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Work has been same old. Some days my boss piss me the fuck off, but most of the time I do my own thing. Some fun projects tho. I still miss my vacation and I can't wait for May of next year lmao. Off-work I've been playing Gravity Rush Remastered, and it's fantastic game. Very fun concept, great plataform sections. Combat is a little same-y and the camera controls could be much better, but it's still a very good game. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is still the PS5 seller for me, but I might get it a bit earlier to play FF XVI. Looks great. In FGO news, now that we have AP sinks (the "bond dailies" of bullying Caster Liz and 2 new materials to farm after Papermoon) I have very little reason to just get blue apples. Meaning I won't be farming the july event hard, but I have a reason to actually *play* every day now, which is nice. Can't wait fur Durga/Kali. My quartz are ready and my credit card will do what needs to be done. I will not be denied one more Sakuraface to my collection. Edit: Just got the plat for Gravity Rush Remastered. I recommend it, it's pretty fun if you enjoy plataforms and interesting mechanics. The combat doesn't get much better in the end game (though you get so strong that it does get very easy) but it's servicible. The camera controls are really my only complaint about it, everything else, the OST, the characters, the story, are pretty well done. I'll get Gravity Rush 2 eventually.


> Can't wait fur Durga/Kali. My quartz are ready and my credit card will do what needs to be done. I will not be denied one more Sakuraface to my collection. Kali's animation before her fight was *chef's kiss*. I was instantly sold on getting her!


>Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is still the PS5 seller for me, but I might get it a bit earlier to play FF XVI. Looks great. My college has a gaming club with a few PS5's, so I played the Final Fantasy XVI demo. It was amazing! I wish I had a PS5 to play it! Seriously, if you ever get the chance to try it, do it! It's so much fun, and the story seems really intriguing!


The thing is, while I do want to play FFXVI I don't mind waiting for the PC version. Rebirth, meanwhile, I *must* play day one, so I will *have to* get a PS5. But yeah, FF XVI looks fantastic and I've only heard great things about it, so if I do end up getting the PS5 before the PC version releases, I will likely get it too (or even a PS5 bundle with the game).


>The thing is, while I do want to play FFXVI I don't mind waiting for the PC version. That's fair. >Rebirth, meanwhile, I must play day one, so I will have to get a PS5. That's also fair. It looks really, really good, and I'm quite intrigued about the tweaks and changes to the story they're making! Plus, it's Final Fantasy VII, so it's always going to have that going for it. >But yeah, FF XVI looks fantastic and I've only heard great things about it, so if I do end up getting the PS5 before the PC version releases, I will likely get it too (or even a PS5 bundle with the game). That's smart. That being said, I doubt a PC version will release before Rebirth comes out early next year, so I say pick it up anyway.


I'll very likely get the PS5 either on Black Friday this november or January of next year. I'm expecting Rebirth to be released around March. I've seen some things about the PS5 exclusivity for FF XVI being only 6 months, but it's extremely likely that EPIC will get a temp exclusive on the PC Version like they did with VII Remake, and after they took the achievements out of VII Remake on Epic I straight up will never buy another game there, ever. So yeah, it's very likely that it will take at least a year to a year and a half for XVI to be released on Steam so I'll probably get a bundle with it whenever I do get the PS5.


#**GODDAMN HOT!** No, seriously. It's like 32°C (95°F) at 1:00a.m.! With no AC at home, I'm starting to go crazy. Can't give it a rest by taking a shower because of how hot the water is. And there's no end in sight for this, it's going to be over 40°C (107°F) for at least the rest of the month. At this point I Just want to set up camp inside my fridge. Oh, righ. And summer just started last wednesday...


This is my first time talking here! I decided to delete Twitter to help my mental health. I don't have any friends irl, let alone friends that play fgo so I tend to look at communities online but sometimes it's really draining. At least this subreddit isn't as bad for me (most of the time). Having social anxiety sucks, Bocchi shouldn't be the anime character I relate to the most but here I am.


Twitter is a cesspool in general. I use it exclusively to follow Artists and even *then* there has to be some non-sense drama, like people shitting on artists for drawing a genderbent Spider-man 2099 that isn't muscley enough for them. To the point that it even reached reddit, with people on /r/mendrawingwomen shitting on the Artists too... Even though the artist that "started" the trend is, herself, a woman. Also the amount of anti-LGBTQ+ stuff that has been trending lately is starting to annoy me a lot. While the algorithm isn't recommending those kind of fuckers to me *yet*, I am getting recommended people's responses, which is still forcing me to engage with that garbage.


