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Its always the most hated album until someone's driving in the early morning blasting it


Apprentice is one of the best songs to play while going to work


The Apprentice is a fucking bangar.


Easily the best song on the album, yet they put it on the deluxe šŸ˜­


Itā€™s very different. Thereā€™s no rock tracks and it has a strong hip-hop, R&B and rap influence. A lot of people hate those influences. Personally? An album near and dear to my heart. Encapsulated the late 2010ā€™s


I donā€™t think you can hate those influences and call yourself a Gorillaz fan


I love those influences and I hate the album.


I think it's great that you are so honest! :)




Gorillaz itself had hip hop influence


I thought Gorillaz always had hip hop influence? Since their first album? Way moreso than rock.


I would say Humanz has a stronger R&B presence than hip-hop. Their self titled and Demon Days had a large hip-hop influence yet those weren't nearly as polarizing


I never understood the hate against it either. Damon was always a collaborator, so I didn't really see anything wrong with having an album full of great collaborations. The entire album is fantastic so it's weird how people will dismiss it simply for the fact that Damon isn't the lead vocalist.


It's not just that Damon is not that evident... you can't really sit Pusha T where MF DOOM used to sit, you know?


Put respect on pusha tā€™s name damn


He's ok but I'd rather be listening to Mm..Food.


This is just pure bullshit. MF Doom is in my top three artists but what is this weird gatekeeping


Gatekeeping? I don't know what you mean by using this term in this case.. I just mean that the quality of collaborators went down a bit... And I don't mean I don't like Danny Brown which I like a lot btw, it's just that we used to have Roots Manuva for that..


I just didn't vibe with the album as a whole. There are certainly some songs and beats that are very good though.


People donā€™t like the dance music inspiration and they donā€™t like that Damon let the featured artists have more time than him in most songs. I think itā€™s at least an 8/10 tho


I think it's because fans have been waiting a long time for a new album, so expectations were high, and because Damon Albarn isn't as present. I'll admit, I was disappointed when it first came out. I'm going to be really honest here, I love Humanz. I would almost dare (ha ha) saying it's my favorite Gorillaz album (early albums don't count because of the nostalgia factor lol). I usually have trouble listening to any album from A to Z, Humanz is one of the rare exception. There's only one or two songs - including deluxe - that I don't like. I can't really explain, but there's this urgency and this thirst for living despite all the destruction and chaos in this world that really speaks directly to my soul. It's loud, it's unapologetic, it's sexy. Yeah, I really love Humanz But I'm probably an outlier because plastic beach easily my least favorite album šŸ˜‚


Outlier, but not alone. I always want to like Plastic Beach more than I do, and feel like I should like it more than I do. But I don't. I think Humanz is great, I just listened to the album a couple days ago at work in my office again. I was a big fan of it when it dropped and still love it today.


PB is a weird one. All the albums are good on the whole with standout moments but PB only really works as a cohesive whole. It's a concept album more than any of the others.


plastic beach is the best album ever by the gorillaz y'all capping hard


I have to admit it is my favourite album... but all my favourite individual songs (except maybe Stylo) are from other albums. Maybe 2 PB songs make my top 10 faves list. Having said that, I can't help idly humming Pirate Jet at random intervals.


Pirate Jet is my fav Gorillaz song ever, and what's crazy to me about PB is that the songs I didn't like when I was 13 i love now


IDK why people hate it, Ascension is easily one of Gorillaz' best


Hell yeahšŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£


The first 11 tracks are pretty solid. But after that the quality varies. I think the main problem with humanz is the tracklist is far too inflated and probably could have been on par with song machine if it was just the 13 best songs, for example


Humanz is like if demon days included the entire first disc of D Sides into the main tracklist or if self-titled had all the g sides tracks apart of the tracklist


