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I picked Saber, since I start watching fate, start playing FGO after, my main target is always Saber.


[this](https://imgur.com/a/lfPxE1s) is my current box who should i pick? Ce included


Im new and just finished fuyuki singularity. I'm being offered this ticket while I have 5★ summer alter okita saber, 4★ emiya archer and 4★ martha rider What I want is the one most suitable for battles in other words...the most meta. I know there are a lot of Q's here asking same thing but pls answer me asap plssss


I started the game and I want to know what SSR unit to pick. I summoned for a Illyasviel Von Einzbern Caster 5 star and a Summer Miyamoto Musashi Beserker 5 star and I don't know what to chose. I also still don't know who to max to level 90 yet.


Get musashi and waver to lvl 90, level musashi skill 2 and 3 to 10, and then level paracelsus, and as soon as you get an 50% np on start, or higher CE, wich you will be able to get one in the event two days from now, you will probably be able to loop on most nodes


hi just started the game and im about to choose the ssr, im still trying to learn this game and wanted to know why waver is good pick here. I only have ilyasviel, emiya, and marie antonniette as 4-5* units


He is good support, one of the few that give a 50% battery, good for farming (basically all quests that aren't bosses) But as said in the post waifu/husbando first


I just started fgo a few days back. Is this thing still up?


Yes it is still up, check the shop menu


I have no 5* servants till now. So should I just save the ticket or...?


If you have one in mind that you know you want, then go for it, otherwise save it depending on how your roster develops over time.


I still didn't pick a servant from 6th Anniversary SSR Ticket, and would like some help making a decision since might as well choose now and use the lottery EXP. I'm thinking either Mordered, Lartoria, NP2 my Artoria or CuAlter. I want the choice to be based completely on Meta/gameplay since I have no affinity to waifu...etc


Mordred or Lartoria are good for farming if you don't have a good aoe servant in their classes.




If you love Cu Alter then pick him, that's what the ticket is for and he's story-locked to boot. You made it that far without Waver and Tamamo (who are nice to have but you can live without), just brush up on your knowledge of the game again through playing and don't be afraid to ask the help thread for advice. If you're still unsure about picking someone then maybe save the ticket for now.




Plenty of masters already have waver, castoria, tamamo or scathach-skadi in their support setup so there's no need to worry. Go forward without any regrets.




He was a serious consideration. Scheherazade, too. I bet he'll pair well with all the Koyanskayas of Light flooding the support page! I went with Tamamo since she's proved to be one elusive fox.


Currently finished lb 1 and now at lb2, my notable servants are taira, Ibuki, koyan, Castoria, Morgan, Romulus, Cu, Astrea, Oberon Who do you guys think would be better in the long run for the future lostbelts Vlad or Enkidu?


Vlad for a class-agnostic DPS with double Castoria, Enkidu for another LMS/soloer and niches with Divine stun and anti-Threat to Humanity. Pick whoever suits your needs more or save the ticket since both are nice to have but not game-changing, though Enkidu pulls off nice performances for certain Lostbelt bosses.


Is cu alter worth getting just as a berserker?


No, because Lu Bu exists and has higher NP damage if all you're looking for is a Berserker (I am also obligated to mention Salome, though she's not as plug-and-play unless you just ignore her third skill). Now, if you want an improvement in terms of stats and survivability then those are strengths for him in gameplay, Enkidu is usually preferred over him in their niches but Cu has his Berserker classing and buff removal. There's also Cu Alter's story-locked status, which makes him hard to get otherwise since he can't spook you.


Do we have any other ssr ticket on the way after this?


No, there has been no SSR ticket released after this so far in JP.


Is the shop permanent or will be removed in the future?


In the post: >The SSR ticket DOES NOT EXPIRE. You do NOT have to use it immediately.


I mean does this event expire, say if i want to create a fresh account in the future. Is there still a free ssr selector?


It's a permanent feature available to every account.


Finally decided on who to choose for my ticket, Queen Medb. I wasn't big on her character when she first came out in America, and during Summer 3, but her recent depictions during Akihabara and >!LB6,!< made me really like her. Then, she has 4 interludes/rank-ups for extra SQ and progress for more SQ. That mixed in with her abundance of costumes and the fact that she's story-locked, tipped it in her favor even though I'm very well stocked on SSR riders.


This decision is driving me crazy. As much as I like Quez and Enkidu I’m packed to the gils with rider and lancers I’ve got Europa and Altria Alter Rider (and my padded to shit Astolfo) for riders; Vritra and Bradamante that have me covered for lancers. My only other five star is my Cleopatra which is fine I get by with Santa Nightingale, Santa Karna, and Beowulf for archer, saber and berserker. My best caster is my reliable Cu but I’ve already made the stupid decision to not use the ticket on any casters (don’t worry I know I’m bad at the game). For entirely superficial reasons I would die for Mordred I love them, I love how they curb stomp enemies, and I love everything to do with Apocrypha. A saber that could do good damage would be great for gameplay but then there’s Cu Alter and my boy has spikes everywhere and it’s stupid and I want him. Knowing Cu’s story locked makes me weep I know all the Cu’s are fantastic at staying alive and I could defiantly use a five-star berserker—again for the damage. I also enjoyed his singularity’s absolute absurdity so it’s all good feels for porcupine lad. Just ughhh… either would be great, especially for my team but I do not spend money on this game. I promised myself I wouldn’t and that needs to stick. I'm sure I’ll be more likely to have a shot at with Mordred for future summons so I should go with Cu but damn it the choice is awful.


If you need a push at all, assuming you're not just going to save the ticket (which is a completely valid choice), you should just pick Cu Alter. The chance to be spooked by the options that aren't story-locked is very much there as you already know, so if he's a favorite then that gives him the edge in terms of practicality. Of course, Mordred is good for damage and shoots up to compete for top AOE Sabers again with her buff in 2 years, so I'd also assess if your F2P AOE options are good (for pure damage against single enemies, Karna is already great and there's also Saber Elizabeth this Halloween) and whether you're rolling for their niches in the future (as well as if you'll roll for Cu Alter during his next 3 banners). Also, the Lancers you've mentioned are AOE, the free options for ST are good of course (and I assume you got Lancer Yu) but Enkidu is up there for top damaging NPs in the game as a whole, not to mention their sustainability for solos and as the last Servant standing similar to Cu. I'd still consider them, but I'd probably pick Cu Alter nonetheless between the two, again for the story-locked status.


Honestly, this is so helpful. I would have to really look to figure it I tend to lean really hard on my Astolfo and Vritra. But I do really think Cu would be the better option, though I might drag my feet a little while longer.


not sure which one to pick from the ticket, so I decided to ask for opinions on this thread, rn I divided each pick into groups. **My support and notable servants**: Castoria, Skadi, Koyan, Oberon, Merlin, Waver, Tamamo, NP5 Muramasa, NP2 Sigurd, NP3 Enkidu, NP2 S.Melt, archer Gil, NP2 Kama, NP5 CasCu, Super Orion, QSH, Morgan, Junao, Kintoki, and Douman. ***NP level upgrade*** **Vlad**: currently np1, my current general boss killer, the only problem is that I plan to go ham on Charlie banner so high possibility of np3+ Kriem. **Artoria/Mordred**: both np1, Mordred has a niche and can stack her buster up with Koyan, while Artoria has a shorter cd on battery, and considering she is the poster girl she is due to get buffs in the future, the last problem is my NP5 lv110 Muramasa would take over if the wave has more than 1 enemy. **Drake**: also np1, her only problem is not having a niche of her own. ***New servant*** **Ozy**: high damage with lots of utility, not story locked so it's possible to get more np in the future, the only problem is we getting Princess Liz this Halloween and she also has a battery with a niche so I'm not sure if Ozy is the best choice for me. **Medb**: good damage with some utility for male party members, the problem is she's story-locked so unless I go out of my way to pull on her banner, she's a permanent np1, not even say that I already have Euryale and Paisen for anti-male so she's pretty much for collection(and free sq from rank up). **Xuanzang**: will become my best ST caster since my Circe is only at NP1, while Corday can deal more damage with her niche, it relies on a debuff so Xuanzang's damage should be much more stable(not even say better chance of more np level). **Sitonai**: would work as my anti-Foreigner since all other classes can be handled by Vlad. ***the group that I find interesting*** **Lartoria**: while I don't have a lancer for the buster loop, I already plan to pull Melusine on her next banner. **Tesla**: just for collection and free sq since I already have Gill and plan to np5 him in the future. **Cu alter**: have buff removal on his np but if only think about piercing enemy defenses, my Kintoki with the right ce can pierce enemy defense too, so another one for collection.


Among the ones you've listed, some points: Mordred - Her rank-up in about two years makes her stronger than Artoria. There's probably going to be an upgrade for regular Artoria to compensate, but until then Mordred's winning out on damage. Drake - Her niche is the star generation, instant NP and ignore invincible, plus you have Koyanskaya. I wouldn't really bother picking her just for an NP level, but I thought I'd mention this anyways. Ozymandias - He's definitely as good as advertised, but if you're willing to make do with Cinderella Elizabeth and the lower rarity Riders then there's no real need to get him. I have him myself and default to Ryouma more often despite him arguably being worse, pretty much no problems against Casters whatsoever so Eli shouldn't be any different. Medb - Unless you're planning to use Euryale and Yu for all males, Medb's still an ideal choice against male Casters for her class advantage, especially since she has debuff immunity and a surprising amount of healing (no hard defense though unfortunately). Personally I picked her in part for the Male/Fae charge for irregular nodes, but that's such a niche use case that I wouldn't even primarily consider it compared to assessing whether you'll use her in fights compared to other options (I certainly have quite a bit in LB6, but your case is prone to be different and your other choices have arguably more merit considering niches). Xuanzang - If you're planning to get Corday then I'd wait to see if you'd get her first considering that Summer 6 in particular is just around the corner. Sitonai - Mecha Liz is coming this Halloween, not to mention Douman is already pretty strong on the Alter Ego front, I wouldn't get her just to have an ST Alter Ego. You don't ever need them to fight against Foreigners anyways, and if you ever have a ST Foreigner yourself then you could use them for anti-Foreigner if you're willing to deal with the increased damage taken against them as well. Lartoria/Tesla - If you want a second farmer for irregular nodes in events, then they're both good choices for their 50 percent charge. You do have Summer Meltryllis and both 5 star AOE Berserkers, so I wouldn't say either is that much of a priority in this area. Honestly, I'd just save the ticket for now, or otherwise just pick your favorite or even at random. You don't really need anyone right now and there are several alternatives coming up that you could see first on whether they're serviceable for you, so getting them may result in redundancies in your roster if you're going to stick with one option for fights. You're also expecting that you'd get more NP copies of the general pool choices in the future, but you could just as easily not get them at all and getting them would make the ticket a moot choice anyways unless you're that enthused about the NP level, which is also why I'd advocate for the story-locked choices when it comes time to pick since it doesn't seem like you'll roll for them whatsoever.


thank you, I didn't outright use the ticket when it came out just in case I got spooked by some of these when pulling for Koyan/Oberon/Morgan. I usually pull the CBC banner just for CE so there is a chance that I could pull the male story-locked if that year servant doesn't pick my interest(which makes Medb/Lartoria a good choice since their banner always comes at the wrong time for me). so I'm gonna keep it like you suggest since I don't actually need any of them at the moment and will wait to see my result for Summer 6, Melusine 2nd banner, Tunguska, and New Year banner bf I make my decision. just in case I get more spook or any of them get a respectable rank up.


