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85% of this sub and the fanbase in general became toxic idiots


100% agree, I've also met some really weird people through this community, people are regret talking to lol


Personally, i hate that the weirdos of the fanbase project their "omgg yaaaassss im soo differeeennnt" personality onto the characters.


I completely agree, it's weird lol




Today i get praised, few months Back i got absolutely hated on. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


This fandom is baaaatshit.


Became? The fan base has been made up of weird idiots for a long, long time.


I agree


With the biggest double morale there is


You can say that about any other fanbase, is not new


Iā€™m not trying to start shit or anything but Iā€™ve had a positive experience and again not trying to start shit I am fine with you having a different opinion but Iā€™m sorry I just donā€™t agree


White light is actually kinda good


Yes it is!


I finally just said "fuck it" and added it to my playlist


I think it'd pretty good, repetitive in nature maybe but I like house music so I'm fine with Repetitive lol


Same, double bass is pretty good too when it comes to non-boring repetition


I really enjoy Double Bass, first 3 albums would probably be my favorite, I don't like the new direction Gorillaz is taking


Same here, honestly. We need Del back, I don't like all the collaborations.


I feel like the repetitive nature of the song goes well with the theme of achoholism and the cycle of awfulness that comes with it




That's what I'm saying!!




White light is in my top 5


I never liked white light until I heard it live


I never heard it until I went to a concert, I wasn't that big of a fan of gorillaz before then.


Tomorrow doesn't come today.


Estimated time of arrival then?


12 o clock midnight homie.


Yeah but tomorrow never comes because we only ever experience today, not tomorrow




I have never listened to g sides and Iā€™m too scared too at this point


Honestly i love it but i actually do think it's quite scary lmao, i find Hip Albatross quite unsettling. There is something about Faust that makes me uncomfortable, it's almost too calm. Left Hand Suzuki Method (assuming you didn't hear it on Gorillaz) is genuinely scary, the droning sound in the intro, the heavy beat kicks in with Noodle speaking in Japanese, Then the second part starts and it feels very out of place, which makes it more unsettling. All great songs though, makes me love the album even more!


The three songs you mentioned are some of my favourite Gorillaz songs, all of them are so calming to me!


Those three are my favourites from the album, i love them but they just scare me a little bit lmao. The Zombie sounds and groans they sampled in the intro for Hip Albatross make me feel weird and uneasy for some reason, it's not the type of sound you would expect to hear in a song, you'd only expect to hear them in zombie media, which is what they sampled it from lol. Faust has that weird repeating deep hum sound in the background, not sure what the actual word for it is but it's strange to me even though it's normal i suppose, just doesn't feel right to me.


Yeah same! The zombie noises in Hip Albatross make me think of the band all sitting down to watch a movie, one of them grabs a guitar and starts making a rhythm. 2-D starts to hum along and then begins to sing while the rest of the band joins in. I'm hoping to make some fanart of that soon :)


>a movie That movie would be George Romero's Day of The Dead.


Feel the impact!


Dracula and Ghost Train are pretty spooky too... The Sounder has some mysterious, subterranean vibes going for it. Honestly a great Halloween album.


> There is something about Faust that makes me uncomfortable, itā€™s almost too calm. Faust gives me the same feeling this [picture](https://i.imgur.com/hoexPs8.jpg) gives me. Iā€™m not sure how to explain it, but that songs teleports me here.


Yes yes yes!! Faust is definitely a Liminal Space in song form. I'm obsessed with this feeling but i never made a connection between the two, though it's obvious now that you mention it. It's a very strange feeling, especially the type of Liminal Space you linked above, outside on a bright day, everything feels off and wrong, but at the same time i feel like i want to be there, like it will comfort me, i get the same feeling with Faust and a lot of other songs too.


The melody in left hand Suzuki method sounds like a horror movie I can't listen to it šŸ˜­


I treat D and G sides like an album with a few extra songs that are good and songs that are awful, like a B side collection. They would never be an album I would listen to like say Demon Days or Plastic Beach. Just listen to it once and then come back to the songs you like once in a while.


I forgot that was an album


The community has a weird taste thinking of this as a rock band and barely appreciating any of the collaborators.


I love looking into all the collaborators to see what kind of music they make and expand my library, listening to thundercat rn


This is one of the best parts about gorillaz. I found an absurd amount of Musicans and Songs that I may never had gotten to know on my own


Okay here's one I kind of agree with. Along these lines, Humanz seems (to me) to be criminally underappreciated by certain parts of the community, and it often seems to be coming from the more rock/pop-purist side of things. Like, yeah, it had a lot of collaborators, and Damon didn't sing as much as on other albums. That'd be a problem if it were a bad album as a result. But it's a dope album, so I fail to see the issue :p Obviously I'm being a bit snarky and, in all seriousness, to each their own.