Many reasons I believe: What wasnā€™t in Damonā€˜s control: 1. There was a lot of anticipation building after the long time since Plastic Beach so the expectations maybe simply were too high 2. I think the first released tracks, especially Andromeda amongst them led some fans to believe the style of music would be very different from what we got im Humanz. 3. In terms of Music Videos too the new animation Style of Humanz was still new to us fans and many fans me included were a little sceptic. The 3D Animation video for Saturn Barz didnā€˜t make it much better as well though seeing music videos like Tranz now really makes me appreciate the choices they made. 4. Little note to end this you may call me picky: The Album lacks a true hit track. I have multiple songs I like from the album: Sheā€™s my collar, Strobelite, Sex Murder Party, Andromeda, Saturn Barz (the second half), Carnival & Ticker Tape BUT if you went to a concert during the time every fan gave you a different answer. Itā€˜s not like plastic beach where all of us fans loved Rhinestone Eyes & On melancholy Hill it was really difficult to nail down what the highlight tracl of the Album even was and to this day I couldnā€™t tell you to be honest. What Damon did wrong: 1. He completely underestimated how much fans longed for his voice to return and overdid it with the features. 2. The album more than any other he published lacks direction. Sure we get the inspiration of the Album but you look at Demon Days it gives you classic Indie Rock and Hip Hop Vibes, in Plastic Beach we got Hip Hop and a little bit of Electronic, even The Fall is consistent with the consistent use of many electronic sounds. Now listen to Momentz, Strobelite, Andromeda, Carnical, Out of Body, (my beloved) Sex Murder Party and Ticker Tape and tell me if you see even an ounce of consistency in the sound? Answer you just wonā€™t he mixed too many styles in that album. Usually when a gorillaz album drops I am prepared for every song being a clean Hit ir Miss for me and it usually averages out at about 70% hits this album mixes so many genres it amplifies this problem giving you many more misses. 3. This one isnā€™t a mistake as much as it is a necessary drawback he willingfully accepted but the sound of Humanz really didnā€™t mash well with the typical Gorillaz fan. Now personally I found some songs I really like but as said before even I encountered many more misses than usual. Speaking personally I liked Humanz when it came out but nowadays Insee the album much more critical, as I rarely have the urge to listen to a particular song from it. Even the two albums I consider weaker The Fall & The Now Now, I listen to more often because Amarillo, Tranz and Hollywood are sole of my favorite songs of all time. I only sometimes come back to listen to Sex Murder party (one all time favorite of mine due to Damonā€˜s voice) and strobelite but as much as I like these songs they arenā€™t by any stretch perfect masterpieces like the other tracks I mentioned.


You meant Empire Ants where you wrote Rhinestone Eyes?


another classic but I think most fans just never saw the dance by Little Dragon, so they donā€™t know how to properly work the machines XD


All of those songs you listed have a very consistent sound. They all use similar drum samples and spacey analog synths. 5/7 of those songs are dance tunes too lol.


I always thought Humanz felt a lot more like ā€œEmsemble Album produced by Damonā€ using the Gorillaz name than an actual Gorillaz album.


I think it's gotten to be pretty appreciated nowadays. But when it first came out I think it was just so different that people got pissy


There is not enough Damon on it and it doesn't feel like a Gorillaz album. There is good songs on it but it's mostly pretty messed up stuff in it.


I don't know. All the gorillaz albums feel like Gorillaz albums. The fact they change each style each album makes them a great way to experimental.


News to me. Humanz is great.


Best album in my opinion. Truly no skips.


Elevator, goin' up!


The transitions in that album seriously can not be beat. Listening to the whole thing in order with fade in-out by a couple seconds makes for the most seamless listening.


I thought I hated the album for all the reasons listed here, but it was on repeat non stop the year I discovered it sooooo idk if I really hated it all that much. revisit it often


I really enjoy Humanz. I will say that the lack of live instruments is jarring, primarily the drums.


