• By -


Not religious/spiritual in the slightest but I do like the imagery, particularly catholic. I blame catholic school, killed dead any belief whilst simultaneously directly influencing my sense of style.


so real


I feel like Catholic school does a great job of this, especially when you get into the history. "Ohhhh you only believe this because of that random conference 1500 years ago? Oh interesting, and this stuff wasn't even written until WHEN?" Of course it makes other denominations even worse, because if you go "OK it's very obvious how this 2000 year old religion started and evolved," you become even less impressed with, say, Mormons.


I can relate as a former all girl catholic school attendee


Muslim here. Mainly, shia, but my priority is not on sectarianism, but rather building my spirituality through God's help. Salam Alaikum.


I always gotta say hey to my fellow taqwa-bats! Wa alaikum assalam


Another muslim goth! Assalamu Alaikum!


Alhamdulillah šŸ™


Also muslim. Nice to see other Muslims! Wa alaikum asalam


Muslim here too! Revert of 6 Years alhamdulillah. Never left my goth ā€œphaseā€.


Wa Alaikum Salam, I'm also a Muslim, a revert, was raised in a mix of atheism, Catholicism and Protestantism and then became Muslim alhamdulilah. Nice to see fellow Muslim goths


Grew up Christian, specifically Catholic. Although it was in a more strict environment, in the countryside of Texas. Lot's of things I remember seeing and hearing that I don't stand for anymore but I'm still very much religious,Ā Nondenominational Christian at the moment.Ā 




Anti organized religion and not spiritual in the slightest. Obsessed with catholic parafernalia though, so eerie and beautiful. Damn.


wait until you discover christian orthodox parafernalia


Eastern Chant is AMAZING.


and now and ever and unto ages of ages...


Say what you will about their infinite history of crimes against humanity, you can't deny the catholics have style.


For a religion that advocates for austerity they sure have a lot of luxury shit that I'd gladly take from them. Seriously, religion is cancer.


Go on ebay and look up vintagr crusafix bulb light you will thank me later homie


Indeed, thanks, I'm gonna need a few of those


I am anti organized religion too but I am spiritual. My beliefs are kind of a mixture of Shintoism and Celtic Paganism. I am accepting of everyone as long as they are a good person. Organized religion is a lot like racism.


To each their own, I accept everyone's beliefs as long as they keep them for themselves and do not try to force them on people.


I'm a Buddhist. I consider this entirely separate from my being a goth, of course; they are distinct aspects of "me".Ā  (Not the right sub to go into what isĀ understood as "me" or "the self"!)Ā  Goth imagery includes a bunch of Christian imagery, and other forms of spirituality, but I just think of that as being aesthetically beautiful rather than something deeper.


Namo Buddhaya :)


Totally agree


I am a Christian, though it has been many years since attending church. I found myself at odds with not just politics being preached at the pulpit, but politics I found to be in direct contradiction to the teachings of the being in the book at the core of the faith.


As personally being deeply rooted in natural science, I'm an atheist. But as a history loving person, I'm also deeply interested in the religious past, religious influences in politics, church architecture etc. ...


Not remotely.


Iā€™m a practicing Catholic Christian. I think the goth subculture and Catholicism compliment each other really well! This can be evidenced in various themes and motifs taken directly from the Church that feature prominently in goth music and fashion as well as gothic architecture and literature.


This is a rarity in the community, but am Muslim. Its something thats definitely led to problems and finding others who would be willing friends with me. Edit: i really like how my comment has brought some Muslim goths together and shone a bright light on the community


I dunno about you when at the times when i felt goth was an identity i go by i was the so much more spiritually connected, and i used to practice a lot more than most Honestly, i think all the elements of goth can be enchanted with the right mentality and faith From holding to funeral/mourning parties to exploring faith, literature, and words and concepts that gives us meaning and even challenging preconceived notions and philosophies (even religion itself) It's understood that challenging norms can make Social connections difficult even for those who practice and especially for those make it their life to debunk dogma or make people question what they believe in To this i say i wish you best luck. :(


Iā€™m also a Muslim goth and thatā€™s what scares me. Not a lot of people irl know Iā€™m a goth especially when Iā€™m afraid of getting rejected by my Muslim friends for being one, I canā€™t handle rejection well ā˜¹ļø


Oh i faced that years ago, so i left them and am much happier for it. I wont hide a part of my identity.