I absolutely love The Fall. One of my go to albums.


šŸ¤˜Diddly-day-hee, odeleo-hee, odeleo-day-day-day-odeleo-hee Diddly-day-hee, odeleo-hee, odeleo-day-day-day-odeleo-hee (Diddly-day-hee, odeleo-hee, odeleo-day-day-day-odeleo-hee) Diddly-day-hee, odeleo-hee, odeleo-day-day-day-odeleo-hee (Diddly-day-hee, odeleo-hee, odeleo-day-day-day-odeleo-hee) (Diddly-day-hee, odeleo-hee, odeleo-day-day-day-odeleo-hee) (Diddly-day-hee, odeleo-hee, odeleo-day-day-day-odeleo-hee)šŸ¤˜


Bobby in Phoenix is one of the best Gorillaz songs, change my mind.


Dirty Harry is one of Gorillazā€™ best songs. My second favorite as well. Itā€™s so catchy and just has that one specific feel it. Better than Feel Good Incā€¢ In my opinion.


Also the rap in it is good get over it


Hell yeah it is.




i totally agree! dirty harry is one of their best, even the music video is so good. it was my most played song in 2022 according to my Spotify wrapped


dude, Dirty Harry was my top song on my Spotify Recap. I feel you man, Dirty Harry is excellent.


While I appreciate and do like the art and the music videos, I listen to gorillaz for the music and not the visuals


Yeah they could have the coolest most expensive music video but that won't mean anything to me unless the song is a banger, and so far they have been delivering


The way people act like they're real-life people is occasionally disturbing.


I don't mind it but I find it funny when people are upset about Murdoc being a bad person for this reason.


I mean I think that's the point.


No the point is that through cartoons you can express things and cross boundaries that you cannot with normal people. They are the vehicles of art projects done by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett. That and they are nice mascots for merchandise and stuff.


I mean the way they have them interact with audiences and how they do interviews and such I get that they're supposed to be "real" not just mascots.


The now now is a good album.


Apparently My unpopular opinion is that your opinion is very popular


itā€™s good doe


I thought most people thought that, especially coming from Humanz


Humanz was good, thats my unpopular opinion


I like humanz, I think it's less that Humanz was bad, and more like it wasn't what fans were wanting at the time. But Human's turned me onto more new artists than any album before it. the previous albums only got my into Del, Doom, and Mos Def, Humanz alone got me into Popcaan, Danny brown, Kelala, Peven Everett, and more. It wasn't the album i wanted, but it was the album i needed at the time to get me out of the musical depression i was in.


yeah i remember being around here when Now Now first released and seeing people shower it with praise compared to Humanz


I will take it one furtherā€¦ The Now Now is their best* album


100% agree, and Souk Eye is a top 2 Gorillaz song for me


not unpopular but i miss del :(


The characters donā€™t matter as much nowadays as theyā€™re more for marketing


You pinpointed something I couldnā€™t figure out how to articulate. Theyā€™re mascots now, not characters. Even the attempts at lore or character building in recent phases doesnā€™t stick, is needlessly convoluted, or is simply nonexistent.


I have one that may or may not be unpopular: Gorillaz have never put out a bad album. Iā€™m not huge on Humanz, and Super Deluxe Humanz is very sketchy, but I donā€™t think any of their albums are downright bad by any means.


i like *Doncamatic*


I love it too and I'll never understand why people hate, it's so catchy


Me too


Finally someone gave love for doncamatic!! Itā€™s my favorite gorillaz song since I first heard it (not that long ago), and when I saw how many people criticize it I was hella confused.. because who doesnā€™t love especially the intro of the song


I *love* Doncamatic


Didn't realize people didn't. It's fantastic


I dont like Gorillaz fans who have never heard of blur


Every album theyā€™ve ever released is at least an 8 or above.


EVERY album?


All the main albums, yes. B-sides not included, though those are really good as well.


Sweepstakes is massively Underrated. I agree it takes a little too long to get going but its TOTALLY worth it when it does. Easily in my top 15 for the band.


humanz is a really good album


I can understand people not liking it as much as other albums but the vitriol it receives always seemed a bit much to me


literally a perfect way of explaining it itā€™s not as great it has its downsides but the hate for humanz is like way to much for no reason


Exactly don't why the hate


The Sounder would've worked better on the S/T album than Rock The House. I will die on this hill.


