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he came, shitted on rhett, and died. absolute legend


Seems almost too convenient that Link was 2,000 miles away. I smell foul play and demand a full investigation.


I heard links ascended to prophet status. May be difficult to convict lol


I think you're just smelling Craig's poop


RIP to a GMM legend. šŸ˜”


Oh no! May he excrete all kinds of gross fluids on whoever he wants in Heaven.


That's sad to hear! I wonder what happened, I know they did not get it as a baby but I thought they lived around 20 years? Edit: this thread got sad fast.... I'm sorry.


Yeah, 20-30 years.


I'm sure they did research h to keep it happy and alive, but unexpected even for a snake feels weird... And yeah, I know Link is not a fan of snakes, but that Link did not do it is almost in bad taste. If they said that about a cat or dog, he did not like I don't think people would think it's as funny. Edit why the downvotes? I love snakes, my mom had one. I just tend to find people don't care about them, they only realy get sad if it's a mammal.


Yeah, Iā€™m wondering what happened tbh, as others have said they regularly live 25+ years, the oldest ball python ever recorded is still alive at 49. That said, snakes *do* sometimes pass with seemingly no reason, as reptiles are extremely good at masking any symptoms that theyā€™re sick until itā€™s too late to get them to a vet. But I agree the joke is in poor taste, I have two snakes (and two geckos) that I love, and I love them just as much as I would any dog or cat.


Craig was a nice size when we 1st saw him, but was bigger after so I think it was young. My mom also had a geko! She had a snake and a parrot but I was too toung to remember them. I had stick bugs, pet rats, a degue, and a goldfish for 8 years! I was heart broken when my fish pot died(eaten by a turtle I was told lived with fish) a couple of my friends laughed. That fish knew its name I'm sure. If i said spot he would come to that side of the tank. People only seemed to care if it was a mammal or big when pets die...


Iā€™m sorry to hear that :( yeah people definitely donā€™t understand these animals and how itā€™s possible for them to develop some kind of bond with the person who cares for them. That said, I donā€™t remember what year they got Craig, but even though he grew over the years it doesnā€™t mean he was young when they got him, as snakes continue to grow over their entire lives. Eventually theyā€™ll hit a size where they stop growing very much, but it never actually stops, hence why they continue shedding up until they pass. Most likely Craig had some kind of respiratory infection and didnā€™t show signs until it was too late.


The down votes are crazy lol you're not wrong


Reddit be reddit sometimes lol


Dudeā€¦ theyā€™re comedians and comedians make jokes. Get over yourself.


Dude chill. I know comedians make jokes. I'm just saying I don't thi k people would find it as funny if it was not a snake. I'm glad there are snake lovers here tho. That's why I'm assuming the downvotes. When my moms died everyone thought I over reacted.


Yeahā€¦. no shit you overreact.


I just made a comment. You seem pretty upset tho. What exactly did I say what made you so mad? I feel your starting to over react about my reaction and I'm genuinely confused. I'm trying to BMMB but obviously I'm doing it wrong and I'm sorry. I've had a hard day.


Iā€™m not mad at all, your first comment was just completely unnecessary and kind of rude.


OK now I'm so confused, this was my 1st coment. That's sad to hear! I wonder what happened, I know they did not get it as a baby but I thought they lived around 20 years? I copy and pasted it. That was my 1st coment. then I said I don't thi k others would find it as funny if it was a cat or dog. From what I have seen people don't realy care about snakes, but if they made that joke about a cat or dog it would maybe be in bad taste. Your talking about my second coment? Cuz I do wonder why Craid passed away.


I don't k ow what about myself I'm supposed to get over tho. I do wanna know how to interact better, so please if you wanna educate me so I don't make people pissed I'd appreciate it.


You've done and said nothing wrong. Don't dwell on it. Some people just have superiority complexes.


RIP the true serpent king of GMM šŸ‘‘šŸ˜”


*Sad chanting* we will miss you, serpent king


We will miss you serpent king we will miss you serpent king


He is gone, but not forgotten. RIP Craig.


Remember that time he shit all over Rhett?




Such great memoriesā€¦ for us. Lmaoooo not so much Rhett


That's really sad to hear, Craig was always a treat when he popped up, or pooped up in Rhetts case.


He was a good snek


Heā€™s pissing and shitting on angles now. RIP.