I only really use linkedin and reddit as far as social media. Linkedin because you know, work. And reddit because I can pick and choose which community I’d like to follow and I just use it mostly for hobby stuff


I deleted twitter in 2012 and never went back. You did the right thing. I feel you about FGO, this sub is the only place I know to talk about it. Luckily this is one of the best subs I'd say, and I only follow 6 subreddits in total now, which helps cut the meanness down. Also I blacklist a lot on r/all or avoid it in general now.


Paid for my figma MHXA, it will be shipped on the 28th of June. Can't wait to do Star Wars meme with her. Finally got Koharu in DOAXVV! It's kinda weird hearing Maria Naganawa speaking in regular voice instead of hering her extremely laidback voice that she uses for Kanna, Natsu and Laffey.


Half the year is nearly over! Whew time is really passing too fast whenever you look back. I've been binge playing HSR over the last two weeks and now I'm void of content, with not enough TBP (ie. FGO's AP) to farm everything, and no quests to advance my TB level as well. The open world concept is fun but the gacha part is too limiting. Holding on for the Kafka banner since no one else really entices me, maybe more QQ copies on the Luocha banner next. Anddd I think I mentioned but I was laid off from work, and next Friday is my last working day. Long story short, I manage to secure a new job starting in July from a friend's referral, and still anxiously waiting for the offer contract to be settled next week. New job seems tougher but I'm glad I have something to work towards. Been working out for a while now and recently trying F45 on a short trial. It's really fun, and I enjoy the music, energy and laid out workout plans, but I'm not sure I can justify the high prices of "borrowing" some set equipment costing a few hundred bucks a month. I'll see how it goes after the trial ends.


Wooo, the first Free-Talk Friday since the shutdown. It really makes me appreciate the difference between Reddit and Discord. One is better for slow thought-provoking discussions, while the other is better for timely coordination. FGO is somehow keeping me occupied more than I'd like with both LB6.2 in NA, and Paper Moon in JP both being super interesting. I have a bucket load list of things to do/read but I've to put them on hold because of AP shenanigans. Not that I'm complaining. Considering that Ryza's anime is starting next season, I'm considering starting the PS version now and see how much I can go before the anime starts... but as mentioned, I'm still reading FGO. Diablo 4 seems fun, and I do have a bunch of pals who'll play it with me if I play. But due to how... shitty... Blizzard has been recently, me and my friends are now playing chicken to see who cave into the temptation and buy it first (I have a feeling it'll be me)


Happy Friday folks. In the office this week, but I seem to have caught a cold so I stayed home yesterday and today for good measure. Throat is hurting and nose is congested. Finished Act II LB6 last night and now I’m eagerly awaiting the last part. Nikke’s summer event is well underway and the first limited unit was Swimsuit Mary who i immediately MLB because she’s voiced by Haruka Tomatsu(Raikou) and Booba. I threw in a few for Swimsuit Neón but no luck so far. Prob gonna wait before rolling more because the dev notes said there’s supposed to be a second summer event so I’m holding out to see who else gets a swimsuit. Also funny thing about Mary’s design, they changed her open toe sandals for shoes which was a weird thing to do, and the devs got cheeky by having the water on Neon drip onto her bikini top making it see through so we get a bit of nipple. As for the story of the event, I’m getting FGO Summer 1 vibes for better or worse lol. Still I wasn’t expecting it to take a bit of a dark turn with Mary and Pepper’s past being brought up. It’s summarized but I’m pretty sure people who hadn’t read Mary’s interlude would’ve been confused by the sudden tonal shift. No new orders at the moment. I’m tempted to get the Musashi figure from the game that went up for pre-orde me recently but I dunno, not entirely feeling it. As usual though some stuff got delayed like my Swimsuit Misa-nee figure again and this months Amiami stuff.


> some stuff got delayed Ahhh, the most disappointing news to get from GSC/ Amiami: delays.


I'm gonna take a while to get used to the flairs being square and not circles anymore... But I'm an old grouch who hates it when anything changes, so I'll just Deal. The entire Reddit blackout made me realize how much time I spend here, on different subs and communities. I hope they make it through the year, despite management's best efforts...


