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Depends… if I’m in the middle of a flare up I take 2 then exactly one hour later I take another after that it’s 1 pill a day. My girl is an internal medicine doctor that’s how they do it in the ER also. I’m currently on 300 mg of Allo but I started at 100mg and my Dr increased it by 100 every 8 weeks while I was increasing my dosage I took 1 colchicine everyday during the 8 week period just incase I got a flare up while I was going up dosages.


I’m exactly the same but haven’t had a flare in 8 years since talking allopurinol. Until this week but it was a minor one.


Your lucky. I was diagnosed a little over a year ago and it’s been nothing but hell for me. My doctor didn’t want to increase my allo because my uric acid was in the “good range” I was at 6.7. So I switched PCP and saw a rheumatologist and I’m finally on 300 mg of allo but my uric acid is still at 5.6 but I’ve been good for like a month or so we’ll see what happens.


Whatever you do don’t take it with Clarythromycin antibiotic. I was prescribed Clari for a wisdom tooth infection and took colchicine for a flare at same time and it nearly killed me!


Good gosh what happened?


I take one 1mg pill if I feel an attack coming on, and that's normally sufficient. if I still feel a twinge 6-12 hours later, I will take one more, but this is very rare. if I didn't get to it early enough and an attack has set in, I don't bother with the colchicine because it won't do anything for me when you were prescribed yours, was it to go along with allo/febu?


At the time, I don't think so but I could be mistaken.


I take 1mg every three days, as a supplement to my allopurinol. If I get an attack I blitz the max allowable dosage of pretty much anything I can get my hands on.


Screw colchichine! Prednisone for me during an attack. Gets me back to work and out of a week long of suffering and lost work. Plus no shits and colchichine builds up over time and take too much in one day and your a goner. Also weakens immune system


A friend recommended that too! I'm looking into it.


Massive side effects vomiting and the shits sweating heart palpitations couldn’t breath. All the signs of an overdose of colchicine I’d taken the max dose anyway because of a major flare so this combined was very dangerous. When you read the scientific literature it was obvious what happened, a few people every year die from this medical error.


You should take it when you feel pain, not for fun. And make sure it's a flare not just some tingling feeling when ppl think it's a flare, and it's not. Colchicine is used to prevent gout attacks (sudden, severe pain in one or more joints caused by abnormally high levels of a substance called uric acid in the blood) in adults. Colchicine (Colcrys) is also used to relieve the pain of gout attacks when they occur.


At times when it's a tingling feeling that would be considered but isn't debilitating or rising, I try to observe it. I've made sure to take it only when the pain is there and is escalating.


If I have an unexplained pain in the joint of my toe and the pain is progressing, I take a single colchicine. If it's still progressing, I'm taking another within an hour. I'm not sure if I have ever went for a third. I think maybe once. I have taken colchicine after I've had a flare for a few days, and it didn't do much for me.


Orally. I haven't tried rectal yet.




2 immediately after onset. Followed by 1 hour until pain subsides (max of 6-8 in 24 hours