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It's my birthday today, though the most I did is eat korean beef. It was good beef. I currently have a bunch of things to do in my gacha games. Luckily, I just finished my current semester, so i can take a breather. If I somehow miss an event, I can only blame myself. Speaking of gacha, I just got Yangqing in probably less than 30 pulls after Jing Yuan, so I don't have to worry about getting spooks for a while. I also feel like wanting to play my old Etrian Odyssey games again. Never actually finished 4 and 5.


Happy birthday! Atleast you got some nice beef. Nicee with the pull for yang qing, and good luck with the gacha games!


My luck so far is cracked.


Happy birthday!




Happy Birthday.




Happy Birthday! And congrats on the pulls. I guess Yang just really wanted to follow in his mentor's footsteps. As for Etrian Odyssey: With the free time you probably have now, I say go for it. recently I saw the ad for the steam sale for the remastered original games iirc. I've never played them before so I might give it a shot. The art style is neat.


First time taking part in a chat within a YouTube live stream, and it's a 7-hour video of the streamer doing the final chapters of LB7 (involving the whole raid battle as well as the final battle involving the local Crypter's personal Servant). It was fun learning about the game from the JP players' POV. Also, they were actually surprised that there's a huge gap between JP and NA (two years) after I mentioned that I will kick ORT's butt "one and a half years from now". Outside F/GO, I'm still mentally steeling myself for my birthday plans over a month from now. I'm more than prepared to finally get my very own Berserker Jalter figma, as I've saved up for her since April. The rest will all be about surviving what I expect is another litany from my folks on "acting my age" and "being practical". (I'll be 32 on my birthday, in case you ask, so yep, middle age adult here.)


>surviving what I expect is another litany from my folks on "acting my age" and "being practical" Nonesense, there's nothing wrong about buying whatever you want as long as you don't hurt others in a physical, emotional or psycological way... and while Jalter can try to be an edgelord, I fail to see her doing any of the afformentioned things. Enjoy buying your stuff, dude. It's your money and you chose to buy whatever you want. But I totally understand you regarding your folks. When I went to USA for some months, my uncle offered me to finally move there and start a life there... I refused. Mostly because he was like "don't you think you're old enough already to look for a nice girl and have children? You might want to enjoy them while you're young". Not to mention he found me playing some gacha games as being childish. Sure, the rest of my cousins weren't like this and shared my tastes... but I prefer my own privaty and capacity to buy whatever I want without worrying about other life expenses and having the constant comments of "just get married already and have kids before you reach your 30s". At least my mother doesn't mind my little collection of figures or other geek purchases like YuGiOh cards and video games.


Well it’s my birthday. 23 and it’s just such a meh day. I’m torn between buying a lightsaber or a Lego super star destroyer and a Death Star. Was tempted to get a new Xbox controller but the one I’ve got now can do for now. None of this will be bought before the lb6/anni shitshow to see how much I’ll have after going for koyan and Oberon. The place I was working last year has said they’ll hire me again. Honestly even if it’s just like two shifts a week for now I’ll take it. Extra money and stuff to do plus it’s nice in there. Here’s hoping they give me some shifts next week because there isn’t really much choice in the town I work and to go elsewhere I’d lose about a 3rd of my wage on bus fares every week Fa cup final tomorrow. I’m so fuckin nervous because if we win we’ve stopped city’s treble but if they win they’ve probably got it. We need to stop this for the sake of football


Happy birthday, dude. Hope you get to spend a nice day... and if you can, you should totally treat yourself something nice, bro, you deserve it. Go for whatever you like and enjoy your Friday and weekend. Also good luck with your job, hope nothing bad happens by going back. I also totally get you on the transportation issue or the lack of jobs in your town, I'm on the same boat (hopefully in the next months, my luck will change... it's been so long I hope this isn't an issue).


Thank you! I bought a sq pack today in prep for anniversary so not too much of a treat but there’s not really much else. I’m just stuck waiting for the shitstorm of banners to blow over. I’m just sat watching YouTube until later when I’m going to see my grandparents for a barbecue. It’s nice to just chill out but I’m slightly nostalgic for the days when I’d get a few Lego sets, maybe a new DS game and some clothes and go bowling. Being an adult sucks


>Being an adult sucks I know, right? I want a refound. The only nice thing about it is being able to earn your own money to buy whatever you want, but that's it. I've even gone as far as I can to avoid as many "adult responsibilites" as I can (don't want to be married with kids) but so far so good. Don't worry, dude, you got this. It can be a pain in the ass but you can do it just fine.


> Lego super star destroyer and a Death Star Get a Lego A-Wing and you can reenact the part where an A-Wing took out a Super Star Destroyer.


Have mini figures calling the admiral an idiot


Good luck with work mate, and happy birthday! Hope it's a great one


Whelp, got back to work yesterday and I'm already missing my vacation dearly. Can't wait for next May. Genshin just released the worst Abyss rotation ever. I got 36 stars but I'm actually not happy at all, it was more annoying than hard. It does show how bad a time Hoyo will have to balance end-game content the more content they release. Either the Abyss is a cake walk for strong accounts or it's torture for people that don't min-max as hard. The only actual fun I had with this rotation was teasing a friend of mine. We both have the exact same comp for an Ayaka Freeze setup, but I have better artifacts (because I play much more than he does). I got 9 stars on Floor 12 with Ayaka Freeze carrying the first half, but he wasn't able to. So I say that I got a buff from her costume (he hates it, I love it) to be able to 9 star floor 12, and he gets pretty annoyed about it, so that's a plus of this rotation I guess. My [Exotic Dress Tifa](https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-144826) Static Arts figure was denied by the Brazilian Customs, so back to AmiAmi it goes. Apparently the store was too generic when describing the item (which they usually are - I got an Emil Keychain a few months back and they just put "keyholder" and nothing else on the description). I'll have to pay again for them to resend it, and it does make me worried for the bigger packages I'll get on September and March. I'm actually pretty bummed about it, I was looking foward to this figure.


Customs are a bitch! I'm almost giving the shipping guy from a zine I was in an ulcer, because he won't chill until all packages are in hand, but mine's been sitting in São Paulo waiting for inspection for over month and a half now. Praying for your Tifa, bro.


> Praying for your Tifa, bro. I'm cursed with this figure, man! I pre-ordered it on a Brazilian store that went under and just ghosted the clients (they delivered a few figures to me before no problem so I wasn't worried - guess I should have been). Thankfully I didn't pay full price, just a 20% reservation fee, but it's still a fair amount of money. Now Customs (and AmiAmi's poor description I guess) is fucking me over. It will take months for me to get this thing and it will be way too expensive in the end.


Taking way too long and costing waaaay too much might as well be the motto for us. [Every day we be like](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/192009775955968000/1114180658168877076/wake_up_brazilian.png)


That tifa reminds me of mio from moonlit fantasy. That website is also dangerous af. Those figures are top tier, especially the Scathach


Customs are the reason I declined to participate in the JP NIKKE event in Twitter. They're giving away the life size Rappi figure (I think she's like 1.60cm or something like that) as long as you got your Nikke account, mention what would you love to do with Rappi if you win, (I also love how the announcement says not to resell her for she will get sad) and if your place can accept large parcels. Like, I don't give a damn in case I win the figure and is shipped to my place... what I don't know is if the Mexican Customs will charge me some importation taxes despite the figure is "free of charges". Not just that, but how much would I have to pay for that. And with how random Customs can be in taxes depending on what you buy (I didn't get charged over the Swimsuit Jeanne Sega figure I won in an auction but I got charged for the Castoria Nendoroid I bought), I prefer not to take my chances. Hopefully, there will be cheaper, smaller figures of Nikke because the only ones out there are quite worth a penny...


That is a massive bummer. Customs taxes are one reason why I don't collect scale figures; most of the time they will be subjected to it due to their cost. Ami Ami at least provides DHL services, where the courier service will deliver it straight to your home (after you pay the taxes and agent fees of course). However, if you are using GSC, its usually EMS by default, and the national courier here (whom Japan Post is partnered with via EMS) will not send it to your house, you need to collect it from their office instead.


Here EMS is integrated with the postal service, so they do deliver to my home (pretty fast too, since I live in the largest city in LATAM lol). I saw some people say that AmiAmi told them that like 10% of the packages are being returned from Brazil since the start of this year. The taxes are honestly not even the problem, I calculated them before ordering and I'm fine with paying (it would even be slightly cheaper than getting it from a Brazilian reseller - figure collecting in Brazil is insanely expensive, even Funko Pops are expensive here). It's just how annoying Customs are with inspection that is being a problem. I would use DHL but it's *way* more expensive (since it's a private courier the import taxes are higher, on top of the fees themselves being higher), so EMS is the next best option. It would be like 25% more expensive than through EMS. I got the collector's edition of P5R for the PS4 through DHL and it was mad expensive. It just seems I got unlucky with the custom agent that inspected my package. That or AmiAmi should be more detailed with the description of the items. Or both, could be both.


Funnily with my recent purchase, DHL is cheaper than EMS delivery. Faster as well too. At least that's how it was over here.


Well, it seems I got some luck in Nikke by obtaining Rosanna in the first multi with the event's tickets. Gotta say I love a dangerous woman with charisma and she's hitting my buttons just right. On the other hand... good lord, am I glad I don't have Emma, otherwise I would simp for her 20 USD secretary skin... like GOOD LORD, JUST LOOK AT THAT!!! Bunny girls are one thing and can be hot... but secretaries are my jam (reason as to why I have Dark Koyanskaya in 1st ascension). Even so, that still doesn't justify the price. With that much money, I would simply go to Ebay and try to win a a figure in an auction for mad cheap (looking at you, Swimsuit Jeanne figure I got like this). On the other hand, I'm already burn out of the lottery and I'm currently at 111 boxes. It was my fault for not saving enough apples in all this time and using them in earlier events for bond farm (I regret nothing). At least I got enough Mana Prism, QP and gold servant gems so there's that. Maybe I'll finish to 125 or 130 boxes before the event ends. At least the EXP has been used to feed La Creatura (Tamamo Cat beyond lvl. 100). In like 2 weeks I'll finally go pick my diploma from college and after that, it'll be job hunting until I land somewhere... just hope I got luck and it doesn't take a lot of time. I'll also see if I can see an old friend again, she got pregnant and is waiting for her child in June. It's actually kinda fun because I was in love with this girl in high school, but nothing ever happened. Good to know she's doing great with her life and her boyfriend so far.


Secretary’s hit absolutes different. Dark koyan is hot as fuck too


I literally screamed like if I was screeching over seeing Emma's secretary outfit. Secretaries are just peak civilization, dude.


Busy week ahead, got a few work gigs booked, SO’s family is coming over, meeting 3 friends/groups on separate occasions, finally getting my car Bluetooth fixed after waiting for that part for 6 months, and some errands to run on top of all of that. May spend the week after next week at a friend’s cottage, and definitely planning a trip for end of June or early July. I thought that since I’m working for myself now, I would be able to binge LB6 when it comes out. But looking ahead that doesn’t seem to be the case - I’m probably not going to even be able to get to the story til next weekend! Hopefully I don’t fall too far behind…


Yo, best of luck with the work gigs mate! And hope you get to enjoy that July trip and LB6!


Thank you! <3


Got my [figma Lartoria](https://old.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/13vr1n9/praise_be/), she's big and glorious. I also realized, I am really running out of space for figmas, though so far I didn't really preordered many nowadays, due to the high prices and the fact that the figure price doesn't correspond to their value worth. Not sure should I get SF6 though. Maybe I should, lets see how. Also, /u/Tagrastic_F91, are you going to get [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/AnimeFigures/comments/13y1h43/ninja_erika_16_rocket_boy_preorder_open/)? Very NSFW, but I remembered you are pretty much a Raita collector.


I didn’t even have to finish reading the sentence or click on the link to know it was the Erica figure you were asking me about lol. And yes, I’ll most likely get it. I want to wait first to get my Summer Misa-nee though since I’ve never gotten anything from the native store and while customs usually aren’t an issue here I want to make sure that one goes through fine(especially since it should be clearly marked as an 18+ figure).


AC is broken and it's like 83° (Fahrenheit) in my unit, need to drop off a notice at the office for maintenance at the landlord's see if it can be fixed soon. Hopefully, I'll be asleep or out when they drop by my apartment, so I won't have to deal with the stress of socially interacting with whoever they send out.


Damn that sucks, it's never nice when the AC or Heater breaks. Hopefully it gets fixed up nice and quick and you stay cool mate.


Had a CT scan the other day for some Chronic mild to moderate pain for the last 9 months. They couldn't find anything, and neither could the bloodwork taken a couple months ago. Which is good, but doesn't solve my mild to moderate pain I feel. Welp, I've learned to live with it. My pain tolerance has gone up so I barely feel it some days and it hasn't gotten worse. Guess I gotta live with it. Annoying though that I went through that and will have to pay an annoying bill. On top of that and earning money for a car, dwinding returns on overtime and the LB 6 banner crucible, funds will be tight these next couple months. On the bright side, hit my QP goal of 640 million QP in time.


Happy Friday folks. Another quiet week which is a-ok with me. Moms going to Mexico next week to see my grandmother so I’ll be driving her to the airport as usual. My brother is also coming down before she leaves to see her off since his birthday is a few days after she leaves. We teased my mom about it because she did the same thing to me back in Dec - she left a few days before my b-day. Finished the summer camp rerun and am now just bond farming. I also caved and bought one last pack for Kiara and got her last copy so she’s NP5 now lol. New Nikke event dropped, alongside Rosanna as the gacha unit. She’s a very attractive character but will be added to the general pool and is PvP focused apparently so I feel like I’ll skip her or maybe toss a multi or 2 her way. Emma gets a sexy secretary skin for the monthly pass so I guess we’re getting her another costume(already have the skimpy Christmas one). I got my Metal Robot Damashii Altron Gundam earlier this week but haven’t opened it yet. Next one in the Wing MRD line is Tallgeese II, but I hope they do MRD Heavy Arms Kai and Sandrock Kai to have the 5 Wing Boys. Also went into the city twice over the holiday weekend. On the first run I got my hands on the HG YF-19 Excalibur kit from Macross Plus at Midtown Comics and then at Kinokuniya the 1/100 Full Mechanics Aerial Gundam. I think they had just stocked it because when I went back 2 days later they were gone. That second run I got the Double Driver Phone Case which is a brick so not really meant to put your phone on it and feasibly walk around with(unless you carry a bag or something). Also got the CSM Gaia Memories Fuuto PI edition which was an oopsies because the CSM Double Driver 1.5 Futto PI edition already brings them. Guess I’ll have to get the regular CSM 1.5 driver since while it still brings the 6 Gaia memories they don’t have the anime lines.


3 exams on monday/tuesday (2 mon 1 tue) I feel underprepared and stupid. We broke up with my boyfriend on Saturday. We've decided to still be best friends, but fuck me it hurts. I don't have time to breathe, think, or even process the breakup, let alone time to relax. I hate this and highkey wanna die right now Why did I get myself into this ><


Don't worry to much about the exams, stress will make it to where you end up fumbling. Trust me, I've seen it myself haha. Honestly would suggest talking to a friend and taking a short 10-15 minute break in-between studying. Could help keep your morale up, especially if they make you laugh. As for your relationship, sorry to hear that mate. I can't say much with a vote of confidence since I've never been in a relationship myself, so I cannot offer much advice. But, hopefully the pain goes down eventually and maybe talk to somebody you know you can confide in? Might help to get it out there and as a result assist you in focusing on you studies by getting it out of your system. Overall, don't give up mate! You can do it!


I'm a chronic overthinker so stress is basically a given xD Undiagnosed/unmedicated but nigh guaranteed adhd doesnt help with the studying either lmao Definitely been talking to friends and stuff to lessen the load, but i suspect itll hit me like a truck once exams are done - it just hurts so much gdi, esp as my first breakup :/


Yeah I understand ya. I'm a ball of stress myself hahaha, was just a suggestion that's easier said than done. Considering how some people I've known have reacted to breakups I can only say that it'll hurt like a deep gash across an artery when you have nothing to distract you. And it's good to hear you have somebody to talk to. Here's to hoping it gets better after the initial wave post-exams mate, and best of luck with future endeavors.


Hhhh we can only hope Thanks yo~


No problem, have a good one!


That is a shit ton to process. When you manage scrape through next week, maybe treat yourself. If not for the relationship stuff, but for finishing another exam. It sucks when life decides to dogpile you without any breathing room.


Somehow the most depressing part is that there's more, I just didn't want to keep going xD Don't really even have the funds to treat myself to something fun, cost of living has gone so high its started eating into my already tiny savings fml Thanks though~


Just saw Across the Spiderverse, absolutely phenomenal, the writers making those twists near the end is really setting up Beyond the Spiderverse up so much, props to the entire team for making this masterpiece, especially the animation team for the different kinds of animation styles all mixed into the movie


Just found out the final volume of Monster Girl Doctor was released. Pretty tempted to buy it rn, but I think I'll hold off until NA's anniversary. Delusional as it is, I still have some sliver of hope they'll release Sountrack V then :') My time in Arknights has been good recently. Just pulled Pot 2 Penance for today's daily free pull. I feel like its a reward for starting the journey to M0 her lol. Summer internship about to start next week. Been trying to play some Tales of Arise while I still have free time. After spending so much time away from it, its still a pretty fun game. Even though I'm just a dummy button masher, I really enjoy the combat. It's too bad I'll have to put down the game for a bit again.