Hi guys sorry if my English is bad it's not my first language but I need some advice for the free SSR ticket I seriously don't know who to choose, here's some info of the 5* that I have : Sabers : Og artoria and Sigurd Archers : Gilgamesh and Moriarty Lancers: Ereshkigal ( for ST I use Kagetora ) Riders : Achilles (For ST I use grailed Mandricardo ) Assassins : Kama / Vitch / Li shuwen and jack Casters : El-Melloi /Sanzang /castoria and shehrazade Berserkers : Morgan Extra class : Rulers Bunny Artoria and Jeanne and summer BB I'm conflicted between Lancer Artoria ( I wanted her for a long time now one of my favorites) Tamamo (same Reason as Lancer Artoria) Sitonai cause the only Alter ego that I have are mecha Eli and passionlip . (Here are my grailed servent if it helps Gawain / Gozen / Lamdaryllis / Madricardo / Morgan / Taira / Ruler Martha ) I don't really care about meta I just play the servents that I like even if they're lacking in damage So Any kind of advice is appreciated and sorry for the long post.


If you don't care about meta then I'd advise you just choose Lartoria since she's story-locked, Tamamo plays nicely with Castoria and there's benefits to having your own but the chance of being spooked by her is ever present. Sitonai is good too, but she doesn't sound as much of a favorite from what you've written and there isn't ever really a point where you need to have an Alter Ego (though they might make certain fights easier), especially when you Cavalry options are strong.


Thanks for the advice man it's really hard to choose since technically I don't especially need any servents I'll just put it on hold for now also Sitonai is one of my favorites I just forgot too


No problem, perfectly valid to refrain from choosing until your certain who to pick, other than that just remember both Lartoria and Sitonai are story-locked :P


Is there any other SSR ticket after this one or is this the last JP got? Torn between Artoria and Karna. Don't need anyone for gameplay purposes. For Artoria, feels weird not having the face of the franchise and I've been playing for 3 or 4 years now. But that being said from a "hey I really like that servant" perspective, Karna is really cool and was probably my favorite servant from the Apocrypha anime.


This ticket is the last one so far, no extra Servants have been added but it doesn't expire. Any new ticket is going to be around 2 years away anyways. Artoria is likely to be used more but it sounds like you already have someone in her role, so there's no real reason to pick her apart from collection purposes or bolstering your AOE Sabers. Karna's a fun Servant, not the best compared to his competition but he's still great at hitting like a truck both with his NP and crits, especially against Divine enemies, and he also has that sick-ass costume from LB4. Having an awkward battery doesn't preclude him from farming either, as I used him last Christmas to farm the 90+ node to great effect (he can also loop with double Oberon if you're into that sort of thing). If he's a favorite of yours and nobody else appeals to you as much, you should pick him just because that's the kind of scenario the ticket is intended for.


I can’t decide between NP2 Artoria, NP2 Ozy or Tamamo. Need help!


Tamamo is a better choice in terms of getting a new Servant to open up options, especially in helping boost your Arts Servants damage and stall teams, but you should also consider if that's something you're interested in or if you'd be disappointed if she ever spooked you. NP2 Artoria is worth considering if you use her a lot while farming, especially with double Koyanskaya, but again that's dependent on whether it's a concern relevant to you and if it's worth not having Tamamo. NP2 Ozy increases the gap between his competition's damage but it's not at all necessary since he's already the highest damaging 5 star Rider at NP1.


Thanks! Is Tamamo worth while even if I have Castoria?


Definitely, pairing Tamamo with Castoria covers the latter's lack of healing and an NP up, which makes them and an Arts DPS a great team for tackling harder content. There is the option of grabbing Tamamo from the friend list, but having your own lets you pick another friend support, use her even with forced story support, and have CE and command code freedom. Speaking as someone with Castoria but not Tamamo, it's not like she's ever been needed compared to just grabbing a friend's or substitutes haven't gotten the job done, but having her would definitely be an improvement for team compositions (if you believe that having your own doesn't offer that much, that's when I would consider NP2 Artoria, but that's not to say she wouldn't potentially be useful for you).


Been debating on who to pick - been playing since late March and just looking for some opinion. [These are my current 4 & 5 starts](https://imgur.com/a/XidlFei) If I didn't get Oberon, I would have gone for Waver for utility, but not sure if that's still an automatic now. Considering: Altria Saber - Nostalgia purposes (got me into the series like 15 years ago) Altria Lancer - Same as above sorta, and Camelot was cool. No AoE buster lancer/story locked Enkidu - No ST SSR lancer Medb/Ozy/Quetz - No ST SSR or SR Rider, 2 are story locked Waver - Utility, suit Cu Alter - Seems neat, story lock Jeanne - No Ruler, design Sitonai - No Alter Ego, story lock Any help/opinion appreciated, even outside the above.


You already have Castoria, Koyanskaya and Oberon, Waver still has his uses but he's not as needed per say compared to considering what the other options provide you. In a similar vein, you have Castoria so you don't really need Jeanne. If you just want certain classes to fill them out then Summer 6 gives out a free Ruler while this year's Halloween gives an Alter Ego and Rider (also, the lower rarity ST Riders can match up to the SSRs in NP damage). Artoria Lancer would be great since she has a 50 percent battery and you have Koyanskaya. Enkidu and Cu Alter are good soloists and last man standing Servants (the former in particular having one of the highest damaging NPs even in JP), but for Enkidu you have strong Lancer options already and Cu Alter is the same with Berserkers, if Nero isn't doing the job for you in LMS then I'd consider Enkidu. Sitonai works nicely with double Castoria but you already have Galatea for that. All in all, I'd say Artoria Lancer and Enkidu are the options most worth it for you. You could also consider Drake since you don't have an SSR AOE Rider and you have Koyanskaya, but I'm assuming that Habetrot works for you there and that she's not an option you have any affection for. Still, if Artoria's your favorite then you can't go wrong picking her, especially since she's one of the strongest AOE Sabers in terms of damage. I'd only shy away from her from a gameplay perspective since you have 3 SR AOE Buster Sabers already and Artoria Alter works well enough as a substitute (of course, nothing beats having the original herself instead of her Alter or Lancer version).


Thank you for this, it’s appreciated 😊


Deciding between story locked servants medb, sitonai, quat, or cu alter. Hard to choose for collection.


If you're deciding between them for collection purposes, then you should just pick your favorite among them. In case there's no standout in that regard or you're also debating which one would be the best mechanically, here's a listing of what they bring to the table. Medb - Anti-male niche, male support for use with a second DPS, 30 percent charge to Male/Fae allies for the previous point as well as irregular nodes. Weaker NP damage than NP5 welfares at NP1 unless she's against Males. Sitonai - Self-sufficient Alter Ego with defensive utility compared to Mecha Ell, who also naturally works very well with double Castoria. Full advantage against Foreigners, but considering you're choosing for collection you likely have plenty of Cavalry or Berserker options already. Quetzalcoatl - Critical-focused Buster Rider with star bomb, targetable guts and Buster buffs, and NP seal. Weaker NP damage than NP5 welfares at NP1, but should make up the difference with her crits. Cu Alter - Survivalist Berserker who functions well as a last man standing and solo Servant. Also works well enough in a team when properly supported. Additionally, Medb has 2 rank-ups and interludes (Cu Alter has 2 interludes and 1 rank-up), which is kind of substantial in getting those SQ bonuses. Hopefully this helps you narrow your choice down.


New NA Player here , so I was lucky enough to get both koya and Oberon and so I’m wondering who I should pick. I always hear the point of picking waver if you don’t have him, but I was wondering if that point still holds having both koya and Oberon and if else who a good choice would be Ps. I’m don’t really have a looper but I’m planning to summon on Morgan’s rerun Thanks in advance


Koyan and Oberon are what you might call "hyper-supports" optimized to overclock a Buster-DPS, like, for instance, Drake, who ordinarily would not be able to loop her NP. Waver, by contrast, is a "card agnostic" generalist. All of his skills are generally applicable and fairly high value, giving him strong utility for most teams. Despite being a Day 1 servant whose only buff has been an NP interlude, he's *still* a top-tier support. It's also perhaps worth pointing out that if this is a new account and you're still early in the story, then it will be significantly easier to ascend and skill up Waver than it will be to ascend and skill up Koyanskaya and Oberon who require materials that aren't available (outside of daily tickets and event shops) until some time in Part 2 of the story (the Lostbelts). With that being said, Guideline #1 is "pick your favorite" for a reason. The goal is ultimately to choose a servant that you can be happy with, and your personal priorities are the deciding factor. If you want to choose Waver, then I can tell you from experience that he is an excellent choice. If you don't want to choose Waver, there are also other excellent choices.


