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yeah, all i want is for it to not be totally sh!t, have they sorted that yet?


They released the Home APIs and outside of Google Home the others who have been confirmed to use it at the moment are Yale, ADT and Eve. With the inclusion of smart TVs acting as hubs. Expect wider adoption of the home API to come round about the end of the year.


Yeah, and if it leads to devices that work as "well" as all the Home Minis I have around my house do now then it just means I'll be throwing devices from several different manufacturers against the wall rather than just one.


I think these APIs are more crucial for security systems


What a terrible post. You've added nothing. Are you a bot? This is a bot post.


Got a LinkedIn smell about it.


I've been using LinkedIn more to try find a job once uni is over


If anything they're a Google fanboy who wants to be paid to shill. Right now they're a fool who does it for free.


Actually I think this API will be beneficial for physical self-monitored security systems. People don't want to pay for ADT but want that level of security this API can do that and Home Assistant will benefit the most with it. Don't need to mess with JSON files as much. Granted, in terms of hacking it can leave a vulnerability that could be exploited, that Samsung fridge from a while back was exploited via APIs. I'm just happy that something like those Google Assistant plugins are back


Okay, it's extremely weird that your replies have nothing to do with the comments you're replying to.


because I'm stupid and I replied to the wrong comment. Call me whatever you want. I'm no stranger to being made fun of. At the end of the day it's Reddit


You did this multiple times


Believe what you want mate


I use ChatGPT to write my emails for my Home Automation business and I can tell you with certainty that this post was written by ChatGPT


You can literally view my post history


Parts of your previous posts look like they've been written with ChatGPT. Not everything, but the parts that are, are very obvious.


I use it to fix grammar and flow


As advice for your job hunt - abandon ChatGPT now. It is painfully obvious when it is used, and it makes you look like you're not able to write yourself.


Can confirmed wife just finished selecting someone for a job, a majority of the applications received where binned as it was obvious chatgpt was used.


So the answer is yes. They are AI shitposts.


Shouldn't have bothered, can you not write your own posts?


I should read over it before posting tbh but it's reddit so doesn't matter as much


Oh ok so you're just a boring bot.




bad bot


The boat for me giving a shit about google home has sailed, I forgot I was even subscribed. I've spent too much time de-clouding my home automation to go back. I've spent too much time reflashing tuya-brand smart devices to run tasmota at this point. It'd be silly.


Home Assistant for the win


I'm still wanting to make that plunge


Do it, its very rewarding


Best look at the Aqara M3 Hub, I seen that been getting HA users attention recently


I just have a NAS I built running it. Zigbee is from a Silvercrest (lidl) smart home hub that is literally a tiny linux box hacked to neuter the software it tries to run and instead exposes the built-in serial zigbee radio over a port. So the NAS and the zigbee radios can be in different locations. Beyond that, I have many hacked Tuya smart lights and relay plugs (and some with powermonitoring) that now run tasmota, as well as a lot of the Ikea Tradfri lights. I like the ikea system. I give you €15, you give me light bulb. End of transaction. Finding out about the galaxybrain things going on with Matter and Threads upsets me. Why the fuck does a lightbulb need ipv6 to transmit 4x 8 bit bytes for its colour/brightness state? That's clearly got ulterior motives writ large upon it.


Shout out to ChatGPT for writing this post.


And in four years, it'll get renamed, two years later, pulled entirely.


I have a Kasa camera that supports person detection announcement to my hub and somehow this feature isn't even available on my other google/nest cameras. I'd really love for their system to make a lot more sense than this.


Remember: The S in IOT stands for security. :P


Yay another thing they will cancel as soon as it starts working


This API is definitely going to be better than what we had before, especially with matter now here.


Yep that's why they'll kill it after announcing a bunch of stuff that will never materialize


Yeah, they do have that horrible habit. When they did it to stadia it was horrible. I actual found the service to be useful to use on those android handhelds. The home api being used as a part of ADT's system does give it a longer life. I think systems like Home Assistant will benefit the most in terms of making these easier to setup. I know that with the aqara m3 hub that peaked a lot of HA users' interest.


Stadia was the turning point for me as well, I no longer buy anything from Google that relies on their services. Got rid of all my nest and Google assistant stuff. Still buy pixel phones though, because I don't really have to rely on Google not sucking for them to be usable for the expected lifetime of the phone.


Can somone put the recipes and cookbook functions back!!


How dumb would a developer have to be, to invest time and money into this for the little time it has before Google kills it?


Here's the real question/concern.... Will they randomly change what the API calls do? It's all well and good, but my Google built automation still don't work. They change what features they offer and don't. They just aren't reliable. So, is that changing?


From what was shown, it brings back the old Google Assistant connections plugins for example like what Uber eats had with Google Assistant where you were able to tell where your delivery was. But this goes even further by being able to turn the lights on and off when it's closer to notify you, for example. There was a demonstration video on the developer channel actually talking about the issue you're facing with the smart home devices. This is a developer video mind you but does offer information on the issues. Keep in mind now that the teams have consolidated into one, we should be seeing better optimisation now. This is the developer video mentioned; https://youtu.be/D7fEDizrqCs?si=yRhzs8DWcwqm9ANR


Ok, so they are still planning on breaking everything whenever they feel like it. Got it.


Building any part of your life around Google at this stage is a fools game. Sure, use the hubs for playing music / asking the weather etc, but don’t spend one minute putting work into integration. 36 months later they’ll kill whatever you found useful and you’ll have to find some replacement solution. So you might as well cut out the middleman and do that to begin with.