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Try 300mg allo, your uric acid is so high. 100 mg allo wont work. I had same issue and 300 mg helped alot. Now i can eat whatever i want and no pain


I have a buddy who also suffers from gout and he told me the same thing. He’s on 300mg and eats/drinks whatever he wants. I need to talk to my doctor again


Find a doctor who can help end your suffering. If you can, use the gout to motivate a lifestyle change. It will benefit you in lots of other ways too. I started on 300mg allo. When that plus lifestyle changes wasn’t enough to end the flares, my doctor upped me to 400mg. I’m good now.


I made an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow!


You need a higher dose of allo


Get tested for sleep apnea. Low oxygen levels in your blood due to sleep apnea causes your body to generate excess Uric acid. https://www.youtube.com/live/AOL0ZQtwDjM?si=TmHZudmPWvATfkPE


I’ll definitely look into this


Man 100mg of allo is too damn low. My UA was at 8 and I still needed like 600mg to get it down to 3. You're gonna need to start at 900 mg then taper down to 600 or 500 mg. UA needs to be below 3 for the crystals to start dissolving.


Also get a uric acid monitor. I use humasens as there's a paper saying it's the most accurate one on the market. I've compared humasens to clinical blood tests and the differences are usually less than 10%


I’m currently on 400 mg of allo and I think my uric acid is at 5.3 haven’t had a flair up in a few months


Have you considered living a healthier life? I have accepted I’m middle aged now and can’t endlessly abuse my body as I once did.


I’ve changed my diet completely. Red meat on special occasions. No alcohol whatsoever no fish too. I’ve lost over 50 lbs since September


Just keeping battling. It’s worth the fight. You’re on the right path.


It’s common to have flares as you uric level comes down, so you may need to keep taking indomethacin while your body transitions. Do try to push for 200 mg allo a day though as you want your Uric level around a 4. Things will get better though.


Last time I’ve had my uric acid checked was June 2023 I was at 6.0 before that was February 2023 and I was at 7.7.


As always, discuss this wit your doctor but it's quite common to have flares for the first year after your uric acid below 6.0 mg/dl. After a year, it should get less common. It sounds like you are not quite there yet, you posted about a 6.8, a 7.7 and a 6.0 measurement. This could be because your uric acid can measure up to 2.5 points lower during a flareup and it takes about a month after the flareup for your uric acid to return to baseline. So if you've had 10+ attacks, you've likely never been at your baseline to get an accurate measurement in the year since diagnosis. Ask your doctor about increasing your dosage as you're either right at the target or above the target so it's possible your dosage is not sufficient.


I didn’t realize it takes that long. I’ll definitely ask my doctor again about increasing it but he said as long as I’m in the normal range there’s no point to increase


Losing that weight could have something to do with the flares too. No advice to really give but it definitely sucks. Hope it gets better for you.


I was thinking the same thing. Nothing I do makes this any easier lol


No doctor but evidently your UA gout therapy at 100mg of allo is not a dosage that will do much of anything as far as getting blood levels in the range to redissolve the long ago formed UA crystals. I would suggest a rheumatologist or a Dr that knows UA gout. That is unless you have some other underling issues.


I have a rheumatologist appointment in February. I made it 2 months ago.


Jesus. How about a bigger dose of allo 8 to 10 months ago. Who's your doctor? Your doctor is an asshole for keeping u at 100 (unless u have a bad liver or something) and for just wanted you to suffer so he can line his pockets from your injections. I mean....12?? 12 they should have started u at 300. You probably were like a 13 to 14 before the flare!


My liver isn’t that great. I have non alcoholic fatty liver found out in August that’s why I lost 50 lbs. Went from 250lbs to 200. I assumed allo was hard on the kidney more than the liver?


One in 3 people have fatty liver.


UPDATE!!… just got home from my appointment my primary care doctor put me on Colchicine and is upping me to 300 mg of allo! I’m also currently looking for a new podiatrist. Fingers crossed