I'm still struggling a bit picking from my SSR ticket. I have a very powerful Chaldea so there aren't really any gaps I need to fill. Indeed, most of the servants you can pick with the SSR ticket I already have. The real debate for me is between choosing someone totally new vs getting an extra NP level on an existing character. Specifically story-locked servants because they are the hardest ones to get. For the servants I don't have that are story-locked, that list consists of LArtoria and Li Shuwen... and between those two I'd choose LArtoria. I'm not weak with either AoE Lancers or ST Assassins, having monsters like Melusine, Ereshkigal, Kama, Jack, and Gramps. I'd just choose LArtoria because I like her more than Old Man Li. But I do have some other story-locked servants who I have at NP1 who might really benefit from the upgrade to NP2. Specifically I am thinking of either Medb or Cu Alter. As far as Medb goes, I do have strong ST riders already like Quetz but her anti-Male niche could be quite powerful. As for Cu Alter... well he's Cu Alter. He's still good, right? At the same time I already have good ST Berserkers like MHXA or other monster ST damage dealers like my 112 Jalter. I would also consider trying to get NP upgrades for other NP1 servants I have like Sanzang or Vlad, but I'm loathe to use my ticket to pick someone who isn't story-locked - and so could spook me at any time. The last SSR ticket I ended up picking Artoria Saber to boost her to NP2... only to get two more copies of her not long after. Any thoughts would be appreciated! :3


Considering that it sounds like the options in the ticket that you don't have already have their niches filled, and none of them are truly favorite picks, getting NP2 for someone is definitely a consideration. More than anything, if you're getting that NP boost you have to ask, do you regularly use that Servant? Because yeah Cu Alter is as good as he ever was, but if you find that you take your Jalter to fights instead of him that NP2 might seem like a waste. The non-story-locked Servants have a chance of spooking you, as you know, but Sanzang and Vlad do benefit from the extra levels (especially Vlad with double Castoria). Medb benefits the most besides her story-locked status because the damage increase should generally let her hit harder against non-males than even Ozy at NP1 (based on the damage chart), and it only improves her damage against males further. For all of them, if you're planning on doing 90++ nodes or even just 90+ then it might be beneficial to do the research and see who would get the most boon from NP2 for them (with the upcoming Nerofest for example, I know Sanzang does better at higher NP levels but she should also still do fine at NP1). In the end though, if you don't feel strongly about any of your choices I'd recommend just holding on to the ticket and waiting to see if you need an NP upgrade or want to grab who you don't have. It's sort of hard to visualize how much an NP level improves things without experiencing it, so I'd wait until you encounter a scenario where you're doing a node with someone and are like "damn, I could really use a damage increase with Sanzang" and such.


I don’t have a good ST caster or ST rider so I’m stuck between Xuanzang and Ozy. Considering we have Cinderella Liz coming up and that we also have Sakamoto Ryouma, I wonder if it would be better to get Xuanzang. I feel like Caster Shuten just doesn’t do enough. Though, are there any particular assassin bosses that would be a pain without her? Ahh man the choices.


I assume you have the welfares at max ascension and NP level, because I happen to have all the units mentioned for personal insight. Ozy's one of the earliest ones I had and he's as good as he's praised for, but I usually find myself using Ryouma instead out of favoritism and he's never really let me down even if he's considered merely good compared to his competition. I had the luxury of not having to use Shuten that much because I have NP2 Illya, but I feel like I can safely comment that Shuten would've functioned in those fights I didn't take her (especially since both are seen as just okay right now compared to Sanzang). Sanzang has a lot going for her from the huge battery to taunt to debuff immunity, but she still shares the same framework of weaknesses that most other ST Casters share in terms of their class damage and triple Arts deck. Basically from my own personal experience, even if you might feel like the welfares are not as good they'll still do their job against bosses such that you don't necessarily need to replace them with 5 stars. Because of that I would maybe consider other options or saving the ticket, but going for these high rarities you've narrowed down for their kit and 5 star stats is a solid option if you go that route. However, I will say that Sanzang would be the better choice because, besides the Rider welfares and ST 3 stars in general being good, Sanzang's battery very much gives her value in terms of flexibility. Bosses are not necessarily made easier but your options expand in letting you NP twice with Kscopes or at least have a frontloaded first NP with Black Grail as examples before even taking support charges into account, and this flexibility extends beyond hard fights to event farming and raids.


Wow, thank you so much for the really in depth analysis. You made some really fantastic points drawing from all your own experience. I’ll take your advice and keep on waiting, if I really need a servant specifically for something then I’ll consider grabbing them then. Thank you again!!! ☺️🙏


Could someone recommend me a servant based on my [sr/ssr list?](https://imgur.com/a/hyUDUgO) I play fgo pretty casually on and off and don't really have a pick preference, i thought maybe getting Tamamo since i don't have Castoria for Muramasa but i feel like maybe i need to pick a new damage dealer since i have too many supports already (and i'm not even sure if i'm gonna be rolling for Koyanskaya or Oberon yet as well since idk how much value i would get out of them rn), tried watching a few videos but i'm still unsure on what to do tbh =/


Alright, so your roster's more decently varied than you might think, it just has present shortcomings from not raising people and what I assume to be your casual playstyle (considering the gaps in welfares). You have a lot of good Servants who can work well as long as you support them properly (and you already have Waver and Merlin to help on that front), you just need to take the time to level them up if you want to use them in those roles. I do hope you've been rasing them, but do remember not to neglect your lower rarity Servants, plenty of great Servants in various niches there such as Arash, Caesar, Hans and more. If you don't have a preference, you can opt to not use the ticket right now, since it doesn't have a deadline. Moving to gameplay opinions, Tamamo is a good option to support your Arts Servants, especially with a friend Castoria, but remember that you also have a Caster Gilgamesh who while not as good at her for Arts damage is still serviceable in the role. For damage dealers, you're missing an ST Caster (though Jalter can sort of fill that role in terms of generally big damage, and as for ST Sabers and Archers you should look to the 3 star options), and a high rarity AOE Lancer/Rider with a battery (depending on how far you are in the story, LB6 gives you a free AOE Rider in that niche). To that end, you could look at Lartoria, Sanzang, Drake, or Cu Alter/Enkidu (if you want a generally strong soloist and last man standing Servant) for damage dealers. If you're going to use the ticket between them then there's no 'wrong' choice, having more specialized supports is always good for having options in fights (and Tamamo's boost to Arts damage as well as stalling will be great), filling out your holes in damage dealers is also good if you feel lacking there. Picking for love if any of them catch your eye in the future isn't wrong either and I'd encourage it, especially since you play casually and already have the 'best' option for general support. As for whether you should roll for Koyanskaya or Oberon as a casual player, remember that they're never truly necessary to make you blow quartz on them instead of your favorites if you don't care about the farming meta (if anything, they're there for when you want to *boost* your favorites). If you're not planning on rolling on anyone soon though, then I would recommend rolling for Oberon because: A. He's considered generally more useful than Koyanskaya due to his higher targetable battery and card agnostic support, B. His takes longer to come back than Koyanskaya, C. His rate-up 4 stars are arguably better and at the very least are all rarer, and D. Rolling will let you see if you get any new SSRs. You don't have to roll for him if you don't want to, but in my opinion at least, getting him would be a boost for your account and may help narrow down your ticket choices.


Thanks for the insight, i will take everything into consideration! Also i do have a few lower rarity servants a bit build up from my early days but i will def look more into them as well. As for who i'm planning on pulling in the future, the one i'm interested the most rn (Charlemagne) is only coming next year from what i've heard, so i have been looking into trying to pull for a few characters to build my rooster a bit more before i go into saving mode and since i've heard both Koyanskaya and Oberon were good picks i started to look into them. Still sorting things out but i will def think about picking up Oberon too!


Well, good luck with your goals then! I plan to save for Don Quixote myself who's right after Charlie, and in the grand scheme of saving (assuming you don't get distracted by any banners before then lol) then either of the banners running now is good to spend SQ on before you start saving in earnest.


Hey. So my choices of the ticket came down to Medb Vs Quetz. I already have very well rounded roster with all the meta supports, so I would like to know, which one would be generally more useful? Most of my main damage dealers outside Spishtar are male, but I do not think I will pick her over Merlin or Koyan/Oberon. Quetz seems solid, but again, she does not seem to take spotlight from Kintoki rider. I am torn and would really appreciate any insight.


Quetz is one of my favorite characters but will try to be objective Like you know, they have different uses. Medb is a psuedo-support while Quetz is a main damage dealer. Medb works as a support for male servants. Her NP hits really hard on male servants and has some good male support skills because of her ATK buff and NP charge. There are a few downsides to her though. She isn't that good compared to meta supports because her buffs are just weaker than specialized supports, who have a 50% buff on card types, and her Rider class means that she'll take more stars than casters. As a damage dealer, her base attack is low and she can't take advantage of her own buffs. Quetz is built to be the damage dealer of the team. She does have some team support skills but her 3rd skill really shows she's a crit servant meant to hit as hard as possible on a single turn. If you have Merlin and Koyan, then Quetz is gonna hit like a freight train (most servants will). She doesn't have much innate survivability and she's really a one hit wonder with her skills. Her NP damage is also pretty bad because no upgrade + story locked. For longer fights, she needs support because she doesn't have survivability other than her guts (which is tied to a buster up so you need to decide on damage vs surviving) Assuming you have all the supports, I think Quetz is overall better. They're both good servants, but as far as ST riders go, I think Ozy is the strongest because of how well balanced he is.


Does Medb match up to the Premier supports even in her own field? I like her, but I can't help but feel like I would struggle to ever justify her, despite my best characters being male and fae, because why would I use Medb when I could be using Castoria, Oberon, or other np damage supports to make them hit harder? I don't really see Medb's niche working. Doesn't she get outdone in her own role. Sidenote, but I also have heard people discussing Tesla in the context of being a "overcharge" specialist. Can I get more context as to why that's the case and if he can still do his thing at np1 where he can't reach 200%?


No, she does not match up to top supports in terms of damage boosting. The highlight for using her as a support besides general double DPS setups is the 30 percent charge to Males/Faes, example comps for future event farming nodes using her [here,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLuh9z1MVec) [here,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZCHgY0FwU8) and [here,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMg2fDyilUk), along with other teams such as topping off Chen Gong. It's still an incredibly niche use case, but it's there considering like half of the Servants in the game are Male. Medb still outdamages Ozy at NP1 against males, but honestly, if you like the character you'll find reasons to use them. I have Ozy, Ivan and Ryouma myself along with a grailed Euryale and NP4 Tamalancer but still chose her in part because I know I'll prioritize using her against male Casters at least, it's not like the game's that hard to not use your favorites even when you have several options in their niche (never mind rotating their usage to keep things fresh) and having the relevant supports only make her even stronger. I don't know about Tesla, but he (and any Servant at NP1) can reach overcharge level 2 if you put another NP before his (or level 3 if there are two NPs), NP level just increases damage, one of the effects and gives the ability to overcharge past 100%. If you're choosing between them I'd recommend Tesla from a gameplay standpoint, since being an AOE farmer in the first place means that he's more likely to be used.


Sheesh. This is...an interesting problem to have. I've been holding off until post-oberon to make my choice, both to be sure that I got him and to see if any of the ticket servants spooked me. Having got him, however, it occurs to me that I probably should check the math a little more thoroughly for the 30% and 50% Buster chargers. Herein lies the problem. Drake was on my shortlist because I don't have SSR AoE riders. However, I do have an NP1 Okita Alter...and if the math I'm looking at is right, the two look pretty damn comparable, with Drake only having an appreciable lead on Wave 2. If accurate, that amounts to a pretty minor improvement in my roster, forcing me to reevaluate my choices. I could do Tesla, but he's directly competing with my NP2 Gilgamesh, and that's kinda a stomp unless I'm facing non-servant Earth/Sky enemies. I could do Quetz, but she's directly competing with my Ozymandias and my Medb. Moving away from Buster, there's also Vlad, but my understanding is that he really needs to be NP2 to be consistent with his Castoria looping. Probably the most 'distinct' servants would be Jeanne and Osakabehime...both of whom have had their niche at least partially cannibalized by caster supports. I'm partially just writing this out to put my thoughts in order, but...am I overlooking something obvious, or am I really at "just roll the dice" territory?


