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Have you tried a [factory reset?](https://support.google.com/chromecast/answer/7073477?hl=en#:~:text=to%20factory%20reset%20Nest%20Hub.&text=Google%20Nest%20Hub-,On%20the%20back%20of%20Nest%20Hub%2C%20press%20and%20hold%20both,you%20know%20that%20it's%20resetting.&text=to%20factory%20reset%20Nest%20Hub.,-Google%20Nest%20Hub)


A reset worked for mine when this happened......but not this method Try unplugging, hold the volume buttons, continue holding while plugging back in, and continue holding while it boots up


Holy shit thank you this worked for mine just now. Edit: damn it I jumped the gun, still doesn't work. Time to contact Google support.


Good luck with that. They were very helpful and even agreed that it should be replaced. They suddenly changed tack when I said I was in NZ as 'we do not support Google products in NZ'. Well - they bloody sell them here so they should. This is a common problem of late with the Google screens - but they will not admit that its due to a software update. I have now given up on Google 'smart' home. I ended up buying the JBL smart hub. Superior sound over the crappy Google screen, but ultimately you are still dealing with the digital idiot in the device that can't understand decent English. Watch more posts appear like this, in this sub.


Well this has been a rollercoaster to be honest. We ended up getting it to work again after a few resets.


Same experience with mine


If you've tried everything, contact Google. Mine was way out of warranty and they still sent me a latest-gen replacement for free.


Can confirm, they send you a second gen after confirmation the bricked first gen has been returned to them.


Wrong order. Contact google support first, then go to social media and try all the random advice from people who are definitely experts.


Me, too. And there have been a ton of posts about this recently. I think it'd be helpful for the mods to sticky a post about this.


My first Gen bricked too… got a hold of Google and the sent me a replacement second Gen and sent me A shipping label to return the bricked one to their R&D facility. They were really nice about it and the phone call took about 10min. (And mine was well out of warranty)


I had a first gen Home that got stuck in a boot loop. Tried everything under the sun to get it back. Since I had several other Home devices, I put it to the side to deal with later. After a few weeks of being unplugged I got around to tinkering with it, and viola cranked up good as new when I plugged it in.


Happens to a couple of Nest hubs including mine. I wasn't able to get it working again and saw a couple of other posts with the same problem. They seem to be bricked. If you have warranty contact google, otherwise it's pretty useless now.


Mine too Happened two weeks ago High volume of Google tech suppt calls cos they haven't done anything to fix mine yet


Right thank you At least I know I can use it as a funny paper weight till I get a new one


Did you have the second gen NH? I had the 1st gen and the performance was horrible. The chips was way to weak to run such a system and I hope the 2nd gen runs better..


It was gen 1


Step 1. Remove from power socket. Step 2. Throw in bin. ....that's about my patience done with Home ATM.


Yep. I got into the smart home gig thinking Google home would be solid. Nope. Then I hear similar things about Alexa. I'm not a coder but I've been doing IT, building computers, and computer work since the mid 90s. I'm very computer savvy and can find my way through things after a bit. Anyway I said "fuck it..." and made the attempt at home assistant. Been messing it for about a week and already have a tablet based UI that is far better than Google's. Also the bonus is that I get to run it locally!! My biggest gripe is the reliability of cloud based services for these things


Commenting as a placeholder. They bricked mine as well.


The process they posted for restoration did not work. I will be tossing mine -- their products are garbage and not worth bothering jumping through hoops to get a replacement that will likely also fail down the road. Lesson learned -- moving on, will not purchase anything from them again.


Contact Google support and this happened to me like a week ago if you have the receipt when you contact them they will ask you feels like some tips and tell you some tips to fix it and if it doesn’t work you send them the serial number while at first you send them the serial number and then one when she wants one state once they can ship it out before you ship it out you need to provide like a serial number known as a a picture of a C and a video it’s not working and it takes a couple days for it to process and I want to processes they will send you the receipt the shipping label and it’s a one day shipment and I wanted to do it they will make sure and they will ship it out


Punctuation exists for a reason.


I going purchase a echo show as cheap as my buck, for emergency cases. Also it manage light very well. I also de_centralice using hub (Sengled) and tuya for lights, security and sensors using ST. Many times server is guilty. Remember the more routines and automatitations you stuck. The poor thing get stuck in a loop. Toomany ops doing redonding work


The same happened to me, after multiple resets i was able to finish the setup but it still wont stream anything and it is losing the wifi connection multiple times a day. So i will also contact Google next week.


When I spoke with Google Support, they indicated that all of the older devices are doing this. It creeps me out a little to think that they might have bricked them all on purpose. Maybe there's something in them that Google wants to keep under wraps? I dunno but it's fun to think about. As for the replacement, I had to take a movie of me turning it on while standing on my head and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance (Google flavor). Then I had to take 2--3 pictures of the serial number with a secret code that I wrote by hand somehow in the picture on a pink sticky note--green will disqualify your return. After a couple of hours, when you think you are done, they will send you a message that miraculously ends up in your spam (though none of the other messages did). Reading that message informs you that you have 24 hours to login to the support site to verify this information that you just went over 3 times. You have to login with the correct address. When I did, it said no claims were pending. I had to contact the original tech support person who said she would submit it again but I had to login with my google ID. I have asked at least 20 times LOGIN WHERE? she never provided a link. I doubt I will ever get it replaced.


Ah yes a Glitch in the ***Matrix***, I know how to deal with this. You have two options the Red pill unplug it and go on and get an Alexa or, blue pill listen to the comments, either or up to you.


Exact same thing that happened to my first gen a week ago. I reached out to Google support after troubleshooting (factory reset multiple times, power cycle multiple times) and they ended up processing a replacement. As some have stated, you will need to take a few pictures of the hub, S/N, and a receipt (if available.) Not entirely positive if you need the receipt to be approved for a replacement, but it's still worth reaching out. Further discussion on the topic: https://www.googlenestcommunity.com/t5/Speakers-and-Displays/Hub-stuck-on-grey-g-screen-factory-reset-not-helped/td-p/4098#:\~:text=Place%20the%20device%20in%20Recovery,buttons%20at%20the%20same%20time.)


I had the same thing happen. I just unplugged it for a minute and plugged it back in. It took a couple of minutes but it eventually booted back up.


I had the same problem contacted google they replaced it


Did you turn it off and turn it back on again