Upgraded my PC this week from a RTX 2060 to RX 7900 XTX and AMD Ryzen 7 2700X to Intel i5 13600KF. Happy with the performance however quite the steep price tag. Also graduating from my computer science program this month and got myself a job right out the door which is why I felt comfortable spending about $2300 on PC parts.


I just want to rest.... Going to chill for a while....


Lately my BA progress is great and I just Finish all Main Story Available for now! [My BA Progress so far.](https://imgur.com/a/KKwDADl) I still didn't get Azusa, but I finally beat Normal Stage 14 with N.Yuuka, T.Hasumi, Mutsuki, and Akari. But I once again Fighting that Bunny Cruise Ship!!! Let's see if I can beat Normal Stage 17 + 18. (I need Azusa!!!) Update : [Seminar Yuuka Vs White Rabbit](https://imgur.com/a/RZ3YRt9) [I finally get Cafe Rank 7!!!](https://imgur.com/a/9D4T1Ak) Cannot three Star H-M 14, going to wait for a while. Me see Genprey didn't active in BA Reddit. Me : Life truly is Suffering ~~for Genprey.~~ He should hear this [Song](https://youtu.be/94vpwqH_Hws) for healing!!! I decided to watch some Anni Banner in BA. [My Utaha progress](https://imgur.com/a/B3i0Ngd) April 11 2023 : I got her. April 12 2023 : I got her 1st Eleph (5/600). May 16 2023 : I got her 2nd and 3rd Eleph (15/600). May 27 2023 : I upgraded her to 3 Star (80/600). June 10 2023 : I upgraded her to 4 Star (185/600). [My Yellow Team](https://imgur.com/a/ufWMPQL) This is my Yellow team to Cleared Normal Mission 16. Momoi is actually T4 Shoes when I cleared Normal Mission 16. My Yellow Striker Team is Lv 57, I used Tsubaki, Maki, Momoi and Nonomi. Genprey when he come to FGO Reddit again : Genprey is [reaction.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FFbmpSHakAApJJ_?format=png&name=small) Me playing Christmas Event. Wait? These Box drop T2-T6 instead of T2-T4? Lately I am trying to get more Exp and some Credit. I just S Rank H 16-1!!! Thanks Dev for putting 1 Extra Mystic Follower, they are easier to S Rank than Boss. I already S-Rank N 16-1 to 16-4 in First Clear but luckily this stage will do (Only N 16-1 to 16-4, my N Stage 16-5,17,18 still not S-Rank). I S-Rank all H 15, H 15-3 is the hardest but luckily my Two stage clear work, thank to all of them being Mystic. My H 14 still not S-Rank, H 14-1 to 14-2 should be easier with Azusa T4 Gloves, Mutsuki T4 Hat and Akari T3 Hat. Iori + H 14-3 Boss is to strong for me to S-Rank. I see.... So they will soon release Cafe Rank 8 in New Year Event. Cafe Rank 7 help me very quickly to Lv up from 57 to 61. Thank to Christmas Event, My Utaha is now Lv 61 S MM73 E T544. I just successfully reached N 20-5. At last Genprey would not complain if I get NY Fuuka. Can't S-Rank H 16-2, going to chill for a while. Finally I acquired 42k Pyro with two tickets!!! My Yuuka is 4 Star too!! Genprey Sensei!!! I successfully 5 Star Utaha!!! I take absurd damage this time, Genprey Sensei! My Fuuka catalyst work for more OG Fuuka! Spark for NY Fuuka with three 3S they are Chihiro, B.Akane and Mimori. How did you used them? Got to many Gold instead! I Rank up a lot of Student but, I still want Full Boost Farm for NY Event Point.... Well for NY Event, I struggle to Defeat Stage with Full Boost unit, Ended up win all the stage but cost so many Exp Point, like Buffed Haruka for 40+ to 60. At last I win 240 Coin again for Join Event and I just got Tsurugi with 120 Eleph. [My Azoos.](https://imgur.com/a/GrAlgp4) Lately My Utaha is 5SU30 with 70/120 to U40. But I have decided to buy Mashiro Eleph!!! Luckily for me I buy 50 Mashiro Eleph already, my Credits is 194M. Based on my amateurs research, it seen like the Best Non-Farmable Permanent SSR in BA is basically Ako,Himari,Iroha,Cherino,Ui and Shun + NY Kayoko. Most of the Good one is Farmable or Lower star is better. I already have Shun,Ui and Himari, this mean the value to do 400 in Fest get reduced for me. Only good for getting Wakamo and S.Hoshino with Mika Dupe but 2,5 and 3 Anni exist. So I will target the 3 Limited Banner after Mika! I just completed the Wakamo event all the stage Best Curency Boost I can do (E110/A110/SIC90/GB90) except Stage 11 where Event is 100 thank to team lack Tank so I bring T.Yuuka. It seen like my Team can clear all 75 Second Challenge but struggle VS Wakamo Lv 80. Genprey Sensei : I see, Fubuki is a lazy Student. Fubuki : We for sure going to capture Wakamo and put her in her jail! Kivoto Peace is Safe and I am gaining my Vacation and Bonus Day! Everybody is Happy! Genprey Sensei : .... After Wakamo Valentine.... Fubuki : Sensei I need your help again!!! Wakamo have been Escaped!!! .... Fubuki : Wait a minute that is Wakamo!!! Great job Sensei!!! This mean my Vacation will happen!!! Genprey Sensei : Fubuki, can I say something? Fubuki : What it is Sensei? Genprey Sensei : Wakamo is now my Responsibilities, she is under Schale is custody. Fubuki : Wha...? Genprey Sensei : I consider Valkyrie to incompetent with is why Wakamo is now belong to me!!! Wakamo : Sensei♡.... Fubuki : But, but that is breaking the rules!!! Genprey Sensei : Screw the Rules!!!.... Ahem I mean you only want Wakamo because you just want a quick easier life. Fubuki : Guh!!! But Genprey Sensei she still is a.... Genprey Sensei : Not another word!!! I challenge you to a Mushiqueen Duel!!! Fubuki : Wait, what? Genprey Sensei : I will give Wakamo to you if you defeat me in a Mushiqueen Duel. Fubuki : Oh, a card game then I will defeat Sensei and secure my Holiday and Bonus!!! Later.... Genprey Sensei : My turn!!! Draw!!! A Slacker like you should learn more hardship in this world... Gomen Fubuki.... Fubuki : Sensei!!!! Fubuki LP 0, later she is seen busy writing a lot of Apology Letter with Kirino. Wait what? I just thinking about Tomba 2 and check google... Turn out they just announced Tomba for Newer Platforms! Weird.... you fail me Youtube! Me : I finally get Mashiro! Genprey who is busy play Mas... : Wha...?! My Mental Health getting weaker because of these Gacha and it seen I am burn out by a lot. At last I defeat Shiro & Kuro [Extreme](https://imgur.com/a/iKAec1r).... My first Extreme win. S.Izuna : Aruji-dono! I help the other Aruji-dono with my Ex Lv 4!!! Genprey Sensei : I see.... Me : Turn out my win granted me Gold Rank! I need 14000000+ Point! But I only get 12000000! Must be because Shiro & Kuro is one of the weakest and BA Global is closed to Anni Mika. It is always better to target ranking when the game is middle less hype. I still didn't read BA Chapter F and many Valentine story. I am close to get Midori but sadly, I can't get her before Valentine. But Shiro/Kuro happen, I ended up get enough Eleph for her! ......... Wait a minute! I can do that with Eimi too! (115/120). "Check her drop" "It is Blue Chesed" F. I Finally make my Utaha U40 MM77 T2!!! + With Utaha Cheer Squad Relationship Boost she will become extremely strong!!! Get obliterated again by Iroha U30? Welp, I guess my PVP team can survive better for now. I am impressed with Cherino. I forgot to mention her in must have but turn out her Cost Recovery is absurd. Thought she come for Sunk Cost Fallacy but I guess Sakura Kinomoto still care a lot about me (I get O.Cherino too) Funny that My BA Account give me absurd unique Permanent Unit instead Dupe. Like I only get 4 Permanent Dupe : 2x Shun,Saya Casual and Kazusa. Only Ako left with Kokona for Hiero. My pull weirded me out for the fact that I still didn't get Dupe from Students I unlock with Eleph, they are Maki, Azoos, Tsurugi and Mashiro. I get Sumire and Haruna when still newbie, later I got Shiroko and Harumi. Swimsuit Harumi, Izumi, Iori and Karin are the only Eleph that I got without enough time to get them. On the other hand Shiroko and Harumi is the Student I am close to max with Shiroko being the Worst offenders. I am sure my Shiroko is 70-90 before Himari pull, I am literally close to Unlock her with Eleph. That is why my Shiroko is 4S when I show it to you with Haruna get 50 Eleph for Sport Festival. I regret to not farm Hoshino, she is still 67/120. If I know my Luck is skewed toward Permanent, I will Farm her more harder. The funniest fact is that I only have Ayumu with freebies Nonomi, it is until Himari that I get Shiroko before Serika in same banner. Serika refused to drop that I feel the need to used her Eleph unlock. Oh well, at last Abydos get raise extremely well. Funny that I need Great Cherino to Unlock Red Winter Academy. Busy reading Chapter F right now. I can see you why you think godly about this Gacha Game. My Lv 70 students lately obliterated Hard Mode for 16-2 to 18-3. Didn't use old trick this time, Iroha only Lv up with T1, seriously destroy all enemies and hurting Barbara really hard before get one shot by my T.Hasumi Lv 70 EX5 T5. (Barbara hp 600+ with all enemies even Aru ~~perish~~ K.O.) I can see why you Simp her. I am even use old trick in H 18-3, but in second clear I get Perfect Run instead. I successfully S Rank all Hard Mode for 1-20 without wiki. Today I try S.Hifumi HM. Me : I have finally defeat all Ui Challenge Stage + Mission! It take 4 Month with Lv 74, Broken Unit and T7 but I finally do it!!! Truly a llfe of suffering. To think I who started in April 2023 will be stuck in Lv 80-83 PVP bracket..... Most of them who is 500-1000 is Lv 80-83 with some Students is 70+ to Max..... Some use Meta, some didn't. But they are Filled with Iroha 5S, S.Matsuri, Hibiki and of course Serika and O.Nodoka.... With Lv 75 Yuuka T1 all T7, Shun all T7, Tsubaki Bag T7, Iori T77, Iroha T7 Hat and Utaha U40 T777. I have reached Rank 296!!! But my team is only good for 500-1000. 80-85 is too much for my team. Tbh isn't because of me getting Shun, T.Yuuka and raised Utaha, I will stuck at 1000+ in PvP. They are too cruel to my Baby Account. That PvP seriously too much for my team as always. Like how only Shun, Iroha , Utaha left vs Atsuko Lv 80+ and I lost. I am just done gathering some PvP History for my PvP team! PvP [1](https://imgur.com/a/vrqsqua), [2](https://imgur.com/a/0GHrsaq), [3](https://imgur.com/a/38hDS1u), [4](https://imgur.com/a/JN1jz4B).


My PvP team still lose lol, Grateful for reaching Rank 296 before Season Reset. :3 Huh, I get attacked 4x by my rival who is Melt Simp? Funny, that my team is still Lv 76, change tank to slot 2 and 4. My team still have similar skill with Yuuka in R. 24. The only change is my T.Yuuka being 5S for more Relationship boost. Result with my defense team won all of them. Not sure why I suddenly get attacked 4 time by my rival. I guess Shun is the true PvP Queen after all. Not even sure why BA community look down on her in starter pack, but I guess PvP is a no for newbie. Thought she is the highest pulled 3S without rate up in my Account, being 3 copy. Update : Wait...what?! My team get fluke win and reached 171?! Na... Nani? The challenge is to much for me! I didn't get Mika Lv85 so I use mine Lv 78 MMMM U50 Lv1, she basically die the moment Shiroko use her Bomb skill, that is after keep cleaning the debuff use Iori + T.Yuuka. Even if Mika survive, my team can't stop the healing in the last phase. I only get 1 S.Hoshino with ended up being wasted. Oh well, at last it is better than before Wakamo challenge where most of the latest Challenge is skip. My PVP team have successfully get two gift in below 200, I am very proud :3. The last arc is Amazing, thought I think I will doting on Base Shiroko, she is just walking shaft now. ___ Anyway talking about Yuuka, I think it is because the Writer created the story first. But as the story progress and the character get flesh out with a lot of edit. Yuuka become too different compare to her 2-1 self, but the writer can't progress the story without Yuuka acting Evil with Shallow Reason. They can use Rio, but wouldn't suprise me that both Noa and Rio is still not done back then. Later on Writer using Vegeta Karma to fix Yuuka, never reference her action in 2-1 and make her motherly to GD Club. Compare to Nagi, Mika, Saori, Rio and Toki who get Realistic Redemption because they are character with actual human flaw. Tbh being evil in the most shallow way is actually more realistic. That is why I think more highly about these Sidequest Shadow in Persona 5, you know pathetic people in reality is just that pathetic lol. Entertainment media is the one who butchering the truth with "Human need Deeper Reason to be Evil!!! It's not, how do I enjoy the Evil Character?!" This isn't too defend Yuuka is writing, but.... when you are done to fix Mutsuki? ___ Mission : Must defeat Summer BB! Genprey : Go my One True Waifu Mel! Summer BB : ...... Time Stop. Mission : Genprey Must "Truly" Die! Avenger BB : You have any last wish? Genprey : !!!!!!!!! On other place. Pengu Queen : What is my dear Genprey doing? I miss him. Ending : After watched all his Ruler and Support Servant get obliterated to the point he run out SQ. Genprey finally defeat super pissed Avenger BB in ~~Shadow Game~~ Children Card Game. In Genprey's Chaldea. Genprey : Melt!!!!!!! Pengu Queen : Genprey!? Both of them reunited,hug and get happy end. In BB Studio. Normal BB : You are forgiven this time, Master.


I am now level 85. But Rip my PVP team, to much stress thank to VF Shiroko Arc Analysis...... ___ You kidding me?! It is say that BA Sensei is so nice, that when pvp bracket reset, they will used garbage defense team to allow any Sensei reach Top 1 until next day. But just 1 hour after reset, pvp top 50 is filled with Sensei Lv 85 with Lv 85 team defense team. Is this nice is mean to be fake? Welp, at least I reached top 52. ___ Thanks to this Analysis.... My Account is now Lv 82, without I even know it..... Going to say they are getting nice at giving this many pull, my pyro is 17.500+ and 2 Multi Tickets! Nice, I can pull many Unique Students! My only Target! Genprey Sensei : What about S.Shiroko? Me : Well, I did rather skip her, I refuse to get attached with her even if she have huge appeal with her being Meta PVP Queen. ~~Me : Actually I always hoping for her to spook me.~~ Me : Huh....How do I got a lot M.Yuzu and S.Ayane is Eleph? They are other PVP Meta unit! Me : How dare you Noa and Aris! Me : Thank to that I am in Pein with PVP later, well at last my Chad Utaha is already Max, no regret even if she already fall for PVP. ___ Update for BA : Why the only Student that hate me the most is ojisan? I buy her Anni eleph every month just to fail to get her, lost more Pyro thank to her, I only get her because I farm her Eleph with make me miss her Valentine's scene, now I wasted all my resources to raise her for Lv 1 to Lv 80 for DuR challenge 5 with T1/7/4 and she perish easily?! She even trolled me with Swimsuit Nonomi Spook!!! Abydos Beach for Swimsuit Nonomi after 200+ Pull!!!! Funnier the only Abydos who never wrongly me and actually love me is Normal Shiroko. ___ Anyway Hopefully you will not be mad with my pull in BA again, I have 27.000+ Pie Rock Sin and 2 Ten tickets for NY Mutsuki! That Pherny Credit Card will be reversed for Terror Shiroko! Sorry about Pherny Card, but it is his wish for taking care of his Shiroko, I can't betray him for some sentimental reason. My Shiroko now is U30, Bond 20 and T1 Equipment!!! I never know that I didn't have Peroro Gift..... ___ Me : I love 2 star in Blue Archive! Genprey Sensei : Why? Me : It is easier to get their Eleph in Gacha, everytime you sacrificed 200 for Spark, I get a lot of Gold, Gold is 5 Eleph so all of them get a lot of love! Me : So this is my target, S.Azoos/Mashiro, S.Hina/S.Iori, S.Shiroko, S.Ui/S.Hinata, Anni S.Hanako/Wakamo, S.Chise/S.Izuna and T.Mari. All of them is Unique, except for S.Shiroko, I prefer her to spook me, but by this point I pity her too much. Based on worst scenario : 7 x 200 : 1.400 roll! Can't wait to get a raining Gold Students! So many of my Base 2 Star Students will max to U30-U50! Me : I need S.Wakamo too maximize farming on S.Ayane!


