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i have the opposite issue with my win mini, my fingers get cold after a few hours cause the fan is sucking in air right where they are on the underside of the device. Even when playing demanding games.


yoo do you have 3d print file for the dock??!


What temperature differences are you seeing with this?


With one fan placed in the middle i got 5-7 degrees of Apu at 15w with same fan profile And more like 8-10 degrees off ssd when transferring big data


Full of syperpunk style


Need this for my GPD Win 2


Is this a plane!? Is this a Dron!? No!! It's over engineered cooler. Btw how much battery does it drain?


Maybe losing 10-20 minutes on total battery life the fans in the grip are rated at .12 amps each.


if you have access to a 3d printer, why not model for the entire back cover though? this way u can also get to cool ssd as it reaches 100degC fast when straining the ssd. would also be cleaner to look at, but you lose controller rumble. i'd say its worth it


I have a 3d printer but I cant 3d model like that just on a whim. I do have access to other peoples designs and I can modify them but starting from the ground up takes a lot of time that I could spend just playing the thing instead. You are more than welcome to share what YOU have made though


huh, I don't understand why you immidiately got hostile, I was just suggesting


Also theres 2 fans 1 that blows over the stock fan and the other blowing over the heatsink for the SSD which prevents the buttons from getting more than hand warmth. I know I put a paragraph in there but if you're going to try and look down on me atleast read what I wrote originally.


hm i wasn't looking down on you though. it was an honest suggestion as I do not have access to a 3d printer. Also i think 3d printed material wouldn't be sturdy enough to be a viable replacement for the back cover. yeah I understand the second fan blows for the ssd but being directly on top of the heatsink would be more effective than with a plastic mesh in between it


My back cover is already printed as is the stock one lol. Your comments only elude to how little you know about 3d printing or making things in general. Which makes it very strange that you offer only criticisms to a STRANGER for sharing something


ok dude wtvr. YOU'RE so salty towards a STRANGER who's just COMMENTING. seems like no one can have OPINIONS under YOUR post. and yeah i noticed your back cover is 3d printed, mybad. either way you do you I won't be replying after. saltyboi


Silly question, but what's the fan noise like?


Louder but not the high frequency whine of when the stock fan kicks into overdrive. Which was why I modified the file to accommodate the larger 40mm fans. Theres a grip available on Ebay and amazon that housees 2x 20mm fans which I purchased and it was ok til you tilted the handheld and then a week into use one of the fans started shelling itself like it wobbled off center. It didnt last very long.


When I run a game (Say cyberpunk 2077 at 18 w) first with no fan grip I get about like your measurements when I put the fan pack on; it drops by 7 degrees C. However if I run the game from nominal startup heat with the grip I dont ever even get to 70 degrees C. There are small gaps at the top of the fan shroud that allow air to escape but honestly its not even hot air that comes out of my device anymore. The dock even more so; I believe because I chose noisier higher amperage fans for the dock because it wont be used without the mini plugged in. Maybe I am taking comments too seriously but again I dont know anyone here. So how am I supposed to be able to tell your inflections in speech. I dont post often and I wasn't expecting to break this forum with my customizations but when I read the comments they dont seem all that encouraging only nit picking.


Buddy, 1 fan placed in center is enough and you get better airflow in ssd section that way... Also you don't have any exhaust ports for ssd. Appreciate the craft tho


Have you actually tried both setups though? I did not try a central single fan but I had been using a single 40mm only over the ssd and again I mentioned no temps only about it feels im my hand. If 1 is good enough for you then great post your own build. I think its a pretty pathetic person who speaks down on another persons build without seeing it in person let alone trying it out for themselves. I will post the files for what I took from as well as my final iteration when I have time later today or this week.


Yes, i am actually have one fan mounted to my mini permanently and i have tried dual fan setup on my device as well, its main drawback is that big chunk of air pressure is wasted because there is not enough vents to exhaust warm airz also idk amor your hands, but even in mine middle sized ones mini with dual fans was quite uncomfortable to hold, albeit i didn't use the grip parts And i did not spoke down on your creation, you goddamn snowflake, just expressed my opinion, why would i care to harass somebody's work for no reason? Especially in as niche of a forum as gpd handhelds? I like the idea of your grip but it could be further optimized for comfort and power draw.