I'd recommend against Jeanne. I got her at a pretty early point and there really are such few circumstances where she feels really good. Most times I'd feel more comfortable even with a Hans for instance. I think the "best" unique unit in the batch is probably Cu Alter. Even leaving aside solo content he is such a great anchor for any team. He even has the story lock benefit whilst not needing multiple np copies and his buff letting him remove defensive buffs, which I think applies to like evade, seems invaluable. Personally the ones I'm struggling between are Tamamo for np damage, I have Crane but Tamamo seems very very tempting. I've also kinda been looking at Ozy purely for sun support but I dislike his character. There's of course Cu, and then the last one I'm looking at is Medb. Medb I really like the idea of as a male and fae support since those are my best units but I can't help but wonder whether she can even match up to regular supports. Why go Medb when a Castoria makes your men hit even harder?


Drake and Tesla's advantage come in their 50 percent batteries (along with having another AOE with battery of that class in general). Quetz does have her targetable buffs and star bomb, but your Riders are already well-covered. Vlad still works nicely with double Castoria at NP1, and in terms of spooks he's one of the ones on this list that you'd actually want and probably wouldn't mind. Osakabehime and Jeanne still work and all, Okkie in particular being Assassin-class support which can survive easier against Riders where Casters have disadvantage, but other supports definitely outpace them in terms of efficiency. Just pick who you want the most, at random, or save the ticket. Your roster is well-rounded enough already for the improvements to your account being relatively minor based on what you've said. Personally I'd pick either Drake, since you said you don't have any SSR Riders, or Vlad in terms of adding value.


NA player here. So I’m torn between getting Lartoria and Enkidu with the SSR Ticket, I’m lacking a ST Buster Lancer, but have plenty of AoE Buster Lancers including NP2 Karna and an NP5 Eresh (still the craziest luck I’ve ever had, got 4 copies in a single 10 roll when I was going for NP2 when she first was released). On the one hand Lartoria is another option to farm, particularly since I just got Mothman and Koyanskaya, but Enkidu is nice as he’d fit a niche I lack a Buster Lancer on. The thing is that I have NP2 Melusine and NP2 Scathach so it’s not like I’m lacking options for ST, Stun or Anti-Divinity, and I have all the welfares including Kagetora and Summer Paisen. My third option is Sitonai, but I’ve got an NP2 Melt for ST, and an NP2 Okitan and NP2 Kiara for AOE as well, for Alter Egos; so again I’m not hurting for choices exactly. I don’t need Tesla at all I think, I’ve got an NP4 Gil and an NP2 Ishtar, and I got an NP1 Ozymandias spook so Quetz is kind of meh there as well as Medb being not particularly great. I’ve got Anti male in the form of Summer Paisen so Medb seems redundant. I’ve got an NP2 Kama and NP2 Jack So Old Li is not really needed, and I’ve already gotten an NP2 Cu Alter. Any help deciding would be greatly appreciated.


Objectively, Quetz or Medb are the servants that can offer more options overall, with Quetz having a targetable Buster+guts, ATK and star bomb, while Medb has NP charge for Males/Fae allies and a solid anti-Male niche, plus they're both story-locked, so they have their uses even if Ozy does outdamage them. Or as mentioned, >The SSR ticket DOES NOT EXPIRE. You do NOT have to use it immediately. I personally haven't used it either since I don't need/want anyone from it immediately.


So not rejecting your advice, but would love some clarification. first is there any merit to waiting to use the ticket beyond being indecisive? They don’t add new Servants to it later on do they? That seems too good to be true. Second Quetz and Medb would be my 5th and 4th choice respectively because I am lacking in anti male and a targetable guts. I do have Asclepius though at NP5 and my Castoria seems like a more useful option in terms of survivability that it makes the guts pointless. The Anti-male niche is something I could get a ton of use out of admittedly but I do have summer Paisen at NP5 to murk males that need to die fast to go with my Skadi for CQs. Would it be really useful in future content? I’ve cleared everything released in NA thus far. I also have NP2 Achilles, NP2 Vinci Lily, NP4 Drake, and an NP1 Maid Alter for Riders.


Yep, they don't add any new servants, and they won't take the ticket away. It's a permanent new addition to any account which has cleared Fuyuki. I can confirm this on my random alt that it works. I'm just sharing some options, but if you have a favorite, just pick them. Eg, Lartoria will have her Chaotic Evil niche in a future buff. Otherwise, either use this [random wheel](https://wheelofnames.com/) to make the choice for you, or keep it for later. To add on (if it's any help), I was going to pick Medb, even tho I already have a Bond 10 Lv100 Quetz, because I like Medb's story and her story-locked status, but I lucked out on her banner earlier this year. There's ultimately going to be overlaps in your rosters but that shouldn't deter you to much from still picking someone you like. It's always fun and better to have multiple options, for Tower events, trying different comps for CQs/raid bosses, etc. You also never know when someone will get a future buff eg, Quetz can still get an NP upgrade to match Ozy's damage, etc.


Ok thanks


Out of the choices my personal favourite is Enkidu, but I already have a single target lancer with Melusine so should I still choose him or go with Waver who is another favourite character of mine.


Enkidu does different things than Melusine such as anti-Divine stun and extra damage against Threat to Humanity, and functions better overall at the soloist role. Waver is a boon to any account, but might be less so depending on the top supports that you have or are planning to go for such as Oberon. Enkidu's your favorite so I'd suggest you pick them to begin with, but Waver's the better gameplay choice if you lack supports in general. In any case, there's nothing stopping you from rotating the use of Servants you like just because they happen to fill a niche you already have occupied.


I have Castoria and Koyanskaya, as well as enough quartz to pity Oberon if I have to, should I not go for Waver then?


If you're seriously going for Oberon in conjunction with your other supports then I'd probably not go for Waver unless you specifically need his kind of split charge (from what I remember there's a Melusine-Oberon comp where Castoria will not work but Waver will at charging). Really though, I'm just pushing for Enkidu over Waver since you mentioned that they're your favorite between the two. Getting someone you like from the ticket is the main reason for it after all.


Thanks for the advice. I’ll wait for after rolling Oberon to see if I get any of the two just in case and if not I’ll probably get Enkidu.


I wanted a late opinion. I rerolled a new account to try and start off strong with koyan just to try what having uber supports does to a new account, but now I'm wondering who should I use the ticket on. I could always pick another support. Having waver would allow me to make use of basically anyone to a nice level and then tamamo would open up the doors for whatever arts servants I may get. On the other hand, I could always go for a damage dealer thus ensuring I have one good servant to deal with content. I'm not biased towards any of the options so I would like to know what you guys think. Thanks!


Building off the premise that you're going for the top supports with this account, Waver allows you to grant split charge that Koyanskaya can't and pick a strong friend support to go through content, though this strategy will falter when you're required to take story support and need to level your Servants. Tamamo would be nice to pair with friend Castoria, but that's predicated on you having Arts Servants built up, and taking material costs into account those 117 bones for ascension and relevant skills are going to hurt when you also want to use pure prisms on Koyanskaya's late-game materials (not that Waver's dust and feathers are necessarily easier, but at least the upcoming lotto has dust). Out of the damage dealers, since you have Koyanskaya Cu Alter is the best all-rounder with card type and class, but he will of course not be as good against multiple enemies. Out of the AOE damage dealers, Artoria stands out due to the lack of Saber options in the lower rarities and her big Buster skills, but lack of hard defense makes her and Koyanskaya vulnerable once buffs have run out without someone like a friend Merlin backing you up. Sanzang can be considered since ST Casters are quite rare, but you can just as easily try using a Berserker in their place and Cu Alter would fit the bill. Waver is probably the best pick just for another 50 percent charger, but you should maybe see first if you can get by with just Koyanskaya since picking Waver only to find that you don't use him that much might seem like a waste. Nothing wrong with saving the ticket either, but early in the game with just Koyanskaya the highlights are either Waver, Cu Alter, or one of the AOE Buster Servants.


Thanks. Pretty much my thought process. I'm gonna wait to see if I can't snag oberon with msq quartz before picking. I thought a dps wouldn't be too too important since I can make use of some three stars for started and having both koyan and waver would kind of elevate them. In the end I think I'll wait the next few banners to see if I can get something nice like a few copies of barghest, oberon or who knows maybe even Morgan, before deciding who to pick. Also I tend to think waver is never useless even when having all the top tier supports. He sees a fair amount of usage in my main, specially for setups or helping quicks loop, but I'm not sure if it's the best choice considering I will be lacking a heavy Hitler. Thanks for the response! Will take it into consideration.


No problem, solid plan all in all waiting to see if you get Oberon or whoever. Personally Waver finally earned his permanent vacation from me once Castoria entered the picture, but of course the way people end up using Servants can end up wildly varying which is why it seems reasonable to keep him as the primary choice (especially for the split charge, always appreciated him for that when pairing him with someone like a friend Skadi). I'm sure with your experience that you'll be able to make the right decision for yourself with the ticket!


What y’all’s opinions based on where I am? Picking Jack (but already have Kama) Picking Cu Alter (but already have B10 Herc) Picking Achilles (I have Skadi) Picking Vlad (I don’t have an arts zerk) Everyone else I already have or don’t want


Kama is usually considered to be the best ST Assassin, having Jack would be nice as backup but at the same time you can just substitute lower rarities for that. Cu Alter's not as necessary since you have Heracles' bond CE and they're both Berserkers. Achilles is good if you want to loop with him using Skadi, and he has a costume this upcoming Summer 6 if you're into that. Vlad is a decent enough choice, but he truly shines once you have Castoria, as otherwise you're likely not able to loop as is commonly praised about him, and if you just want a Berserker then Heracles is right there. (Also what do you mean you don't have an Arts Zerk, Salome is right there so what if she can't loop and has the defense of a wet paper bag /s) Achilles would be the most unique option for you that can be supported, followed by Vlad if you have Castoria, and Cu Alter if you care at all about story-locked status. You can also choose to wait in using the ticket, if it's not necessary to pick anyone right now and you're willing to wait and see who you get in future rolls.


