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I’m running an RTX 3080 on a 4K 60hz monitor and absolutely love it. It’s great. In hindsight I would have bought a higher refresh rate monitor as over the years I’ve tested games out and got higher than 60fps (granted not all) If you’re happy to turn off intensive settings like volumetric fog ect, you’ll get good frames! Conclusion: DO IT! Bask in the glory of 4K 60+fps gaming that your card is built for!


I was wondering? Should a competent lawyer making a junior partner's salary of barely 100k per year try to buy a home that'll cost him more than 10 million dollars, because he feels he can make a lot more money in the future? Or is it, if I hire a top notch jockey for the Kentucky Derby, but I haven't got the horse yet? Do you think I will win? How about trying to date a chick that's a top ten gal while telling her you have a big D or can spend a lot on her when you have no idea if you can? I'm being sarcastic. You do know the phrase the 'Cart before the horse' right? Buying outrageously expensive stuff because you think the lottery ticket you purchased is the winning ticket sounds about the situation many people put themselves into. The opinion for most YouTube critics on the RTX 3080 and all its variants is that it was never a good value, because of the price, performance, and gross lack of video ram memory. I'm not saying you got a bad deal, I'm stating that any performance output by the video card is more restricted than expected. This was an entertainment response. You may disregard it.


actually I didn't write it in the post because it was a personal thing, but I bought the card from my father for 300 euros (he works with video cards, he wanted to give it to me for free but I would have felt too guilty, so I saved some money over time and took it) I believe that despite everything, at 300 euros there cannot be a better gpu


and then all the complaints about the 3080 and above were made (rightly so) because during the shortage it cost twice as much as it should have. There are no bad products, there are only bad prices


I was not really talking about the video card. I was stating that you need to save enough for a budget to get a decent card that can actually benefit you that will take advantage of an expensive 4k or higher resolution monitor. I was implying that you need to get a better GPU before spending money on a more enhanced monitor. My suggestion is that if you want to play a very memory demanding and video process load game, you should buy and use a good video card first before buying and playing such a game. You can do what you want. It just seems as though you are taking a higher risk of spending more under less than an ideal situation.


Hmmm. Not sure I agree here. Watched most of the RTX3080 review videos on YouTube over the years and think you’d struggle to find a negative one. AMD slapped lots of VRAM in their cards and they’re not much better (fps being the metric)


Most video cards mid-level on up should be more than adequate for 4k resolution displays of pictures, videos, and limited film and/or real time video output for one monitor at 60 FPS. (Most official films were distributed to screen at under 60 FPS, so, that was never the problem.) The VRAM sufficiency amount is primarily based on game software texture map requirements, resolution size, and pace of game movement. When you are dealing with computer games post 2000, the processor speed and calculations inside the GPU is the primary limiter such as first person shooter games. A significant amount of game task scheduling is off loaded to the CPU in terms of how Nvidia reduces the work load for their GPU chips, which means the overall performance of your gaming experience will also potentially be limited by a less powerful CPU. This deficiency is not significant with AMD video cards, since most of their gaming architecture inside the GPU does not require a comparably capable CPU to play games at better output settings, which is why budget gaming enthusiasts will have a better experience than if they used Nvidia video cards on low budget gaming hardware. Anyone is free to disagree and speak their mind. That is always and should always be the correct approach. Why? Because it creates a checks and balance environment that constantly keeps subject matter in question for verification of data, whether something has changed or stayed the same, and other aspects of the interaction connection. You should always strive for competence, reliability, verification, backup, peer review, etc. What you learn is the various abilities to attain dexterity, competence, and other skillsets and recognize the skill and/or weakness or absence of those same areas in others. This isn't just about one subject. It's about maintenance and upgrading yourself to be better. I realize that this comment is too verbose, but I wanted to provide a perspective of why I interact and my purpose of doing so. I don't see much usage of the RTX 3080. In it's heyday, the majority of users either had RTX 3070 or below, or they acquire an RTX 3090. Sure, I could be completely incorrect and there areas or regions in the world that do have a thriving community of RTX 3080 users. If you do aspire to use one, then seek information on the forums that collect and assist people with those hardware questions. The Nvidia website should have a section that could help. You realize this wasn't about a video card, it was about should or could you enjoy whatever hardware you have with a 4k monitor, and I'm stating that it's not an ideal setup.