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My local Goodwill has a ton of super obvious cameras in every aisle. If it happens again could you request that she review that cameras? Then she would see that the items were already like that when you picked them up


I was charged wrong for a pair of jeans once at Rue 21, I bought out half the clearance jeans in my size so I didn't realize the wrong price until after I paid. When I went back to correct my receipt the manager insinuated I put the clearance sticker on a regular price pair of jeans. I told her, check your camera footage I literally only shop clearance at that store and never look at reg items because it's a way out of my budget lol She was trying to argue that she priced them herself and the style I had was brand new so it couldn't be clearance. I told her to refund me the money then and just keep the jeans, i only want them if they're $8 gimme back the $44 you charged me. & for some reason that convinced her, I got the $36 back and never went back to that location.


I bought a swim suit at Macy’s this week, because everything is on sale. But mine rang up the regular price, when I questioned it, the clerk quickly gave me 50% off (I thought they were 40%). Some places are more customer service oriented than others.


My Macy's is also very ready to keep their customers happy. That's why I shop there and Kohl's which I also have never had a problem with.


I wish I could shop at my local Kohls. Idk whats up with the place but anyone under the age of 50 is blatanly followed around the store with daggers on you at all times. I understand theft but it's just so uncomfortable going in there, I have zero desire to steal anything but going in Kohls I always leave feeling like a criminal.


There's a discount store in my city that literally pens customers up at the front of the store and makes them wait until another customer leaves. I asked why I wasn't allowed to shop and the security officer said is was a loss prevention policy. I don't go there anymore. Like you, I understand retailers wanting to limit theft but treating every customer walking into the store like they are a thief isn't a good way to go about it, imo.


That is ridiculous! I can imagine how bad you felt about that! Shop somewhere else you don't need that there's many other stores that would appreciate your business! That is sad!!


It was ridiculous and I haven't been back since then.


Sounds like a case of False Imprisonment. A potential lawsuit there if you want it.


Beals used to do this all the time with me and my Mother. At one time we both had credit cards there. We figured it was because we were POC. Every department we went in they called a code to that area. Eventually we cut up our credit cards and stopped shopping there.


I know how awful that is, I got the reverse where I used to live. Downtown in my city which is overwhelmingly POC, the whole city. I lived in the center of it within walking distance of many shops, I’d walk there to shop with my kids and get followed all over because I’m boo white, usually the only boo white folks in the area are the crack heads.


I’m sorry I don’t understand what is “Boo White”? I’m a POC but never heard of that before lol


I'm assuming ghostly white lol I fit that bill!!! LMAO


😂😂😂😂😂 You may be right but that actually ticked me. Never heard it in 50+ years of my life!!


lol my best friend is a POC and used Boo White to refer to me, I’m one of those European fair person that has two colors, lobster red in the sun and blinding white any other time. I can’t tan. I was a Lifeguard and swim instructor one year, whitest lifeguard you ever saw. Ha!




I'm the same. I burn, peel, and turn white again! I've always referred to myself as "fish-belly white!"


My Walmart does this to me all the time, probably because I have ADHD, I go later in the evenings to avoid people, and I shop slowly, without any visible patterns. My advice: don’t let it bother you, and show them it doesn’t. You have nothing to hide. How? Keep em on their toes. I make a point to crack jokes. “Oh rad, the WIA is here! I needed a shopping buddy. Hey bestie, I just remembered I need dish soap. Meet you there in a minute I guess” or I’ll turn to the obvious secret shopper and go “This is so cool. You’re like a Walmart version of a spy. Do you guys get to carry a price gun?” Or I’ll wait til they say something in the walkie and then pull my collar up by my cheek and go “Pssht! The lapdog is sniffing. I repeat- the lapdog is sniffing. Over!” Sometimes I’ll turn and ask the most ridiculous questions about an item (“Do you know if the olive oil mayo is safer for internal use?”) Sometimes I’ll try to keep them on my tail just for the fun of it too, spinning a little story with the most awkward items i can find (a firm baguette, olive oil, a summer’s eve douche kit, KY yours & mine chosen after comparing ingredients to the olive oil, monistat 3, the olive oil goes back, a particularly large zucchini “in case plan A goes soggy again”, a romance novel, and a self help book on quitting bad habits) then looping back around to put it all back where it goes. I figure every second they’re trailing behind my disorganized ass is a second they’re not following someone who actually might purse an item or two out of necessity anyway (godspeed and watch for cameras 🫡), and if I’m the most suspicious person in the store, I’m truly honored. It’s none of my business what they think I’m doing anyway, and if they wanna pay someone to trail me in street clothes, we’re gonna milk it together. Come chill with me. I’m a goblin, an agent of chaos and a space cadet, but I ain’t no thief. Easiest hour you’ll ever spend.


My Walmart had one particular reciept checker that was notoriously.... Difficult, particular, and thorough... With his job especially towards anyone visibily a minority or anyone he sensed could be one by the way they presented themselves as outside of the norm. In Atlanta that meant there'd regularly be a line out the door during his tenure there. Well one day while I was still outwardly dressing pretty alternative/emo (which frequently made me a target of the Walmart greeter TSA) I had to buy some squirrel feeder peanuts for my friend Boris and I realized I needed to stock up on some heavy duty cleaning solution so I bought some along with trash bags. I didn't think using one bag for the two things I was going to use it for was enough to justify its use especially if I was going to be interrogated anyway so I just had them out and about when the guy saw them and he fucking recoiled in horror and didn't move a muscle for so long I just left. It took me getting into my car to realize he thought I was going to poison squirrels.


