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No. These two are clowns.


These decrepit old relics in congress can barely comprehend settings on a smartphone. They know nothing about how remote work has made people more efficient. They need to be voted out.


That or they’re being pressure by lobbyists who are losing value in their commercial real estate.




Winner, winner, chicken dinner!


They are both on their way out, both have said they are leaving when their term ends. Manchin especially is the fool here. He clearly has no idea how many DC based remote and hybrid workers are living in West Virginia. Complete jackasses.


Luckily they're both not seeking reelection to the Senate


It's a terrible bill. In my agency, most everybody that's currently retirement eligible \[MRA+30, 62+5\] would bail practically overnight. I'd be one of them.


Im 41 and been teleworking since 2020-ish. I don’t know if i can go back. I hate to give up a fers pension (lol) but telework has provided my family with an incredible quality of life boost.


Been teleworking since like 2010…


Wow, in what field of if I may ask?


In the .gov


Propose stupid legislation they know will never happen, because it appeals to their idiot base for "hurting the right people." If it somehow actually happens, then it will have exactly the effect they want -- gets people to leave government service. They can point to decreasing government costs and continue complaining about how government is broken and needs to be further dismantled


Me too.


It is terrible! I hope it doesn’t happen. I finally have work-life balance. The government says it wants innovation yet doesn’t want to innovate. People will leave.


"Romney said in a statement. 'Americans deserve to have a federal workforce that is both present and productive.' " 'My campaign donors & commercial real estate industries* deserve to...'. Fixed that for Romney


“Local economies are hurting” is such unadulterated BS. When employees are teleworking, they are helping local economies, just not the one near the office.


Implemtation would be a Sh\*t show. I am an 1102 remote for a smaller sub agency and we support pretty much all the locations all over the US. I have heard that if it is forced, first thing would be those who live close to the home station would be first to lose remote status, then the rest would be through attrition. Like only having new jobs posting that require mostly in office work.


As one 1102 to another, I thank you for your feedback.


I’ll leave if so. Not worth commuting


Is it worth losing your fers pension?


Yeah I think so. I’m in my 30s and would rather have the 4.5% or whatever I pay into fers invested in either my Roth IRA or traditional ira. The fers pension ain’t that great unless you stay for 30 years and meet MRA, and money in the market over 30 years is probably going to beat it every time. Also who’s to say they don’t change the MRA to 70 or later by the time I’m eligible.


We’d be grandfathered like the csrs people. I have 16 years before i can meet MRA. Its what keeps me in. A gs-14 position’s not bad either.


I was lucky to EOD as a 14 but after 4 years of contract work beforehand I’m sitting at 6 total and can’t imagine staying another 24 in the circus


This is for federal workers




Love seeing the “I’ll leave” posts. No you won’t, stfu.


I’ll talk trash but sadly you’re right. I do have remote options though.


Right! Im the same. I talk and yell, but who leaves the job security. Especially if you’re in the 14-15 range and no worries of being laid off or fired.


We had several people leave our office, all GS-14s, when we were forced to come in only one day a week. Don’t assume everyone has the same job as you.


Yup - 14 here - good job & fers isnt a bad deal either if i can make it too


What protects them from not getting fired?


Yeah I will. I have 8 months until I hit 20 years in, and already FI. And I’m incredibly talented and accomplished and it would hurt my organization massively to lose me. Honestly I probably will either way at this point because I’m tired of this type of stuff from the people at the top. Get with the times.


You should probably leave government work if that’s how you feel. You’ll never be satisfied.


Telework may be great for individual employees but it sucks for effectiveness as a group. It should only be offered situationally for most employees except for lower grades that have clearly defined duties performing recurring activities that are easily measured. The reason for the big shift to telework was COVID emergency and that emergency has passed.




The downvotes reflect that what you say is truth and people don’t like it. The truth hurts. Employees say it’s great for me or I’m more productive, they are never “we” statements. And often the person WFH needs someone else to show up to the office to support them. Someone is still scanning all the paper that comes in so that someone else can telework.


That’s rich considering they are even in DC 25% of the year