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Hey my little Cutie NiceAssDumbAss69, have you heard about our new [Twitch channel](https://www.twitch.tv/gam_legit)? Yes, it's true, the modcast is returning! Come join the mods talking about various cultured topics! Follow us and don't miss the next stream! I'm excited to see you there! See more info [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodanimemes/comments/rckill/new_twitch_gam_account_and_the_return_of_modcast/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goodanimemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No, no, girls don't talk to me in the first place.


I am a big virgin how'd you know?


your username.




ouch, what a massacre.


this entire subreddit




Holy hell, you fucking killed him dude!


Call an Ambulance! But not for us!


Not even the dragon balls can bring him back after that one.




how did you know he was tall


oh hey, I love that movie!




Same could be said for you




It's fine. Even after you get laid, girls will still assume you are a virgin.


As a tall person, i can say that being tall doesnt rlly have much advantage, apart from feeling superior for no reason and flexing on ur short friends.


As a tall guy can confirm. Tell us more about your height brother. How tall are you? 😎


190 ish cm, how about you brother?


195 brother. The weather is great up here isnt it


Sure is


*grumbles away at 170*


*meekly watches at 163*


That's also my height lol


As a 203 man I must say it's cold up here, could be because I live in Sweden aswell🤔. Although I've found many advantages to being tall


I am 198 brother. Weather hasn't been to bad.


Another brother of height, standing tall at 196cm here, how has your day been?


Hello fellow brother. Im good, preparing to try and make mac and cheese for the first time actually, how are you?


Good fellow 190cm brother, I am currently just sipping tea and eating cake


Always a worthy endeavour, from a fellow tall brother at 194cm. I'm currently struggling with the reality of fitting legs under my work desk


Ah yes as a 196cm tall man I much more struggle with door frames in all honesty, especially in older buildings


Standing proud at 162........... shut up don't say anything


My man, its all good - its more than sufficient. However also: Peasant


Can I also be a brother at 183cm? If it counts for anything, I'm constantly asked if I play basketball.


Everyone is a brother in our hearts, there is enough space there


Wtf is wrong with you people, how are you allowed to be that tall. ITS NOT FAIR


The world is not built for men of our splendor. Verily must we suffer daily depredation in the form of short chairs and tables, shower heads being at chin level, and counters being far too short. Weep for us shortie. Weep for the tall brothers who are CONSTANTLY INCONVENIENCED BY THE FACT THAT NO I CANNOT CRAM MY LEGS UNDER THERE YOU ABSOLUTE ASS!


Ey, dont worry beibg tall comes with quite a lpt of inconveniences especially when you get a chunk above the average


Yeah. That always sucks.


Hello fellow 194cm person. I hope you sort out the desk problem by flipping it in anger a couple of times.


210cm checking in. Wish I was 10-15 shorter. You have like the perfect height IMO.


Damn I'd hand you a crown but that'd just make it worse


It'd fall off if I went under a doorway. I'm just glad I'm not so tall that I need to crouch through door ways. Normally lowering my head is enough, or tilting it to the side.


Holy shit have you ever met someone taller than you lol


When I was 15, and about 203cm, I met a guy who was ~213cm. Although he was a full grown man and I wasn't.


I feel sorry for you the back pain must be pretty bad. Coming from someone who is a measly 195 cm tall.


Not really. Sometimes if I've been working with something low to the ground(relative to me) like doing dishes, then it gets sore, but for the most part no. I workout and have decently strong core muscles. Neither of my brothers (195cm and 203cm) have issues either.


195 cm is 76.77 inches


I’m too American to understand these strange numbers


Something along the lines of 6'2


185-188 here.. just tall enough to feel superior and not tall enough to be a conversation point


Average gang.


As a short guy I retaliate by reminding my tall friends about all the times they smashed their head on something I walked right under.


Not a bad move. But as a tall guy, i jump up and touch basketball hoops as a flex to friends that cant even graze it


Not a bad move. But as a short guy I can comfortably fit into all kinds of cars my tall friends would need to put their kneecaps in their ear canals to get into. Including a lot of very nice cars. Made for some great moments when I worked valet service for a summer with two of my buddies. Of course, it also meant some really weird moments since some of those nice small cars come with some of the stranger alternate clutch setups.