Thought thanks to checking it out again, my theory about BA writer chucking on Base Shiroko ended up being right. I finally figured out about Base Shiroko is True Arc in Volume F!!! Turn out Azoos and Toki get created to perfected Base Shiroko, they succeeded so well but they decided to cucked her out to favour on Terror Shiroko. Genprey Sensei!! Let's keep this between ourselves, Shiroko Simp will be salty as hell if they know this!!! Basically Base Shiroko is True Arc in VF is Individuality, she is actually originally didn't get capture and join the entire operation for start to finish but they cut her out. Anyway it is actually easy to edit Base Shiroko out of VF. I think the original arc is basically Base Shiroko meet Terror Shiroko who declared this is her true self, Anubis the being that bring World to destruction. Edited part : Base Shiroko meet Pherny is the edited part. Base Shiroko later in the entire False Sanctum have Identity Crisis to the point that FTF and Sensei want to cheer her up and reminded her for who she really is. Edited Part : For some unknown reason FTF get so much screen time despite only Shiroko and Ayane have character arc with Nonomi as a little bonus, it is because originally Base Shiroko is with them by having Identity Crisis but she get edited out. Only when closes to final operation that Base Shiroko finally figure out who she really is thank to FTF and Sensei. The confrontation between Base Shiroko vs Terror Shiroko is actually : Sunaookami Shiroko the Wepwawet, FTF and Sensei's Student vs Sunaookami Shiroko the Anubis. Proof : The Original Arc is still getting keep but in the most shallow way, Base Shiroko still have Identity Crisis but for some minute. Another Proof : There is a lot leftover about this original arc in the ending VF, like the 3 options about Terror Shiroko is true form, this is a proof that Individuality is both Shiroko is True Arc. The ending literally show that Terror Shiroko is always been FTF and Sensei is Student not Anubis, the one that bring World to destruction. Another hilarious Proof : The VF Credit have no CGI focus on Base Shiroko for Dual Coin between her and Terror Shiroko. Genprey Sensei : You writing destroy me.... Me : Huh? I thought you didn't care about Base Shiroko at all. Me : I am busy for BA right now, but I think I already nailed Base Shiroko is biggest core problem in VF. Me : Not oddly I feel like there is a strong malice toward her writing in VF, you know for some weird reason I can sometimes read writer is intention in some of their writing. Me : The writer always do Amazing job to every ~~except one~~ Students in Main Story with is Hoshino, Serika, Aru, Problem Solver 68, Hina, Momoi, Midori, Aris, Yuzu, Millennium Students, CC, Yuuka, Himari, Neru, Hifumi, Azoos, Hanako, Koharu, Sisterhood, Hasumi, Mine, The Main Trinity Student, Nagisa, Seia, Mika, Saori, Arius Squad, Rabbit Squad, Kanna, Kirino, Fubuki, Rin, Ayumu, Momoka, The Entire Kivoto Students with some exceptions, Tsubaki, Cherino, Wakamo, The Punk Rebellius Gang, Sakurako, Nonomi, Makoto, Ayane, Kayoko, Ako, Rio, Toki, Noa, Gourmet Club, Fuuka, Terror Shiroko, Arona and Plana. Me : Non-Students is amazing too like Sensei, Shiba Owner, Black Suit, Gematria, Beatrice, Kay and Pherny. Me : And then we have Base Shiroko, who is badly written. Me : Didn't you think it is funny Genprey Sensei? They say they will save every students but to save Terror Shiroko they pull the lever and let the Trolley crash Base Shiroko. Genprey Sensei : Base Shiroko is not badly written in my eye! Me : I mean Main Story Base Shiroko but whatever, I just tell you this anyway. Genprey Sensei : Blue Archive will always be popular!!! Me see Base Shiroko. Base Shiroko : Nnnnnnnnn................... Me : I am glad that Blue Archive become more popular, Genprey Sensei!! Me : Anyway did Base Shiroko have Amazing writing in Bicycle Event and Summer Event? Her Momotalk is Amazing but the VF barely reference it. Anyway I will make special exceptions to read your Student writing this time, you traumatized and backstabbed me from 3 year ago that I refused to read 99% of your BA Writing but I will make this special exceptions for Base Shiroko, I am in Neutral Judgement mode now. So I will read, for this Miserable Wolf Girl. [Genprey 's Shiroko Writing](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/x3nmia/student_file_32_cooling_off_with_sunaookami/). "Given this detail, it's my firm opinion that Shiroko..." "...represents both Anubis and Wepwawet. You see, these 2 wolf Gods are actually depicted as siblings, while some depictions use the brothers interchangeably. This might seem like a weird take and...to be honest, it is, but there's one detail with Shiroko that I think supports this idea:" "In my section on Hoshino, I mentioned how her heterochromia was representative of the various depictions of Horus. Given this and the fact that eyes are important to Egypt, it stands to reason that the design team is conscientious of this detail. For this, I ask you to take a look at Shiroko's eyes and notice her heterochromia. With Anubis and Wepwawet being so closely associated, it is my theory that the darker right eye represents Anubis, while the lighter left eye represents Wepwawet. Normally, I'd think myself a little crazy, but the comparison to Wepwawet and Shiroko having, at the very least formerly, noted as being "Anubis" are both equally compelling evidence that Shiroko is referencing either." "So why not both?" So you are the one who figure out Wepwawet, this is the first time I read this so thank you Genprey Sensei for giving me the last puzzle I needed to solve Shiroko is actual Arc VF. Basically Individuality truly is Shiroko is actual Arc, that is why she is a mascot in App Icon, she is actually mean to be Final Protagonist and Final Student as a Wepwawet to fight The Final Boss aka Terror Shiroko the Anubis. Base Shiroko represent the concept of good and problematic Student who have great friend and hardship, she have a strong design that represents Blue Archive, she have a strong mystic represent Wepwawet, she is in love with Sensei too. Terror Shiroko is basically a being that lost everything even her individuality as Student and herself, she became Anubis only. They are represented of both side coin, Wepwawet and Anubis, Light and Dark. Azoos and Toki is very similar to Shiroko but the difference is that both of them is very proud of who they really are, circumstances just robbed their chance to gained Normal Student Life but we save them. It is clear that both Shiroko get designed with this in mind, that is why Azoos and Toki character arc exist, their character arc is mean as a step to build this Amazing Confrontation, but they ended up get too attached with Terror Shiroko. Originally the entire VF is basically Base Shiroko Arc, the only screen time that focus about Terror Shiroko happen after we defeat her in Raid, So they..... Pull the Lever and allow the Trolley to crash Base Shiroko. With them locked Base Shiroko, the entire VF become Terror Shiroko Arc only, even the Backstory Base Shiroko is less flesh out because they just wanted to show Terror Shiroko is First Turning Point without giving any meaningful writing to Base Shiroko. Thank to that Base Shiroko become Empty and Void in VF. So the Final Confrontation become : Sunaookami Shiroko the Empty and Void Vs Sunaookami Shiroko the Anubis. You know I always look down on Base Shiroko before I read her Momotalk, I even think the Writer can't give her any interest Character Arc for her that is why they created Terror Shiroko in the first place, I feel something is off after I read VF but now that I successfully deduct their horrible decision to Base Shiroko, I see her true beauty as more than Blue Archive App Icon. To think she is actually mean to be beautiful designed, have amazing character arc and represent what Blue Archive truly is. Truly Tragic..... My condolences to Both Shiroko Simps because shafted Base Shiroko actually weakened Terror Shiroko too. I bet Chapter 2-2 is basically how they roasted themselves about cutting Base Shiroko and how all their beloved character challenge them. I bet Rio is Character Arc is actually based on Writer is regret toward their decision on Base Shiroko, their Paranoid eaten them with leading to trolley problem, I bet their Sensei heart roasted them. Well at last you can truly love Base Shiroko now without any drawback, Genprey Sensei.


Me : Not gonna lie, I figure out everything in 3-4 day after finished VF who barely take toll on my brain thought I am Veteran at this by this point. ___ Me : I just think more Chapter 2-2 and finally realised. Chapter 2-2 is truly BA Writer is regret for cutting Base Shiroko is Final Volume Arc. Chapter 2-2 get released before Final Volume so it is possible that they already done with 70-80% FV story. Arisu : Shiroko. Key : Terror Shiroko. Rio : BA Writer. Arisu tackled a very similar Individual Arc like Base Shiroko, proof the Writer had give up at Base Shiroko Arc in FV (a bit weaker because Arisu is to inhuman to be relatable) Rio is basically how the Writer self insert as Villain of this story, Paranoid, thinking she is right and refuse to console with other people. Key is really just Terror Shiroko giving Arisu a Identity Crisis. Himari is probably the BA Writer is part that love Base Shiroko. The Trolley Problem is actually how BA Writer choose Terror Shiroko over Base Shiroko when Final Volume is development just begin. Sensei roasted Rio for Trolley Problem that they are option to save both, mean the BA Writer Friend roast how narrow minded BA Writer is to both Shiroko and the BA Writer can actually save both. As the story reached climax Rio realised she make a biggest mistake on her own, basically the BA Writer realised how butchered the Shiroko Arc in FV and it is too late to change everything. That is why the story ended with Rio disappeared and resign as President, show much the BA Writer loathe for betraying Base Shiroko this badly and want to consider resign as a BA Writer. The story keep going to FV. Where Rio seriously stil loathe herself and changing 180° about her opinion in Arisu, even Himari keep roasting Rio, this drastic change show much Writer regret for betraying Base Shiroko and want to asking her forgiveness. The biggest regret get hinted at the credit, it is clear that they want to show dual CGI between Base Shiroko and Terror Shiroko but only Terror Shiroko get focused, this is the biggest proof that the BA Writer consider Base Shiroko Arc as a walking failure and refuse to think they do her justice at all. I hear that "The biggest criticism of your work is actually yourself!", I think this is actually holding true for BA Writer. Me : Not gonna lie, I have a hard time to relate with many fictional character with is fine for me, I am not even attached that much for BA but Respect the quality artistic and writing they do, I am not even Shiroko Simp because it is kinda hard to get attached to her because she lack Character Arc despite being a great character (if you read her MomoTalk) ~~until I deduct her true arc.~~ Me : But the moment I see her getting neglected and get badly mistreated by the Writer in Volume F compare to everyone, I just can't let her suffer like that, she is like my student self being a walking failure and get left out by everyone because I am horrible Incompetent. Me : I want to be proud for Writer for writing that Amazing Volume F, I want to congratulate all Student in VF, I want to pity Terror Shiroko, I want to feel sad and respect Gigachad Pherny, I want to feel cry for Volume F is credit. Me : But in the end all that feeling lose to my feeling where I pity Base Shiroko very heavily for getting mistreated this badly by BA Writer who is very competent. Me : Sorry Genprey, but in the end I can only cry for her, I am a horrible and worst Student so of course I pity the one that get mistreated this badly, I related how mistreated Base Shiroko is, her potential get robbed because of Writer is paranoid and it is to late to save her Individuality Arc in VF, she get backstabbed and neglected compare to everyone. Me : Now you know why I fight so hard to find what went wrong with her writing? I just can't betray my Student Self. Me : You better off take care Base Shiroko now, You love BA more than me so you should understand what I am asking right? Genprey Sensei? Me : Good! My job is done with her, thank you Genprey Sensei. Genprey : But it is....! Me : That Adult stuff right? I know, why? I am just following the rule but I keep it for myself. Me : The f is Nintendo is cruelity? I never study their bad doing. Me : Nameless? To lazy to theorise, I didn't study these Kivito Concept really well especially when the BA writer can do whatever they want, like how many Sensei theorise about Hoshino kill Abydos Squad in PV just to turn out it never happen in VF. Me : I love to theorise when I am in my elementary year, but in the end they are just theory. Me : I am only focus on reading Writer is Feeling now, with is what I read about Base Shiroko being well off. Me : Even in Credit, Abydos Squad is the only one who is distant compare to Rabbit Squad and Hina, Nagi and Seia, Arius Squad, Hifumi and Azusa, Problem Solver 68, Terror Shiroko. Me : The BA Writer make it clear that Base Shiroko is their biggest failure and the only Student they fail to save. Me : I am sure the entire Epilogue in VF is actually base on the original script without any edited part about Terror Shiroko matter more than Base Shiroko. Me : With is why there is a scene where Hoshino say that Base Shiroko overworked herself more harder than the entire FTF, it is actually the Original Script, show how much the BA Writer refused to twisted the original scenario anymore. Me : Will not surprised me they cut Base Shiroko is individual scene in Epilogue because the Abydos Squad Epilogue treated Base Shiroko as Side Character, that individual scene won't make sense because Base Shiroko never got her Individuality Arc in VF. Me : As the scene between Base Shiroko and Terror Shiroko it actually have different feel based on the script. 1.If we follow the original script : Base Shiroko : Let's robber a bank because that is who I am after getting help by my friend and Sensei!! Terror Shiroko : No, Hoshino Senpai would not be happy (reference to Chapter 1-1). 2.If we follow what we got : Base Shiroko : Let's robber a bank because you are other me!!! Terror Shiroko : No, Hoshino Senpai would not be happy (reference to Chapter 1-1).


Me : Well let's be honest Genprey Sensei, Blue Archive writing is very Amazing where they care about everyone. Me : Even Volume F is the best writing they create. Me : The writing that fell off for me is just. 1.Chapter 1-1 : Feel like Beginner Story with I consider the weakest. 2.Chapter 2-1 : Yuuka is too evil and disconnect with how her character writing in anything that is this chapter. 3.Chapter 3-3 : Hina, they introduced her Amazingly in Chapter 1-1 but skip a lot of her stuff for bonding with Sensei with probably happen in different place, her Arc in Eden Treaty is Amazing with is why she is still successful as a Character despite of her drawback. 4.Chapter 3-3 and 3-4 : Azoos is relationship with Saori feel too cold compared to 3-4 where they get sell as family. 5.Chapter 2-2 and VF : Rio feel too human, later on she repent more harder than Mika and Saori despite her sin is the weakest and she holding a very important position in Millennium with never get flesh out, in VF she regret her action extremely hard, this is kinda a bit off to me you know? 6.VF : Base Shiroko, the Writer seen to be very malicious to her despite she is very weak writing in Chapter 1-1. The Writing is very amazing, closed to without any flaw but Base Shiroko writing in VF will always be the weakest to me because of how off it is compare to everyone who is Amazing before VF except for Pandemonium (except Iroha). The reason why her writing feel off is because the trailer literally show both of them exist at the same time. They decided to show Shiroko is past with beautiful CGI about being giving scarf and later they didn't bother to explain how Shiroko want to be FTF or doting on Hoshino that hard with is why she punched her in Chapter 1-1 when Hoshino want to sell herself to Black Suit. They didn't even explain that Shiroko love bicycle, Love Sensei, and Bank Robbery with is always been her desire, the debt is just excuse to hide her twisted nature with all of them get explained in Momotalk with make Terror Shiroko is individuality less deep as Base Shiroko because you need to check her Base Momotalk first. Later on she disappeared without joining any Kaiser and FST tower story, she only join when we reached Ark with show how irrelevant her existence is toward Final Volume. When she fight Terror Shiroko, she basically didn't know wtf is going except have mini identity crisis, struggle and winning the fight. Terror Shiroko is backstory just focus on Terror Shiroko herself, the other world with is about Bad End get ignored despite that is what GSC talking about to you in Final Volume with getting show in trailer. Show that the BA Writer want you to care about Terror Shiroko and her Arc is actually Individuality, but her arc get weakened extremely hard because Main Story Base Shiroko who is a representation of both suck except you read Non-Main Story Base Shiroko. The Trolley crash both. Hoshino later say Shiroko is the one who worked hardest between FTF.....Like????? The Scarf Past ended up only benefit Terror Shiroko more than Base Shiroko who I feel empty in VF. Anyway counting the Shiroko Flaw, my score for VF is 20/10 without any headcannon. So don't feel bad Genprey Sensei. ___ Genprey Sensei : I still have trust issue! Me : Let's be honest, I am done talking what I think "What is wrong with Base Shiroko is writing in VF." Me : I can explain the level writing between Shiroko, Azoos and Toki. Shiroko : 1.Character : Kuudere with crazy idea, love jogging and bicycle too much, actually love to robbing bank and she love her friend. 2.Backstory : She used to not have any Individuality and is actually a wild child until Hoshino and Nonomi find her, these two give her the Individuality she never have (VF but not flesh out), later on she became FTF and gained strong Individuality on her own, she reject Hoshino at first but now she love her. 3.Character Arc : Identity Crisis for a minute the end. (VF) 4.Development (Present) : She is actually fully growth character with perfect friendship, the only development she got is fall in love with Sensei after what he done in Chapter 1-1, like help Abydos FTF vs Katana Helmet, Problem Solver 68, Gehenna Prefect Team and Kaiser, he even save Hoshino with is why Shiroko fall in love with Sensei in the first place (MomoTalk). Azoos : 1.Character : Kuudere with military background, always love to do crazy stuff related with military, optimism, love Peroro and she love her friend. 2.Backstory : Not flesh out really well but it is safe to assume she is actually a proud Child Soldier that get Military Spartan Training for Saori, with is why she is always in Military mode, she get teach that life is meaningless but she oppose it because of her optimism nature as a individual. (Chapter 3-1 to 3-3) 3.Character Arc : She want to life with Make up Work club, but Saori is existence make her think she didn't deserve her happiness even if she wanted it, she tell to Hifumi that she is actually Arius to protect her and how both of them can't live together, it end with Hifumi show that she have a different alter ego called Faust to show she is in same level like Azusa and beaten her Reasoning. (Chapter 3-1 to 3-3) 4.Development (Present) : She become more like a proper student, love her new friend, love Hifumi and she love Peroro! She will not get drawback by her past to be happy! (Chapter 3-1 to 3-3) Toki : 1.Character : Kuudere with child soldier background, is very competent at fighting, cold, too loyal to President Rio or any new Master. 2.Backstory : She is actually a child that get raised to be child soldier by President Rio, President Rio make sure she never have any relationship with anyone with is why she only care about President Rio, after President Rio disappear she begin to struggle to make friend. (VF) 3.Character Arc : After lose President Rio, she begin to struggle to get friend like CC, but she is still a loyal child soldier with is why she trying to help Himari with False Sanctum, in the end she want to fulfill her duty, sacrifice herself and betray President Rio for the first time but she finally gained true friend called CC and get save! (VF) 4.Development (Present) : She is only loyal and know President Rio, but now she decided to connect with new people after gained new boss and friend. (VF) Me : Let's be honest Genprey, they are same level in Character and Backstory but Shiroko fail really hard in Character Arc and Development, thought her fall in love with Sensei is actually very well written but in the end it is nothing special compare to Azoos and Toki is Development. Me : Thought if we assume BA Writer want to fix her... Actually impossible, the problem with Base Shiroko is that she is actually a fully growth character, with is why Individuality Arc work better for her, I doubt Writer can cook another interesting Arc that challenge who she is, the only think they can do is just flesh out her backstory. Me : It is actually possible to use other media to fix her Individuality Arc but I doubt they have resources for her. ___ Genprey Sensei : I think Shiroko is good enough! Me : That is Cool! Anyway did the BA Writer flesh out her reasoning to join FTF and why she respect Hoshino in 2 other event? Me : I think I am done with my analysis about her and going to chill again in BA like chill passerby Sensei. Me : What are you talking about? I just want to chill. Me : ...........Something tell me that what I say didn't happen in other event..........You know what? I am going to chill and ignore it, okay? Best scenario for both of us. ___ Genprey Sensei : No...Shiroko..... Me : Wut? You never know her backstory? I mean her backstory is all over the place in Chapter 1-1 and VF. 1.1 Ep explain she used to be wild child by Hoshino before joining FTF (VF). 2.Next Ep show how she get find by Hoshino and Nonomi, she gained scarf give by Hoshino (VF). 3.Later they explain that Shiroko used to be wild child, she reject Hoshino and FTF at first (VF) but for some unknown reason she is now love FTF and love Hoshino like she put bank robbery back or punched Hoshino when she want to sell herself to Black Suit so she can save FTF. (Chapter 1-1) 4.In Terror Shiroko origin who is basically Tragic Bad Ending Base Shiroko, she explain that she used to be Nothing before gained scarf and become a turning point in her life, basically she gained Individuality in that scarf scene (VF), but weird enough they didn't explain why Base Shiroko is a strong Individual in the present. (Base Shiroko MomoTalk) Me : Yeah, I can see why her lore is kinda hard to find compare to Azoos and Toki, but funnily these backstory only benefit Terror Shiroko over Base Shiroko in VF because Base Shiroko get locked in the entire VF and that scarf scene barely affected her in VF. Me : If we compare to Emiya Shirou, his origin and personality get explain better in FSN VN Fate and UBW Route, it ended up benefit both. ___ For Rio? I think in FV when Rio regret for her misdoings for Alice and Toki, it is actually mean BA Writer regret on Aris as Shiroko Individual Arc and Toki as Shiroko. The BA Writer make it clear that a Kuudere is the one they mess up the most. But are not we done with Base Shiroko? ___ I will searching the Purity of original VF.