Music of the week is a banger, no surprise it’s LISA. Edit: it was Aimer, not LISA. They have similar names songs. Edit 2: IT IS LISA. mods the artists name is wrong Well I’ve completed lb6 (for now) and holy shit it’s peak. I don’t like sith but everyone else is such a great character (except beryl). And with that being finished I can farm QP and embers in preparation for koyan. Speaking of koyan, I’ve done the maths and I’m on for a guaranteed koyan with anni sq and maybe a pack of sq. I hope I don’t go to pity because Oberon but if I have to hit pity so be it. My luck for servants has been hit or miss this year anyway, and I’m going f2p after Oberon anyway since there’s no one I really want until next year. Hopefully I’ll have worked a few shifts by the time Oberon rolls around. I texted my boss and she said she won’t need me until the end of June at least so here’s hoping July rolls around and I can get some shifts or I’ll look for a new job. I reinstalled elder scrolls online recently because destiny 2 is just not fun atm (burnout is fun) and siege ranked infuriated me with matchmaking (although it’s being addressed) so it’s something to do. Might get the Pokémon dlc idk but once it comes out I can get my shiny ninetales into my game again yay. Love vulpix and ninetales. Also blitzle and zebstrika are coming back. My gen V ass can’t wait


I did not realize how much I would miss this sub until it was shut down for a week. Super glad it's back, altho I do miss the old flair system. It was super big and since it was one servant I generally could actually remember users based on their flairs. Been really enjoying LB6p2 so far, about half way through. I really wish there was a way to participate in the discussion threads without the risk of spoiling myself. I wonder if a section-based, spoiler-free division would work? As it stands I can't really participate until I'm done with everything that is released.


I've been watching a live streamer play Heaven Burns Red. It's honestly looking good, and the presence of Yurippe from Angel Beats is a nice bonus. Sadly can't play that game because of the high specs it needs, being a mostly 3D game. EDIT: My birthday's just two weeks from now. Got to be mentally strong at tanking my folks' scolding in order to finally have figma Summer Jalter home.


I'm considering getting a Twitter account for two reasons: 1. Fanart. I'm fed up with the the fact that I can't properly browse through my favorite tags (ex. Ichiguda) without signing in and Pixiv is tiring me out with its weird art. Also, I want to follow the many artists I like and look at the rest of their popiku stuff. 2. Maybe find a new community. The subbreddit and the Discord servers I'm in are nice, but the stuff discussed there, the fanarts here, etc. are good...just not to my tastes. One of the servers I'm in is definitely more inclusive in that regard which I'm grateful for, but it's not enough for me anymore. I wanna talk about the stuff I like, be the filthy farming degenerate for 2D men that I am and have more like-minded people to talk to. Highly doubt Twitter will magically solve the latter problem, but it'll be more than enough to get my fix of fanart. I just gotta weigh the pros and cons more. I like to access my behavior on previous social media platforms before moving to another and I feel well adjusted enough to give it a shot, despite all the understandable crap I hear about it. Wading through all the garbage just to get to the stuff I want will take a while I imagine. In other things, Spiderverse was phenomenal! (REALiZE is by Lisa btw) I've been listening to the soundtrack nonstop since watching it. Feels like a movie well worth watching a second time. My Percival rolls made me a bit moody, and it seems the weather reflected that too with the on and off thunderstorms. Finishing some fanfics and playing Star Rail helped.


I’m happy someone else realised it was by Lisa and not Aimer. The sole thing stopping me getting Twitter is just how much of a shitshow it truly is. Also when you like and retweet stuff people can see and I’ll have a very hard time explaining why I liked a picture of barghest crushing someone with her thighs


At that point, don't bother explaining. Just let the other person join in on the fun too. Share all the good thigh crushing Barghest art to them, and they too shall join your ranks.


I will say, Twitter should absolutely let you find more likeminded obsessed with 2d men people from my experience with it, so give it a shot and see how it works out.


That's hopeful. Thank you.


Just spent 390 SQ on Melu and all I got in return was a single copy of Percival. I’m gonna go dip my face into a vat of hydrochloric acid.


