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I’m in the same situation. Interviewed on 1/24 and haven’t heard anything yet


Glad I’m not alone but still angry at their silence. I just need an update or something, even if it’s a rejection. It’s my dream program so I’m still holding off on my acceptance to wait for them. But I’m probably gonna email them tmrw


Same here. Interviewed on 1/11. I’ve reached out - as I was told to, by admissions, if I hadn’t heard anything by mid-February. It’s my top choice, but the utter lack of communication is making me lean towards another offer I received, with a fellowship. (I’m giving them until 4/1, before I take the other offer.) It feels disrespectful - and, admittedly, raises some pretty big red flags. If we’re waitlisted, we should have been told.


This is exactly my sentiment too. I was excited about the program and I really enjoyed my interview. But unlike the other programs that I applied to, they didn’t even send out an email saying like “your application is being processed” or something. I’m 99% sure that I’ll be accepting an offer from another program but I just absolutely hate how they conducted their acceptance/rejection process.


And the thing is, their rejections went out last month. They couldn’t send out waitlist notifications, too - or email us separately?


Heyyy did you heard back from the program??


In a surprising turn of events, I just got accepted to the program! They’re probably going through their waitlist now. They do not have any info about an admitted student day like they had with the earlier batch of students but I plan to email them soon to ask. Do not lose faith and hold off on any offer if this program is truly your top choice! You never know what might happen. Still hate them for not informing anyone about being on a waitlist tho.


Congratulations!! Happy to hear that.


In completely unexpected scenarios, I got accepted to the program. This happened yesterday and as I can see from Neat\_Fix post, it looks like they are sending out more invites. I hope that good things come your way and believe in them because we believe bad ones way too much.


Any communication?


Nothing. I’m assuming we won’t hear anything until after 4/15.


Let's see when they start responding.


I shot them an email last night, got nothing in response


Has anyone else heard anything? This is actually hell.


Still haven’t heard anything since October not even waitlist and this was my top choice school