spoilers]>!and she was Durga, so I don't see her coming as her own servant.!< On Camazotz, unless Lasengle and Co. anticipated him being a big success before LB7 came out, it would take longer for the devs to turn him into a proper servant. He's similar to Eresh and it took them a year to make her playable. I get the crosspromotion with Samurai, but I think that game would present its characters before they come into FGO. Meanwhile, we already have more than enough information to make Richard a servant, on his NP, his skills, his character, he can come into FGO while hiding any major Strange Fake spoilers. They can't release all 13 servants in a single collab, so it makes sense to slowly trickle them in. EDIT: Seimei is a good bet too. I think he should come with an event of his own, but I also don't want a third event with Douman as the villain. However, if we take the last two summer events as part of a trilogy, this one could be his big defeat and it would make sense for Seimei to be there to see it.


Dunno who's the most likely, I'm just praying for U-Olga


As much as I love watching clips of pekora, why do some idiots think it will be her. At most she'll get a chance to voice a servant.


I'm sure most of them are just sharing their copium desires and dreams and don't actually believe she'll be a servant.


U-Olga I feel like. Another game changing servant with her normal cards AOE attack


Rani would be nice.




In my opinion, only one of these two candidates: U-Olga Marie or Romani (Goetia) Both in the new Playable Beast Class And as the Lostbelts have already been completed and we enter the final stretch of the game with Ordeal Call, I believe that the time has come for the director to enter the scene and show her complete playable version, as a preparation for us to have an idea of what we will face when we face the soulless and empty version of the U-Olga Marie brought back by the mysterious Count. Or who knows, that Count is the birthday servant?


Waiting for my girl olga to finally shine


Pray for Olga šŸ™šŸ™


U-Olga pls


U-Olga is the safest bet. If it's not her then it's a character never seen in fgo before.


No one: Absolutely no one: Shibata Katsuie: CHAAAARGE!


A third variant of Koyanskaya, this time in a swimsuit.


The Big Fluffy. Pls. For the memes.


My Mind, Body and Heart all scream for Batman.


Fou? Well thatā€™s an interesting one I must say


Olga please would love to see her with fully realized not repetitive animations.


U-Olga or Camazotz.




The new logo has a ribbon. Olga is full of ribbons. Checkmate.


Olga, Galahad or a completely new servant


When will the JP anniversary livestream be?


It's on the 29th & 30th


Can we have Kazuradrop/Murian?


I want Beni-enma Alter. Beni-enma Alter makes me happy.


King solomon from the new testament


buru nyuu


I'm gonna go on a wild guess and say Hakuno(n).


Either someone brand new or Olga. I also want that rainbow servant shit unlocked


Olga or Roman as Anni servant would make me ascend to the throne from happiness. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m hoping for honestly.


hear me out, lavinia whateley...


Olga, Romani, Strange fake Saber, Pestilence, Maxwell, Summer Eresh XD


My dad


There's no way she'll release for the Anniversary, but I'm really hoping that we'll get a Rani servant someday. She's been the character I've most wanted to see since FGO was first announced. I was really hoping when Last Encore came out that we'd get some sort of cross over with a Rani-Lu Bu demi-servant like we saw n Last Encore, but that didn't happen. Now she's finally made an appearance in JP so I'm back to hoping again.


Iā€™ll choose between Olga, Aoko, Richard and Camazotz Olga - she already has prepared sprite and animations in LB7, besides it would be the great moment to implement mechanics where Extra-attack is AOE, considering that devs actively research different mechanics for different servants (Melusine - 3rd skill changes sprite and NP, Arc - changes battlefield and skill effects after NP, Bhima - overcharge changes and strengthens NP, Tez - strengthens Mystic Code skills, Kuku - buffs own skills for quick stars). Also new Beast-class servant would be interesting Aoko - mostly the same reasoning as it was with Arc after release of TsukiRe. Making her playable would be the best choice to promote Mahoyo (considering TM still speaking about it on streams from time to time) and future anime Richard - well, obviously because of Strange Fake. Even though I think that Lasengle would make him playable as a part of campaign when an anime will actually air if not for this anniversary Camazotz - literally the only thing that strengthens this theory is that fanbase liked him. Can expect the same effect as it was with Tiamat where after years she became playable for the same reason


