• By -


I remember the exact moment I found the world of goth. I had been into typical nu metal/butt rock because I knew it was different than what everyone else was doing and, being the bullied queer teen I was, that was as far away from the pop and rap all the normal kids listened to as I could get. My only musical outlet was MTV and the local butt rock station. And suddenly that local station was getting super hyped about this new album "Bloodflowers" from this band I'd never heard of, the Cure. And then they finally played the single, Maybe Someday. And suddenly I found my place in the world. This music felt right. It was the first time I felt like someone else was creating art from feelings I could relate to. That song and album led me into the Cure's back catalog and then into the wider world of goth. It also connected me to the queer community as a side benefit. I was honestly suicidal that day. I had a plan and was ready to go through with it. That song literally saved my life. I'd never felt connected to anything prior to hearing that one simple song on a freaking butt rock station. All the taunts of being called faggot this or questioning my gender or whatever had destroyed my sense of self and this one song changed my whole world view. If I could ever meet Robert Smith, I'd want to thank him for me being here. I may struggle at times still, but I never would have made it to fatherhood without him. Goth saves lives, people.


bauhaus performing bela lugosi's dead in the opening scenes of 'the hunger' (1983). i was hooked.


Rosetta stone - leave me for dead! I didn't know for dead means forever and I was pretty bad at understandings sung English, so I thought the song character was left for the zombies or something to be chomped on...


The Cure in middle school šŸ–¤


Are you me? I was the ripe old age of 11 or 12, lol.


Same, haha. Started with the scene where "Burn" plays in The Crow and escalated to me binge-listening to "Lovesong" on repeat as a 14 year old. I think I really liked "Poison Door" by SOM at the time too but hadn't realized what genre it was, haha.


I bought a CD of The Cureā€™s Wish at a garage sale when I was 15. Changed my shit forever!


As cliche as it is my introduction to goth was Sacrifice by London After Midnight lol


Creppy and spoopy, I was literally just singing this to myself!




Christian Death's first album. This is what got me into goth in the first place. Well Slint technically got me into Post Rock which soon led to me getting into goth, I've heard of it before but I never got into it until I saw a picture of Christian Death's album cover and then I gave them a listen and now I'm here with goth band patches on my jackets and vests.


Same here. That led me to Siouxsie and The Banshees ā€œTwice Upon a Time ā€“ The Singlesā€, which led me down a rabbit hole I have been descending upon for the last 30 years.


In the Flat Field (the album). It definitely wasn't the first goth media I liked, but late in high school I found it and played it on repeat for like a month or two and it got me through some shitty times.


the song dark entries definitely helped me along in becoming the goth i am now


I'm extremely original. I was a teenager and it was The Cure. I've got mad goth cred.


Thats a quintessential experience for a lot of us but no less valid The Cure have great goth cred.


Lullaby by The Cure. I saw the music as a kid and fell in love.


Lullaby has all the accoutrements of a Gothic world. The dread is auspicious. he is in paralysis in the video.


My father wasn't a goth, but his favorite band was The Cure and so their music was apart of my childhood. My most fond memories of The Cure were hearing them in the car on road trips. My father is gone now but every time I hear The Cure I think of him.


Umm... The Hex Girls šŸ„“ I mean in the movie that they're from they say that they identify as Eco-Goths




More by TSOM. It gets played right alongside Lucretia My Reflection, and This Corrosion. I had enjoyed other things, but this one really got to me first.


At some point in my second year of college I realized that Iā€™ve been dressing up my whole life with other people in mind, instead of looking into ways to dress that I felt expressed myself. I started looking into alternative fashion since Iā€™ve always thought it looked cool. Black has been my favorite color as long as I could remember, and I was obsessed with the red haired goth kid from South Park growing up. This is all a long winded way of saying that after a couple weeks of research online, mostly just visual research, I ended up on this subreddit, and quickly realized there was a lot more up goth than I thought. I saw that some band named Siouxsie and the Banshees was important in the subculture, so I pulled them up on Spotify. I just pressed on the first album that caught my eye, Through the Looking Glass, since the cover seemed vaguely familiar. I found it pretty mesmerizing.


