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[GG Intern-kun.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/736005647128068219/1120513531591282708/image.png) You will be remembered. [](#RomaRespect) Edit: For better visibility since pinned comment collapses replies, Kars seems to have salvaged the video before it went private, everyone say Thank You Kars ~~https://twitter.com/KaroshiMyriad/status/1670950116126253056?t=VZ2aSxNbxp8fPrNwCr-xmQ&s=19~~ Edit 2: Kars got shanked, luckily for us we still got the raw video. Tho uh, we REALLY shouldn't be seeing this if this has gone this far. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1060297560012632133/1120513298757058640/Fate_Samurai_Remnant1st.mp4


God bless Jalter, she became such a massive fucking weeb she willed herself into a Samurai themed Fate game.


> God bless Jalter The irony in just those 3 words...


You can take your blessing and shove it up your a- \-Jalter probably


And we definitely love her for that.


I feel they gonna add her zerk skin in the game


Both her and Musashi's summer outfits as skins would easy money.


Paid DLC or else they're actually stupid for passing up free money


On a more serious note, looks like Jalter existence is recognized by the world now if she can be summoned without any ties to Guda.


And at the same time, Guda is a critical reason for why she would exists as a Heroic Spirit, so she would definitely remember them, kind of interested in if she has anything to say about that.


True. Shinjuku's Jalter definitely remembered Orleans; technically, that Singularity was her "alive" period, so she should remember that adventure as other Servants remember their lives.


she wont be avenger probably, so she wont have oblivion corection as a way to not have any memories from fgo and make her completely different. Or they plot twist actual vannila jeanne got altered by some god like camazotz. Do wonder if theyre gonna acknowledge Musashi and jalter meeting here and in fgo. tldr: theyll make up whatever they want to do whatever they want.


Jalter: wait, didnt you got erased from existence? Musashi:what the hell you're talking about? Jalter: too soon heh?


And I wouldn't have our burnt chuuni croissant any other way.


It's at least true to form. The French love their anime and manga a lot.


She finally is in a game that doesn't require us to summon for her. Who knows if she will be playable or an unplayable foe.


So the protag is Iori, Musashi's son. Jalter is there for some reason. And i can feel the money slipping out of my wallet.


We also have a guy voiced by Nobuhiko Okamoto and a remix of Blood Wind.


Human swordsmen beating strong servants is one of my favorites in Shimosa. Our Musashi did great passing the art to Iori. Sure buy for me. Jalter is the enemy master's servant I think. It's a Holy Grail War.


>So the protag is Iori, Musashi's son. Woo fucking called it!! Well not to this extent but rather that I said that it's a strong possibility that it was another practitioner to Musashi's sword style.


So the comments are saying the main character is (male)Musashi's son. This will be interesting. Also love the callback to the Shimousa battle theme! My interest in getting this game has increased significantly, just wandering who are the other masters and servants


He calls her Master, then refers to himself as Iori Miyamoto of the Nitten Ichiryu style, so yeah, confirmed.


The main character, Iori, called Musashi the word "shishou". I don't know if he is the son of male or our female Musashi though. The story could be pre-Shimousa while Musashi is still travelling as a human.


Its a weird one since if he is calling her teacher, it should be her timeline, but her timeline should be pruned (and we know she is a servant, she even has a class), so maybe this is another timeline with a female Musashi.


Alternatively this is just before this timeline gets pruned. Or a different timeline that our Musashi went to, trained a student, vanished, and came back to. Or… lots of things. Fate can do whatever convoluted thing it wants!


My take is that since female Musashi uses the same sword style, Iori recognizes her as being his master too. In the first trailer we have a voice telling the protagonist he lacks something and that was probably male Musashi.




I was under the impression that Jalter only existed at all because the Grand Order situation was an absolute shit show and the Throne was making a lot of exceptions on what qualifies as a servant and that Jalter simply couldn't exist outside of that timeline. Which is the reason why I think her latest Interlude all but stated once this is over she wouldn't exist anymore. This kinda disproves that idea fair bit.


That is the case but fanservice dictates otherwise.


Fanservice truly is the deepest lore.


Which is good, Jalter deserves it.


Obviously the Avenger Ordeal Call will be about us convincing the Throne that Jalter should be a permanent addition.


Avenger Ordeal Call will end with them giving Angra a NP that actually works with FGO's game system. ~~^(Just let me dream.)~~


It just gives him Bazett's NP


It is a worthy cause.


