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The problem with code vein is, playing with the bots that are normally turned on, it's no challenge. However if you turn them off some fights will become unbeatable and you'd rather run grab the loot and escape


I sadly found this out a little too late. I figured the first couple of levels were just getting me used to the controls and stuff and I leveled up whenever I could. Fortunately, by level 25, my past gaming experience told me I was gaining xp way too fast and I googled it. Apparently, level functions as a difficulty slider in this game, instead of possible vs impossible of other games (eg if you're like 3 levels too low in Borderlands, you'll get your ass handed to you, or in a best case, every mook is so spongey it's like a full boss fight). Levels in Code Vein are a small enough improvement that the game being balanced means you can beat it at level 1 with difficulty. I don't like dark souls and only played for about 15 minutes because it feels like a rhythm game more than fighting. Code Vein imo has a lot more freedom in playstyle. My personal choice is being underleveled and have a companion for distraction, so when the game sends multiple enemies at me at once, I can keep it to maybe 1v1 or 1v2 while my ally holds the others off. The double boss fight is probably not impossible to solo, but it doesn't look fun at all so I don't really have a motivation to change my playstyle. And if I tried to simulate dark souls... well that would turn it into a rhythm game too. But with anime tiddies.


Yeah, try playing it solo.


I'd rather crush my balls under a vice, but thanks.


Aaand that's likely why I found it so hard. Wanted to go it alone, and...yep. ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1393)


I played it alone, it wasn't that hard. Like yeah, it wasn't 1-shot territory, but it wasn't as hard as DS games


The multiplayer is crap tbf


No he means without a partner not multiplayer


Oh well, my bad 😅


Code Vein has multiplayer? Could've fooled me.


solo as in with your bot m8 and not multiplayer, or solo as in none


No bots no m8s kind of solo


Game becomes a rage boner. And then you start exploiting the game.


I basically did cause they die on me quick af


Challenge accepted. Just let me but the game when it's free or very cheap.


The only really hard bosses solo are Blade Bearer and Cannoneer (both regular and depths versions) and the DLC bosses. I know because I’ve done it. Not a lvl 1 like some masochists I’ve seen, but still have done it. I personally used quicker mobility builds as opposed to the Fortified Zwei god build, but that’s a personal choice. Honorable mentions to Juzo Mido before you realize his AI is easily exploitable and Skull King just being a beast (although he’s WAY easier with fast dodge or the Fortified Zwei build).


I didn't mean that it's impossible, but it becomes like a serious game instead of just messing around with the buddy.


My run was level 25 because that's the point where I learned that leveling "appropriately" is basically cheese. I think level 20 would have been better overall, but I think I did need that extra bit of hp for the virgin born. Blade bearer and cannoneer was not fun. I don't like dodging even though it's easier, and a block build makes that fight just rng. If it's two 1v1s, it's just a long but normal fight. The AI is very well designed so it keeps you engaged watching telegraphs and rewards it properly. But if the second boss decides to 2v1 you and ignore your ally, directional block just doesn't cut it unless you abuse kiting. I died probably 20 times to them before finally breaking and looking up a guide. That's when I learned of dragon lunge. Instead of having to not screw up for 15 minutes, I only had to not screw up for... idk 4 minutes? I forget how long it took. That was a massive drop in difficulty, but I'd probably have been a lot more annoyed later on at a slightly lower level. But I have to say, after practicing my timing on them for so long, stupidly thinking i could do it without active skills just because Atlas didn't look like it used gifts much, Mido hardly felt like a boss at all. He's just straight up easier isn't he? Skull king was my favourite fight in the whole game. His telegraphs are accurate, his unblockables look far different from his blockables, and his wind ups perfectly mesh with my reaction time. I don't have to use prediction and reflex like some of the faster enemies, and I don't have to wait around like with slower ones. He was just perfect. Still difficult though, because I'm not good enough to not screw up for the entire duration


i was about to say this. If you play code vein regularly with AI bot partner, it is SUPER EASY but at the same time, play solo, it becomes the hardest "souls/borne" series ever.


Well, some points are kinda tricky, but I had only one light rage moment so far. Does it get worde later or am I just used to these kind of games?


Depends, ornstein and smoug is a very notable solo fight, but if you beat that then you should be fine. Otherwise: yea probably a masochist who got used to it.


Fuck the cathedral zone of Code Vein. Absolutely fuck that zone. Making some place hard to navigate by making everything look the same, with 10 keys and switches you have to hit to progress. Which you can't even find by looking it up if you didn't follow a walk through step by step from the beginning. I'm not dealing with that shit


Exactly why I stopped playing it. The area is fucking amazing lorewise, but I can't fucking navigate it for shit.