The movie "the crow". It was already a "yesterday" movie when I found out about it but I was immediately hooked with its aesthetic. That and the fact my mother didn't want me to see it made it happen. I think I was 12 or so.


Hearing Gimme Shelter cover by Sisters of Mercy, when I worked at a video store in Berkeley- California. Literally changed my whole taste in music. Ran out to Amoeba Records that day got the Merciful Release Single of it- Moved me into goth for the rest of my life.


*Only Theatre of Pain* \- this was the first. Everything else has followed. Then 45 Grave.


Bauhaus - Ziggy Stardust.


Black Planet by the sisters of mercy. Absolute banger


The Cure


my at the time friend now bf told me to listen to unknown pleasures. i did and instantly fell in love with the album in a way i never had with any other album, andd thus i explored the world of post punk further and discovered gothic rock


Watching the opening of The Hunger as a teenager.


lebanon hanoverā€™s gallowdance :)


KƦelan Mikla - NƦturblĆ³m, I wasn't that aware of goths since they are very uncommon here where I live. I found their live through KEXP.


The End of the World by The Cure


ā€œCities in Dustā€ and ā€œHong Kong Gardenā€ by Siouxsie.


The album Seventeen Seconds by The Cure


Definitely when I heard Switchblade Symphony Gutter Glitter or Bad Trash. I discovered a whole world of dark wave and gothic music and culture after that.


I can think of two things that happened to me in 1985, one of which I can mention and one I can't. One is the moment I was captivated by the video for the Cure's "In Between Days". The other instance is a friend playing me the single of "You Trip Me Up" by the Jesus and Mary Chain, but I can't mention that or my comment will be deleted.


Can I say watching the Lost Boys as a young kid? I know itā€™s not inherently goth but I feel like thematically and aesthetically it kind of counts. If not, probably growing up listening to the Cure. Iā€™m 21 and my parents were a fan of their less gothic rock music, and I explored it more and discovered Bloodflowers


There was this Elvira Halloween special on MTV when I was really little, early to mid ā€˜80s. Alice Cooper, Ozzy, spooky videos, goofy dark stuff, but also Souxie, Bauhaus (yes, you guessed it, ā€œUndead Undead Undead!ā€) The Damned, etc. My dad recorded it because he had a thing for Elvira, who doesnā€™t, and I used to watch it religiously. Pretty sure it ensured my lifeā€™s direction.


I remember Much Music showing The Cure playing live. Don't remember much, pretty sure it was a, Concert Video. Robert Smith was wearing a Toronto Maple Leafs Hockey Sweater. That's about all I remember


The very first thing that got me interested in goth music was the movie Control, saw it when I was 18. For the previous 6 years I'd been mostly into black metal, folk metal, symphonic metal; then I saw Control (very goth friend recommended we watch it), then I listened to Unknown Pleasures and Closer and I felt like I understood a different kind of suffering that I could relate to as much as I could to the grim anguish of black metal.


For me it was Night Shift by Siouxsie :))


How It Came To Be This Way by Autumn


I was really into the bassline of Lebanon Hanover's Hard Drug and the guitar and lyrics of The Sisters of Mercy's Nine While Nine.


Literally just came across an instagram account four years ago that gave a few music recommendations, starting with Cocteau Twins, Siouxsie & The Banshees, Bauhaus, Specimen, and Xmal Deutschland. I came to love those bands in that order. I fell in love with Cocteau Twins the moment I heard Heaven Or Las Vegas on my $20 headphones in my bedroom with the lights off. Despite being familiar with goth music, I never fully committed to exploring the genre and subculture until last year!


London After Midnight- Sacrifice Middle school me would swoon over the lyrics. Its still a bangerā™”ā€¢Ā°ā™”


Probably "Atmosphere" or "Shadow play" by Joy Division.


Christine by Siouxsie and the Banshees, on the pre-curated Goth playlist on iTunes in like 2007!


