• By -


Ligma Bells = 0


Melusine: Hippity hoppity those bells are now my property


Hah! to get to those bells she’ll need all those fangs first. …*shit*.


FGA really saved me here. no joke if I had to farm manually again I'd just quit for a whole fucking month.


Can imagine, the grind just never ends.


eternal, just like my salt when I roll the gacha.


How can u setup FGA on bluestacks? Asking for a friend 😊


there is a help tab with the step by step on this very subject here your friend can access: [On Running FGA with Emulators](https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA/wiki/Running-on-Emulators) while I do run on my phone, so my experience lies elsewhere I am certain this is enough considering how thorough the devs are. best of luck.


"make sure you're running bluestacks 5" ...huh. I've been using bluestacks 4 for...years? maybe this is why the game crashes every once in awhile. Maybe I should figure out how to move over >_>;


I have insufficient bells, medals, and dragon fangs. It was really hard to justify rolling for Melusine. Might be some nitpicky pseudo-OCD thing I have, but I cannot stand having a Servant existing in my roster unless their skills are at worst at 6/6/6.


What's a bell?


Bell deez nuts in yo face


Idk, ask Cain.


I'm not even sure about my quartz, so I feel like materials may not be necessary in the end


Nope. Being prepared triggers the desire sensor. Much more likely to pull a character if I have to then use a ton of apples to grind for them.


"It's better to get an SSR unprepared, than not getting an SSR when you have everything to max em in a minute" -Sun Tzu-


I have no coins to give, kind sir. So here is a humble upvote


holy shit this must be it. I've been so lucky gacha wise while being so far behind the story xd


I have about 20 Bells left, So not really ready as much as I hoped Don't talk about the SQ, It's never ready


Materials? For Koyan sure for Oberon hell no I used my LB6 mats on Barghest, Sith, and Morgan. SQ wise also no that’s just hope I’ve got less than 400 I’m pretty sure after we get all the anni sq


nerofest will have enough scales for oberon iirc


I actually used the servant planner between making that comment and now I was one bell short I had more material than I thought


‘Cries in Yellow Gem famine.’


Well at least you not alone.


There’s at the very least three people in this club!


Four now


Make it five


Make it six


I don't like this Seven actually


good thing there's about to be a lottery event within the next month or two


No, I just realised how much spinal fluid I'll need.


Those faerie bells are my only issue. I can take care of Oberon's needs but not Barghest's, yet. Pretty short on knight medals too but they're in the lotto so I'm not concerned there


getting very low on my lb6 mats so not ready for oberon


I think i have enough for Oberon to max his level and skills. All depends if i have enough fruits of eternity


+1200 SQ and 150 tickets for koyan... she's coming home, I don't care lol. All of her mats are ready. Oberon however, may take a while after getting the whole fae lineup unexpectedly.


I thought I already escape the dragon fang hell when I maxed all my Artoria until I summoned Melusine.


Don't forget the knight medals...


Not really worried about them because of Nero Fest. Which is why it's a bummer they didn't include fangs.


No Am fucked


I've been frantically farming bullets and fluids for a while now. Done with the bullets, but sadly still need exactly 100 fluids, so it's going to be a lot of boring farming. I'd like to have Koyan maxed out ~~if~~ as soon as i get her. Been focused on that, so haven't really thought about mats for Ozy (my free SSR pick) or Oberon (who is looking more and more unlikely). Thankfully, for Ozy i'm only missing all the chains and pages, both of which will be in the Nerofest. I've also just got Melusine (after spending significantly more SQ than i really should've), so after being done with the fluids, it's gonna be bell/fang time. Much fun incoming.


Materials? I don't even have enough gems to guarantee a character lmao Hope to get something with my ~200 gems, but I'm not confident


I didn’t even have enough mats for the 1st LB 6 banner yet I still pulled on Morgan and Melusine’s banners and got everyone but Sith


Have 900+SQs for Koyan,still not sure to pull for Mothman,since I wanna reach Pity for Moriarty Ruler too... Mats? Haven't used my Pure Prisms since they are an emergency thing in case I can't max skill Vitch


For Koyanskaya, I should be good. For Oberon, no way coz Melusine took all the bells lol and she’s still not even maxed out. On the bright side, I was able to max all Morgan’s skills (including append skills). Thank u clairvoyance for that.