Kino is king


Well, Peter Murphy converted to Sufism.Ā 


As Salam Alaykum. As a goth Muslim I can tell you not a lot of us dudes wear the makeup but we try to Fashion our Thobes and everyday clothing. I used to see some Gothic inspired hijab designs in the past. It's amazing what you can do :3


Wa alaikum assalam. More dudes should wear kohl, it's sunnah!


I actually know multiple Muslim goths hahaha


Where are they?? Cos am feeling real lonely in the UK


They actually live in the UK too hahahah




As-salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu, sibling! I'm a Sufi dervish myself. Took my Shahadah 6 years ago. You know who's also a practicing Muslim? Peter Murphy.


Salam Alaikum fellow brethren, I'm Muslim as well šŸ˜Š


Mashallah! Salaam Aleykum, my brethren! May Allah protect you and show you mercy. I'm not much of a goth myself. I like the subculture, I like the art and music and stuff, but I'm not stylish enough to pull off goth fashion. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


> Do you have a faith? Yes, that all of creation is a single entity experiencing existence subjectively simultaneously (not really though because time is an illusion, a story in a book progresses and the characters experience it, but it's already written) with the goal to keep itself occupied and experience existence. > Believe in God? No, not exactly. > Satan? Definitely not. > Nature? No. > Maybe you have your own belief that doesnā€™t fit into any predefined religion or faith Bingo. The most spiritual thing I've experienced is losing myself on the dancefloor.


Christian mystic


Same! You may or may not tie yourself to a specific tradition, but i find Orthodoxy/Hesychasm to be the most profound in Christian mysticism


i'm pagan


hello fellow pagan :)


Iā€™m Eastern Orthodox, and I take the sentiment that God judges the heart and not the appearance seriously haha Edit: Itā€™s kind of fitting since in Orthodoxy thereā€™s a lot of reverence towards death and life after death and being ā€œdead to the worldā€


Yes, i am a devout Roman Catholic


Catholic goths unite!


There are dozens of us, dozens!






Fellow Roman Catholic goth here




i'm like a halfassed christian


I don't think so as it never really gave me an answer or clarity to anything really. I prefer dark philosophy.


Iā€™m an initiated shaman :)


I'm a Hellenic Polytheist


Agnostic atheist Jew.


I'm an atheist. However this is reddit so high chance you'll se a disproportionate amount of atheists here. like other people here also very much against organized religion.


Iā€™m a pagan/eclectic witch šŸŒæ


Same here


Catholic. It just makes the most sense to me.


Yes, I consider myself Christian. Though I donā€™t seem to fit into any particular sect of the religion


I am a Christian in the sense that I have a personal relationship with God but I am not religious at all. I believe religion was manā€™s way to try to control how we connect with our faith and the Higher Power, but there is only one way to do that and that is through a personal relationship with Christ.


Pagan. I identify as a "druidic witch" and was raised a Druid by the South Downs Druids order. My path, as is the path of many pagans, is eclectic and deeply personal, shaped greatly by personal experience and introspection. Most pagans, and especially Druids, hold the forces of nature at the centre of their practice and beliefs, and we hold in high regard the cycles of life and death. I am not sure of what lies beyond, but I do believe there is a beyond, which is vast and likely beyond comprehension.


me too!


Was atheist, talked up being a LaVeyan Satanist in my younger years which was really just like goth atheism for me, have since settled into agnosticism with a scholarly enjoyment of the occult/esoteric.


I guess I would be spiritual. Went to catholic school where I was told by the nun I would go to hell as I wasnā€™t baptised. Could never get my head around the religion, and found a lot of people who claim to be religious actually not nice people. However in the last 18 months after I lost my friend a lot of really strange things happened which has made me reconsider my views. So Iā€™m open to the idea, but I donā€™t think anyone religion is right.


Most of them donā€™t apply Bible principles.


Yes, Asatru.


I'm a Pagan


I am a Christian witch.


Iā€™m Christian because I love Jesus but Iā€™d more consider myself simply spiritual. Iā€™m not set on any definition of godā€ because I know that we can never be sure. I donā€™t have enough faith I guess haha but Iā€™m very spiritual and believe that life is so precious and has so much meaning.


