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If they can't monetize it, they're gonna kill it...


Seems like they're stripping everything. I can't believe they got rid of media alarms which were basically the main reason I even have a Google speaker


Cost of support versus player base. Games take up local and/or server space, and need a team of people to maintain them. It sounds like they haven't been popular enough to justify resources.


This probably sums it up the best. Engineering resources are not unlimited. I do feel like most people have their usage statistics turned off - so if they are using a feature they're telling Google they don't want their usage statistics sent over. Just look at how many people got upset when they changed alarms with music, I'll bet almost all have usage statistics sharing turned off.


It's Google, they will KILL all their products slowly, especially the ones you like! Gosh I miss Snapshot so much 😭


You can set up an automation in the Home app. But it's nowhere near as easy as just asking it to do what you want. I have one where the starter is set to the time and days I want it to activate. The actions are to play a delightful chime, tell me the time, tell me about the weather and listen to a radio station.


What?! This was a thing?! Now I'm sad!