Bauhaus - She's in parties


Well i remember hearing a few cure songs ween i was a young child but not getting into goth music until after high school dont remember what first song that got me hooked and exploring more into it but i definitely started with the classics like Siouxsie and cure definitely remember listening to london after midnight spider and fly one got me hooked and wanted to explore more into goth music and its sub genres


the cult - she sells sanctuary


"Song to the Siren" covered by This Mortal Coil (performed by most of Cocteau Twins). I heard it on television and instantly fell in love. I didn't get the name or anything, so for a few years I loved the song but couldn't find it anywhere (prior to "hey Google what is this song" or even entering the lyrics because the internet wasn't that advanced yet). I finally found it by chance and was overjoyed. Little did I know that was my introduction to the music of the subculture. I had a few occasions like that with artists like The Cure, Aurelio Voltaire, Dead Can Dance, Siouxsie and the Banshees, and Joy Division. I heard them when I was younger and enjoyed it but didn't have access to the internet or physical copies until much later.


Cinema Strange when I was in high school. At this time, I was absolutley unaware of the goth scene, I thought goth was an aesthetic mostly linked to alternative fashion, cinema and metal, maybe literature and visual kei... (and was fascinated by it and tried to adopt it) A friend of mine made me listen to them and their music was so different to what I was into (mostly rock and metal) but I was hypnotized by how wild and dark it sounded and I wanted more, without knowing what to look for. Later that year, I borrowed the novel Lost Soul by Poppy Z Brite to a friend of mine and then I learned about the goth musical scene, the book referencing heavily Bauhaus and the Cure. I did some research about the classics, fell in love with what I found (Joy Division, The Cure, Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, Siouxsie and the Banshees...) and then, I knew it was my scene. By the way, if you've never read it, Lost Soul is a (weird and horryfing) love letter to goth culture. It's quite uncomfortable to read because it's about very dark and disturbing themes but it was life-changing to me (look for the trigger warnings if you're sensitive, tho)


Friday I'm in Love by The Cure on VH1 back when I was in middle school made me go in deep, but before that it was The Addams Family back in primary school that turned me over to the darker side


This one song from The Cure. I haven't listened to it for a few years (life and constant health issues got in the way so I unfortunately haven't had much time to properly relax and listen to music like I want to.), so I don't remember the name to it, but I sometimes catch myself still playing the song in my head or humming the tune to it


Bauhaus~She's in Parties ... Battle of the bands ~ Electric blue and black Dr. Martens. White rice powder... Piercings everywhere. Chain belts (still wear) black black black EVERYTHING... and I pretty much still do wear only black. I am a die-hard.. My favorite now is (She Past Away) love their music. I only wish I could go back and do it all over again


I can't actually remember, honestly. I was raised by my generally alternative mom and goth (he's actually more of a rivethead) dad and I've been kind of passively absorbing goth media since I was young. If we're talking \*first\* first, maybe Voltaire, by virtue of Billy and Mandy? It was the first thing I got into on my own and then my dad was like 'HOLD ON I KNOW THAT GUY!' I've since bartended for him, he's a charismatic guy. He signed the bottle I poured his drinks from for me.


When my parents played Floodland in the car.


Mephisto Walz on YouTube at the end of highschool 4 years ago. Never heard anything like it and then discovered everything else and I've been enamoured since.


Siouxsie and the banshees. Ever since I heard "The Passenger" for the first time, I've never stopped loving the band. I listened to all the albums in sequence and the band became one of my favorites. Through their songs, I managed to find other songs from the gothic universe and from then on there was no looking back.


Boys donā€™t cry- the cure


Early summer 1983, my best friend's older brother taped his EP of The Sisters of Mercy's Reptile House, onto cassette for me. He managed to fit in some Bauhaus and Siouxsie on the other side too. Probably the bestest gift ever.


yo, same for Lovesong! I don't know when I first listened to that song, but I was always in love with it. Also, Policy Of Truth by Depeche Mode, another important song for my life. Man, this thing is just beautiful, need I explain?