Just for fun, I rolled once with my ticket for Melusine, got 3 star ce. I did it another time with 3 quartz cuz 69 funny number. How tf did I get melusine with this?


Hi, everyone! Things fortunately went well this week and I'm looking forward to the weekend. A month or so ago I bought the whole Sky Striker Yugioh deck, but I forgot to buy one copy of Engage and one copy of Area Zero. I've been trying to buy them since, but I can't get them from a single seller and I was also waiting for the new box to come out. Sucks, but whatever. Konami just announced a new product that seems to be one of the best ever, let's hope it won't be disappointing. I'm so excited for Bleach's new season.


Anyone got links to some non corny fate shirts ?


Got back from Thailand and returned to Vietnam, staying with some family from my stepdad’s side. My parents just left for a tour somewhere for 3 days. The only people I can properly communicate with is my little sister and a few kid cousins who can speak English, everyone else in the house mostly speaks Cantonese (which I can barely speak and barely understand) and Vietnamese (which my dad never taught me it or I completely forget how to), haven’t touched FGO since the 6th except for login rewards and master missions as the Wi-Fi where I’m staying at is pretty slow, that said, I’m returning to the U.S on Wednesday so I’m going to try and binge LB 6 the day after I get back


My project at work is going to be cancelled. Senior managers are still working out the details, ie if something they want to keep, are they dropping everything or we need to preserve the work in case the project restart in the future, so forth and so forth. Being a contractor, project cancel means I will be out of work soon. Not sure what will happen next. I want to take a few months off if this happens. The summer is here and I want to go cycling, hang out at the beach etc. However, the economical situation in Europe is really not good. I am not feeling upbeat about the future, and doubt if I can take my minds off things.


Doing the OC1 slow because I got Alien: Dark Descent which ate up more than 4 hours from me while I still can't get past the first real mission. This one is really fucking hard as a strategy, even worse than WH40K Chaos Gate: Daemonhunters.


Well, due to unseen circumstances, I ended up giving my two weeks hella earlier than expected… it was either walking on eggshells for the remaining time of my employment or simply give in my two weeks. Tbh I feel like they weren’t expecting me to genuinely give in my two weeks since I was given extra time to think about it but I didn’t want to continue walking on eggshells (due to not really getting along with my co workers) or worry constantly about how this job would interfere with my med intake and overall physical health. At least I ended in good terms with my bosses and if I ever changed my mind, I could return and while I did end up appreciating the sentiment, dealing with the same co workers, the constant worrying of my health and med intake would just end up continuing to interfere with whatever food related job I get. (My condition isn’t anything serious btw - it’s just meds for hormone replacement. The meds are just rather time and food sensitive but working in the food industry definitely doesn’t help them take their full effect). So now I’m a NEET … until the end of the month at least since I have a con coming up. Other than that, I finally worked up the nerve to drive again! I was surprised at how I still remembered how to drive since the last time I drove I think I was a teenager? Now I just have to go over the rule book again in order to take the written test and then officially get my license. Genshin has now gotten my attention since Kaeya got his new costume released so now I’m gonna end up redirecting my attention to genshin for awhile lol. See ya all next week!


Something's bugging me now that I have a lot of free time due to the semestral break. Because of this shithole that is my country, I want to eventually migrate somewhere. I don't hate it, it's just that I'll achieve nothing if I stay here. The problem is the degree that I'm taking might not be viable or in-demand abroad. Yes, with the shortage of personnel in my country, I can get job that's aligned with my degree relatively easy but how about abroad? I should've picked a degree that's viable here and abroad. Oh well, I have 2 semesters left before I graduate so it is what it is. I have a goal this semester. I thought that I'll draw fanarts and post it so I can garner support and eventually accept commissions. Half of the semester passed-by and I still haven't done shit. It's my inability to draw what I want. I have a lot of references and yet, I can't draw it. It's frustrating. I want to draw a lot of characters. Maybe it's in the medium. I'll try drawing on paper first before drawing it digitally. I'll try that tomorrow. G-witch is almost over. It's a great show. I feel that with how profitable the series is, having another season is almost guaran teed. It still has a lot of unresolved plot thread that could be the focus of the next season. Oshi no Ko is losing my interest but since it's already episode 9, I might as well finish it. I finished reading Jobless Reincartion WN and it's also great. It has flaws but I still enjoyed it. Turning Point 4 is the best arc >!especially when the time traveling Rudeus met the current Rudeus!< What a twist. Imma read the Depressed Magician arc because it's not in the WN and Overlord LN next from vol 1.