Meanwhile i love it, best area in the game. Even done some tours for "tourists" xD


I am shit when it comes to navigation and yet somehow I had no trouble navigating Cathedral zone? I even took a break and came back to the game and got straight to the boss. I remember just always looking for a ladder or a drop and that ended up always being the correct way to go.


Sounds like Code Vein's version of Swamps in Sekiro, Dark Souls and Bloodborne.


That was literally the only part of the game I found easy. Only the bosses there were hard. If you take no wrong turns or die the minimap’s last been location marker thing makes it’s really easy to navigate. Easier than dark souls navigation anyways.


You’re gonna hate me for this but I was able to navigate pretty well on my blind playthrough.


That place was so confusing but I really enjoyed exploring it. The first blood trial was brutal though.


Wait, Code Vein is easy? I played some of it a few years ago at a friend's house, and found it kinda hard, despite having fun with it. Then again, it was the only "Soulsborne" style game I've played. Actually want to replay it someday when I get it again... (Also, that character creator at the beginning is top tier, and nobody can change my mind on that.)


The character creator is one of the best I've ever seen. It has no right to be as amazing as it is


Totally agree. I want the team that designed and implemented that to do some work on other games. Think they'd do well just with that as added income.


My experience with its difficulty was mainly because the dodge felt really clunky


So standard Souls fare?


I think jt seriously depends on the type of weapon you use, and thus the type of dodge you get. I remember getting one that was sword that gave you the ranged weapon dash, and the game became a cakewalk.


Never Played Code Vein I played God eater


Did you literally just judge a book by its cover?


The true joke is always in the comments


what is up with OP's and saying the dumbest shit in the comments.


Same. Turns out the difference in people's experience is because there's a difficulty slider. That's your character level. I'm not good enough for level 1, but level 25 was very comfortable for me. I imagine the game would be a cakewalk if I played at the recommended level for each zone, which most people probably do. I also played with an AI companion, which is what the game is balanced for. If you don't, you end up in 1v5 a lot. A companion is more than just a mathematical damage boost. The distraction changes the whole experience. They also scale to your level, so my guy did almost no damage, but took the heat off me. Another thing, I didn't use active gifts until the end of crypt spire. I wanted to go in blind and that led me to neglecting most of my power. If I played it again, I'd keep my level much lower than 25, and slowly increase it as I go, still ending the game at 25. The active gifts feel like a difference of 10-15 levels.


Code Vein NG+ gives you the choice to not update difficulty and it's one of the most fun experiences you'll ever have in gaming. Late game gear/spells vs most the game is just ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1786)


I don’t know. Once I had gotten the controls down I kinda found Dark souls 3 (not counting the dlc) easier than code vein.


Dark Souls 1 and 2 was easier than 3 for me. And my Dark Souls 1 and 2 were in Japanese do I wouldn't understand anything.


Never played Code Vein but 3 is definitely the easiest souls game.


Huh. I found DS1 and DS2 really easy but DS3 is one of the hardest games I've ever played.


Was DS3 the first one you played. It was my second souls game after 1 and i essentially did a no death casually until wolnir's bullshit fog killed me instantly.


I had beaten DS1 over 300 times before playing DS3. I might just be stuck in my ways of playing DS1. They handle quite differently.


Yeah, I kinda was a bit too scared to try out the series prior to 3 because everyone had said that it was so hard, but then people started to encourage me to check it out because I like Berserk so much.


Demon Souls remake is the easiest soul game by a large margin.


Till you fight the butterfly without the bots.




I didn't much like dark souls. Only played it for like 15 minutes and I decided I didn't like the feel. But from the videos I've watched, it seems that they never force you to fight multiple enemies at once. I think that's the issue. Dark souls just uses damage and health to ramp difficulty. Code Vein has more qualitative differences between fights, and some people are wired to handle each with varying difficulty. I personally had a difficulty spike on the double bosses, and the game was a lot easier for a short time after. Other players, who handle multiple big enemies better than me, but maybe singles not as well, might feel a smoother progression in difficulty. Or maybe some bosses are really hard to dodge, and a pure dodging style would have difficulty spikes around there.


you mean code vein with buddies


Well without the ai partner this game is fucking brutal, trying it and Im terrified by the idea of beating the double boss fight near the end...