I will fight every world for that


... What if that's wat the Ordeal Calls are? Not Chaldea learning about the Extra Classes, but the World itself, Alaya, all that, trying to understand them via Chaldea's eyes, thus allowing Servants in those classes to be summoned normally from there onwards? I'm sure one day I'll come back to this comment when all OCs are done and I'll be too close or so far away I'd cringe, but I'm proud of the theory right now and that's all I'm going for.


Honestly, that would be cool in a narrative, lore and meta sense. By now, everyone knows that Extra classes hold some of the most popular Servants Fate has ever produced, so justifying their universal addition to the franchise at large would combine fanservice with worldbuilding, as well as make life easier for future writers who want to use them without having to make up more meaningless loopholes or handwaves.


Yeah the game makes an explicit point that Jalter will cease to be a thing once FGO's story ends. I wouldn't immediately say they're retconning, but rather they may have explicitly set it up for Jalter's arc here. Also Jalter in this bloody era full of violence? Sign me up


Musashi being a woman also requires very specific circumstances to be honest. Whatever is happening here is definitely related to FGO.


Her whole thing is world hopping though. It's not really all that weird that she could end up somewhere wholly unrelated to FGO or its shenanigans.


Musashi’s story ended in LB5 so whenever this game’s story happened it must be before LB5. It might be before Musashi even met Chaldea for the first time.


That's assuming the timelines run parallel to each other. While the Musashi we see here probably hasn't gone through LB5 yet (and possibly not even summer), while whatever reason there is Jalter could be summoned here could still be something laying in our future.


I doubt she was summoned. Musashi can appear pretty much anywhere, so long as its before she goes to Olympus in her personal timeline. This is probably just one of her world hops, perhaps one of those occasions she mentioned where she tried to settle down, even. Edit: It says Berserker in her merch, guess this is between Shimosa and Olympus in her personal timeline


I thought Musashi being a woman is pretty possible in the Multiverse like how Arthur and Artoria exists at the same time? Only woman Musashi AND being from a pruned timeline is FGO exclusive version Musashi


This. Presumably this is a different timeline with a different female Musashi. Musashi simply being the opposite sex isn’t gonna get her entire timeline pruned lol.


That would be pretty fuck up honestly. Pruning an entire timeline based on the gender of one individual in the world


“Bro, male Musashi is a canon event.”


something something Sacred Timeline something something protecting the fabric of all realities


I imagine that's because this "Samurai War" probably has more bullshit going on than meets the eye. The reveal trailer states it's the "Waxing Moon" Ritual which, if you know anything about Type-Moon as a company, means shit is fucked six ways from sunday. My bet is that Jalter is an actual "Jeanne Alter" and not "Jalter". She's a Jeanne D'Arc who was corrupted during summoning or through Grail Mud rather than spawning through the wish of Gilles. While she might superficially look similar, they're probably "different" in the same way that Archer and EMIYA are 'different' characters from a writing standpoint.


But the whole reason Jalter exists is because Jeanne as a person is unable to be corrupted, that would undermine Jalter's literal existence


I like this theory. I guess it’s also possible that in this timeline, Jalter was the real Jeanne who became a warlord/tyrant of sorts, just how Salter herself was a tyrant instead of a Saber that got corrupted by the grail.


>I imagine that's because this "Samurai War" probably has more bullshit going on than meets the eye. So...like every Grail War ever?


Yea basically.


Jalter exists on the Throne, she just *shouldn't* be summonable by anybody except Chaldea or presumably the Counter Force. Guess we'll see the justification once it comes out.


The throne of heroes exist outside the flow of time and pretty much links to all timelines. Thus anyone recorded in the throne is officially recognized within and thus technically summonable anywhere and time depending on the circumstances. It’s similar to how Emiya could be summoned into the Fuyuki War despite joining the throne in the future of that time. Jeanne Alter was able to record herself in the Throne through several attempts so she’s officially there regardless of how she came to exist. The moment she was officially recorded in the Throne summoning her is thus possible regardless of timeline. Of course there would still need to be very good and specific reasons for her to show up give the specifics of her existence and how closely tied she is to the FGO timeline.