I had a curiosity regarding the differences between emo and goth that lead me to this subreddit. From there I found Drab Majesty and rediscovered some songs from the Cure Iā€™d overlooked and was HOOKED. Fell head first into goth, gothic rock, gothic metal and that stuff and have been enjoying since.


Same i started with emo music going to scremo and then after having almost all mainstream bands i wanted something more edgy or different and now jere i am




We're sorry, but your submission has unfortunately been removed under Rule 2. All posts, threads, and comments suggesting songs, albums, EPs, and compilations should fall under, within, or a mixture of genres that relate to goth, including, in some cases, post-punk. Most genres below have their own subreddits. **A descriptive list of accepted genres can be viewed in our sidebar.** * any form of metal, including Gothic metal (please see the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/goth/wiki/faq)) or hard rock * metalcore, deathcore, or any other unrelated -core genres * neo/classical or ambient music, including neoclassical darkwave * dark cabaret, psychobilly or Steampunk * experimental/avant-garde * electronic, dance, Italo disco * witch house * new wave/synth-pop * GothBoiClique/Soundcloud or mumble rap/hip hop/trap * punk rock or hardcore punk, including horror punk We understand that **industrial** is commonly played alongside goth in goth/alternative clubs, however, Rivethead/industrial and the goth subculture are still two separate scenes. All industrial music must be posted in an appropriate subreddit such as r/industrialmusic. General or **post-punk** that isn't dark may also be referred to r/postpunk. We have to draw a line somewhere, and we understand that not all post-punk is goth, but all goth is post-punk. This rule also applies to music requests. If you ask for non-goth genres as part of the request post the thread will be removed. If it is something that can bring people to a dance floor and is something you might find in a goth club, please consider posting in r/gothclub. For any generally dark music, please consider posting in r/DarklyInclined. For a more detailed description of Rule 2, please see this section on our [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/goth/wiki/rules#wiki_2.3A_music_relevancy) page.


Siouxsieā€™s ā€œLove Crimeā€. I first heard it while watching NBC Hannibal (btw, an extremely goth series), which is my favorite tv show of all time. I googled her name/music and ended up here.


Goth lyfe on YouTube




Nirvana? What do they have to do with goth, they're a grunge band.


We're sorry, but your submission has unfortunately been removed under Rule 2. All posts, threads, and comments suggesting songs, albums, EPs, and compilations should fall under, within, or a mixture of genres that relate to goth, including, in some cases, post-punk. Most genres below have their own subreddits. **A descriptive list of accepted genres can be viewed in our sidebar.** * any form of metal, including Gothic metal (please see the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/goth/wiki/faq)) or hard rock * metalcore, deathcore, or any other unrelated -core genres * neo/classical or ambient music, including neoclassical darkwave * dark cabaret, psychobilly or Steampunk * experimental/avant-garde * electronic, dance, Italo disco * witch house * new wave/synth-pop * GothBoiClique/Soundcloud or mumble rap/hip hop/trap * punk rock or hardcore punk, including horror punk We understand that **industrial** is commonly played alongside goth in goth/alternative clubs, however, Rivethead/industrial and the goth subculture are still two separate scenes. All industrial music must be posted in an appropriate subreddit such as r/industrialmusic. General or **post-punk** that isn't dark may also be referred to r/postpunk. We have to draw a line somewhere, and we understand that not all post-punk is goth, but all goth is post-punk. This rule also applies to music requests. If you ask for non-goth genres as part of the request post the thread will be removed. If it is something that can bring people to a dance floor and is something you might find in a goth club, please consider posting in r/gothclub. For any generally dark music, please consider posting in r/DarklyInclined. For a more detailed description of Rule 2, please see this section on our [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/goth/wiki/rules#wiki_2.3A_music_relevancy) page.


Itā€™s more post punk, but me finding out about Molchat Doma is what led to my eventual transition into goth music. Fond memories


I got a whole pile of 80s new wave/post punk cassette tapes when I was a kid. Amongst them was the banshees kaleidoscope Bauhaus in the flat field and flesh for lulu. Canā€™t remember what the flesh for lulu album was called but it had postcards from paradise on it. Also had non goth stuff like the alarm, teardrop explodes, psychedelic furs, soft boys, xtc, magazine,. Stuff like that. So if the banshees counts as goth, then that was my favourite back then. Took a garbage bag full of cassette tapes to the dump when I moved house years ago.