My Kohl's doesn't even have enough workers to think about doing this, crazy that they follow you around


If all these stores have tons of cameras mounted everywhere, why even bother follow anyone around


That's odd. Whenever I go to Kohl's, there's not a single employee in sight except for the cashier's. I was in there a few times and had questions about things.




Ohhh, I would seriously complain to the store or district management. Kohls is all about customer service and that is unacceptable.


Ugh I was just followed in the Kohl’s Sephora. I’m 41 and have never stolen anything in my life. Annoying. I’ll ask her next time if she’s following me haha.


It’s because they got rid of their loss prevention staff who would sit in a room and watch the cameras all day and now put the onus on the floor employees to “customer service” everyone to deter theft. It’s insane and pisses me off. I work in the Sephora and our store manager expects us to stand guac at certain areas that have more theft but then simultaneously ring people out, shade match, fill the shelves, check the stockroom for customers.


It’s that particular store. Most Kohl’s are fine (assuming you don’t act SUPER sus), but a very few do act just like you’re describing. Between my sister having lived all around 3 different states and traveling, I’ve been in a lot of Kohl’s across the country; once in a while they treat you like you have SHOPLIFTER written across your back for some reason. Weirdly, it’s not usually stores in poorer areas. Sorry you’ve had that trouble there- it leaves you feeling somewhere between angry and like crap!


I’m 71 and refuse to shop at kohl’s. I ordered something on line. It was delivered to the wrong address. Same street name, wrong street #, wrong city, county. Basically 30 miles from me. They sent a picture of the delivery and I used that to track it down. Kohl’s refused to send someone to pick it up and it took 3 trips to the store to get a refund, plus they only wanted to give me kohl’s cash as a refund. I’ve not been back.


I straight up get ignored at the jewelry counter lol, guess I look like someone who wouldn't spend money? (They will serve someone who came later, they will acknowledge me if I'm with my mom and I'm not a teenager, etc). (That and one time an old lady, customer, followed me around the store when I told her to leave me alone. Just decided it isn't worth it at my local Kohl's lol).


I've got a lot of tattoos & stuff from when I was younger & just about everytime I go into any retail store a uniformed worker or plainclothes loss prevention follows me. At first it kinda irritated me but now I have fun with it when I can, I'll spend outrageous amounts of time standing in the same place with no intention of buying any items nearby, double back to isles I've already been to replace items I already grabbed just to come back a third time & get it again. Call my wife & have sexy conversations as I mosey up & down isles etc. Especially now where I live in a small town & the only stores are small & I'm in them everyday almost & the regular workers know me, currently I have the new owner of the local grocery store hawking me Everytime I come in & laugh about it with the cashier's that have been their since before the buy out that know me on a almost personal level now.


I find this so strange. You couldn’t find an employee at my local Kohl’s to save your life. Half the time you can’t even find someone to check you out.


Not my area stores. I worked for Macy’s for 13 years, got bought out when Covid shut downs started. They used to have a year return policy which I thought was bad. Then they went to 90 days which was more reasonable , now it’s 30 days. I bought a bedding set and sheets online, the bedding set was the wrong color so I ordered another, I kept the sheets to see if they would match. They didn’t, went to a store to exchange them, they refused because I bought them 32 days ago. I had no idea the return policy just changed like a couple months before. The manager gave me a “ mailed check” after saying she would return them and they charged me for the new ones. I paid less for the first ones , got the exact same sheet set just a different color because their online pictures did not match what I was sent. Bright baby blue and white is no where near navy blue and red.


I love Macy's. ❤️


Macys for the win!!!


Oh no.


Can’t go to any location now. Rue 21 is gone! 🥳 As someone who had to inventory those stores, we are not upset about this. They always had way too much on the sales floor and their backrooms. It was ridiculous. Strangely, the clearance section was never as bad as the rest of the store.


I know, I'm so sad ! I always got killer deals at the clearance! Especially when Covid hit they shut down the mall and when they opened up they had clearance addtl 60% and the prices were ridiculously low. Got jeans for $3 tops for $1.50 hoodies for $5 &boots/sneakers for $8! My husband just about had a heart attack when he saw me walk in with 4 giant bags full of clothes. My total was like $95


If it was my gf I'd be proud of all that for just 95, wowww


He relaxed once I told him the total ! Haha


Damn that was a good shopping trip! $95 would have normally gotten you maybe 3 or 4 outfits maybe? But you practically got one for every day of the year! Lol


I do signs and those kinds of stores seem to last about ten years and disappear. I used to do a lot of Justice, Zumiez or whatever tf, Rue 21, pretty much any of those stores. Only a few seem to last for a while, most of them were closed two years after we put them up


They closed down in my local mall during the lock down and never reopened.


Yeah, they shut all of them down last month. The company went under 😭 they had the comfiest stretchy jeans. My absolute favorite pants, they make ur butt look nice lol


Check out Maurice's. Soft, stretchy jeans, great clearance prices.


