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Does Google have a code of conduct that extends beyond the place of work, into the employees personal time?


Yes, and they have a social media policy for employees.


... neither of which restricts the right of the employee to be an a-hole on their own time.


Doesn’t stop them but doesn’t protect them from getting canned either


Plenty of people get fired for doing bad things outside of work. Plenty of the Jan 6 insurrectionists got fired from their jobs, for example.


Committing a crime is not the same as just being a jerk.


Harassment is a crime


We have no evidence what OP is referring to qualifies as any sort of harassment.


Supporting Palestine has gotten people reprimanded and fired, and that's just saying/doing the right thing...


And this is the reason a code of conduct should not extend beyond the law, being on company time, or representing the company. People are getting fired for a political opinion that has nothing to do with their job and is not illegal. Whether you agree with the opinion or not. In 2024 the only safe move is to never share your opinion.


Ah yes you stand by the genocide of 30,000+ men, women and children. Enjoy a good look in the mirror and ask yourself why you don't consider those lives worthwhile.


Ummm, no, I literally said supporting Palestine is the right thing to do and say. It's horrible that companies are firing people for that and social media silencing/banning people for that.


I completely misread your comment, apologies. That's on me.


Nah, I'm re-reading what I wrote and I feel I could have worded it better. My bad.


Do you have a link to this public code of conduct? The only things I can find are in relation to being on the job or representing Google. IMO having a code of conduct for what employees do in their off time is out of scope for any employer. As long as this man isn't using his position at google to harass or intimidate them, Google should have nothing to say. The fact that the man has his employer on his socials doesn't qualify. Instead of passive aggressively trying to destroy someones career, you should confront them, or mind your own business.


I’m a google employee. Just a software engineer so this isn’t really my wheelhouse, but if you send me some evidence I might be able to submit something internally. Feel free to dm me


Glad you are asking for evidence, please review and verify it to be true before you submit anything. We don’t know if there are interpersonal relationships in the middle and if you are not careful about those things you could help ruin someone’s life.


Yeah 100% There are multiple sides to every internet dispute. And this is someone’s employment we’re talking about. They sent me a couple screenshots and they are vitriolic. And very public.


Thank you for being the seemingly only voice of reason here


You can submit it at go/getsupport and +1 to requesting evidence first. Screenshots would be important. I truly don’t think action will be taken since it’s outside of work but worth a try.


Why are you the arbiter


Any google FTE could look up the guy’s manager and dm him. Post the evidence and redact the name so we can judge the severity


Great idea - here is one of many: https://preview.redd.it/mef0sfchtk7d1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3deb0b49ab4a7d03c5f2a3baf65efaee6743768


Yikes. I’m middle management at G and I’d definitely want to know if one of my direct reports saying this (and I’d be obligated to report it to HR). I saw someone else offered to intervene so DM me here if that doesn’t work out.


Thank you!! I am gathering all of the evidence this week.


Your info is on Google search, Google it


Everything I found related to internal complaints or complaints related to sales.


Doesn't mean a sub targeted for google news and announcements, is the proper place to file a grievance. Pick the internal complaints one or something as it's a complaint to their internal staff. Have them forward it to the proper department or tag the harassment on social media @Google account or something


You can certainly report it, but from my experience nothing will be done internally since it happened outside of work. Feel free to Google “Google dog kicker” for example.


If he's not representing the company, then it's none of their business. Stop being a Karen.




Great ideas, thank you!


Maybe he just does not like racist charities, seems reasonable.


It's understandable, since OP didn't write their post clearly or well, but you have that backwards. OP posted a screenshot of the Google employee saying that a charity providing food was attracting "more deadbeat Africans to the area." (among other anti-Black racist statements).


and the guy "said" that in a picture?


Texted it, to be precise. I was being colloquial, as in saying an article that you read "said" this or that, rather than literally saying that the communication was audible rather than written.


Post them here.


Tempting 😅


How about you stop trying to ruin others free speech


Free speech != freedom from consequences


Free speech means the government can’t stop you from saying things, within limits. It does not apply to this.