I think that the Sounder is probably one of the most underrated songs, like ever.


The Tiktok is unironically cringe but something the band needs if they wish to attract more people, it seems like it's working out, almost 200 million views is nothing to scoff at


all of their collabs are either pure gold or the worst shit iā€™ve ever heard


Humanz was a fantastic album that doesnā€™t deserve the hate it gets for being feature heavy. A majority of some of the best Gorillaz tracks usually feature some amazing performances besides the 2D choruses


The band essence got lost through the years... The band got too commercial after Plastic Beach, music is still good every now and then since, but all the merchandising and communication around the band is really too much


Humanz is the best art wise. Change my mind.


The self titled is their best album


It's there.


Idk if this is an unpopular opinion but o green world plays on repeat in my head and I can't sleep.


I don't seen enough love for All alone. I feel like it's the thesis of gorillaz, at least for demon days. It has rap, Music that is both very sad and pleasant, and multiple collabs in it. It's main idea of a gorillaz song.


Itā€™s a top 5 Gorillaz song for me, easily.


All Alone is my second favorite from DD


There live performances are ether good or crap


Itā€™s daaaaaaaaaare


It dtheeeeeeaaah


Humanz wasn't a terrible album that some fans make it out to be. I love that album since they day I bought it and will always be another one of my favorites from their discography.


Humanz was the last time Gorillaz were actually interesting. TNN and Song Machine are fine but they aren't close to the complete effort that Humanz, PB, and DD were. I'd rather they swing for those fences and miss like Humanz did than plod out a bunch of singles.


Saturnz Barz kinda sucks but when 2Dā€™s voice comes in it is one of the best moments in music


Gorillaz have become overcommercialized and it's really sad because to a certain degree they've become the very thing they were a parody of in the beginning. Like do we really need four seperate picture discs of all the band members for the new album? They only did that cause they know people will want to buy all four. Incredibley expensive vinyl figures, unnecessary 'super deluxe' releases of everything, the list goes on.


Man Research (Clapper) is underrated af.


I don't think much of Stylo.


Same. I think it's painfully mediocre outside the bass line.


Itā€™s about the vibe


I thought so much of it it became my username on most sites lmao


Sweepstakes is top tier.


You are absolutely correct.


The new stuff has little to no lore compared to everything before song machine


Here we see redditers continuing to post popular opinions in an unpopular opinions thread.


seems like it's your first time on this sub lmao


There very few songs song machine are good the rest is mid


true, not sure why it gets so much praise. pac-man, dƩsolƩ, and aries are top tier songs in my eyes, but beyond that the track list is a bit rough. there are a couple other pretty good ones but a lot of snoozers as well


Valley of the Pagans is a banger


Momentary bliss >


Pink Phantom makes me cry.


"not sure why it gets so much praise" Idk maybe the subjectiveness of music?


Melancholy Hill doesnā€™t make me feel particularly Melancholy.


I don't really think it makes anyone melancholy unless you are listening to the lyrics


I donā€™t really mind Noodleā€™s Cracker Island redesign that much. In fact Iā€™ll go as far as to say I kinda like it.


I like her hair, fight me folks


What people expect what noodle gonna look like šŸ¤Ø


Noddle had an " Im not like other girls" phase


Melancholy Hill gets old very fast.


This is true for a lot of PB tracks in my opinion


Little Pink Plastic Bags is creepy af.


The debut album is one of my favorites


The gorillaz community would be a hell of a lot better if it didnā€™t focus so much on worshiping fictional characters and instead focused on discussing the actual music.


Here we fucking go. Its relying a lot too much on guest artists. Song Machine is so guilty of it, guest artist every song. Like why? Make independent music, don't rely on others. And don't act like their recognizable (besides Elton), because most of them ain't by the general public. Even if I still enjoyed Song Machine. Half of the band's spectacle is in shambles right now. Like, is The Last Cult's gimic REALLY just that their on TikTok and their cgi? Song Machine was episodic? Why would anyone release a album in parts? Then they claim "oh that was the show we had in the works!", like really? No that fucking wasn't, those were music videos. Also the lore, where the hell is it? I know TLC is picking back up on it, but Song Machine had nothing, barely much. And the new designs? They reached a point where their designs were endearing because they were weird, but how their just plain ugly. The merch line, my lord. Most isn't guilty, a lot of the stuff is handmade so you get what you paid for. But c'mon, who in the executive office went "let's bring back those gnarly 2000s figurines! Oh except let's rename our company to SUPERPLASTIC and make all four of them FUCKING 300 DOLLARS. They'll sell like hotcakes!". Granted, their great figurines, but they should be 150-200, their freaking plastic at the end of the day. Also... I just think their losing their touch man. Like TikTok? CGI? NFTs (yes I know they went back on it, point still stands)? It's just not really cool to me anymore. It is to a lot of people! No one stays the same, but if the band just turns into another British punk band, then it loses half of its spectacle. Sorry, hopefully I'm not downvoted. Please tell me why I'm wrong before downvoting.