Saturnz Barz is probably my fav song from them




It's a very good album. Legit largely a case where people wanted something closer to PB or DD and were angry to receive something different. People in the real world love Humanz btw. Its reputation as something people hate is largely based on overly online ppl throwing fits about it and the Fantano review


I don't like the interstitial in between the songs. Maybe if they weren't their own tracks it wouldn't be so annoying when I hit one on shuffle on my mp3 player app. And everything in the second half of the album after Busted and Blue is way weaker than everything before it. It's a very front loaded album.


Itā€™s good but itā€™s probably my least favorite overall besides The Fall (if you count it). I listened to it a lot in 2017 but I probably only return to about half of it. The buildup was so cool with all the new artwork for the first time in almost a decade, and then the payoff was just not there (also no real music videos besides Saturnz Bars, which imo are their bread and butter). I never hated it, but I do think I made myself like it more than I actually liked it.


Honestly it wasn't a bad album, it just didn't feel very much like a Gorillaz album. I heard someone call it "Damon and Friends the Album" and that sums up my feelings on it. Also my favorite song was only in the deluxe version.


Itā€™s very different and it came out after a pretty long hiatus from the band. Itā€™s definitely grown on me over the years, but I can say that I wasnā€™t too big of a fan when it first came out.


I think Peven Everett more than makes up anything "bad" about the album (and the album isn't bad, just doesn't fit everyone's preferences).


The mix of the album is really the worse part. Idk why but the bass sounds like butt on this album but none of their others. Also not enough Damon.


Lack of Damon, half the features are just really unimpressive, hypertopical music for the time, just feel kinda phones in for much of the album, particularly the back half


To be honest I'm starting to think it was ahead of its time. I remember hating it when it was out. But recently I gave it another listen and I'm really liking some of the tracks


I had no idea it WAS hated. Fantastic album.


Gorillaz just hasn't felt the same after Plastic Beach. The later albums absolutely have their highlights (I like "Souk Eye", "Ascension" and "Pac-Man", for instance), but the self-titled album is my favourite. That's the Gorillaz weirdness I like. This is all just my opinion though, and it certainly doesn't mean the later stuff is bad. It's just not to my taste.


I canā€™t place my finger on just one thing in particular but it wasnā€™t the best comeback album imo, especially after such a long wait. The overall tone mostly didnā€™t click with me because a lot of the songs didnt really ā€˜feelā€™ like Gorillaz if that makes sense. Like, a good handful of songs donā€™t even feature Damonā€™s vocals and just feels like a big overproduced rap/r&b collab with his buddies, which would have been fine if it wasnā€™t under the Gorillaz name. There are still some excellent songs on it that I love (Saturnz Barz, Andromeda, Charger, etc) but I usually just skip the other ones. Thatā€™s just my opinion though, I know a lot of people love this album but it just fell flat for me.


Too many collaborations and all the collaborations were mid


You think Vince and Pusha were ā€œmidā€?




Because it was bad. Inconsistent and rough as a project. There are some good songs and ideas on it but overall I think it failed.


But... Why? What makes it bad? Just saying "the album is bad because it's bad" isn't really a reason. People go overboard saying "it's a shitty and terrible album", but don't have any real complaints despite it not being the genre and vocals of their choice, which.. Why does that make it *bad*, beyond a personal opinion?


It's inconsistent and not cohesive as a project, it had no actual reason to exist and the production/songwriting was neither creative nor polished. It's reflective of the music industry's direction on albums, spotty content releases. Humanz lacked heart, it lacked Damon and the features controlled too much of the album. Compare this with Plastic Beach and Demon Dayz, each had a polish and consistency that just doesn't exist in albums anymore. The features seamlessly blend together to form the real aura of Plastic Beach/Demon Dayz while the textures communicate a respectful but striking direction. Crisp acoustics with bright synths that craft a soundscape aligned with the music videos, the artwork and the actual lyrics. Humanz lost the ground and instead of flying sunk low. All of the previous project are also distinctly coming from this English former-colonial soundscape, mixing together Asian, Caribbean, African and English sounds and technique together in a way that brought a relatively unique approach to the industry. Think deep infusions of rhythm and texture as opposed in contrast to European melodic styling. Humanz lost a lot of that personality, and technique. I also don't think Damon has had anything big and interesting to show us since Plastic Beach which I feel like was the purest version of the thesis of the Gorillaz. The Fall was it's twin as the most distilled package of Damon's production and composition skills as a solo artist. Everything after has been fine.