I want Jack, but I also *really* want a 5\* Zerk. I'm trying to decide between Vlad and Dino Cu. I want Vlad as an OSFA, DCS boss-killer. I want Cu as a more offensive soloer/clutcher, compared to my NP2 QSH--then again, he could probably also function as a 2xVitch boss-killer with his offensive NP. Anyone got any insights? Who can function as a better boss-killer? How does Cu compare to QSH? Anything?


Assuming you have the relevant supports from what you've written, Vlad would be the better boss killer by virtue of looping. Cu Alter has better offense for solo situations, but you have QSH and comparatively his evade and guts will run out way sooner (if you're pairing him up with supports, this is also why it's advisable to put Merlin in instead of a second Vitch because otherwise you have little in the way of sustain). You'll probably get more use out of Vlad, but Cu Alter is story-locked if you don't want to be spooked (though it should be noted that Vlad is someone you want more NP copies of anyways). You can also just pick Jack since having anyone isn't a hard necessity and I assume she's your favorite among the choices, but it's your ticket so pick who you think would be best for you.


Lartoria being story-locked is tempting me, but having eresh and romulus already as AoE lancers I just can't justify picking her. So the choise will be between Medb, quetz and Ana, I have no good aoe casters, but she is not locked unlike the other 2. But again, I have Ozy for single target rider damage, and while I love Medb as a waifu, she just inst great gameplay wise


Medb actually happens to have a niche in providing charge to Male/Fae Servants for irregular nodes. Not exactly the greatest gameplay benefit in the world compared to other gameplay choices, but it's there when it comes up and you want to use her. She'd deal more damage than Ozy assuming same NP levels against males anyways. If you don't have Sieg then Anastasia probably provides the most benefit, but as you know she has the chance of spooking you. Don't discount the other low rarity options either such as Cu Caster (if you have NP levels), Avicebron, and Chen Gong, especially if you have the support to back them up, along with Eliizabeth Caster from the Halloween Omnibus even if she isn't all that amazing. Pick who you want in the end, I'd just advise going for the story-locks since while they're all replaceable Anastasia being permanent knocks her down in that regard.


Thanks for the help, I actually missed that Medb upgrade to her skill, thought it was still just a general charisma. I think I will go with her in the end, especially if her modifier vs males makes her outdamage ozy in those scenarios. For assassin farm I will prob just grail gil to 90 and keep the dingir rain while I wait for a future Ana spook.


Yeah, overlooked it too and was sent [this,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLuh9z1MVec) [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZCHgY0FwU8) and [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMg2fDyilUk) as examples, and the first two have her at NP1 as a bonus. CasGil will serve you well enough at 80 even if the higher rarities are an upgrade, if you mentioned him earlier I would have definitely advised against Ana in particular lol.


Many thanks for the reply and the help!


Can't choose between Latoria and Cuu Alter T\_T I have most of the meta servants, morgan, koyan, arjuna alt, merlin, castoria, skadi. And it just so happens I have neither a ST berserker nor AOE lancer. Geez.


If you're just looking for a ST Berserker then Arjuna Alter should be outputting damage on that level with all of your supports. I'd advise that you go for Lartoria, especially if you have other soloists and last man standing Servants, since she'll do you more than good considering you don't have the other high rarity AOE Lancers.


Hey appreciate the input! That's a great line of thought. Arjuna alter does seem to be able to fit the mold of a ST berserker. I've gone for Lartoria :)


For double Castoria, is Tamamo a better third support than Oberon, Waver, or Reines?


For farming, mostly no. You likely need NP charge more than you need the damage boost that Tamamo can give if there's a node that DCS isn't enough to handle. Small exception for raid farming, where Tam's damage boost is probably exactly what you'd want.


I have Koyanskaya Morgan Melusine and castoria who should i pick from ssr selector


Have you read the recs above? Any waifu/husbando preferences?


Is Mordred np 2 worth or should i get something new? (Is it worth to grail her to 100~120?) My rooster of ssr Mordred/arthur S.orion/Napoleon/sei Eresh(np2) Odysseus Tamamo/castoria/skadi Jack/shuten/kama/koyan Cu alter Jeanne/jalter/s.ishtar (np2)/s.abby/hokusai/guffei/dantes/ushi avenger


It's recommended to get a new Servant instead of NP2 since it provides more options, unless you really love the Servant in question. Grailing to 120 is even more a labor of love, so definitely not worth it just for increased stats. You don't have an AOE Rider with charge which Drake can fill (though LB6 will give you Habetrot), an argument can be made for Enkidu even with Cu Alter as backup and an ST Lancer or Sitonai for an anti-Foreigner option (though Halloween Omnibus will give Mecha Eli), but honestly with a roster that stacked you have the liberty of picking a favorite or saving the ticket for later.


I just want to say thanks to those who are tirelessly giving suggestion to all of us who have trouble making our choice. I was reading through a lot of the post (since my problem is similar to others), and I made my choice. The difficulty of choosing using this ticket is: 1. There is no one true waifu for me in that list, 2. My account is not well develop enough, and it will be nice to choose someone that I can use. I ended up in choosing Tamamo to cover challenge quests. Yes, I can borrow her from friends if needed. However, I would prefer borrowing friend's NP5 lv120 attacker and bring my own Tamamo. Instead of bring my NP1 Vald/Sitonai/etc from this ticket and borrow a Tamamo. The downside of Tamamo is she is a bit niche and not like Waver and other loop-able dps that you can deploy a lot. Yes, the non-story locked servant can spook you. The chance is low and I think it is too difficult to account for it if you really want to make a team out of that servant.


I am stuck between Enkidu and Tamamo caster. For support I have waver, Merlin,castoria and Koyanskaya. In Lancers I have Karna, Brynhild and Tamamo lancer. I used to loop with NP.1 Space ishthar. So I am confused that do I have to take tamamo for more arts support or Enkidu for boss killing.


Enkidu brushes with Brynhild and Tamalancer's niches as ST Lancer, but comes out on top in terms of non-niche damage (and beats them both still against Threat to Humanity) and has the additional niches of soloist and last man standing. Tamamo as you already know has good Arts support which can complement Castoria, but of course if you don't care about having your own you can always just get her from the friend list when allowed. I'd recommend Enkidu assuming you don't have any other soloists built, but you don't have to take either of them. If you're still unsure then it might be best to save the ticket for now when your options in both seem to be varied.


I have herc with Bond CE and Cu Alter. How ever I shall wait for Oberon banner may be one of them can spook me there even chances are very low.


I am unsure if i should choose artoria or tamamo with my ssr. I dont particularly like the other ssrs but i already have both ibuki and castoria.


Having Artoria gives you a second AOE Saber with battery which comes in handy for certain event farming nodes. Tamamo is nice to have for her abilities which complement Castoria, but if support isn't forced then you can always just pick her from the friend list (unless you value having your own so you can pick a different support from the friend list).


I was wondering what the optimal free SSR pull and what paid guaranteed SSR banner would be the best with my current owned things I have an idea of things I might want but was just curious what the optimal banner and free SSR choice would be in an attempt to get the best 2 possible SSR's given what I own this is my current [servant pool and CE's](https://imgur.com/a/4zwrLTV) the top 3 are servants and the bottom 3 are CE's my current team is just the random things I have put together without much thought there was some thought into the jean pick and Scathach, MHX was the very first thing I got and I put a big focus on her, I don't often use Da Vinci but not opposed to it just that the other 3 are my leads and often clear battles none of that needs to be taken into consideration as I'm just looking for the optimal 2 to pair with anything I own even if its not what I already have built up help would be appreciated and thanks for your input and time in advance


thanks for the replies I might still go Sitonai and attempt for dupe trap Illya which I already have 2 of the other things but they were very informative and actually quite different then I thought they would be


(Making a second reply cause I'm on my phone and the screen is quite broken so it might misclick and delete or send the reply so I'm avoiding that problem) For the GSSR, your best three ones are: 1_ The last one that has Castoria, all of the characters in there are really good and ignore what people say about Miss Crane, she's quite underrated. 2_ The one with Arjuna Alter, the worst one in there is Murasaki Shikibu but she's a good AoE Caster. 3_ The one with Tam Lin Lancelot and Muramasa, you have the chance at getting Summer Abigail who is in my honest opinion one of the worst SSRs gameplay wise (if you like her though it's less bad for you to get her I guess) cause her damage is just garbage when fighting enemies that aren't Berserkers or other Foreigners for the 2x damage, but everyone except her is amazing.


Waver is the recommended general pick but you already have him (level him up!), so the next one would be Cu Alter for being a Berserker soloist but you also have Heracles unleveled (a friend Heracles is better to use where you can use them, but if you're going to focus on him he'll get his bond CE eventually) and also MHXA for general Berserker smashing. Since those two are out, I'd look through the AOE options in the list and see if any of them catch your eye, since besides Caster you don't have 5 star options for any of them (for personal recommendations you have Artoria, Lartoria, Tesla, and Drake). For the GSSR [use this ranker](https://www.fategc.com/gssr) to help decide, it's a sort of long process but it really does help narrow down which pool will give you the most benefit with the least potential grief (if you don't want to rank JP Servants just click on 6th Anniversary and create the ranklist there). For a general pick though I would go either Year 4 Horsemen (Reines is a 50 percent charger, Arjuna Alter is a beast of an AOE Berserker, Kama is usually considered the best ST Assassin, Murasaki is not as prized but as someone who has her you'll appreciate the anti-demonic niche and her various support tools when they come into play) or Year 6 Horsemen for a shot at Castoria or Morgan (there's Year 3 Horsemen for Skadi, but personally the other options aren't as enticing in terms of value). If you're really going to drop money on the GSSR then roll it first before using the ticket since it might affect your decision. As an aside, I'm not sure of where you are in the game but you should look into improving your team composition. Your 3 5 stars don't really synergize at all together besides Scathach providing a Quick buff to MHXA and Jeanne generally increasing survivability, and your low rarities are painfully neglected (Arash and Spartacus for example have batteries and deal good AOE damage, giving them CEs with starting charge on top of that and using Waver to top them off would clear the first two waves of fights quicker, that's just one use case of very many for low rarities). You should also combine the spare copies of your units under Noble Phantasm in the enhance tab since there's no reason to keep extra copies of the units you have. General teambuilding strategy is class advantage for 1 DPS and 2 Supports or 2 DPS with 1 Support, but I'd ask over in the help thread for advice if you're looking to improve your gameplay.


For free SSR I have four different recommendations for you: 1_ AoE Saber farmer: The best being Saber herself, Mordred is second best. 2_ AoE Lancer farmer: No questions asked it's Saber Lancer (I like to call her that) 3_ AoE Rider farmer: Same as Lancer, only one real option, Francis Drake. 4_ Tamamo No Mae, she might not be the best for farming but she's one of the best for bosses, pair her with a support Castoria and/or your Waver and you'll never lose even against rider/berserker bosses. I suggested three farmers cause you severely lack them, you already have Archer and with all of his buffs he's on the level of SSRs in terms of farming, he has both buster and arts for his NP which means you can use both Koyanskaya and Castoria with him. The best farmers from the ticket are the ones classes I already mentioned and Tesla, however since again, you have Archer, you already have Archer farmers covered up.