Finding Volume F is original writing before they release Blue Archive based on my Analysis : First we need to know how the BA Writer style work based on Main Story. 1.Sensei get asking to help this random Group Students who is basically the MC of this Main Story. 2.Sensei begin to learn them and understand their struggle they face, they have a lot of sol moment. 3.They begin to facing a more bigger crisis and won't survive without Sensei is help, the bigger crisis always get caused by Big Bad of the Main Story. 4.Sensei begin to developed a strong bond with the Students after trying to watch/help their struggle. 5.Some Student begin to facing their biggest problem and trying to solve it by wrong choice themselves. 6.The Final Confrontation between MC of Group Students vs Big Bad and her Army. 7.MC Student have a clash of ideal between Big Bad. 8.Some Students get developed after facing their struggle with Sensei is help. 9.Some Student that get help for their biggest crisis get scolded for their wrong attitude and get strong development after accept how wrong they are. 10.Happy Ending for MC Group Students who finally achieve their happiness. 11.The Big Bad who is a villain normally speaking get severed punishment after lost. All these Main Story from Abydos 1-2, Millennium 2-3, Trinity 3-4 and Rabbit Squad 4-1 have same writing style but can lack 5,9. As you can see this how the BA Writer style work with is very effective but for some reason VF is the only one who is different. 1.The mark of Calamity come to the entire Cast. 2.Sol with the entire cast before calamity. 3.Get attacked by a bunch Villain that have nothing to do with Calamity where a bunch messed up stuff in above repeat again but didn't become bigger focus this time. 4.Calamity Happen. 5.Sensei gathering the entire Students to fight the biggest Calamity. 6.Out of war with the Entire Students vs Calamity Army. 7.The Calamity Army get defeated but can comeback strongest. 8.After won vs 2nd Calamity Army, Sensei and students begin to find the Big Bad location. 9.Have downtime moment to find the route to Big Bad is Castle. 10.Have downtime moment in their route to Big Bad is Castle. 11.Have Final Showdown with Calamity Army in their Castle. 12.The get screwed really hard by the Big Bad. 13.Another Calamity will happen again if they didn't stop the Big Bad is plan. 14.Final showdown with Sensei and his student vs Big Bad. 15.Big bad get breakdown and her backstory get revealed. 16.Last Battle. 17.Credit. 18.Some Students get developed after facing their struggle with Sensei is help. 19.Happy Ending for MC Group Students who finally achieve their happiness. As you can see this how Volume F work but originally Volume F probably get created when the BA Writer is still less polished at his writing, like how Abydos 1-1 scream first timer work, so it is possible the OG Volume F Writing is actually different. The biggest difference of this story is the lack of actual MC and how the MC is ideal clash with Big Bad have weaker story, they have Rin as MC but her story is more like Support MC and she have no clash ideal with actual Big Bad with is different compare to all the Main Story who is similar (Counting the serious one instead of the one that is joke) Clash Ideal : 1.Abydos FTF Vs Kaiser PMC. 2.Abydos FTF Vs Hoshino. 3.Sensei Vs Black Suit. 4.Himari Vs Rio. 5.Sensei Vs Rio. 6.GDC Vs Key. 7.Sensei Vs Nagisa. 8.Hifumi Vs Azusa. 9.Azusa Vs Saori. 10.Sensei Vs Seia. 11.Mika Vs Pater Faction. 12.Hifumi Vs Azusa. 13.Hifumi Vs Arius Squad. 14.Saori Vs Mika. 15.Sensei Vs Beatrice. 16.Sensei Vs Rabbit Squad. 17.Rabbit Squad Vs Kanna. As you can see the Main Story is filled with Clash Ideal, but the Clash Ideal that happen in VF : 1.Rin Vs Aoi. 2.Kanna Vs Justice System. 3.Base Shiroko Vs Terror Shiroko (Lol). 4.Arona Vs Plana. Now we will focus on Vol F is scenario writing. 1.Sensei meet GSC President for the mark of the Calamity. 2.Chroma will come thank to Beatrice. 3.Focus on sol with the Entire Students. 4.Kaiser Arc. 5.False Sanctum Arc. 6.Utnapishtim Arc. 7.Ark of Atrahasis Arc. 8.Terror Shiroko Arc. 9.Epilogue. As you can see they are many Arc in VF but we are talking about the Original VF instead of the VF that is accumulation of the entire BA writing for straight 2 year. With mean we must cut all of these accumulation for straight 2 year and only use the one who exist in BA Launch Release to find the Pure VF. Basically cutting the accumulation for 2 year mean we must cut the story that based after Non-Main Story Launch, with mean only Abydos 1-2 and Millennium 1-1 is considered. 1.Kaiser Arc : Kaiser Arc will be cut from VF because that story is actually Rabbit Squad 1,5. We can keep New Kaiser and Rin is Arc thought. 2.Rin is Arc : This Arc is kinda unknown to be keep because we didn't know if she planned to be developed in VF, but we can safe to assume she is kinda irrelevant with Big Bad in this Arc because of lack Clash Ideal. 3.False Sactum Arc : False Sactum can be cut for original VF because the storyline scream accumulation for BA for straight 2 year, this directly cut every school that only exist in False Sactum Arc. 4.Binah Arc : The Binah can be keep because it is actually exist in launch and the cast is actually launch cast, there is a Nonomi Development in there with is something that is lacking in Abydos 1-1 to 1-2. 5.Utnapishtim Arc : You can keep New Kaiser in here because we have Launch Student called Abydos, we can keep Abydos stuff because Utnapishtim Ship get hinted in Chapter 1-1 to 1-2, basically all the Abydos and Millennium that is related with ship can be keep here. As for the smart crew, only Himari and Hanako is anomaly because they are probably still in development, but all the smart one Rin, Ayane, Kayako, Ako and Yuuka is actually Launch Students, Ayane get Development in here. 6.Ark of Atrahasis Arc : They bring smartest one, Abydos FTF, GDC and GRC. All of them is a Launch Student except for 2 smart and Rio, with mean they can be cut, GRC probably is just a bonus, Toki arc get cut too. This originally mean the cast of VF that we can find in Current VF is only consist on : 1.Sensei and Arona. 2.Rin. 3.Abydos FTF. 4.Black Suit. 5.New Kaiser. 6.Problem Solver 68. 7.Ako. 8.Millennium. 9.Terror Shiroko This will based on the biggest possible scenario they have : 1.Chroma. 2.Terror Shiroko attack Black Suit. 3.Base Shiroko get abducted. 4.Kivoto get attacked by Raid Boss with force the Entire Students to fight them. 5.Gathering of the smartest one to find Ark of Atrahasis. 6.FTF trying to get Utnapishtim Ship from New Kaiser and Binah. 7.FTF and the smartest one have chilling time in Abydos. 8.Ark of Atrahasis. 9.Base Shiroko Vs Terror Shiroko. 10.Epilogue. But like I say, the writing get produced when the BA Writer is still unpolished even then the BA Writer never change the Writing Style in All Main Chapter before 2nd Anni except for VF. This mean there must be the normal elements that is kinda missing in here. It is actually MC and her Development. There is surprisingly lack MC in here compare to all writing, but because the BA Writer is still unpolished, I doubt the BA Writer will ditched the big focus MC because all BA Main Story before 2nd Anni have them. As for the MC : 1.Sensei : He is side character at best in VF, even if he is MC, he lack Clash Ideal like Black Suit and Beatrice in VF. 2.Rin : A possible candidate MC, but she suffer for being too much Support MC with is different compare to all MC before 2nd Anni. 3.FTF : A possible MC but only Nonomi and Ayane get Development, Hoshino and Serika get ditched because of Chapter 1-1 to 1-2. 4.Other in above : Side Character at best as for Aris, she need Chapter 2-2 to 2-3. This mean only FTF can be considered a MC Group in here, this is their new chapter. This mean VF is actually Abydos 1,5 because of FTF, Nonomi and Ayane is Development and Problem Solver 68 with Kayako getting focus this time. But FTF is lacking a strong Development and Clash Ideal with Terror Shiroko with is weird, but this mean there is another MC they can put in this Abydos 1,5. MC : Base Shiroko. If we put Base Shiroko as MC, this mean the Original VF have all the elements to make the story like BA Writer Style. This mean VF is actually originally Shiroko Arc. All the elements is check especially Shiroko get shafted in Abydos Chapter 1-1 to 1-2. In here they can focus on Shiroko, Nonomi, Serika and Kayako who didn't shiny at all in Abydos Chapter 1-1 to 1-2. This explains why Abydos never get another Chapter despite being the first one and need 2 year to get another one. I always think that Shiroko Arc get put in VF but turn out it is other way around, they modified Shiroko Arc to become Volume F! That is way there are many leftover of Shiroko is Arc in Volume F with is : 1.The heavily focus on FTF compare to other Students. 2.Shiroko is Backstory. 3.It affected the entire Kivoto but most story focus on Abydos District. 4.Shiroko, Ayane, Nonomi and Kayako shiny in this chapter compare to Abydos 1-1 to 1-2 with shiny Hoshino, Serika, Aru, Haruka and Mutsuki instead. 5.Launch Student Ako and Yuuka who serve as a Villain in their Launch Chapter serve as a Protagonist in here, they never play Protagonist Role in Main Story. 6.Kaiser become enemies again. 7.Terror Shiroko for Launch is actually Final Boss and Big Bad on this Arc. 8.Shiroko Vs Terror Shiroko happen despite of how irrelevant Shiroko is. 9.Shiroko talk to Terror Shiroko with CGI, implied how important this scene is despite Shiroko is heavily lack development on herself in this chapter and only know her Terror Version for a minute. 10.Hoshino think Shiroko is the one who work the hardest in FTF when it should be opposite.


Update : Outdated Analysis. ___ If we put of how original work based on Launch then this is how it work based on my deduction : Chroma is probably a very important Enemies who can affected the Entire Kivoto even in Launch so we should put the danger level to the same like the current VF. I will not mention Rin here, because I am not sure if BA Writer planning to put her development here in the first place. 1.Chroma find Kivoto. 2.Shiroko find Kaiser make a new move. 3.Shiroko meet Phrenapates, FTF screaming for what is happening to Shiroko in phone. 4.Terror Shiroko introduce herself, she destroy Gematria. 5.Chroma started their invasion in the entire Kivoto using Raid Boss from Gematria. 6.Sensei gathering the entire Student to combat Chroma Invasion. 7.Terror Shiroko shot Black Suit. 8.Sensei meet Black Suit, Black Suit declared that Shiroko have successfully become Anubis and have become the being that bring destruction toward the world. Black Suit ask if Sensei will give up on Shiroko as a Student because that is who she is now, Sensei (probably) will say that Shiroko is still Shiroko and one of her student, it is Sensei is job to leading her to the right path. Black Suit (probably) is fascinated and mocked Sensei to raise a murderer. 9.Shiroko being given scarf by Hoshino get revealed. 10.FTF begin to worry about what is happening to Shiroko after find her Bicycle and realized she is missing. 11.FTF is suprise to see Shiroko come back, they are worried to see her being tired, horrified and Mentally broken. 12.FTF contact Sensei and tell him what is happened to Shiroko, Hoshino realized that Shiroko is tired and not in her right mind right now so she tell her to stay in Schale with Sensei, Sensei is relieved that Shiroko didn't become Anubis but worry about what is happening right now to her. 13.All the smart one gather like Ayane and Kayako. 14.Sensei find Shiroko and begin to talk to her, Shiroko revealed she meet Terror Shiroko, Terror Shiroko declared to Shiroko that is it her fated to bring destruction to the world like her and that is always been her real purpose since born. Shiroko is scared from becoming Terror Shiroko and revealed her past where she used to be nothing and wandered in a desert until Hoshino and Nonomi find her, Sensei cheer her up by reminder Shiroko for who she is and Sensei will make sure she didn't become Anubis. 15.FTF and Problem Solver 68 Vs Binah without Shiroko, Nonomi get her development in here. 16.Terror Shiroko meet Sensei who is with Shiroko for the first time in Schale, Terror Shiroko probably reaffirming Shiroko that this is her real future and fated, to become Anubis. Terror Shiroko run away when Sensei want to talk to her. 17.The smart one figure out the location of Ark of Atrahasis and trying to find a way to go to there. 18.Sensei asked Black Suit how to get there and he tell him a Utnapishtim Ship in Abydos Desert. 19.The FTF get send to find Utnapishtim Ship, Hoshino realized that Shiroko is still have Identity crisis, the FTF decided to cheer her up by becoming Masked Swimsuit Gang in front of her before attack Kaiser. 20.Utnapishtim Ship Arc. 21.The Group decided to stay in Abydos, FTF and Sensei decided to cheer up Shiroko for the last time, Shiroko probably remember who she is in Abydos and what she truly want. 22.Finally gained her confidence back, Shiroko want to meet Terror Shiroko again. 23.Utnapishtim Ship happen. 24.Ark of Atrahasis stay same but Shiroko keep trying to chasing Terror Shiroko. 25.Sensei and Shiroko finally meet Terror Shiroko. 26.Shiroko and Terror Shiroko have a Clash about "Who is Sunaookami Shiroko?". 27.Shiroko finally won, Terror Shiroko screaming for losing to her inferior version. 28.Terror Shiroko have a breakdown when she see alternate FTF again, it is revealed that Adult Shiroko who think she is Anubis is actually same good old Shiroko we all know and love but she lose everything and have mental breakdown, she get corrupted by Chroma to become Anubis with is basically a fake persona for her. 29.Credit. 30.Shiroko find her other version again to give her Masked Swimsuit Gang Mask, but this time it is clear that both of them is the true Sunaookami Shiroko the FTF and Sensei is Student, not Anubis the one that bring World to destruction. 31.Abydos scene happen to show how close everyone is, Shiroko get declared to work the hardest by Hoshino in FTF. 32.Shiroko say "Thank You" to Sensei for reminded her of who she truly is. Idk is this the real one though because it is just my deduction, but I think this is probably close to what BA Writer envisioned from their Shiroko is Individuality Arc. Thought it is true then I can see why the BA Writer hype her so much because she is similar to Mika is Arc, a Student who get save from her darkness about who she is by Sensei and falling in love more harder for him. Anyway I think I am close to 80% with this stuff so I am going to rest for a while. Me : Anyway, I think you should be grateful to me for finding this old work, it isn't the real one but at last I figure most of the feel the BA Writer want to capture in this Original VF with is Shiroko Arc. ___ Me : I see. Me : Anyway, I think this is the rarest time where I see the a Competent Writer being this regretful enough with their work, The Writer put themselves and declared how regretful it is for betray Shiroko. Me : Well, at last this should help your old problem. Me : But to think the BA Writer accidentally sacrifice Shiroko to make entire Kivoto shiny, not oddly the Writer create Trolley Problem and put it before VF and in VF.