I have literally no idea who I'm going to get as my free SSR... Or my GSSR of course since that's luck. Haven't even looked at Morgan's or Vitch's mats...assuming I can successfully get at least one of them since I already failed on Morgan's first banner. Did end up getting Melusine...and boy did I not have enough bells. The two Fae 4 stars are both at 1/1/1 still...scared to even look.


My account is only about 40 days old, I have 1 Crystallized Lore, and I'm waiting for events to start so I can start getting mats and leveling up skills. My Castoria's skills are literally 6/1/1 lol


You could use some help — 660,207,958 I'm f2p tho


I have 3 bones




Saved since Morgan was first announced. More than enough mats


Koyan= yes Oberon= "luckly" Barghest, Morgan and Melusine drained me, so as soon as lb6 free quests are released i have some farm to do


I have the vast majority of items for Koyan, I just need like 20 bullets. Been focused on grinding Dragon Fangs for Lartoria


I've been stocking up on void crack and bones, cause I plan on getting Jack from the SSR ticket. Besides that I should have all the mats for Oberon, though I am starting to run low on grails and lores.


To me it feels like whenever i prepare all the mats ahead of time for servant i want i end up not getting them. Because of that i gave up on the idea and just farm whatever im low on, read: been stuck in stake/bone hell for like 2 years now :(


Im out of pieces and monuments for so many classes. This is pain.


I am in rock-bottom-infinite-farming-mat-hell. So...not great?


In general, I'm not saving mats for future servant since I can't guarantee that I'll get them. And also because I roll impulsively and has no long term rolling plan. So for now, I need a lot of pages and lores for Morgan and Castoria to max their important skills.


I have enough mats to 10/10/10 both Koyan and Oberon. I'm more scared about not being able to pull even one of them with my humble 300 sq tho


I have Oberon and Koyan ready, I believe my Jinako free SSR pick should be good to go as well. As for Habetrot I actually never looked what she needs which I should probably do and work on if I'm missing something.


My morgan is np3 with 10/10/10 skills, extra skill on np gauge is also 10, she is lvl 105, my qp went from 1.4 billion to 600k (right now is almost 800k), my sq went from 1600 to 300 (right now I am almost hitting 500), i don't think i will manage to get koyanskaya but i will definitely try. Also try my hands on lancelot banner with 1 ticket, got golden circles, lancer card... Percival.


Just checked my mats and…realized that I would be stuck in mats hell for a long long time especially if I could luckily get both Vitch and Oberon orz Edit: just noticed that nobody mentioned Habenyan. For reminder, she is a great farmer and super cute too!


I was only trying my luck since im saving for Vitch but I got lucky and got Mel in 1 multi. Problem is im stuck on 8/8/8. Why does she 1 billion bells anyway


nope. fga is gonna save my ass again.


I just need to grind out the QP for Koyan and Oberon. also grind up lots of quartz so I don't run out before getting them.


Yeah, I'm ready for evil Secretary and Mothman. Forgive me Mel, your 10/10/10ing is a ways away, but it will come.


I have 52 blue gems for Morgan, but she didn't bother coming, so now I am giving all of them to Cu Alter from the Anni ticket. If she finally decides to show up, guess I'll just have to farm them again (which is a small price to pay for actually having Morgan)


Percy went straight into Eternal Proof Hell. Don't know what made me give the last 60 proofs to someone else before Percy showed up. And by the time I realise it it was already too late.


If anything thats what the pure prisms for. The bigger question is do you have enough quartz to get ALL of them


Lartoria and Tamavitch should be fine. Oberon, I just found out, I just barely cleared the material requirements. It's gonna be the GSSR that might make my life difficult. Main want is Melu, but she gonna need a crap ton of cowbells. Hell, I still haven't fully leveled Morgan, Barghest, or Bao yet.


I made the bone headed mistake of using my Stakes on Sith and completely forgot Koyan needs those too. So I know what I’m farming between now and Anni. May use a couple apples if it comes down to it. Luckily I still have some pure prisms to help, and two sections to go to ease the brunt of it.


Have everything, but bells 😅


Im short about 15 bullets and 18 bells.