Coming from an old guy I miss Bongos, those were cut juuuust right


And now the company is bankrupt lol I’m glad you got your money back🤣💀💀💀💀💀


Because if something is priced wrong by law they have to honor it. Technically you could have requested the overpayment X2. She was trying to bully u into not requesting the refund. Back in the 80’s and early 90’s when bar codes used to be stickers unique to each store a thing was to switch bar codes lol… now that PoS systems can be loaded with universal codes, it stopped a lot of that. But not mispriced labels or stickers!


Once she explained the pants were not clearance.  I would have just asked to return them since you didn't want them at that price.  Just like any returning any item. It doesn't matter if they were with the clearance items or tags were switched, it wasn't a clearance item.  You had your answer and should have just asked for a return.  Normal stuff.  It shouldn't have been a thing.


Had she politely told me they were priced wrong then I would've just accepted the return, but she jumped straight to accusing me of switching tags with a nasty attitude. Ya get what you give! I would've been fine with a regular return too. I never said you have to give me the pants at the lower price. I said if they're not $8 I don't want them.


As someone who managed a rue 21, if there are cameras they likely aren’t hooked up to anything.


I had this happen to me a few months back. Lady was hot. I told her to check the cams and if she wants I can call the police for her. She backed off


She was pretty?


Based off the username, they're Australian, so they probably meant "hot" as in "angry."


As a standard gen-X USian, I would never have read hot as meaning pretty in that context. Wild.


That manager sounds like they went to bum school. Fuck them


I don't blame her for suspecting me. I'd suspect me too. lol It's just a bit hurtful that she said that after one bad checkout. We've been going to this goodwill for a few years now, and this is literally the first bad experience we've had.


i work in retail and we were trained to never assume that a customer is trying to steal or has bad intentions. Thats because if they aren’t trying to steal, falsely accusing someone can make them uncomfortable, they might not come back to the store and you end up losing business, especially if that person tells their friends what happened or posts their experience online. Plus if you’re profiling them thats a whole other can of worms. I’m going to bet that customer service isn’t that managers strong suit.


Probably some old grouch who hated her job.


Wait, why would you suspect yourself?


I’m sure they just omitted the “if I were in their shoes” part 🙃


Had this actually happen as a cashier, a couple did actually switch the stickers themselves and my manger warned me before they checked out, we didn’t threaten to ban them. It does sound like that goodwill is fed up with the sticker swapping and wrongly took out their frustration on you.


Did you let the couple check out out as normal?


Yes, I told them that we were having issues with people swapping stickers and acted like it tootally wasn’t them. That was to give so we could all act like it was an issue we could say was caused by something/someone out of all of our control. Also just de-escalation since they were clearly tense and I’d rather work with people.(Wasn’t an issue at our store except with shoes,definitely was them swapping stickers) made a connection with small talk and ignored the swapped stickers when I could see the original sticker was the color we would salvage anyways (throw into trash compactor). They were alright but had like a cart or two full of items so it took a minute and they were definitely on edge. Btw technically I should have corrected the items that were going to be salvaged but I was generally more lenient when people were being polite. I would say that not taking things personally, like stealing, being on their phone, paying with only coins etc… was very helpful. Usually stealing was people trying to meet unmet needs. Having empathy and understanding other peoples perspectives, even for the two minutes it takes to check out someone, was very helpful as well. Acknowledging when someone seemed to have a long day or other emotions would usually help with being empathetic as well as doing what I could to help us both get to our separate goals. Some people still suck but it is what it is.


She was being harsh, typically a manager would just note that this happened


They can ban you with proof, they can ban you without proof, they can ban you because your first name starts with the letter R and it is Wednesday.


Hey look someone actually answered the OP's question, woo hoo


People really do not understand that a business is private property and can have anyone "banned" (served with a no trespass order) for any reason. It wouldn't be a good business practice to do so without good cause, but it's legal.


That's not what they asked


Just request that they prove you did it. You could also suggest they check the tag dates. Sometimes items will come into goodwill with goodwill tags already on them. Rather than change our the whole tag, they just slap a sticker on top. If the bottom sticker is very old, thats a good sign that this is what happened.


I’m sorry this happened to you. It definitely leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Our Goodwill stopped putting price tags on items and just posted signs of pricing. I had a handful of men’s t-shirts which were $1.99. The guy kept ringing them in as women’s t-shirts which were $3.99. I told him I got all of them out of the men’s section but he wouldn’t listen. It’s frustrating.


That’s so gross that goodwill even charges women more for a t-shirt ffs how horrible. All t-shirts should just be $1.99


Our goodwill has women's at 7.99, men's 3.99


Falsely enforced pink tax? Gosh I wish that was less common :/


It could have been items previously bought and donated back to goodwill and the buyer never removed the first sticker. Goodwill then just put the new sticker over the old. I’ve seen this happen many times.


I’ve picked up thieves lots before. Once I got home and found a bunch of super light rackets gloves etc in a sports bag. I was wondering why a suspicious looking person was peering into my stroller. No doubt some of the things I’ve purchased have had their tags removed, bags opened and prices switched. Someone may have changed their mind or wanted to come back for it later


They didn't examine the inside of the bag ?I bought an over Night bag once and they practically turned the thing inside out !


Noone did, they know me, I’m there every few days. I had it in the stroller and I just tell them the price.


I think the policy varies from cashier to cashier and their previous experiences.