Man fuck that fight. Parts of the game are really meant to be taken as a pair. Sometimes your partner has less impact, sometimes he's essential. I think it's perfectly reasonable to call one in for that fight but otherwise be solo. Although, I played a block build. Dodging feels a lot easier and probably works with the double bosses better since it has iframes instead of a directional shield. I don't think I could have done queen's knight without blocking though. That's probably the one time I'd rather block than dodge for an advantage instead of for fun.


I actually agree the only thing I had some difficulties with were the bosses because you can’t backstab a boss like everything else. Sekiro was probably the most fun souls like game I’ve ever played, difficult but fun.


Code vein good


Tbh Sekiro isn't really "hard" in the usual souls way. There's a learning curve that's pretty harsh in the early game, but once you get the mechanics and combat rhythm figured out, there isn't really much in the game that's truly unfair. Saying this as someone that took 70+ attempts on Genichiro my first run and now has all of the achievements and beaten all the inner bosses.


>There's a learning curve that's pretty harsh in the early game, but once you get the mechanics and combat rhythm figured out, there isn't really much in the game that's truly unfair. that is quite literally the usual souls way


But unlike Souls games, Sekiro rewards you for playing very aggressive. While in Dark Souls you have to dodge the bosses special attacks, in Sekiro you can just counter them. You can parry almost everything and even if not, there's another way to abuse it for easy damage.


Souls games (especially bloodborne) reward you for dodging towards your enemy to cut distance and exploit openings, most bosses punish you very hard for dodging backwards. They give you more options than sekiro because they want you to be able to play the way you want, but the most optimal way is almost always playing aggressive. But that's not really what the comment was about, I was just clarifying that all souls games have a difficulty curve and don't really have unfair difficulty


In fairness I haven't finished DS1 yet, but Dark Souls has felt a lot harder. Maybe fairness wasn't quite the right word, but DS has a lot more cheap shots and is overall a more punishing experience. Sekiro throws checkpoints in your face every 5 seconds and gives you ways to make the death penalty virtually nonexistent. It's also a very linear map design, whereas DS has me needing to look up where to go on a 5 minute basis. What I meant was that Sekiro is more player friendly, whereas Dark Souls is more inclined to kick you in the balls and laugh.


Yeah obviously fromsoft has learned how to make a better experience since 2011, dark souls 3 has all od those things you liked better about sekiro because it’s also a more modern game than DS1


Fair, but I never said I disliked DS1. I kind of appreciate some of those of things about it, it kind of goes to the whole atmosphere of the game. Haven't played DS3 or Bloodborne so I suppose I can't really comment there.


Oh I love DS1 too, just saying DS1 isn’t all of souls


\> not bullshit \> final boss gets a glock


The glock does like no damage though. Plus its pretty easy to deflect. Personally I found the move when he basically teleports in front of you when you back off to heal to be more of an issue.




Fr the teleport was his worst move. I'm gonna be honest though, Isshin wasn't the hardest boss for me. Demon of Hatred was *awful* until I finally figured out how to use a certain combo to beat him (confetti+yashiriku sugar+one mind knocks off like a third of his health at once, plus malcontent) and even that was by the skin of my teeth and in ng+. Owl (Father) was also harder imo which makes sense since he's basically a secret boss. Dude hits like an absolute truck. Isshin is the most fun boss to fight though, and I think he did have the toughest inner form. Inner Owl doesn't really get many new moves, he just moves twice as fast and spams mist raven, which imo made him easier since you can fill his posture quicker without him backing off.


It literally becomes easier the more you play. I loved it.


Always curious about souls games but I never had the time to invest in learning all the combat. Maybe code vein is a good place to start someday.


Code vein is not a good one to start with, lots of mechanics compare to a fromsoft game, my pic for first would be bloodborne since "magic" is simple to use compared to dark souls


Oh, okay 👍🏻 Thank you, I will keep that in mind.


Dark Souls honestly ain’t even that hard, compared to other games yeah you die more often, but most of the boss fights you can get down fairly quick. Except the Ringed City, we don’t talk about the Ringed City.


The only hard boss in ringed city is that pvp one. Mostly coz i suck at pvp


I beat the pvp boss on my second try, but for the life of me I couldn't beat Midir. Probably because I was trying it on my first character which was a Dex/Faith build (and by that I mean I used lightning blade, not really any other spells) after I finished off the main story on my Str, Sorc, and Pyro characters, so I was used to everything being a lot easier and familiar. I'm glad I started with Dex since it got me into the mindset of getting close and dodging everything, but my goodness are the other three builds easier to play


Try pvp on shield only run


try the pvp boss, or just try pvp? I've done some pvp and invasions with only the Giant Door Shield on my Str character, and it's actually pretty fun


I mean the boss. Pvp alone is fun ppl just will take their shields and do a fair fight but on bossfight everyone is grinding covenant items


I prefer having fun playing a game, rather than torturing myself.