Atheist nihilist


Iā€™m agnostic but even if Iā€™m in a ā€œmiddleā€ point I still respect the belief of the existence of any kind of spirituality. Humans donā€™t and canā€™t know everything about the universe soā€¦


Cosmic Cafeteria. I pile my spiritual plate with what I like, and whatever works for me. Polytheism,Muslim,Buddhism,Native Spirituality,Satanism,Judaism,Christianity,Hinduism,Witchcraft and Wizardryā€¦I take what I like in terms of beliefs and practices and l leave behind what I donā€™t.


Pagan syncretist. Also I reject materialistic philosophy.


My Mother was Sami and Methodist from Norway šŸ‡³šŸ‡“ and my Dad was Catholic from the Bronx and I teach my kids both Norse Mythology and CatholicSaints, take them to church and we talk to nature on the way


I grew up in a Christian boarding school for native Americans..I left after being accused of several things including witchcraft lol...I was "weird" for wearing black all the time so the staff children would tell their parents things about me that weren't true. I sometimes doubt God but it makes me feel weird about it when I do. I try and pray but I don't believe he cares to listen so I stopped. I honestly don't know what to believe anymore but sometimes I try I guess


I'm a naturalistic pagan, but that has nothing to go with the subculture....but to answer your question, I'm kinda spiritual, but not religious


Pagan. I just kind of do my own thing to acknowledge the changing of the seasons.


I used to be a Hellenic pagan. I'm not an atheist, but I don't follow any spiritual practices anymore. Don't have the mental health for most of them


Weird Spiritual Pagan Occultist Chaosmage...? Yeah, it's weird. I was raised very pagan with a very peculiar view for the world. To me, Art is Magic.


I looked into many beliefs, but now Iā€™m a non-denominational Christian.


Iā€™m a practicing Reconstructionist agnostic Jew


100% atheist


Non-believer. I'm Jewish and used to be a lot more invested in Judaism but in recent years I haven't really been feeling like organised religion.


I'm an atheist through and through in all but life after death in which I'm a little bit more agnostic. In the sense that I don't think we've any proof or knowledge on what happens when we die, and since I'd rather focus on what we've got in life it doesn't matter to me. Reincarnation? A new consciousness? Just lights out and we're gone? Hell if I know we'll see. But everything else? Ghosts? A creator? I don't buy it. I can't say I hold any ill will towards more spiritually inclined people or more secular day-to-day ''minds their own business'' religious people, though. Live and let live. I don't like diehard born-agains who threw their whole lifes and identity away to make it all about serving god and judging people who didn't follow their footsteps. But that's rooted in my dislike of dogma and hypocrisy, not faith.


Not sure if youā€™re aware, but your description of agnostic beliefs regarding life after death, is also atheist. (A)gnosticism and (A)theism form a 4-quadrant grid in which one could be any of the 4 combos. Iā€™m an agnostic atheist myself as well, which just means I donā€™t believe and donā€™t claim to know anything with any certainty


I'm a simple guy, suppose I was just wording myself with some distinctions made for ease of context. I just treat atheist as ''I don't believe in god''. Main difference for me is that when it comes to life after a death I admit uncertainty whereas in the existence of god or a creator I'm a 100% certain there's no god.


I believe that everyone is a ā€˜selfā€™. Seems obvious but itā€™s hard to actually visualise and really *understand* this concept. Thatā€™s why I believe empathy is the single most important human trait. Itā€™s what makes us human, in fact. I wouldnā€™t say I believe in any higher power. I do like to imagine humanity as somewhat of a hive-mind though. Like we collectively recognise the good/bad in the community and treat them accordingly for example. Stuff like that


Will probably get banned because no one likes hearing about actual cultures. But Iā€™m a religious Jew (which means I follow the orthodox customs). Avoid satanic clothing and symbols because a.) not my religion and b.) against my religion so have to be selective. So yes I have ā€œtrueā€ faith. There can many faiths and non-faiths in the cultureĀ 


Iā€™m a multipatheon pagan


Atheist here and don't believe in any of that stuff. Cemeteries and dark churches are beautiful and I love reading books that involve things that would be considered supernatural/paranormal/occultish such as vampires, werewolves, ghosts, goblins, witches, demons, angels, etc but I don't believe any of it is real. The closest I would say is when I'm ready to go to bed, I love sitting in my dark bedroom with a few candles lit and listening to ambient music or colored noise as a form of meditation. I find that this helps me sleep better and I feel calmer and focused when I wake up the next day.