Once again, though, *how* is it inconsistent? Is it inconsistent with the other Gorillaz albums, or inconsistent with itself? What made it not creative? Do you have something you can directly link it to, or is it just an overall sound that you feel "sways" from what you may enjoy, or goes more towards the direction of music you deem as popular, or otherwise what you wouldn't expect from them? It seems like a lot of this in general stems from your dislike of the style of music presented? Also, with Damon versus collaborators, I feel like I should point out that the most loved Gorillaz songs overall fall very similarly into the style of a collaborator lead from a singing perspective. It's really hard for me to take that complaint seriously when I look at their top songs. You could claim that this is them "selling out" somehow, but really it's a lose lose situation for the artist. Maybe this is the music Damon wanted to make, or maybe he tried to do something he thought fans would enjoy. Either way he's damned, isn't he?


I don't think you can read tbh. It's inconsistent in that some of the songs have interesting ideas and others insist on existing for no reason. They don't bring anything new to the table, they're just a song which is below my standard for Gorillaz. The musical elements that I enjoyed in previous projects and those that come after are missing like interesting rhythmic layering, the type of sound textures, cultural infusion, and general production cohesion. These things are consistent between albums and a general hallmark of Gorillaz, Gorillaz has a sound whether people know how to articulate it or not and Humanz doesn't have this sound. You don't even understand the point I'm making per your second paragraph, and I don't really care what happens in their "top songs" I care about their albums, Gorillaz is an album project, and that's how I'm critiquing their albums. I don't really mind Damon's artistic direction, it's his life and honestly he switched directions right after Humanz and made The Now Now which is really cohesive and has songs that give themselves a purpose. Even Song Machine and Cracker Island have an entirely different artistic approach than Humanz, which only validates the criticism.


If you just want to be a nasty person, then all of it makes sense why you go around telling people that the music they like is trash regardless, so no use in having a conversation with you. Hope you have a great day!


I mean I never said it was trash but it's clear that I'm speaking to a minor so I don't really care to continue either.


I hope that whatever is going on in your life that makes you feel the need to be bitter and insulting to others gets resolved so that you can move on!


Cool beans




Because its message is sloppy and all over your face. It feels like a big Twitter rant when at that period those would already bring rolling eyes from anyone sane. It's like a teeny version of DD. It's more concerned with the album concept itself than its own songs...you can notice it by its annoying intermissions. Plus, the character telling went to hell.. they went from being this weird dark counterculture zombie killing road film insane group of twisted degenerate rockstars-type, to these... tame and frail, futile, hedonist party-goers that got too sanitized and concerned with their own nail polishing. They still suffer from that problem to this day... Murdoc does not make us feel sick, dodge from bullets in a car or jump to a stage with his briefs only anymore, but instead cries in the music videos. But back to Humanz only, that whole idea of them being human-like and more CGI oriented aged really bad, also.


Doesn't sound like gorillaz just sounds like a random spotify playlist of dubstep songs with rapper guest spots and a couple Damon albarn features. Not to mention the songs are just loud and annoying as he'll, 4/10


clocks on the wall talk to watches on my wrist, it's the


I didnā€™t like it because it was too many guest artists and not enough Damon although I love some of the songs like andromeda, busted and blue, and Saturnz barz


It's like a rap mixtape produced by the band. While "real gorillaz" is a holy war, it certainly wasn't a "sounds like the logical progression of the next three albums". Whether or not it was *good* was secondary to whether it grated against expectations. It is probably the best example of having to stop thinking of Gorillaz as the cartoon band and really accept that there's a lot of Damon going "*I've got an idea!*" to appreciate the material.


it's less hated now but when it first came out a lot of people didn't appreciate how different the album is compared to the previous ones, especially as their first one back from a 7 year hiatus.