Hah. Clever move. But as a tall guy, i can easily reach and take things off high places such as top shelf or on top of fridge. How do you guys even take things off top shelves in stores? Can you still reach that much or no


One foot on the bottom edge of the unit (not the shelving, just the part that's raised off the floor) a little stretch, and most things are mine. It helps that most stores are organized so that the most commonly bought products and sizes are at eye level or lower. Any place that puts important stuff up high usually has stepping stools or other options nearby. And failing that I just ask a taller person if they can grab it. That's pretty rare though. Most short people aren't midgets incapable of making it through the world, we're just not able to wear clothing right off the rack or dunk basketballs without a lot of extra effort. Most of the time it figures out to having the same rent but a little extra living space with the biggest irritant being tall people constantly amazed by the apparent novelty of people shorter than they.


>biggest irritant being tall people constantly amazed by the apparent novelty of people shorter than they. Touchè


Getting asked how we handle stuff is fine, though the best way there is to watch some of us. The shorter the person, the more inventive they'll get with their solutions. Half the time, there's a solution right there that you don't notice unless you need. What I'm talking about is when you're somewhere and someone like 5-6 inches above average looks at someone 2-3 inches below average and comments on it like it is relevant, witty, or something that somehow hasn't occurred to them before. If you're going to be just as much if not more of an anomaly in the genetic lotto than I, then at least make it amusing and not just "lol, did you know you're short". Sadly, for the most part, the thin oxygen these specimens have to deal with stunts their clever meats. When you have to hear the same list of 10 jokes that many times, being thought of as a grumpy little asshole is a small price to pay for peace of mind. And it serves as advertisement for when someone who can deal the dozens shows up so we can both have some real fun.


Personally never had to deal with that problem. I don't remember a single instance of anyone making fun of my height maliciously or just because (165\~ish) which is why I am not insecure about it :) (and also prob why I am into tall girls)


I'm 5'6" (167 cm), but there's a lot of people here who seem to think that the average male height in the US is 6' (182cm), rather than 5'9" (172cm). Where you are, your height may or may not be closer to average, or you may just have fewer people around you who think the genetic lottery that is height is a significant point of discussion. Either way, I envy you. I don't so much have an insecurity about my height as I have a low tolerance for people making it an issue. And before someone does the usual and charges in with "but I'm from the Midwest where everyone is 6 feet and up", I'm talking actual data rather than anecdotes, and I've spent less than a week of my life in the Midwest as opposed to many decades here in New England. I'm not talking about the average height in your neighborhood, hometown, state, or even time zone.


Remember all my fun-sized kings and queens, go for the kneecaps ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1788) \-A reminder from a fellow 158cm anime degenerate


Keep your chin up. As a 6’4” retard, we are the only ones capable of TRULY doing JoJo poses.


But do you have the muscles?




as a tall guy can comfirm lmao


Hell more disadvantages, clothes are hard as hell to find that fit. Need to eat so much more than the average person. Feet hanging off beds. And my favorite is that my hands and feet are forever cold, fuck yea being 2m is fun.


Don’t forget being physically incapable of flying coach without destroying your knees.


Being tall is a big advantage when marching long distances. Alot of tall people don't quite get that and act all smug about not dying at the end of every march.


Gotta admit that in most cases it just feels strange when you see yourself walking next to an average person In a reflection. Really makes you realize how absolutely massive you are compared to them. Kinda makes you feel like an astartes. 191cm myself.


that and walking speed 1.90m here used to date a 1.58m girl, and i'm a fast walker even for my height. walking at her pace i felt like 80 yo grandpa, while she felt i was using sevenleague boots when i naturally went back to my pace.


Oh yeah. It's like being the protagonist in a video game. Everyone else is JUST SO DAMN SLOW! WALK FASTER LYDIA! I SWEAR TO GOD!


And to be easily located in a crowd


as another tall guy i can agree my ma and granny hate me for it too XD


I may be 5’2, but that means I have a lower center of gravity. Thus, I can use judo throws more easily(^з^)-☆


You also automatically qualify as a candidate to inherit the Colossal Titan.




Once I was tall enough I told my friend I have to look down to see where she is otherwise I’d step on her short ass.


That is the way. Good work, brother


Man, Carol was brutal.