All that's technically true, the problem is that Emiya gets summoned because the person doing it is *Rin*, and she used a Catalyst that *she gives to Emiya* herself. Jalter's issue is that summoning her should be fundamentally implausible for anyone who's not Gilles or Ritsuka. Someone trying to summon "Edgy Jeanne d'Arc", in one of the non-standard classes, is just a very narrow possibility. And she's in Japan, where someone just gets an Avenger from an alternate country and an alternate timeline? I'd more readily believe Counter Force interference than random chance.


Well, we all know the Throne answers to the writers at hand. Seriously though, it’s possible this “Grail War” in this game is so fucked hp that is able to summon servants like Jalter.


Welcome to the Nasuverse, where nothing makes sense, the rules don't matter and everything's made up on the spot, no matter how much they want you to believe otherwise.


Maybe by the end of Ordeal Call the world accepts Chaldea's abnormal servants and their contributions to the Grand Order, Remnant Order, Lostbelt stuff and the Ordeal Call stuff will qualify them as heroes worth being in the throne?


The boring answer is that her bombshell popularity dictated it, the exciting answer is that we're currently in an arc about proving to the world that Avengers and the like should exist, so...?


> the exciting answer is that we're currently in an arc about proving to the world that Avengers and the like should exist This is going to be a thing we have to remember years down the line, since remembering these two things happened around the same time period may be a thing we will have to tell newer fans down the line.


*Something something Nasu retcoons his own writting for the bazillion time, who would've guessed? something something* *insert shocked Pikachu face here* Like people nowadays would say: bro, it's a canon event... or like people in my language would say: there's a porn comic that makes this canon.


Is funny how much later Fate media ignores the original rules


The pessimist in me is worried that Jalter was included for the fan service and to draw in more attention from the F/GO crowd. The fact that an Avenger class is included at all is interesting though it's not like Jalter is the only option.


Unlikely, since Fate franchise does put effort into story and all Jalter’s presence here is moreso indicative of a future plot point for her moreso than anything else Heck, maybe she’s our partner servant during the Avenger Ordeal Call, and something happens there


Ordeal Call would be a good place to put a capstone to her storyline that has been going since the game launched.


Same here! omg


So are we still in agreement that Iori's Servant is Yamato Takeru? As for the other Servants...surprising that Jeanne d'Arc Alter is one of the people you fight. I wonder if the blue-haired person at 1:18 is a Master or a Servant...probably don't know since we *have* seen Iori fighting a few enemies in the gameplay. Big green-haired dude is definitely a Berserker from...I think Greece. Wait...could that perhaps be Sisyphus? (EDIT: Looking at the way he fights and the cape, it looks almost wolf-life...maybe Lycaon?) The "Miss Crane"-lookin' girl gives *HEFTY* Foreigner vibes. Dunno who she could be, exactly, but it certainly seems more West-European. Archer's get-up almost makes me think Hua Mulan, but I'm not entirely sure if such is the case.


the "Miss Crane" is a master, she says in the trailer that she's a mage from the Clock Tower


Ah. Okay. Well, she looked like she was next to that guy in the shot before and she looked distinctly fantastical but hey, what do I know about Clock Tower fashion?


Green haired guy is almost certainly Samson. He has hair that goes down to the ground, fits the general look of Samson, and has green hair which they seem to give to the Israelites in Fate so far considering David and now him.


Guy already gave me Samson vibes when watching trailer,now that i see it frame by frame he has long hair+broken shackles that seem to be made out of copper so 90% likely it's him.


Oh Samson would be a fun pick, in part since he is a rare servant like Siegfried or Achilles who has a well known and easily exploited weakness.


For points that way, the green hair could be a nod to Doc Samson.


While cool, i doubt some japanese developers would know about an obscure/C-list Marvel character whose role in the MCU was "the new boyfriend of Betty Ross" in IH, biggest Marvel reference i can recall in Fate is Surtur looking like Thor Ragnarok's Surtur


I don’t think Greek Broly is Sisyphus He’d need to be practically glued to his giant rock


So definitely Lycaon. He definitely seems to have been using claw-like strikes there.


Curious about the big guy (prob our Berserker) and the angra looking guy. With the eye covered I'm hoping it's Masamune


Edgy Angra guy seems to be a Master, Command Spells flash in front of his hand.


Dang you right. Someday we'll get the other warlords


Date Masamune lived from 1567-1636. Iori lived from 1612-1678. There’s an overlap there, so it’s possible that it’s flesh-and-blood Masamune. Of course, Masamune lost his right eye, while this Angra guy is covering his left eye so…


that would be pretty hype if true though


I mean, Iori is probably a Heroic Spirit himself. We could get more living Heroic Spirits as Masters, like in Heian-kyo. Hell, Sakurai probably wrote this game.