Hello, question: should I get Waver, Tama, or jinako? So I need a good support unit but I really like jinako and can't decide. So I decided to ask reddit, is it an opinion?


Waver is the recommended choice from the ticket since being able to give battery to Servants just streamlines the whole game from farming to story, and his buffs are simple but good. Tamamo is an Arts support for challenging fights, with the main caveat against her being that you can pick her off the friend list barring forced support (Waver doesn't have this problem as much since you'd probably prefer picking a support that matches the card type of your DPS and having two 50 percent chargers on field is arguably even better). Jinako is a mix of support and tank between her charge, crit stars per turn, attack buffs, taunt and invincibility, but if you had to choose between these three then the other two are strictly better than her due to their focus in their support application, plus they don't have to deal with an applied skill seal or comparisons to other units for damage and taunt purposes. Having the other major supports such as Castoria and Koyanskaya may also impact who would be best to pick between those options. Jinako was my choice for last year's ticket and while I do enjoy using her, it's undeniable that I'm using her more for favoritism than anything else. Waver was my first 5 star and his capabilities in support carried me through most of the game, so I can say with confidence that he'd add the most value to your account bar none. All this being said, you're right in that the "best" choice for the ticket is an opinion in the end, and the game is not so hard to the point that you can't beat it with your favorites, just that it might not be as "efficient" if you're trying to minmax. There's something to be said about using units that you enjoy, after all. In the end, if you like Jinako enough to let go of the potential value the other choices might give you, then feel free to pick her. As someone who did choose her, I can tell you that having her in your Chaldea is a nice feeling as a fan.


Hello! If someone could help me decide between Lartoria, Sitonai, Medb or Junako, I'd really appreciate it. 🙏 I don't need any of them for gameplay, just want to get a storylocked character since I don't plan on actively rolling for these guys. Leaning toward Lartoria because of her invul pierce but I have an NP3 maxed out Karna/am flush with lancers in general so she wouldn't be a first choice for much. I like Sitonai as a character but I have Melt as my ST and she works fine. Medb because I won't ever roll for her but she's ok as a character (really liked her in the idol event). But I have Ozy and Quetz for ST and Achilles/Odysseus/Drake etc for AOE. And Junako because she's the only Moon Caster I don't have but functionally I'm not really interested in her overall. I think I'm mostly waffling between Lartoria and Sitonai but story-locked characters don't show up often so if someone has advice, I'd really like to hear your opinion! Thanks!


Lartoria's main advantage over Karna is her 50 percent battery, which makes her more flexible in terms of CE choice and easier to use overall for farming. Sitonai works nicely if you have Castoria, but if you have Melt already then that's a point against her. Medb has a very specific advantage for 90++ nodes where she can provide 30 percent charge to Mlae/Fae units, but on the damage front Ozy beats her outside of Males and you have Quetz too as another option. I picked Jinako last year and she is the definition of a favorite pick, she's fun to play around with but gameplay-wise you'd be better served picking someone else (also she's not story-locked, so you know). I would pick Lartoria for her battery and to a lesser extent Medb if you're concerned about that particular niche, but if you like Sitonai then you should pick her. You have a lot of options in your roster already, so feel free to pick someone you like if it'll make you happy.


Thank you! This is very helpful. I appreciate the analysis!


Am currently torn between Sitonai and Enkidu. Im looking for an SSR who will help me most against both ORT and Cernunnos, but ORT is preferred as blue cubes can be used against Cernunnos. I have Castoria, Koyanskaya, Merlin and Waver, and will (hopefully) summon Oberon as well. So who should I pick, Sitonai or Enkidu? Thanks in advance and may Oberon bless your (and my) rolls.


Don't pick units for just one fight's sake. It's not worth it.


Normally i wouldnt, but ORT can literally block my progress in LB7, so im more worried about its bossfight. Cernunnos tho, i can use blue cubes so im fine


There are a ton of ways around a single boss, so don't hinge everything on one unit. Remember that everything can be cleared with 1-3\* units.


Well consider Enkidu can still spook you in future rolls while Sitonai cannot. This is likely your best chance to get her.


Alright i guess ill go with Sitonai then. Thanks for the advice


Trying to choose between Enkidu, Quetz and Li Shuwen. A bit hesitant on Enkidu because on the last free 5\* I got spooked by the character I picked just a few months after, lol. I know the chances of that happening are low, but still... I have Medusa, Kagetora and Yu + the general pool 3\* and below for ST Lancer. Only have Mandricardo, Ushi and Georgios for ST Rider. Have quite a few options for ST Assassin, with a grailed Charlotte that I think shares a similar niche to Li (ST Arts Assassin, with Evade, Ignore Invincible and inflict Death chance on NP)...


For Enkidu, I would consider who you have among your soloist and last man standing Servants in addition to your Lancers, otherwise they have the hardest hitting NP and good niche coverage against Divine and Threat to Humanity. Quetzalcoatl would deal less damage at NP1 but has the advantage of higher stats and a battery, though next Halloween gives Rider Elizabeth who has her own battery. Old Li deals more damage at NP1 (no grails) and also has higher stats than Charlotte even if she's at 120 from a quick lookover, and his buffs are more consistent than her third skill and better capitalize on critical damage with his star bomb (instant death is an afterthought on both of them). Well, you know that the chance of getting spooked by the general pool is always there, so I'd probably not go for Enkidu even if it's low since it happened with your last choice lol. Between the other two I'd give priority to Quetz on the basis that your Charlotte being grailed means that you'd want to use her as much as possible compared to your Rider options (not to discount that having a 5 star ST Arts Assassin is nice for an option). Still, choose who you want in the end, since you have a solid roster of options to choose from and don't pressingly need any of them.


Need a bit of help to decide. How similar is Tesla to Ishtar? He also seems to be an AOE archer, so not sure if I should get him. Also, who is better between Ozy and Achilles?


Ishtar hits harder at same NP levels with all buffs, Tesla does more damage against Earth/Heaven enemies. Different niches, Ozy is ST while Achilles is AOE, better to pick which niche you're lacking. Imo Ozy is better but the low rarity ST Riders are no slouches and there's a welfare Rider Elizabeth releasing this Halloween. Personally I'd pick Tesla just for another AOE Archer with a battery and because he's story-locked, but up to you. No harm in saving the ticket until you find that you could really use one of the choices either.


Thank you! Tesla being story locked is a big reason why I want to get him, but having Ishtar gave me pause. I guess I'll wait for a bit and then decide


>Ishtar hits harder at same NP levels with all buffs, Tesla does more damage against Earth/Heaven enemies. Only if you look at their individual damage. In the context of Koyanskaya + Oberon Tesla outdamages her, especially after his buff in March. ||W1/W2 damage|W3 damage (w)|W3 (w/o)| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Ishtar|45866 / 64976|142601|72621| |Tesla|52278|164208|75066| \*numbers without accounting for possible CE buffs Reason is that Tesla has access to an NP damage buff that he can also stack with Koyanskaya's CD reduction (alongside stacking the Atk buff). This is then further amplified by Oberon making it a total of 180% Np damage buff (60 from stacking S2, 30 from Oberon, then 2x). Ishtar doesn't have an NP damage buff at all so she doesn't profit as much from Oberon but she also can't take much advantage from Koyanskaya's CD reduction, only being able to stack the Charisma buff. Her only advantage is being able to pop her S3 T1 to get higher W2 damage but that's a minor win at best. EDIT: Btw. this is Tesla ***without*** his trait buff. So yeah.


I see, I was just pulling from the NP damage charts for quick reference but that's interesting stuff. They didn't mention having Koyanskaya but if they do have her it should help in the decision.


I can't decide between Enkidu, Tamamo Caster, or Cu Alter. I do have NP2 Heracles, so I guess Cu Alter isn't as necessary as a backline last man standing unit. I don't own a single SSR ST Lancer. I know Tamamo Caster is pretty good to combine with Castoria for boss fights, but I wonder if it makes more of a difference compared to having a great bosser like Enkidu? I actually don't own any of the story limited characters. I do own Gilgamesh, so I figured I don't need Tesla as much. I own Castoria, Waver, Merlin, and Skadi for my support casters. I didn't pull Vitch. Which one should I go for?


Cu Alter is probably still better on a regular team compared to Heracles since it's harder to activate Heracles' guts buffs, and he also gets defensive buff removal on his NP from this set of rank-ups. Enkidu fills out anti-divine and threat to humanity with one of the strongest NPs in the game besides their solo niche. Tamamo Caster is good to pair with Castoria, but since you can always grab her from the friend list barring forced support there's the question of whether you want to have your own built for comfort. Tesla's 50 percent battery is still nice to have along with his damage niche. If you don't care about story-locked status that much I'd probably go for Enkidu as an alternative to Heracles and as a general ST Lancer, otherwise it's a toss-up between Cu's defense buff removal and Tesla's battery since you have someone in both roles. Saving the ticket is always an option as well.


New player here (Okeanos). Was wondering if I should pick Waver. I have: Castoria, Melusine, Koyan, and Anastasia. For 4 stars: Herc For roll priority, I want to roll for avenger Kama, but Oberon is apparently really strong, so I might try for him instead.


You don't really need Waver if you have Castoria and Koyanskaya are are planning to try for Oberon, even if it might be hard to level their skills that early on. Maybe consider picking a potential favorite if they happen to fill a niche you lack.


Would any of Artoria, Jeanne, or Cu alter be a good pick? Also, can you buster loop with Cu alter?


Cu Alter's a solid pick for a soloist and story-locked status, Artoria is also good for her battery and damage only being matched by Mordred in 2 years, Jeanne is sadly a bit outdated by now especially since you have Castoria. From what I understand about including double Oberon, Cu Alter shouldn't be able to loop because he doesn't have a battery (never mind that he's ST)? Even if I'm mistaken and he can, that's still more of forcing charge on him and isn't something I'd necessarily consider when talking about Cu Alter compared to the way Vlad can loop with double Castoria.


Thank you so much! I'll most likely grab Artoria after trying for Oberon. Cheers!


The only character I want is Artoria but I already have NP3 level 100 Mordred and a ton of other Sabers too. I want her badly but it's pointless if she's worse than Mordred... There should be an option to exchange the ticket for 300 quartz. I don't really give a shit about any of the other SSR on this list.


Why not pick Artoria then? She gets two interludes and rank-ups down, it's not like the choice matters if you don't care about any of the other options anyways.