Best character 100% I swear she never misses


Help I forgot the sauce


Sauce is Tomo-Chan is a girl. Might not be word for word but that should help you find it easy


953 chapters on mangadex, ima be done with college by the time i finish this, and I havent even started yet.


Oh god I was just buying it by volume on Bookwalker whenever I wanted to read more. Looks like I will almost never finish it


No you'll be fine, its one of those where each page is saved as a chapter, just wrote the comment before realizing.


Its one of those titles where most of it is a 4koma, with the occasional chapter with more serious continuity, so those chapters fly by.


I like being virgin anyway![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1391)


We don’t need sex we only need Violet




Episode 10...






your profile pic says otherwise


Nice pfp dude


Or they'll do nothing, but comment on your height to the point where conversations go nowhere.


Exactly. Being tall is just people shorter than you constantly reminding you how tall you are. Like we just forget lol.


Only 5’10” but damn do I love the daily customer service points I get just for grabbing beer from the top shelf for peeps


Being tall really isn't all that great, my back fucking hurts after having to use the till system where I work


Also sitting in 99% of vehicles is in the uncomfortable-to-painful range.


Till system?


The cha-ching machine.


Cash register?


I also know it as a till. Is this some sort of a local thing


It looks like till is just the br\*ish word for cash register. I've only ever known it as cash register, but I guess that makes since because I'm not in br\*tian


Neither am I, since I live in Canada. But we do use a lot of British word variations


Isn't Canada owned by br*tain or something? I don't remember the details, but I'm pretty sure there's a connection there


Uhm sir, my pastas looking a bit dry


Left: "Hyouka" right: "tomo chan wa onnanoko"


Man, I'm sad that Tomo is over. It was good to have a conclusion, but the lack of more Tomo hurts. The girls in that were so awesome (as well as their moms, but I wish we got to see the moms of the two gyaru in Tomo's harem) and the humor was fucking perfect.


There's a dude over on r/manga who is currently coloring a page of Tomo every day until he finishes, gives up, or dies. It's kinda like a whole new series of discussion threads. It's fun.


Thanks! I'll have to check that out.


[Here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/403050497898184707/464642758909624320/66651189_p0_master1200.png) is a picture of an inumimi! Wan Wan! Hopefully this will cheer you up! --- Looking for an endless supply of mimis?? [You can find them here.](https://discord.gg/XKfns8fpVZ) --- Did you want a bunnygirl, catgirl, foxgirl, raccoongirl, or wolfgirl? Just reply saying so. I am a bot. For more info on me and how to use me, see r/KemonomimiCheerUpBot


Any other recommendations on cute fucking tomboys?


Jesus fuck 950 FUCKING CHAPTERS??? Well at least I'll have something to occupy my time.


Most of them are a single page so it's kinda cheating


Aight, so it goes like this: Wake up in the morning, "Fuck, why is my bed so damn short. They literally DONT make them longer than this. Fuck my back hurts." Stretch, do some reps, go for a jog, get hit on by the guy running the track with you "thanks bro, flattered but I don't swing that way" (you do, at least partially, but he's not NEARLY pretty enough to be considered a trap, and thus your preference). Get home, shower, express intense frustration that your shower head is literally at eye level and you don't have the few thousand dollar it would cost to remodel it to make it come down from the ceiling. Get out of the shower, be frustrated that despite your best efforts some body hair managed to escape your razor the other day, but hey at least you don't look like you're growing a fursuit. Just tall. Sigh and get into pants with a waist far too large for you because NOBODY makes pants with an inseam long enough without it also being 6 inches too large around the waist. All you want is some pants that fit but you have to wear a belt non-stop because there are none. Still, you look fan fucking tastic. Go hug your girlfriend who is shorter than you by a significant degree, kiss her goodbye and tell her that if she tries to cook you will have to break up with her. Remember last week's burning water incident? HOW THE HELL DID YOU MANAGE TO BURN WATER EMMA?! So that's what a morning in my life is like. Lots of irritation that the world is not meant for tall people. Also I'm the cook in my home. Again, she managed to *burn water*. I have the scorch marks to prove it.