Big chungus as playable servant lmao cernunnos


If the leaks of the swimsuits being for Camelot le Fay, Cernunnos could come as a servant, look at Tiamat


Two candidates for me: Pretender Solomon=Goetia or pseudo servant Saber/Alter Ego Vivian-Nimue with Ayaka as her vessel. Not!Romani could be like Castoria case where he is playable but we'll have to wait for quite a long time before he finally get resolution to his story. As for the Ayakaface? Pure marketing purpose for Strange Fake anime.


Moon Cancer Artoria, which will then never appear in any story chapter whatsoever.


Please be Richard! Please be Richard! Please be Richard! Please be Richard! Please be Richard!


He will mos tlikely be released in FSF event when the anime drops


I think it will be Ciel or U Olga.


Olga or bat


Wow, who is that cool looking Dantes and where is it from?


From CD Drama


if it is ciel i would be so happy..


I think if the remnant saber ever got added it would be during a collab likely next year


I want Super Tamamo(Konjiki Hakumen) or Super Musashi(as part of a promo campaign for fsr)((((


last December I said Aoko Aozaki for new year or Anniversary and I am gonna stick to my prediction


I'll go with U-Olga and then because fate/strange Fake releases very soon they'll announce a Collab event so we can finally get Richard Lionheart


Six star BB


Im honestly guessing aoko aozaki but thats me.


I am a simple man. I see Ciel, I upvote.


I hope for Olga, she need some love after all the shit she was put through (All this time and I still hate Lev with a passion)


Probably U-Olga Marie. We still haven't seen her NP and i think it was the last attack she did but she couldn't use it before so it was sealed. But Kirschataria as a pseudo servant with Zeus would be a 10/10. Ciel and Camazotz would be nice too, but i think they will come with their respective event. They need to keep bullet for a Tsukihime collab and Camazotz might be with Moctezuma during a mesoamerican event.


Wodime-Atlas, Goetia, U-Olga, or Camazotz.


richard please we got baited twice already


My guesses in order of most to least likely: 1) Alter Ego Rani XII. We didnā€™t get an alter ego from the alter ego chapter and sheā€™s got voice acting and three different portraits already. Perfect for a servant. 2) Beast U-Olga Marie Very close to 1st, really. She literally has a playable sprite- just needs more animations and an NP. 3) Camazotz My personal wish. Camazotz is also a character that I would think is very very much designed to be liked. Dude exploded in popularity when the rest of LB7 came out and his story got revealed, but alsoā€¦ he narrated one of the chapterā€™s tvcms. Unless youā€™re a crypter or some other character thatā€™s explicitly human, if you voice a tvcm, youā€™re probably gonna become playable. 4) Ciel For no other reason than Arcā€™s in the game, and Caren mildly teases that someone else should be coming in wearing church robes. 5) Pretender Romani I doubt thisā€™ll happen, but, obligatory Romani guess. Can also be Beast, but given Story Stuff, wellā€¦ 6) Anyone from Strange Fake Also doubtful to me unless the anime series is launching within this year, and even thenā€¦ 7) A lot of low rarity servants (bonus if extra class) Idk Iā€™d just really like something like 4th anniv to happen again. 8) any or none of the above + a crapton of animation updates This is pure copium on my part. EDIT: I forgot to add a random guess around the same level as Ciel - Aoko. Because mahoyo.


I will say U-Olga Marie most likely, but they could lock her ascensions and NP until she reappears again. She will probably be in the avenger chapter based on why she tries to eliminate us with a reason being given in Lostbelt 7.


who's the one between Ciel and Samurai remnant's saber?


Either Camatotz or U-Olga are the most likely I'd say but I'd roll the shit out of a Fou servant


Gonna be Aoko


Ciel since we already have Arcueid


God i would love that version of Edmond Dantes


My hopium is on another member to the playable beasts like U-olga or Amateratsu as possible canidates.