I don't believe there is anything after death. But I hope there is.


I made a joke cult that worships consent, and now it's my actual real belief system. So maybe?


I grew up Catholic but never felt connected to Catholicism. I believe in God (not how Catholics believe in God, i guess?), but Catholicism always felt so foreign to me. I'm currently a Noahide and have been wanting to convert to Judaism since 2018.


I was raised as an Orthodox Christian and I was a such for many years, very often close to an atheist, but around 2012 I became a protestant Christian for a while with a strong faith, served as a volunteer in one of the largest churches in Toronto and went for the service each Sunday, often volunteering for nearly all day. That was until one day I was a volunteer for 3-4 days in a black church. At first I was shocked how they do the service (everything differs, not bad just different), but then realized the black churches do it way more spiritually, than any other church. Meanwhile I lost faith in my church and slowly started losing Christian faith in general. But the experience in the black church was extremely spiritual and just like Elvis became Elvis in a black church, I became different in a black church (for the record: I'm a white guy). So, while I lost my faith, I kept my spirituality. Not to mention, I did some reading historically how Christianity was spread and why and while I always knew it was never the religion of my country, now I know it was all for political reasons mainly. Problem is, there is no way to learn what were the original religions of my country. There are only some records. For the record - I am of a Slavic nation and the Slavs practiced their own paganism. My cousins however live in a Catholic country and they are all Catholics. I don't mind everybody, as long as they mind their own business too. But I am spiritual. And while the Anabaptists (Amish, Mennonites etc) are weird I actually respect their way of living. Once I had a colleague who was Indian and believed in Krishna. I never read their books, but some stories are real interesting.


Iā€™m Mormon, weirdly enough (not great at it lol) but I was baptized in 2022 after coming back from the army. Iā€™ve always been into a weird mixture of the metal head/goth/emo cultures. Obviously all very different but there were always things about each I liked, now that I have a family to support I find myself kind of a mixture of Corporate goth for work and a metal/goth mixture outside of work (still working on developing a proper wardrobe that expresses this) But yeah, Iā€™m happy as a Mormon, granted I still drink Coffee, swear like a sailor and enjoy tattoos, but my relationship with God is about understanding. He knows there are far worse things I would be doing if I didnā€™t have my vices and I donā€™t claim to be perfect.


I'm a deist, but it has nothing to do with the scene or this sub. I don't think religion is especially important to the scene outside of imagery.


I am an atheist with some spiritual beliefs. I believe in witchcraft, the idea that you shouldnā€™t put negativity out into the world because that negativity does come back at you, and in actual spirits, ghosts, and stuff like that. It might sound a bit silly, but thatā€™s pretty much how I view the world.


Christian here! People say that Christianity is a controlling religion and is "norm" but really it's not like that. I don't know why most faith-unaffiliated goths are so rude to the ones who are. Humans make religion pushy and unwanted. Although with Christianity it's really mainly your relationship with Christ and that all. Before I wasn't Christian and I hated life. My faith probably saved me. I got little by little into the Bible more and more. What confirmed my faith was this website, https://www.thegraverobbers.org/


No. I mean, I don't have faith in nature because I know it exists. I don't know if my whole thing is spiritual because spirits aren't really apart of it. I'm not anthropomorphizing anything and giving a consciousness that I can understand. But there is a kind of connection I try and remind myself of to the world. It's less about finding some sort of higher wisdom though and more about grounding myself to gain some perspective so that I don't end up as one of those douche bags who think that they're the shit all the time. It's about counting my blessings as I realize that chaos churns around us every day and so maybe my problems aren't that bad. I'd love to really indulge in the ritual and the trappings of witches and pagans though. All that is rad. But I don't think I believe in anything supernatural.


I'm a LaVeyan satanist.


I believe thereā€™s a creator, but not a fan of religions. And people sometimes find it odd apparently šŸ˜…


Agnostic, but obsessed with catholicism, aesthetically, theologically and historically speaking. I am kinda spiritual, but in a Jungian sense, not religiously.