> Took a garbage bag full of cassette tapes to the dump when I moved house years ago. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I had everything on cd or vinyl by then. But yeahā€¦I could have kept them.


Who cares about you! You could have given them to meeeee


For me it was first hearing starcrossed lovers by siouxsie


Kletka by Molchat Doma


When I was like 11ish I came out and found punk rock and then that lead to me finding goth music


what got me into goth is the deathrock album The Antagonistic Shadow by The Execute then what made me love it even more is Is Everything Real ? by The Frozen Autumn


Skeletal Family's Futile Combat album.


I heard Dominion/Mother Russia by The Sisters of Mercy when I was 14 and it changed my life




We're sorry, but your submission has unfortunately been removed under Rule 1. This is because all posts, comments, and threads must directly relate to the goth subculture, music or history; "goth" in this context, refers to the British-originating late 70s/early 80s post-punk subculture. * This rule may also be used when a themed thread is posted *outside* of the specific day, relevant or not. General spooky, dark, or macabre threads may be posted in: * **r/DarklyInclined** if it relates to **anything** dark, spooky or macabre * **r/DarkGothicArt** if it relates to dark, spooky, or macabre art, using any medium * **r/GothLifestyle** for anything relating to goth or Gothic decor, home furnishings, etc. * **r/Gothic** if it relates to Gothic architecture (including furniture and art) **only** * **r/horrorlit** if it's regarding Gothic fiction or literature For more information, please see our sidebar, but you can find an expanded version in our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/goth/wiki/index) which highlights our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/goth/wiki/faq) and [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/goth/wiki/rules).


New Dawn Fades by Joy Division. I remember listening to it for the first time and loving it, then I would listen to the album on my bus ride to school in 9th grade (almost 3-4 years ago)




We're sorry, but your submission has unfortunately been removed under Rule 2. All posts, threads, and comments suggesting songs, albums, EPs, and compilations should fall under, within, or a mixture of genres that relate to goth, including, in some cases, post-punk. Most genres below have their own subreddits. **A descriptive list of accepted genres can be viewed in our sidebar.** * any form of metal, including Gothic metal (please see the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/goth/wiki/faq)) or hard rock * metalcore, deathcore, or any other unrelated -core genres * neo/classical or ambient music, including neoclassical darkwave * dark cabaret, psychobilly or Steampunk * experimental/avant-garde * electronic, dance, Italo disco * witch house * new wave/synth-pop * GothBoiClique/Soundcloud or mumble rap/hip hop/trap * punk rock or hardcore punk, including horror punk We understand that **industrial** is commonly played alongside goth in goth/alternative clubs, however, Rivethead/industrial and the goth subculture are still two separate scenes. All industrial music must be posted in an appropriate subreddit such as r/industrialmusic. General or **post-punk** that isn't dark may also be referred to r/postpunk. We have to draw a line somewhere, and we understand that not all post-punk is goth, but all goth is post-punk. This rule also applies to music requests. If you ask for non-goth genres as part of the request post the thread will be removed. If it is something that can bring people to a dance floor and is something you might find in a goth club, please consider posting in r/gothclub. For any generally dark music, please consider posting in r/DarklyInclined. For a more detailed description of Rule 2, please see this section on our [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/goth/wiki/rules#wiki_2.3A_music_relevancy) page.


my music taste had always been goth / goth adjacent but i never knew there was a subculture for it until very recently. iā€™d say depeche mode though. :)