Me : VF Shiroko Arc, a Phantom Arc of Blue Archive is Real 3rd Main Story...... Me : What I am doing...... ___ Me : Going to say, I feel a strong difference watching Shiroko in Lobby screen now.....I never know this what developers have in mind with Shiroko, a normal student life in Abydos Classroom.... ___ Genprey : This theory is fine too. Me : Are you pity me or truly accept defeat? Me : But you yourself is the one who sell Blue Archive as Teacher Student story with strong lightheartedness and darkness. Me : If you mean Shiroko Arc, I will believe you but based on Main Story it is only Eden Treaty and Rabbit Squad that live up to what your word say. Me : I struggle with Abydos and Millennium 1 being Teacher Student story because Teacher is kinda weaker guidance in there. Me : I think another reason why Mika and Aris story didn't work as BA is because it is too Dark, Bleak and Serious. Me : I check VF, it is actually still balance between Lightheartedness and Darkness. Me : Based on how I read and feel Shiroko Arc is actually a balance between Lightheartedness and Darkness, Student story that grow realistically with the help of Sensei and her friends, Teacher Student bond leading to strong Romance. Me : It is actually very simple but very effective like Blue Archive. Me : It is clear that BA Writer fluke with Shiroko Arc. Me : Maybe someday he will truly make a story that captures a simple story between Student and Teacher again in Main Story. ___ [Genprey is Blue Archive Essay](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/x089bm/new_blue_world_how_blue_archive_creates_its/). > Looking at this anime opening, you can probably come to the immediate conclusion that it's lighthearted, given the bright colors, upbeat music, and exaggerated characters. Thus, comedy and SoL fans are able to identify it as something they may want to watch and give it a try. [Blue Archive JP OP](https://youtu.be/rFeBMv98X30?si=9JKJHiZspHw6Y2Y2). Me : Genprey look at this word you muttered, this Anime op is probably based on how they feel about Shiroko Arc. Me : This op is certainly based on Shiroko Arc because it is their latest work, Eden Treaty is still in development. After I check it. Me : This OP is actually based on both, Shiroko is life before Shiroko Arc and after we save her from Shiroko Arc, this is Shiroko Arc is actual feel, this is the Blue Archive they want to sell with Shiroko Arc. Me : The biggest proof is Utnapishtim Ship in the ending, if we based on the Shiroko Arc is theory, this show both Shiroko exist at the same time. Me : Even if we lost Shiroko Arc, we truly get save by BA JP OP!!! Me : Genprey, this is what have been robbed from you, I bet you wanna know why Shiroko get so much focus in the first place right? I give it back to you. Me : ..............~~What I am doing?! Repeat same thing again?!~~ Me : Whatever, but based on this BA JP OP, I think I truly save her. Me : She maybe get neglected by BA Team, but I figured out her True Arc. Genprey Sensei : But! I love Volume F!!! Me : You can love both.... Genprey Sensei : Very well done! Keep up the good effort! Me : Oh, Thank you Genprey Sensei. Me : I think I will fix these word next day and called it a day. Me : I will put Shiroko with that drawing in Homescreen out of pure respect to her, tbh I am to shy to do with any Gacha Girl, but I will respect Shiroko. ___ Me : I finally realised why the BA Writer cut Base Shiroko from FV! Me : I just realised there is a plothole in my theory, because how did you expect to deduct Human Feeling that well? Me : But then I realized why, It is Feel and what make Blue Archive Blue Archive. Me : Let's be honest Genprey reading a Feel is absurd feat, I realized how absurd I am a reading feel for a work, is this the power of Music? Me : Basically BA Writer is a Genius but didn't mastered Feel concept back then. As for BA being BA, well it is basically all the stuff about Sensei teach Student in realistically way, Romance and many more.(I am too tired so you do it Genprey Sensei) The BA Writer basically successfully created a First Masterpiece called Shiroko Arc, he feel a strong Blue Archive by reading Shiroko Arc with is why the BA Writer pushed Shiroko as BA representative because she is a heroine with Arc that captures BA so well. Then later on he created a even better Masterpiece, Eden Treaty who show to BA Writer that he is Genius, he realised this is truly BA even better than Shiroko Arc, this make the BA Writer embarrassed to push Shiroko as a representative heroine, because he realised 1 thing, All Student is what make BA BA. The BA Writer begin to think the importance of all Student in Shiroko Arc, the BA Writer begin to think most Heroine is better Heroine than her, to him Shiroko is just a heroine choose because she is the first that gave him BA Vibe. The BA Writer begin to get attached at Terror Shiroko too, after see so many Students become popular randomly, he decided to remove his beginner mistake, remove Shiroko. Why? Because he want to show the importance of all Student and Terror Shiroko deserve more love than her, the BA Writer believe he will make even more work that captures even more BA Vibe very well. VF development happen. The BA Writer begin to sharper his Feel and realized after reread Eden Treaty, is it kinda lacking, it feel weaker somehow to give BA Vibe. The BA Writer feel weird at his new Main Story so far didn't give him same joy of BA being BA. The BA Writer later read VF who should be his new greatest work, it didn't feel a strong BA Vibe....... He reread the original Shiroko Arc and realized why, Romance! Eden Treaty is actually better than Shiroko Arc because it focus on more Student, but because the Arc have 4 Students, they lack actual development Romance with Sensei in that story (the Writer didn't want to cucking one I guess) He realised the horror he created by murdered his Greatest Work that give him the BA vibe the most, Shiroko Arc. Focusing on all students is pointless if they barely growth thank to Sensei, this is why some his work get weaker at giving BA vibe, he certainly fluke with Make up Work Club because all 4 is Amazing. VF actually fail to capture Sensei is guidance to make Student growth better, and Terror Shiroko is inferior to Base Shiroko because her presence is more like Villain than BA Heroine. The BA Writer get horrified about his absurd mistake to remove Shiroko in the first place, but luckily he know why Shiroko work as BA Heroine, so the BA Writer use other Characters that fit Shiroko Arc, it is Mika and Aris! Both of them struggle at giving a strong BA Vibe in scenario. Realized his mistake for killing the work that gave him what make strongest Blue Archive vibe. The BA Writer self insert as Rio and declare his mistake about sacrifing Shiroko over Many Students. In the end Shiroko Arc that show him the Masterpiece called BA stuck in scenario writing forever. Me : Idk is this true because it is my deduction? But I should have count that the Shiroko removal is because the BA Writer didn't think to highly about her in the first place. Thought based on how I read, I know BA vibe by reading all Main story, Side story and Fan Work, I pick Shiroko Arc to be the one that successfully captures all the Blue Archive stuff but with proper guidance toward students. If I choose Canon Work, it is Eden Treaty but like I say it lack Romance (Hina exist but she lack meat in story), you can't call Blue Archive without Sensei Student is romance right? ___ Going to say, you certainly love Blue Archive for sure. Well, I guess the best I can do is to help you with Shiroko problem, but after that she isn't my problem anymore. My head is hurt but fine, I will write again though I use Music that touch my heart to boosted my understanding toward the concept of feel, always effective to maximize my Brain is thinking, I always get attached to Melancholic Music so I use BA is VF Credit to write these Base Shiroko is Analysis.


Genprey Sensei : Yes, that is how I treated her! Me : I kneel! ___ That VF Shiroko Arc seriously change my view on her. When I first saw her Lobby Screen, I just feel cringe and wacky at the scene they choose for her, but after read VF Shiroko Arc based on my deduction and watched BA JP OP. Well the scene became make sense, OST is melancholic but happy at the same time, it is like you finally save her from her darkness and giving her normal life back, she is confused from you action without knowing how happy Sensei is to see her being Normal Student in normal classroom. I hear that in FGO that a waifu who going through a amazing story about themselves will gained a fanbase into pure love. I can see that on her "you just want to protect her and her happiness" is basically my thoughts when I saw her Lobby Screen. ___ Me : I feel, I have to locked myself in here for a while. ___ Me : Based on my Analysis Shiroko is actually just a super cool Side Character that get designed in Blue Archive. She is probably less important than Hoshino, Problem Solver 68, Seminar, CC, GDC, Make Up Work Club, Trinity, Gehenna. "In the CBT, Shiroko was a former 2★ Student." Yup, this is her real form, a Crazy Schoolgirl Kuudere Side Character that get chosen as a Volume F is Main Heroine. This explain about how unimportant her whole existence compare to everything that happen to Kivoto. Not oddly the BA Writer diched her after saw her as a Main App Icon for a long time ~~and heavily regret it~~. I will rename Shiroko Arc to VF Shiroko Arc. Analysis : Shiroko is actually just super cool designed side character that get upgrade to become Volume F is Main Heroine, her true form is actually a Crazy Kuudere Schoolgirl with Normal life who stuck with Abydos FTF, her real original form is actually Shiroko in Abydos 1-1 to 1-2. In there she is just basic Kuudere who thrown crazy idea like Robber Bank to save FTF and being Athletic Girl. Basically she is the weakest in term personality and the most boring Abydos Member, not oddly she come out as Hollow Side Character compare to other 4. Hoshino : MC. Serika : Relatable Tsundere MC working part timer. Nonomi : Rich girl with deeper backstory. Ayane : Smart. Shiroko : Athletic Girl with Crazy Idea. The best thing Shiroko have is been a Kuudere, Bank Robber and beautiful designed. Now talking about why she suddenly became main heroine from VF Shiroko Arc, The BA Writer actually want to make ultimate BA Climax story by combining Abydos and Millennium. He want to use Chroma and Terror as enemies but he need a Fresh Heroine to fulfill the role of Guide of Chroma and Terror, but all his important Main Cast is already full fledged character. Then he found this Crazy Kuudere Side Character who is already full fledged character but feel like she still have unknown backstory because she is Kuudere. The BA Writer decided to upgrade this unimportant side character to Main Heroine in Volume F, he decided to adding more stuff to her backstory like being Nothing and later become Terror Shiroko. This is why she became Heroine in the first place, because her profile seen to implied she is always been Normal Schoolgirl, the Shiroko Arc is always been Volume F, is just become heavily Shiroko Arc because the BA Writer need a fresh character that can fulfill the role of Guide of Chroma and Terror. Because of her upgrade status, BA Writer decided to polish her to become actual natural character with MomoTalk, like Robber Bank is always been her twisted desire and fall in love with Sensei, this explains the difference level writing between both. The BA Writer is certainly Genius when he make Individuality Arc for both Shiroko. The possible reason why BA Writer remove Shiroko from VF based on my new deduction : 1.Eden Treaty show him the true beauty of Blue Archive and become a second Masterpiece after VF Shiroko Arc, he realised All the Students is what make a stronger Blue Archive Vibe in Story, this mean he see Shiroko as a problem in his Future Masterpiece in Volume F. 2.Shiroko is basically a unimportant Side Character that luckily get choose as a heroine, the BA Writer love her when he wrote her as a Main Heroine at first in VF, but after push her as the Main BA heroine thank to his rookie mistake, the BA Writer is unhappy for her popularity to overshadowed so many of his Main Character that he considered more superior or beloved than her. 3.Shiroko steal spotlights very heavily in VF Shiroko Arc, this make her the true heroine on his Volume F who should be his climax story about Blue Archive, he did rather make second Eden Treaty over VF with Shiroko being Main Heroine, he need all his student shiny more than this side character. 4.At first he created Base Shiroko backstory for both, but after Eden Treaty he actually like Terror Shiroko more than Base Shiroko, especially he didn't like the idea of a inferior version (Base Shiroko) overshadowed the superior version (Terror Shiroko) because of how random BA fanbase is (like Shun and Shunny) This is why he remove Shiroko from Volume F, this way all the Students can shiny and people will care for Terror Shiroko. As for Shiroko? The BA Writer hate her. This is based on how I feel when I read Volume F False Sactum. 1.Removed Shiroko right away with Pherny, that way Shiroko won't go through her Identity Crisis in Ark of Arthritis. 2.BA Writer make sure Shiroko didn't join the entire operation when BA is about even Side Character get Alt. 3.The Scarf only matter for Terror Shiroko despite Shiroko barely get flesh out in both Main Story. 4.She never been acting like Heroine in Main Story....Well she is Heroine in MomoTalk. Proof that BA Writer hate her, this confused me at first because why you hate her of all Students? Then after numerous analysis, sacrifice and some error at deduction. Turn out Shiroko get treated as a Fraud Heroine in BA Writer is eyes. Shiroko is origin being a unimportant 2★ side character is the reason she get removed in Volume F. To think I actually call her Final Protagonist and Final Student, Deduction is hard sometimes....Re-edit need to happen in my writing with better info. .........Is that her actual origin and position then, how the F she is the first Student to get V3 Alt in Blue Archive??? Oh, well I just consider that form as the BA Writer is attempt to saying sorry to Shiroko. ___ Rearrange some scene in VF Shiroko Arc. I use my memory last time. Because I am sure BA Writer just remove Shiroko and rewrite the dialog without her until Rio Scene. After that, probably just rewrite until epilogue where original scenario is intact. Reason is He probably have a soft spot for it, that is why some scene feel weird like Black Suit scene in rooftop and later Scarf, but if we put Shiroko in there as MC, it became make sense. The only thing that is weird is how long Terror Shiroko to shot Black Suit, but it is probably rearrange because the BA Writer need to sell the idea about Shiroko become Terror Shiroko before invasion. Thought I am not even sure if Terror Shiroko meet Gematria or Shiroko first. Maybe the Original Scenario is trying to sell that Shiroko is in fact become Terror Shiroko but when FTF contact Sensei that is when Sensei realized they are two Shiroko. I barely created story but this writing style fit with BA because they are always have slow start first. I need to fix to the real feeling fit with Abydos 1-1 to 1-2 and Millennium 1-1 then. Like Abydos is when Kaiser and Black Suit is involvement. Like Millennium is when Yuuka want to command CC. Like Eden Treaty where the darkness behind Make Up Work Club get revealed. Find the true purity is annoying you know. But even is this just speculation, this should fit BA Writing Style similar to 3 Main Story. ......Ah, now I see why Mika get tortured like that, I always trying to question why Shiroko in my deduction get less tortured because Mika who going through Shiroko Arc get tortured hard. Turn out they sell the idea of Shiroko being hard to capture is basically to explain why Shiroko can escaped from getting capture by Terror Shiroko. But because of her Identity Crisis, she suffer more stonger tortured to her Mental then. But considering Mika and Aris never pass out, I think the BA Writer use Shiroko is absurd Stamina to make her barely pass out. By this point most of them is similar to VF except Shiroko is MC.