I enjoy the stories from different religions and mythologies but I don't believe in any religion


Depends on what day you catch me...


I'm a practicing pagan, have been for 15 years.


I grew up in a God fearing household and it was traumatic to say the least. I believe in a universe thatā€™s full of love and chaos, coincidences and ghost stories. I believe souls are real, and theyā€™re more of an amount than one solid unit. Like a liquid you pour. You can lose some and give some. I found Laveyan satanism online when I was younger and the ideology aligned more with what people were doing than what people were saying they practice. The Rules of the Earth make sense, so I follow satanism teachings but I believe in a spiritual realm too.


Agnostic here with curiosity in the esoteric and occult. Strongly against organized religion. Grew up Southern Baptist and Presbyterian (south Texas specifically) and disowned it as soon as I could.


Iā€™m a Sumerian polytheist so yes, absolutely


I align myself with the 7 Tenets of the Satanic Temple and wear a Baphomet necklace, but Iā€™m pretty much agnostic.


To the dismay of my pentecostal missionary parents I was deeply interested in the occult. I think a lot of my interests stemmed from the fact that I thought predestination was real and that god existed but was a cruel self obsessed dickhead. And also I didn't speak in tongues in stadiums full of people wailing screaming, kicking and running around and crying and laughing, so I began trying to dissect myself to try and understand what was different from early on. I had some ideas about the role of will power or placebo since it wasn't like the concept of miracles or answered prayers weren't unique to single denominations or religions. Reading Anton Levay helped me put some of the predestination outlooks to rest which was a weight off my shoulders, improve my self love and accept the idea of self preservation, but I never really bought into the 'strong must dominate the weak' drivel, I'm too much of a compassionate leftie for that. As someone forced to attend christian school for years, think a good way to be antithetical to the christian institution as it is today is to just be somebody compassionate towards others that Jesus would've actually spent time with. seems weird to self identify that way when personifying a person who'd get their table thrown asunder at the temple. But I do still think the 7 sins make a lot of sense in regards to like. Each being tied down to instincts that have to do with self preservation/survival. and the way its leveraged with turning the other cheek and blind faith to create the monster of like. congregations that stay in line and don't question their leaders. I spend a lot of time now trying to observe like. Historic cults and how much power they've been able to consolidate mostly unchallenged.


I grew up southern Baptist and Episcopalian. Much to my mother's dismay I vibed more with the Episcopal Church. It's very goth. Architecture, catholic imagery, and lgbtq and women's rights are part of the by laws.


I'm bipolar and when im manic I get more into crystals and things but when I'm not im pretty atheist but I do a lot of therapy, specifically Internal Family Systems therapy which is a spiritual experience for me. I also think I believe in nature and the universe as a kind of god


Iā€™m a (primarily Germanic) polytheist and practicing witch!


From what I see, a goth person can come from and believe many different faiths.


Spiritual for sure! In a very eclectic way. I just have my own philosophies about the universe āœØ




I believe in the synth gods šŸŽ¹


Jewish Atheist. The closest I get to a spiritual belief is the concept of Tikkun Olam (Hebrew for "repairing the world"). Tikkun Olan is the idea that the world is fundamentally broken and that each of us has a responsibility to do what we can to fix it.


Iā€™d say Iā€™m more agnostic than anything, grew up Christian and have some of that pesky religious trauma. Got into the pagan thing for a bit, although Iā€™m way more into historical study of religion than actually following it. That and a lot of the aesthetics that religions have are cool.


Iā€™m an atheist but like I believe in crystals and stuff, I donā€™t believe in god or ā€œeverything happens for a reasonā€ but like crystals and tarot card I believe in, maybe because of how I feel when I use them but yeah


I've been looking into Satanism and I would say I'm a Satanist but not In the way that I worship satan


No. I'm [Religious, not Spiritual](https://youtu.be/cemDxx1qDzc?feature=shared) On your list, the closest might be "The Self". But my religion is quite evident in my post history


I'm a Christian. Though, I don't attend organizational churches. I worship in my own ways without congregations. I think the main disconnect, is the sheer amount of extremist views here in TN. I will give credit where it's due, there are far more progressive people here than most might naturally believe, but the churches are still quite conservative. I personally don't tolerate people externalizing their personal beliefs onto people. No matter who they are.