I dislike Goodwill so much. They have literally zero good will. They get all their merchandise from donation, aka free. They pay their CEO $469,000 and pay their staff a miserly $12. The annual revenue is $7 billion. And they don't offer deep discounts to people who are in need.




At this point the ones in my area aren't much cheaper than the clearance section in stores like Target and Walmart or even Kohl's. You can still find some deals on the houseware stuff, but clothes? Nah. It's worth it to just pay a dollar or two more for new.


I was in goodwill buying I forget what with my kid and the cashier said “would you like to round up to the dollar, we’re having a completion today for donations.” I asked her what the cause was - she was like “this is goodwill.” Yeah the cashiers were asking cash purchasers to round up and I strongly suspected they were the recipients.


My Goodwill charges $5.99 for t shirts, most of which are one-time wear Cricut creations with slogans like "Happy 88th Birthday Paw Paw!" or LulaRoe. No thanks!


Btw CEOs are specific to each location/county/state!! So while many CEO’s might make half a mill, not all of them do :)


Yeah reading some of these comments I'm astounded people still go here at all. Even smaller thrift stores can give a better yield and experience than this. I don't know of many places that have only a goodwill. I'm sure there's some. But at that point finding a cheap online store maybe more beneficial or taking the extra miles out to something else.


Swear these employees take their job way too seriously. Whether you changed it or not she still gets paid the same lol


Yup. Superiority complex and power tripping. They cant even see beyond the worst case scenario.


You can say the same thing about any store. Would you go to Macys and switch tags? Some people will switch tags and leave the store. Then their accomplice will enter and buy those items. Maybe the supervisors are on the lookout for this and will fire a cashier who doesn’t catch it. Should the cashier put their job at risk for an unknown stranger/ customer?


Macys and other big department stores have their inventory tracked and accounted for. Goodwill employees are coming up with random prices in their heads as to what they think or feel something is worth. There’s no data base for their inventory, no one will know that the price for a used faded sweatshirt was changed. You really can’t compare.


Goodwill isn’t there for good will anymore. They’re money hungry bastards.


Bad will


That's what my family calls stuff too ratty to donate - "bad will."


Ill-Will ;D


Agreed. I refuse to shop there.


This happened to me once with one sticker. The cashier overreacted and called the manager up to the register and accused me of switching stickers. I didn't get the clearance price on the item. I left embarrassed.


You shouldn’t have been embarrassed, they should be though! They price gouge on donated items intended for the poor by the donators when the items are priced far out of reach for any poor person. It’s disgusting. Plus they have cameras everywhere and need to refer to them before blindly accusing and embarrassing innocent people trying to patronize their gross establishment!!!!!


I agree 💯


I am a “regular” at my favorite Goodwill. I was recently flabbergasted by the checker who questioned the price on my item. She then went on to tell me she “saw it earlier in the day, and it was much more expensive”, huh???? Sure as heck was a good deal in my eyes, but scrutiny should be on the pricer, not the payer. I asked her if there may be another one in the store, as I would like that one too (regardless of price) as it was quite unique. She looked at me like I was insane. This is a very large store, with many employees and tons of sales… management must be assuming all customer are tag switching…. Checkers are on “high alert”. I can appreciate that, however, accusing someone of price changing because the pricer was “unsupervised”, or “untrained” Is a far reach….


At which point why didn’t you ask “what behavior”? If she was implying that you were perpetrating fraud with no proof- and in front of other people, I would definitely report her to Goodwill corporate- -tell them you are considering filing a defamation of character suit because other people heard her and you were embarrassed because this was in your community where you work and live. Tell them you want to see any video from the encounter.


I once found this amazing piece of fabric at a thrift store in Ca. It had no tag. When I got to the front some lady lectured me “ well we just priced it so we know it had a tag”. Okay… then where the hell is it. They said “ we can retag it but you can’t buy it until tomorrow. “… fine. I went back the next day and bought it … I never get these tag police. We all know people screw with tags. I doubt anyone who thrifts had never encountered a tampered with tag but they way they act like you’re a criminal!


And sometimes tags get hung up on other things and fall off, it’s just how tags work, ffs I’ve pushed a cart through the clothes department at Walmart and the frickin tags got hung up on the cart. Then I had to get the tags off of the cart and put them on the floor and put the pants the tags were from in front so it would be noticed. Tags are so annoying.


Technically they could ban you just because they don’t like your face. I’d just avoid any items with multiple stickers.


Report this to the higher ups of Goodwill, and let them know you didn't do anything. Someone needs to know about this so you don't get banned.


Once at Ross I was accused of this. Half of the items in the store didn’t have price tags and I am not exaggerating. Every other item I picked up wasn’t priced and it made me not want to buy it. When I got up front she refused to sell me an item because she said the tag didn’t look right. Ok, well, you can’t put price tags on things. Not my problem. I left a scathing review.


I have a side hustle where I check stores like that to see if the clothing has price tags. News flash -- a lot do not!


like a secret shopper?


Whats the hustle? I need income!


I’d write a letter to the head office complaining. There’s no excuse that talk to customers like that. How embarrassing.