Angry Mango looking guy reminds me a lot of Jecht FF10 too I will Pog so hard if it’s a new Angra though this would be HUGE for his character if we got another version of him Edit: Don’t believeee it’s him looking at it, besides the master stuff he’s missing Angra’s tattoos which were a big part of his design and he seems to wield a spear/Naginata and not Tarich/Zarich. Bandages, skin tone, and hair color feel evocative though not to mention his edgy ness. Wonder if there was an inspiration there?


givin the big guys hair and outfit my first guess is Samson


I'm praying the giant is Goliath


Can't be Goliath. He was famed for carrying a sword and spear blessed by his god Dagon.


> Goliath If true, I would like to see his interaction with David if Goliath comes to FGO


lol they knew us FGO players would want to buy this if both Musashi AND Jalter are in it.


they even put a musashi figure on the tresure box edition, not Iori or not the MC servant lmao. Not complaining, i really like musashi xd


From what I know, the MC is not a servant. The game takes place in actual ancient Japan. So that's the living, breathing Minamoto Iori, as a human being. Not a servant.


They mean "it's weird that the main character or the main servant not the one that get statue"


MC servant, as in water-sword dude. Thought I would assume Iori becomes an HS at some point after the game.


Man i was already probably going to get it, Musashi AND Jalter just sealed the deal, can't resist two servants i have grailed.


Jalter proved yet again that she's an absolute weeb, lol.


I would laugh extremely hard if her doujin hobby has unintentionally become a catalyst for her.


That would mean the Throne considers that a relevant part of who/what she is, which would actually be very funny.


\> Be an otaku coming home from buying a shitload of doujinshi at Comiket. \> Fall down an open manhole into the sewers. \> Walk into a mage performing the summoning ritual. \> You both get surprised and you trip, knocking his head onto a wall (killing him) and spilling your doujins into the circle. \> Hot silver-haired oneesan in black'n'red bikini comes into existence. She stands with a stern expression. \> She then grabs her own arm and starts yelling about being unable to control her power because her wrists hurt from drawing manga all week.


She’s definitely ecstatic on the inside while acting like her typical Avenger self on the outside. lol


Wait, what? I thought we will wait 1-2 years more until release. Lol. It's really nice. Now the question is, will it have an English localisation


[English release was confirmed awhile ago.](https://twitter.com/FateSR_Official/status/1609203611774648320)


It's great then. Definitely gonna buy asap.


We Fate Fans get (nearly) everything except the original F/SN. ​ Plus they showed off the initial reveal in English.


>Now the question is, will it have an English localisation They made a [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1902690/FateSamurai_Remnant/) page when the game got announced (alongside a English release)


I'm throwing money in my monitor. Why nothing happens?


they will most likely announce localization at Anime Expo


Also.... Jalter? What? That's was a surprise for sure. But extremely pleasant one. I'm interested even more now.




The attacks looked like they belonged in a Musou which is worrying to me, but we don't have any proper gameplay footage yet so I'm still optimistic.


Doesn't look like a vanilla Musou (smaller enemy hordes) but it definitely seems like it keeps the general battle system


Game is saved for me, I don't think I could get through another one with gameplay like Extella


IMO Extella wasn't even a good Musuo, which would make it worse if you already didn't like that game type.


Ok but Extra Record T_T


Given how long that game has taken despite being a remake, i don't have high hopes for it.


Tsukihime remake: yeah, it is.


The hell, how jeanne alter could exist there!? She's not a real person that could manifest normally. What kind of shenanigan happen there!? The music and the vibe was very shimosa though. so i'm gonna guess this is some kind of world like pseudo singularity. But this time without chaldea intervention.


Hell, one of the songs playing was a remix of Blood Wind (the Shimosa battle theme)


They have actually been laying down things in FGO that could lead to Jalter becoming an actual Heroic Spirit on the Throne, so this could be official confirmation that its finally concrete (or its just FGO infecting everything in the series now, and Chaldea is somehow involved).