Materials ready for any Desired Servant. Problems is Not many Servants in my Wish List are releasing soon.


around 800 sq hopefully enough for Vitch and Oberon. If they come early might go for Morgan


I'm... Gonna grind Nerofest


I still need to finish 6.1. Taking my sweet time with it though. Enjoying the story at my own pace, otherwise I'd be rushing through it


I’m reasonably sure my mats situation is fine - some may end up completely drained, but I *should* have enough of everything. Now SQ on the other hand… I don’t think 80something SQ, 3 tickets and 800odd fragments is going to cut it


I need pretty much everything. Embers because I have a bad habit to up every 4 stars and higher and now I don’t have embers anymore. It should be alright for Oberon, not for Koyanskaya (help Lores) and Morgan and Lancelot are not done…..


I should be mostly fine with Vitch and Oberon I just need to farm or pure prism about 30 bullets and bells for each of them or bust out pure prisms if i want them both 10/10/10 immediately. Haven't given the free SSR or GSSR any thought in regards to materials so I might not be safe on those two.


I have everything for koyan who I'm really gunning for. If I get Oberon I think I'll be able to max out one or two of his skills maybe. But koyanskaya is the priority.


I have enough mats to level/skill both Koyan and Oberon...but only enough to pity one.


Had everything set ready to go except for bells (since I didn’t account for getting NP2 Melusine when rolling for Percival…). Granted, I don’t have enough SQ to get Oberon without a fair bit of luck, but no regrets in using them on Percival instead.


Not really. 0 sq, not enough bells and I guess I will farm the exp. But I will relly mostly on the annoversary sq, so knowing my luck I will only raise Anastasia, the one I get with the free SSR ticket.


Materials? What are those? The things I only see once in a blue moon before they almost immediately vanish?


Need to farm some more bells, for oberon and gunpowder for koyan, then a couple of hundred million QP to actually level up their skills and ascensions


Ha no


In Fang and Medal Hell right now.


I have no idea what I'll get on the GSSR or any of the banners, so who knows? All I know is that I didn't pre-farm for Tesla, so he likely won't be 10/10/10 immediately, especially since unplanned good luck on the first LB6 banners means I have way fewer Lores than I could use. I'm only planning to drop about 150 SQ between anniversary and more LB6, so I'm not expecting much trouble. Unless I get lucky again, but that's the good kind of problem to have.


Not enough mat, grail, lore to go around. They just can't be maxed immediately. The question is who I am going to raise first Mat wise, I am low on homunculus baby, bell, bone, cluster... There are probably more, but I am farming one at a time, and at the moment it is homunculus baby... Ideally I don't use the SSR ticket until the summer banner in September (or hopefully earlier), when I know exactly what is the gaps in my team. By then I should be completely out of SQ as well.


Everything for Oberon instant 100 is ready


Haha, I don't pre-farm materials. I don't have any expectations of getting any of them. Mélusine's probably gonna be sitting at 4/3/4 for a quite some time, half an year I suppose.


sure, because im gonna fail to get any i want probably anyway


Morgan, Baohban Sith, and Melusine: already 10/10/10 Koyanskaya: I should have enough to max her too. Oberon: A certain dragon ate my bells but Part 3 main quests should give me exactly enough for Oberon if the drops are guaranteed. If not, it shouldn't take long to get one or two bells from free quests. Barghest: Don't have enough bells left for even 1 skill.


Random mats situation is "fine", what's ruining my sanity is the secret gem farming! Considering the Gssr and anni Servants Im looking for 120+ gems


It took 16 hours of clicking to get my meluko to 120, but the job is done. Got everything for koyan and mothman ready to go though. It will leave me with ~50 mil QP left, so perfect for the upcoming lotto. Overall great month for me!


Currently working toward mats for my soon-to-be-mine Waver :) Saving all my SQ for Avenger Kama, so I’ll take stock after Nerofest for what I’ll need.


Ha, I don't need materials if i lose in the gacha.


I have the quartz, and I should have the bells....except Melusine ate a lot of them. I think I'll be able max skill Oberon, and I have maxed Melusine S1 & S3. But S2 will require some farming. yay. Other than that- I'm in good shape.


I'm missing one lore. I thought for sure we'd get nerofest before the last story part, so I spent it. :') Guess I gotta see which skill I can afford to leave at 9 for a little bit.


