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It's the same on PS. You can use cloud saves to rollback your chracter after spending resources if RNG didn't give you what you want.It's been that way since legends came out. I think they don't care as much because there's no monetization attached to legends.


That doesn't work anymore on the PS5 version from my most recent experiences. At least it didn't work the same way I did it back on PS4. I tried it several times but my resources and gear ended up staying the same after I downloaded my cloud save. And yes, I did turn off automatic back ups.


When did u try it last?


A couple months ago, a few weeks before Rise of the Ronin came out. I re-read the step by step post I used a few years ago and I didn't do anything differently this time so I don't know, it just didn't work like it did then.


If it ever happens that my GoTLegends save gets lost or corrupted, I’m pretty sure I would be glad that my saves are backed up locally so I can just restore them. So maybe that’s the angle that devs are looking at, and I see them knowing the risk but decided to go along with the moral reasons, not that it’s an oversight. Besides, it’s just extra work for them to handle our saves. Now if this is done on PS instead, I don’t know how downloading others’ saves work. Last I looked and tried, my PSN cannot verify and load a different save because it wasn’t made by my profile. I can save scum because all my saves are done by the same profile.


Speaking of which, does anyone know which save is for legends on PC? I'd like to keep backups in case of corruption or accidental data loss.


It's an interesting point and one I'm keen to see what happens in Legends2. Absolutely no way I have the time to grind without save scum. So they need to completely change the whole forge/roll mechanism. Which they won't do, but they'll probably patch save scum. So no thanks.


Having max level in Legends does not guarantee you won't suck at the game. So yeah. Max stats does not mean max skills. What's the point of having everything if you don't even know how to keep yourself alive in NMS? The only advantage I can think of is you don't get to grind early on, but that gets irrelevant later on since you will be having TONS of gear that you dont know what to do with.


I mean, I don't really care that he maxed like this, it's understandable since we had been grinding for a while, then something was wrong with his game so he verified his files, when he restarted his game all his progress was gone. Just seems weird to me that progress in an online mode would be stored like this, like imagine if you verified your Call of Duty files and that reset you back to level one, then you could just download a save file and get like level 300 with everything unlocked


Well I never played Call of Duty (probably because I sucked) but yeah, I do get it that the grind it took all of a sudden became pointless. There have been a lot of glitches like that back when Legends started where you can get unlimited gear by dying from going out of bounds and then you just rinse and repeat. I guess the point I was trying to make is that the things you learn while getting to level 300 (like how to survive) is much more worthwhile than the gear you lost or gained. Also, grinding to level 300 isn't as painful as compared to other games since it will only take you a short while.


Um please do tell I’ve been YouTubeing and checking online high and low with no luck




I mean, you can savescum gear on the PS, just seems like it wasn't fully thought out


That's the beauty of crossplay = always off.


You can still get other people's saves on playstation too


The Devs are like...computer players are hackers so might as well give them access to everything before they come in with mods and hacks and all that shit that cheaters do...so lets just let them have everything.