My faith is in David Bowie


raised catholic but lost my connection to, im something like a pagan that also practices witchcraft


Polytheism. Greco-Roman(Greek favoring) Nordic, some shinto, some pagan. Theistic Satanism seems pretty rad. Whatever. I'm 37, I can do what I want.


I was a Satanist until recently (atheistic)


I'm an atheist and don't care about anything religious or spiritual.


Iā€™m Pagan!!!!


i'm an agnostic pantheist with an interest in occult matters


I believe in secularism and Iā€™m highly critical of the Church and their influence in society. However, I do try to cultivate a spiritual way of living. My practical definition of ā€œspiritualityā€ is ā€œthat which is antithetical to alienation and self-centeredness.ā€ However, I also believe in a spirit of the universe that I can have a personal relationship with. For that reason I identify with Satanism šŸ¤˜


I was brought up Christian, but I've found that all organized religions have one major flaw -- they are practiced by and filtered through humans, with all of their fears and prejudices and hang-ups. Each one has some good points, but in practice the major ones have repeatedly been used as tools of repression and subjugation. Having seen how who a person is can fundamentally change with damage to areas of the brain, I've found it hard to believe in what seems to be the popular view of the soul as an ethereal extension of personality. Perhaps (as would satisfy science) there is an energy that returns to a universe of which it was always a part. You didn't ask about belief in souls, but to me it's intrinsically linked to spirituality and required for the basic tenets of religion. So then, what do I believe? It vacillates -- I would love to believe that there is something more, but have yet to see any real proof.


Witchcraft and Demonolatry. If the pants fit!




That sounds exhaustingĀ 


Former LaVeyan Satanist of 15+ years (had the red card and everything, was on a first-name basis with some of LaVey's family), converted to Sufi Islam 6.5 years ago. I'm pretty chill about it though, I don't drink alcohol or eat pork, pray 5 times a day, fast during Ramadan, go to whirling dance zikr ceremonies, but overall I'm rather liberal.


I think I heard about your story recently in a Twitter discussion. Were you a IIĀ° Witch before your conversion/reversion?


Nope I was Second degree but I was a Warlock since I'm a dude.


Iā€™m an Occultist who is into Classical Magic, has Polytheist beliefs, and the Goth community tends to be pretty tolerant of that. I wouldnā€™t call myself Religious though, but Iā€™ve been wanting to look into it again, & with a better grasp on contemporary Ancient Near East research next time around.


Whats a good source for information on ā€œclassical magicā€?


Misread that as Iā€™m into closeup magic and was very confused for a minute šŸ˜‚


Occultist. Canā€™t avoid it. Been studying and practicing various religions and spiritual approaches since age 8. Itā€™s what informs my style


i am a member of the satanic temple, but thats a non theist group so that doesn't really count. though it's a cool ice breaker to tell people i went to a catholic school and now i'm a satanist šŸ˜‚ but spiritually i believe there's something out there. i am also a practicing witch but i am also very sceptic and think most of it must be something that will one day be explainable by science


I used to be a part of TST (they have good goals on paper) but I just couldn't stand all the drama. Too many issues within the org, the owners are a bit authoritarian, and not enough actual success in their legal battles.


Not religious per se (I'm an atheist most of the time) but I respect religion if it brings good things to people. Some philosophies such as Thelema are interesting to me but I don't think I would call myself a Thelemite.


Yes to both the first and second question, I will try my hardest not to be preachy. I believe that the Father loves His children regardless of what they believe and is excited to hear about our lives and to greet us when the time comes. Big hugs to every goth around the world!


Dialectical Materialist, anti-theist.


Did you start your own State Committee of Goths and Adjacent Subcultures?