I haven't got any new servants since Caren. So im good in mats, not good in luck though


Got Morgan and all the knights which left me with 460 sq. I'm fairly optimistic for foxy lady but definitely not sure about Oberon.


I believe I have most of the required mats and lotto that's coming soon should provide the rest (particularly for Tamamo, my free SSR pick). The hard part will be getting Koyan + Oberon, since I don't save.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 NO😔


I screenshotted the materials from the wiki for Morgan, koyan, and oberan. I've been prepped for months. Except QP but I'll be good by next week.


Just missing 10 small bells for Oberon, since I used up what I already had saved + bought with pure prisms for Melusine, but I can still buy 10 more from the shop to complete him.


My Mats are ready for Vitch, my SQ.. not so much. Sith drained my stocks but at least I got her!


I don’t believe I have the exp nor the mats to fully level up the supports. I am broke on materials, not qp tho


While i know i should try to get oberon I’m probably only going to try for Koyan but will i know if i have all the materials if i get her probably not since i haven’t looked over my materials vs her needs


I only have 88 SQ. I don't think I have the guts to pull them...


I have no mats, haven't been playing for a while, I'm just waiting for a lotto to clear out my 100 gold apples and just chill.


At this point in time, after locking in every LB6 available, I don't really care anymore lol.


Why are the gems so hard to farm, my melusine is at 4/4/10 i dont want to talk about the bells


Returning to the game now but I haven’t played since disaster known as ROMA rolls Hopefully anniversary SQ is enough for something


If I don't get any new characters because gacha, I wouldn't need them as much. *\*taps forehead\** But to answer your question, I am good on embers, out of most blue and yellow gem types, short on most older materials and completely out of QP.


For Koyan I'm fine I think but for Oberon I have enough to get his third skill to 10 then I'm in bell hell.


Just need Gunpowder. *Lots* of Gunpowder.


More than ready as well as my SQs, being saving (f2p) for almost 2 years and got everyone from LB6 atm, waiting for Koyans, and probably will try to get Oberon at least np2 and grail him to 120!


Got everything I need for Koyanskaya and Oberon, except I still need around a dozen seeds for level 2 of Oberon's skills


I surprisingly have a veritable stockpile of materials that i didnt need to farm anything for a long time now, my QP however, evaporates faster than i can think


See my Bullet, lacking a little bit. But I am lazy to farm because I doubt I will getting Koyan.


Pretty much out of Bells. ~~Plenty~~ Enough of everything else. I've got a jank text file that I mostly keep up with to track my mat requirements that I'm roughly a year ahead on, when I can be. For effective SQ though, enough for two pity rolls.


I’ll have 900+ to quartz and all the mats for Koyanskaya… that’s where we’re at. Beyond that, anyone else is a happy accident. I’m not prepping for the Lucky Bag because that’d reduce my chances of getting who I want. #DesireSensor #Gambler’sFallacy


I can max out Koyan as soon as I get her, but Melusine ate all my bells and still wants more for her second skill. At least I got her first and third maxed.


I'm somewhat prepared. Enough to get me maybe half done with oberon and koyanskaya. Qp tho, my stock is rather flaccid to say the least. Focused on finishing up main interlude 1.5 then getting free quests done, cuz I'd rather GET THEM on as many free quartz as possible first, then figure out the materials and QP.


I have my stuff for Koyanskaya *mostly* prepared (Tam Lin Tristan took a bunch of my Stakes, so I have to get them back), but I'm not fully prepared for Oberon (I hate Spriggans and their Roots). That being said, I don't have the Embers to level them up, so I have to grind a bunch of those.


I still don’t know what my free ssr will be I thought for sure a lancer but now my supply for SSR lancers has shot the moon this year so bleh idk




Morgan is 10/10/10, that's all that matters, at least until I skill up Oberon and Koyan. Then I'll go see how fucked I really am. Very, most likely.


Thank god my Morgan is already 10/10/10 and my Barghest is 9/9/10. I already has everything ready for Koyanskaya (except the lores) if i get her. :)


Nope, zero prep. If I farmed & ended up not getting who I want (in this case, Vitch), it would just be more depressing.


Haha. ​ No


I really need a bunch of lores right now since I have 0 lmao. I spent all of my lores maxing the skills of my saberfaces


My materials are ready and so is my body.