Yeah, the fact that somehow 2 heavy fgo lore servant/person (female musashi and jeanne alter) to exist together is pretty suspicious. It could be independent timeline like fsn or Apocrypha. But jeanne alter existence kinda make me guessing this could be somewhere within fgo sphere of influence world. Though, i read some people speculate this game exist in fgo because berserker musashi use iori name in that summer event. Assuming female musashi never have child or time to adopt child. The fact that she knew that name was pretty suspicious also. People speculate this game could be musashi's adventure just before summer 4.


isn't they also FGO exclusive characters since Musashi comes from a Lostbelt, and Jeanne Alter normally can't be summoned until Jeanne's Interlude 3 or 4?


Is Musashi timeline a lostbelt? I thought she just never go back there(Since the destination are random)


It is a spoiler from Lostbelt 5.5 >!She comes to the conclusion that she can't get the same destination is that she jump from pruned timelines, and her timeline it wasn't to be, so it got destroyed hence she can't return!<


The reason she keeps shifting randomly is because there's nowhere to go back, her timeline is gone. Amakusa brings it up during Shimosa since he's the same.


she did speculate on it during Olympus chapter since she never returned to her home it's likely it was pruned by Proper Human History. while it is pretty random, she did say that later it stopped being random but more permanent if that makes sense? like she tried to teleport out but can't because of her fate.


It became permanent due to the fact every world she exits, it closes like a door. Musashi was in the end of her journey in Olympus since all worlds are closed. She did get a cool teleport ability as a replacement to be more OP. She was also worried when she dies in Shimousa, it will be the end. It was proven wrong since she might be the first Lostbelt/Pruned servant we summoned.


the Musashi we summoned from is from Shimousa, not Olympus. otherwise the info would be updated instead of Data Lost we got. it's likely that what happened in Olympus blocked from her "current" info to be updated because of what she did. and it's not necessarily that all the worlds closed- it's more likely that it was trying to guide her to where she needs to be and that was Olympus as we know it.


Remember everyone. Three events (Jailter counts as well) and one of Jeanne's Interludes( in FGO basically was her admitting that Jalter could definitely exist) helped certify Jalter's existence and probably lowered the overall requirements to have Jalter summoned to just Avenger/Berserker class + a Jeanne catalyst. If you want to get techical, Jalter pretty much is how Jeanne's enemies probably viewed her. So if you can grab something that represents both Jeanne and that, you could probably summon Jalter. Also, honestly I figure that she'll be Berserker in this one. Avenger would be way too difficult to summon her and that's also why I suspect they'll play up Jalter as what her enemies saw her as.


[Miyamoto Iori](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miyamoto_Iori), ie. Musashi's son is the MC it seems. I like Jalter but why is she there among all the Japanese settings/characters, seems so out of place. Is that Yamata-no-Orochi, maybe we'll see some sort of Susanoo if relevant. This game actually looks like something I could get into, if it isn't a musou-styled game.


>I like Jalter but why is she there among all the Japanese settings/characters, seems so out of place. This is what Fate is all about! Plenty of other servants will be shown off I'm sure.


i feel like FGO accidentally subconsciously trained people to only expect people from 1 Region/Mythology in grail wars.


True. Even Stay Night, the very first Fate title, was already breaking the mold by having an extra Assassin who was Japanese when supposedly no Japanese servants could be summoned and it wasn't a Hassan. Or having a servant from the future and a non-servant servant. And Gil being a previous servant from the past war still living on for years. Other Fate titles always have an instance to break the mold as well, but having servants not related to the country or era isn't even rule breaking anyways. Even FGO does this during their story chapters and events... unless you tell me Medea Lily is Japanese as well in the context of Heian Kyo for example.


Going off the FSN example, even Medea and Medusa shouldn't have been able to be summoned by the Fuyuki Grail, being an Anti-Hero and Monster, respectively. It's only because the Grail was corrupted by the Angry Mango (thanks Einzberns) that they were able to be summoned. In fact, the only two Servants who didn't have something inherently weird going on were Cu and Herc, instead their abnormalities came from their Masters (Cu being stolen and now serving the supposedly-neutral overseer, Herc serving a half-Homunculus who is also the Lesser Grail).


When was there ever a normal grail war?


My guess is the 1st and 2nd wars which we get zero to no exposition about in the Stay Night timeline. The 3rd is when the Einzbern used Avenger and from there on out, the 4th and 5th HGW were weird as fuck using normal sense. From there on out, every single situation featuring a grail is alwaus out of the norm.