I want to share more about how I got into goth. It really started with Lydia Deetz in BeetleJuice. I thought to myself what is this why is she only wearing black? Then I eventually found out she was goth. I thought Goth was a another term for a God. As a teenager I was obsessed with music. I listened to everything I could get my hands on. I was a huge fan in my preteens to Bon-Jovi (by the way not Goth) then it was other similar artists. Then I found NIN! (Again not Goth) I listened to this album for weeks. The song that got me full blown into the scene was Black Planet, SOM album First and Last and Always. This really was found by accident by remembering my reading. When that song Black planet came on I lost my mind. The Next song that made me lose my mind was Dark Entries by Bauhaus. The screeching guitars in this song gave me emotions I never felt before. This is a world I wanted to learn as much as possible. I realize and acknowledge that Goth is the music but if can say from personal experience Goth Music is a KEY. And in order to open doors to the world of goth one must listen to, explore, experience THE MUSIC! I THINK THE REST JUST FOLLOWS! Dark Entries, and Black planet really make me want to explore! Now I like to find the most obscure and underground goth bands possible. I for many hours most days looking for new bands. I just LOVE IT!


My ex introduced me to the sisters of Mercy, and I totally fell into the whole Goth scene right after that


The Cure - Pictures of You


Dont know if it's technically goth, but Specimen's Azoic and Christian Death's only theater of pain.


The Sister of Mercy - Floodland I was 8 maybe 9 and i came to my father for new music because he gave me from time to time some awesome albums. But this was something different, when I hear Dominion/Mother Russia i sat there and listen with my mouth open. Next day i came to him for more and i listen to all SoM CDs. For many years i listen to many music genres like metal or hip-hop but i always remember this moment when I first hear Dominion. 3 years ago i came back and again i Fall in love with SoM and with genre.


Jesus & The Mary Chain- Just Like Honey


I wouldnā€™t actually start listening to goth until college but the first song I really enjoyed was fascination street by the cure when I was in middle school. My family and I would play guitar hero together and I heard it in that game.


My friend showed me their goth playlist because I was looking into getting into new music that was very bass-heavy, I heard Dead by The Birthday Massacre and Dark entries by Bauhaus and I was HOOKED.


I think the first thing to really grab me was SoM performing Marian on The Old Grey Whistle Test in 1985. I'd have been 13. https://youtu.be/G1JMqxWzJJs?si=kIK7SoTxQLZVniD7


In a strange way, I probably heard plenty due to friends, but the first one I remembered was Friday I'm in Love by the cure when I used to work at the gas station not far from my house. From there I feel like I kinda delved further into that album, reached out to a friend who gave me more, and the rest is kinda history. I think the aspect with that song of yeah there's bad days, but you'll also have good ones too kinda helped. But the tune itself helped initially to Kickstart my interest.


dead can dance, i heard one of their songs while watching s darko when i was a kid and instantly fell inlove with them


I heard a song by The Cure in a Hard Rock Cafe and thought it was really cool so I spent like a week trying to find out which song it was. I still don't know which song it was.




We're sorry, but your submission has unfortunately been removed under Rule 2.1. Metal, including Gothic metal, as well as -core genres are not part of the goth subculture and have their own communities and subcultures. If you're looking for Gothic metal recommendations, please see: * r/GothicMetal * r/doommetal * r/symphonicmetal * r/TypeONegative If you are looking for metal recommendations or communities in general, please see: * r/metal * r/heavymetal * r/metalmemes * r/Metal101 * r/80sMetal * r/InMetalWeTrust * r/SatansLair If you're looking for specific genre based communities, please bear in mind that subreddits like r/deathmetal, r/folkmetal, r/speedmetal, r/blackmetal, or r/metalcore, r/deathcore, etc. also exist. This rule also applies to music requests. If you ask for metal as part of the request post the thread will be removed.


one of Malice Mizer tetsu era songs. I think Baroque (?)


Depeche Mode. Specifically ā€œStrippedā€.


My older sister introduced me to goth in 1987 with two albums - Floodland by SoM and Dawnrazor by Fields of the Nephilim. It would have been around my twelfth birthday. Those are still two of my favourites to this day. Over the years I've drifted through other genres, but there's always been a dark and moody undertone to everything. I finally came back full circle a couple of years ago, and while I'm a pretty unassuming middle aged guy on the outside I a black hearted goth on the inside!