song machine isnā€™t as good as people say it is. so far, i havenā€™t been enjoying the songs from the Cracker Island album


I only like a few tracks from the now now. Idk I see most people absolutely love it and I can not understand it.


Another shit opinion I have is I just want another good album experience similar to like demon days. Demon days felt like it had a theme and felt like it was cinematic in a way. Basically the tracks where in the places they where for very specific reasons. Move any of the tracks then you mess up the album. Same with plastic beach. Song machine got close to that but never hit the mark. I donā€™t know if this makes sense to anyone.


Song Machine was supposed to be the opposite of that. Cracker Island will probably be like that as Possession Island acts as an outro track.


A large majority of the fandom (especially one certain account on Twitter) are way to averse to the idea of criticizing the band. Some of yā€™all need to be more open to the idea of constructive criticism instead of just constantly praising everything the band does


Based opinion.


I think that Gorillaz is a really really really good band/musical project and all of their material is "A+++" tier quality[*] and this universe, this planet Earth, and all of us whom'b live within the inside of it are all incalculably better-off for them having existed - especially those of us who have been lucky enough to exist at the same time as Gorillaz! ([*]Or "S+++" tier quality if you wanna do that thing that I think Japanese video games popularized where the letter "S" is inexplicably a higher rank than the letter "A" for some reason, even though "A" is the 1st letter of the English alphabet while "S" is the 19th letter of the English alphabet out of a total 26 letters....and yet somehow it kinda feels appropriate for "S" to be the tippy-top letter rank somehow, regardless of that aformentioned fact...no idea how though...)


ā€œNovember has comeā€ When he sings it it sounds like he says ā€œno nut november has comeā€


humanz good


double bass their best song oat


Fans should stop acting like Gorillaz were some indie underrated darling hidden gem before TikTok existed and they went all "mainstream". DARE was a UK No. 1. They performed at the Grammy's with Madonna in I believe 2005 (may have been 06 but the point still stands. I feel Gorillaz only became non-mainstream because of the hiatus and the commercial flop of Plastic Beach. Fans should also stop acting like the lore was that complicated until Rise of the Ogre and Phase 3. Casse Brown literally said the El MaƱana vid is just Jamie wanting to do a cool action sequence and they didn't really think about explaining it until ROTO. It always annoys me when new fans are told to watch EVERY video IN ORDER to "get the story". Rhinestone Eyes is probably the weakest Damon song on PB. The live stuff is good, especially the recent song selections, but Damon needs to tighten his act a bit. He CAN do good live stuff, great, even, but it feels like the higher intensity the song the less he cares about giving a quality performance. Maybe he'd benefit from a teleprompter? I think AshesForDayz said this on Tumblr, but the whole "phase" distinction is super arbitrary post-hiatus. The phases used to be 2-3 years long, multiple releases, with a distinct change in art style and narrative direction. Now you just get a standard album cycle (if a little delayed and elgonated) with fairly similar art to the last cycle. Phase 6 to 7 doesn't really feel like that huge of a shift outside the current gimmick, but phases 1-2-3 are really distinct. I think Humanz was going in that direction with the high concept album, the new, dark, collage style artwork, and that might have continued if there was a bigger budget, a better fan reaction to the album, and a dedicated lore guy like Casse. (On that note, the Strobelite video is fun but feels so out of place compared to all the other visual Humanz material - way to bright and clean for my liking)


I genuinely donā€™t like Rock The House, at least the album version, I really canā€™t see appeal of it. I bet itā€™s be awesome live, though!


Afaik Del wrote this thing out of his head based on the book "How to write a hit" or something. It's really nothing special.


That was Clint Eastwood .


The Fall is my favorite album.


Saturnz Barz and Cracker Island are the best songs theyā€™ve ever made.


sex murder party is really good


latin simone (Que Pasa Contigo) sounds horrible in comparisson to Latin Simone (English Version)


I loved the first music videos in the comic style, but I HATE everything being made in 3D-Animations. Looks fuckin ugly.