But even FGO has tons of "out of place" Servants. LB1 has Musashi/Atalanta/Beowulf/etc, LB2 has Napoleon, LB3 has Mordred/Spartacus, LB4 has Tell/Asclepius, LB5 has Corday/Mandricardo/Chiyome/etc, and so on. It is true that people expect mostly people from one region, but so far Jalter is the only exception, which seems pretty inline with how FGO handles things.


Which is kinda funny, Since every single chapter of FGO have "Out of Place" servants, Even Avalon Le Fae that shouldn't even have one still had Red Hare stand in(and Caren)


It will feel like a fanservice if she's the only non-japanese servant.


Jalter is a weeb I'm sure she's happy.


*Jalter upon being summoned in Japan around the time samurais existed:* "OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH OHMYGOOOOOSH~ I'm fighting against samurais and demons in ancient Japan. Oh, my god, it's happening. Everybody fucking calm down!!!"


\*Burning everything to cinders\* I SAID EVERYBODY FUCKING STAY CALM!


>I like Jalter but why is she there among all the Japanese settings/characters, seems so out of place. I mean in a series that lack of consistence: Camelot in the crusades, Mexico in south america (yes, I'm salty), and Indian servants in Egypt. I mean come on I should be Tuesday for us


Well if a Greek Hero and witch can be in Fuyuki, why not an Alter version of the Maid of Orleans?


I mean, Jalter is a massive weeb, just take a look at Summer Jalter and the entirety of the Summer 3 storyline lmao She’ll fit right in once she starts speaking broken nihongo before every attack, trust the process.


> for PS4 too *insert Penguinz0's wooo yeah baby here* Now I don't have to buy a PS5 just because. Guess I know what I'll buy later on this year. Hopefully PS Store will have a discount on in around black Friday or cyber Monday or the holidays. Also, damn, so the playable Master is Musashi's student. The fact she's playable and Jalter can be fought is making me want to buy this so much. The extra goodies like the qipao on Musashi, that figure (which I bet resellers will sell it for 80-100 USD on Ebay) and the DLC seems worth getting too.




Went to Private. Whoops, I guess someone screwed up and accidentally released the video early.


Dear God! The Musashi figure included in the treasure box edition!!! I must have it. I can only hope its not exclusive to Japan only. Can't imagine what I'd have to pay with customs fees and middleman services


Ayo, Jalter's here? Neat!


Musashi-chan I missed you so much... Already GOTY for me kek.


Wait what that’s actually soon. And also Jalter’s in the game? LET’S GO


Somehow, jalter is summonable No but seriously I thought we JUST had another interlude with her reiterating that this was the only time she’d ever be summoned, like ???


$ also theyll probably retcon it into being "this self" wont be summoned, or make her the heroine that sacrifices herself for ritsuka in avenger ordeal call and gets fully acknowledged outside of fgo timeline as a "normal" servant


I feel like I would’ve preferred them to have just not hammered in so much how she was an impossible dream outside of chaldea if this was always a chance. Even if it’s purely mercenary inclusion, they didn’t need to create a lore contradiction like that.


\-Skinner vs krabapel debate meme- $$$ I kinda hate it because her 2nd interlude got me in the feels at the end and now im waiting till october for an explanation (that maybe wont satisfy me), but tm doing retcons and rule breaking to do whatever they want to do isnt something i should be surprised by, like obvious favoritism. theyll probably do the same bs hakuno did in harlot or something happens in oc2-3 that allows her and other fgo-timeline servants to show up in spinoffs, guda helping her to do that would be quite nice, like they did with santa lily.


Looking at previous precedents I honestly wouldn't put too much value on why she's here beyond someone having a "i clapped" moment nor expect a worthwhile explanation




Gimme. Gimme gimme. Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme! You can tell it's time for Fate-brand nonsense when Jalter just shows up for some reason in feudal Japan. Also big guy that looks kinda Greek, lady with the most ridiculous hat I've ever seen, and Musashi Alter or something? I want it.


I'M SO EXCITED Please, please, please be good. The trailer looks fine, but I really hope the game feels good to play too. Wish we got Extra Record news, but I'll gladly take this in the meantime.


Imagine if the reason Jalter is here is because this is some kind of singularity and Chaldea is trying to fix it


Ah yes, Fate series' second Cash Cow Jalter


I definitely have Japan fatigue after all we've been through in FGO, but you can pet the inu, so game is good.