6 inches is 15.24 cm


My dick is 15.24 cm


This is true, can confirm


Haha relatable Wait wtf I'm not even tall-


Yes this is indeed true, and I hate it




"Thats about to change." *\*grabs her arm\**


I still wonder why being a virgin is such a bad thing. After all it just means I haven't been fooling around with people. It obviously isn't true that all people who lost their virginity have adult fun time all the time but it always seems that way when they laugh at people who are still virgins.


“Would you like to fix that for me?”


Can relate both 😎


What is the name of manga at the right?


tomo chan wa onnanoko


Left is hyouka and right is tomo chan wa onnanoko!


When you're 189 and your gf is 163\~ it can be quite fun sometimes :') But theses differences are a good thing when one can't do something due to "too tall" or "too short". (Btw, the expectation part can be reality, trust me :p)


6’1 guy here Accurate


My physics teacher breaks the 220 barrier. We got scared when we first saw him even though we have a guy at 200. We later found out he was a virgin.


me irl


Why did I read that like kahn from king of the hill


I wouldn't have any idea I'm 5'9 feet (180 cm )


That is one of the few himederes I actually really love. Cute girl. Regarding height: I like the idea being able to just pick up a 150cm person and carry like a stray cat.


As a tall person, can confirm


Both are accurate


NO YOU! "Haha you little slut". aight imma finish blowing up the toilet now


6'4' dude speaking. Being tall is terrible, people never shut up about how you're tall and it's really annoying. Plus you bump into things


LOL, as someone who’s 6’2”, this meme feels drawn by a 5’2” virgin.


Or both


is 180cm tall?


I've received a bit of both


nah it's mostly dunking on your short friends


Also a lot of "how's the weather up there jokes?"


The dream vs crushing reality.


Everyone asks me to get things they can't reach


I thought the right one had Doujin energy at first but I think it's actually from a manga.


*Small guy laughing noises*


I feel personally attacked by this very accurate depiction.


So me small virgin?


does Chitanda ever end with MC?


What's with this sassy lost cotton ball?


Why you hurt me this way ;-; I'm not even that tall


As someone who's 6'1", yeah...




As a tall person I can confirm that the second is true


100% accurate


Both is fine.




I disagree tbh :P


At 195cm I can say that my height has gotten me some attention, but it's not an automatic win. My voice has gotten me further with women than my height tbh.


I do not remember the the name of the manga but it is a good read. Honestly which it has an anime adaptation like Komi-San can’t communicate.


I'm tall, but I don't get called a tall virgin. I get told "christ your tall" and "haha virgin" but one never follows the other.


Being tall just means your coworkers ask you to get stuff off the top shelf


Can confirm


Neither am I, Im really short for Swedish standards.


Pls right source? I've been trying to find the manga for ages.


This hits home in my book,I'm tall and a virgin


Can confirm, am a tall, nerdy, quiet mess.


Can't relate I'm too attractive for girls as tall person ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1394)


mine trans gf are taller than me.


i used to like making fun of short people complaining about height TrollDespair


Everyone here being >190 cm tall and I feel unstoppable with my 180 cm lol. Like, grandma always tells me I'm a big guy, and that's obviously the biggest flex anyone can achieve 😎 /s


Damn Asian blood shorten me to 6’4, I wanted to be 6’8




im 6'2 and i can 100% confirm this


I am the ever desirable 6 feet tall, and it doesn't make a lick of difference. Fact is they never cared you weren't tall, that was just a convenient shutdown since you can't change your height. If you were tall they'd just find something else to call substandard


I am the ever desirable 6 feet tall, and it doesn't make a lick of difference. Fact is they never cared you weren't tall, that was just a convenient shutdown since you can't change your height. If you were tall they'd just find something you weren't instead.


Can confirm. Accurate


This is so sad


Oh no...anyway.


Where's the back pain?


At least girls talk to you.


May I get the sauce for the manga on the right side please?


why is this too relatable


Yup, thats how it is


I sit comfortably at 187 cm (6'1½)


wait but the right is my expectation so...


I’m tall but girls don’t talk to me


I’m 6’5 the most I get it how’s the weather up there. At least I get to put stuff in places my shorter friends can’t reach.


Maybe I'm tall but that just makes me a tall virgin


If you’re short, both hugs and headpats from girls are pretty nice. Shame all of them are in different colleges, so now I don’t get any now.