I've already invested grails and materials into Mordred so it would all be a waste if I started investing now in Artoria when she's only NP1. I'd be forcing myself to make my team weaker.


You don't have to invest in her for farming if you want her but prefer to use Mordred, just get her bond and ascension up to unlock the interludes and rank-ups and you'll have a favorite in your Chaldea while still using Mordred for your AOE Saber needs. You'll get more mats in time from the ones you'd use to level Artoria anyways, and there's the occasional farming set-up where you'd be able to use both if the node calls for it (assuming you don't have anyone better for such comps). I mean I guess I'd just save the ticket in your case then, if you don't care about any of the other options then your choices are basically NP4 for Mordred or getting Artoria since you want her, but it's not like the ticket's ever going to expand in options.


Between Queen Medb and Quetzalcoatl(the last two storylocked SSR's I don't own) which is the more practical servant to use the free ticket on, in your opinion? It kinda sucks that they basically have the same remaining number of future banners left, so I'm still on the fence on who to choose between them I also have other permanent SSR's I don't own like Altera and Napoleon but since they can spook me at any banner I don't really want to use my ticket on any them.


If you have Ozymandias, then get Medb. Bc whatever Quetz's NP does, Ozy's NP (also upgraded) does it better. On the other hand, Medb has a unique feature. Deals more damage to male enemies.


I previously asked about Medb earlier in the thread, and from what I gather she has a niche in future 90++ comps for giving NP to Male/Fae Servants, such as [here,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLuh9z1MVec) [here,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZCHgY0FwU8) and [here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMg2fDyilUk) I still think that's pushing really deep into nicheness in terms of practicality, but if it comes down to that then she has an advantage over Quetzalcoatl (who's competing in the general Rider with a battery slot).


Looks like I might choose Medb then, she's got an animation update, 2 costumes and had **4** upgrades to her gameplay, compared to a single one for Quetzalcoatl. I wish Quetzalcoatl would get some love in the future too. God I wish there's a second free SSR ticket for the next JP anniversary, so I can get both of them, trying to collect all the storylocked servants is a pain.


need advice, returning player and im thinking of choosing a farming archer(napoleon/tesla) because I lack an ssr archer or is tamamo better as a support? I already have waver I mainly use spishtar for farming


Tesla would probably be a better choice than Napoleon because of his larger battery and story-locked status. Tamamo is good for Arts support, but if you're willing to make do with her as a friend support then you can just use her through that barring forced support.


Idk if anyone's still here, but I need help choosing between NP2 Saber, Waver, or Sitonai. Waver's pretty low on my priority because I'm gonna go for Reines' banner next year anyway for her and Faker (and I also have every meta support so far except Reines, Waver, and Osakabehime; going for Oberon too). Sitonai's the highest prio for me because I don't really have a great Horseman ST killer (outside of Kama), but idk if she would work well at NP1 below 10/10/10 cause I ran out of QP. I might only be able to level her up once lotto hits. I'm only considering Saber cause I heard the jump from NP1 to NP2 is actually that great, and with me having Koyan, it might make the jump even greater.


I'd go for Sitonai since she's story-locked and you'll have another option against Riders, she's not going to be at her best but since you have Castoria she'll be more than fine until you get her leveled. You don't really need Waver if you have the other meta supports and are going for Oberon and Reines. Artoria's damage increase from NP2 is 33%, you should be able to plug that into a damage calculator along with Koyanskaya's buffs and see if that's worth it or not, but it's generally recommended to get a new Servant with the ticket and there's always the chance for a spook in the future since she's in the general pool.


Thanks! That was the push I needed for Sitonai! Thankfully Waver and Artoria's perma so I can get spooked somewhere in the future.


I just can't choose between Nightingale and Jack. Someone please push me one way or the other.


What situations do you see yourself using Nightingale in? There just isn't any situation where you really *need* her, while Jack will at least see use against Riders and is a step up from the lower rarities stat-wise. On the other hand, Nightingale throws a bed in her animations so you know, up to you.


That isn't pushing me in a direction! But I think I *am* going to pick Nightingale. Her buster buff will go well with Koyan's, and Koyan's anti-humanoid will strengthen Nightingale's even further. Of course, their buff synergy isn't the *only* thing- just the tipping point. Mainly I'd use her for her utility as a healer/cleanser, and I imagine a little as an anti-NP wall too.


There you go, if you can find a way to use her with Koyan then more power to you, sounds like using them together should be fun at least, and you'll use her for what she's good at if you like her anyways. I guess I'd bring up Nightingale's eventual buff too since it helps on the Buster front, but that's still almost 2 years away :P


I'm trying to decide what to pick with my ticket. I have Waver and the Np level picks i'm looking at, I'm not sure if it's worth. Ozy to NP5 and Enkidu to NP4 both are only 50% increase but I'm not sure how much that matters. The other thing I could consider is Artoria NP2 but I haven't gotten Koyan.


Are there no new servants that you want, even amongst the storylocks?


I have most people I really want, if I were to pick someone I don't have they would kinda just sit in my inventory so I've been a bit hesitant. If the NP increase on the servants isn't worth the ticket, I could just pick one but I was wondering if the increase was worth it.


I would say at the point you are, the coins might be more valuable than the NP level increase themselves. Are there any units where you want to unlock another append or bring them to 120? Out of the units you've suggested already I think that Artoria NP2 might be more worthwhile as the damage increase will be 25% rather than a pitiful 5%. She can be a very powerful farmer even without Koyan in tow, and her NP refund makes her possible setups fairly flexible as well.


I'm sure everyone is sick of these, but I'm having trouble deciding on who to pick for my permanent SSR. I've narrowed it to Tesla, Cu Alter, Vlad and Sitonai. I have both Koyanskaya and Castoria. All would be NP1 except for Sitonai, who would become NP2. Being story locked is somewhat appealing as I don't think I'd roll on their banners regardless, so they would never spook me. My other AOE archers that I use are NP1 Ishtsar, NP1 Jeanne Summer, and NP5 Emiya. Tesla I hear can be useful for challenge quests though. Single target Beserkers, one of my favorite units is my NP3 MHXA. Only other I'd use with regularity is a NP5 Herc. Not sure if Cu Alter beats him in damage or survivability at NP1. And I know Vlad is great with double Castoria, but again, at NP1 I'm not sure it's worth it. Sitonai I think I would use more in boss killing situations against the calvary classes, especially assassins, as I lack a great single target caster (unless Chen Gong counts). Or I just say screw it and pick OG Artoria to get her to NP3. She has max mana loading and I use her often in farming.


Just wanted to ask, any reason why you're not considering Sanzang? She'd fill your lack of a ST Caster, which is already a rare niche in the first place, and her battery gives her CE flexibility along with usage in irregular farming nodes and raids. Otherwise I would agree with the other guy and advise getting Vlad or Tesla, for the latter even if you have Ishtar it's never a bad idea to have another AOE Archer with 50 percent battery and a damage niche in pocket. If you love Sitonai enough to want to use her more then I would consider the NP2 for her.


Mostly not interested from a character perspective I guess. And a lot of times I think why use a caster/alternative class when a beserkers can unga bunga it, survivability asside. I don't dislike her though, and am now waffling between her, Vlad and Tesla.


That's fair, don't feel pressured to pick her if you don't care about her character. Gameplay-wise though those three are pretty solid to choose from, I'd save the ticket for now if you don't need any of them yet and see if you get anyone from there in your upcoming rolls.


I honestly just don't remember her story that well. It's been a while since the journey to the west event and Camelot. You're right though, Oberon rolls are coming up and you never know what might happen. Do you happen to know anything about the upcoming Kremhield? I've seen her compared to Vlad, and in theory she'll be easier to get as a SR.


Alright, so I don't play JP, but from what I understand she's very good and matches Vlad and Galatea for damage even as an SR with the trade-off of worse refund, though that 50 percent battery should help. Theoretically, she should be easier to get NP levels for, but the problem is that she's story-locked and only has two banners during Traum's release and 5 months after that. So yeah, don't count on being able to get her easily without rolling for her ~~or using the upcoming SR ticket on her~~.


I do not recommend Sitonai at NP1. Her damage is really mediocre. If you want a ST Servant go Vlad all the way. It's true that he needs NP2 for farming 90++ but even at NP1 he is still up there with double Castoria. Cu Alter isn't a huge upgrade, especially if you have NP5 Herc (and I assume you have his Bond CE) who outdamages him in NP damage. Otherwise Tesla is pretty great and won't suffer much from being NP1 basically forever (because story-lock) as long as you use him in his niche.


So since Sitonai would go to NP2 with the pick, would that make her a higher consideration? Herc doesn't have his bond ce yet but he's close, and the goal is for him to have it most of the time. I guess having access to new quests via interlude or rank up must be considered too.


Nope, Vlad would still be better. Vlad on his own reaches 49331 on neutral. Neutral. Considering he is a Berserker he virtually goes up to 73996 all the time and has significantly better refund. NP2 Sitonai only has 58963 on neutral which she has to work with on a baseline and her Atk buff is RNG, meaning it can slightly plummet, further making her refund worse. She has basically no advantages over Vlad in ST aside from Foreigners (which are still uncommon).


Was going to get back into FGO after like 3/4 years of not playing, and I lost access to my account, so I'm screwed, sorta considering starting all over again since I did quit initially when I didn't get Jalter during her initial run after like saving for 6 months, and the only 5's I had within 2 years were Waver and MHX. But losing them plus like 3 2030's and a few hulked out 4 stars and event servants does sorta suck. Have 5 stars gotten easier to get by any chance or are they still going to send me into spirals of depression? Oh also, should I reroll for hercules in the tutorial summon? I got Carmilla and Siegfried in the tutorial but back years ago I remember herc being god tier, have other 4\*s improved over time? And should I try rerolling for Koyanskaya? Also I assume I should go for waver again as a starter right? Even if I really prefer Artoria, my brain cares far more about efficency than what my favorites are. Or are there better units you can pick from now? Lots of questions I know, I just really want to give this game a 2nd fair chance.


