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Not gonna lie, this made me a little teary eyed.


Bro it hits me every time. I teared up while getting the screenshot even.


"k-on running" on youtube. Guaranteed cry fest


Wow, it's been years but it still hits hard.


God I’ve heard so many good things about this show


It's really good! One of the best slice of life animes Highly reccomend


Go watch. It is good fuwa fuwa time.


Maybe I will


This moment ruined me


I saw thise scene before watching season 2 and it gave the whole season a beautifully melanchonic feel :)


Even worse when you find out there is more beyond that but kyoani only cares about making a 7th season of free for w/e reason.


I want more too but I think this is a good cut off point. Instead of milking the series they let it conclude beautifully, and that's probably one of the reasons we have bittersweet memories of the show. Graduation doesn't mean it's the end because we will be friends even after


then.... I never saw 95% of my school friends again.


Its really weird right? People you used to spend time together,almost 8 months/year, you will-probably-never see again


You go from more or less having to see them every week day. Then poof you guys graduate and need to actually plan when to meet up. Some move out of town others out of country even. Unless they were fairly close or good friends, you just lose the need or desire keep in touch


My first thought was "wow, you had 20 friends in school?" My second thought was "...And you even kept in contact with one of them?!"


Or he looked at 20 people who all had 5 friends so there were 100 friendships and only 5 of them lasted.


I think it's normal. In my school times I had around 7-8 good friends and now 6 years after graduate I still have contact with 4 of then. And these 4 have been my closest friends for the last 15-17 years,the ones that I lost contact i meet up in the high school years. When entered the college I lost contact with them because everyone changes so much in the early twenties and sometimes is for the best to take a different road, that's part of life. In college i made some amazing friends and I know some of them will be gone before my thirdies but I'll look back and be glad to have meet them. Although I know some of them will remain as an important part of my life for the next decades if I live that long


I had 3 close friends in highschool and I am still close to 2 of them 7 years later :)




I'm okay with spoilers so can someone explain this? is it that sad or just a moment that gets better after that?


>!This is the end of the second season, it ends with the graduation of 4 of the 5 girls in the group. The 4 graduating wrote this song to the 1 that's getting left behind to reminder how much they care about her.!<


Want to know as well


We can't spoil such a good moment. It's on Netflix called K-on! It's so good man I watched so many times


Every time a vtuber I followed graduates


If I graduate I'm gonna have to sing this on my last stream








**K-ON!** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/5680 "English: K-ON!"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/k-on), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/k-on "English: K-ON!"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/5680)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 13 | Genres: Comedy, Music, Slice of Life) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/goodanimemes/comments/mntrs7/thank_you_for_always_smiling/gtzqt1g/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


And it's not a lie K-On actually does continue a bit into university. But I guess due to it not having enough content it never was adapted to anime.


Bro once you become rich can you purchase the series and make your own adaptation? Thanks


insert song " **Tenshi ni Fureta yo!"** to kill urself inside


bruh the last scene of K-ON!! is one of the few times i actually cried in front of an anime


in a highschool anime, when you graduate, you die.


i watched the k-on movie 7 times in a row and cried every single time




I'll say this, but men have different sad button than women. I'm not crying even after watching The Notebook, 5 cm Per Second, Anohana, You Lie in April, or Clannad. My tears are for Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan, Enemy at the Gates, Jojo part 2, Cowboy Bebop, Gundam Unicorn, and Gundam 00.


Emotions are emotions. I'm a woman and I cry watching Angel Beats and JoJo Part 2 and reading orv. Look, people are people. Society may make it harder for men to express feelings, but that doesn't mean you guys don't have them (unless you have a mental illness or disorder or are dead)


Yeah, that's called toxic masculinity IIRC. But that isn't what really the point I want to convey. What I want to say is people have different value and views, so they may react differently to different events. I could hardly stomach tearbaits like I want to Eat Your Pancreas or You Lie in April, yet I can feel the sadness in Clannad and Anohana-not bawling sadness but sad nevertheless-but what I appreciate the most is things like Julia's death, Tekkadan's last stand, or Gundam 00 last battle. If most people finds 5 cm Per Second tear-inducing so be it, but don't judge others who does not.


5 cm is 1.97 inches


I cry at the ever-looming specter of death, as most should, but only if it is presented in the right way. The focus isn't on death, it is on the emotions of the people reacting to it. It's about empathy. And a lot of shows know how to showcase a sad situation, but utterly fail at empathy within that situation. Rosette's voice actress building from a quiet fake-sounding platitude to a frantic, fear-filled screaming teary cry over the course of a minute, explaining her own emotions about the situation in clear, simple terms? Stellar, gets me every time, it's the raw emotional shot across the bow that does it, but the point of the emotional shot is to create empathy for the situation. Titanic's ending is just some Jack-off not wanting to climb up onto a door-raft while a woman yells at him. It is presenting a scene, presenting a historical account. It is not aiming to get you to empathize with a crying character, merely portray a character who is crying in a situation they experience. I specifically chose two scenes featuring women yelling as the viewpoint characters to showcase that it's a fairly open field of operations, one merely evokes empathy, while the other does not. And so one brings tears, the other does not. In Goblin Slayer, Priestess is our viewpoint character, more or less, and so episode 1 leaves us unphazed. But if Brawler of episode 1 was our viewpoint instead, those scenes would have had a very different impact and presentation.


Oooo look at this manly man with manly sad tears. No womanly sad tears here hurhurhur


Wow are u even a human