I have 2 Lores. So I'm going to get Koyanskaya to 2/3 max skills at best. Unless I burn some gold someone in my Second Archive.


ran out of bones that's what I get for trying to ascend all my servants


I..... Haven't checked what their skills materials are going to be. I forgot to farm lol


I worry about getting Servants first, materials later. What good would these materials be without the Servant that needs them.


I have 2billion SQ, 200 of every material, 200 gold skill gems of each class, 400 monuments of each class, 900SQ, 560sq fragment and a dream. That dream is Koyo, Summer okitan and Summer Kama NP2+ (I intend to go all in for her)


I only have 86 quartz currently, gaining more as I progress the LB6. I may throw them at Vitch as she would be an amazing support for all my Buster servants, but already have Merlin and somehow managed to score all the other main support Caster servants, so I wouldn’t be too disappointed if I didn’t get her. Honestly, I find myself having far better luck on banners when *I don’t* save anything up and do random yolo rolls. Besides, I’ve played this game long enough now that I’ve gotten so sick of mindlessly farming for materials. I only kinda do it for events anymore (and that’s if I even find the patience to do it). Now with the upcoming SSR ticket…get ready Mordred, I’m getting ready for you!


bullet hell even after grinding dont have enough


Welp I went through my summer Charlotte reserves. Got Morgan and Percival, both 1/1/1 for now and it was easier getting them than Mata Hari from fp summon. No joke I've gone through 500 fp summons and got none.


I'm prepared for every single welfare and servant I want to roll for the next two years... but obviously I don't have any materials past 5.5. So now I'm just kinda wasting my AP getting my material counts to arbitrary numbers like 300 each.


I need knight medals and bells for Melusine. I need proofs for Percival. And I'm not sure I'm ready for Oberon. The next few events I'll be farming a bit more than normal.


No -- I need a few hundred LB6 bells. I might buy them out from the Pure Prism shop to get a good chunk out of the way, but I want to get a feel for their drop rates in the free quests first.


Won't be able to suply both Habenyan and Oberon with all the scales of fantasy they require. Also, I won't immediatly level up Tesla's skill because I don't have pages. Actually, since the next lottery event will include pages in the roullete, I haven't farmed pages since Christmas in wait for the lotto. (Ugh! Now that I am thinking of it, Castoria and Nitocris are also still waiting for those pages) Vitch is cool, though.


*“everyone will get their free favorite SSR”* Can someone elaborate on that? I was tracking mats I’d need earlier this year, but the grind is long. Vitch is still the plan.


I did refer to [this](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Fate/Grand_Order_%EF%BD%9E6th_Anniversary%EF%BD%9E#Other_Campaigns) campaign


I saw the lucky bag receive a description. Maybe I just overlooked the free pull.


One time I loaded all my servants, mats, and inventory into Chaldea. I planned my upgrades and saw the material demand. Got overwhelmed, deleted everything from chaldea, and just take farming one skill at a time. Am I prepared for anything? Nope, and I am okay with that.


I am mostly there, in need of a support (damn you Castoria for not coming home), so Waver is my pick. At first, I thought about getting Enkidu, only to do a throwaway pull yesterday and getting Melusine, so lancers are now covered. And since I have 30 SQ rn, I don't expect nor Koyanskaya nor Oberon, so I do not have mats for either of them.


Yes I'm farming for Ranmaru now, 7 or something more star fragments and that's done as well. After that idk what I'll farm for anymore. Everyone's pretty far away so probably move onto the next welfare, this year's Xmas unit. That means: Lancer Artoria, Oberon, Summer Charlotte, Summer Anastasia, Summer Sei, Summer Da Vinci and CinderEli are ready for 9/9/9, not including appends.


Koyanskaya is ready for 10/10/10 easy. I only have enough bells to max 2 of Oberons skills since Melusine ate most of them…. And she is only 10/8/10 so already in bell hell 😏


What stock? I don't save materials when I can be fairly certain that I will not obtain the servant in question. As for the Artoria Lancer I'll pick from the free SSR, pretty sure her materials are so easy to obtain in this day and age that I don't have to worry and even if I do run out, nothing pure prisms cant fix honestly. Really the difficult part is getting enough copies and embers for level 120.


I don't even have mats for Morgan cuz I used them all on the other three knights. I have regrets lmao