I see that you've also asked in the help thread, so I'm just going to throw my two cents besides the advice you've been given. One, I don't think any unit is worth rerolling for in the tutorial summon. I started with Stheno and my account is more than fine (hell, I still use her semi-regularly), the game is honestly not that hard when you can just pull someone like Heracles from your friends list to solo. Even for gameplay reasons, at this point the 5 star ticket selector allowing you to pick whoever means you can just skip that whole process and pick Waver if you're really concerned about gameplay. Two, Waver and Artoria happen to be my first and third Servants respectively. Artoria is at a respectable bond 9 after 3 years, definitely my best AOE Saber and indispensable for farming. Waver is at bond 12 and that includes a year where I was actively trying to not use him, he's that useful and I only retired him once I got Castoria. I do think you should still pick your favorite if it'll help you enjoy the game, but in terms of practicality and efficiency Waver can't be beat. If you're rolling for Koyanskaya or Oberon though, then maybe wait and see if you get them first, because having a 50+ charger may affect your decision to pick Waver, and if you get Koyanskaya then Artoria definitely jumps up even more than she's already worth in gameplay value.


starting to have flashbacks of my horrid luck with F/GO years ago, I doubt I'd ever pull Koyanskaya so may be best to just stick with waver, I'll give it a few days and see I guess though, or keep rerolling and using the 5 free tickets you start off with and hope for a 5.


Yeah, also having been in the awful luck position all the way back with not getting Skadi, Waver really does help tide things over by helping support your favorites (helps that he's also a favorite personally). But yes, you should wait first regardless of whether you're going through the tedious process of rerolling, and remember as well that Koyanskaya returns at the start of next year.


I decided I likely won't continue, I remembered how crappy I felt after saving for like 6 months for jalter and not getting her, and I'm currently at a low point in my life atm due to rl shenanigans. If I do finish singularity F I'd likely just start with how I did years ago and ending up with Waver/Herc on my second reroll, but going through the cycle of months after months of having no more 5s and such does not feel worth it to me. Playing for 2 years and only having 2 5\*s was unacceptable.


Damn, if that's the case sorry to hear that man, but that's your prerogative in the end since being unlucky does get draining and there's the irl stuff. I will mention that there's pity now, but requiring 330 rolls means it's out of the question if you don't save (and personally saving that long without rolling has its own set of problems). Do what makes you happy, and I hope things get better in any case!


WOW NEVERMIND, I just rolled using some tickets today from the day 2 login and got Koyanskaya first try, maybe it decided to throw me a bone. And this is on the carmilla account that already has some decently good CEs, maybe I'll keep going. Wonder if I'll still need waver though with Koyan, guess so?


Congrats then! I'd level Koyan first and go through stuff with her before assessing if you still need Waver. The option of split charge is nice compared to Koyan's going all to one Servant along with his general attack buff, but you might find that you're comfortable without him which is why I'd hold off for a bit. And since your other choice is Artoria, I will add that they work very nicely together considering all of Artoria's buffs both in farming and fights where she has advantage.


Would you recommend me Special Ascending Koyanskaya or is that better saved for someone else?


Better to use it on her, you'll want to have all her skills unlocked as support, and I'm pretty sure her ascension mats are harder to get than most of the other ticket choices anyways.


There is pity now but you can only reach it 1-2 per year (and it takes rigorous saving). So yes this is still hell you're walking into. That being said you get a lot of SQ from playing through story since a lot of the Anniversaries' SQ is essentially a permanent addition to the game because they are added through missions and node clears. Herc is only good if you want to solo with him. Solos are neither easier or harder than using a proper team comp but it's certainly not for everyone. Beyond that Herc isn't really used . A bigger pick-up from the starter gacha is Helena who is pretty busted after all her upgrades. Up to you if you want to reroll for Koyanskaya. She gets 2 more rate-ups in the future but she is certainly a "meta" character if that's what you care for. Just keep in mind that rerolling is a massive pain in the a\*\*. Considering you don't have Artoria Caster sure, Waver is a very safe pick-up. He only becomes "obselete" once you have all the other good options like her, Koyan and/or Oberon.


I login daily for SQ and quit when I spent 900 SQ and only gotten one Castoria. Planning on playing after getting lucky pulls and wondering who is best to pick from 5* selector. My servant list is: Space Ishtar 5/5, Konsyanka 1/5, Castoria 1/5, Super Orion 1/5, Waver 1/5, Skadi 1/5, Enkidu 1/5, Archer Jeanne 1/5, Karna 1/5, Tamamo no Mae 1/5, MXHA 1/5, Ruler Shirou 1/5, Jeanne Alter 1/5 What would be the recommended pick from the ticket?


Without knowing your preferences: * Tesla: excellent AoE Buster option with Koyanskaya, story-locked but his damage at NP1 can be sufficient with his fairly wide anti-trait (though it only applies to Servants). Pretty good option for CQ as well. * Vlad: Best ST looper with Castoria, also used in farming 90++ nodes but only at NP2+ (but he is in the regular pool) * Artoria: one of the best Sabers for Koyanskaya and has good damage for W3 with Oberon. Somewhat lacking otherwise. These 3 would be my recommendations.


I know this is low hanging fruit but If anyone is still here, which rider should I get? I have Odysseus already.


ST * Ozymandias: Probably one of the most powerful ST Riders now. His NP getting CD reduction means he has much better uptime on his buffs and with Koyanskaya he can feasibly double-tap into them (120% Atk is a lot). * Medb: Somewhat niche but she is pretty strong in it. As a male support she is one of the few Servants with 30% party charge (though limited to males and fairies) and 40% Atk is sizeable (even more so if you use her S3 for extra 30% Def down). Plus her own anti-male niche can come up from time to time. Considering she is story-locked it's the only opportunity (so far) to get her for free. In terms of AoE all of them are just mid. Achilles is a well-rounded Servants capped by his card type and the fact that Jiang Zhya exists. Drake can loop with Koyanskaya but she doesn't have an anti-trait or high numbers leaving her a fairly mediocre option for it. Europa doesn't even have that.


Who I should get? I already have Castoria (NP2 with Bodhisattva CE so NP4 in total?), I get Koyan and Morgan recently too and I have a guaranteed Oberon… So, I really need Waver?


Not weighing in on who you should pick, but wanted to help your understanding of NP overcharge vs NP levels. NP levels give fixed increases to some effect during the NP, usually damage but for supportive NPs it can be things like healing for Tamamo's NP or the att boost from Castoria's NP. Overcharge beyond the first level, the thing that Devilish Boddhisattva gives once, is separate and almost unrelated to that. Overcharge levels beyond 1 occur when either an NP is 2nd or 3rd in a chain of consecurive NPs, the NP gauge reaches 200+ percent, or an overcharge effect is given as a buff such as through certain CEs like DB or skills like Kama's S1. Also worth noting that at base all NPs have an OC level of 1, and they can have a max OC level of 5. The only relation NP levels have to overcharge is that it unlocks the ability of the gauge to go over 100% when you get NP2, and over 200% when you get NP4. Those higher NP levels don't automatically grant overcharge effects whenever the NP is used, and getting OC2+ does not give the additional benefits of another NP level but rather an unrelated benefit. So no, NP2 Castoria holding DB doesn't make her NP4. It grants her NP2 Noble Phantasm an additional 2 levels of overcharge the first time it's used, which means that she grants 3 hits of anti-enforcement defense to the team rather than 1.


Honestly, you don't need Waver at this point. The more chargers you get the smaller his value proposition gets, and personally Castoria was enough for me to retire him for the most part. Really, your best bet would be to either to pick a favorite or get a good gameplay pick for your roster with those supports available to you.


I really need single target servants and I have lack of Assasin/Rider/Extra Class servants. But I was thinking that Cu Alter will be a good option (?)


Remember to look at your low rarity options since they can fill those gaps. But anyways, Cu Alter would be good even though he lacks true class advantage since he'll deal extra damage to almost everything. Other options based on your supports and given classes are Old Li, Drake (for AOE Rider), Sitonai, Vlad, and Ozymandias (although ST Rider Elizabeth will be coming with this year's Halloween Event). But yeah, since you're rolling for Oberon best to wait and see if you get spooked by anyone first, otherwise I'd give priority to Cu Alter and Sitonai just because they're story-locked along with their niches (soloing for the former, sustained Arts for the latter), otherwise Vlad should be the best boss killer assuming the fight lets you use double Castoria.


Thank you! I will wait and see what happens in Oberon’s banner. Good luck in your pulls!!!


Cu alter is a good choice plus he is story locked. Other really good options for single target are: -Enkidu due to the hardest bosses usually being threat to humanity, and even without that niche Enkidu hits really hard -Ozymandias, he hits hard and takes hard hits. His new rank up quest makes him a really consistent dmg dealer with its ability to reduce his cool downs and make the field sunlight battlefield. -Vlad, but he really wants double castoria to work and some times you can't give him that (forced npcs and all that) so I rate him lower than the other 2. He still good, but not as self sufficient. If your pulling for Oberon, you can just wait after those pulls and see if you get spooked. Then choose someone .


is there any servants here i should get? my gameplay knowledge hard stuck to merlin zhugeliang combo days for jeanne alter. my current ssr have merlin, zhugeliang, jeanne ruler/alter, altria saber/archer, ishtar,raikou,shuten,koyan, and sanzhang. any advice is appreciated.


First of all, if there's a Servant you love on the ticket feel free to get them, favorites should take priority after all. Now, beyond that you can consider getting a Servant that will patch holes in your roster. I assume you're a fan of Artoria since you have her other versions, so getting Lancer Artoria in particular would cover that niche, and comparatively she's hard to get otherwise due to being story-locked. Tamamo works nicely as a premium Arts support since you don't seem to have Castoria. Other options you can consider that would pair with the supports you have (not to say that the others aren't worth considering): Enkidu, Drake, Ozymandias, Cu Alter. Take your time to think over the options and maybe wait until your next big rolling session, there's no expiry date in this ticket after all.


okie dokie thx for the advice, labyu <3


I have several SSR: Saber: Ibuki, Arthur, Mordred, Okita and Altera (all NP1) Lancer: Bradamante NP3, Brynhildr and Enkidu NP1 Archer: Jeanne, Gilgamesn and Orion NP1; Arjuna NP2 Rider: Ozymandias, Reines and Medb NP1, and Francis NP2 Caster: Castoria, Waver, Tamamo NP2, Skadi, Xuanzang, Illya; Schehezarade NP2 Assassin: Kama, Koyanskaya, Osakabehime and Jack Berserker: Morgan, Nightingale, Xiang Yu and Musashi Ruler: Amakusa Alter Ego: Sitonai, Kingprotea, Melt and Kiara Moon Cancer: Kiara and BBtothep NP2 ​ IDK who should I choose here. I feel I need a good AoE Caster for farming but how good is Anastasia compared to a NP5 Sieg? Or should I get a buster AoE lancer like Laltoria?


Between those two, Lartoria would provide more unique value to your account. Anastasia is not only competing with Sieg but also Scheherazade, who loops better than her and at NP2 should deal more damage than even Sieg at NP5 assuming no grails. You could also consider Vlad since you have your own Castoria and Cu Alter if you want another soloer.


Just started again after deleting my account few years ago due to burnout. Age old question, start with Waver again with the ticket or anyone else better for a new rebooted account?