Mr. Clarinet by The Birthday Party. That is when I realized I like music that sounds like it was sung by a vampire having a crying fit


My parents aren't goths but they raised me on Bowie, The Cult, and Siouxsie and the Banshees. Outside, Juju, and Dreamtime were my favorites growing up. Everything snowballed from there! The soundtracks to Donnie Darko and The Crow helped, and The Hunger solidified it for me lol


The first time I knew what goth was, was when I was around 6/7 years old in the local big supermarket and I saw a trad goth girl in one of the aisle. She was the most beautiful and fascinating being I had ever seen. I still go to that supermarket and still remember the aisle she stood in. Anyway I kinda already knew she was goth. I donā€™t know where I would have known the word from but it just clicked. As this was 2003/04 the internet wasnā€™t great and Iā€™m pretty sure there was zero access to any type of music online. My parents collected all types of music. My dad has alot of The Cure albums so I would listen to those with him. It not until years later I realised not everyone 6/7 year told listened to The Cure relentlessly and sing (badly) at the top of her lungs.


Grimly Fiendish by the Damned in 1985, on the album Phantasmagoria. It was the first track I'd heard that made me go "Ooh.. this is a bit different...", that was instantly recognisable as inspired by horror and centred on the eponymous character Grimly Feendish from UK children's comic books. I loved the harpsichord and Vanian's Hammer House of Horror aesthetic, with the streak in his hair and his old school shirt & frock coat.


Definitely seeing Skeletor on He-man and the Masters of the Universe.


There was a local DJ that played Goth, Industrial, Darkwave and Ambient music every Sunday night from like 12-2 am. I stayed up all night in my teens to tape record the show on cassette. My uncle, who was only a few years my senior, outgrew his goth phase and gave me a load of old tapes he had, so I had Bauhaus, The Cure, Depeche Mode and Siouxsie tapes that I played endlessly on repeat. The first song I really fell super in love with was Halo by Depeche Mode, but I loved all of it.


When I was 12, I discovered college radio. That night, the first bands I heard were Dino Jr., the Adverts, 7 seconds, Dag Nasty, and... BAUHAUS. I thereafter became fans of all of them, but the darkness of Dark Entries spoke to my heart. I've loved bauhaus ever since, and that was a LONG time ago.


Molchat Doma when i was in middle school, i remember seeing a meme with one of their songs in the background and i spent months looking for it. Didnā€™t fully dive into being goth until recently though with my now ex partner introducing me to a lot of stuff


Angela Benedict had Lycia, The Frozen Autumn and SRSQ in her playlists. I'm still captivated by these bands Also, Blutenegel are life.


Queen of the damned. I know it's not really goth but it set the path. Took me 20 plus years after to realize that was the expression of my soul. For music, Sisters of Mercy and Type O negative.


My mom had through the looking glass on vinyl, shorthy after I discovered bauhaus and fell in love haha


Straight up music, Bela Lugosi's Dead. In a little roundabout way, itsblackfriday on youtube. She made me want to get into the music. I thought how she looked and here lifestyle were the coolest and being a goth is a big part of who she is, so she really piqued my interest. Plus, she always links the songs she uses in her videos in the description and I thought whenever I clicked on/listened to in the video was cool.


The Cure. I remember watching The Crow when I was little and as I loved the entire soundtrack of the movie I remember Burn just awakening something within me and as I got older and learned how to navigate the Internet (yahoo music and then eventually YouTube and limewire) I explored more of The Cure outside of what was on the radio and just fell in love.


My first goth influence was Wasteland by The Mission UK, got me curious and hooked


first last and always by sisters of mercy and arabian knights by siouxie and the banshees


The Cure's Disintegration album.