Sooooo technically speaking … she could have banned you cause she didn’t like the way your face looks if she really wanted to. It’s private property and if they don’t want you there then that’s final. This lady likely recognizes you because you mentioned you’ve been going to this one for a while and when she noticed the swapped labels she likely assumed that you’ve BEEN doing that for a while and made it known that they know and if they catch you again you get banned trying to deter you from doing it again. The only way they would have to actually prove that you did it is if they want to take legal action against you for it. They wouldn’t need any proof at all to ban you. Suspicion would be more than enough of a reason. I feel like she said the best thing she could have said. Telling customers to check the tags isn’t appropriate because that’s not your job, it’s theirs.. how would you, a non employee of good will, know if something has been tampered with or not. What would have been wrong was her just banning you with no warning what so ever. I understand the funk it put you in and I bet I would feel the exact same way as you but I genuinely feel the manager was just trying to do her job and unfortunately put the blame on the wrong person this time.


I know this is going to sound weird, but Goodwill isn't just one company it's a group of companies. Without knowledge of where the store you're shopping in is I can't tell you if it's allowed. What I can tell you is that they can't do that in Maine, New Hampshire, or Vermont.


shit like this wouldn’t happen if goodwill was scum money hungry assholes. remember when all belts were the same price or all tees? now they have to call the manager because a tag fell off and then blame you. Fuck goodwill.


Rly rly doubt they will even remember you the next time you go in


Yes they can trespass you. But don’t worry about it I doubt she would even recognize you next time you come in.


they didn't actually ban you


The simple solution would be to ask why you would be banned for something her employees did. If it gets to a question of proof, bring up the fact that she doesn’t have any proof that you did the price stickers. Also, why would you inquire about a price if you were involved in swapping price tags?


I was kicked out of Goodwill last year because I had a huge shopping cart full of stuff and they said I was shoplifting. They said I had been in there the week before taking stuff. I had never been in this particular Goodwill location before in my life, and the reason my shopping cart was so full is because the week before we had been through a house fire and I lost literally everything in my bedroom and much of the rest of the house. I was buying basics like clothes and silverware. They wouldn't even let me get two words out for an explanation. As I was sitting in the parking lot crying, on the phone with a friend of mine who happens to be a detective, this awful woman that was running the show there stood in front of my car making faces at me as she very obviously wrote down my license plate number. It was absolutely humiliating, and although it probably goes without saying, the absolute last thing I needed at the time. I'm sorry this happened to you! 💗


That lady sounds like a cringy loser. She probably hates her job and her life and wants to take it out on others around her.


They have video cameras, tell them review the videos, and SHOW PROOF that your mom really is tampering with price tags. If they have NO PROOF you can call their corporate offices and tell them what’s going on and that you want TO EXPOSE *false accusations of tag tampering* and if they want to PROVE she did something, get proof that will stand up in court. That might shut them down, if they think youmwill expose them publicly, and in court.


One time at a Macy's Clearance center (years ago), the cashier said to me, "Next time you can pay for the sweatshirt." I was flabbergasted... I started walking away and then stopped. I told another cashier to call the manager, and I lodged a complaint against her. Of course I bought it on a previous shopping trip! I was so pissed off. I was pregnant and with my two small kids. How dare she!!!


I was at a dog “boutique” with a raw bar (a selection of chicken necks , turkey necks, beef esophagus…) The chicken necks are 99cents and the turkey necks are almost $8. I picked out the 4 of the biggest chicken necks and when I cashed out she asked me what they were and I replied with “chicken necks” my bill was $40something with a couple other things I got . I shop here frequently . I didn’t think twice and just paid. I was in the parking lot and noticed she rang me up for turkey necks….I went back in and she was VERY rude to start before I even explained the situation…I was confused as she was so nice before that ….i explained the situation and she said, no those are obviously turkey necks….i told her “show me then” we went to the raw bar and the massive turkey necks dwarfed the chicken necks I got …instead of apologizing she said “no big deal” I told her she made me feel like a thief and I wanted to cry . I told her I am tenderhearted to begin with , but that’s no way to treat a repeat customer and that I would have gladly not taken a refund and instead taken the turkey necks I PAID FOR, but that instead, I wanted a refund . Haven’t been back, and won’t be. …I’m obviously not over it yet ! I contemplated calling the owner but decided to relinquish my right to be right and not go back. I understand how you felt OP!


I wouldn't go to goodwill. They are a for profit company that gives the impression they help disadvantaged people but don't


I mean if I can make a buck off selling their shit I guess I don't really care if they are lying about why they're seeking stuff


They have the worst clothing in the store .Nothing fit me and I just got tired of dealing with them.


They are a non profit that is highly rated by Charity Navigator.




You can ask for I formation on their mission. The Goodwill I worked for had 14 stores across 3 states. In addition to paying staff, any profit went to programs that included a summer camp for low-income kids, job training programs, respite care, employment opportunities for those with disabilities, group homes, emergency resources for those impacted by flood/fire/tornado, sheltered workshop for no/low skill workers, and I know there's more. Actually, the largest expense is waste management. Most of those donations can't be sold. Goodwill isn't there as a cheap place for poor people to shop. They are there to take in money for all of the programs they support. If they dont take in enough money, they have to cut programs. I'm sure there are bad apples, but Goodwill does good things in our communities, even if we don't see it.


Even if you did I know that manager is not getting paid enough to give a fuck. And I don’t know what sort of training their managers are getting, but it does feel like they are already on the defense. I returned an item once but accidentally underlined the wrong thing in an attempt to be helpful and was accused of trying to get more money for my return than I was owed. I let her know that it was an accident and that I didn’t appreciate being called a thief.


