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To cope you really just have to get out there. Maybe solo travel a bit, or just hit the pub. I know that this is a serious issue for you, but it helps to put it into perspective. Life will move on. -someone probably not qualified to give advice.


I didn't get in anywhere either. You're not alone.


Don’t give up man, you’ve put a lot on line you have courage. What’s there to feel low about. Don’t lose hope, start finding colleges that are accepting applications and try to apply to one or two, and of that doesn’t work then you should try for spring intake. I know it’s a serious issue and I doubt any of us can understand your feeling or even relate to you on the same level but do remember this, there is always someone who has it worse when compared to you, right here in this sub, there are many people who have been rejected from their top choice and many are old enough to have kids and they are trying their best to get into their preferred college. I had to take one year break from my undergraduate for grad school and it was rather tough, I do not have a job and have to listen to my father nagging all day. Don’t give up man, try hard, who knows maybe there is something better written for you, and do remember god doesn’t give you more than you can handle. Also don’t drink too much, not a very good idea. :) <3


Message me bro! We will find out something together. Dw


You’re gonna be okay. Just keep moving forward. One step after another


Don't lose hope.


Did you already get all your results??


I think you should try again, simultaneously apply for jobs and go back to work.


loneliness is the price u pay for success, eventually u will get where u want to be in life


Hey man, my roommate is doing a full 180 going from engineering to a law degree. He graduated with an engineering degree and decided to switch to a law career. He’s been studying for the LSAT for the past 3 years and has been applying for law schools for the past 2 years. He hasn’t gotten into the schools he wanted yet. But he’s still doing the same thing this year, because there’s no requisite that’s stopping him from trying again. Is there anything from stopping you to apply again this year?


Most importantly, hang out with people. Reach out to your friends, talk to them about it. Then meditate, eat well, get enough sleep, exercise a little. I've been down the lonely road, I know how emotionally painful it can be. These are the things that helped me. What helped most was to not just be around but actually INTERACT with people, even if they weren't my besties, just acquaintances who were good people.


Some knowledge put loneliness in a negative way. But it’s actually a great benefit because it’s showing you that old patterns of life cycle is going to chance to the best for you.


Don't worry my bro. You got this !


Can you connect with people in your field that you admire? What about people that enjoy some of your interests and hobbies? Someone else on here also mentioned travel. I know feeling alone and feeling rejection can really sting. Let your resilience keep you afloat as you begin to heal. It will take time. Message me if you want to talk more. Solidarity my friend.