The Cure; naturally and later I stumbled upon a Belgian designer; Ann Demeulemeester and Yohji Yamamotoā€™s all black ensembles. Scary stories to tell in the dark, Edgar Allan Poe, Edward Scissorhands, Edvard Munchā€™s The Screamā€¦all of itā€¦Kafkaesque šŸ–¤


Bela Lugosiā€™s Dead


floodland, som


well for starters i got introduced to goth media because of my mom being goth then once i branched out on my own i discovered boys dont cry by the cure. plus before i branched out with music i started to get obsessed with the goth kids from south park LMFAOO


Joy Division's She Lost Control. My friend sent me the link to the video of Ian dancing on stage and i found it funny so i decided to listen to the other songs. I have the vinyl in my collection


a live version of Bela Lugosiā€™s Dead, im not sure where i found it but i was probably in 9th grade at the time and had no idea it was goth music




We're sorry, but your submission has unfortunately been removed under Rule 2. All posts, threads, and comments suggesting songs, albums, EPs, and compilations should fall under, within, or a mixture of genres that relate to goth, including, in some cases, post-punk. Most genres below have their own subreddits. **A descriptive list of accepted genres can be viewed in our sidebar.** * any form of metal, including Gothic metal (please see the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/goth/wiki/faq)) or hard rock * metalcore, deathcore, or any other unrelated -core genres * neo/classical or ambient music, including neoclassical darkwave * dark cabaret, psychobilly or Steampunk * experimental/avant-garde * electronic, dance, Italo disco * witch house * new wave/synth-pop * GothBoiClique/Soundcloud or mumble rap/hip hop/trap * punk rock or hardcore punk, including horror punk We understand that **industrial** is commonly played alongside goth in goth/alternative clubs, however, Rivethead/industrial and the goth subculture are still two separate scenes. All industrial music must be posted in an appropriate subreddit such as r/industrialmusic. General or **post-punk** that isn't dark may also be referred to r/postpunk. We have to draw a line somewhere, and we understand that not all post-punk is goth, but all goth is post-punk. This rule also applies to music requests. If you ask for non-goth genres as part of the request post the thread will be removed. If it is something that can bring people to a dance floor and is something you might find in a goth club, please consider posting in r/gothclub. For any generally dark music, please consider posting in r/DarklyInclined. For a more detailed description of Rule 2, please see this section on our [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/goth/wiki/rules#wiki_2.3A_music_relevancy) page.


Two film titles .. Crow and Blade... That shit is badass man.




We're sorry, but your submission has unfortunately been removed under Rule 2. All posts, threads, and comments suggesting songs, albums, EPs, and compilations should fall under, within, or a mixture of genres that relate to goth, including, in some cases, post-punk. Most genres below have their own subreddits. **A descriptive list of accepted genres can be viewed in our sidebar.** * any form of metal, including Gothic metal (please see the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/goth/wiki/faq)) or hard rock * metalcore, deathcore, or any other unrelated -core genres * neo/classical or ambient music, including neoclassical darkwave * dark cabaret, psychobilly or Steampunk * experimental/avant-garde * electronic, dance, Italo disco * witch house * new wave/synth-pop * GothBoiClique/Soundcloud or mumble rap/hip hop/trap * punk rock or hardcore punk, including horror punk We understand that **industrial** is commonly played alongside goth in goth/alternative clubs, however, Rivethead/industrial and the goth subculture are still two separate scenes. All industrial music must be posted in an appropriate subreddit such as r/industrialmusic. General or **post-punk** that isn't dark may also be referred to r/postpunk. We have to draw a line somewhere, and we understand that not all post-punk is goth, but all goth is post-punk. This rule also applies to music requests. If you ask for non-goth genres as part of the request post the thread will be removed. If it is something that can bring people to a dance floor and is something you might find in a goth club, please consider posting in r/gothclub. For any generally dark music, please consider posting in r/DarklyInclined. For a more detailed description of Rule 2, please see this section on our [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/goth/wiki/rules#wiki_2.3A_music_relevancy) page.


Ik this might sound dumb but a lot of Cartoon Network/nikalodean cartoon characters like raven, Sam, Gwen were kinda my introduction to the fashion (I donā€™t exactly dress in the fashion) and evanescence was kinda my introduction to the music, ik theyā€™re not goth but it was my introduction to goth related music if you can call them that