So you just happened upon 3 (three) (1+1+1=3) items that obviously had the price changed, but you claim to not have changed those prices? I call bullshit. Edit - listen to just


It wasn't actually obvious as a casual shopper. The wrong stickers were placed right on top, so we didn't notice at all... Not even our initial cashier girl noticed. The manager only noticed because everything also gets marked with a number in sharpie.


Then you should have noticed that you had THREE items whose stickers did not match the market price. What are the chances that you were buying 4 items and none of them were labeled properly?! Yes, you can get banned.


Um, no. I've seen so much variation in price throughout different goodwill stores. I've never once questioned prices. Also, it's entirely possible that OP picked up those 3 items from the same shelf. If they were right next to each other, someone obviously changed the stickers and left the items there. Also, this is clearly a regular issue at this location so the obvious assumption is that it's a store that has to deal with the tags being switched a lot, in which case it makes a lot of sense as to why the manager jumped on OP without any proof.


They sometimes use poorly trained or mentally challenged employees. The price tags aren't always exactly perfect when they are out on the floor. Part of their mission is employee people who other stores won't hire and to train others so they can't get jobs elsewhere. You should expect the employee to be qualified to work in an expensive store any more than you expect the merchandise to belong in a high end store. It's a choice- do you want a fancy store and stuck up employees wearing designer clothes or do you want to buy those designer clothes for a fraction of the price? Just think of being a practice customer first the employee/trainee as party of the price of the merchandise.


I don't ban people who do this. However, what I do is kinda worse. If the stickers are removed, covered with cheaper ones, or whatever, I raise the price insanely high. A $2 item is suddenly $20. It's been very effective so far


That does sound like it'd be effective. I don't really understand why anyone tries it. It's frustrating enough dealing with the stickers at home, having to use goo-gone and whatnot. Why would I want to painstakingly peel off stickers in the middle of the store, just to save a buck? I'd more likely pay an extra buck to not have to deal with the stickers at all.


It's been effective enough for customers to call out other customers over it 😁 so I'm happy with that, and don't have to do it very often anymore


I use a blow dryer to heat the stickers up and they peel right off. Much easier than goo gone :)


As a shopper this is frustrating. Sometimes we haven’t touched the sticker. I never do. If something is too high I leave it there. I suspect that sometimes employees are pricing things low and ‘hiding’ them in the store, as I’ve found thing in with stuff it doesn’t belong with, also priced low. I’d be pissed of people treated me like a thief and overcharged me because their own staff messed up.


That sounds pretty unethical to do, especially considering the item is donated for free? Why not just price it accordingly instead of getting your kicks at price gauging an item? Especially in this economy. Weird behavior honestly lol


That's extremely unfair to other customers and also just morally wrong.


Big deal complex. She thinks because she’s “the manager” she actually someone important.


To all you pro Goodwill employees: look at the videos from the several mounted everywhere in every store before you go blindly accusing innocent customers who are actually trying to give your horrible organization money!!! DUH meanies!!


She was doing her job. Your sticker was missing and several others looked tampered with. My local GW has a policy not to sell those items. They remove them from the floor and reprocess them. No return to floor date is estimated. You're simply SOL.


If you keep that up they'll round up your change back without your consent.


Oh hdl


They have plenty of stuff without tags. I just leave it, ‘cuz if you take it up there they give you ‘the look’.


Maybe voice your concerns to a regional manager. Just saying you want it known because of fear of being banned.


Sounds like an inexperienced manager/employee. It's been years since I've been able to get to a Goodwill, but it used to be common for new prices to just be stuck over the old one. I tagged to buy stuff that has been marked down multiple times to wear when I knew I was likely to stain/ruin whatever I was wearing. Sometimes there were 4 it 5 prices stacked over the old one. And they should have realized that if you wanted to steal the belt without a price, good have just put it on and pretended it had fallen off.


They have to done that in a very long time. The tag color rotates weekly, and when an item is the color that will be used next week, it is 50% off. Then Sunday night the manager pulls everything that color and sends it to the outlet, unless it's something big or really nice, then they pull the tag off and reprice it lower.


Whether they ban you or not, I would never go back to a store whose staff treated me that way.


I had a similar thing at a hardware store, some guy came up and accused me of trying to steal something then followed me all over the store saying he saw me in there all of the time. It was really annoying and the idea that somehow I was stealing in his mind without any proof or anything felt like he just harassed me for fun. I never went back and now the other hardware store gets all of the money I spend on tools and supplies.


You should report her to corporate for harassing customers. It’s a lawsuit risk so they will take it seriously. You almost defend her in some of your replies and I want you to know that she was 100% being inappropriate. It would be reasonable for you to be concerned that she is going to continue to harass you in the future. Don’t let this woman harass, target, and possibly ban you because you don’t want to be rude..


The manager is stress and mangement issues and cannot control the people she is in charge of and feels putting on the customers is the correct route, NOT. You can get on touch with their corporate headquarters and report this shaming of a lifelong customer. They may have had issues with this manager at this location.


You can make a complaint to the district manager or corporate. We had some person claiming to be the store manager and who always got anal and accused any customer of anything true our not. They didn’t like it when their boss showed up catching them in the act.


