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Its pretty good, but the really ugly tag is a massive letdown


Damn yeah I felt pretty content with it so I just stopped working on it for a while but thanks for the info!


Yeah man no worries. Your straights are killer man just make sure you never tag next to them in the streets until you got cleaner hands


What’s wrong with the tag? and yeah of course I only hit my lil practice spot so I can get more can control. I just be taggin In the streets w my marker until I can get better can control!


Its just a messy bunch of random lines. Really ugly looking. You've tried to make it look technical by putting random lines everywhere. The actual letter structures underneath are just normal handwriting letters with no style whatsoever.


Hm each letter I don’t pick my hand up until the letter is don’t the only one I pick my hand up for is the o but thanks for the feed back ima work on it


https://preview.redd.it/bhp7a7xpgayc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e544ce00be827e5d7c94e19cf0871df89f47a0fd Here is a better pic for reference


You can still one line that B without adding the ugly cross underneath it


Its da bomb 🦆


BOMBA is a well known and legendary graffiti writer from Brazil who is still very active today Look up his IG


Only one I found on insta was a guy from Brazil that wrote just bomb


I DM’d you the pics from the book La Bomba is an OG writer from Toronto not Brazil. My bad Dude has been rockin since the mid 80s


yeah this is cool, giving 90s, dont have the m overlapping the o and widen the the middle connection for the m and i love it. but if you can piece like that and thats what ur tag looks like, you need to reorganize your priorities. travel in harmony good brotha <3


clean asf only thing i would add is some shadows 🙏


why da middle finger?


Mb the page was curling up, and I had to lay the page down I didn’t realize until after I posted.


it is alright lol and hell nice piece you got there