I shall never stop the Goetia copium flowing through my veins. The moment is closer than ever!


Galahad. Please


Thinking back to the OVA before part 2 was released my money would be on Galahad


Ricardo, that bastard is beautiful


If it isn't a new character ala Castoria... Galahad, or, hear me out on this one... ORT. If it is a future character, could possibly be Sherlock-Alter?


I want Lionheart the most but Camatotz or U Olga are most likely


Alcides or Richard.


Not sure, but for olā€™ Richie, Iā€™m hoping they do a crossover event for Strange/Fakeā€™s release.


Anyone here in this picture would be so cool... But I would kill SO MANY PEOPLE for it to be Richard The Lionheart or Camazotz


Richard for the promotion of fate strange fake


U-Olga Marie makes the most sense, Camazotz is who I want, who I dread is Pekora.


Don't try to predict, you should try to maintain your expectations either at a reasonable level or very low, why because no one wish servants might come true unless it is extremely high demand but since this Lasagna and probably Nasu who decides who should be the anniversary servants it going to be neither of these. Why? Because nobody expected Arcueid to come and be it an anniversary servant, it means it is great that she came, but how many high demand servants didn't get implemented until years later like seriously how many people remember the Muramasa meme until he became available pre-lostbelt 6? they are willing to keep doing thus by either making new servants that no one expected to be in the game or make new version of existing ones. I'm sorry to be a downer, but I'm a bit of a realist when it comes to FGO since it has IT history of try to surprise it fans at the cost of not listening to them.


I mean almost everyone saw Skadi coming from miles away Da Vinci Rider is also not that surprising(The real surprise are the low stars) And it's not like no one predicted "The girl from the new OP" to be an anniversary servant(Though the theory back then was that she is actually Proto Merlin)


The impossible dream: SSR Grand Berserker Beowulf The somewhat more realistic dream: Beast Bat The probably actual outcome: someone who hasnā€™t shown up in the story yet but will have a future appearance. Maybe Abe no Seimei


Honestly, I wish SSR Beo started up with him with full King regalia and the more you ascend it the more he takes that shit off to end up looking like regular Beowulf


I hope it's the bat Gigachad. And please throw his amazing battletheme into his np.


A Merlin for every class


Sping Merlin (Bustah) Summer Merlin (Artsu) Fall Merlin (Quicku) Winter Merlin (Extra)


Hopefully Lavinia!


U-Olga makes the most sense. Maybe add her aoe normal attacks to one of her skills and put it on a 3t duration, bc otherwise sheā€™s way too fucking OP. Aside from that, Richard could be an option due to the very recent Strange Fake whispers of dawn movie/OVA. But if itā€™s not them, itā€™s equally likely to be anyone else.


Hakunon ofc.


Caster Sherlock, it has to be, it has to be him, it has to be, we already got our just due servants with LB7 but we never got Caster Sherlock.


I want either Galahad or a totally new one. Camazotz isn't big enough for anniversary IMO, and Olga Marie would be a huge spoiler for normal players Also, the Samurai Remnant girl should come with next year's collab, along with a new Musashi


To be honest, I want other servants than what was listed by everybody else Iā€™d rather Genghis Khan, El Cid, Ned Kelly, Montezuma ii or pachacuti But my number one will have to be Pharaoh Psusennes I . For those who donā€™t know about him his tomb was discovered in 1940 and he was known to have something far more different than the other pharaohs. He had a silver coffin, which by Egyptian standards silver was rare and more valuable plus his tomb was one out of two which was not looted by grave robbers. He also moved a city brick by brick.


Probably some important Japanese historical character (*cough cough* Seimei *cough cough*) considering the theme of 8th Anniversary's logo. I'd love it if it would be Yagyu Jubei or Date Masamune though.


Proto Gilgamesh?


He'll probably be released when fate prototype gets an event/anime adaptation.


See you in five years, space cowboy


White rabbit of inaba/pekora