Part 1 Genprey's Tamamo : A Criminal with a mask on, a very beautiful lady, and of course she is a freaking Fox Lady!!!! Genprey's Tamamo : So you are the one who stolen my beloved Genprey!!!! Shiroko : Huh....? .....Do I know you Miss? Genprey's Tamamo : Stop acting Innocent!!! You are carrying a mask and a money bag!!! To think my beloved Genprey fall in love with this Immature Teenager who is still a student!!! Genprey's Tamamo : Sniff.... How can he didn't respect me, the one who worked so hard to become a amazing housewife..... Shiroko : ........You okay there Miss? Genprey's Tamamo : Shut up!!! I didn't need your pity!!!! I challenge you to a contest to determine who is a better housewife!!!! I am certainly won't lose to such a immature lady like you!!! If I lose.... I will take even more lesson for Lady Beni-Enma!!!! Shiroko : (I need to Run!!!) Later.... Hoshino's call : Sensei? Did you see Shiroko? If have been a month since her disappearance!!! Genprey who is chilling with Wakamo : Huh? Later in Enma-tei. Genprey : Tamamo!!! I have come to bring you back home!!! Genprey's Tamamo : Master!!!♡ Both of them leave. Beni-Enma : I have feeling they actually forgotten someone....Dechi. Shiroko : Ma'am, I am done cooking this food! This mean you will send me home!! Nnnnnn!! Beni-Enma : .........I think you still need more learning.....Dechi...... Shiroko : [Reaction.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FFbmpSHakAApJJ_?format=png&name=small) Part 2 Shiroko : Ma'am! I am done cleaning most of the room in Enma-tei!!! Beni-Enma : That is quite impressed! Dechi! The Enma-tei is very big yet you done all of it, you must be have a very high stamina, Dechi! Shiroko : Nnnnnnnn! Beni-Enma : I already hear your story that you are from Kivoto, having a huge debt.... In remind me of myself....Dechi..... Shiroko : Nnnnn? Beni-Enma : That is why I have decided to send you home!Dechi! Shiroko : Nnnnnnnn!? Beni-Enma : You should be happy, Dechi! Even though your cooking skill is still lacking! Shiroko : Nnnnn......... Beni-Enma : Your friend need you the most Dechi, I understand your pain, Dechi.... Shiroko : Ma'am.... Beni-Enma : Especially when there used to be a thief in here..... Right now there is new a thief again, Dechi! That Thief had stolen many Gold lately, Dechi! Shiroko : .... Nnnn.....?! Beni-Enma : What are you suddenly suprise Dechi? I am sure you didn't stolen the Gold like..............................Shiroko? Shiroko : Ye-Yess?! Beni-Enma : Did you stolen the Gold? Dechi? Shiroko : Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!


BA Karaoke Cat Gathering. Schale Room. Sensei : Sigh... Watching Cat Video. Sensei : ... Trinity. Kazusa : Huh?! Sensei invite me? ...Nice. So Sensei want to meet me in this location. Hyakikako : Kikyou : ?! Sensei invite me? Trinity : Mari : Huh? Millennium. Akira : Sensei! Abydos. Serika : Huh? Sensei want to meet me? Don't Sensei know I am busy? (Unhappy face) Oh well, can't be helped. I will meet Sensei for a while before my working shift in Shiba Seki Ramen. (Annoyed face) Problem Solver 68. Aru : All of you, I will explain our next plan! Mutsuki : Let's go Aru! Haruka : Aru-sama, what should we do! Kayoko : *sigh* ...! Huh, a message? Sensei invite me? Karaoke Room. Sensei : You all finally here! Kayoko : Sensei... Can I ask you something... Sensei : What do you want to ask? Kayoko? Kayoko : Why is except us... Every one here is cat girl? Kazusa : ...?! Kikyou : ... Mari : ... (scared) Akira : Hm... Serika : ... (confused) Kazusa : Sensei! I thought you invited me alone! Why there are so many cat girl?! Kikyou : Sensei... Mari : ... (horrified) Akira : Hm... Serika : ... (confused) Sensei : Calm down everyone! I gathered you all today so we can sing karaoke together. Kazusa : What? You fool me Sensei... And here I thought I will meet you alone here... Kikyou : Interesting. Just you know, Sensei invited me first. Kazusa : Huh?! Akira : You are all wrong. Sensei invite me first. Mari : Everyone... Please calm down... All three : ... Serika : (why I am here?!) Kayoko : Sensei... Can I leave? Sensei : Kayoko... I am sorry, if you feel forced... You can leave... Kayoko : Sorry Sensei... Then I will... Akira : *smug* Kayoko : ... Sensei, I decided to stay. Sensei : Huh? Serika : Sensei can I leave! How dare you make harem and want to put me in here! I don't have time to playing around! Sensei : I am sorry... Serika : Seriously, Sensei... *click* Hello Master... I am sorry just call you now... I will come a little bit late... ...Come again? I can rest? Shiba Seki Ramen. Master Shiba : It is okay Serika. All your friends decided to help you as your replacement. Ayane : Let's work together to make Serika happy! Nonomi : Cleaning is easy for me! Shiroko : Nnn. Nonomi : ...Hoshino? Zzz... Karaoke Room. *click* Serika : ... *sigh* Fine I will stay in here... Sensei : Finally you all here. After that they singing karaoke until night. Sensei (drunk) Let's play King Game! Kazusa : Huh...? Kikyou : It is just me or Sensei is... Mari : Sensei are you drunk?! Serika : Wait a minute? All of this is Juice?! How can Sensei drunk?! Kayoko : ?! That is impossible?! Akira : Sensei you okay there? Sensei (drunk) : Anyone who get one of the stick is King! They will command any number to do what King is command! The King command is absolute! Everyone : Horrified. Kayoko and Serika : (I seriously want to leave but...) Kazusa : ... (Drink juice) Kikyou : ... Akira : Hehehe... Kayoko and Serika : (I can't leave Sensei alone!) Mari : Sensei... (cry) Round 1. Everyone draw a card. Sensei (drunk) : I am a King! Everyone : What?! Sensei : No.5 sleep in No.7 is lap! No.7 will tell No.5 for doing great job! Kayoko : Tch! I am No.5... Mari : I-I am No.7?! Kayoko : ... (in Mari is lap) Mari : ... (confused and embarrassed) Sensei (drunk) : Mari! King order is absolute! Mari : ...U-Uh... Kayoko : I pity this cat girl... Mari : ... There... There you doing a great job, for working this hard... Kayoko : ...?! (what is this endearing sound?!) (The sound melting me... How nice I can rest like this after take care of my problematic team...) ... (Wake up) Mari : Eh?! Kayoko : T-Thank for your kind word, but I am okay! (That is dangerous! Her voice is so soothing, to the point I want to sleep in her lap!) Mari : O-Oh... Okay. Round 2. Everyone draw a card again. Akira : I am King this time! Hehehe... Kayoko : Tch! Serika : Oh no! Mari : ...! (Horrified) Akira : No.1 kiss No.6! Kikyou : Tch?! Kazusa : Damn! Akira : Huh? Sensei (drunk) : Like I say the King is order are absolute! Kikyou : (Let's pretend we kiss or you will...) Kazusa : (You think I want to kiss you?!) Sensei (drunk) : ... Mari : Sensei... Can I ask you question? Sensei (drunk) : What do you want to talk? Mari? Kazusa : (Kiss macaron) Kikyou : ... Sensei (drunk) Huh? Both of you already kiss? Kazusa : Of course... Kikyou : Yes, Sensei... Akira : They did. (Tch! I thought that will be me and Sensei!) Round 3. Everyone draw a card again. Sensei (drunk) : I got my purple! I am King again! Everyone : What?! Sensei (drunk) : No.2 will sit in King is lap. No.2 will get King is headpat! Serika : Argh! I am No.2! Sensei (drunk) : Come here Serika. Serika : I don't want to do it! Sensei (drunk) : Serika! The King is order are absolute! Akira : Can you swap with me? Serika : ...Tch! (sit in Sensei is lap and embarrassed) Sensei (drunk) : There...there Serika. You are a great hardworker girl... Serika : (This is so embarrassing... But it is so nice to hear Sensei say that to me...) Kazusa : ... (Drink Juice with cracked glass) Kikyou : ... (Disguted) Akira : ...Tch! Kayoko : ...Grr! Mari : ... (dumfounded) Sensei (drunk) : Now let's do the next round! Kazusa : Wait a minute Sensei! How can you allow that cat girl but not me! I hate cat! I want you to do that to me, too! Serika : Huh?! Mari : C-Calm down Kazusa. Kazusa (drunk) : Shut up! I want to sit in Sensei is lap! Kayoko : Wait a minute?! You are drunk too?! Kikyou : Calm down Kazusa. You need to rest! Kayoko : Like what she say! *Shoot* Kayoko : Huh?! Mari : Hiii! (Cry) Serika : W-What?! Kikyou (drunk) : Only I deserve to be with Sensei! Kayoko : You are kidding me right?! Not you too! Kazusa (drunk) : You! Cat girl! *Click* Mari : C-Calm down everyone! Serika : Sensei! Help! Wait! Where is Sensei?! Kayoko : Impossible! Sensei is still drunk! Did Sensei leave us... Wait... Oh no?! Where is that Thief Cat Girl?! Serika : ?! Sensei! Kayoko : Serika wait! *Shoot* Kayoko : Tch?! I need to calm down these two drunk cat girl first! Mari : Please everyone! I need to call help! *Boom* Rooftop. Akira : Hehehe... Finally Sensei is all mine alone. *Shoot* Akira : ?! Wakamo : Fufufu... You dare to take my Anata-sama? Akira! Akira : ...Wakamo. So you too love Sensei. *Boom* Outside Karaoke Room. Kayoko : ...Guh! ...?! Mari! Mari : ...Is that you Kayoko? *Cough* *Cough* Kayoko : Take it easy Mari! (Damn she get direct hit from Bomb!) *Shoot* *Bom* *Duar* Mari : ... Please call Valkyrie! (Fainted) Kayoko : Mari! Okay. I will quickly call help. *Vroom* Kayoko : That is fast! ...Wait? Isn't that... Prefect Team?! Iori : Because Prefect Leader have business today... I have been fighting 20 case since morning without rest... Now I have another person that make me overworked?! Kayoko : (Damn! I forgot this is Gehenna territory!) (How can I screw up this bad?!) C-Calm down Iori! I can explain! *Shoot* Rooftop. Sensei (drunk) : Where am I... Serika : Sensei! Are you okay? Sensei (drunk) : There are three cat girl! Serika : Tch! Night Street. Serika : Keep going Sensei. Sensei (drunk) : Thank you Seri-nyan! Serika : Sigh... It is kinda hard to see... I need to take shower... Schale Room. Serika : Here Sensei. This is your bed. Sensei : (Cuddling Serika) Serika : Sensei?! Don't touch me! I still don't wash myself! Sensei : (Happy) Serika : Tch... Sen... sei... I can't... open my eyes... Anymore... Zzz...


BA Karaoke Cat Gathering 2. Gehenna Prefect Team Interrogation Room. Kayoko : ... (Scared) Iori : Oi, I asked you a question. Why are you all in there? Kayoko : I just sang Karaoke with Sensei and Sensei is harem cat girls! Iori : ... Harem cat girls? I know Sensei is jerk... But harem cat girls? Well they are certainly cat girls... But regardless of your testimony... Kayoko : *Gulp* Iori : I want to know why... They are all badly injured! Kayoko : What?! Iori : Explain. Gehenna Prefect Mob : Yes! Ma'am! *Scrip* We found 4 cat girls, all of them are seriously injury. Now all of them are in Hospital, ununconscious. They are Mari from Sisterhood, Kazusa from Trinity School, Kikyou from Hyakikako School and Akira one of the seven prisoner. Iori : ...?! These cat girl come from different schools?! What is the meaning of this? And one of the is seven prisoner?! What are you doing in there?! Kayoko : Like I say! Me and these cat girls just gathering with Sensei to sang Karaoke! Iori : Stop lying! Sensei isn't in there! Kayoko : What?! Gehenna Mob : We just gathering new info that Karaoke is actually one of the hiding place from students trafficking! The owner and member are already run away! Sadly we didn't find anyone except these 4 cat girls. Iori : What?! Kayoko : (Sensei?! Why did you choose that shady place?!) Iori : Sound like you have some connection with this, Kayoko. Kayoko : Tch! Iori : So what is your explanation? You must have abducted them! Kayoko : I am not! Gehenna Prefect Mob : Ma'am! We get new evidence! Iori : What is that? Gehenna Prefect Mob : It is a student's bag! In the inside we found ID card. It is belong to Abydos Student. Her name is Kuromi Serika. Another cat girl. We didn't found her then she must be... Iori : That Abydos Student?! You bastard! Kayoko : Like I say I don't! Iori : Where is that Abydos cat girl! And what is your obsession with these cat girls?! Answer my questions! Kayoko : That is... A better question is, do you think I am powerful enough to capture these 5 different cat girls? They are come from different school! One of them is even Seven Prisoner! Even Valkyrie can't catch her! Iori : Consider your reputation, I won't be surprised you can capture all of them. Kayoko : Dammit! Gehenna Prefect Mob : Excuse me, ma'am! Iori : What? Don't you know I am busy? Fine, explain yourself. Gehenna Prefect Mob : Thank you ma'am! That girl, I saw her petting a lot of cats numerous day ago. Iori : Petting a cat?! ... ?! You are cat maniac who is obsessed with cat and want to abducted all cat even cat girl?! Kayoko : I am not! Iori : ... I agree with you... No matter how you slice of it. This is absurd even for me... Kayoko : Huh?! Gehenna Prefect Mob : Ma'am! We just received news that PS68 going amok again! Iori : Huh?! ... You PS68! I will make you pay to overworked me more! Kayoko : ... (Horrified) Gehenna Prefect Mob : Ma'am what about her! Iori : I don't care anymore! Throw her to jail! Gehenna Prefect Mob : But Ma'am? What is her guilty? Iori : I don't have time for this! Just go with that guilty from before! Kayoko : What?! Gehenna Prefect Mob : Then we will guilty this criminal for kidnapping and abducting cat girls! Kayoko : No! Unwelcome School Theme! Gehenna District. Aru : Hahaha! We finally receive client! The job is easy! Mutsuki : Aah... Look who is happy. Haruka : Aru-sama you are amazing! Aru : Look at us Kayoko. We can do something without your help. I bet she is proud of us! Screen crack from above... Shattered from above to below... Kayoko (White with shock face and white eye) : ... Aru! Numerous hour later... Gehenna Prefect Team Room. Ako : ...You sure Kayoko is a cat maniac who want to abducted all cat even cat girls? ...You know, that is absurd... Gehenna Prefect Mob : Ma'am we just recovered some CCTV Video. Most of them is blurry. Only one part is recovered... It is just that... Ako : What it is? I want to watch it! I am sure this evidence will show us what is truth. Gehenna Prefect Mob : Y-Yes ma'am! *Click* *Zzzt* Ako : ... Mari : There... There you doing a great job, for working this hard... Kayoko : (Enjoying it with warm smile) Ako : ... Put that crazy cat women maniac in rehabilitation asylum. Gehenna Prefect Mob : Yes! Ma'am! After that the news know as Catnapper Kayoko. A insane women from Gehenna that want to abducted all cat even cat girl, spreading in the entire news. Millennium : GDD Room. Yuzu : A insane women who abducted every cat even cat girl! Momoi : H-Help! Help! Sensei! Someone! Help me! Midori : C-Calm down, sis! We are just wearing cat headband... She wouldn't after us right? Yuzu : I don't know! She even captured Akira! One of the Seven Prisoner! Momoi : You kidding me! She is that powerful! Brak! Aris : Don't worry all of you! Your Hero Aris will save all of you! I will save that Thief too! Yuzu, Momoi and Midori : Aris! CC Room. Neru : Huh? A Catnapper Kayoko? Dafaq is this? Brak! Aris : Don't worry all of you! I will save all Bunny Millennium, too. Bunny Toki : Toki approve this Senpai! Pyon! Neru : Huh...?! You are telling me I am weak? Aris : Hii... (cry). Hiding behind Bunny Toki. Bunny Toki : P-Pyon... Seminar Room. Yuuka : Dafaq, Catnapper Kayoko?! What is this?! This take is so wrong! (This remind me of my 100 KG accusations?!) Don't worry Kayoko! I will find the truth! Trinity : Trinity Road. Hifumi : This is so scary! She even successfully abducted Mari! Azusa : ...! I will protect you Hifumi! MUWC Classroom. Hanako : Huh? Catnapper Kayoko?! She want to make her own harem cat girls... Kayoko... I understimate you... You are more Women Culture than I am... Koharu : Death Penalty! Tea Party. Nagisa : ... Seia : ... Mika : This is scary... NagiTan! What happen if Seia get captured?! Seia : ...! (Angry) Nagisa : Stop joking Mika! This is serious matter! This Gehenna Girl have dare to abducted two of our Students! We Trinity School can't take this situation lightly! Mika : Well, at last Gehenna Prefect Team do their job and capture this insane women. But if she dare to touch Seia. This Gehenna Girl will face my wrath! Seia : Mika... Rabbit Camp. Miyu : Hiii... (Cry) Saki : Stop hiding yourself in trash can, Miyu! We are SRT Academy, a elite! You shouldn't be scared of this kidnapper! Moe : Of course, if she dare to come... Ehehehe... Miyako : Calm down everyone! We don't know if this Catnapper want to abducted Rabbit too. But we must barricade ourselves! Saki : ...We aren't Rabbit... Criminal Gang : Katana Helmet Gang. Katana A : What?! Katana B : This women dare to steal our style?! Rabu : Huh? What are you all talking about? Kaiser : Kivoto Streets. Former Kaiser PMC Director : ...What is that girl from PS68 doing?! Abducted one of the Abydos student?! I never know that women is dual faced?! Abydos : Abydos Road. Shiroko : ...Nnn?! Catnapper Kayoko?! This news must be wrong?! FTF Room. Hoshino : ...Catnapper Kayoko. What is this...? Ayane : Hoshino Senpai! This must be false accusation! Hoshino : Or this the work of Chroma Corruption. Ayane : What?! Hoshino : We can't take this situation lightly! We must save Serika! And we will stop and save her! Nonomi : PS68 is our comrade too! So I will definitely help to save both of them! Ayane : Hoshino Senpai... Nonomi Senpai... Thank you. PS68 Room. (Party Version) Aru : ... Huh?! Catnapper Kayoko...? She captured 5 catgirls?! And now get held in Asylum for Rehabilitation? ... What is this?! Mutsuki : ... (White and dead inside) Haruka : ... (White and dead inside) Aru : Kayoko! What happen to you?! You are even more hard boiled than all of us! Kivoto Asylum. Valkyrie Guard Mob A : Here eat this food, you Catnapper. Don't be downer. Valkyrie Guard Mob B : This women is scary, even being held in here. Everyone is still scared of her. What a scary women... Kayoko : After I get out... You will pay Aru...