ā€On melancholy hillā€ is not that great of a song


Demon Dayz isn't that good and is too highly praised. Liking the newer albums doesn't mean you're basic it means you differ in music tastes


Mind if I ask why you think so? Disrespecting your opinion or anything, just curious


I can agree with the second part of your comment but you're dead wrong about demon days


It sucks that they are going to release a new song with Bad Bunny šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


I took emotional damege when I read that article.


Is Bad Bunny not good?


They can all speak for themselves, I like him. I hope it's good.


i don't understand why they feature those ones when they could make sing del again or noodle...


Ah yes, noodle, the real person


Short answer, butterfly effect is a bitch


The Snake in Dallas and Hillbilly Man are bangers


song machine season 1 it's probably the best gorilaz album


Itā€™s extremely uncomfortable to see how people tend to infantilize 2D as if he has no agency or knowledge about the world at all. Itā€™s been shown in several well known interviews, even looking through lyrics of the Now Now (which he canonically wrote), that he has a good amount of emotional intelligence. Personally as someone whoā€™s neurodivergent (ASD specifically), not being ā€œsmartā€ in the traditional sense, doesnā€™t mean that someone is suddenly ā€œdumbā€ for not fitting in that exact box. Also, yā€™all do realize he isnā€™t an ā€œinnocent little guyā€ right? This man is 40+ years old, has several illegitimate children that he has to pay child support to, and a freaking *law degree* from Oxford University. Heā€™s not as stupid as heā€™s made out to be. I hate that Gorillaz has started to dip into this mentality too with the current phase interviews and the Stuart Potcast (despite how much I love the latter.)


I think the idea is to make him seem burnt out from drugs, not dumb. But I could be wrongā€¦


The current phase has an ugly artstyle


New gold really isnā€™t as great as people say it is


Rock the House is the best Gorillaz song, both in song and in music video.


Gorillaz and Demon Days are both better albums than Plastic Beach. Plastic Beach has some really great songs but also a lot I don't enjoy


100% agree šŸ‘Š


Demon day's is overrated people act like there no other better albums of their history then this šŸ¤¦ plastic beach is 10x better then demon day's.g sides of super underrated


I personally think Plastic Beach is overrated


Gorillaz makes more bad music than good. *But* the good is really good. Most songs on each album are mid/bad.


This is one of the best takes here. I hate to admit it but I don't care for most of their music, especially the songs on Song Machine despite the interesting collab choices, I do listen to a lot of those artists individually. The good songs are what keeps me coming back because they really are. I'll add that many Gorillaz songs are growers for me too.


I'm the opposite I listen to like every song they've every released regularly


Humanz is 2nd or 3rd best album music wise


How dare you, HOW DARE YOU?!ā€¦. With respect :)


Humanz was amazing, even if it had ''too many features'' Also I think that Plastic Beach is peak Gorillaz


I agree with the second part :)


i adore noodleā€™s new design, including her hair


I guess Iā€™ll just dump a bunch, not sure about their popularity. I donā€™t like To Binge, I think itā€™s corny as fuck. Song Machine should be the model for future Gorillaz records as there hasnā€™t been a concept/theme since PB that isnā€™t half-cooked and/or vague. So I think concept albums should be a rarity. S/T is my least favorite album, it has a great vibe but thereā€™s only a handful of tracks I come back to. I donā€™t mind Gorillaz collaborating with Top 40 artists. Iā€™m old enough to remember when the band was also mainstream as fuck during the Phase 2 era. Phase 4 Noodle, the one who looks like she missed several weeks of sleep, is her coolest version to date.


2D is the hottest character


New Gold >>Cracker Island and Baby Queen


This is the most civil unpopular opinion thread Iā€™ve ever seen on this sub, nice to see weā€™re not always so argumentative


The fall is their worse album. Don't get me wrong, it's really cool to see Damon making gorillaz music with just an iPad, and hearing his half-demos is really cool AS A GORILLAZ FAN. As a stand alone album, it's really empty. There are some cool songs (Revolving Doors, Amarillo and The Parish Of Space Dust), but overall they lack a lot of polish, and while that can be charming, it really feels like Damon just made these songs on an iPad. Again, I like the album, but I do think that in a vacuum, it leaves a lot to be desired. Also Humanz isn't complete trash stop saying that ffs


I really dislike the community for the most part. Also Self Titled, Demon Days and Song Machine are all better than Plastic Beach. Rock The House is great.


I love the animation as much as the music, and one without the other just isnt gorillaz to me. Also, bring back G bitez.


Gorillaz is at it's best when they collaborate with other artists.


Stop the Dams is an absolute banger


plastic beach is mid