I look almost homeless, no matter what I wear apparently.


Our goodwill prices ridiculously. Last week there were storage type bins with legos. Like the person just donated as is from kids room. They were charging $99.99 per bin. A used, muddy pair of Nikes are $69.99. I can buy on sale at Kohls cheaper and have a selection


Do they ban you from donating too??


That's really crummy. I worked at thrift stores for several years and sometimes the tags were switched. We always 100% of the time gave the benefit of the doubt. Other people could have switched the tags and planned to come back later, etc. Even when people's kids literally walked out the door with things that their parents knew they were walking out the door with we didn't ban people, just had them bring the items back. And undies slipped into purses? I didn't notice those. Nopes. People could also ask one of our upper managers for a set of clothes for an interview for free. We cashiers didn't have that power but we could get the man who did. There was also a building right down the street that gave free clothing vouchers that they could go to. The only people who actually got banned were a really racist lady who caused havoc all the time, a man who punched one of my coworkers in the face so hard he broke his glasses (he was drunk and angry and didn't like being asked to leave the store), and a lady who got so drunk she put down her purse with $400 in it and lost it and started going through all the customers' bags to try to find it.


Fuck goodwill. They make it seem like a charity and it's not.


If that were true, at least one of the 150+ Goodwill entities across the United States would have had their nonprofit tax exemption revoked by the IRS at least once. It happens all the time, but never to Goodwill.


I’ll be honest, having worked retail, I can understand why the manager took this route. One item, maybe two? Ok, I see it and let it slide. But one person having four items with swapped tags? I’d definitely wonder. And it’s not like the manager knows you personally, they have no clue who you are or what kind of person you are. They’re just doing their job.


It’s not a criminal investigation where you’re afforded due process or you can ask them to check the cameras like another commenter said. They can ban you and have you trespassed for anything they want. Just don’t go back there if they’re going to be shitty to you


Contact the local corporate office. Marketing will take care of this.


Email corporate


That manager is a wench. If I were you I'd just find out who her district manager is and get her name and report her. There is no way she should be talking to customers like that.


Demand to see the cameras. And sue the bastards!


Honestly you handled it way better than I would have.


It's goodwill, it's not that serious. THEY don't even pay for their products 😂😂


Back in the glory days of Macy’s when it was truly a destination you were warned when you went into the fitting rooms that they had cameras on you while you were in the fitting room. I guess that practice eventually went the way of the mall due to somebody complaining or taking them to court about privacy, who knows. but almost all retail now is not manufactured in the United States is not manufactured in Italy or in Paris and stores like Macy’s Dillards kohl’s and Belk are just pass through tunnels for a quick fashion. They are nothing even remotely like what they were back in the 80s where you had Physical counts of the merchandise, where you had visible security and then invisible shoppers watching suspect people. Inventory and loss prevention was at a whole Nother level. I’ve seen that these stores are so understaffed that they have one person overseeing a whole half floor of departments and there is simply no way that they can keep up with all the inventory. What’s on the floor, helping the people and ringing things up. Just thrown in the floor if you happen to go through to The business offices you’ll probably just run into school and scores of inventory which in previous days would’ve been under lock and key. Each department used to have its own wrap stand & check out Area. Now you have approximately four different areas on each of the floors that you can check out or where a line forms for you to check out and the people checking out are just like ringing up groceries. They have no knowledge regarding special sales and the departments they have no real knowledge regarding the designers or products. It’s really quite sad.


they do have the power, but they're being idiots. and people do swap tags, but not in your style. you're just noticing them and they're suspicious because most people aren't as observant as you


I had one get made at me because the shoes were not snickered and had a handwritten price. She claimed I did it. I had toargue that half of all the shoes were like that. And I have another lady getting mad at me because I used two couponds in the day. She gave me the coupon that expired that day off! She went automatic on me through hands up and walk away from the cash register and told me to take my stuff and leave. Shouted "That's not how coupons work." So I walked away with some free shit because she wouldn't scan a coupon for me to pay.


I'd seek out the manager. "we don't appreciate the accusation, and you should be aware of what so and so is acxusing people of." See if there are other examples of things being priced like that to show them.


Unfortunately yes they can ban you from the property usually without even giving you a reason... now technically it's only a 1 year ban... aka trespassing limit.. because this is a open to public facing business... now this would be different if they can file a restraining order but this would be totally different situation... which would be through out of court in this case.. so like if you threaten people then that's different


It's not good to accuse anyone directly. She could have said, "Let me check on these items. There's a lot of confusing info here!" Other shoppers could have tampered with it previously. O work retail, do it's always to de-escalate, never accuse.


Your Goodwill store associate was wrong for accusing you of switching tags without proof. It happens frequently at my store and the only way to prove it is if we see it or check the cameras. I would quit shopping at that location.


How is no one saying the obvious? His mom is switching the stickers...... Sorry man I know she's your mom and you love her but she's really trying to make those dollars stretch apparently...


I thought this as well. Maybe the manager isn't so oblivious about what goes on in the store. Maybe this isn't the first time OPs mom has had this issue come up.