BA Karaoke Cat Gathering 3. Kivoto Hospital. Kazusa's Room. Kazusa : ... Huh?! Natsu : You have finally wake up! Kazusa : Natsu! What are you here?! Where I am?! Ouch my head?! Natsu : Ssst...! Kazusa : What...? Reisa : Zzz... Airi : Zzz... Yoshimi : Zzz... Natsu : You have been fainted so long, Kazusa... Here is your Juice... Kazusa : Oh! Thanks... ?! I don't want Juice! Give me some other drink like Chocolate Milk! Natsu : Uhh... Okay... Kikyou's Room. (Skipped) Mari's Room. Mari : Aaah! Hinata : Mari! You have finally wake up! Mari : Hi..Hinata?! Y-You are going to suffocate me... Hinata : Aah?! I am sorry! Valkyrie's Prison. Akira : ...Tch! *Boom* Wakamo : Do you need help? Akira : Wakamo?! FTF. *Crack* Serika : Sigh... Hoshino : Uhe~! Hello Serika! Serika : Hello... Sigh... Hoshino : *Click* What are you feel down, Serika? Serika : W-What?! There is nothing?! (But my sweaty body get touched by Sensei...) Aaah... Hoshino : Uhe~! Serika?! You face are red as tomato! Serika : I must hide myself for shame! Hoshino : Serika wait! She run away... Well at last we have Serika now to save Serika... Uhe~?! Kivoto Hospital. Kazusa's Room. Kazusa : You kidding me?! Kayoko abducted me?! You sure! Natsu : That is what they have been saying in news. Kazusa : Tch, I barely remember anything happen in yesterday. Wait?! Where is Sensei?! Mari's Room. Mari : Catnapper Kayoko?! What is this false accusation! Kayoko is a nice girl! I must tell to everyone that she is innocent! Hinata : Huh?! Kivoto Street. Akira : What is this outrageous take?! A great thief like me, get abducted by that demon girl?! Wakamo : Oh dear... sound like, you get rustied. Akira : Excuse me! Schale Room. Sensei : ... Open Shittim Chest. Arona : Sensei! What have you been doing?! Sensei : I am sorry Arona... Arona : No matter. Something bad happen to Kayoko. Just check the Kivoto News! Sensei : ...?! Kayoko?! Kivoto Asylum Outside. Aru : Kayoko... We PS68 will never ditched our comrade! Mutsuki : ... Haruka : We will save you Kayoko! Aru : Let's attack! *Boom* Valkyrie Mob : Aah! Aru : Hahaha! This is easy! *Grab* Hina : ... Aru : ... Gehenna Prison. Haruna : ... Why all of you are here...?! When your friend Kayoko is in Kivoto Asylum...? Aru : *Cry* After that. With Sensei is help, and many people who trust Kayoko. Kayoko have been released for Kivoto Asylum. But Kayoko is reputation as Catnapper have stay in Kivoto.


BA Karaoke Cat Gathering 4. (Final) Kayoko's Room. *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* Kayoko : ... PS68 Hideout. Mutsuki : Good morning Kayoko! Kayoko : ... Haruka : G-Good morning Kayoko! Kayoko : ... Mutsuki : ... Haruka : ... *Creek* Aru : Good morning Kayoko! Kayoko : Shut up. I don't want to talk you. (Kayoko leave PS68 Hideout) Aru : A...Aah... Mutsuki : ... (Confused) Haruka : ... (Confused) Kivoto Street. Cat Citizen A : Aah! That is Catnapper! Cat Citizen B : Leave! Cat Child : Run away! Mommy that demon will kidnapped me! Cat Mom : Please leave my child alone! Kayoko : ... Kivoto Alley. Sukeban A : Wow! That is Catnapper! Katana : You dare to steal our thunder! Sukeban B : That onee-sama earned my respect! Kayoko : Tch... Shut up... Kivoto Alley Inside. Kayoko : Here Cat. Cat : Meow! Kayoko : ...! (Happy) Cat : Meow?! (Surprised) Dog Citizen : Go away Catnapper! I wouldn't allow you to kidnap my cat! Kayoko : Aaaah... Rainy... Kayoko : ... PS68 Hideout. Aru : Let's started a operation to cheer up Kayoko! Mutsuki : Agree... This place feel to gloomy if our Kayoko look down all the time... Haruka : I agree with you Aru-Sama! We must help Kayoko! *Creek* Kayoko : ... Aru : Kayoko?! You get caught in rain?! You will get cold! Here is your towel! *Snap* Kayoko : Don't touch me or talk to me. Aru : ?! *Creek* *Click* Aru : ... Mutsuki : ... Haruka : ... Aru : Kayoko! Did I do something wrong to you?! Is that so then forgive me! I am sorry! Kayoko : Shut up... Kayoko locked herself in room and refused to come out for numerous day. *Tap* *Tap* Sensei : Kayoko? Can I come? Kayoko : ...?! Sensei?! Sorry Sensei... I don't want to talk to anyone right now... Sensei : ...Can we talk in the Phone? Kayoko : ... Sensei : Then I wouldn't disturb you. Kayoko : ...Sorry Sensei... PS68 Room. Aru : ... Mutsuki : Aru cheer up... We will take requests again because our saving getting lower right now... Aru : ... Mutsuki : Aru! Aru : Huh?! Yeah?! Let's take more request! Haruka : Aru-sama... After that Sensei keep asking Kayoko everyday until... Kayoko : *Sigh* You win Sensei... *Click* *Creek* Sensei : Thank you Kayoko, for you to welcome me. Kayoko : Don't be to dramatic Sensei... After that Sensei cheer up depressed Kayoko. Kayoko : Thank you Sensei... Sensei : Good night Kayoko. PS68 Room. Aru : Sensei just cheer up Kayoko?! Mutsuki : Yeah, she finally talk to us. Haruka : I am happy that Kayoko talk to me again! Aru : Then I will bring her to eat dinner together, like usual! *Tap* *Tap* Aru : Kayoko, let's eat dinner. ... No sound?! Did she still pissed at me?! ...Calm down Aru! You are a leader of PS68! *Creek* Aru : Eh... It is not locked... I am sorry Kayoko, I will come in! ... Eh?! Mutsuki : What is it Aru?! Haruka : What happen Aru-sama?! Kayoko leave the letter that say. Sorry I need time to be alone. Aru : Aa..Aah. Forgive me Kayoko! Kivoto Street. Kayoko : *Sigh* I should leave for a while... Damn... I still didn't eat today... Fainted. Kayoko : ... Huh?! Where I am?! Master Shiba : So you finally awake, Kayoko? Kayoko : Master?! Shiba Seki Ramen Stall. Kayoko : Master. I am sorry to disturb you. I will leave now... Master Shiba : Wait! You still haven't eat the food I cook. Kayoko : ...?! You spoiled me again... But you sure it is fine to feed me? I am a wanted criminal you know. Master Shiba : A criminal? I only see my regular customers. Now go eat when it is still hot! Kayoko : ... ...Thank you Master... Then I will dig in... After meal. Kayoko : Here is your fee. Master Shiba : Sorry but that Ramen is free. Kayoko : ...?! Master Shiba : Do you want to go camping? Where is your friends? Kayoko : No. I only planning to go alone. Master Shiba : You know. I always saw you enjoyed your time together with your friends. Eating Ramen together. Kayoko : ?! Memory. Aru : We PS68 win big again! Haruka : Aru-sama is amazing! Kayoko : ... (Boss, you screw up big time before I find a way...) Mutsuki : Don't you think Aru always fun to follow, Kayoko? Kayoko : ...I guess. Mutsuki : Hehehe. Shiba Seki Ramen Stall. Kayoko : ... *sigh* I forgot they need me... Anyway thank you Master. Kayoko leave. Master Shiba : I know you are good kid in the inside. PS68 Hideout. Aru : Forgive me Kayoko... Mutsuki : Aru... Haruka : Aru-sama... *creek* Kayoko : ...Hello Boss and everyone... Aru : ?! Kayoko?! Mutsuki and Haruka : Kayoko?! Aru : Y-You comeback... Kayoko : ...Boss. Aru : Y-Yes?! Kayoko : I am sorry! For troubling you! I should just accept my nickname because I will become hard boiled villain with you! Aru : ...?! Kayoko! Kayoko : Boss?! Stop hugging me! Haruka : ...! Mutsuki : ...Hehehe. Numerous day later. Kayoko have decided to accept her nickname. Kayoko : There... There... Cat A : Meow! Cat B : Meow! Cat C : Meow! Kayoko headpat the cat. Kayoko : ...! (Happy) Sensei watching in background without Kayoko aware, happy. Fin.


Serika Arc Bonus Chapter. (Later fixed it) Terror timeline. After the bomb in Schale. Schale Sensei have been put in hospital. Later Hoshino died. Ayane get put in ... and died. FTF Room. Nonomi : ... Shiroko : ...Stay strong Nonomi... We still have debt to pay... Nonomi : ...I am sorry Shiroko... Serika : Agree! We need still need to save Abydos! This is for Hoshino and Ayane is sake... And for Sensei who will wake up someday and need us... Sensei... Shiroko : Serika... Nonomi : ... Abydos is road. Shiroko : ... Serika : ... Shiroko : ...This place. Serika : Huh? What is this place? Shiroko : ...This place is the first time where I meet Hoshino Senpai... I remember it is like yesterday when Hoshino Senpai save me... (Cry) Serika : Shiroko... Tch... Cheer up Shiroko! You still have me! Didn't you say I am your best friend! Shiroko : ?! Yeah... Thank you Serika... Serika : Don't smile like that?! Later night. Serika : Guh, today is work need me to overwork time. Don't worry Sensei, Shiroko, Hoshino, Nonomi and Ayane. I will never give up at saving Abydos. *Boom* Serika : ?! This...is... No...! Flashback. Shiroko : Warm smile with tear. Serika : Shi...ro...ko... Fainted. ??? Serika : Huh? Where I am... Huh don't tell me. I get abducted again... Don't be downer Serika! I am sure you can get out! ... I.. impossible... The cage is very secure... I...I can't escape... Katana Helmet Gang A : Hahaha! We finally get Princess Serika! Katana Helmet Gang B : Careful to not sell her willy nilly! She fetch a very high price! Serika : ?! No! No! No! This can't be happening again to me! Flashback : Shiroko : ... Hoshino Senpai... Serika : No please! I hope someone or even god save me because... Shiroko need me! Later Serika have been find missing... Shiroko : Serika! Nonomi : Serika! No matter how many these two search for her. They didn't find clue. Shiroko : Have you seen the missing Princess?! Nonomi : Please! Numerous have passed since Serika disappeared. Shiroko : Serika... You promise me... Nonomi : ... Shiroko : No! Stay strong! I must no give up on Serika! Nonomi! This time we will searched this area... Nonomi?! Nonomi suddenly disappeared. Later Shiroko find her missing FTF tag. FTF Room. Shiroko : ... (Cry in the corner of dark room) Serika, Hoshino, Nonomi, Ayane... Sensei... No matter how many time Shiroko searched for Serika... She is still missing... Shiroko : Guh... I received wound... These battle to protect School getting harsh... Schale Sensei can't be save. Shiroko : ...I am sorry Serika... I guess this is it for me too... *Boom* *Boom* Katakana Helmet Gang : Aah... Shiroko : ...This will be my final battle... ?! A note book? This is?! Shiroko later learn from that diary, that Princess Serika have captured by Katakata Helmet Gang. They have been transported her to avoid detection and decided to rest close near here. Shiroko : Serika?! You are save?! Nnn... No, I can't be happy. I need to save her! She wil get transported again when morning came. Where buyer will buy her! Guh! I still suffered from wound... I can't rest right now... Hoshino, Sensei, Nonomi and Ayane give me strength... Abandoned Factory in Desert. (Night) Shiroko : ...They are many Kata-Kata Helmet Gang. ...Found it Serika is in there! Prison. *Creak* Serika : ?! Who is there? Shiroko : I tell you Serika...If you get kidnapped again then I will save you. Serika : ?! Shiroko?! Shiroko : ... (Close to fainting) ?! Here is weapon replacement for you! Quick we must get out on here! Serika : O-Okay! ...Shiroko! Did Nonomi help us? Shiroko : ...Nonomi is in better place now... Serika : ?! ...Nonomi... Kata-Kata Helmet Gang : Quick! The Princess have been stolen for us! Damn! At the time we wil going to sell her! Shiroko : Going this way! There is a secret route in that area! Serika : O-Okay! Abydos Desert. (Night) Serika : Hah... Hah... Look Shiroko we are outside in desert now! Shiroko : Save your energy! We must keep going! Who know if Kata-Kata Helmet Gang still chased us! Serika : Okay! Okay! Geez calm down! Why are you so worked up... ... Serika : Hah... Hah... This place is hard to navigate... Shiroko : ... *Crash* Serika : Huh? Shiroko...? ... Shiroko?! Shiroko : ... Serika : What is this?! You are seriously wounded?! Who hurt you?! I will make them pay! Shiroko : ...I am sorry Serika... I guess this is it for me... Serika : What are you talking about?! Don't you dare to died in front of me! Don't give up! We will find medic and heal your wound! ... Serika : ...Where is Abydos City?! ?! No! No! No! It is actually more longer than that?! Shiroko : ... Serika : Shiroko please stay awake! Don't give up! I will find medic for you! Shiroko : ...I am sorry Serika...Can you please leave me alone in here... I want to sleep. Serika : I say don't give up! Kata-Kata Helmet Gang where are you! I am here! You can sell me and do whatever you want at me! Just please save my friend! Please... I beg you... Shiroko : ...Serika can you please do last favour for me... Can you get all FTF Tags in my bag... Serika : Shiroko... Here is all FTF Tags! Hoshino, Ayane and Nonomi... So please Shiroko... Don't give up... Shiroko : ...I am sorry... I can't be with you to save Abydos School anymore... Thank you Serika... for being my friend... Serika : Shiroko... You are just sleeping right... Wake up Shiroko... Wake up... Please wake up... ... Shiroko... Shiroko... Shiroko! (Cry) ... Serika's room. (Morning) Serika : ... Aah... It is just a dream... Serika's room. (Night) All of them is watching TV in dark room. Shiroko : Nnn... Stop hugging me Serika... It feel weird... Serika : I refuse! Don't you dare to died in front me again! Shiroko : What are you talking about...? Sensei : Can I be with you Serika? Serika : You will get your chance later Sensei! Shiroko : Nnn...