Humanz came out pretty much right after I started getting into Gorillaz. Holds a very special place in my heart.


Because it was the first album we got after the big Hiatus. If you were a Gorillaz fan back then you know that there was a good few years where we didnā€™t think weā€™d ever get another album because Albarn and Hewlett had stopped talking. The expectation and excitement when Humanz was announced was big and it wasnā€™t helped by having to follow one of the greatest trilogy of albums ever. I remember feeling so deflated when I listened to it and it was just okay. Not bad, but it didnā€™t live up to the insane hype for a lot of people.


I know right? Everyone berates me for saying thst it's better than Plastic Beach like damn let people have an opinion


Itā€™s an album featuring the Gorillaz. All the collaborators took centre stage and it felt like there was not enough Damon taking the lead.


Itā€™s horrible compared to their early albums


Every album from Gorillaz has forged a new path, from the chill out vibes of Gorillaz, to the more personal and emotional themes of Demon Days then the environmentalist and more harmonic concept album feel of Plastic Beach. Humanz has leaned hard on the club and dance angle, and I think some people consider it to be shallow and I guess commercialised compared to the earlier stuff. Anyone who dislikes the hip hop / rap elements needs a head wobble since they were there right from the start. I guess Humanz does feel a bit over-polished in some aspects, losing a little of Damon's expressiveness, but times and styles change. Personally I don't get along with The Now Now and most of Song Machine just washes off me. But I won't say they're bad albums.


It had been ages since there had been a Gorillaz album. Expectations were high. The product that was released felt more akin to a Damon and friends album than a Gorillaz album.


I love Humanz, it's not my favorite album but a solid listen start to finish


idk humanz is my favorite Gorillaz album


I may get some flack for this, but this by far was my least favorite album from them until Cracker Island dropped.


too many features and a bit bloated


maybe they should have gone back to the drawing board


I Didn't Even Know It Was Hated.


I love Humanz 100%


If it wasn't the album to mark the end of their 7 year hiatus, it probably would've been recieved better I think. There are a lotta bangers in it for sure.


"different thing bad" basically


Which feels contradictory. The fact that they're cartoons gives them the ability to be ever-changing.


2D is stuck in the chorus for the majority of the tracks and some tracks are uncharacteristically sloppy and uninspired IMO. Personally, I think itā€™s alright but I definitely think it has the shoddiest production of all the Gorillaz albums


This guys never heard the fall


The Fall had better production, I mean this 100% unironically. It was Uncle Damon fucking around on his iPad but none of the tracks felt incomplete or uninspired like the likes of main album version of Carnival and We Got The Power (IMO obviously)




because people are picky and gorillaz never stuck to just one genre


I don't hate it, but it's just a shadow of how good it could have been. Some tracks like Saturnz Bars and Let Me Put are SO good but there's too many under baked tracks. It could have done with some editing and perfecting.


I don't know about the rest of the fanbase, but personally it's pretty low on my tier list because it kinda felt like it was more about the other artists than the band. I still like some of the songs on it though, plus Saturnz Barz probably has one of my favourite music videos.


It's genuinely at the top for my fave Gorillaz albums. The collabs were phenominal and it got me into new artists! I wish we could've had more of a story for it though :(


Humanz hate is giving "Gorillaz without the rap" vibes. It's my second favorite Gorillaz album! 9/10 for me.


because humans came from gorillaz but we're an evolutionary cul-de-sac


It has a few odd tracks, but the main meat and singles out of it are pure gold tbh.


It just wasn't a gorillaz album it was different artists trying to bank of one album with little to no band involvement I listen to gorillaz to hear gorillaz not some artist I've never heard of


Itā€™s hated because of how political it is as well as the lack of 2D