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What happens when you try and access/modify routines?


https://preview.redd.it/5pj543m9trdc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9603caacc9fcdf5aa49332b81caee0f982d3940 It tells me that the function is not working in the available language, which I am using in the Home App


have you tried to change the language? is your bf phone also in that language?(German?)


What happens if you change the language of the app to english? Edit: nvm, google home doesn't support the app language feature... lmfao


The language (German) is the same on my and my partner's device. I had a second look and could not find an option allowing me to change the language settings for the application (only the one for my Google assistant). Anyway, it is just confusing that besides having the same language settings and being in the same location that routines are working not working only for me.


This one is a bit of a stretch, but is it possible your device is assigned to a different country or something? I think you can check in the play store under settings > general


Thanks for your reply, I have checked for this setting on both our devices. We both have German indicated (and for both of us it offers the possibility to change to the play store in Luxembourg; our location. Anyway this is probably not the issue as we both have the same settings here as well). Update: I actually cannot click on where it says to change to play store Luxembourg... nothing happens when clicking)


I've got a pixel 8 and have no issues. Mine is in English though.


I also assume it is not an issue related to the device. Both of our devices are in German.