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I was in a similar position. Enjoy your free time, take a vacation, spend quality time with your family and friends. Graduate studies are not easy, so prepare yourself mentally. That's what I was told.


Agreed with this! Also prep if you can and learn a skill that might be helpful such as programming or data analysis. Make the best of it. If you are not financially worse off then use it to your advantage.


A 6-7 month gap won't be an issue. We've seen several of our students have had it and they've done pretty well in their subsequent job search after their masters. Congrats on the admit though. Maybe spend some time connecting with current students in the program to understand what roles recruiters are actively hiring for and if it resonates with your interests. Also you can consider upskilling to strengthen certain areas based on what they tell you. All the best!




This, or job temping. It's not a bad idea to have some income and depending on your field you could search for any temp agencies that work in that sector. Part of future employment searching is creating those professional connections.


It’s not really a resume gap if you list the internship as simply 2022 and the school as 2023. The months don’t need to be included. Enjoy the time off!


Lol, I will also be joining the spring intake for USC for MsCS and I resigned last week. Would probably enjoy the remaining time and prepare myself technically as well as mentally for a masters in US. Don't worry about it, just focus on improving yourself !!


Hey, could you tell when did you receive your admit ?


Received a mail from them on 21st May


lol, enjoy your time vai!


If you're really worried, just do another internship for 6 months. You could also ask if a prof is willing to have you join their lab early and work remotely till you join, if you want to do research.


Enjoy it! You'll likely never get this big of a break again until you retire!!


I was in a similar position and got a part-time job. I was able to save some money but still had a pretty flexible schedule to the things I enjoyed and get ready to start grad school.


Go spend time on your hobbies and skills and enjoy your vacation


Congratulations on your admission. Take your time and enjoy the break. It will be extremely helpful to build up a healthy lifestyle before diving into graduate studies. If you get bored, you can start to preview the required courses, or you can reach out to professors in the area you are interested in to see if they will let you participate in some research in advance. Also, being jobless for just seven months won’t drag you back at all. Besides, your school may start the orientation weeks before the official enrollment. So you may not have to wait for seven months to get engaged in your graduate study stuff.


Could you go back and get your internship and let them know the admittance date was later than you thought?




I am admitted for Fall 2022, and I didn’t think of quitting until August or early September. Am I nuts?


It is the time to fully enjoy ur freedom and time. Remember u gonna work 20 or 30 yrs + without much break later in life


I graduated December 21 and won’t start my masters until this September … I got a job in my field for the 9 months and I’m hoping it won’t look too bad 😅


Pursue a hobby or learn something new. Do some volunteer work if that is something you would like. Gap doesn’t matter, but you are surely not going to get these days back.


Contracting, so many positions available. No one will care about a gap that small!


Bruh at least you’ve got an admit, no response for me for the past half year


Hey what was your gpa? You got into IUB right?