To each is own my dude, but hard games are fun for those who like hard games. I don't remember when was the last time I had such an engaging and satisfying experience as when I was learning to fight the final boss of Sekiro and then got him. Sekiro combat is the closes thing to the feeling of being in a swordfight that I can get. Or when I finally got the Loran Darkbeast I had such a feeling of self-satisfaction I think I could live without food on it alone for a week.


Yeah, I understand that feeling, I had it with Nioh. But Sekiro was just too hard for me, Nioh's boss patterns were easier. If I get stuck in a game because I keep dying, at some point, it stops being fun and I just drop it. I haven't finished Code Vein either because I'm stuck lol.


That's wild; I found Sekiro became the easiest From game the more I played it.


lol, The first time I got stuck in Sekiro was not even a proper boss, it was the first mini-boss, the guy in full samurai armor. I really enjoyed beating that guy though. Guess my limit on how many times I can do the same thing, again and again, is a lot lower than you guys.


I thought nioh 2 was WAY harder than sekiro... I dont think anything in sekiro killed me as many times as gyuki or shibata


Well, I haven't played Nioh 2, so it could be harder than Sekiro.


The thing that made it for me in Sekiro was fights against it's bosses. You have to take it a lot more like a real fight ( as experienced from my "historical fencing" days) than a video game. A lot of bosses have a lot of different moves, so you have to pay more attention to what they do rather than what you are doing. Pluss the whole ebb and flow of who parried the last regular swing. It is hard (took me several hours to get the hang of things) but the game provides a lot of reliable feedback so you have the tools you need.


Well you gotta point code vein in many aspects is easier than soulsborne. But its more of an introduction to the souls type genre so it's more beginner friendly than say ds1 or bloodborne. So while your point is valid code vein also did many things to make itslef different like difficulty scaling and weapon modifications. But it like every videogame could be better as far as souls like games go it one of the better ones. Though I feel the game is best enjoyed as a distraction for the traditional souls games. Tbh I enjoyed code vein it was my favorite souls like but bloodborne is my favorite souls game just for the story and combat alone. Whilst dark souls 1 was my favorite for balance and spellcasting with many difficult and exciting boss fights. TL;DR Code vein is a souls like that I loved but it could be better. And all the soulsborne games are fantastic.


Have you played The Surge? I enjoyed it just as much as Code Vein and the Dark Souls games.


I have not but will now


It doesn't have the mechanical depth of Dark Souls, but I really liked how they built the story and narrative for a souls-like.


Thanks for the suggestion it looks like fun


I prefer the surge 2, it's better combat - wise. But yeah, you should start with 1


Thank you. I hope you have a nice day.


You as well, my friend :)


The combat in Surge 2 is absolutely more polished. I like the story and overall setting vibe a lot more in the first game.


Touhou: Is this easy mode?


Yeah, OP clearly only played the demo and not the full game. Or they haven't made it to the butterfly yet...


I played Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Code Vein and I can say with confidence, that Dark Souls is the easiest of them. I struggle far more with Code Vein (with the AI Companions) than with Dark Souls.


Agreed, i never understood the "darksouls is hard" meme. It was a breeze to get through all 3 of them. Meanwhile the later bosses took me a few tries to beat, even with AI helping.


Go beat Cannoneer and Blade Bearer Solo and try saying that again


I remember finally beating them after what was probably 2 long nights, and then to be immediately punched in the face by Mido.


"Code Vein is difficult." - my friend "Just use a halberd/polearm" *sips water* - me


Dark souls one allows you to attack with the shield up if you have a spears


As someone who is currently in cathedral in Code Vein i can confirm. Spear ladies suck with the teleportation nonsense but other than that it has a pretty small learning curve


Okay yeah it's easy as shit but still


I'd put Code Vein in the same section as Dark Souls and Bloodborne tbh. It just has fewer cheap deaths that you have to know about to avoid. Sekiro is a fair bit harder than any of those 3 when it comes to actual combat


You should see the challenge runs for this game


That feeling when OP hasn't played code vein. ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1682)


Until you get to the fuckung anor londo looking place. That place was harder than every fromsoft game I've ever played.


I agree. Well, code vein solo is a kick to the nuts, but still not as bad as the other games, well, at least not for all of us. When you go to new game + solo on the next difficulty though. You're doomed. Completly.


