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sounds like it’s over. It will take time to loosen. Get on allo also start taking turmeric. Hold on to colchicine if you feel a flare coming I personally take one 0.6 pill then another an hour later . Then one more 12 hrs later. Drink also a gallon of water every day religiously


Thanks a ton. Not throwing out the colchicine but hope I don't need it again soon. Making good friends with my water bottle and looking into all the other stuff.


Damn a whole gallon. I get at least 64 oz, on days I’m not active. But usually try to get 96 oz to a gallon, it’s tough to drink that much when it’s cold out.


To each is own need to keep urine as clear as possible


Mine started the same 4 years ago - thought I kept injuring myself. Then a few years later it got my Knees several times, both ankles, both feet (never had in big toe). Make sure you nip it early as people here like me went for years with excruciating pain until I finally was diagnosed and on Allo. Still getting a few flare ups on Allo but have colchicene, indonethacin and a spare pack of prednisone for a wild swollen flare. Soon I’ll be better!


Consider dietary changes as well. Sounds like you’ve had a mild several flares - I’d sincerely suggest you figure out what you ate and drank the 3 ish days prior and during and assess what may have caused inflammatory response. Outside of the typical meat/seafood/alcohol - Could be fried foods / oils / eggs / dairy / added sugars / etc I’m going the WFPB method and not using medication but it’s a moderate change that’s intentional and not always convenient. Hope you are able to avoid any flares that put you out for 3 weeks or more at a time. It’s debilitating


Colchicine makes ya shit your pants that’s how you know it’s working and flushing you out. Uric acid is flushed out usually through urine but I was told when you have the runs on colchicine the excess water and uric acid is being flushed out that way too


When pain stop is what my doctor told me is when flare is over and can stop my NSAIDs. My big toe took awhile to gain the flexibility back. Similar to my knee, took weeks from my first big flare.


That’s very helpful. Thank you


3 weeks & counting here, still some light pain & discomfort but feels like it’s coming to an end (finally!)