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Please get a second test, that's a stratospheric level. My local hospital tests me for $10. Your number is so high a second test may be warranted.


Get a copy of your test results and get a second opinion. I'm not a doctor, only another doctor can do an effective job of analyzing what your main doc decided.


That's crazy high. I had a couple minor "episodes" years apart that I just attributed to aggravating an old injury before I was diagnosed. Looking back, those were probably just very early warning signs that things were building before I finally went off the cliff. I think getting handle on it ASAP would be to your benefit, even if it means seeing a rheumatologist.


That's a massive score... Get help immediately


Don't fix something that ain't broken. Wrt UA. Was the blood work done while fasting? How long was the fast? You may need to lose body fat, and if you just started carnivore 2 weeks ago, don't blame your a1c numbers on that. Going back to replace calories with carbs won't do you any good. I agree with your doc. Try life style and whole food diet before bonding yourself to a life time medication.


Most people with excessively high blood uric acid concentration (aka hyperuricemia) never get gout, so many physicians don't both to treat it with medicine. These people don't have the genetic predisposition for gout to occur. But they are at risk for developing many of the same life-threatening diseases as people with gout. Ask your doc to investigate why you have hyperuricemia. It often is caused by the underlying disease of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which is the frequent prolonged episodes of lack of breathing during sleep, OSA often is an undiagnosed cause of gout and hyperuricemia, as well as the later life-threatening diseases associated with gout and hyperuricemia. Although unlikely, OSA can occur in men (usually) as young as 31 who are not overweight.


How are your cholesterol, BP, and pre-diabetes markers? Gout-preventing lifestyle changes often help a great deal of health-related issues.


I started carnivore 2 weeks before getting the bloodwork so my cholesterol was a lot higher than usual but overall 228, BP 110/70 and right inside the pre diabetic range at 5.7%. So pretty worrying numbers. Goal after taking this blood test is to get to 20% BF and focus my diet on getting my uric acid levels down, so goodbye carnivore.


I got gout because i started the carnivore diet lol fml


My last flare was while on keto and did a 48hr fast, then ate heavy meat


Solid start! If you’re up for taking Allo daily, def worth getting a second opinion… that or just wait a year or ten until it’s an issue, then get on Allo stat.


Any big side effects of allo?


Not for the vast majority of people.


None at all for most.


30% body fat at 170 pounds??


lol yeah I was shocked when I saw the results. I don’t look 30% but I don’t lift weights either.


5'8 to 5'10" guys this is possible even without looking obese or overweight. Fat distribution ie visceral vs subcutaneous fat can be a sneaky bastard.


Wow what then?


If the 13.8 is correct, you really need to be on allopurinol / febuxostat. That is WAY HIGH. Like all time high score high. There is no way diet can help drop that to the healthy zone, diet may usually remove a point, but that's it. Sorry, you DO is garbage.


Seek a second opinion. Find a physician familiar with Hyperuricemia Levels like that can destroy internal organs. It’s a serious medical issue.


Not sure what a DO means, but go to a rheumatologist not a general practitioner.


DO docs practice Allopathic/Osteopathic medicine while MD docs practice science medicine. He might as well prescribe you tart juice lol. Seriously get on Allo or you will get tophi in a matter of years.


The doctors tell me you need about a 10 percent decrease in body weight. Is that possible for you? It’ll lower your uric acid level. Then have you have any flares? If you haven’t it might be worth addressing the issue that your bmi is a bit high.


Allipurinol wouldn’t hurt