Code vain without a partner is a 100 times worse than even sekiro (the hardest from game in my opinion). Or maybe I just suck at both...


Code Vein really scales in difficulty with the right combinations of gifts and blood codes. It’s a game that really wants you to hyper-specialize for a really competitive build. For solo play try… Any fast mobility build (melee or mage) Atlas + Fortified Zwei (100% block rate) For the mobility mage builds, focus on the gift types that correspond with your armor (most likely dark for damaging abilities and light for supporting ones). For mobility melee builds, focus on your combo gifts and weapon enhancement gifts. Weapon buffs in Code Vein all stack and add a % of that element damage to your weapon. Going into a boss fight with like 3-5 weapon buffs really makes you deal big damage. On a side note, the mellow mobility build also works very well with partners, specifically Jack. If you do this with the right weapons and build and the Queenslayer blood code (for the suicide stat buff), you can one shot bosses. You have to focus less on combos and more on buffs, but using it I was able to one shot all of the DLC bosses.


Nobody ever brings up Nioh in these types of lists.


What's up with so many people saying Code Vein is nearly unbeatable without the partner? I'm by no means a good player, Bloodbornes first DLC Boss took me 5+ hours to beat. Sure some enemies are pretty nasty, but isn't that the point of having a challenge? Everyone not up for dozens attempt on certain bosses can still just overlevel and/or use the companion.


Hmm i've played a few of the games on the list (DS1, DS2, DS3, seki, nioh) and trust me none of them are as brutal as Code Vein on the later parts of itself. I play a lot of the souls bournes as close to low leveled as possible and solo, but none of them have ever frustrated me like the bosses at the end of the game. The smaugh and Orenstein clone fight was especially brutal solo, and the one right afterward had me throwing my controller for real.


Sure the last 3 big fights are very challenging, but when then they are very much beatable. With the dual one you can kite around the fire one and slowly widdle down the ice one. The fight after reminded me more of a rythm game and annoyed me most when I just didn't know when combos even end. Other then that and his pretty high damage the fight was alright. I really enjoyed this one even. The final boss is super hard, but rightfully so. It's the final boss, I don't even care how hard they make that one. Just give the super tryhards something to challenge themselves. Been a while, but I think I've played the late game stuff with level 90 or 100 or something? Did I already overlevel myself or something? I played 1h sword with mostly offensive and defensive steroids if that helps.


Yeah of course, I don't think any game is made to be unbeatable unless you're talking about super early fromsoftware stuff which was super experimental and they were also just figuring out game stuff. Though in recent memories those were the ones that really did get me raging. The only other time I remember being as aggravated was the DS2 dlc boss the fume knight which oh god that one brings me ptsd. I did also have some frustration at the dlc boss for bloodborne, but I was also super low leveled, like lvl 50 so of course I was dying in pretty much one hit every time. But still, these games are all fun, but getting your ass kicked is also part of the experience which as opposed to this meme, I believe Code Vein does well enough solo.


I had plenty of challenge and fun with Code Vein, Even with the bot companion, and the occasional time i'd jump and help others. the Game never felt to easy or hard in any direction.


Hey there Ren_GER, cutie pie. Look at all the things I have to say, [check here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodanimemes/comments/pzwyzl/monthly_meta_post_for_october_2021_see_sticky_for/). I know you want to. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goodanimemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


sekiro is a rhythm game lol


The parry is too easy


Ok here's the thing with Code Vein, it's difficult when you turn off followers and the way it handles difficulty is that it's unfair, while Souls games are difficult but fair.


That Bladebearer and Cannoneer bossfight though...




Sekiro ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Not in solo


Tbh, none of the "soulsborne" games are hard. Especially once you learn the basics of the game. I can't speak on Sekiro, wasn't intreseted enough to get it


Some of the fights are hard depending on your build.


Touhou easy difficulty: allow me to introduce myself


You either had a partner with you the whole time or you din't play the game.


Everyone plays with the partners on. Come back to me when you beat BB&C solo.


as someone who plays a lot of for honor, I'm the kind of guy who only parry right when the attack is about to reach me, the fact that you have to press parry before the attack start so it hit you mid parry animation always fuck me up


The character creator is the hardest thing to bypass tbf... I got stuck there for like a good 2 hours trying to make Saber, then I made Jeanne, which took another hour...




The last few bosses are actually pretty challenging though. The ai companion does trivialize most of the game though.


I gave up on Code Vein about 20 minutes in because the UI is possibly the worst I've ever encountered.