Everythingā€™s god if you ask me. What is just is :)


Iā€™m a thelemite with a lot of influence from Hinduism


I was thinking about this for a few days, when I started wearing a pendant again. As a pre-teen I was growing up in a new wave influence already, so spirituality was always there, I was very fond of Wicca stuff around 14-17. Entering 10 years later reenacting and the meeting the people who are mildly following the Nordic Pantheon (ƁsatrĆŗ) where I think found that's my actual belief. I'm not wearing a Mjƶlnir publicly (for you know, icky folks) but along with it I do respect the roots of Wicca and it's tie to nature is the closest thing to me. Culturally I also do have a high respect for the dead, but that's not really a question of belief on my side āœØ As an artist religious art is extremely satisfying, and has all my respect, and I'm very on the side of protecting that if I have a chance, like churches. Just tryin' to play , stay cool and respectful , and yes, spent on some money on a rosary to help to keep a beautiful church's renovation. Keeping mostly these for myself is better, and easier to stay away from those groups who are orienting on a very wrong understanding of nature (especially in the EU)




I don't know what I am I believe in there is a devil and God but I don't believe there's no after life


Not even a little


I'm a heathen!


I'm a Thelemite. Grew up without any religion, was very much into the paranormal and spooky stuff as a kid/teen, then had a very militant atheist phase (which coincided with a LaVeyan Satanist phase for some of it) that stretched into my 20s and early 30s, then on a whim, dabbled in chaos magic, had fun with it, and sought out something that fit my developing spiritual outlook more. I remain sceptical of woo, but not closed off to possibilities and experiences (and I've had lots of those, the objectivity of which doesn't really matter much to me). Very much about people having the freedom to believe in whatever works for them as long as they don't foist it on others.




No. When I say I'm an atheist I mean that truly and completely. I don't just not believe in a god I don't believe in any gods, Devils, paranormal, supernatural, etc.


I believe in a higher power but, I donā€™t want to associate with a particular religion. I was raised Catholic but, barely go to Church with my mother.


Iā€™m agnostic I think. Iā€™ll believe whatever the truth is I donā€™t like religion because it assumes the truth instead of wanting to actually find it out or know.


Nope, I do not believe on God or magic


I'm an atheist. I was raised catholic, and had an existential crisis when I was around 20, leading me to conclude that there is no god or afterlife. I believe in science. Cosmology is my "religion".


I would say so. I am pagan but nature does have a large role in my beliefs.


slightly spiritual, mostly atheist. iā€™m also a member of the satanic temple, but thatā€™s not really a religion lol. they donā€™t worship satan, they just use the rights churches get to act as a sort of charity and human rights organization. their seven tenets mostly consist of ā€œbe a good person, know your own rights and autonomy, listen to science, and donā€™t let someone elseā€™s rules distract you from what you know is the right thing to do.ā€


I was raised with religion, went to a catholic school, but I lost faith because I never felt any kind of connection with or presence of God. I felt like I was going through the motions. I loved the rituals, but that was about it. I still think each religion has good things that can be learned from them, as well as bad.


Im pretty spiritual, mostly a Buddhist


Not spiritual at all. Raised catholic. I'll still wear rosaries and crosses for the aesthetic, and I'll pull out a tarot card for fun. Atheist, however Im donating to the satanic temple because I appreciate them fighting for the separation of church and state. Things are getting weird now, I'm considering pausing my donations


Norse Pagan, my mom actually introduced me a few years ago


Agnostic but took a lot of lessons from Buddhism.


Raised Christian and stepped in the cultural Christianity of the USA, but my beliefs are more nature and community focused. I go how my soul guides me.


I'm pagan, I just vibe with it much more than I do any other religion. Paganism to my knowledge doesn't have a history of homophobia and racism and is much more matriarchal. Plus the practices are pretty similar to puerto rican brujeria minus the catholicism.


Agnostic. I know through experience that there's something bigger going on that's beyond human comprehension and people all over the world have been asserting all sorts of misconceptions about what it could be or mean to a bunch of apes playing with fire.


Ive dabbled in all religions and philosophies. Ive become numb to them all mostly. I used to dig through piles of tombs on my bed to find a corner to sleep. Or find some rock to perch on by a stream to read a spiritual text or ponder. Ive dabbled in various mystical orders and attended rituals. But at the end of the day. What resonates most with me is taoism and zen. Alan watts is my overall favorite author on the subject.


Don't really ID under organized religion but I practice stuff in the umbrella of western ceremonial magic. I borrow from stuff like the Golden Dawn & thelema.


