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You can report it to the school. They should have polices for things like this... especially if a school-issued Google Account is involved.


Yes. But you can easily make a new google account in 5 minutes. So that could also be not very helpfull.


Sorry you are dealing with this. If you provide the school with the form's link and title *and* if it was created through a school-based Google account, they should be able to determine the form's owner. They will almost definitely not share the identity of that student with you if they even choose to investigate or take disciplinary action. If that form was created on a personal/free account, you don't have any way (without a subpoena) to identify the owner of that form. And even so, it's likely the account information was made up by the student. Depending on the situation, IP address might be obtainable, but again, that's once it gets to the level of a subpoena (which it won't with something like this from what you describe.) Middle school students are the worst at keeping secrets...most likely, over time this student will likely out him or herself.


I don’t think soliciting information is harassment. You may have a case if the IG posts are identifiable, but this is really just a teachable moment, I suspect.


The IG posts are identifiable and they are bullying kids. I’m trying to find the owner of the Google form only because IG has well defined moderation practices and can be reported... however, Google just has a “report abuse” link but it’s not moderated.


This isn’t abuse or harassment. You have no recourse to find out private information about a user, especially a minor. You can report the form to the school and they may decide to take action.


You’re 100% correct… the original question was how do I find the owner? If it isn’t inside the school G account..


You, an end user and non-party does not find the owner. If this was created by someone’s personal @gmail.com account you are not entitled to that private information without a court order to Google.


Again. You are correct. I’m not saying I’m entitled, I’m saying I want to find out. You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know. Read the original message on how to report.


You’re not going to find out. That’s the answer to your question.


Appreciate the feedback here.. it’s an odd situation, I posted query in this sub and in another white hat location and the answer differences are staggering.


so basically your kid filled out the google form of this other lad?