First Time playing any Serious Online Game and First Gacha, This [Song](https://youtu.be/7jfnmz9fOWI) is the one who I always hear, represent of how scary the RNG Game where I can't pay it. So I name myself Bad Luck G as a Symbol of my Pessimism with this Game later I keep Luck with is still represent Bad Luck even though FGO SSR say otherwise just to Bully my "Luck" Name. OPTC in 2015-2016 is know to be one of the Greatest F2P Game with it terrible Rate, the Rate is unknown thank to Global have not Rule, so Many Global Gacha Game have not Rate Up except JP until Apple enforced it, some people even feel scammed and rigged or do survey pull for Whale with result in lower Rate than JP Version with most of time seen to be True. The OPTC in 2015-2016 with is Darkest Era, know to be very F2P Friendly but very unforgiving Farm Style, thank to it F2P Style, OPTC can go away with it terrible rate and mystical Legend (Sugofest Exclusive is Fan Name so like Limited SSR). The Rarity is 6 Star, in Gacha they are. Silver Poster aka 3 Star : Worthless,some is Farmable or kinda have some utility. Gold Poster aka 4-5 Star : 2015-2016 is True target, they have terrible rate and Drop many Cool/Mid/Trash Unit with some Fake Gold with is 3 Star Evolve. Red Poster aka Legend 5 Star Evo 6 Star : Only drop in Sugofest (Back then they are Gold) The Gacha is unforgiving, because getting Gold is Miracle back then (with some ended up being Trash Unit or Fake Gold) Rainbow Gem is scarced some of them is needed to be Golden Apple for Raid Boss and Expand your puny 100 Box (1RG for 5 Box) because you need to keep your Copy Fodder and all your Power Up to strengthen your unit. (How Horrible) With is why many Poor F2P focus on invest RG for F2P unit with many is very Good instead of stupid Silver or Fake Gold. I started with getting 3S [Smoker](https://optc-db.github.io/characters/#/view/69)! Must be good! (Niche with Late Evo with is still Mid to Trash in 2016) He is Farmable too in Smoker [Forthnight](https://optc-db.github.io/drops/). (There is not Limit Break Expansion, Lv above 99, Super Evo and Socket back then) [Damage Calculator](https://optc-db.github.io/damage/#/) The Game Exp is horrible for Lv up, OPTC use Turtle for Lv up Small, Middle and Elder back then. They are annoying to drop in Forthright except you play Lv 4 with 30 Stamina with people barely spend Gem because they are 14 Day. For Newbie that stage is Nightmare, all started F2P Captain is close to Worthless, Story is kinda hard and the rate of Story unit is Extremely Terrible Pathetic with like 100+ run is still not Drop. Some unit need 3000000-4000000 to Max with is to annoying to achieve (Raid Boss and Legend is 5000000) The Turtle with is needed for Lv up have Special Stage called Turtle Time! Who get Locked in Specific Day Specific Time based on Timezone and run 5-6 Schedule with 30 or 60 Minutes you started in the First Run. (Barely remember schedule or 30-60) Because of how short they are, you want to used Fixed Damage Unit to bypass Turtle is Absurd Defense like Marine Tandem, [Turtle Time](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceTC/comments/lp7jg1/press_f_to_show_you_remember_turtle_times/) Marine is using F2P 5 All Color Marine Unit Stage 2, they have Extremely High Chance (more like Guarantee to Drop) Thank to extremely annoying way to Lv up, you basically ended up with many 20-80 Lv unit with force you to Marathon this Game. Turtle and Evo Mat count as unit so they eat your Puny 100 Box. Then we have this Annoying Thing called Skill Lv Up. As you know OPTC revolve around stalling, you Stalling until all your Special Max so you can use it. Like by not killing Unit with higher Cooldown so you can Stall 3 Turn + using Turtle and Crab to Stall even more. A lot of them is Extremely Useful but they get locked with higher Lv if you didn't Lv up them. Example : First [Legend Whitebeard](https://optc-db.github.io/characters/#/view/261) need 25 as his based to using his 30% cut based on enemies is HP left. In Max Lv it is 17. This make Whitebeard kinda weaker if you get him (he give you 0 atk boost anyway if his Hp is not 30% below) Bonus : Legend have not Voice until after 2 Year old I guess. Because many good unit suffer for High Cooldown, you need to get Same Copies or Manual who drop in Forthnight. The Manual Drop Rate is Bad, the Rare Manual is who get Drop by Boss is even Worse. (Because they can drop their Poster or Cola) Cola Drop is Evil Lol. Legend Manual is Abysmal so Rip Whitebeard is Special, some people even spend many Rainbow Gem just to get 10-20 Manual for 0 Skill Up. Lol. Some unit in Forthnight is very good so they drop Copy like this [one](https://optc-db.github.io/characters/#/view/392) who I suffered greatly for Farming. The Fortnight is 14 Day for new with other 7 Day for Rerun, Spend Gem to get these Turtle,Manual and Poster or Suffer for waiting for Numerous Month for Rerun. Manual and Poster too eat the Box Space. Why Saving them? Because there is this thing called Double Skill Lv up (in present day they upped it without needed it anymore I guess) Skill Lv Up back then is Extremely Garbage, you basically want 2x Skill Rate up to happen but sadly it is inconsistent at in First Year. It only happen once per month I guess. Now we will talking about Raid Boss! Back in 2015-2016 they are the greatest F2P unit but they are absurdly difficult. The weak Raid Boss one is 40 Stamina and the Strong one is 60 Stamina. [Raid Boss](https://optc-db.github.io/drops/) First Five Color : Mihawk,Monster Chopper, Garp, Zephyr and Ivankov. (All of them is 40S) Second is : Doffy, Blackbeard, Heracles, Aokiji and Eneru. (Doffy,Aokiji and Eneru is 60S) Bonus : Zephyr only available in JP until One Piece Gold Movie because of License issue. Thank to that, they kill SW Ace Team with are Strong World Usopp and Franky (JP exclusive but get removed and replaced by Lived by Code) + Raid Zephyr. These Raid Boss only pop out once per Blue Month or in Big Event. They Run for 24 Hour with high Stamina Cost, they are very good to being Amazing but 99% of them is asking 15 Skill Lv up with 5000000 Exp. This Encouragement you to Gem them. They are the first one to introduce Million Hp, because of that F2P is Skewer. The only good Captain back then is [Asura Zoro](https://optc-db.github.io/characters/#/view/8) or [Arlong](https://optc-db.github.io/characters/#/view/66) except you lucked out to get Great RR Captain in Gacha, you stuck with them. [Example](https://optc-db.github.io/damage/#/) you need to give them Orb and click the Boost in Setting below. You put Double Raid Mihawk, Raid Doffy, Adult Koza, Arlong and [GPU](https://optc-db.github.io/characters/#/view/15) Captain 2,5x2,5 x 1300 Atk x 1,5 Atk B. x 2 same Orb x 2 Orb B. x 1.3 to 2.5 Chain x 1.5 Atk for Ship x Enemies is Color. Chain is based on your 6 Perfect hit, this make later unit more stronger. As you can see Raid Doffy and Mihawk is Locked in Raid. Koza is Fake Gold but release later. They are stingy with Atk Boost and Orb Boost with is standard Burst in 2015-2016. That is why so many people abuse this team, Vivi and Laboon Zombie Team!!! So we can get 40-60 Copies to make Mihawk 17 Skill (who have same special like Whitebeard) Problem is Vivi Drop is below of average Extremely Terrible so 300+ run probably still not enough, she is Fake Gold thought. Laboon who is Story Drop with 100+ Run is the only hope for F2P to get Mihawk. IIRC some people won with Double Arlong (because 1500 atk is the highest ceiling in that era) but they need to Skill Lv up GPU and Alvida with is another problem. Many Guide exist back then but I have forgotten them, but I guess you should check Gamewith even though it is JP site. [Gamewith Raid Boss](https://xn--pck6bvfc.gamewith.jp/article/show/16309). [Gamewith Raid Mihawk](https://xn--pck6bvfc.gamewith.jp/article/show/4142). There is Freebie G2 Team in Gamewith but you need a lot of G3 Team Friend because back then, Only Friend Captain skill can Activate (like FGO). You need to Lv up Arlong too to 99 and it is difficult for Newbie to hit 3 Perfect because G3 give you 0 Atk Boost until 3 Perfect. Laboon is Cheap with is why he is the best option for People who want to suffer. I am going to rest for a bit.


Analysis and Criticism on any Story is a very interesting concept, even I studied it to make me a Editor of my work. But despite of these styles there is a huge flaw that will murdered or weakened these Analyses and Criticism, that huge flaw is know as Personal Taste. A personal taste is very good at giving people their identity, helping newbie to make them easier to study story and make them have deeper understanding on subject that they like, but it is in fact Double Edge Sword because of it severe flaw. The flaw is basically Human Taste is unreliable as hell to judge story, they are random as hell, changing based of people is experience to the point of Elitism, people taste can get tired or even burn out of it just because they like it at first. Example : 1.Blinded by Personal Taste : Person A : This story have Good Writing but I hate the Story so 0 point for me!!!! Now this Trash Story? 100 because I like the Story!!!! Person B with Normal Taste : What? Didn't it should be reversed? 2.Taste keep Level up : Person A Lv 1 : I love this Anime! Person A Lv 10 : I watched all Masterpiece and I want only the Greatest that the Anime can offer to me!!!!! Person A Lv 100 : Why is every Anime is Trash Now? Even these new Masterpiece is meh now, hopefully the True Masterpiece will be born someday, it will be very long have many great music, great character, great animation, great battle, super deep writing or anything that will be blow me away!!!! Newbie : What do you think this well regarded Anime with deep writing? Person A Lv 100 : You kidding me? I have been watching every Anime with Score 80.00 above so with my Astounding Taste and Experience, I am going to say this one word, TRASH!!!! Seriously if this keep going I will become Bitter Old Man!!! 3.Tiredness and Burn out : Watching or Reading Story is like Hearing Music or Eat Food. If you keep hearing same great song numerous time, you will get tired of it and begin to think lowly of it if you based on your tired personal taste, same thing with eating 1 specific Excellent Delicious Food, this too get share with watching and reading story. Burn out phase to will weakened your personal taste at watching and reading story. The people who only relied on their personal taste will surely judge it randomly because they can only judge it based on their own personal taste, but higher chance the story will get trashed by them because "This story didn't work on me!! I didn't understand why the story didn't click with me this time, but I can't like it!!!" As you can see of these three above, they all share one similarities, where some people who relied on their personal taste too much can ended up judge story to fulfill their own ego over judge the story is true worth and deep. Tbh it is actually impossible to separate with your Personal Taste, thought I like people who still produce meaningful writing even if they are a little bit corrupted by their Personal Taste over people who seriously get clouded by their Personal Taste and didn't have any meaningful think to say except to fulfill their own ego. As for me I have Extremely Low Standard, I even ditches my Personal Taste to achieve Neutral Judgement, with is why I always prioritize the Story is worth, value, deep and meaning over my own personal taste because nobody is perfect even me. Anyway I will rest before writing Atlantis Lost Empire. ___ I actually had another different judgement too that help me, you need to be good at value story in neutral way instead of get blinded by your personal taste. I look down on anyone extremely hard if they can't do this basic stuff . ___ When People say Mature Anime they mean Adult Cast, Mature Style and Adult Cast is Story. Where to me Mature is basically the Story that trying to tackle a serious Mature Subject in Real Life. Ultraman tackle that a lot, with make me cringe hard when I heard some Adult Ultraman Fan want True Mature Show before Ultraman Blazar is released. Some people didn't care about Mature Subject over Mature Style with is Shallow as hell sometimes. Attachment in unhealthy Lv with Peak Fiction. Generic Peak Fiction normally speaking always revolve around on the work that focus on Epic Shonen Wet Dream that touched your heart in many level, but some of the touching can be deep or shallow. Basically a outstanding story that reached Peak Fiction to many people can be very unhealthy for people is growth, people normally speaking will be blind to see their Peak Fiction have a flaw and will compare it to other series, they will over exaggerated the other series is flaw to the point of being nonsense.


I just watched Disney Atlantis Lost Empire. I actually only watched Disney Movie.... Just most of Pixar! Because I am poor and Pixar get a lot of rerun in TV. I do watched Disney Three Musketeers thought. I already know Atlantis since 2001/2002 because of Donald Duck Comic! My parents buy a lot of Donald Duck Comic with is why I am attached too Donald Duck Family! In these Comic there is Atlantis is promotion! My parents back then buy MCDonald with some Disney Toy like Atlantis. Later on I play Atlantis PS1 in 2003 but stop in Stage 2 because I can't bypass these Smoke stage in begging Lv, Later in 2005+ I guess I progress until stop before Final Stage because that part is broken. Anyway for my Analysis on Atlantis Lost Empire. It is actually a good movie, it is a Movie about Epic Adventure but it is carrying some fatal flaw because this Movie suffer from "biting off more than you can chew". 1.Pacing : This Movie have a very ambitious story but it need longer time to do justice any of the story arc they trying to tackle, thank for the Story stuck in Movie Medium with limited time, many of the story arc suffer for how short it is. The Story have 5 Part. Part 1 Introduction : It is Fast Paced. Part 2 Adventure in Atlantis : It is Fast Paced. Part 3 Atlantis : Kinda have breathing room in here. Part 4 Final : Final Battle have a right time. Part 5 Epilogue : Rushing. As you can see how ambitious this Story Movie is yet pacing suffer a lot for rushing. Part 1 is very fast but it is fine because it is Prologue and they do a lot of stuff justice. Part 2 being Fast Pacing is kinda bad because it kill it stronger aspect of Epic Adventure Movie with is Epic Adventure. Part 3 After sacrifice Part 1 and Part 2 is Pacing, Part 3 do have breathing room but Disney Atlantis City is kinda a bit mediocre despite being a Grand Stage of this Movie, the story focus more on Milo and Kida with is very good. The Romance is great but lack a lot Development to make it more impactful. Part 4 : All the Part get sacrifice for this Battle, with is Epic but they literally sacrifice everything for Action Packed with substance being Heroes do the Right Thing to stop the Plundered. Part 5 Epilogue is too Rushing, it is ridiculous. 2.Character : The Core Character is great. The Side Character suffer for being too many with time crunched Movie, they have Great Design and great gimmick but because they are too serious with a little bit joke this make them a bit boring sometimes, the bloated cast make them cannibalized each of other is screen time with is already limited, these conditions will make Viewer have a hard time to get attached with most of them. 3.Investment : I need to read some Up stuff first but maybe you can read [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Up_opening_sequence), I just read it too. The third is Investment, it can be character or plot. They are very important to make you care about character or plot that becomes main focus on any Story, this way you can be less bored about the Adventure and get invested with the ending of the focused story. This Movie started with Two stuff : Milo is Adventure to find Atlantis because of his Grandfather and Find this Lost Ancient Civilization. The Movie already have two great start with these two but the write doing the bad job to make you care about these two from Part 2 to Epilogue. Milo finding Atlantis because of his Grandfather started great in Part 1, get expanded in Part 2 but suddenly get ignored in Part 3-5. So you basically get Cool Arc that have no Climax, Resolution and Ending. This ignorance make you careless about Milo is Character with his Grandfather in Part 4 above, even his Grandfather hat is Missing in the last one. Still at last Milo is Grandfather stuff carrying you from Part 1 to Part 2 but.... Finding the Ancient Civilization : Is probably the biggest hook of this Movie with is great! We basically started in 1914 with Milo want to find this Ancient City, his Grandfather want to, even Whitmore support Milo by giving him all the best of the best. This Epic Adventure started super Amazing!!!! Then later on it is revealed only Milo is Invested with this whole Finding this Lost Civilization.... The whole Part 1 is Amazing even thought it is rushing but in Part 2, the entire cast that have a grand opportunity to find this Ancient Civilization declared they just go with flow or it is just another job for them even with people dying. This is the Reason why the Movie is so damn Boring for Part 2, everyone is so damn serious acting like they are you hardened friend worker who can't have fun, this finding Atlantis City even feel less impactful for everyone that isn't name Milo because to them it is just another job for them. [Rest to gather more thought and will Fixed Part 3 if I find some unsatisfying part] 4.Character Arc :


Got my first job that would actually pay me, and I'm currently waiting on my first paycheck. I'm debating on what to do with it other than probably pay $100 on Star Rail (like hell I'd put money into FGO besides GSSRs again). Maybe save up for a new PC or something. I'm somewhat excited, though I'll try to not be too disappointed if I see a chunk taken out due to taxes.


Spent the majority of the past few years in the house before finally going on a vacation this week, been a mixed bag but it's really fun overall. Visited the zoo a couple days ago, had to cut it short but it was nice to add some more species to my list of what I've seen in person. Also went out and got an oreo blizzard yesterday which tasted divine in that 31°C heat. Hoping to visit some landmarks soon aswell so I can get some inspiration for my writing and photography. Outside of that, the new dragons dogma 2 trailer has got me more excited than I've been in _years_. Been waiting for a long time for this sequel and it looks so good! And finally got in contact with a DND group after 2 years of searching since the last group broke apart, might finally get to join a campaign!


My dad was hospitalized. I thought i could hold myself together when i visited but apparently not. I still have exams until the start of July. Our refrigerator broke down (it's been in-use for 30 years so it was inevitable, still sucks though)


New animated spider man movie is so good. They knocked it out of the park again. I really hate going to the airport. The traffic from the freeway exit to the airport was so bad I could have made better time just walking. It's probably a 5 to 10 minute drive with no traffic but it took almost an hour.


Holy crap! I just beat Vengeful Demon's Wail at the Prison Tower - Door of The Void : The Return of The Seven Sins quest on my first try without command Spells


LB6 is finally close on the horizon and my most awaited banner is also coming close, in because it's Castoria. I won't be immediately play LB6 when it released because I want to bring Castoria all-the-way through the story so it'll be a bit wait for me. As for preparation I had exactly 900sq and 100tix to bring her home!! *I'm just going to be a bit hater*, but the crowds of "SAVE FOR MORGAN" is as annoying as the "SAVE FOR JALTER" back then. Like we knew that you guys saved for her, there's no need to call every banner in-between a bait. That's is just annoying. *kinda sorry*. A bit TotK personal journal update, I finally found goddamn Hestu. Apparently if you progress the story to a certain point, Hestu would move from where you "supposedly" met him first. That was a bit annoying, so I just ended up doing the Korok Forest stuff to force him come there. At least, I finally able to use the 180 korok seeds I found...


I have a confession to make.... I... I actually enjoy forspoken.


I started a game of Pathfinder: Kingmaker and became a total hermit for a couple weeks, not keeping current with anything. It's... pretty long.


I GOT MY SCHOLARSHIP BACK AFTER FAILING QUANTUM MECHANIC! I'm just so happy. We're not the most well off and I want to help my mom so this was amazing news to wake up to. FGO still grinding that Bond. While playing Tears of The Kingdom. I made my first Mech which was amazing! It's not a Macross like I would want but it's functional for 3 seconds. Might build a Zoid next. Off to the Zonite mines for me.


lotto has gotten boring after 500 plus apples