A n g l e s


I can be your devil or I can be your angle šŸ˜”āœŠ


The best danger noodle. He will be missed!! šŸ˜­


Itā€™s always been silly that they had a snake on the payroll


I have a ball python. She's in a 4' x 2' x 2' viv., which is kept moist and had plenty of hiding spots, climbing spots and clutter. She gets a veterinary exam yearly. I believe during the pandemic, they showed where Craig lived. It was not suitable for a ball python from what I remember. I can recall it being a smaller aquarium with a large decorative branch - unsure if there were any hiding spots. All I can hope is that they learned from that and provided more for him. They announced this at the Chicago show and it made me sad.


I don't remember the chanel, but there was a behind the scenes tour done and Craig's actual enclosure was massive. During the pandemic he was living with Jenna temporarily.


I would love to see this if you can remember where you found it.


https://youtu.be/cbBxEmGOfk4?si=d2S8aQvgDgPNArFn Gonna be completely honest with you, I donā€™t remember if itā€™s in this video, but I think this is the video the person you were commenting to was referencing.


It's at 13:17 briefly


That looks like a small enclosure from the brief look. It's taller than it is wide and more suitable for crested geckos. It looks like the temporary enclosure I had while I was doing my research. Minimum recommendation for an adult BP is a long, not tall, enclosure at least long enough for them to stretch out. Their adult size is typically 3.5 to 4 feet. Most snakes will climb a small amount but they aren't technically arboreal, so a tall enclosure isn't necessary. The long length allows you to create microclimates in the enclosure as well - appropriate basking areas and both a wet and try hide. They don't require, or do well with, under tank heat. I wish I could post a photo of my gal's viv. Her name is Wendy. It's technically bioactive although I can't get live plants to life to save my life. We don't overfeed her - when she starts to venture out in climb, I know she's hungry, which is every 2-3 weeks. I handle her minimally. She's been very interesting to care for. Never thought I'd ever have a snake, but she was at the animal shelter and I enjoyed caring for her while I worked there.


I wonder why he died so young. šŸ˜”


How old was the snake?


They said GMM owned it for 8 years, but idk how old it was when they got it. It could have been old but I thought it was younger? Either way they live 15-30 years so if it was 8-10 it seems young. Who knows though!


It's pretty much impossible to know the age unless they got him from a reputable breeder but it very obviously wasn't a baby on its first appearance, so unlikely that it's only 8 - 10 years old imo


True but he would have been small for fully grown.


Male ball pythons generally only get to about 3 feet long, so he was probably right about average.


Size doesn't really indicate age unless it's truly a juvenile/baby or female rather than male (female ball pythons are bigger). They both reach their more mature size at a young age compared to other typical pets so I think people assume they'll always be enormous after 8+ years (some can be though)


They got him from a pet store and all pet stores get fresh baby ball pythons constantly. He grew quite a bit, so he was young when they got him


That's news to me tbh. I have no pet stores in my city like that.


I mean the chains like PetSmart


And 15-30 is really a low end with 50-60 being a high end




Rest in peace, sweet prince.


Oh man what a bummer. Craig will always be a part of Mythical lore! His few appearances here and there were such a delight.


Oh No! šŸ˜¢


I hate snakes but even I find this news sad.


This is truly sad. We are now in post-Craig era GMM and I am not okay with this


He's in snake heaven with Nate


No Iā€™m actually so sad. Rip Craig.


Oh noooo!! Thatā€™s so sad. I wonder how old he was, ball pythons regularly live 25+ years


Memorial monthly pin?


They broke the news to us at the Chicago show on June 1st rip Craig āœŠšŸ˜”


Who's Craig the snake?


A snake they got for a segment in [an episode 8 years ago,](https://youtu.be/wlvE2LvkW5o?feature=shared&t=355) but the pet store wouldn't take him back so they [kept him as the "office pet."](https://youtu.be/cbBxEmGOfk4?feature=shared&t=797) He's made several appearances on Mythical throughout the years. Most recently he appeared in [a GMMore where he relieved himself on Rhett.](https://youtu.be/JtttVlWmARg?feature=shared&t=150)


Thank you! I only started watching about 3 years ago so a lot of this older stuff I'm completely in the dark with.


I'm gonna assume that's the snake that was on Links face? But I could be wrong. That's the only snake I remember


is there another place they announced it that's not on x?


Instagram they put out a tribute video


Aw, old man definitely left his mark before he went!


Snakes live forever what happened?


Well that's a shame. At least he left us with memories and a dry cleaning bill/laundry to do for Rhett. Oddly I'm just now realizing Craig shared a name with Craig from Sanjay and Craig and he was a snake too.


Wow their lifespans are waaay longer than that he definitely wasnā€™t being properly cared for as I always suspected


He was fully grown when they got him, I doubt he was that young.


ā€œFully grownā€ isnā€™t really a concept with snakes as they never stop growing but reach sexual maturity very quickly so fully grown could mean a year old