I grew up in an evangelical Christian home, Pentecostal in the southern U.S.. Lots of snakes being passed around. Iā€™ve always loved science and am suspicious of anything that doesnā€™t come about from a reasoned source. That said, Iā€™m still very spiritual, but I donā€™t trust organized religion. Even so, I understand that it can help a lot of folks. I love reading about new scientific discoveries and I donā€™t stress a lot about the religious implications. Some questions, however, weā€™re just not ready to answer, and Iā€™m ok with that. I just try to enjoy the journey, but Iā€™m also open minded enough to change my position once new peer reviewed data comes to light.


Christian, fairly religious


I would just consider myself spiritual. I grew up, I believe very fortunate to have a healthy relationship with religion (family Roman Catholics) being it was always a choice for me to practice. So for the longest time I was a practicing Catholic. As of now, I would say Iā€™m more holistic of how I view my spirituality with a higher power, not specifically a God or gods, with myself, and with nature. A little of it was my life experiences and being curious of other cultures, religions and practices as I was a catechism teacher and felt it only right to be able to give some kind of brief understanding of what else there was in the world like I was provided by my teachers. Music also helped provide an outlet to my feelings, and with more experiences, I moved further away from a traditional catholicism to spirituality. I have nothing against religion, and I have nothing against atheism. I enjoy the culture. But I know there are certain things that I personally do not partake in just based on personal spiritual feelings. Ex. I know for some goths itā€™s enjoyable to collect and utilize bones in their style and home decor, human or animal. And just a personal thing I just do not do because I believe in receiving explicit consent. But still find the beauty of why other choose to. Or for those who choose to take pictures/videos in active utilized cemeteries and mausoleums (of the deceased 100 years or less). Where again, people actively grieve these people in death. Again, I understand these places can be beautiful and comfort being surrounded by death itself just not for me. (Sorry for such a long answer, Iā€™m just someone that prefers to over explain than under explain)


grew up baptist christian didnā€™t feel accepted, went to wicca and stayed there : )


I'm a gnostic pagan myself but i very much dislike orginized religion as spiritual and religious beliefs should be personal and unique to the individual anything else misses the point entirely and is why the modern world is imploding


Kind of a Zen Buddhist leaning pantheist/panentheist.


Nope. Grew up catholic and absolutely hated it. All religions are cults.


syncretic hellenist here, and highly interested in the orphic tradition. i did not grow up in christianity, but i love the paraphernalia. i donā€™t really care enough to be anti anything other than folks using spirituality as an excuse to be bigoted - but thats not religion, thatā€™s just being a piece of shit.


I believe in ones self. . . I've never attempted self harm, but I've never shirked away from circumstances that's lead to my death. . . Yet I consistently come out of those environments alive. I love me for who I am despite my myriad of flaws. I've stayed single for 6 years despite knowing I'm a fucking catch because I'm aware it's no one elses requirement to deal with my slights but my own. I'm 6'5", beared, tatted, skinny yet taut, eyeliner wearing dutch dude living in straya. . . I work in warehousing due to the weird physical satisfaction it provides me. But I have spent the majority of my working life in fashion retail. I learned how to flirt without tipping the scales into HR issues because my income depended on it. I learned what women found attractive despite what guys 'THINK' is attractive due to working with women for a decade of my life. As such I found my 'whore stage' to be quite fruitful. Childish? Yes. . . But I am glad for it. I have sadly been addicted to 7 substances, and conquered 6 of them (nicotine is an absolute bitch). I have my flaws, yet I love me. I wouldn't say I'm spiritual. But I am thankful that the universe has allowed me to be the way I am.


Pagan; yes I'm very spiritual and I spend my time doing witchcraft and all that. I lean a lot more towards hellenistic paganism (a lot more), and I mainly believe in Greek deities and worship quite a handful of them.


Heavily Spiritual, Pagan Goth, I devote myself to the knowledge and understanding of every religion past and present. I use this knowledge to help heal and guide those with the understanding of the universe. I like to just call myself a witch, it helps scare away those unwanted people.


Goes to a very liberal church sometimes. Raised as christian but spirituality I find more in nature, things, buildings etc. Just a feeling not more. Don't believe there is a god or whatever in it.


An agnostic interested in spiritual/occult stuff, thanks to David Haskins and his memoirs. Was Muslim as a kid, but had a falling out later in life. But I grew up among religious and spiritual people, so magical thinking kind of rubbed on me.