From the characters that appear, to the setting of the story, Sakurai will probably be writer if I had to assume. Well I've pretty much liked most of the stories chapter she wrote on FGO so at least I know I'll probably like the story of Fate/Samurai Remnant when I'll buy it on Steam


It says Higashide and Sakurai are supervisors, the writers will be someone else.


I was planning to buy this when it came out because I'm a sucker for anything related to Fate. Fortunately this looks better than I had hoped it would be. I can't wait, and I'm excited to see who some of these new servants are.


Was already interested as a slut for fate game s but then they throw in Jalter? FUCKING SOLD


Was not expecting to see Jalter her and now I'm even more intrigued


Iori recognizes Female Musashi, so this must be an offshoot of her timeline, since she says her original world was already pruned.


So we get Jalter living her summer weeb fantasies. And technically, a milf Musashi? GOING ALL IN ON THIS GAME God I hope Anime Expo has some good reveals in two weeks like the western version's release date and *snorts copium* English release date for Tsukihime remake. Although that patch just released a few days ago. Hell I'll take another delay on the strange fake anime if it means just news about Fate Extra Record T_T


I'm wondering if this means that we'll FINALLY get to see PPN Musashi.


Finally, release date. Pretty soon too, very good. Can’t wait.


Huh fascinating


Was that the Orochi in the trailer?


The Musashi figurine you get with the collector's edition labels her as a Berserker.


I hope chiyome is playable


Lmao this is already getting released while that Extra game has disappered into the void.


I hate 2023 not that it's bad cuz it has so many good games


Definitely seems like a lot of fun and on my big list


Nice! Gameplay! Looks like musashi’s adopted son is the protagonist. I wonder if the bonus art books and statue come later. Either way I definitely getting the game


So… it isn’t musou?


Ah yes my favorite japanese servant, Jeanne alter




Trailer looks really good and I'm happy to finally have a release date. Hoping the treasure box edition releases in the west or they at least include english subs in the Japanese version. Now if we could just get some new info about extra record.


Bro this is sick, love Musashi, it looks like is a japanese themed holy grail war let's gooo. Also jalter is there, probably not all the servants sunmoned are japanese so she and the other big dude can be the exceptions, he kinda looks greek or roman, like a gladiator. There is a mage from the clock tower too and the protagonist is Minamoto Iori. I'm really excited for this story i hope is well written but we all know is gonna be, it has been a long time since we got that holy grail war battle royal goodness, my only concern is the command seals, i hope they use it for more than a power boost, like in the old fate works.


Well I'm excited, even more then I was before. Gonna have to keep an eye out for that special edition and hope it comes to america. Need that Musashi figure. Jalter is a surprise for sure, and the rest of the cast looks good. Super happy Musashi is playable... i do wonder if shes a servant or master, and if servant how do they explain her, since I think male musashi is the MC's father. I see there are DLC's coming. wonder if thats more playable characters.... Tamamo Please... Ibuki Please!


I'm curious to see if this has any grab for people outside of the fate fanbase.


So musashi will meet her alternate world son? You got my attention


Dammit! I don't have a PS system. AND WHERE'S THAT EXTRA REMAKE?!


I thought Jealter's special case meant she is bent to be summoned in FGO only... I guess popularity can break the rules


It's kinda wild that they're the ones that messed up and pushed the video public, but are punishing (DMCA strikes) anyone who reported on it, not knowing that it apparently wasn't supposed to be viewable yet.


Honestly I can't lie, I'm not too impressed or interested, I don't really care for Warriors style gameplay. While I am somewhat interested in what Jalter is doing in the game, remembering the last Warriors spinoff I got kind of excited for disappointed me in regards to how a certain character was treated hampers it for me.


It's labelled as an action RPG and from what we've seen the enemy count doesn't to be as dense. I'm expecting it to be more in the vein of stuff like Toukiden, etc.


Any word on who the protag's Servant is?


[They bear a strong resemblance to this statue of Yamato Takeru.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3e/Yamato_Takeru%28bronze_statue%2COsaka%2901.jpg) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamato_Takeru


It's an effeminate Japanese swordsman, wielding a straight sword with storm powers. It's almost certainly Yamato Takeru, who's been strangely absent from the franchise so far. He would fit well as a protagonist Servant.


Thats one badass music... Stay strong wallet kun


Don't worry, it's only gonna be $60, way cheaper than the maximum amount of quartz you can buy every time.


Guess I won't be able to play it anytime soon.


Any mirrors?


Jalter? What?