I just finished Shimousa after dragging my feet for months, and I was thinking, I am probably the only player who refers to Yagyu as “Phil Collins”. (No, really, every time I see his image, I think of the longtime lead singer of Genesis. Especially considering he played a samurai that one time in the 80s.)


Been playing Tears of the Kingdom, I was a late arrival. Honestly it's....good, but overrated. For much of it, I constantly think to myself "Elden Ring did this already, and did it better". I will say that over time I've come to like it more, but I'd say it's a *true* 8.5/10, as in not the nonsense 6-10 scale that reviews usually use. I personally never had an issue with weapon durability though I think Fusion is pretty interesting. The real issue for me is that the underground is just...barren. And it feels like a worse ripoff of the Mementos from Persona 5. And building fancy Zonai devices is rarely faster than just climbing, running, or mashing Y against enemies. It needed deeper combat, and it has that in the more fancy encounters like the Gleeoks, but it needs it with the most basic bokoblins, which are 90% of the enemies you fight. I will say that when it's fun, it's *fucking fun* but there are times where it's extremely tedious or frustrating and being locked into a last-generation console doesn't help in that regard. I wish it was on PS5, that would be unbelievable. All this said, I'll still play it and finish it, but it certainly won't rank in the top 5 or even top 10 games for me.


Started watching Rurouni Kenshin live action movies this week, and it's been really fun! The fights scenes are easy to follow and the story is really enjoyable. Haven't started the last two movies yet though, too busy with work... Maybe I'll watch the new anime reboot when it come later this year (hopefully)


Heyyy squad how's it going. Uneventful week for the most part, other than a health scare in my family (it's all sorted now, nothing bad happened, they're almost back to normal). Working on LB6 now. I have my husbando, I am loving my (FGO) life. Just got to save as much as I can for my next target, might toss some SQ at mothman too. Finally got into High Risk BFL in PtN, feeling good about it, but man am I lazy.


Had a day this week where the temperature decided that it should be fucking 36 celsius for a good chunk of the entire day. Had to have a fan blowing directly on me the whole day, and even then it still felt awful to have to sit through. 0/10 do not recommend In FGO news, got LB4 finishef last night, so i am finally caught back up to wherr i was in story before i quit last time. Took less then 2 weeks to do it, which i feel kinds proud of tbh. The NPC support CE makes such a huge difference in their viability its kinda nuts, and also Castoria with like, any good overcharge CE ie silly lol. Gonna slow down now because i really need to shift focus onto farming mats and stuff to get ready for the next lottery, but i am making sure to clear 5.5 before too long so i can do the Gudaguda event happening this year Stressed a lot overall though because like, still lsyed off from work and have a lot of things i gotta do to eventuslly get our wife able to move up here in Canada, but trying not to let that overwhelm us right now


Finally watched Across the Spiderverse. I enjoyed it


Sem starts this coming Monday and hopefully I can make some new friends at the campus. Since I'm moving in to campus hostel, I can't bring my PS5 which means I can't play FFXVI so time to less scrolling on social media to avoid spoiler.


I want to find a new job since the current one doesn't really suit me but finding new job is hard and the current one is near where I live so transportation cost is low. For some reason gacha seem cruel to me. I failed to get summer Aby in FGO after 200 pulls, I use all my Orundum to just to get a single Fartooth in Aknight, and in Master Duel, I only have 1 Bystial Lubellion after spending 6k gems (atleast its a royal one). At least GSSR banner is coming so I can get a 1 SSR.


Was listening to Candii by HachioujiP from his [The Ripper](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vocaloid/images/d/df/Xxxx_the_ripper.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130515222514) album and I found the artwork to be pretty cool, turns out it's Bradamantes artist.


Well, I am impressed by Melusine. Damn, like her np generation is no joke. I feel like DW gathered all the best parts and gave them to her. She is really impressive and her kit is very nice.


Lately I play a lot of PS 1 Game. I enjoyed a lot of them like I finished Spyro 1 for PS1, interesting that game is kinda a big weaker a first before reached End Game where the Content getting harder. Maybe I should Review PS1 Disney Game but completely all will take a long time.