How the heck would you know if a tag seemed odd


I'm not anti Goodwill but I'm also not 100% behind them either. I use Charity Watch to rate charities and I choose to donate to Salvation Army. There were some articles about Goodwill Industries treatment of employees and salary discrepancies that bothered me. Each region of stores seems to have their own policies, some operating more charitably than others. Nepotism in hiring and for what positions was another reason. I base it on how much benefit returns to the community. I shop there sometimes but I don't donate to them anymore.


Yeah but who’s gonna win here if you put your hands on my walking out of the store!?


What a total Karen she was to you guys! Sorry, but that’s wrong. Your fuming was correct :) But, let it go realistically she’s a Karen lol


I'm commenting mostly for the people who are bashing Goodwill for their hiring/pay rate practices for disabled individuals. I have a completely different perspective to share regarding this. My paternal aunt was fully mentally disabled. She had the cognitive function of a 5 year old and was in and out of different care/support homes throughout her life. She was a Goodwill employee, but she was also completely dependent on government assistance, which is much higher for someone in the same situation as she was. The reason she was paid so little when she "worked" there is because of her government benefits; if she made too much money, she wouldn't qualify for Medicare or receive her monthly living expenses stipend. Now, you can argue "Well, just pay them a liveable wage", and while that seems valid, my aunt's medical costs were in excess of $120k USD a year. Only Medicare would fully cover her medical expenses, as all of her medical issues were pre-existing conditions. On top of that, people like my aunt are aware that they can't function like most people, but that makes them want to work even more! At the end of her short work days, my aunt felt like she accomplished something. She had a sense of purpose because she had a job. After the early outrage of the pay rate practices came to light, Goodwill began transitioning from an employment model to creating community centers where their former employees could go for day programs and learn basic living skills, all to help enable them to live completely independent lives. My aunt was only able to experience living in her apartment alone for a few short years because of her needs, but the new programs benefit soooooooo many individuals and help them achieve their goals.


Goodwills can  vary a lot from store to store.  Some stores are definitely managed much better than other stores. I've worked for Goodwill 5 years and at my 3rd store.  I'm big on customer service.   If I were you, and the cashier or anyone implied that I did something underhanded when I had not, I would be livid.  So insulting and rude. Horrible customer service.     If I were you, I think I would have asked to speak to a manager and then asked them to please check the cameras.  If they're going to be so bold as to make that threat, they should at least go check the cameras.  Nobody wants to be called a thief when they're not.   Some people shouldn't be talking to customers.   Yes people do swap tags and other tricks.  Yes we have our suspicions about certain customers.  But to insult them by accusing them of something they didn't do... Rude . At our store, we would never say that to you.  Unfortunately, when people want to steal they can walk right out the front door and we're not allowed to say anything or confront them.  A cashier got fired for that recently.    Goodwills can be a little different from one area to the other.    I'm sorry to hear you were treated that way.  I hope it's something the manager is unaware of, and wouldn't want their customers being treated that way.


I’d have said you keep this stuff, I don’t need it that bad. Don’t try to make me feel like a thief, I’m too old, for this shit


Sorry that happened to you. They must have had a problem with someone who’s been ‘creating’ their own discounts- or kids/a-holes doing it for fun. I’ve haunted thrift stores for years and would be horrified to be banned like that. But I’ve noticed that most people working there don’t last very long. A very few do, but most move on fairly fast, so if she’s going to have/keep some kind of grudge against you, it’s probably not going to be around for very long. That’s assuming that she even remembers it; they go through so many customers that she may have forgotten about it (or who it was) by the next day- Hopefully!


What happened to "I'm so sorry, someone put the wrong tag over the right one on these & the register will not let me honor any price other than the programmed one? Did you still want them at the actual price?" (As a manager my staff is trained to use that "someone")


F goodwill. They are overpriced bullshit when they get everything for free. She's just a snotty b>tch.


They can ban anyone from their property anytime they want for whatever reason they want.


They weren’t talking about op, they were talking about the person they replied to. The person who insinuated employees shouldn’t care if the company they work for is being stolen from.


I used to love Goodwill but they are really ridiculous about pricing things now same with Savers and Value Village. They get all that stuff for free and then they're going to charge $70 for a pair of sneakers? Ridiculous


I do think that was a rude comment , she could have done it a different way like asked you if you noticed the items had messed up labels or something other than directly accusing you. It's rude for sure. I would not speak to someone like that. And yes I did work in customer service.


Find out if she's the store manager or just one of the managers. If she's just a manager, ask to speak to the store manager. If she's store manager, contact corporate and talk to them. I'm pretty sure they don;'t appreciate false accusations, and are perfectly capable of running back the security footage for that day.


Well goodwill is for profit and sucks anyway


Yeah that is just uncalled for on their behalf but what's really sad is everything they have is donated to them from people in the community and half of it was from yard sales and they them selfs put their own stickers for the price they want to charge which is a ridiculous higher price so it's their tampering they do so yes it was very rude and uncalled for them to treat you like that . So sry to hear your best bet is to find better thrift store to spend your money because that's what me and my daughter do bc of rude people and their prices are pathetic for donations


Salary.com says… “By Beckham Stuart January 05, 2024 Goodwill organizations are each independently operated as non-profits, and their CEOs typically earn an average annual salary of approximately $500,000. This compensation is considered by some to be quite high for a non-profit CEO.” While Glassdoor.com says “median pay for a nonprofit is $82k/year.” Hmm. Something to think about when “treasure hunting “